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Hey Rangers, shout out to *JEREMIAH* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Thank you Jeremiah! Amazing pick. I’ve been trying to get this to appear on a poll for the longest time. Incredible movie.


Jeremiah coming in clutch! This was going to be one of my picks down the road! BTW: Director of this movie Ridley Scott directed Alien and Gladiator as well. Amazing director. Josh Brolin who was in sicario and the corrupt cop in this also plays Thanos.

Mark W

woah they bringing out the big guns now! Denzel & Russell Crowe you can't go wrong. Jeremiah is the GOAT right now!

Jihad Lee

Awesome movie! Nice suggestion Jeremiah! Now we just gonna have to get them to watch Remember The Titans which I’m prepared to do


I agree Shoshana - Denzel is one of my favorite actors too. I love every movie he’s in. You guys would love Training Day.


Aweee hell yea what a classic


Wow I have never seen this extended ending before. The version I watched ends with him being released from prison, and just standing there on the street, broke and alone. Then it cuts to black. Richie doesn’t meet up with him. I think I prefer this extended version much better! It’s a really nice closure to everything, I love it! This should have been the theatrical ending.

All See’er

The Italian mobs used to plant bombs

jrome reacts

I think (training day) is my favorite movie of denzel

Al Batista

You mentioned Common and TI when they were on screen, but no love for The RZA?!?


Shout out Jeremiah for giving them this extended cut. I've seen American Gangster a bunch of times, but I don't think I've ever caught this full version before. I swear it's gotta be like ~20 minutes longer than the theater version haha. Historical inaccuracies aside, great fucking movie.


Oh wow I would love to know that for sure. So I can stop recommending it in the votes. I’ve been recommending for over a year now 😂

Despero Riggity

It’s American gangster, not American gangsters plural. Not hating at all but that does make it clear