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Final TV Show Poll

  • The Boys (Vince has seen season 1, but no other seasons) 271
  • Breaking Bad (Shoshana really wants to see this show) 532
  • Outer Banks 170
  • Squid Game 185
  • 2024-03-07
  • 1158 votes
{'title': 'Final TV Show Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Boys (Vince has seen season 1, but no other seasons)', 'votes': 271}, {'text': 'Breaking Bad (Shoshana really wants to see this show)', 'votes': 532}, {'text': ' Outer Banks', 'votes': 170}, {'text': ' Squid Game', 'votes': 185}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 7, 23, 40, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1158}


Hey Rangers, we really wanted to do a final tv show poll to really get a better idea of what everyone really wants us to watch. We ask that you try and be positive in the comments even if your show doesn't win, we would really appreciate it 🙏 and love you guys! ❤️



Here we go again lol


please breaking bad 😭


Breaking bad too long


shoshana wants to see bb so bad they created another poll😭 cmon guys vote for it please

Jeremy Cabrialez II

Outer Banks is different from everything y'all have seen. I hope y'all watch it one day if it doesn't win this one.

Rasmus Swahn

Let’s help Shoshana out here guys!!

Chase Taylor

Breaking Bad for Shoshana! You guys will love it I promise lol

Armando Torres

Sad to not see invincible here 😞 maybe next time


with that logic they’ll miss out on a lot of the best shows

Carlie Cirillo

you guys should do both breaking bad and outer banks:) i’ve never watched breaking bad but seems like everyone wants it lol but i can say outer banks is such an amazing show!


Well if BB wins it’ll give me a chance to try and get into it again. Anyone know the episode count for it? Curious to see how long it is


Common lets give Sho what she wants yo!!🤩

JSM -Tac

That Shi is pretty long need to watch squid game or outer

Josh Peters

5 seasons, 62 episodes. Likely followed up by 6 seasons of Better Call Saul and the El Camino movie.

Ben Gibb

Don’t even have a vote, just watch what you want to watch;)


They should start doing more than one show at a time I feel. Maybe one short and long one simultaneously!


OMGGG MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED FOR BB 🤞🏾🤞🏾You guys are gonna fall in love with it, I tell you 😭 ngl i would love for yall to watch squid game too (if the time comes)!!

Ben Gibb

Damn tik tok generation, you guys have no attention span lol


Breaking Bad gets another chance! Let’s do the right thing this time guys lol

Jeff I.

Pulling for Breaking Bad!

Benjamin Zimmerman

i've seen one too many pulpy teen angst moments from outer banks to recommend it, imho. Plus it feels most of the consistent writers left after s1.

Joshua Johnson

Breaking bad!!! The greatest show ever!

Ainsley Gibson

BB isn’t my choice, but I say if Shoshana wants to watch it then you should do that!!

Abel Sanchez

Aldo might disagree with the poll lol

Duron Ball

I would go Breaking Bad, 🐙 Squid Games, then The Boys.... But you have to finish Daredevil.


Breaking Bad is gna win for sure this time. I do hope though that they do another series alongside it. A shorter series. Sticking to the scifi horror element. I do love their reactions to those

Tasin Baiju

I've never seen breaking bad. But it'll be fun watching for the first time with y'all


that would be cool like a mini series or something in between bb episodes


Yeah something like The Outsider which I'm sure many people dont know but it's really good. Or the Watchmen. Just something alongside Breaking Bad. Gna recommend the Watchmen in a next poll and see if it does well lol.

Andy Oaks

I remember finishing Ozark and wanted to see more Jason Bateman and found out about The Outsider. Awesome show!

Markee Day



I'm watching breaking bad with my pal (I've seem it once before he hasn't we just finished the first season and he's loving it!)


I’d say they actually got better, until the last season

Silas Kane

.....might finally be time. 👀


How long is BB? That’s the only reason I preferred the shorter options

Josh Wright

If there’s a poll and there’s a show one of u really wants to see I feel like that’s what u should go for lol. If it’s made it to a smaller poll.


It’s 5 seasons. First season is only 7 eps because of the writers strike in 2007. Seasons 2-4 are 13 eps, and s5 is 16.


Y’all should watch the expanse


Smhhh that’s not fair the boys won the last poll 😂 i like breaking bad but the boys is way better in my opinion but still excited for yall to watch breaking bad, shit is so good

Chris T

I hope “Wednesday” can get enough votes for the next one. I think you guys would love it ..


I think Breaking Bad will be amazing for a change. Plus Shoshanna really wants to watch it and I think it's fair to take her thoughts into consideration. Plus I love the Boys but we've been nonstop superhero for two years now plus we're watching xmen (not that I mind) I just think it's good to have some diversity. Plus to all the people talking about BB length. It's going to fly by faster than you think. Not to mention it is a COMPLETE story that isn't ongoing.


God I'm DYING for Squid Game. It's short and suspenseful just like The Last of Us. Breaking bad is GREAT, but we're gonna have to wait soooo long to even see the other shows in the poll due to how long BB is 😭


Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul (Prequel/Sequel) is peak drama television, I feel everyone needs to atleast give it a try.

Markee Day

bro Outer Banks gotta be next after breaking bad bro


I love Squid Game and BB. I love BB more, but I would love for them to watch Squid Game eventually.


I've never seen Breaking Bad too. So I vote for it.


I’d love to see a 11.22.63. reaction


YES! Breaking bad, peak television. Really excited for you guys to watch it.

Anthony Dimas

Breaking bad is probably one of / if not the best show ever made. Top tier on every level

Romeo Bartley

all really great shows!! My vote would go to the boys and outer banks tho!! I would also love to see you guys check out yellow jackets!!


Outer banks the best I feel breaking bad overrated

Mark B

Well…won’t be seeing any other show until 2025 smh


I thought the boys won. But if shoshana wants to watch breaking bad. Just watch it. Not for me, but I’ll still support y’all channel.

Josh Peters

Literally just watched a trailer cause everyone keeps begging for it and it looks like one of those cheesy CW shows.

Josh Peters

If they keep the Stranger Things/Last of Us schedule, it'll be done by July. They could slip in some shorter shows in between seasons. We'll see how it goes.

Mark B

We’ll see, I just think spending almost half a year on one show (without no other show) is not a good look. I think they should do a season of another show in between BB seasons. That way by the time they end BB, they would had already finished The Boys, Squid Games and Outer Banks. Everybody wins. Not to mention that they might want to do better call Saul after watching BB


Breaking bad is so slow to get into tho and takes ages to watch


The boys only has like 20 episodes


Wow the boys wins but then has a second vote since when has that happened😂

Danilo Bonilla

breaking bad is the best show here. don’t listen to other comments

sanya graham

Outer banks plssssss


Breaking bad is too long do outter banks