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It's time for another story picked by the roll of a die, this time with a nice little bit of sacrilege to go along with my usual perversity. I hope y'all enjoy!

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was almost a month ago.”

All the color drained from Father Brannick's face the moment he heard Mrs. Acosta's voice in the confessional beside him. Though he'd only been at Our Lady Of Forgiveness for some two and a half weeks he'd heard enough rumors about the women sitting beside him to fill a book! Many of them from the rest of the parish and many more quietly confirmed by the rest of the clergy. Even if he only believed a fraction of what he'd been told the woman beside him was nothing short of a succubus in Human form. A demon come to earth to tempt everyone around her and lead them into sin. Part of him was terrified by the mere thought of her confessing whatever sins had occurred while she was enjoying another of her vacations. The rest was wondering how she could possibly walk into a church without simply combusting the moment she set foot on holy ground.

But like countless priests before him Father Brannick was determined to approach even a woman as wild and seemingly unrepentant as her with an open heart and the same love their savior had shown all of humanity. In spite of his own nerves and the sheer mountain or rumors, legends, and whispered accounts flickering through his head. Indeed he was so distracted by everything he'd heard he almost didn't respond to her penitent greeting as he should.

“C-Confess your sins child and be absolved.” He whispered.

“I've been on vacation the last month,” She began her gaze all but burning through the lattice as she knelt down and faced him. Father Brannick stared straight ahead at the curtain in front him and did his best to both ignore and listen to her while the scent of her perfume filled the booth, “And while I was on vacation I committed many sins. Almost too many to count!”

“There is nothing God cannot forgive. No matter how grave the sin or how great the sinner. So long as you are truly penitent God will forgive you.”

“Thank you Father . . . I suppose I should start at the beginning and list everything that happened in order?”

“However you wish to confess my child, so long as you list all your sins and show proper contrition.”

He could all but feel her smiling at him through the lattice but he continued to avoid her gaze even as his heart raced and his palms grew sweaty. Bracing himself in every way he could for what would surely be an onslaught of sin and vice he took a slow, deep breath while Mrs. Acosta seemed to collect her thoughts. Or at least that's what he assumed her lengthy pause was the result of.

“Well I took a taxi to the airport like I always do. But I decided to share the ride with someone else who needed it. In an act of generosity.”

“That's very kind of you.”

“Before long we were stuck in traffic and I noticed her looking at my body. I tried not to be flattered or let my pride get the best of me but she was a very beautiful woman Father, maybe even as beautiful as me.”

“Vanity is a sin my child.” He reminded her, naively hoping to curtail some of what she was about to say.

“Of course Father, you're right.” She paused for another moment before continuing in a softer, more husky voice, “I couldn't help being flattered by her interest. She was much younger than me and being admired by a woman half my age felt wonderful. I did my best to avoid giving in to temptation but when she laid her hand on my thigh I'm ashamed to admit I couldn't control myself.”

“I see . . .”

“I laid a hand on her thigh too and before I knew it my fingers were under her dress. She wasn't wearing any panties at all and I felt her soft, wet pussy before I could even reconsider my sinful, sinful actions. Her hand was under my dress a moment later and she didn't hesitate to slide two fingers into my aching pussy. I barely had time to react! One moment she was caressing my thigh and the nest she was pulling aside my thong and rubbing my g-spot better than anyone I've ever known! Even when I tried to close my legs to stop her she just kept going!”

“P-P-Perhaps you don't n-need to go into to-to such vivid d-detail.” Father Brannick stammered.

“I have to confess all my sins Father. And I've sinned in mind, body, and soul.”

“V-Very well . . .”

Color returned to his freckled face as he blushed a furious shade of crimson and slowly crossed his legs while she continued, “Soon I was inside her too! It was like someone else was controlling me! We moved closed and closer together while the driver was distracted and suddenly our legs were almost intertwined! Her fingers pushed deep into my body and mine pushed deep into hers while we smiled at one another and held back out moans . . . She looked at me so intensely it was like the entire world disappeared around us! And the way she moved her fingers inside of me! Oh my Goodness Father it was unbearable! I don't know how I kept silent!”

“Please God let her find that same silence now!”Father Brannick thought.

“I'm sure the drive must've noticed us eventually! My back was arching so fat I must've looked like some sort of contortionist in the back seat! And I was wearing a tight, black cocktail dress that showed off my shoulders and so much of my chest he surely noticed my breasts heaving and jiggling as I was tormented by that beautiful woman! But I was too busy staring at her to think about anything! No matter how hard I tried to control myself the sight of her young, perky body squirming as much as my own was intoxicating!”

“I-I see.”

“By the time we were at the airport both of us were about to lose our minds. I couldn't hold back for another second and neither could she! We'd completely soaked our dressed and each other's fingers and I couldn't even see straight! As much as I tried to resist her temptations we started kissing right before ecstasy took us! I'm so ashamed to admit it Father but saying this all aloud is already making me feel so much better!”

“God will forgive you my child.”

Though he didn't stammer or stutter Father Brannick's voice was trembling harder than ever. He truly didn't know what to say to Mrs. Acosta but he knew he couldn't sit there in utter silence. Or rather that's how it felt as he did his absolute best to think of nothing but scripture while lascivious thoughts and images flickered through his mind.

Even more breathlessly exhilarated than before she continued  despite him wanting more than anything for her to abandon her story and confess her next sin. “She tasted so sinfully sweet Father! Her tongue was inside my mouth faster than I could think and I pushed mine into hers without hesitation. I held her close and she held me too as he ruined the backseat of that taxi cab! Even though she wasn't anywhere near as messy as I am when I . . . finish . . . she still drenched my fingers and soiled even more of her dress during her pleasure! Despite my best efforts to hold back I made a completely mess of the back of his seat . . . and she helped me do it as she pushed her fingers in and out me while I was lost in the throes of sinful ecstasy!”

Please Lord let that be the end of her story!”

“I'm not sure how long it all lasted or how long we stayed inside of each other. I know the taxi stopped at some point but we didn't. I couldn't. As sinful as it was the pleasure of her fingers and the softness of her lips were too tempting to give up. If we hadn't been right outside one of the terminals we might have stayed like that for hours. I was so lost in her and she seemed so lost in me I don't know how we didn't start licking—”

“What happened after you left the taxi?” Father Brannick interjected in a tremulous voice, “Did you stay in the company of this stranger?”

“No . . .” Mrs. Acosta replied, sounding remorseful for the first time since she began confession, “We departed on different flights on opposite sides of the airport . . . But I did ask her for her phone number before we left each other!”

“If you truly regret your sins and wish to atone you must erase that number from you phone. And anywhere else you might have it stored.”

“I know Father . . . I will as soon as we're done here.”

“Good. That's very good.” Taking a deep breath and very nearly regretting his choice of callings Father Brannick asked, “What were your other sins?”

“Well nothing happened on my flight to Spain. It was a normal, boring trip. Although I did drink a little too much after they upgraded me to first class. And I was a bit gluttonous with the food. But that's all Father.”

“I see. What about when you landed?”

“Oh that was perfectly boring! I didn't share my taxi with anyone and I reached my hotel room without any sin whatsoever!”

“Oh thank the Lord, I don't think I could've—”

“But once I arrived I gave in to the temptations of the flesh again.”


“I resisted so many temptations on the way to my room, like all the beautiful people working at the hotel and even a few of the other tourists visiting from abroad. There was even a gorgeous Irish couple with the most enticing accents imaginable . . . but I'm sure I don't have to tell you about that, do I Father Brannick?”

“Perhaps you should confess whatever sins you committed at the hotel.” He replied, subtly downplaying his own Irish accent without even realizing it.

“Of course Father, of course. Well the bellhop who brought my bags to my room was very nice. And so incredibly handsome! He was young enough to be my son but I could tell he was all man despite his age. But I didn't give in to temptation when we were alone.”

“That's very good.”

“But then he returned with another bellhop when I ordered room service a few hours later . . .”

Oh God . . .”

“I swear I didn't mean to answer the door in nothing but the silk robe I brought with me! I'd actually fallen asleep after ordering room service and forgot I was wearing it! And I certainly didn't realize it'd come undone and was hanging open when I greeted them. But I realized my mistake as soon as I saw the looks on their faces . . .”

The giddy tone in her voice and the burning intensity of her smile made Father Brannick's heart skip a beat and filled his stomach with butterflies. “What happened next?”

“Well . . . I apologized and closed my robe but I'd clearly embarrassed both of them. I tried to apologize and give them a generous tip for their trouble. But before I could I noticed how . . . excited they both were. They weren't even trying to hide it as they continued to stare at me! And while I did my very best to resist any further temptation the way they admired my body was so exciting! They were both so adorable about it! Like they'd never seen a real woman naked before! I tried not to let any of that inflate my ego, I tried not to be prideful, but I couldn't resist the temptation of their bodies . . . so I invited the two young men into my room . . .”

“And the three of you sinned together.” Father Brannick stated, “I'm sure I don't need to know all the details of your sins my child. Only that you're contrite about—”

“I took off my robe and let them see my body before the door was even shut.” Mrs. Acosta whispered, her tone more husky than ever, “And I brought them to my bed right after. But we didn't actually reach my bed . . . I ended up on my knees in front of them and before I knew it I was holding their cocks in each hand! I'm ashamed to admit I didn't even think twice about stroking every inch and loudly moaning as I did. Though I knew it was wrong I just couldn't help myself! The looks they gave me and how hard they both were was so tempting it was impossible to hold back for even a second! I'd hardly even started pleasuring them with my hands before my lips were wrapped around one of their cocks and I was taking him into my throat! I didn't stop until I had every inch of him inside of me and the sounds he made only encouraged me even more! Sadly I didn't stop with the first one . . .”

Of course not.”Father Brannick thought, “That would've been too simple!”

“I tasted the first one for a minute or two before turning my attention to the other one. And I stayed with him for even longer before returning to the first and giving him the same treatment. I'm not sure how long I was kneeling there serving them both and tasting their cocks but it felt like an eternity. My whole body was on fire from the excitement and I couldn't get enough of them! Of their sticky, bittersweet arousal and how desperately they held on to me when it was their turn for my attention. The longer I kept going the more excited I was and the louder they both moaned! At one point I even took both of them into my mouth at the same time! I've never done anything like that before and I don't know what came over me but as soon as I felt their cocks inside my mouth at once I knew I had to feel that again. But only after going as deep as I could and staying there for as long as possible . . . no matter how hard I gagged or how much they stretched me open I just couldn't resist! The sweetness of their seed and the way they shuddered as I pleasured them with my tongue was even more intoxicating than what happened in the taxi earlier!”

Try as he might Father Brannick couldn't stop imagining every single moment of what she was saying in horribly vivid detail. He didn't have so much as a moment's sexual experience with a woman but that didn't stop his mind from conjuring up the most perverted imagery he'd ever thought. Nor did it stop his body from reacting in exactly the way it wasn't supposed to. No matter how tightly he crossed his legs or how desperately he attempted to stifle his arousal. But of course Mrs. Acosta was far from done.

“I almost continued until they couldn't last another moment! I was so eager to let both finish in my mouth it was all I could think about before long! But at the very last second I managed to stop. I'm not sure how or why but moments before they exploded I pulled away! I even stood up and pulled back from them and all the temptation they were offering. Unfortunately I couldn't stay strong, even when I thought about the sins I was committing and tried to recite the scripture Father Aguilar had given me for just such an occasion. Maybe it helped a little but soon enough all three of us were on the bed and completely naked.”

“What happened next?” Father Brannick asked, his voice low and strained as he resisted the sinful temptations she was offering.

“Well . . . I had one of them lay down underneath me and the other kneel behind me . . . I took the first one in my pussy and let the other sodomize me from behind while the first was still inside of me . . . As much as I wanted to avoid giving in to my urges I couldn't help but let them both use me at the same time . . . Taking two men at once has always been my weakness and their cocks were so lovely I just . . . I just couldn't resist . . . And neither could they. They started moving before I was even used to having both of them inside of me . . .”

Lord why must you tempt me with this woman?”

“They stretched me open so wide it was almost unbearable! Even before they started moving just feeling them both inside of me was incredible! I don't know why God would allow such a sinful act to feel so good but feeling them rubbing against each other while they filled me up was amazing! It was almost enough to make me succumb to pleasure again! And once they started thrusting I couldn't possibly hold back! I tried to resist the Devil's influence but it felt so amazing Father! Both of them were so strong but so gentle! I swear my hips started moving on their own as they ravished me with just as much sinful eagerness! They might've even been more sinful! But I know I'm not supposed to cast aspersions. We're all sinners and I understand that Father . . . I certainly understand that more than most people!”

“Every sinner can be redeemed in the eyes of the Lord our God.”

Father Brannick hardly even heard what he was saying as his heart raced and his mind went blank. He was acting on instinct, relying on years of seminary school, as he fought tooth and nail to resist Mrs. Acosta's wickedness. To say nothing of his own. But he could feel himself losing the battler with every new revelation she told him. The simple fact that he wanted to hear more was proof enough he should've recused himself outright. But he didn't and she only continued with her debauchery with that same gleefulness.

“The man behind me started groping my breasts and playing with my nipples.” She whispered, “And I enjoyed every second of it! His hands were so rough and so soft all at the same time! Just like the bellhop underneath me! The way he held my hips and pulled me down onto him when I didn't have the strength to move was unbearable! I don't think I lasted more than a minute!”

“Please let that be the end of this story. Please Lord, I can't bear much more of this!”

“Just like in the taxi I made a mess of myself and both of the men I was with. I think it was even worse that second time! I couldn't stop shaking and screaming as they ravished me! And they only thrusted harder when I started to lose myself! They pounded me so hard and so long I actually collapsed on top of the guy beneath me! I think I even passed out a little! I definitely saw stars and made sounds no Catholic woman should ever utter . . . but I couldn't help myself Father . . . their cocks felt so wonderful and the way they moved hit all my weaknesses at once! And when I regained consciousness kissing the one beneath me I only sank deeper into sin . . . I'm ashamed to even admit this Father but I wanted them to continue thrusting until they finished too! I wanted them to finish inside of me! I couldn't think about anything else as they ravished my body and ruined my mind!”

Gripping the edges of his seat so hard the wood was creaking and all the blood had rushed out of his knuckles Father Brannick was at his wits end. He knew full well what Mrs. Acosta was doing. He had been warned of her antics by everyone who'd ever taken her confession. But like a fool he hadn't believed her capable of tempting him. He'd thought himself above it.

Only now, as he listened to her utter debauchery, did he realize how woefully ill prepared he was. “But neither of them finished for almost an hour! I don't know how it could've lasted that long but both of those men kept using my sinful body for an eternity! They had their way with me again and again like I was some whore and I let them! Looking back on it now I'm filled with regret for my sins but in the heat of the moment I couldn't get enough of them! When they were thrusting inside of me at the same time, when they were moving at different paces, when they were just pounding my body and breaking my sanity it didn't matter!”

“Please Lord deliver me from this trial.” Father Brannick prayed, his voice almost completely inaudible amongst Mrs. Acosta's breathless confessions. “Please Lord . . .”

“They even pulled out after a while and flipped me over! The man beneath me slid into my ass while the one behind slid into my pussy! I don't remember exactly what they said but I know they praised how tight I was! Just like they praised how well I sucked their cocks! And the one between my legs was quick to give me a kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth as soon as he did! The one beneath me started groping my tits and playing with my nipples like his friend! And of course both of them were going absolutely wild as they slammed into me harder and harder and harder! I'm sure everyone on the entire floor could hear what I slut I was! Even when I wasn't moaning they could probably hear the sounds of both men ravishing my body that entire time! Just thinking about it makes me embarrassed and contrite. But sadly I didn't feel that way at the time . . .”

Nothing about her tone was embarrassed or contrite. Father Brannick had never heard anyone sound more excited in his entire life. And the sweetness of her perfume was nothing short of unbearable, though somewhere deep down he began to wonder if that was even her perfume. The way it stirred something primal inside of him almost seemed to betray what he was really basking in. But he was far too overwhelmed to think clearly or worry about much of anything beyond his own shame. And all the temptations he was slowly giving in to.

“Eventually they couldn't keep going! Right around the time I was losing my mind to another orgasm both of them were losing their minds too! And they didn't even hesitate to give me everything I wanted as they did! I didn't even get the chance to beg for their cum or ask them to fill me up! They just kept pounding away at my ass and pussy until I was screaming in ecstasy and completely at their mercy again! Only after I was squirting all over them for the second time did those boys finally lose all control and absolutely flood my body with cum! All three of us went completely wild as they erupted into me at the exact same time! But nobody went crazier than me! I couldn't get enough of their cum as they emptied their balls inside of me! I love being filled up Father . . . I love the warmth of fresh cum so much . . . it might be my favorite thing in the world . . . I love it any way I can get it . . . any way at all . . .”

Mrs. Acosta's intensity was nothing short of unbearable as her words hung in the air. A deafening silence fell over the confessional and Father Brannick could only stew in his own sinful thoughts while she watched and smiled. Fighting against the temptation of her words with every fiber of his being he couldn't so much as move a muscle. Only one part of him reacted at all and he could feel her eyes on his shameful arousal as surely as he felt his own weakness creeping into his thoughts.

His mouth fell open in a silent gasp before he sucked in a ragged breath and finally released the bench he'd been clinging to for so long. He tried to stand but his legs didn't seem to work properly. No part of him seemed to work properly. Not until he heard the soft squeak of the lattice beside him opening. It was the most terrifying sound he'd ever heard in his life and for all of a moment he actually stood strong in the face of her wickedness. Even as his heart raced and his mind was filled with sin Father Brannick held true to his commitments and mouthed a frantic prayer to God. A few agonizing heartbeats later his head was turning of it's own accord as he finally looked at the temptress sitting beside him. The stunningly beautiful woman twenty years his senior watching with unabashed delight and a lascivious gleam in her dark eyes.

Staring into her wicked gaze as his mind went blank and his body tensed Father Brannick leapt to his feet after a few seconds. He had every intention of leaving the confessional and perhaps even stepping away from the parish entirely. Yet the moment he was on his feet he looked down at the woman kneeling beside him. And that would prove his final mistake.

In the split second he was looking away she'd risen too. But rather than standing up and maybe even leaving before he could fall victim to her wiles Mrs. Acosta had done something even worse. Leaning forward with a sultry smile she slowly opened her mouth with a soft yet thunderous smack, everything above her nose hidden from view as her tongue slowly extended towards him. Her long, delicately manicured fingers were holding the edges of the little window separating them and her truly enormous breasts were all but spilling into his side of the confessional. Much like her tongue, soft red lips, and everything else Father Brannick couldn't stop gawking at.

Once again completely paralyzed by the sight of her he didn't even have the strength to resist. Although his body was completely rigid and his breath had caught in his throat he wasn't hesitating. Instead he was simply overcome by the kind of profound, overwhelming lust that could turn a man of God away from the Church. The same lust that saw him frantically lifting up his frock and plunging a hand inside his underwear a moment later. Before he could even form a coherent thought his painfully hard prick was centimeters away from her mouth and he could feel the heat of her every ragged breath as she moaned and smiled. Her tongue extended just that little bit closer and Father Brannick groaned a split second before she actually touched him. Less than a heartbeat later the swollen, precum slathered head of his member was resting on her tongue and sending thick spurts of pent up arousal streaking into the back of her throat. All the while both of them moaned and trembled in uncontrollable fits of desire, though none of that stopped Mrs. Acosta.

Her lips wrapped around his cock and she lunged forward like an attacking snake. In the blink of an eye his entire length had disappeared into her throat and her tongue was sloppily licking at his balls while she kissed the hairy base of his shaft. Father Brannick scarcely had time to moan before a wave of incomprehensible pleasure was washing over him. By the time he did manage a strangled gasp she was already gliding backwards off his prick like it was nothing at all. And that was only the beginning of the absolute madness that was his first blowjob.

Absolutely flying up and down his cock like a woman possessed she slobbered and sucked and gurgled along every inch with the kind of frantic abandon a poor little virgin like Father Brannick couldn't possibly comprehend. Within a few seconds he was pressed against that dividing wall turned gloryhole and groaning like a wild animal. The wet slurp and sloppy squelch of his dick gliding in and out of Mrs. Acosta's throat as she bounced back and forth along his shaft was deafening. It echoed throughout the booth and almost certainly into the rest of the Church but he couldn't possibly care and she openly reveled in the thought. Her moans were even louder than his and had he been able to open his eyes and look down at the cock loving harlot throating his shaft he would've seen her cheeks sinking inwards from the sheer force of her passion. And all the while she was moving faster and faster with every manic stroke. How that was even possible Father Brannick couldn't say but he certainly couldn't complain either. Not when she was lurching back and forth along his unimaginably sensitive prick so wildly it felt like she was sucking his soul out of his body!

To say nothing of how lewdly she worked her tongue! Swirling it around his shaft and loving caressing his balls every time he was completely buried in her throat she teased the head of his cock and positively drowned him in pleasure no matter what she did. He didn't even know how such earthly delights were even possible but he couldn't ever get enough of them. And it didn't seem like she would stop any time soon! If anything she was only getting more and more depraved with every second she continued to worship his dick! Father Brannick couldn't even put words to that strange feeling but somehow he knew it was true as Mrs. Acosta sucked his dick like it was the single greatest pleasure of her life.

It was certainly the single greatest pleasure of Father Brannick's life! After barely twenty seconds his mind was completely gone and the waves of ecstasy flooding his senses and radiating throughout every inch of his body wholly defied comprehension. He didn't know where he was, how he'd gotten there, or indeed anything else except the unending joy of her mouth wrapped around his dick and her tongue lavishing him with attention.

At some point he started thrusting against her, haphazardly trying to match her wild cadence while his knees buckled and his nails scraped against the polished wood. She effortlessly matched his clumsy attempts and continued slobbering all over his cock, her giddy slurping only growing louder as he pumped load after gooey load of precum into her throat. Amidst all the other lewd sounds filling their own private Garden of Eden he could hear her gulping down his arousal. Could hear her greedily swallowing every last drop and feel her smiling around him as she did. And somehow that was more exciting than anything else. At least for a few wonderful moments.

But in the abject frenzy that was her frantic sucking and unbridled lust nothing could remain at the forefront for long. With so many pleasures assailing him and his own ecstasy building higher and higher until it was genuinely unbearable nothing could ever overshadow anything else. All of it was a constant, unceasing barrage of delights and he was utterly lost to her whims.

The entire confessional was shaking around them as he slammed into the dividing wall with all of his waning strength and she pushed back almost as forcefully every single time. His groans had almost entirely faded as he lost control but she more than made up for that silence with her sloppy ministrations and endless moaning. Mrs. Acosta might've even been louder than Father Brannick despite filling her mouth and throat with his cock again and again and again. It only took her a minute to reach her full, borderline inhuman rhythm and just like her reputation teased she didn't have any trouble at all remaining there. Even as the seconds slipped by faster and faster she just kept throating his dick and gulping down his precum while he lost every last shred of composure he had. While everything he'd dedicated his life to crumbled down around him and she sucked his cock dry like a succubus walking the earth.

For what felt like an eternity, like hours and even days were passing by between every manic stroke of her tongue or wild slurp of her lips, Father Brannick was at Mrs. Acosta's mercy. He might have slammed his cock into her throat with all his strength as often as he could manage but she remained entirely in control. And as time seemed to stretch on and one forever he lost every bit of himself to her unimaginable talents. Any concept of time, place, or even self entirely disappeared. He forgot he was in a Church surrounded by the rest of the parish. He forgot he was a priest who'd taken a vow of celibacy in service to God. He forgot everything but the unending pleasure that was a soft, wet mouth wrapped so tightly around his aching cock. Though he would never forget the toe curling barrage of pleasure that flooded his body and burned through his soul when he finally succumbed to her efforts after what was surely weeks of his life.

Barely two minutes after she started sucking his dick Mrs. Acosta suddenly stopped. Gliding along his prick in a wild barrage until the very last moment she swallowed up every last inch of him as he groaned in anguish and slammed forward one last time. Her tongue swirled relentlessly around his balls as they tightened against her spit drenched chin and she planted another thick lipstick kiss on the base of his shaft as she held him deep in her throat. All while his length pulsed even more frantically than the rest of his body shivered. And after a few breathless seconds she was given exactly what she wanted as fountains of pent up spunk gushed into her belly in a tidal wave of arousal.

All but fainting against the wall of the confessional Father Brannick completely lost his mind as his first taste of true ecstasy destroyed him. Every violent spasm and manic shudder sent another massive jet of cum spraying into Mrs. Acosta's throat as the pressure of her lips around his dick remained completely unbearable. He didn't even have the strength to thrust despite the truly incomprehensible bliss that was her mouth slurping so happily on his dick. He just drowned in the utter madness that was his first orgasm as he emptied his balls into her stomach and she sucked every last drop of cum she could get out of him with that same wild intensity. It was a miracle he was still on his feet after a few seconds and nothing short of an act of God that he didn't collapse soon after. But she wouldn't let him fall away. Not until she'd well and truly trained his balls and reduced him to a husk of the man he'd been when he first sat down. Then and only then would she finally stop sucking.

Her lips released his prick with a wet pop and the moment they did Father Brannick collapsed onto his seat in a crumpled heap. Barely able to breath and utterly incapable of thought he just trembled and gasped in the aftermath of her lusty passion. His cock wilted with every passing moment but he couldn't even tuck it back into his boxers. Nor could he lift his head to look at the woman teasingly licking her lips and watching him from the other side of the booth.

“Thank you Father,” Mrs. Acosta moaned, smacking her lips and reveling in his sweet cum as she spoke, “I feel so much better now!”

Everyone in the church was staring at the confessional when Mrs. Acosta emerged. And not a single one of them was surprised to see her wearing a skin tight dress that showed off her impressive curves and accentuated all the most sinful aspects of her body. Though many were still aghast at the spit drooling down her chin and the creamy white fluids clinging to her lips as she smiled at them. But of course nobody said so much as a word. They simply stared in varying states of shock, horror, derision, disgust, and a myriad of other emotions while she sauntered toward the pews.

“I think Father Brannick needs a little time to recover.” She said to one of the women waiting for their turn at the confessional, “I had so many sins to confess, I think I might've worn him out!”


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