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Hey Rangers, hope you enjoy our reaction!




Such a beautiful episode

Aldo Gonzales

It may annoy Joel that Ellie is curious beyond belief, but it’s not her fault that she doesn’t know much about the former outside world. She didn’t grow up like he did, and she wasn’t exactly privy to a lot of details in FEDRA’s “educational system.” You guys are right about the little things we take for granted. Bill and Frank tasting home-grown strawberries was proof of that. (Although I probably would’ve freaked out like Bill did over what Frank exchanged for them.) I’m actually glad Ellie read that letter. Joel probably would’ve skipped the cheeky chuckle that Bill wrote on purpose. It sounds like Alex Hefner’s laugh but faster and deeper.


No way, you guys are playing life is strange? I love those games. Also, what a heartbreaking episode. It's so beautiful and sad.


The picture being slightly to the right instead of the middle is messing with my ocd😭


Shoulda kept bill around for at least the next mission he was such a menace😭


Cant wait to watch the reaction to this episode. I'm at the beginning and yeah Life Is Strange is a really good game for sure. It's dope that Vince rocks with RDCWorld. They're hilarious and great people. Do you rock with Cashnasty too? I remember you saying you were a hooper hooper during a reaction and I remember that was his slogan for a minute lmao.

Petteri Ahlberg

What a beautiful reaction to a beautiful episode. Thank you guys so much! 🙏🏻☺️


Nick Offerman won an Emmy for his role in this episode.

Mark B

The way the vines work is that the infected have to be connected to them for them to sense another infected die. The vines aren’t everywhere


As a day one fan of the game i am going to come forward and say that when it was about 20 minutes into Bill and Franks story i was getting bored and did not appreciate that this was the live action we were getting compared to the events we got from the game. I don't think i watched the whole episode, i just skipped through it hoping i was going to see more Ellie and Joel. But far out I am glad i had the second chance to watch it through and appreciate the episode for what it was and meant to be. Joel needed to hear what Bill said in that letter for sure and this was an amazing love story being told. I can't think of any other love story that is as unique as this one.

Justin Meade

One of the best episodes of tv ever, period. So beautiful.


I think this is the episode I stopped watching 😂 none of this was In the game, none of this was needed in my opinion. Can’t wait to see the rest of the series with yall tho I haven’t seen anything after this episode because I was very disappointed w this 😂

lily g

i forgot this was coming out todayyy! excited to watch

Jen G.

One of the best love stories ever told—and I’m not going to argue about it. I cried right along with you all over again. I was kinda iffy on the series up until this episode, but this was where it changed for me. Enjoyed the reaction!


Both of you are so genuine with your emotions and reactions to the content you put out. (: Also to help you understand Franks illness it wasn't cancer it was either MS or early ALS so it was a degenerative neuromuscular disorder which the co-creator confirmed on a podcast. This was such a beautiful episode and both of you are beautiful people. I hope both of you have a peaceful weekend thanks for the heartfelt reaction. <3

Zac Cochrane

By far my favorite episode. The story just punches you in all the feelings and emotions. Nick Offerman was the absolute perfect person for the role too.

Zac Cochrane

A lot of people forget this is an adaptation of the video game, not an exact replica. I definitely know what you mean tho, could've spent less than half of an episode about them or not at all honesty. I think they did it just for more backstory since Bill is only in a small part of the game but still an important character who you know little about unless you spend time roaming around. But you're definitely in for a treat for the rest of the season 😁


Honestly I’m mostly mad they made bill kill himself , like he was supposed to be apart of the adventure for at least 2 more episodes with a epic death but they took that away

Cameron Smith

Nick Offerman, who plays Bill, won an Emmy for this episode. So so good.


Let's get this rule put of the way. Killing One does not attract them all. the rule is that if you touch the Corduceps that go underground, you will attract them. All individual ones are just that individual


This episode is the pure definition of going out on "your own terms" instead of the Infected's. Probably the closest to a happy ending we'll get on this show. Definitely one of the best episodes I've seen on television, period.

Brian McG

Easily the single best episode of any tv show in 2023. It deserves all of the praise that it gets.

Erick Lopez

Omg I cried so hard when this episode aired. I love bill and frank.


this was such a good episode


i got my publix food and im ready to cry! one of my favorite episodes for sure


This was a beautifully written episode. I understand the complaints that gamers have re how Bill went out. But for what they were going for and how it impacted the rest of the season it turned out to be a great decision to write it this way.


They hit us with a damn grown up pixar movie


i love rdc!! love is strange let’s go!!

Darren Penuliar

Not sure if yall caught it but Joel says the outbreak started from infected bread/flour. In the first episode: 1) Joel's daughter Sarah couldn't make pancakes because they ran out of pancake mix, 2) Joel forgot to buy a cake for his birthday, and 3) Sarah turned down the cookies that their neighbor offered her. Just a fun little detail that shows why they didnt get infected at the beginning!

Joshua Coldwater

The entire show was shot in Alberta, Canada


One of the best episodes of TV I’ve ever watched

Joshua Coldwater

So he was genuinely warning Bill about the raiders, he said that “Fedra” which is the government, would never go that far out of their base. He was warning him. There are MANY WORSE things than infected people.

Al Batista

Amazing episode. Not sure if you’re aware of the mountain of ignorant, bigoted hate that this episode got. Sad world that we live in. Luckily, there are more people with love in their hearts than hate.

Theo Sebuliba

I didn’t know about that, but that doesn’t surprise me, it’s probably people from twitter, they’re opinions don’t represent everyone

Kevin Matthew

Such an incredible show and episode. I think every episode had me tearing up and crying.


Yall haveeeee to play the game when this series is over

Shayne O Shaughnessy

honestly, in my opinion this is one of the best episodes that i have seen in TV in a long time. it's not my fav episode in the show, but this specific one itself is just so beautiful you can't help but love it.

Chris B

A quote very often repeated by many people regarding this episode: Bill taught Frank how to survive, Frank taught Bill how to live.


No offense but it's always funny to see people whine about something being different from the game and they don't even remember what happened in it. Bill doesn't die in the game. The episode would have ended with them leaving him alive and alone if it followed the game. I think Bill's section in the game worked best for a video game and what they did for the show worked best for a TV show. Be happy we get 2 amazing versions.


I mean that’s exactly why I said they could’ve given him a bad ass death if they didn’t pull this off. He was important in the game he was nothing in the show. Don’t assume I don’t know anything about the game 😂just finished replaying it last week

Cody Jado

Sorry, you guys mentioned you are playing life is strange together. Never heard of it but before I watch this, you guys should play Red Dead Redemption 2, it has one of the greatest storylines in gaming history. You guys would really enjoy it

Insert Opinion

This episode is like a tactical nuke right in the feelings


Y’all should really watch outer banks 😆🫶🏽🤍

Chris Velazquez

Y'all should play the game its actually amazing

Lovaire Hawkins

We warned yall to bring tissues to EVERY episode!!!

Lovaire Hawkins

Recency bias is natural in this show. Almost every episode will be the best one. The writers of this show did am AMAZING jib on season 1. You're going to really enjoy it!!!

Daniel Costilla

I thought frank had aids, cuz he mentioned there was no cure, cancer has different methods of treatment that have cured cancer


joel and ellie relationship is like hopper and eleven

Amber Curtis

I've already seen this show twice so I thought I'd be safe re-watching...NOPE. Bawled my bloody eyes out again

Hector Avila

I already knew you guys would like 7 Pounds, but after seeing Shoshana's reaction to this episode I am 100% CERTAIN that ya'll will LOVE that movie!!!!


Nick Offerman (Bill) won an award for this episode, and I believe the first person he thanked was "The Girth from Perth" Murray Bartlett, because he wouldnt have been as vulnerable as he was without him during this episode ❤️

Jamarcus Cross

Life is Strange is crazy 😭😭 I be on that all day u gotta play this game tho Vince