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Hey Rangers, shout out to *MRVIDEOTAPE* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



When will 21 jump street be out ?


From the same director as Pacific Rim

Flick Freaks

This is my favorite foreign language film of all time.


This movie it's very good!


The practical design for this film still blows my mind from the outfits to the set design it's all soo good. I do recommend some German expressionist cinema like Nosferatu, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Metropolis, etc. Even films like Batman 89 by Tim Burton was heavily inspired by this very surreal style of films, all of Burton films are like this as well. Oh and can't forget about The Man Who Laughs a film that inspired the creation of the Joker with the character of Gwynplaine. Would be fun reactions for Halloween.


I'm going to come down on side of it really happened. She was having a hard life, maybe she was obsessed with fairy tales because of her true self. Movie also about obedience vs disobedience. Fancy dress styled after Alice in wonderland, red shoes not ruby slippers And there is a theory about whe she uses her left or right hand but I can't remember.


Guillermo Del Toro(The director and writer) said that it’s objectively real the way he structured it, but that it’s fine by him if people interpret it in their own personal way. There’s nothing ambiguous about it. He left 3 clues in the movie and The most important clues are the flower at the end, and the fact that there’s no way other than the chalk door to get from the attic to the Captain’s office...Objectively, those two clues tell you it’s real. The third clue is she’s running away from her stepfather, she reaches a dead end, by the time he shows up she’s not there. Because the walls open for her.

Jason Murillo

One of my all time favorites, so cool you got to react to it!

Nathan Towne

Amazing movie. Really cool couple these two are!