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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of Ms. Marvel hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



I literally look forward to 9 AM everyday now lol.


FYI I saw The Marvels last night. I really enjoyed it. Y’all will get there soon. You’re powering through the MCU.


It was such a good movie! I know they’re gonna love it


Is stranger things gonna be once a week?

Aldo Gonzales

In the 1942 flashback the Clandestines were standing on top of the Ten Rings logo. I didn’t notice it the first time, but then I saw the Normies’ reaction to this episode. Suraj and Damarin pointed it out. There’s no confirmation as to why the bangle was in Ten Rings territory, but my guess as of now is that Shang-Chi’s father Wenwu collected powerful artifacts he thought would be useful in the long run. He was all about conquering until he would meet his wife 54 years later. @16:33 That quote is directly from the comics. I believe it was issue #5 of the 2014-2015 comic run. It was even told to Kamala by her father Yusuf in the recent Avengers game. @20:01 During the wedding reception, the camera zooms in on one particular partygoer clapping to the music. It’s Sana Amanat making a cameo. She’s one of the original co-creators of Kamala Khan in the comics. She’s also one of the executive producers for this show.

Holly R

Your reactions were just about where I was on this. As I mentioned in a previous video, everything involving Clan Destine is handled so terribly in this show.

Hamza Darby

Yeah I was never keen on the clandestine plot. I think the show would have been better if they'd cut all that out and made the great grandmother some powerful Kree or something and left the antagonists as the DODC. I'm kind of opposite to you though in that the slower family moments are what I prefer lol.