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Movie Poll Time!

  • The Italian Job (2003) 51
  • Snatch 58
  • Reservoir Dogs 63
  • Baby Driver 411
  • Glass Onion 154
  • Catch Me If You Can 107
  • The Departed 146
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith 173
  • 2024-03-18
  • 1163 votes
{'title': 'Movie Poll Time!', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Italian Job (2003)', 'votes': 51}, {'text': ' Snatch', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Reservoir Dogs', 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'Baby Driver', 'votes': 411}, {'text': 'Glass Onion', 'votes': 154}, {'text': 'Catch Me If You Can', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'The Departed', 'votes': 146}, {'text': 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith', 'votes': 173}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 18, 2, 33, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1163}


Hey Rangers, here is our very first genre specific poll, and these the top 8 most liked comments. Thank you all for you suggestions and thank you all for your support! Also, guys please be mindful to keep it positive down in the comments even if your movie isn't winning. We would really appreciate it. Love y'all 🩷



This may be the best one yet. So hard to choose. Going with Italian Job cause I grew up watching it

Mekhi Powell

Even if snatch loses this week I hope they still watch it later on


🐕 Where my dogs at *woof, woof* #ReservoirDogs


I’m either going with Glass Onion or Italian Job


The poll is so good I’ve seen and like all these movies 🙏🏾whatever gets chosen is coo




Damn this is actually a tough vote, they should see like 5 of these lol

Lovaire Hawkins

This is a really good movie list. But The Departed is it for me.

Phil Daniels

Shit! There's too many good ones 😁🙃🫠🙃😁yayyy

Al Batista

Not fair. You have to do multiple movies on this list. Snatch, Resevoir Dogs, and The Departed are MUST-WATCH movies!


everyone here sleeping on the Italian Job. Great movie. Great cast!

Silas Kane

I say Glass Onion its been like 6 months since Knives Out. It should have been long since done by now imho.

Brian McG

Can I just take a minute and show some appreciation for the consistency of posts/polls/updates? Major props to both of you. Never have to hop on and wonder if you're gonna drop stuff late or on a different day. I can count on ya'll more than I can count on some of my family, haha.

Brian McG

Not trying to say that you'd let people down if you did have to do a delay, just pointing out that a lot of channels don't care and put in the bare minimum. But it's clear that ya'll really do care about this and it shows. Just wanted to say that I appreciate you guys.


Yeah I agree. There’s still a few series they need to finish like that one and some like Pirates and Jurassic Park

Chris T

Good selection of movies. Baby Driver is a good movie, however The Departed is in a league of its own with an all star cast. I really hope it gets more votes. I’d love to see you guy’s reaction to that.

Andres Avendaño

So happy that Baby Driver is winning


Baby driver so so damn good!


Fantastic poll, I wouldn’t mind anything on that list.

Daniel Almeida

Excellent poll guys! I have been subscribed to the YT channel for some time now. I already really liked the content there and you, of course! I am subscribed to others Patrreons, and I'm impressed! A Lot! You guys are badass! Congrats, and thank you at the same time! From Brazil with Love 😜 ☺️


Yeah great movie but with this genre poll format it will likely come up again and hopefully win

Josh Peters

Voted Baby Driver. It’s full of accused terrible people, but it’s also made by Edgar Wright, one of the best directors. The writing and editing are incredible in this one.

opeta satele

can you both watch lion king ?


The Italian Job!


I love glass onion!!


Watch horrible bosses


Dang, I was hoping for now you see me to make it on the poll. Hopefully we’ll get there eventually, all fire choices tho


Would have loved Snatch but this is a solid poll, haven't seen Baby Driver and never liked the sound of it but excited to give it a go


Im actually surprised that Baby Driver is so far ahead of everything else. Theres a lot of quality on the poll. Thought it would be closer


It's incredible. Came out at a weird time so it doesent get the love it deserves.

Monkey D. Luffy

you guys should watch "Midway" 2019 film