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Hey Rangers, shout out to *CHASE TAYLOR* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




Yesss been waiting patiently for this 🔥


Great reaction guys. Yes he definitely killed the wife. The tell tell sign is from when he left her house. He checked under his shoes as if making sure that he didn't have any blood on them. Dude is a menace.

Flick Freaks

Another 10/10 film

Justin Cross

So he does actually kill the wife, but off camera... As he walks out of the house at the end, he checks the bottom of his shoes, in which he's checking to see if he stepped in any blood from her.


It was perfect timing! The way yall were mentally mapping out how the final would be the two of them in a shootout then RIGHT after saying that they pan to the cartel leaving the hotel and him killed offscreen. Thats why the movie did that for sure. We're so used to the unrealistic final stand-off when reality is way more boring and a punch to the face about this stuff. This movie for sure leaves an impression.


it really is a crazy movie. the chaos of it all, some stories are crazier than this, real, and never get told, or solved


Thank you for this pick Chase! I always vote for this movie whenever they ask for movie suggestions. I think the toin coss scene is one of my favorite cinematic scenes of all time. Javier Bardem played such a fantastic intriguing and terrifying villain. I would love to see him as Doctor Doom in the MCU.

titanus creature44

For some major suggestions of a movie series here is what I recommend I think yall will love it

titanus creature44

And the equalizer trilogy in case you guys haven't seen it yet. Overall this are all great films despite how people think of them


Josh Brolin was also Thanos


That final monolog from the the sheriff talking about his dreams is one of my ones from every movie I've seen, so much reflection and depth in it

Chase Taylor

Glad y'all enjoyed it. Can't go wrong with Coen brother movies! My last 3 movie requests were from those directors.

Mitchell Smilie

It's hard to pick the best Coen Brothers film, but this one gets my vote. My favorite scene in this film has changed over the years. I believe my favorite scene now is the final scene where the sheriff describes his dreams. It's a masterpiece of a performance from Tommy Lee Jones. The Coen Brothers filmography is littered with great actor performances, but this is the best. Every single performer freaking nails it. Anton is not in the hotel when the sheriff returns to the hotel. The sheriff is imagining him in the hotel, and that's why he draws his gun. Anton had already come and gone. If he had really been in there, one of them wasn't walking away.

Juan Genao

This is a great movie. I never expected main character to be killed off screen. Also loved how some scenes are left to interpretation but we know enough about Anton to know he killed them. Also if you come across a bunch of dead bodies and a bag of money.......get out of there asap without leaving any trace. Take the money with you but swap bags and check for trackers and NEVER go back to crime scene.


Tron Legacy is so good. There is no official 4k release. But did you know there is a 70GB, 4K open matte (no black bars at the top) HDR version floating around some torrent sites, that was leaked from the studio. Enjoy!


Can't wait to watch this. There Will Be Blood is a must after this!

Jason Murillo

This movie is a great example of subverting the audience's expectations in a satisfying way. You want Llewellyn to succeed, but when he's killed even though it's disappointing it makes sense because the movie has been telling you the whole time he is out of his league.

Fine Fe

Hi guys thanx for the reaction As for Tommy Lee Jones character and his scene with Anton after coming back to the motel Before this scene he was talking to his cop friend and mentioned that Anton did came back to the crime scene and killed Woody Harleson character So he assumed that Anton will come back to the motel and he was right the key lock was punched out So he took his chance 50/50 that he might still be there or may be not (following the theme of the movie about chance and luck) And he was lucky that Anton already left but only to find out that he took the money from the vent (the police and Mexicans didn't know that Josh Brolin character kept the money inside the vent again!) So Anton gets the money at the end and kills the wife as he promised! It is a dark movie but close to reality and that's what makes it unique


Yes, he killed her. He checked his feet for blood when leaving the house. Remember when he killed woody, he was careful not to let blood on his shoes. So, i think she is dead! He made too many mistakes. First he should not have gone back to give that guy water. no point. he was gonna be dead anyway and there is no way he would have identified him anyway. Second, he didnt even check the cash box at all. Imagine if he didnt go back, checked the cash, took out the tracker, lived normal for a month or so, and then left town. OR...just took out a few thousand cash and left OOOOR take nothing hahaha. Too bad...