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Hey Rangers, shout-out to *JORDAN TAMMINGA* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy!!



This is "STAR WARS EPISODE VIII - THE LAST JEDI" by Vince Shoshana on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



the man who does the mo-cap for supreme leader Snoke is the same actor who plays Ulysses Klaue in Black Panther and Gollum in LOTR!


Niceeee. These movies get a lot of hate, and I’ll admit as a Star Wars fan they’re a little disappointing, but as a movie whole they’re pretty good and so fun


Unfortunately, princess Leah’s actor Carrie fisher died while filming the next the movie, so rip to a legend ❤️


Anakin is stronger if they both reach full potential, there’s a comic about it he becomes like a god just about unstoppable, but as of right now from their peaks in cannon it would be very close but I’d still say anakin. The strongest in the force and one of the most skilled lightsaberist


Well when you try to reboot a classic franchise you better be sure it’ll be a hit and they just weren’t. I don’t think they’re horrible movies but they are horrible Star Wars movies.


I hope you guys watch the Obi Wan Kenobi mini series. It's only 6 episodes and it takes place a few years after Revenge of the Sith


I never heard that story. I agree Anakin would be stronger trained by jedi and sith for years. He did bring balance to the force but not in the way the jedi was expecting. For me, the downfall of jedi was their fear of the dark side.


It’s a crazy one. Literally a whole thing one if anakin reached full strength in the light side he would’ve literally become the force

Justin M Borowski

............still waiting all these years for an answer as to why didn't Holdo just tell them her plan? "They are only scanning for big ships, not little transports.." ??? Why? You're telling me they can track you through light speed but they can't detect two types of ships at once? And Vince is right, Not only is there autopilot, there are DROIDS Such a bad movie hahahah but necessary to finish the Star Wars Saga.

Insert Opinion

Glad to see yall having fun with the sequels. Rogue One and Solo are good one offs too.


They deserve the hate. It's a mockery to Star Wars. It beats down Luke who is a completely different character. Han Solo is miserable. Rey is Mary Sue. Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kenedy changed the Star Wars narrative.


This is the Star Wars movie with the most philosophical depth, seeing as how Star Wars is so basic (Mortis Arc from Clone Wars also really helped add needed depth to the universe as well), With an incredible writer as Rian Johnson (look at the other movies he's directed), saying this movie is so bad is such a mid-western middle aged white guy take tryna gatekeep the original trilogy's euphoria, even though something like just the first book of Dune is miles better story-wise than anything Star Wars has ever produced. We just love Star Wars due to its timely path of introduction into the cultural sphere, but finally Rian Johnson tried to make something with gravitas instead of the super simple Hero's Journey outline Lucas barely hacked together. Nothing wrong with simplicity. Take Top Gun movies for example. Absolutely enjoyed them, especially Maverick, but bare-bones storytelling and very little depth. But yes, definitely has mass appeal due to tried and tested hero's journey arc. ------- As for Holdo not telling the plan......this is just an insult to how good of a writer Rian Johnson is. There are threads upon threads in forums discussing these things but the basic explanation ties to how well Johnson tied the theme of failure within the movie and how its a cornerstone of learning and growth. It is so well interwoven throughout the different storylines, not to mention all the cinematography work in making numerous "rhyming" shots paralleling the other movies, like Rey and Padme coffin shots, which in turn allude to a number of literary themes Lucas wanted to convey within his trilogy of trilogies; i.e the overall set of love stories culminating in reversing Anakin and Padme's tragedy to bring true balance to the Force with Rey finding proper love in her life with friends, family, broader society and perhaps something more compelling with Kylo than what we got in Rise of Skywalker. ------- Instead of using just two braincells going, omg purple female must be girl-boss woke agenda feminazi Mary Sue bad character, you could also step out of your feelings and try and appreciate how nuanced of a character both Poe and Holdo are and how well they play off each other. Poe is definitely a hero, and is possibly willing to make a sacrifice play, but he is also tempered and impulsive, which means he has growth to do as a leader. Holdo, first cant trust anyone due to possible leaks since they are being tracked and the new cutting edge/experimental technology that Rose and Finn are aware of which they don't tell anyone, including Holdo, means she has to hold her cards close to her chest, then secondly, she sees exactly how Poe is in his state at that moment and overall eventually sees his eagerness and sincerity in wanting good and even acknowledges that later to Leia, but she cant trust anyone from her working knowledge and it culminates into her putting Poe in his place and showing him what a true sacrifice play is, even though they are put in that position because Poe doesn't believe Holdo would be willing to listen to his plan and thus never reveals the tech that's tracking them through hyperspace jumps. Regardless, due to the events that occur, Poe finally learns from his failures that a great leader listens, assesses carefully and consults and works as a team with others to save the day and keep an eye on the bigger, long term picture. Which is exactly what he does when he takes the opportunity Luke gives them to escape to fight another day and regroup, instead of going headfirst into a suicide mission like he normally would have done. ------ Similar with Luke getting another wonderful character arc in his old age, learning that due to his inability to accept failure as a way of growth and letting the younger generation ascend their own way forward was holding him back from facing the true test of his mentorship and leadership of seeing his pupils grow. Not everyone will be a flower that blooms perfectly in season, but instead of nipping any perceived lost causes, to rather cultivate others and hope in time for renewed growth from past mistakes, i.e the difference between Rey and Kylo. ----- Rose and Finn's arc may have been a tiny bit ham fisted, perhaps a little too on the nose and I am not a big fan of Rose's aesthetic as a romantic interest setup for Finn, but that is purely material and superficial. However, the arc is wonderful, teaching and being a part of Finn's journey to him learning that running away is not the solution, nor is just running headfirst into problems like Poe does. Rather, taking the time to see what can be done to best construct a better path forward, i.e her line about saving what is beloved, rather than just tearing down what is disliked. And Finn showing her from his bravado, his accidentally heroic actions in the previous film and his uplifting personality that there is indeed hope worth fighting for and moving forward her self even after her personal loss of her sister. Finn inspires her with what she sees as his potential and allows their time together to be the vehicle in which she manages her grief and makes her sister's sacrifice worthwhile. ------ Notice how failure and sacrifice and growth are themes revolving around all the characters. Its brilliant writing, particularly since there's so little to work with considering how basic all the other Star Wars movies are, while still making sure Lucas's original vision of the reverse love story is in play for the 9th movie which tried to honor that somewhat but also tried too hard to fan service due to the stupid backlash from folks who cant over not seeing Luke destroy everything for 20 minutes. Frankly, Luke's battle prowess was super impressive to me with his Force projection across a freaking galaxy.....showing how much of a "Master" he really is. There's enough blowing stuff up and action set pieces from other characters anyways, that the point about not witnessing Luke cutting down hordes of enemies with fancy lightsaber and parkour style movements is so moot for me. Look, I wanna see it too, but its not needed in a movie. I can imagine it in my head as it is, but does little for storytelling, which is what Johnson prioritizes. and which is what makes a great movie. ------- Lastly, sorry for any ad hominins/passive aggressiveness in my writing, Star Wars is too nostalgic perhaps for all our own good and thus we let our passions slip. Have a great day and may we a earn from our own shortcomings and grow beyond our current selves.


You start your monologue by attacking Star Wars fans who dislike this movie, saying all of us are just a bunch of angry middle aged western guys. Then you end your 17 paragraphs with an apology. No thank you, I’m not even going to bother reading what you wrote. When this movie first came out, it was very easy for you guys to blame the hatred on a “small group of angry racist/sexist white guys”. But years later, it’s become a well known fact that this movie is universally hated by most of the fans and the general population. And there’s lots of good reasons for that, having nothing to do with Rey being a female or the film being too “woke” or having an agenda. It’s bad storytelling. Rian Johnson and Disney made huge decisions that will forever affect the world and mythology of Star Wars in a negative way. Any future projects set in that time period are now forced to work within this bland new world they created.


Hey guys, I'm not sure where I can request for yoy guys to watch videos But if you liked the Predator movie you guys reacted too a while back, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in watching the movie Alien (1979). It's a horror classic and if you end up liking that you guys should watch Predator 2 and then Prey and then Aliens. And then if you guys like those, you should react to Aliens vs Predator!

Justin M Borowski

Hey man, your comment isn't showing, could you retype it for me? Thanks I'll read it never.


This is the movie that ruined Star Wars, nothing made sense, they punk’d Luke and mark Hamill warned everyone.