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Hey Rangers, thank you all for joining us on this amazing journey! We hope that you enjoy our reaction to the final episode of season one!❤️ Also, look out tonight for a *FINAL TV SHOW POLL* 👀



Brian Smith

that woman in the beginning is the voice actor for ellie in the video game

lily g

omggg early im upp!! im so glad u guys enjoyed this series ahhhh


Honestly after 20 years of zombie and human bs the cure I don't think wouldve done a damn thing and everyone always like to talk about how it wasn't a definite cure it was what they thought would work I think🤷‍♂️

Ray H

Ashley Johnson, who played Anna in the show, does the motion capture and voice of Ellie in the games as well. She’s so talented. She brought Ellie to life in the game and on the show. Fun fact: She was in the first Avengers as well, she was on the television after being saved by Captain America. So the Bella Ramsey casting was pretty amazing.

Aldo Gonzales

Whoa! I wasn’t expecting this until tomorrow, but nice! An older version of Ellie? Funny you should say that considering that Ashley Johnson portrayed Ellie in the original game. Now here she is portraying live-action Ellie’s mom. Now regarding my thoughts about the season finale, I honestly have mixed emotions from the outcome. I get why Joel pulled Ellie out of surgery, but what if she was willing to trade her life after all? He just deprived her of that choice, and in the process he made a disservice to Tess’ sacrifice. Adding to the pile of guilt, Bella Ramsey confirmed in a behind the scenes interview about this episode that Ellie knows the truth in the back of her mind. She’s aware that Joel is lying to her about the fireflies, but she’s gonna play along for the time being. That’s gonna create tension in their dynamic going into the next season. I should remind you that Pedro Pascal has a packed schedule this year between this and his role in the Fantastic Four as the leader of the team Mister Fantastic.


Ashley Johnson is just amazing. So glad you got to see her acting. I never thought the show would basically be as good as the game. I really hope you guys still had fun, despite the heartbreak. The game was just flawlessly executed, so I didn't think two homeruns were possible. But the blew me away with this show.


That reaction to Marlene being killed was exactly the same as mine when I first watched it. So COLD, Joel does not muck about! 🥶

Theo Sebuliba

The last of us show is based on the game and adapts it from the game to the show, so it’s a different vibe compared to stranger things

Zac Cochrane

"Did he just shoot his dick off?" 😂😂 I'm gonna go watch your 21 jump street reaction again lol glad you two enjoyed the show, this was a blast!


Marlene made the mistake of taking Ellies choice away and then telling Joel the truth. No mistake about it, Joel is a monster. Everyone in this world is, to some extent. And Marlene KNEW that. And, you're right, they hardly projected confidence in what they were doing to Ellie...to go for such a final option the day she arrives? Why not study her? Take samples? Talk to her about your theories...you've gone 20 frickin years...you couldn't wait 4 more to ask an adult and knowledgeable Ellie to make that sacrifice? All well and good for Marlene to say it should have been Ellies decision while she was unconscious! AFTER the decision was taken from her?? F off with that, lady. All in all...the benefit of the doubt goes to Joel for me. He was given no reason to trust anything the fireflies said and they made no attempt to change that. I'm so excited for S2...there is some serious storytelling that needs doing! 😁


Now it's time for you guys to play the game.

Don Britt

I tend to go back and forth on this. As a human trying to do the best thing for all of mankind - I know Marlene's way is the way to go. As a father, Joel's way is the way I WOULD go. We're weighing the value of the possibility of saving millions (billions if you consider later generations) of lives against the life of one girl. We spend the entire show getting close to Joel and Ellie, so we're gonna have a huge bias towards them. On the other side, in every scene we've had with Marlene, she's been waaaaay overly optimistic about things - always talking about "We'll find a way from this!". Even though she was right most of the time in the beginning, she was saying the same thing even after Joel killed all the damn fireflies. That's blind optimism - which leads me to believe this cure is not nearly in line with the actual probability it will work.

Joshua Johnson

I still think the game is better.. not to mention there’s way more infected and crazy action scenes in the game that ups the stakes. I think you guys should play it.. you will be surprised and love it and it won’t have anything season two wise in it.

Oliver Higgs

Definitive episode ranking: 3 8 9 5 7 1 6 2 4 I will not be accepting any questions at this time ;-) Love your reactions, guys!


Yeah, it's a hard situation man.. because even if this so called doctor.. "still unsure if he's an actual surgeon or just a lab tech" was able to isolate and excrete the correct antigen from Ellie, he still needs a whole list of compounds like certain chemical preservatives, stabilizers, surfactants, diluents like Bacteriostatic water which 100% they do not have 20yrs later and the list goes on.. So, if I'm Joel knowing this info and knowing they didn't give Ellie a choice.. Yeah, there's no way this is happening.

Insert Opinion

The games and shows writers said that the story is about the good and terrible sides of Love, and what it drives us to do. Joel would doom the world to save Ellie, and Ellie would sacrifice herself to save the world.


Show was great imo


So Joel turned something that "Probably won't work" into something that definitely will never work. Which still puts him in the wrong. If you dislike Marlene, by that logic you HAVE to dislike Joel. Marlene made the choice for Ellie, then Joel made the ultimate choice for Ellie. Also, didn't Joel say "If Marlene says she can do it, she can do it." at the beginning of the show?

Insert Opinion

Even if they had the most advanced medical equipment and doctors, Joel wouldn't care. Its not about whether or not they would succeed, it's that Joel wouldn't let go of Ellie no matter what.


i immediately went to play both games after this show came out and nothing has ever made me feel the things TLOU Part 2 did. it quite literally changes u. im eager to see if they can pull it off in TV form, specifically Bella Ramsey, but it seems like Craig Mazin can’t miss rn so i have faith.


Such a phenomenal episode and reaction, I can’t wait for season 2 too see what they do, wasn’t a fan of the second game but I’m excited to see it on tv

Claire Bonang

So glad she got to play Ellie’s mom in the show and Ellie in the game❤️

Lindzi ODowd

She is Ellie in the game lol


Say it louder! This was a great breakdown. I don’t think anyone could have said it better. I completely agree with this!


Joel's choice was extreamly devisive in the game and the shows audiences. It's fully understandable why he did that he did. But is 1 life worth the deaths of countless billions and the doom of humanity?

Sd D

As someone who is vehemently against Joel's choice [ From A Layman's Standpoint ] could you you describe further what would be involved in creating a potential cure from a fungal infection in this post-apocalyptic scenario? I'm genuinely fascinated with this question because if I had biological/medical education, I might feel totally differently about this otherwise more moral/personal choice Joel faces. Great comment, got me thinking about it in a whole new way.


if marlene was smart she’d knock joel out until after the surgery was done but good thing that didn’t happen

Justin M Borowski

The writer of the game claims the cure "would have worked" but I think that's crap and it doesn't matter. The ends don't justify the means. Even if it would have worked it's still morally dubious to claim that you are justified in sacrificing a person's life without their consent in order to cure an infection. I personally don't think it's ok. Even if humanity is on the line, you do not have the right to sacrifice someone else's life without their permission. Marlene is very interesting because the idea is that she is basically a mother to Ellie and believes sacrificing her is the right thing to do, but she doesn't have the right to make that choice, and Joel is like a father to her and believes the opposite and it wasn't his right to make the choice either. Shoshana is on point when she said they are two sides of the same coin, in a way. If you really think about it, Sarah was "sacrificed" by the military in an attempt to save lives (regardless of whether or not they knew she was infected, when a worldwide infection event is happening they have to make snap decisions). Joel just couldn't let that happen again.


Btw Shoshana, your theory about why Ellie is immune is spot on. The baby placenta was still attached to the mom after she was bitten. She lied to Marlene by saying the bite happened after. So the virus was in Ellie’s system since birth and it grew with her. It was never confirmed in the game, but their were clues about it and it was a popular fan theory for many years.


They couldn’t just wait until she was old? Let her live her life. They survived this long. Pass down the data. Doctor can study and educate new doctors. Then do it.

Fireteam Joker

Great reaction! I feel like Marlene didn't know how deep Joel cared for Ellie. If she knew, I think things would have been different. She wouldn't have let Joel know until after the deed was done. She may have also felt she owed Joel the truth. In her weird, twisted way, she may have thought she was doing the honorable thing... I know, as a parent, that if my daughter was in danger, there isn't an army in the world that could keep me from her.


I don't believe the ends justify the means. That's how great atrocities happen.


I know, that's the bottom line. Joel was only thinking of what he would lose. He couldn't lose another daughter. That doesn't justify his actions or Marlene's actions.

Joshua Coldwater

Let’s say that we follow the idea of this surgery providing a “cure”. So now we have it, a cure in 2022. In the world displayed on my screen- MAYBE 10% of the people alive would take it. Maybe. You only have to look back at our most recent Pandemic. I live in an area that was hard hit at the beginning of the pandemic, before nationwide shutdowns occurred. We would’ve killed for a vaccine, and EVERYtime a new booster comes out around 70-80% of the people in this area get that booster. It is treated like a flu shot here. Now, there are MANY states that were hit LATE by the same disease but different variants that weren’t deadly. I completely understand why they don’t feel the need for a vaccine. Is it stupid, yes. We get vaccinated for Measles, Mumps and Rubella and I haven’t seen any of those in my area either. The thing is, I respect their decision and I make sure I am vaccinated. How would this world be different? What is going to convince a “Raider” that their old lifestyle was better. What is going to convince Fedra or any of their camps to even allow a vaccine created by the fireflies into their camps, let alone their bloodstreams. People in this ^ world are fighting food, and they truly believe that they are going to allow them to inject ANYTHING into their blood. Nope. Her sacrifice would be to save Marlene’s group of people, and that is not a sacrifice that is an unneeded death.

Joshua Coldwater

The age of Medical Consent is 16 - even if it’s for an emergency surgery on your body. Younger than that, it is left to a guardians control. Ellie is smart, yes, but she is 14. Neither of them are her guardian, the ONLY peaceful way to handle that issue would be to wait for two years. Let her experience more life, and then decide at 16. Marlene didn’t even tell her she was being drugged, let alone given surgery. That is morally incorrect and bankrupt- regardless of what the surgery procedure will produce. Marlene seems like a woman who would look at 5 people, all who need organ transplants to survive- and figure “Hey, I’ll kill this one healthy guy so those 5 can live.” That is the opposite of any practice of any type of medicine. Do no harm.


she knew how violent Joel could be. granted, she didn’t know that Ellie and Joel had bonded through their journey, but still-you can tell he cares for her.


Joel found himself back where he was on outbreak day. He finds himself incapable of losing again. The world took Sarah from him, so he took Ellie from the world. Ellie was the one to bring him joy again after 20 years of grief and depression-he wasn’t going to destroy that.


Bottom line, Joel was objectively wrong. Selfishness =/= prosperity.


Joel was objectively wrong. Selfishness =/= prosperity. EVERYONE knows what Ellie would have done, given the choice. Joel, Marlene, fuck them both. Marlene was going down the route Ellie would have wanted to go down at the end of the day. There's no denying that fact. Joel damned the world because he's an old fragile man with an ego the size of Alaska.

Aaron Boone

Joel was wrong. But I don’t care. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. He saved her life end of story.


Hey guys fun fact the actor that played Ellie’s mom voices Ellie’s in the game


lol here body here choice, this is why the world is the way it is man. She is literally the cure for the entire world possibly.