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Hey Rangers, here is my reaction to "The Boys" episode one hope you guys enjoy!


Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

More Mature Comic Book Movies/Shows: Dredd (2012) - (MOVIE) - "I AM THE LAW" Starring Karl Urban The Suicide Squad (2021) - (MOVIE) - Peak James Gunn Peacemaker (2022) - (SHOW) - Spin off to Suicide Squad Watchmen (2009) - (MOVIE) - Zack Snyder, Man of Steel Director Kick-Ass (2010) - (MOVIE) - Fun Black Comedy This show is so good and I actually prefer it over the comic. Garth Ennis who wrote the comic is someone I enjoy for the most part from Preacher, his Punisher and Judge Dredd runs along with Hellblazer (Starring John Constantine) and Hitman two comics set in the DC universe. But the Boys is very low on that list with the comic being filled with edge, sex, drugs, and gore for the sake of being shocking. There's good elements but for the most part the show improves on everything. It doe a much better job at highlighting the characters and making you feel attached to them while also still being shocking but not for the sake of it. I know there's people who really like the comics so it depends, Everything else I mentioned above from Punisher to Preacher, Judge Dredd and Hellblazer is just miles better than The Boys comics in terms of writing and character depth. Also Garth Ennis is not really a "Superhero" fan in that he doesn't care for the classic cape hero characters, big dislike for Captain America. He grew up at the peak of the Troubles in Northern Ireland in the 70s and 80s so American Superhero's were not really big here at this time. People were more into British comic books like 2000AD (Judge Dredd etc.) and with the Troubles going on in Northern Ireland he was more pulled towards gritty and mature comics focused around conflict and war along with fighting the power. So the idea of the American Superhero was never something he was interested in or really cared about. Garth prefers the more grounded characters like Punisher, Batman, Hitman, along with Hellblazer all have comics he has written. Superman is also a character he funny enough likes so it's not that he hates all cape superhero's in general its just to him there's so much more to both DC and Marvel that get overshadowed by the well known superhero's. On a final note Garth Ennis loves this show so that's really great and fun that he was allowed to come in and help with anything and even saw like 8 episode early before everyone else. So he approves and loves the casting with Karl urban as Billy Butcher being perfect he said. Karl also played Judge Dredd in the extremally underrated Dredd (2012) a character Garth Ennis has also written comics for so there's a fun connection.


Billy butcher( Karl urban is is real name) played eomer in lord of the rings and had a role in thor ragnorok!

Louis Melendez

I just finished watching this reaction. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was a lot of fun


I love that movie lol I just didn’t mention it because they didn’t see it


I completely agree with you Vince, even tho the e hero’s are obvious rip offs of hero’s we know(which by the way that is the point they purposely look like that) buts it’s so unique with its gore and violence and it’s such a good story

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Who these character are based on: Homelander - Superman (JL, DC) & Captain America (TAV, Marvel) & Judge Dredd (2000AD) Queen Maeve - Wonder Woman (JL, DC) The Deep - Namor (X-Men, TAV, Marvel) & Aquaman (JL, DC) The Lamplighter - Green Lantern (JL, DC) Ezekiel - Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic (F4, Marvel) & Plastic Man (JL, DC) A-Train - Quicksilver (X-Men, TAV, Marvel) & The Flash (JL, DC) Starlight - Dazzler (X-Men, Marvel) & Mary Marvel (DC) Translucent - The Invisible Woman (F4, Marvel) Black Noir - Batman (JL, DC) & Deathstroke (DC) For the most part these are the big ones that inspired each of these characters. The Seven, Main big Superhero team in this show is a spin on the Justice League which has Seven key founding members Superman, Batman, Aquaman, the Flash, Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman. Edit: When I say that Homelander is inspired by Judge Dredd I mean elements of his outfit not as a character. Superman's powers, Captain Americas patriotism as a symbol of America, and elements of Superman and Judge Dredd's for his outfit.


Gotta be one of the funniest reactions I've seen. Vince was flabbergasted the whole episode 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I swear Vince has the best/funniest reactions when it comes to shocking moments of any show or movie. I just wish Shoshana was here too, I think her reactions on this show would be gold.

Josh Thompson

Really hyped for you to go on this journey. If you thought this episode was crazy then you ain't ready for some of the insane shit that goes down 😅

Mitchell Smilie

The writing for this show is impeccable. Smart, funny, very insightful about social issues that most shows and movies these days think they get right, but never do. Enjoy the ride.


A great depiction of how Hollywood operates with celebrities


So weird without your partner in crime not being here


Same. If Vince can convince Soshana to join in……imagine 😎


awesome and insane episode