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😍 brooowwwnnnnn 😍


Oh my goodness, Dandon! Looks amazing!


Come on, Dandon, I'm still recovering from your precedent batch, do you want to kill me ??


She looks great, I like that you gave her a bit of a button nose. I'm also really liking those arm straps! The same can be said for her headdress and necklace thingy. Any time you do detailed clothing/armor is super awesome!!!


What a beauty ! She lost her haughty attitude in the process :)

Christopher Edwards

This looks incredible Dandon! I already can't wait to get June's batch! I definitely would love to see more Fate ladies from you. 😍


This is really incredible


Yo damn! You really continue to surprise and impress


Wow Fate)

Ciarán M

You couldn't have started the month off any more perfectly than with this 😻. The colours are so gorgeous and vibrant with contrasting warm and cool tones working so well. The sweeping flow of her hair with strands that twist amongst it is are all so dynamic. Her pose too is terrific with her hair framing her ample breasts, glorious abs protruding forth below and the curving contours of her hips spreading out with the parting of her thighs. The detail of her panty strap pressing into her hip is quite the sexy one as is the way her bra wraps over her breasts, giving us the ever delightful underboob effecf 😘. I really like how the staff works with the perspective and I get a real kick out of her raised pinky finger 😂 (I do the same when I hold things 😊). Her face is beautiful too and I just adore her purple eyes and parting lips. To summarise all of that... Phwoooaaarrr 😻😻😻💜💜😻😻 And as usual, the rendering is brilliant, in particular her sensational abs, thighs and hair with those wonderful rom lights. Stunning work, Dandon, I can't wait for her to decorate my desktop 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.

VR AnimeTed (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 18:25:26 无敌
2017-06-09 23:37:07 Wow, amazing as usually. I'm always blow away by the shading detail. I never could get that quite right when working in 2D. I bow down to the master lol.

Wow, amazing as usually. I'm always blow away by the shading detail. I never could get that quite right when working in 2D. I bow down to the master lol.


Looks very promising (as usual)


Those abs!

Marcus Aurelius

Absolutely spectacular. Surpassed all expectations with flying colours, I'm honestly in love and in awe. The only sad art is that now that you've drawn her, its unlikely we will see her again, at another angle; for a long time to come.

Ashley Mason

Oh my glob, Nitocris. *-* OHMYGLOB!! NITOCRIS *-----* For a time I just stared starry-eyed at her. I didn't know what to say. I feel an almost literal loss of words, smacked of my gobs. Lost in awe of her, and the talented hand that gave her the breath of life. She struck me down. She is too cute- the li'l bunny nose, plump lips, with a lovely puff to her cheeks, and purple jewels of sweetness in those eyes. All framed so beautiful by her decadant purple hair- neat cut fringe and long strands hanging down. And with those bunny ears headdress as just the death of me atop all her cuteness. She is too cute to be. I just want to squish her face so cute in my hands. XD Yet, my eyes do wander down and to see her body and the outfit she adorns. My heart goes into working overtime. The blood hot. Oh my. She is hotter than the desert sun she stands. That outfit alone is to cause me to faint, a view that stirs my body even more. The cloth that wraps over her breast, leaving a generous peek of flesh to ogle. Following her glistening abs, further down to her voluptuous hips I am struck harder still (phrasing). The bikini bottom with its string-like straps dig into those hips. The low cut dips to offer a full view of her splendid abodmen. From the rock-hard abs to the tender flesh just above her bikini. It is delectable. She has an incredible softness to her body and breast so luscious, perfect with her hazel beauty glistening in the sun. Just wanting to run my hands down such a figure to see if it real. And such details of the gold to glimmer and the reflection of the staff. Such skills. O_O And the little flair to her character, small touches like her pinky finger. I really liked this design when you shared it. It was cute with unique design and feel to her. The more I saw her the more and more I liked it. The more she appealed to my tastes. But now, I love it. There is so much more to her than first seen, and you found that. Revealed more of her awesome that I missed. The perfect balance of cute with sexy, and the sense of her power simmering beneath her body. An underestimated strength she reserved, standing casual with her staff behind her neck, showing off her hot body. A queenly beauty. A goddess divine. Perfect.


What about your average looking or unattractive Patreons? ;)


Oh wow, good stuff.


Like i said in your last post. I dont know her but this is phenomenal 🤤😍❤️ the contrast with her skin color, the (tiny) white outfit (as i said, not much room for fanservice 😉) and her blue hair. Breath taking art 😊😍👌👍😉

Eddie Murphy

Those hips! To die for. Love it!


wonderful, love the hair


You make my day :) <a href="https://media.tenor.com/images/930ec3c687d9f0d44361eab8569df75c/tenor.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.tenor.com/images/930ec3c687d9f0d44361eab8569df75c/tenor.gif</a>

Pervy Sage

Oh man am I speechless!!!^o^ I don't who where she is from but oh man oh man she looks Aaaa-mmaaaaaa-zziing !!!! ♥╭╮♥ Out of all the details of this I would have to say my favorite is her hair it's just so beautiful you always know how to do their hair stellar work!!! ❤️❤️❤️Dandon❤️❤️❤️ I also love how you improved your lighting you know how add the white to contrast the darkness to make their beautiful bods shine like that≧◡≦!!!i can definitely see new improvement and more that are yet to come I'll be looking forward to see how your art transforms through out the years!!keep on knocking us dead with your amazing talent❤️❤️❤️!!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧❤️❤️❤️❤️ (Ps thanks a bunch for letting me know how your month went I'm glad that you were able to have some time to enjoy yourself(◠‿◠✿) plus interesting fact about me I love fighting games and I definelty am playing tekken 7 lucky Chloe is fun to play with for far I've been playing a lot with Akuma cuz like you said "Akuma never looked so badass before" especially since they put in his pose when I found that out while I was playing with I freakin out haha!⊙﹏⊙!! Kinda wish I was able to tell you about this as soon as possible but unfortunately I've been pretty busy last month thank god that's over now. im gonna stop since I'm probably rambling haha but like always keep up the stellar work I love you and your work!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m not really familiar with this character but I did my research and I can say that you totally nailed it, she looks beautiful! I really like her angelic face, these beautiful purple eyes and little smile add to her cuteness ^_^ And the red stripes on her cheeks look lovely, thanks to you I have discovered yet another cute lady :3 Her hair looks fantastic as well, I love the way it flows! It appears to be a silky purple cape, that gets carried by the hot winds of the desert. And for such hot weather, our beautiful magic queen wears the perfect outfit! A little bra that displays a sexy underboob and tiny panties are all I need to already wanna see the nsfw versions :p ! I really like how detailed the other pieces of her outfit are, the “golden collar” thing around her neck and the golden bracelet both look amazing. You really nailed the golden aspect of them, hats off! The gleam of the staff and the leather bracelets are flawless too, really nice job! Phew…… is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Or did I stare at her beautiful body for too long again :p ? Seriously, this pose is fantastic, it really brings out her sexy curves, and those thighs and abs are just perfect, I feel like I’m going to melt D: What a better way to start the month than with an amazing drawing of yours :D ? Absolutely stunning work Dandon, I’m in love with this piece of art *_*


Wow! I have to say yet again that you've blown me away with another dark skinned beauty. I didn't know the character and looked her up. I always like how you make their standard design with clothing that much sexier with your own interpretation. You are the master of the abs as usual. Her pose his amazing too. Like she's completely relaxed but able to whip that staff around to kick some ass! Just imagining those trickling beads of moisture sliding down that gorgeous body under the desert sun sure has me sweating as well. Love her, Dandon! ^3^


Yes... to all of the things. I want all the things. From the top to the bottom.. things.. all of it. &lt;3

Young & Naughty

Your attention to details is great! Can't wait for your next work :&gt;


This piece is incredible! This girl is awesome! Is she from something?


Oh wait, so if we support like after a batch we don't get those until the next month's batch that we supported before?


Woo, thank you very much, Ivar! :) It was fun to draw her in a more stylized way :3


Your "Phwoooaaarrr"s always give me a big smile xD I'm glad you like her, it was fun to draw her :3 Those bunny ears XD


Thank you very much, Marcus! Yeah, tho she really is a character I would love to draw again :3


Perfect comment, it was a real pleasure to read it T^T !! It motivated me to draw her because you said that you also like the design of Nitocris :3 your "squish her face in my hands" quote, haha XD Thanks for your peachy comment, Ash ♥


Solooooo!! Oh my glob, thank you SO much. Your comment is so great and kind, aww *-* Woo, Akuma ftw, he's my all time favorite from the Street Fighter series. I loved to play him in SF4, tho I wasn't really good with him XD It's great you also like this grumpy oni guy xD


Oooh, thank you so much, Tasty! It's always a real pleasure to read your comment, my motivation to draw this month pic is over 9000 now :D I'm glad you like her! I easily fall in love with such characters, someone sends me a request -&gt; me googles for the character -&gt; BAM instant love XD THANK YOU, Tasty :)


I'm always blown away with your amazing comments, Shadow! Thank you so much ♥ :3 <a href="https://media.tenor.com/images/08de7ad3dcac4e10d27b2c203841a99f/tenor.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.tenor.com/images/08de7ad3dcac4e10d27b2c203841a99f/tenor.gif</a>


<a href="https://m.popkey.co/fd1404/AVR6q.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.popkey.co/fd1404/AVR6q.gif</a>


Thank you! It's her: <a href="http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Nitocris" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Nitocris</a>


Yes, that's how it works :3 June batches will be send out on July 5-7. :)


Need more egyptian style like this, i really love her lips and her purple eyes. Those dark skin girls are always sexy !


I love your dark-skinned works! &lt;3 The Egyptian theme is amazing, such beautiful work again and again! :)