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Hey Rangers, hope you enjoy our reaction!



Alex Ramirez

The wait is over !


Yesss! Been waiting for this this and John wick 4 are my favorite movies of 2023


“I don’t wanna cry” well yall might 😂 I can’t lie I teared up in the theater watching this first time ever that happened to me watching a movie


James Gunn is one of the best if not THE best Comic Book Movie director of all time! Of course he was choosen to lead DC for their new universe. I can't wait to see this with you guys!

Aldo Gonzales

I forgot to tell you guys this during your reaction in Quantumania: welcome to phase five. And you’re right, Vince. The opening scene does set the tone for this movie. The other movies strayed out with happy music, but the song called Creep describes what Rocket has felt for so long. Adding it up, this is the final movie with the team as we know them. It’s also James Gunn’s last involvement with Marvel. In case you don’t remember, the golden guy is Adam Warlock. He was “introduced” in the third post-credit scene in Volume 2. He was still in a birthing pod at the time. And yes, those abelisks are just like the one that the Guardians fought in the beginning of the same film. I feel like Adam was underused in this movie because there was so much going on, but he had been hinted almost seven years ago. He had to show up sooner rather than later. I feel like he will return though. He’s a very new character in the MCU, and I can only imagine the hours of makeup that Will Poulter has to endure. They gotta count for something. Lylla was portrayed by Linda Cardellini. She previously portrayed Hawkeye’s wife Laura. At least Peter admitted to screwing up in Infinity War, but “nearly destroyed” is a dangerous understatement. He made half of the intergalactic population vanish including himself and some of his fellow Guardians for five years. Then again, it was supposed to happen as part of the one victory Doctor Strange foresaw. My favorite funny moment Mantis using her powers on those three guards in Orgocorp. Chukwudi Iwuji has said in several interviews that he doesn’t want us to empathize with the High Evolutionary. He genuinely wants us to hate him. I certainly do. It’s interesting because this is the first villain in a long time that we don’t have to empathize with. In the recent years, that has become the norm throughout most superhero media. He also admitted it was difficult for him to watch his own portrayal because in real life he’s a huge animal lover. He hates his own character as much as we do. It’s a bit hard to notice the first time, but Drax was carrying the High Evolutionary while he and his fellow Guardians were running with the pack of animals as the remnants of the Arete exploded. Then in an unfinished deleted scene, the High Evolutionary puts his face mask back on while Rocket locks him up in a cell on Knowhere. Following the release of this movie in theaters, James Gunn confirmed that the High Evolutionary is still alive. That means there’s some potential for this big bad boss to return in the future. My favorite fight scenes were Star-Lord and Groot gunslinging and then of course the Guardians fighting together one last time with No Sleep Till Brooklyn playing in the background. Gamora understandably wasn’t at her best in this film. I liked her the most in Volume 2 because she developed a motherly instinct towards Groot and reconciled with Nebula. At least Peter got to properly say goodbye to Gamora and gain some sense of closure. Throughout the movie he had held on hope that she was the same Gamora he knew, but by the end he accepted her all the same. In a similar sense, Gamora wanted Peter to get in his head that she’s not who he desired but she also began to understand why she was so special to him. For me, Nebula and Groot were the highlights of this film. I never thought Nebula would have so much emotion, but I feel like in part it’s because she hung out a lot with Rocket during the blip since he was the only other active Guardian to survive. She even called him a friend right before entering the Orgoscope. As for Groot, he’s become much more reliable. He really surprised me with the ammo and the wings. It’s so cool that he could fly now, or at least glide. He also almost made me cry when he saw Peter freezing to death. The dude really is the heart of the squad. Drax found a new sense of fatherhood. My favorite moment with him was when he translated for Groot to Adam. And finally, Come And Get Your Love by Redbone helps bring the Guardians’ journey full circle. The good news is that the entire team survived. For months, many of us had been theorizing that it was gonna follow the formula that Endgame and No Way Home used where they kill off a major character in a film that closes an extensive arc. There were definitely a number of close calls, but for once everyone in the core team lived. Regarding the future of the Guardians, the sad news is that this movie is still the last time we’ll see some of them. Dave Bautista said that he would like to move on to do some more dramatic roles. I also understand that having to sit still during makeup can be a hassle. Zoe Saldaña has also said this would be her last time portraying Gamora but would like to see her portrayed by someone else in the future. However, I recently heard that she would like to see Gamora and Peter rekindle in the long run. So perhaps not all hope is lost yet. Personally I don’t see anyone else fit for the role. If we’re fortunate, maybe we’ll see her for the imminent fight against the Council of Kangs. Either way, Zoe is grateful for all the positive feedback on her portrayal especially from the female fan base. Karen Gillan did express interest in portraying Nebula again. I would personally hope so, because we’ve seen an immense amount of character development from her – especially with Volume 2, Endgame, and this film.


Y’all seen were the millers!? I wish that was on the channel


Y’all actually seen Adam warlock in the after credits of guardians 2

Alex Ramirez

13:40 min in , and y’alls reaction is not disappointing right now 🔥


The high evolutionary is the purple guy played by chuckwudi I don’t remember his last name lol, but he’s a phenomenal actor he’s also in peacemaker you guys should check that out

Zac Cochrane

They would love Peacemaker. Might be a Patreon exclusive but so worth it. Most of the writers and actors from that show had a lot to do with this movie. Even though it's DC comics. You'd have to watch The Suicide Squad first though


Omw home, subway subs in my bag. So ready for this and later tonight some Echo. Ohh what a glorious day.

Jihad Lee

Yes we can now understand Groot. James Gunn said we have been apart of this group for 3 movies so it’s finally time for us to know what Groot is saying. We all been apart of their journey. We are finally apart of the family.


“The PERFECT MIX” is prob my fav reaction channel b/c y’all can enjoy the EXPERIENCE of seeing a new movie - even if, once it’s over, it wasn’t the best movie in general. You guys make it fun no matter what. #Respect

Happy Hanukkah

[EDITED] Why do we need a 2.5 hour video when Vince already had the right idea a mere 1.5 minutes in? :-) 1:56:10 "I'm done runnin'." That's right. The time for running has passed; it is now time for slow-motion walking! :-) 2:06:42 I guess it's not a trap, it's a ... :-) Watching the final party, I hope y'all remembered Drax's stated position on dancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEMLdslP9gc Regarding the High Evolutionary, he's not that very scary 1v1, but that's what makes him having such a rep and building such a powerful organization so impressive. But yeah, this doesn't translate so well in the movie, where he comes across mostly as a ranting and raving nutjob. The actor did an excellent job and I enjoyed it, but I get where Vince is coming from. Finally, I agree with Shoshana about this being the best MCU film in a while. Unfortunately.


I agree with you Vince. You go from the first movie having Ronan wielding an infinity stone. The second one Peter’s dad is basically a god. And then this one where it’s essentially a mad scientist creating wacky species.


James Gunn earned my trust with Superman after this movie


Yes. Guys you can’t keep the notion of don’t skip anything and then get to a show you don’t like and say skip it. They did she hulk which by ratings was worse than Secret Invasion


Lowkey my top 3 mcu film


Such an amazing dam reaction guys been waiting on this one for a while 🔥 such a good movie , by the way James Gunn confirmed that at the end that’s not groot speaking English for the first that’s just us understanding what groot says


Ugh this movie was one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions 🥲


Actually the worst MCU project. Has little to no redeeming qualities. At least She-Hulk had good moments lol


By the way, this is more or less confirmed to be the last Guardians of the Galaxy film. If they ever do return in the future, it will be a new team and James Gunn won't be attached to the project (as he's running DC now). That's why the film feels very climactic as it's ending this era of the Guardians. It does seem they have a project lined up for Starlord though, which was teased at the end, so that's pretty cool


Loved it. Best MCU project in quite some time. I'm with Shoshanna I thought the High Evolutionary was an incredible villain and actor. The theme seemed to be that flaws are what make life unique not perfection like he was striving for.

Aldo Gonzales

Worse, he was a mad scientist with no regard for the beings he was experimenting with. They were just his projects to him and nothing more.

Aldo Gonzales

A journey that lasted nearly a decade across three movies, two ensembles, one cameo, and a holiday special.


Wow this MCU film was amazing seeing it the second time. Defs top 5 in my opinion. Everything was executed perfectly and everyone had their perfect ending.

Cole Trahan

I hope they cry there eyes out like we all did in the theaters😂


This was the last guardians movie and if theres another it wont all be them.

Kevin Matthew

This movie was so damn good and emotional.

Aldo Gonzales

Indeed. They only watched She-Hulk because a number of people advised to do so on their livestream. They also said that they wouldn’t watch something that we’re not gonna be interested in. That would apply to Secret Invasion. Loki season 2 is way better.

Steven Warner

Head bobbing with you guys in multiple scenes 😂😂😂

Mitchell Smilie

A reminder that great directors and writers can elevate this genre. A lot of people talk about "superhero fatigue", but the bigger problem has been the lack of good filmmakers and writers working on these projects in recent years. Or at the very least, filmmakers and writers that are suited to this genre. Hopefully as Marvel dials things back, they can get back to hiring the (in Trump voice) "best people" and regain the critical and commercial buzz that made the MCU so great in its first decade.


I love how Vince asked why Quill doesn’t have his mask and flying boots in this movie. The two things he ALWAYS has with him in every movie. And then a few scenes later Quill almost dies because he doesn’t have his mask and rocket boots! Lol

Hector Avila

Loved your reaction to this! I do agree with Shaw, the villain was amazing, his acting was superb! But I do get what Vince is saying, for his knowledge and all the technology advancements he has made, he should be able to become more powerful and harder to defeat. Then again, if they wanted to develop such a throwdown at the end they would've needed to develop his character longer and have other scenes where he beats them in order for all the Guardians to come together and beat him in the end, and that probably would've added about an extra 40 minutes to an hour of film. So, I get why they did it but I also appreciate they made the movie so good that you're so happy when ge gets his ass whooped that you don't even care about all that! Anyways, one of my top 5 all time Marvel films!

Happy Hanukkah

By the way, the scene where Warlock rescues Quill is a reference to the famous painting The Creation of Adam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creation_of_Adam#/media/File:Michelangelo_-_Creation_of_Adam_(cropped).jpg Culture! :-)

Hamza Darby

For me, my favourite Guardians, it's in my top 10 for MCU for sure. Oh yeah, I'm with Sh on the villain. His power wasn't "being powerful" his power was being probably the most evil character that's ever been in the MCU.

Hamza Darby

For me he was the most evil villain the MCU has ever had. Power is irrelevent to me, it's behaviour that makes the villain.

Mark W

don't know if anyone mentioned this, but that diamond ravager apart of Sylvester Stallone crew is Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor from SmallVille. 😎👍

Maurice Jamian Cupido

The movie really got me in my feels. Kinda bitter sweet cuz it kinda seems like a good buy to the team but at the same time u feel happy 4 them. Loved the reaction. Came 4 the MCU but im staying cuz yall the shit. Keep up the good work guys. Loving the stranger things too. Gotta finish the last of us at some point though. Wont regret it.

Jacob Alley

Lol im so glad immediately when Groot spoke actually spoke you guys knew it was us being able to understand him now