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Hey Rangers, here is early access to *Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness* hope you guys enjoy our reaction!


Panthersrule 95

Let’s go! One of the more underrated movies in the MCU






Today is my birthday, and this is just what I wanted lol. Thank you guys!


This is such a fun movie to watch


Omg!! Legends.

Jihad Lee

Oh let’s go!!!

Aldo Gonzales

Until 2019, Marvel Studios legally (and ironically) couldn't use X-Men or even mention them or say the word "mutant" because 20th Century Fox held the film rights to them. However, after the Walt Disney company bought Fox's tv and film divisions, Marvel was able to take back the film rights to X-Men, Deadpool, and the Fantastic Four among other characters. As a result of the merger, the Fox corporation became their own thing. So they had to change the name of the tv and film studio. 20th Century Fox is now known as 20th Century Studios. Now that I got that out of the way, here's the real fun detail: Wanda's goal was pretty similar to Kingpin's ambitions in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. He too wanted his family back, but it would be at the expense of the multiverse. My favorite part of this entire movie was hearing the reorchestrated opening track to X-Men: The Animated Series when Charles arrived. However, this version of Charles is not the same incarnation from the X-Men movies. 838-Charles is pretty much a merger of both the animated series and the live-action films. He's even wearing the same suit and riding the same hoverchair as his counterpart from the cartoon. In fact, the success that the X-Men cartoon had was the reason that 20th Century Fox had decided to create their film series to begin with. If and when you decide to continue with the X-Men films, you should rewatch the first two so you don’t forget the lore because some of it gets confusing later on. And of course we’ll fill in the blanks without spoiling. X-Men: The Animated Series ran for five seasons from 1992 to 1997, but now Marvel Studios is producing a sixth season set to premiere soon. The continuation will be under the name X-Men '97. Most of the original voice cast is returning, and a seventh season is already underway. In other news, a Fantastic Four film is in development now and it’s currently set for May 2nd 2025. It will be directed by Matt Shakman, the same guy who directed all nine episodes of WandaVision. Originally, MCU Spider-Man director Jon Watts was supposed to direct this new film. Instead, he'll be taking a sabbatical from superhero films until it's time to work on the MCU's fourth Spider-Man entry. In the meantime, Jon worked on a new Star Wars show called Skeleton Crew starring Jude Law. It will premiere on Disney Plus this winter. Black Bolt is from the Inhumans show that unfortunately didn't do so well, but words like inhuman and terrigen play a key role in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It's seven seasons long, but the characters of the show make it all the more enjoyable.

Jasmine Reigns

This movie was soooo dope in IMAX 🔥


I think you meant captain marvel, not captain America


HAHA just from the thumbnail, i’m so excited to watch this later 🍿🍿


This Phase 4 of the MCU was just not good...they made Strange look weak in this, and them trying to make me care about Wanda's motivation to find her IMAGINARY kids is just dumb...and I'm not hating it's just a perspective from someone who likes good filmmaking and is actually a Marvel fan that misses when they were consistently good

Brian - VampyreKing - Cacini

I can't wait to watch this! This is one of my favorite MCU movies. A lot of people don't like the movie but I think Sam Raimi did an amazing job with this. The special effects are phenomenal!

Theo Sebuliba

Honestly watching the phase 4 projects again, some of them are actually pretty good, I think they just came out way too close together and there wasn’t enough time to digest them all at the same time.


I’m literally at work training someone but as soon as I’m done I’m on this 😂🔥


You guys need to watch the rest of the X-men movies!!!!, also fantastic 4!!!!


Y'all definitely need to check out the How To Train Your Dragon trilogy!!!!!

Rashad Walker

I liked this one better than the first even though I thought I liked the first film. Are u goin to get back into the daredevil series?


Daredevil. That's all I have to say.


You guys should watch the fantastic four 2005 movie you’ll know who they are in marvel since you say that version of Mister Fantastic in the blue uniform of the Illuminati turn into noodles by Wanda in the movie 😏


The hate Phase 4 got was just not justified. People wanted Avengers Endgame from there on out. Like what? People need to be realistic. Marvel is such a huge universe and there are so many incarnations of characters. We saw that in Across the Spider-Verse with Spider Man. People were comparing new characters to the OG Avengers. Which isn't fair. Am I saying Phase 4 is perfect? No. But it isn't bad as people make it out to be. Can't wait to watch this later with y'all one of my favorites!

Mark W

I hear you brother, but let them enjoy it! I only watched it in theaters because I am a fan of Sam Raimi and saw horror elements of Evil Dead in this movie. Glad Bruce Campbell was in it tho

Theo Sebuliba

I said in an earlier comment was that most of the projects in phase 4 were actually pretty good watching them back with the perfect mix, but they came out so close together that there wasn’t enough time to properly take it in


Shoshanna is almost always correct with actors lol.


Finally can check this out! Im not the biggest fan of this movie but I’m excited for your guys reaction to it!

Bryan Kelly

Now you have to watch the rest of the Xmen and fantastic 4 movies. Marvel sold these projects in the 90's that is why they haven't been in the MCU but Disney bought fox and got them back

Ben Gibb

I feel the opposite, I’m kinda tired of all the overpowered characters. I wanna see some of the more gritty street level characters. Speaking of that, echo seems to be going in that direction. Would love to see a reaction to the “echo” trailer while she’s still fresh in your heads from Hawkeye.


I’m surprised y’all don’t know who the fantastic four are.


The Illuminati in marvel comics is a group of multiversal heros, it’s not the Illuminati we all know 😂


What kinda chips yall eating on lol


I’ve seen damn near all these projects throughout the years and now I’m realizing why casual mcu fans are getting hero fatigued. All this homework you have to do to enjoy a mcu film/show is wild. 😂


They already reacted to both Deadpool films!


Characters Infomation: Professor X: So of course Charles Xavier you of course know from the X-Men films. From a visual design he's pulled right out of the X-Men Animated Series from the yellow hoverchair to the green suit and blue tie. The X-Men 97 theme also plays when he's introduced BUT this isn't the same Professor X from the Animated Series 1990s universe. The 1990s Marvel shows all took place in a shared animated universe, within this universe Steve Rogers was Captain America so the fact Captain Carter is the First Avenger disproves that this is the 1990s Animated Universe. Sir Patrick Steward is playing the character and even quotes a line from Days of Future Past so he's like a mix of the 1994 Animated Series Charles and the one from the X-Men Movies. Mister Fantastic: Reed Richards is a member of the Fantastic Four created in 1961 two years before The Avengers in 1963. The Fantastic Four are indeed Marvel created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and are seen as Marvel's first Family. His wife is Susan Storm A.K.A The Invisible Woman and there son could be Franklin Richards an extremely powerful Mutant in the comics. On the topic of the F4 they also appeared in Spider-Man first comic book (After Amazing Fantasy #15) with Spider-Man himself having a very strong bond with the Fantastic Four, more so Johnny Storm, the Human Torch. Should note that John Krasinski did not play Mister Fantastic in any other film instead he was fan cast as Mister Fantastic for the MCU. It's unclear if he's playing Mister Fantastic of the main universe as there is a Fantastic Four film confirmed for the MCU. Captain Carter: Captain Carter is back but she's not the same one from the What If...? series. I wouldn't be surprised if her history is similar to that of the Carter we see in What If....? Black Bolt: Black Bolt is an Inhuman who are altered human that are the result of experiments on themselves or their ancestors extraterrestrials. Pretty much they're kind of like Mutants and when Fox owned the rights to the X-Men the heads at Marvel actually made a deal that any new character introduced would be an Inhuman instead of a Mutant as they didn't want to give any characters to Fox. Characters like Ms Marvel was introduced as a Inhuman but she was originally going to be a Mutant. There was an Inhumans show but it wasn't good at all but they did bring back Anson Mount as Black Bolt for this film which is great. His outfit is also amazing pulled right out of the comic. Iron Man?: A possible Tony Stark. So in this universe it seems that the Ultron program worked. In the comics Ultron was created by Hank who is the first Antman but I'm assuming that in Earth-838 Tony also created Ultron. This means that there's a Tony Stark of this universe as well who did not die by using the stones. Many people theorised that he could be Superior Iron Man as the Ultron designs look very much like Superior Iron Man's Armor. America Chavez: And finally America Chavez. She was originally meant to show up in No Way Home as she appeared in one of the concept art helping Spider-Man fight "an" Mysterio at the Statue of Liberty alongside Doctor Strange. In the comics Chavez possesses superhuman strength and durability, and the power of flight. Chavez also has the power to kick open star-shaped holes in reality, allowing her and her teammates to travel through the multiverse and into other realities like we see in this film.


The horror elements are sort of where director Sam Raimi started (he directed the Evil Dead series as well as directing the Tobey Maguire SpiderMan trilogy). There was a red flash when Mt Wundagore collapsed to keep the door open for Wanda. The character in the end credits scene played by Charlize Theron is Clea (who is related to Dormamu from the first film), Dr Stranges long time girlfriend in the comics. America Chavez could be a member of the Young Avengers along with Wanda’s children and Isaiah Bradley’s grandson from Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

The Answer

Sam Raimi is the director of this film, he directed Spiderman movies in 2002, and the Evil dead movies. He's one of the best in horrors.

Demetrius Walker

Yah have to watch the old Fantastic Four movies🔥🔥🔥


Such a great reaction guys! Y’all make any movie I don’t like better 😂❤️ guardians 3 is soon n that’s what I’ve been most excited for

Fred Fonseca

I know the x men movies aren’t always great but we would really enjoy if you continue the x men series, there are some top tier movies in there-days of future past, first class, logan


i just saw the other day where the mcu official timeline book just confirmed that our main mcu version of wanda died when it collapsed


good thing they just announced marvel spotlight seems like it will bring a bunch of street level projects

Cole Trahan

Ain't no way shoshana told vince to shush when she was the one talking at 1:21:27 smh

Max Wiidanen

I enjoy this movie but it definitely points out the fact Wanda is a broken character in these movies, she’s so strong literally only she can kill herself


I enjoy your reaction. 👍

Mitchell Smilie

I must admit that I am enjoying this second viewing of the Phase 4 projects after being disappointed during many of these the first around. Someone commented above that Marvel should have spaced these out more, and I think that's a good point. That said, I don't think any number of viewings is going to change my opinions on She-Hulk and Secret Invasion. We shall see. Ms Marvel was very much a mixed bag for me the first viewing, but the actress that plays the character, Iman Vellani, is great as the character. I just thought the story wasn't particularly interesting. But my second viewing of Moon Knight with y'all definitely kicked that one up my personal list for Phase 4 so who knows.


Doctor strange doesn't still have the darkhold he just still has the after effects of it


The blonde girl at the end is Charlize Theron, from Hancock and fast and furious etc.


Don't forget that Mordo in this movie is the same guy from 12 Years a Slave

Tanner McCormack-Wright

I personally don't think Wanda is dead. Without saying to much in case of potential spoilers in the future she's so important to existence based off the type of being she is and with how popular she's become I can't see Marvel killing her off. I think they're taking her off the table for now because of how powerful she is to let other things unfold.

alejandro valles

i wish they had an actual battle where they could actually use their powers. both strange & wanda's powers were criminally wasted in this movie, not just strange's. wanda barely used any of her powers, she mainly just threw energy blasts at everyone / used their powers against them. also the kids - i'm pretty sure they were real. i mean she reality warps, so that means she warped her kids into reality right? if i remember correct, the only fault in the creation of her kids was tying their existence to the hex spell like agatha said. if she hadn't done that, they would exist outside of the hex, meaning they're technically real? i could be wrong, i'm not sure

alejandro valles (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 19:26:47 agreed. marvel would be stupid to fire elizabeth olsen after this, especially when they criminally underused wanda's full powerset in this movie.
2024-01-21 19:26:47 agreed. marvel would be stupid to fire elizabeth olsen after this, especially when they criminally underused wanda's full powerset in this movie.
2024-01-20 08:59:59 agreed. marvel would be stupid to fire elizabeth olsen after this, especially when they criminally underused wanda's full powerset in this movie.

agreed. marvel would be stupid to fire elizabeth olsen after this, especially when they criminally underused wanda's full powerset in this movie.