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Yeeee!!! Another stranger things episode!! Can’t wait for season 4 reactions😍



Saul Hernandez

Can’t believe one more episode and then season 4!! 😁 wow really appreciate how fast you guys are going through, definitely best reaction channel right now imo 😊 Btw just a heads up season 4 episodes are a bit longer and episodes 7, 8, and 9 are basically movies just fyi lol


I’m sorry shana I completely disagree about Millie 😂 I don’t think she’s a good actor. She has little to no lines, all she does is scream and tilt her head. That’s just my personal opinion tho

Aldo Gonzales

I forgot how hilarious the car argument was to the point where Joyce and Jim were left dumbfounded. I’ll admit Murray is extra at times including the car bickering, but in my opinion he finally put Joyce in her place. She’s a great parent, but she can be too demanding at times as well. Of course that’s just my opinion. However, I do applaud her for slapping and kicking Kline. I also admit that him getting ahold of Russia over the phone cracked me up as well. Next, it’s only fitting that Jim would be the “tiger in the cave.” Sadly though, it took Jim until Alexei died in this episode to finally call him by his real name.

Ryan McKenna

Season 4 is so close!


They always promote coke here and there but that new coke argument was forsure a legit thing back then, they tried a new recipe and called it new coke and everyone hated it

Dezmond Broadway

It's a Coke promo but also a joke about the new Coke launch back then that didn't go well. Three months after the launch of New Coke, in July of 1985, Coca-Cola was under a deluge of complaints. Sales were better, higher than the year before, but the switch to New Coke did not seem like a sustainable one. Executives decided to bring back the old recipe and announced it as "Coke Classic"


Not really , now gaten Caleb joe David Natalia David Charlie even more they’re amazing actors but she don’t stand out at all, even in other movies she’s in

Jacob smith

Can’t wait for season 4, it literally gets 10x better in every way possible. Cinematic masterpiece


That doesn't mean she's a bad actor though.. A lot can be said without long sentences. I think she's very good at showing emotions, especially in this season and season 4


i guess you’ve only seen her in stranger things? she’s a amazing actress no doubt about it


I’ve seen her in Godzilla and in Enola Holmes the like only other things she’s acted in😂 if she’s a great actress why isn’t she getting flooded with offers ? She has 0 roles


i mean she’s only 19 her career is starting to take off

Jeremy Cabrialez II

Next episode is one of the best in my opinion.


Just to help ya out…. Murray is an American who used to be a reporter. He is a conspiracy theorist that just happens to speak Russian. Lol he’s not a Russian detective.


For one thing there has been a writer and actors strike that was going on for almost a year that just ended so that put a hold on 2 new movies she had been working on which are Damsel & The Electric State. Now that the strike is over those will be released soon. stranger things is literally her first big break and she started when she was 11 yrs old & she is now 19. The show has taken up most of her acting career and her character is quite awesome. She conveys exactly what the duffer brothers wanted for her role & she does it very well. You think just because she barely says anything that it doesn’t make her a great actor, but that’s not true, someone who can convey emotion and facial expressions and physical exhaustion is pretty talented to me. Oh and also not a lot of actors can act looking & talking into a camera for basically the whole movie the way she does on Enola Holmes, it was a great perspective. & I’m actually disappointed she isn’t in Godzilla x Kong 2, she probably would have been if it wasn’t being filmed the same time as The Electric State. She’s 19 and has so much time to build her portfolio especially once ST’s is done. I hope she changes your opinion. It’s a shame you don’t see the type of character 11 is that Millie portrays so well. Child locked up her whole life & treated like a lab rat, barely learning the meaning of words like friendship, family, or what love is and being put out in the real world learning all of that on her own as well as being taught by hopper and her friends about right & wrong.


This is like saying Sebastian Stan is a bad actor bc he played Winter Soldier who originally had a few lines lol


I love Joyce and Hoppers dynamic 😭 so cute lol they’ve always been my two fav characters! can’t wait for s4!! You’re in for a wild ride!


No it’s not because I’m not basing it just off this show and her performance as el, I’m basing it off all of the things she’s in. Sebastian has over 20 movies and shows on his belt and he does amazing in about everyone I’ve seen


exactly, so how old do you think Sebastian stan is? because i'm pretty sure he's at least 20 years worth of experience ahead of millie. david harbour, natalia dyer, and charlie heaton are also years older. gaten, as much as i love him, has been in ONE movie in which he plays a high schooler, not much to see there. caleb's been in a couple of movies and he's good, but they don't show off his range. millie and finn are the only kids who've been on various projects. you don't have to like her, but you simply cannot deny that she is a good actress for her age.

Zac Cochrane

You're allowed your opinion and us ours. You other commenters feel so attacked tho and it's hilarious 😂 I think she deserves the same amount of credit as the whole cast. She definitely got more hype from her offscreen appearance and being the star dispite her not being top paid. But she's definitely headed in the right direction to be a great actor, awards or not.


Season 4 is a hurricane. Every day you watch it will treat you like a holiday 😂😂


Just a heads up if you don't want to spoil some big thing in S4 don't watch the end credit scene

Shayne O Shaughnessy

she was greenlighted for a 3rd enola, she was in both godzillas, she will be in damsel and she is the lead character in one of the most popular shows ever. but okay keep being a hater. also it's really rude to basically tell someone their opinion is wrong just because you don't see something they do. you're like one of the only people i have seen say millie is a bad actress, that's a very very unpopular opinion but i am not gonna bash on you for it. that's your opinion. it's a bad one, but it's yours. you're just rude tbh.

Shayne O Shaughnessy

so close to season 4! you guys are my favorite stranger things reactors.

Kyra Brown

Yess hopperXjoyce best ship on the show period 🥰

Saul Hernandez

I agree although I don’t see it as a big spoiler but yes I would also suggest not to watch it


I think she just says that because he speaks Russian and is a detective but I could be wrong


Someone has to request Back to The Future now

Robert Spurgeon

The Movie you saw wasn't Fetch. It was Fletch, which is a hilarious movie with Chevy Chase. Also there was a movie on the sign called The Stuff which is a movie with parallels to the stuff that the rats and the flayed turned Into. Billy is still alive because he is like the Mind Flayers helper. He can go places and do things the mind flayer can't.

Aldo Gonzales

They briefly brought it back when season 3 originally premiered in summer 2019.

Hamza Darby

She's a great face actor and can convey a range of emotions with just her eyes, which isn't easy. She has to reel in the audience with little to no dialog. That's what I think anyway.

Fireteam Joker

Great reaction guys. That was a pretty terrifying scene at the cabin. I always kinda laugh when I see shotguns fired inside and no one blinks an eye. If you shot a shotgun inside so close to other people without ear protection, you would have some deaf friends. On the other hand, I'm sure hearing loss was the least of their concerns at that point lol.


dang fr? i want them to watch it lol it’s like a mcu after credit scene, gives a good heads up for the next season


The mind flayer needed a helper. He was searching for the kids after they left the cabin

Saul Hernandez

It is a cool credit honestly, but there just something that gives too much away imo, I don’t want to say anything without spoilers 😅


It's just best to skip it so you get more suprised

Dennis Rhoberts (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-30 15:43:21 Season 4 (my favorite season) is fast approaching!! To answer your question about Billy: he’s the host, just like Will was last season. The mind flayer chose him to recruit people to make itself larger. It needs Billy alive so he can continue doing its bidding.
2024-01-19 10:57:37 Season 4 (my favorite season) is fast approaching!! To answer your question about Billy: he’s the host, just like Will was last season. The mind flayer chose him to recruit people to make itself larger. It needs Billy alive so he can continue doing its bidding.

Season 4 (my favorite season) is fast approaching!! To answer your question about Billy: he’s the host, just like Will was last season. The mind flayer chose him to recruit people to make itself larger. It needs Billy alive so he can continue doing its bidding.

Isabella Esparza

I don't know if anyone has said this yet but the actors who play Nancy and Jonhathan are actually dating in real life.


Yeah but he was never a detective he was an investigative journalist turned private investigator. But I get what you’re saying, investigator is pretty much like a detective just different name lol

Gem Read

Have you guys seen Back to the Future by any chance? The movie they were watching at the cinema?

Liam O'Donnell

This season Max really puts a lot on El. Like Mike is often a tool, but he's right. He is concerned for El and everyone relying on her to do everything. Max proves it this episode when she says to Lucas talking about how to stop the mind flayer "yeah, El". Like obvs els best chance to finish off the mind flayer, but she's going to need all the back up she needs.