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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of *Moon Knight* hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Ohhhh yaaaa


Moooon Knightttt Yessssss

Cole Trahan

Episode 4 at 18:12 there is snake skin that gets showed for like 0.3 seconds. It’s being materialized. There is no movement, no head. So shoshana should just watch through it. It’s a really important scene. She shouldn’t be worried at all.

Aldo Gonzales

Natalie Gold pointed out one major flaw in Arthur’s plan. Ammit’s method may prevent people from making mistakes, but it also doesn’t give them a chance to learn and grow from them. Belgian reactor Movies with Mary who studied law had also reminded us that one can be punished for an action but not for a thought. I love it when UK-based reactors checked out this episode. Monica Catapusan, Sebscreen, Laila Naema, Rico & Monica – you name ‘em. Now we just need Don Townsend to watch this show. When Steven is wearing the suit, his codename is Mr. Knight. FictionalDarling said he looks like a mummy, but I feel that he looks like a Kingsman Deadpool. On a side note, you guys should also watch The Golden Circle if you haven’t yet. By the way, Shoshana, did you notice that Steven has a mezuzah in his apartment? He and Marc also wear a necklace with the Star of David.

Jarick Richardson

When Steven activated the suit that was the secondary suit when Steve is in control that was Mr. Knight


I think the moon god that picks the people are his avatars. Like the guy before said “I was his former avatar before you”


This show does such a great job at the split***personality concept and does so good making you feel bad for Steven, and Oscar Issac does amazing at playing both Steven and mark(I had to edit this realized i had a bad typo)😭


Shona Vince don’t be embarrassed about your theories😂 we all had crazy theories and so many questions we were all confused. But keep watching the show explains and answers everything


In the comics Steven's suite is called Mr. Knight, and it's my favorite 🤩


Literally didn’t say anything they didn’t see already dude

Aldo Gonzales

First of all, Sheen, they already saw the entire show. If you don’t believe me, you can check the chat. Second of all, Rolando, that’s not what it’s called anymore. The accurate name is dissociative identity disorder or DID.

Aldo Gonzales

Hey, Simon. That’s not what it’s called. The accurate name is dissociative identity disorder or DID.


Dude it’s not a spoiler 😂😂😂 it’s obvious in this episode !!


Why do you guys have to be so accurate to 😭💀 like we know the medical term, but calling it split personality or multiple personality disorder is all the same thing , we’re tryna just be quick here


I love the theories after the episodes, thats the fun part about watching these shows. Most of what yall are thinking about will be explained soon, so dont worry about it.

Aldo Gonzales

No it’s not the same thing. Do your research. We need to be respectful for those who are going through it.

Steven Warner

I like how you didn’t cut it out 😂😂 trust me you both are not far off, dont feel bad about opinions after such minimal info


Never seen a grey mummy lol


Again with the name thing. Please you guys, please start studying the name of the things. If you wanna react more attentively, get some notepads and a pen to take notes. This franchise is super connected and I constantly feel like you guys aren't making the effort, at this point, to learn the names of characters, or artifacts, or missions, or significant places...etc. I've been watching y'all for a while now, and I just feel like a lot needs to improve starting with the naming. aspects; characters, gods, start thinking of "how could this tie into what we've seen?" of course not every detail will tie into what you've seen previously so far, but the point is the effort. I also suggest watching Breakdown channels like New Rockstars is a good one... in your free time look up the clues and details you missed. New Rockstars has a breakdown on every episode of every marvel show and movie. The point is to show your effort. This is all constructive criticism and love, and I want to stick around for more, but it ends up just getting frustrating when you guys, in every reaction, with multiple characters you've seen from multiple phases of the MCU, don't stick the landing on names and connectivity. Your knowledge of this franchise should've significantly grown by now, but you can't even remember Wong's name? Calling him Wang? And the Hawkeye reaction with the names all throughout the whole season.. do you guys care? Genuine question. All love, J.


You gotta chill bro seriously you too locked in, you writing whole paragraphs Brody relax


Y’all are fine 99% of people watch shows and movie just like y’all we here for the couples reactions. Great couple

Aldo Gonzales

He’s got a point though, and the next couple of shows have a bunch of names that can be hard to memorize.


To be fair, you’ve been watching the MCU for over 15 years and have probably seen every movie multiple times. They’ve only been on this journey for 8 MONTHS. Forgetting the names of side characters is completely reasonable. They shouldn’t have to “take notes” and do hours of homework and research just to enjoy the MCU.


And those breakdown videos on YouTube would ruin their experience and the reaction in my opinion. It’s more fun watching them discuss it on their own without someone on YouTube spelling everything out for them. And this community is very good about correcting them on things or pointing out things they missed. They always read our comments which is part of the fun of a reaction channel.


Jermey you got problems bro😂 it’s not that deep they’re just names , it’s honestly funny as hell when they get a name wrong , “Andrew griffin” will always be legendary 😂🔥


I've been watching the MCU around the same time they started....you just saying I've been watching it for 15 years is actually crazy. I wrote this as constructive criticism. None of it was a demand. I'm also paying monthly for this, I think I should have a respectful opinion. I don't leave hate comments and never will, and this wasn't that. The whole "book" & "paragraph" & "chill out bro" means nothing to me when I objectively made it clear this wasn't hate. Bombarding and ganging up on your fellow community member really makes me start to question if this is the community for me. I shouldn't have to feel ganged up on something that actually makes sense, is actually helpful, and had a big warning on it that it wasn't hate. Y'ALL are taking it too far, and I hope that my comment actually resonates with Vince and Shaw and they took something out of it.


He wrote another paragraph. Yo listen bro ain’t nobody bullying you. Control your emotions.


You guys keep doing you. Love your reactions.


@Jeremy Your entire rant was extremely negative and hostile AF. Just because you ended your 5 paragraphs with “much love” doesn’t make it positive 😂 If you need to take notes and watch hundreds of YouTube videos to understand the MCU, then I don’t think these movies/shows are for you. Just saying.

Aldo Gonzales

Well she did. She did that before in Falcon and Winter Soldier. Why does she do that again? Does she hate them?