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Work-in-progress :)

I got requests to draw some ladies of Fate/Grand Order, so I decided to start June with the cute Nitocris  ( ̄ω ̄)/ 



Al Truist

Reminds me a little of Neith from Smite!


Thank you for drawing more brown girls! 😍😍


Yasss! I'm excited for Nito and more Fate ladies


Dont know her. But she looks very nice 👌👍 googled her, there is not many room for fanservice with her outfit 🤤😁 cant wait for Tamamo 😍❤️

Christopher Edwards

Oooo another Fate lady. ❤ Btw I finally got Overwatch for pc.

Ciarán M

Oh, with her purple hair and eyes, I already love her! 😻💜 Her hair is looking great with the straight fringe across her forehead and long strands flowing down that frame her face, her breasts too by the looks of it 😉. Eager to see this piece finished, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.


This is really wonderful!!! 😍😊👍 Have you seen the new Wonder Woman movie?


Yey *_* I haven't played the game, but I love the character designs O_O


Hehe :P Tamamo is cute :) my favorite lady is Shuten Douji, she's so lovely :3


Oh no, you've been bitten by the Fate Grand/Order bug!!! Soon we'll be getting all 85 variants of Saber...Also, did you enjoy your time off? Watcha do?


Thankies :3 Nooo, not yet O_O I've heard the movie is great! I bet it's great! O_O Is it great? XD


85??? Omg, I have to live healthier to live at least 400 years to get all those ladies painted XDD Yes, I enjoyed it with gaming and slothing XD

Ashley Mason

Someone is lookin' miffed. •x• heheh She is looking great though, despite her miffed expression. Don't want to be on her bad side... she is too cute. :3


Dunno who she is, but I'm down with that!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk</a> ♪Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh♫ Looking forward to this beauty. By the way, I forgot to mention this. Thank you so much for doing not just Twintelle, but all the girls in a hot sweaty/wet look! Gives a whole new erotic light to their allure. If this wet look becomes part of the usual routine, I am loving it! ^w^ Everybody do that walk now as Nitocris demands it! <a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/EAU5L6jknhpyU/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/EAU5L6jknhpyU/giphy.gif</a> P.S. Damn 80s women were so HOOOT!!!!!!


Even unfinished, the way you draw faces... (*✧×✧*)

Marcus Aurelius

1000% support this! As an unabashed fan of all things Egyptian (especially those of the sexy variety), I can only say more, for the love of all that's good and pure (as well as the unpure for that matter)!




Can you take a look at the girls from Sudeki? There nothing good about them right now. (Mostly some poorly made photoshop and drawn from artist of very little talent.)


Hi Dandon! Huge fan! Bought all of your work on gumroad and am a current patron! Was hoping in the future you could do more DC characters like Soranik Natu from Green lantern, or Carol Ferris, Supergirl, Vixen, Arisia Rabb, Hawkgirl, Mera, and especially Catwoman! Thanks and keep up the amazing work!


She is from the game Fate/Grand Order :) <a href="http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Nitocris" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Nitocris</a>


Yey, thank you, Ninja! I'm glad you liked the wet versions :3 From now on I'll add such versions more often :3 Thanks for your kind comment ♥


I'll keep them in mind, never heard of the game tho :/ the characters look cute :)


Omg, thank you so much, Kevin!! I hope you like the batches :) I have some of those ladies already on my list and I'm going to draw Supergirl this month :3