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Hey Rangers, hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




Hells ya


please don't mention to them what episodes are gonna be awesome or stuff like that. its better when they dont know. thanks peeps ♡


Also, ordering some ribs and watching this asap!


Yea Vince not the type of show to eat while you watch it 😂💀


Man, I want to say so much but I'll let this beautiful show speak for itself. I've rewritten this comment like 10 times trying not to spoil a single thing LOL


No the game is not a decision based game, it’s a set story but you’re free to roam around and do other things

Sean Medellin

lol it wasn’t a kiss, he’s spreading the fungus the fungus is controlling them. The next 3 episodes are fucking insane. Sad. So good.

Ashley Montague

This show is crazzy so excited to watch along with yall


Ngl first time playing this after they killed Tess I’m sitting there mad thinking why tf they just leave me alone with this lil ass girl with no weapon😭

Zac Cochrane

You guys show look up cordyceps in ants and other insects. Not only interesting, but very informative on the fungus and how one day this could be possible in humans


Yea Vince this Show is very dark and it’s only going to get darker -evil laugh- 😂

Deshunare Warren

HBO is the most consistent when it comes to the best quality shows — even the trash shows looks amazing

Deshunare Warren

The show follows the lore of the games accurately for the most part staying true to the original material w/ many of the classic locations & lines/dialogue being spitting images!


Tess really got funged

Deshunare Warren

The reason the infected didn’t get notified in the museum is bcus the fungi was “bone dry”/not alive with no connection to hive and the “clickers” they killed were on the 10-11th floor with no connection to the hive or fungus (which is easier to connect on the ground

Deshunare Warren

It’s already been debunked scientifically in regards to it being possible in humans, but still very informative & interesting to look it up for other hosts like ants

Lovaire Hawkins

This is definitely a journey. And that "nobody's safe" energy is very important while watching this show!! They tested my "G-card" plenty of times when this first came out, snatching my feelings away from me. Great reaction!!

Shirlene Wright

Sorry, I just can't watch the " FUNGALITIS " just dangling outta the open mouth like that.. How did they even film that scene?! I love it but I hate it too! gross.


Is this somehow RIBS episode?;D Same here, eating ribs ;D

Trayvon Brown

Naw, the game isn't one of those Telltale-style "decision"-based games. It has its own narrative and is a third-person action-adventure game.

Justin Cross

To answer your question at about 8 mins into this video Vice, "Covid" started in a food market in Wuhan China, not too far from the "Wuhan" lab that was "studying"(Per the words of what we are told, more like "developing" is more likely) what's known as "gain of function" research involving strains of the virus within the same family of virus's as Covid (gain of function means to take an already existing virus and manipulate it and give it stronger properties by applying things like certain proteins etc amongst other things to amplify the virus's effects)... China will not "confirm" nor "deny" these accusations and has refused a "formal" investigation at their lab in Wuhan... However, we found out that the US was assisting in "funding" the "gain of function" research in Wuhan and is directly linked to and facilitated by Dr. Fauci. Right now until China either "admits" that it was their lab (because we know it was just by the outbreak origin point) or they "allow" us to investigate (which they wont because its the communist party, they do what they want), we won't have definitive paper written documents in black and white showing it directly came from that lab... But it is 99.9% understood to be likely and all but undeniably the case. And Congress has had SEVERAL hearings with Fauci and senators grilling the absolute shit out of him for it and our involvement in funding it... The video of these hearings are up on youtube if you want to look them up... Just type in "Fauci gain of function" or "Ran Paul Gain of Function" or "Ran Paul Wuhan lab"... and you'll find them with one of those.


Man can’t wait for next episode, one of the best episodes of tv ever


The mention of the super infected and spores are a reference to the game that was excluded from the Show because in the game at times you have to wear masks in order to prevent infection from spores. And they didn't want their actors having to act through gas masks.

Claire Bonang

Also most of the scenes from the show are straight from the cut scenes from the game.


When you guys said you wanted to remember tess' name it was hard to keep in "don't worry you won't have to remember her name for long 😬"

Austin Robeau

The reason that then killing the Clickers in the museum didn’t attract the other infected was because they weren’t touching any of the cordyceps that was growing underground


The actress who played Tess in the video game coincidentally died from cancer just the week after this episode aired. They added in a special tribute in the next episode. Many of the actors from the game were able to do fun cameos throughout the season, but she was probably too sick at the time to take part.

Joshua Coldwater

It was a PlayStation 3 game, the series follows the best a Television Series can (with the exception of episode 3, which I believe they improved on)

Joshua Coldwater

Anna Torv brings a new depth to the character of Tess. She was a badass in the game as well, but Anna knew how to make her more human. How to show her REAL connection to Joel, and when she went out she went out big.

Joshua Coldwater

41:26 - It is so crazy, especially because a LARGE majority of the outsides of buildings and all of the backgrounds were created by cgi. Technology is wild. You can actually see the place where the screen is behind the small tree lower right center- from that point beyond was all created after the fact.


There’s a dlc on the game that shows what happens to Elle in the mall

Despero Riggity

Honestly wack af, they coulda easily made gas masks that were semi comfortable & looked real enough but hey why am I bitching, they killed this show in the best way possible

Despero Riggity

Tess had ab a dozen grenades but decided to let a fungus kiss happen instead lmao, I get tryin to live till the last possible second but hell nah I’m cooking a grenade & tossing it before they can get to me & gonna cook another & hold it once I throw the first, so the 2nd guaranteed blows me up