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Hey Rangers, WERE FINALLY HERE *No Way Home* Lets GO! Hope you guys enjoy our reaction! Also, just a heads up, we are dealing with no AC in our apartment. They installed a portable AC until they come fix ours. So, if you hear some extra noise in the background that's what it is. 



Yesss!! I love yall so excited



Al Batista

Awww yea! Let’s get it!!!

Jayden Kim

It’s here 👀




At work, gonna be waiting all day for this now, fk yea


Fastest I’ve ever clicked on ANYTHING

Aldo Gonzales

Flash may not be everyone’s favorite, but he wasn’t trying to make Peter, Ned, and MJ feel bad. He was under the impression that all four of them were gonna attend MIT. Some of my favorite funny moments were flying green elf, Max complaining about being naked, math cooler than magic (which isn’t true; Natalie Gold, Alex Hefner, and Rana from the Normies would agree on that), and of course the three Peters talking at the same time. When I first saw this movie in theaters, I didn’t notice that the three Peters were pointing at each other. When Peter’s soul was ejected from his body, you could see the Spidey-Sense tingling around him. De La Soul’s song The Magic Number has three different meanings tied to this film: 1.) It’s the third MCU Spider-Man entry 2.) MCU Peter teamed up with two variants 3.) Peter, his best friend Ned, and his girlfriend Michelle were a trinity. De La Soul’s entire discography is finally on all digital platforms. Sadly though, one of their members known as Trugoy the Dove has passed away this February at 54 years old. The purple tears in the sky showed a number of variants of Spider-Man characters. Among them included a version of Kraven the Hunter and a more humanoid Rhino. Kraven is one of several characters getting their own films in the SSU (Sony’s Spider-Man Universe.) He’s a hunter who specializes in creating ingenious traps to catch his game including Spider-Man. Kraven was portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson who was also Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The film was set to premiere two weeks ago, but the strikes have postponed it for August of next year.


about damn time.


This movie was ok to me...the nostalgia carried it a little


Happy “jon favero” pretty sure I butchered his name 💀 he’s a director and has a lot to do with making these movies and lots of others. Great actor and director


Nice reaction. Thanks. 👍


"I'm a really good lawyer"


In that shot of the sky being ripped open you can kind of make out a bunch of Spider-Man villains. The one with the Spear is Kraven The Hunter, The character with the long looking stinger is Scorpion, There's a person who looks kind of like Black Cat, We also see a character with a horn who looks like the classic Rhino in that skin tight suit rather than the militant looking mech suit in Amazing Spider-Man 2, Mysterio which could be another Mysterio from a different universe, and finally Superior Spider-Man with the tentacles on his back pretty much a story from the Prime Marvel Universe (Earth-616, Mainline comics) where Doc Ock took over Peter's Body and became Superior Spider-Man. These are all still up for debate but Mysterio was actually confirmed by Marvel as one of those people in the Sky, even concept art showing Mysterio taking part in the final battle. Other people think they saw Miles Morales as well a skinny tall humanoid shape which suits his character while other people have brought up Madame Web so there’s a lot of possible hints at future characters. Also my theory for why the other two Spider-Men don't know the Avengers is because they may not even be named The Avengers in their universes. In the Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610) a re-imagined and modern take on the Marvel hero's from the 2000s they're called The Ultimates, basically a whole new continuity starting with Ultimate Spider-Man acting as a fresh new start launching alongside the mainline Earth-616 Marvel universe. Ultimate Universe heavily inspired Andrews Spider-Man so that's why that came to mind. Another theory is maybe The Avengers haven't been formed yet because they're simply wasn't any reason to form the team. But the hero's themselves like Captain America, Iron Man, and Hulk could exist in their universes they just haven't been formed into a team. If you recall back to Spider-Man 2 there is a "Doctor Strange" so who knows what hero's exist. And on a final note don't worry about the original films, they all play out the same way. The villains who were pulled into the MCU can be seen as Variants like Loki. They're pulled into the MCU and branch off from the films we've seen. They then return to these branched timelines cured. Do they die or live who's to say but personally the only one I can see dying is Electro as he's inside a power grid now as a normal person. The two Spider-Men though I like to think that there from the main timeline, the versions we see in the films. Nothing was done to cause a branch so they return to like nothing happened and this kind of opens the door for future Toby and Andrew films along with more cameo's down the line.




Original comment is long enough so I'll leave this as a second comment. The reason why Venom was pulled into the MCU is because Venom is connected to the symbiote hivemind while also being connected to his other variants across the multiverse. So even though the Venom from the films has never met or fought Peter Parker/Spider-Man he still knows of his encounters with the character from other universes and thus knows that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. From comics, games, animation, and films Venom has all that knowledge that there is indeed a Spider-Man. Spider-Man according to lore should exist in every universe so there's no doubt a Spider-Man in Sony's universe we've just not met him yet. Sony at the moment are building out there own Spider-Man universe but using his villains such as Venom, Morbius, and the latest up in coming film Kraven the Hunter first. They've yet to introduce a Spider-Man but this could change with the Madam Webb film. Very odd choice to start with the villains and then introduce Spider-Man, Enjoy the Venom films but Morbius was awful so this hope Kraven is good.


No Vince he only told Peter to call him sir because he was mad at him, he seen him as a equal before remembering they saved the world together but then he kept messing up the spell and remembered he was just a kid


Well it didn’t do anything to doctor strange, it fucked the world up lol

Zac Cochrane

This movie was okay, didn't do much for the MCU moving forward. But for a true Spider-Man fan, it was a great movie. Kang was already dead so the timelines were already branching, I found it counter intuitive to bring in another reason why or how the timelines would clash and doctor strange just easily fixing it. Glad y'all enjoyed it tho


He just said “call me sir” because he was just upset. Nothing deeper.


The HYPE leading up to this movie was unreal. The anticipation was on Endgame-level. Waiting for the first trailer to drop was one of the hardest things ever. When photos leaked of Andrew and Tobey in costume, no one knew what to believe. Lots of people thought they were fake, and Andrew denied it for an entire year. The amount of times that he had to deny being in the movie was insane. He was very convincing because I started to believe him lol, so it was a HUGE surprise for me watching this in theaters.


I'm glad you caught what the coach was saying. I found that HILARIOUS. "Or murderers..", "No YOU did that" and "But you powered through." lmaoo

Livia Chapman

Andrew Garfield/ Toby Magiure


Can’t wait to see your reaction to Doctor Strange: in the Multiverse of Madness! It’s my favorite MCU movie!!


I agree but I'm also of the mind that Peter's meddling in the spell would've been fine if it weren't for Silvie. If all other timelines are pruned, there would be no Tobey or Garfield but since TVA Kang is dead, it allowed this chaos to happen.


Great reaction guys. I could tell that Vince wanted to slap the naivety out of Peter throughout this movie. Hilarious.


Electro was a engineer


The second spider man is Andrew Garfield lol I love him as Spider-Man. Toby will always be my favorite tho🔥

Mark W

FINALLY!! Spider-man NO WAY HOME!! 😭 And it was a glorious reaction

Nicholas Obici

Yeah so the MCU really hasn’t specified how everyone forgetting Peter really works. From what people have pieced together, it’s basically: everyone forgot Peter, but everyone remembers Spider-Man. Any hero/villain who has fought against/alongside Spider-Man still has those memories, they just don’t know his identity anymore. Any hero, like Doctor Strange for example, will remember how he helped Spider-Man with the spell and all that, he just doesn’t remember his face/identity

Nicholas Obici

Also guys: it’s seriously really impressive how you both weren’t spoiled at all in the nearly 2 years that this movie’s been out. Even something like memes could’ve given something away. You guys were more in the dark than we were. The trailers for this movie showed the villains, but not the other Peters. But even then, there were so many leaks before the movie came out that a lot of people pretty much knew what they were walking into.


Norman stealing the donuts in the background gets me every time.


Idk if you guys noticed but the way Andrew dove at mj, he had a completely different form of getting there quicker like he’s been thinking about how he could do it differently everyday of his life and he finally got his second chance

Joe Deluca

Yes that is a version of Dark Dr. Strange from what if depicted in live action. You guys will love Multiverse of Madness


Willem Dafoe was super amazing on this movie, Even more than the Original Spiderman.


Vince is so frustrated with Peter’s choice to help the villains. It’s so funny. 😭


It’s Andrew Garfield lol


In comic books Ned does become a villain. The hobgoblin


The smiles and pure excitement for when Tobey and Andrew were revealed makes my day. I'll never forget experiencing it for the first time in theaters.


Such a great reaction guys! Love how amazed and happy yall were 😂❤️


I’d like to know what you guys would rate this


Like others have pointed out Ned Leeds (Comics Ned is a VERY differant character, MCU Ned is basically Ganke, Best friend of Miles Morales) does become or mistaken as a villain being one of the people behind the mask of the Hobgoblin a mysterious character who blackmails and manipulates people into being a decoy. He forces them to take up the mantle of the Hobgoblin with Ned Leeds being one of those people and for a while was the true identity of the first Hobgoblin. But 10 years later in 1997 it was revealed that Roderick Kingsley was the real Hobgoblin and Ned was just brainwashed to be a fall guy, so Ned didn't really have a choice. His original comic run had him being unmasked a bunch of time but as the character changed between writers, each writer had their own idea on who was the real Hobgoblin. But like I said the identity of the Hobgoblin is Roderick Kingsley and depending on the writer it could've been anyone. There's a whole video on this on Youtube. The Hobgoblin is such a cool character though and was voiced by Mark Hamill in the amazing 1990s Spider-Man animated Series the voice of the Joker and of course the actor of Luke Skywalker. Would love to see the Hobgoblin in the MCU, so many cool fake outs you could do by having some important people be revealed under the mask.


No Way Home is one of the most depressing MCU films to date.


In case you were wondering why Spidey went back to his OG suit. It's because his nano-tech suit wouldn't be able to register that he's Peter Parker. The suit, along with anything else in the world/universe(s) forgot who and what he is.


But the movie was definitely fun ngl

Piss On Your Grave

49:15 I know the movie has already explained this, but it doesn't actually matter whether a character died in their original universe. Consider this: why should it make a difference if a character died at some point in the timeline of another universe? After all, every character, regardless of the universe they come from, eventually dies. So, it wouldn't make sense if the spell wouldn't transport them just because they'll die at a certain point in their universe. Also, when we think about the spell, it's worth considering why it would be limited to the story of the movies. These universes have trillions of years of history both before and after the events of the films. So, wouldn't it make more sense for the spell to be able to select characters from any specific point in time within those universes, rather than just based on where the movies ended?

Night Monkey

Andrew is my favorite to he’s the most accurate Spider-Man even tho the others are great as well


Both Tobey and Andrew are of course like the Sony Spider-Man but I'm more referring to Sony's new universe starting with Venom. The Morbius trailer had hints of Spider-Man from having a poster of Tobey's Spider-Man (Funny enough it was a screenshot from the PS4 Spider-Man game wearing the Webb Suit) but the Oscorp logo was from Amazing Spider-Man. So it was like a weird hybrid of the two universes and made no sense. So in the end Sony kind of just removed everything to do with Spider-Man and from our understanding they'll introduce a new Spider-Man in Madam Webb.


you 2 are outstandingly relaxing, so thanks for that*:D well done*


This was such a satisfying reaction to watch. You guys had the BEST reactions at all the right moments. Watching all of the Spider-Man movies before this was definitely worth it. I could feel how excited you guys were, and how emotionally connected you felt to all of the different Peter Parkers.


It's a whole new suit as well, hand crafted by Peter and even less techy compared to the Shark Suit from Civil War and Homecoming. It's basically the closest we've gotten to a classic Spider-Man suit in live action in terms of it's visual design and texture.

Mark W

When Vince and Shoshana said their favorite spiderman was "Andrew Griffin instead of Andrew Garfield I friggin lost it!! 😂😂😭😭 hilarious

Silas Kane

Vince looks so disgusted at Peter's decision making throughout the movie. 😂


What happened to the VS ratings?

Holly R

I love that the big difference between Holland Spider-Man and the others is that his focus is on helping the villains and not defeating them. Other heroes (like Strange shows in this) would have been just fine to send them back to die, but, as MJ says, that's not who this Peter is. I'm also loving that Vince is absolutely not on board with this (just watched the first hour so far). Makes for a very fun reaction.


Just FYI, there is an extended cut of this movie and part of that one is a way longer scene of them talking with each other about their history, villains and the web shooting just prior to the end fight at the statue of liberty I really recommend checking that specific scene out as you loved it so much in this movie. (or... watch the whole extended version! :D)


Peter’s suit looked black in those scenes because he was wearing it inside out. An angry protester threw paint on him, and he was waiting for Aunt May to help him clean it. For me, Tobey’s suit is still the absolute BEST after all these years. And Vince is right, Electro was a scientist not a janitor 🤣

Mark W

yeah, MCU Peter is the youngest Peter so he needs guidance lol

Mark W

damn, I didn't realize that, thought it was suit easter egg from the Spiderman game..that electro suit or something. thks


Crazy fact about the actor who plays Green Goblin, Dr. Osborne. His name is Willem Dafoe and he performed all of his stunts himself. He is 68 years old. What an absolute beast


Unrelated but it would be really cool if you guys checked out Werewolf by Night next. It's a MCU Halloween special (50 mins long) and I think it would be perfect timing to do it for Halloween this year. It doesn't connect to anything else in the MCU so it wouldn't matter if you watched it next :)


Imagine punching someone in the face repeatedly and they just start laughing at you, that’s when you know it’s a wrap green goblin was hitting wwe moves on my boy 😂

Andres Avendaño

Love your reaction! Welcome to the multiverse! Next is Moonknight


Yes, Kevin Feige himself said that the events of Loki allowed the spell to go wrong and opened up the multiverse for our MCU Sacred Timeline


Thats like tied with she hulk for worst marvel project man 😂


This movie essentially kept every theater chain in America from going broke after Covid. It grossed $1.9 Billion at the box office, which is Avengers Infinity War/Endgame numbers. The first movies to go back in theaters after Covid were in Fall 2021, and none of them were making much money (less than $100 million). But this put so many butts in seats at theaters that we still have them today, no joke AMC was so close to bankruptcy. I'd actually wager this caused the Delta variant of Covid to thrive in early 2022, there's absolutely data to back that up.

Hector Avila

*Andrew Garfield *He Who Remains But we know ya'll ain't good with names and we still love ya'll! Having said that, next is the Moon Knight series, but I would suggest you watch Dr. Strange next since it's directly tied up to this movie, it's basically it's sequel, and Moon Knight is totally unrelated, that's a stand apart show for the moment. That way you can go off of this hype straight into Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness, which in my opinion, is one of the best MCU movies to date (just as this ones) and it is also extremely important for the future of the MCU. What happened here in No Way Home was the start of the multiverse saga, and what happens in Dr. Strange just blows everything up by a billion times! I loved your reaction here and can't wait to see how you guys like Multiverse of Madness!


nahh man I loved Werewolf by Night. I do agree with She Hulk tho lol

John smith

After dis movie it really dont matter which order they watch em in cuz most of it is mid

Mitchell Smilie

As someone that grew up reading Spider-Man comic books and watched all of the previous movies, this one really pushed all of the buttons for me. As far as the MCU version of Peter: my only complaint prior to this film was that I preferred more of the loner type of Spider-Man that depended on his own resourcefulness to solve his problems, instead of having a Tony Stark to do so much for him. But after this movie concluded, it became obvious to me that all three movies are the MCU origin story for this Spider-Man. By the time the movie wraps, Peter is now the classic version of Spider-Man. The thing about Peter, and what makes him the greatest comic book character ever imagined is that he always makes a sacrifice for the common good, even if it means his own happiness. It has a tendency to bite him in the ass frequently, but he always does the right thing. Our society could use more of that type of moral center. My hope is that Andrew Garfield (and Toby, if he wishes) will get another standalone movie because he was a real standout in this. His own movies weren't great in my opinion, but that certainly wasn't his fault. Give him a good script and let him finish the role on a high note.

Bob M

This was fun


I get what you mean with the loki idea, but just to clarify loki was about the breaking of timelines within the avengers universe. The doctor strange movie is about the multiverse. (Different universes) one universe can have an infinite amount of timelines completely different and separate then another universe say venoms. So yea loki has nothing to so with timelines in another universes. Hope that helps


nah this is slightly wrong. They have said that a different timeline is a different universe. But I understand why and how u can be confused with everything that’s happening.

Anthony Garcia

Just a heads up. Don't get your hopes up for the next marvel movies/shows. Starting from here a lot of people hate on marvel. But they just don't understand that Marvel is just taking a slower pace than before. Just be patient cause the next big villain will definitely be worth it. People are just expecting every show and movie to be like Avengers & then get disappointed.


Wouldn't agree about a slower pace. The reason they are getting so much hate is because they did too much too fast. Shows and movies etc. They focused on quantity over quality. Marvel has even said that was their mistake and they plan to slow down from now on.


Yea loki season 2 broke my brain😂 I don't remember them connecting the idea of timelines and universes together. I might have to go back and rewatch so you might he right🤷‍♂️ I was just under the impression that each universe had there own timelines.


I know dreams are connected to another universe but I wasn't aware of timelines.lol

Monique Drewett

something to make you sadder than the movie already did.... Peter has to make his own suit at the end because the Stark "Friday" technology no longer recognises him since everyone has forgotten Peter Parker </3

Hamza Darby

Cracking movie, Shang-Chi still my p4 #1 though, I am a sucker for Jackie Chan style of martial arts though. I'd say the movies and shows from this point 'til now get a little bit sloppy, probably tried to do spin too many plates in too short a time when they should have taken some time to stop the plates already spinning. Although I did enjoy Moon Knight, I think his introduction could have waited, Ms Marvel is the only new introduction from now which I think fits, just her series felt a bit muddled and rushed. Still some great moments coming up, I'm sure you'll enjoy it all like I have regardless. Plus, it looks like Marvel are realising their issues and trying to ammend it so the future should still be bright.

Al Batista

Not a quantum physicist, but I think timelines and dimensions are two totally different things. The way I understand it, the multiverse deals in alternate dimensions. For example, that's why the different Spider-Men look different, it's a different dimension. If you time travel back in time, you're going to look the same, cause it's the same dimension.

Zac Cochrane

Time travel has nothing to do with this. They are obviously from different dimensions, which is the same as timelines converging in Loki. After He Who Remains died, those things should have already been happening or worse from all the branched timelines. All I'm saying is it didn't really do anything for the MCU except ppl don't know who Peter Parker is moving forward. The nostalgia kinda carried this movie

Mark W

Idk Hamza, there's a tweet from someone "in the know" saying Silver Surfer will be female.. If Marvel wants to amend their issues, they got to give the fans what they want and thats being respectful of the source material. But of course they won't...

Hamza Darby

Tbf, that doesn't bother me. They've always changed things from the source material. As long as they make a good story with it. If they take their time they should atleast be more likely to create a better product and tie up some of the loose threads they've left dangling.

Rashad Walker

Dr strange told Peter to call him sir after telling him not to because he was annoyed ...nothing more Vince.

Rashad Walker

Loved your reaction...this was my fav spiderman film out of the Tom Holland trilogy. Can't wait for you to watch moonknight

Rashad Walker

If I have to rate phase 4 films I've seen no way home Shang chi Black widow

Super Saiyan God

Ah yeah, Moon Knight is coming up. Hands down the best Marvel Disney show imo.

Super Saiyan God

I don't think Tom Holland's peter parker will meet Gwen because she was part of Spider-Man Homecoming, remember vulture's daughter was Gwen. Gwen ended up moving as a result of what happened to her father and so she's out of the picture. EDITED: P.S. I totally forgot about the 1st love interest in Spider-Man Homecoming was Liz and not Gwen, that's my mistake.



Jacob Dupont

I love Andrew Griffin


That wasn't intended to be a version of Gwen Stacy. Her name was Liz


Yeah it’s alright, this season breaking everyone brain. And yeah i don’t remember if it was loki, endgame, multiverse madness, or what if that had confirmed that.


Pretty much every timeline is a different universe. There cannot be 2 timelines in one universe, that is what happened in the Dr. Strange episode of What if..? and the universe started disintegrating as you saw.


I get it, that's so weird though nobody else uses that kind of time logic😂 it makes more sense in infinity war, doctor strange seeing dofferent possible outcomes or outcomes from other timelines but within the same universe)


Dr. Strange from what if is not bad lol you guys must have forgotten how that ended...


he turned his suit inside out since it had green paint on it.


Y'all are killing me with these names lmao, cuz who is He Who Knows Everything and Andrew Griffin??? I think it's cute y'all can't keep up with the names but c'mon, we've had some of these characters for multiple phases now. Like in Shang Chi y'all kept calling Wong "Wang"... and it's like, are y'all just being purposefully ignorant or y'all are truly that bad with names 😭 Either way, I think you guys should seriously look up with character names between and before each reaction, cuz it kinda gets irritating when it's been multiple phases and you guys refuse to learn

Mishari budastour

its literally not that serious, they get the idea of everything happening so it does not matter.


Yeah Liz Allen is a completely separate character from Gwen Liz is a character that is typically not mentioned or used in media aside from the spectacular spiderman series

Super Saiyan God

Not everyone is a Marvel nerd like you or myself. Jokes aside, it's not that deep lol. I do find it funny though that they don't remember the names, but once again not to beat a dead horse - it's not that deep.

Super Saiyan God

Andrew Garfield's spiderman NEEDS to fight Tom Hardy's venom! They have to! I want them to! *sigh*

Super Saiyan God

Yeah, for that reason and many more I wasn't a fan of the Homecoming Trilogy besides the last one ofc, but it has less to do with Tom Holland and more to do with "Andrew Griffin" and Tobey Maguire. I am looking forward to the next trilogy for Spider-Man though. Spider-Man ends up being playing a bigger more lead type role in the comics when he's older so that'd be nice to see.

Kevin Matthew

This movie was great. Aunt Mays death was sad as hell. Dr strange 2 I didn't like at all though so curious what your guys thoughts will be.


Sometimes, some people are also just bad at remembering names, especially when watching as many shows and movies as these two do. I think they are fine.


There was so many theories and talk leading up to the movie. Tobey is in it, he isn’t, same with Andrew, I got kind of tired of it personally I just wanted to wait and see. But when I first saw it I was blown away!

Emerald Light

Andrew Garfield. He who remains.

Ahmad Pattonbey

hey guys if you didn't know he made his own suit because the stark tech won't recognize him anymore

Emerald Light

Spider-Man being immature is a normal thing even when he’s grown up as spiderman