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It's time for the surprise fourth installment of this little series! I don't know if anyone actually gives a down about it but since I've already put up the others I might as well add the fourth one here too! Oh and it includes pegging so if that's not your thing give it a pass, I won't be offended lol

Faydra was happy. For what felt like the first time in her life. Not worrying about other raiders trying to steal her shit, Trogs trying to rip her apart, or the radiation in the air felt almost strange. Most days she woke up thinking it was all some kind of crazy dream. Some wild trip she'd had after going to bed completely trashed on whatever chems she'd stolen the day before. But no matter how many times she woke up like that, how many times she doubted herself, the truth never changed. As crazy as it was to admit she really had moved in with the man she loved. She really was living in his surprisingly nice home in a moderately charming shithole far, far, far away from the Pitt and everything she knew. And all of that made her happy. Happier than she was really equipped to handle.

Sure things got pretty boring whenever she and Cody stayed inside Megaton and she wasn't exactly a fan of anyone in the city outside of Jericho and Moriarty but none of that really mattered. How could it when she was spending all her time with the only person she'd ever earnestly loved? When she finally had the chance to just live and relax with someone that wasn't trying to get one over on her? It was a bizarre feeling she almost couldn't wrap her mind around no matter how many days passed, but that didn't stop her from loving every weird, little second of it.

Especially when Cody left to explore the wasteland and she invited herself along. Getting to see all the weird, crazy shit lurking around ever corner was almost as much fun as blowing it away and looting the corpse. Other raiders were her favorite but learning about all the bizarre creatures that made up that part of the wasteland was endlessly fun. After spending pretty much her entire life dealing with humans and Trogs fighting things like Deathclaws, Yaoi Guai, and whatever the fuck Mirelurks were never failed to get her blood pumping and her inner animal acting up. And if they were really lucky they stumbled across an 'Enclave' base with a bunch of idiots in weird looking power armor and a single idiot dressed up in weird, but not the least bit protective, clothes. Killing all of them and looting their stupidly valuable gear never failed to put a smile on Faydra's face. In no small part because of how eager Cody was to take them out. He was nowhere near as vicious and bloodthirsty as she was but getting to see his darker side at all just made her love him even more. She didn't even care why he seemed to hate the Enclave so much, she just joined in on the slaughter and gladly hauled the loot back to Megaton to sell whatever they didn't want and keep all the real goodies for themselves!

Kicking the front door in with a wild eyed laugh Faydra tossed a sack full of weapons and grenades and ammo onto the floor and marched inside their home. Cody was a step or two behind her with another bag of even more valuable gear. Like disassembled power armor and a bunch of tech she wouldn't have looked twice at without him. He was far more gentle about setting his things down.

“Another successful foray into the Wasteland sir?” Wadsworth asked, floating out of his little room to greet them both, “I'm pleased to see you both safe and sound!”

“Thanks Wadsworth.” Cody replied.

“We must've killed a dozen of those Enclave assholes!” Faydra laughed. Kneeling down next to the bag she'd tossed and pulling it open she rummaged through all the plasma pistols, EMP grenades, and everything else they'd looted with a giddy smile, “Moira's gonna run out of caps with this haul!”

“We can always sell the rest to Lucky Harith the next time he comes around.”

“We're not selling this one!” Faydra exclaimed, rising to her feet with a Tri-Beam Laser Rifle in hand an even more wicked grin, “I saw how big a hole this thing blasted through the rocks. I'm definitely keeping it handy for any of those 'Super Mutants' you keep talking about!” Aiming down the sights and letting out another laugh she pulled the trigger and imagined blowing a hole through whatever a Super Mutant actually was, “I'd better get to use it soon!”

“We can take a trip to the D.C. ruins if you really wanna try it out.” Cody suggested, approaching her from behind and sliding an arm around her waist.

Lowering her gun and draping an arm across his shoulders Faydra smiled at her man and said, “You always know how to put me in a good mood!”

They smiled at one another for a moment before Wadsworth drifted closer, picking up the bag she'd been looking through and asking, “Would you like me to bring these to Moira sir? And check the exterior for any caravans that might be passing through?”

“That would be great, thanks Wadsworth!”

“It's my pleasure sir. It's a pleasure to have both of you home safe and sound.”

With remarkable ease he picked up the heavy sack full of weapons and floated towards the second bag full to bursting with even more tech. Though he hovered a good bit closer to the ground as he left Wadsworth neither complained no struggled as he rushed off to sell their loot. Not that Faydra would've cared all that much one way or another. Actually selling everything they took was easily the most boring part of taking it and she was more than happy to enjoy a little downtime. Particularly when her man started taking off his gear as he dropped onto the couch with a sigh.

“Do you think those Nuka Cola are cold yet?”

“I'll check.” She replied, biting her lip and smiling at him while he was distracted.

Taking full advantage of his distraction she tossed away her own gear and stripped out of the dark green combat armor he'd given her after they first arrived in Megaton. Cody was too busy relaxing on the couch and dealing with his own shit to notice her stripping naked and hurrying across the ground floor to grab a couple ice cold Nuka Cola for them. But he definitely noticed when she returned!

Half reaching for the drink she was holding before realizing she was completely naked Cody's eyes widened and his smile brightened as he exclaimed, “Wow!”

Cracking the bottle cap off her Nuka Cola with her teeth and taking a long swig before setting both of them down Faydra smiled back at him as a little shiver rolled down her spine. Rivulets of warmth trickled down her inner thighs as little beads of sweat rolled down her taut, naked body. “Get on your back . . .” She growled, “It's time to celebrate!”

Laying down before she'd even finished speaking Cody licked his lips and stared up at her with that same awestruck enthusiasm he always had. How he could still be so excited despite them fucking every day was beyond her, but Faydra wasn't about to complain. And she definitely couldn't pretend like she was any better as she climbed onto the couch and straddled his head. Just the thought of sitting on his face was enough to completely soak her thighs and by the time her quivering lips were pressed against his her whole body was wracked with eager shudders and wild spasms.

“Be a good boy and take care of me like I like!” She moaned, already breathlessly exhilarated by the pleasure of him kissing her hairy cunt even before he'd done anything else, “Maybe if you do it right I'll break out that toy we found a little while back!”

Both of them knew full well she'd break it out no matter what happened but that didn't stop him from going absolutely wild the moment she offered. His arms slid around her thighs and pulled her even closer to his mouth. His tongue emerged to glide across her puffy folds and lovingly flick her clit without so much as an ounce of hesitation. And perhaps best of all his eyes stared up at her while she sat on his face and grabbed two fistfuls of his hair. He knew how much she loved seeing him looking at her while he was tasting her pussy and like a good little pet he never failed to give Faydra exactly what she wanted. Not that she had much time to appreciate the little things when pleasure was flooding her body in sudden, all encompassing waves.

Between the daily joy of just getting to share her life with him and the bloody thrills of slaughtering so many Enclave assholes Faydra had been raring to go for hours. She'd almost broken down and fucked him three or four times on the way back to Megaton! But as she started grinding against his lips and felt his tongue swirling around her aching clit before drifting over the rest of her pussy she couldn't help celebrating her rare moment of restraint. As much as she could while her back was slowly arching forward and her eyes were drifting shut with every feverish stroke of his tongue.

Words couldn't describe how horny he made her on a normal day and after watching him so effortlessly take apart a bunch of Enclave men Faydra was practically beside herself. Within seconds of him licking her pussy and playing with her clit she was gasping for breath and calling out his name. After a few more seconds she was bracing herself against the edge of the couch with one hand, the other still holding a fistful of his hair and subtly guiding his talented efforts. When his tongue plunged into her cunt soon after a messy little deluge of warmth drenched Cody, her thighs, and the couch beneath them in yet another messy stain neither of them would ever clean. And that was only the beginning as she  grinded faster and harder than ever while his movements quickened. Without so much as a thought they matched each other's passion and sank even deeper into their bliss as they did. Every time he darted across her clit and teased her aching bud like she loved Faydra shuddered against him and pressed herself a little harder against his lips. And every time he slid back down to her entrance she rose a few centimeters higher. Just enough to tease him before he inevitably teased her.

All the while they stared deep into each other's eyes as pure contentment passed between them. She still couldn't wrap her head around the depth of her feelings but that didn't stop her from loving every last moment of them. Or from letting all that pleasure and exhilaration swallow her up as she bucked and grinded and gyrated more feverishly with what felt like every passing second.

They could've been there for minutes, hours, or even days for all either of them knew. Faydra was completely lost in the pleasure of his sloppy tongue and how eagerly he swallowed her warmth as she absolutely drenched him. Cody was utterly enamored with the beauty of the woman straddling his face and riding him so passionately. Both of them were gleefully basking in the joy of being with one another yet again and the simple thrill that accompanied their lovemaking. All while knowing they were only just getting started. That the real fun was right around the corner, just waiting on her to slip far enough over the edge to lose all control.

In the end it only took Faydra a few minutes to hit that point. Maybe five at the very most. His tongue felt so amazing and he looked so cute staring up at her with that adoration she couldn't have held herself back even if she'd wanted to! How she managed to last as long as she did in the first place was a mystery neither of them would ever be able to solve. Particularly after he started messily swirling his tongue around her quivering entrance before mercilessly wrapping his lips around her clit and suckling at her swollen, hypersensitive bud so hard yet so deliberately it just about made her cum the very first time he did it.

After the third or fourth time she was ruined by his ministrations, the torrents gushing from her cunt leaving him so thoroughly drenched he could barely keep his eyes open, Faydra just about hit her limit. She lingered atop him for a few more seconds purely out of a single minded desperation and complete, animalistic selfishness. But it couldn't last. Neither could she. And not two heartbeats later she was rising off his face as her legs trembled and another cascade of sweet smelling, sweet tasting arousal dripped from her quivering folds.

She could barely stay upright as her knees buckled and her legs trembled but somehow she managed to drag him onto his feet and away from the couch. Both of them stumbled upstairs in a giddy haze and she tore into him the moment they were in the bedroom. What was left of his clothes were tossed in every direction and he was shoved onto the bed with a giddy laugh while she turned away.

But he didn't have to wait long for her to come back. Faydra might've been distracted rummaging around in the large trunk at the foot of the bed but she didn't take long to find her prize. And the very moment she did she sprang upright with a lascivious giggle, frantically strapping on the ridged vibrator they'd found in the first week of her coming back with him. It didn't actually vibrate anymore but that didn't matter to either of them as she tied it nice and tight before spraying a thick layer of lube all over the thick, upwardly curving shaft. By the time she was on the bed and between his outstretched legs both of them were shaking like never before and smiling at each other with downright depraved looks on their faces.

The head of her deliciously thick cock pressed against his tight, well trained asshole and both of them sucked in a breath. Cody reached back and grabbed the metal bed frame with both hands, his legs shakily wrapping around her waist as best he could. Faydra moaned in utter delight and bit her lip as she grabbed his hips and smiled down at him with a look of pure love. Neither of them moved for a second or two as he let out a deep breath and pushed back against her just a little bit. She waited until he was absolutely ready, until he gave that exhilarating little nod, before gently yet firmly pushing into his ass with a single, measured stroke.

Cody groaned in pleasure and his back arched so adorably high as soon as she slipped through his ring and into the depths of his body. Faydra could feel every spasm and quiver of his inner walls around her cock as if it were actually part of her, his whole body trembling as she sank inch by inch into his asshole without every slowing down or holding back.

Though nowhere near as fast as she could be she slowly but surely picked up speed as her cock disappeared into his guts. Every bit as eager as him she couldn't hold back at all. Or at leas that was how it felt as she sent those last couple inches lurching into him hard enough to fill their bedroom with the soft wet smack of colliding flesh. A sound all at once punctuating his moaning and completely drowned out by it as he cried out louder than ever. His ankles crossed behind her back while his eyes disappeared into the back of his head as he felt her entire length buried so wonderfully deep inside him yet again. And the way she slowly grinded and gyrated against his prostate, teasingly hitting his g-spot with every movement, just drove him even more crazy. All before she bent down over him and slid an arm beneath his head, her tits pressing against his chest while her fingers wrapped around his cock.

“That's my good boy . . .” She murmured, tenderly stroking his shaft and whispering into his ear while he shuddered and writhed beneath her, “That's my good boy . . .”

Somehow barely hearing her and completely lost in her words all at the same time Cody just shivered against the bed and groaned even louder as she straightened. One hand stayed wrapped around his prick while the other returned to his hips as she finally, mercifully pulled out. After waiting just long enough to completely ravish him with the pressure of her cock against his g-spot she finally let him take a proper breath as she glided out of his asshole just a bit faster than before.

Of course his relief didn't last long as she wickedly reversed course the moment she reached his quivering entrance. Before he could even take a full breath or gather his wits. Her cock glided back into his asshole a bit faster and Cody squealed in ecstasy and gripped the frame so tightly all the blood rushed out of his knuckles. His back arched so fiercely only his head and ass were still touching the bed after that second thrust. And a wave of toe curling pleasure flooded his senses as the ecstasy of her so perfectly hitting his prostate reverberated throughout his body. A pleasure he'd quickly start to drown in as she withdrew a heartbeat later.

Not wasting a single moment building up to the same heady rhythm that always made him squirt like a broken pipe Faydra moaned and panted almost as loud as him. The sheer pleasure of fucking her man in the ass paired with how cute he looked writhing and squirming beneath her as she did made it impossible to do anything else. Though she didn't go completely wild and absolutely ravish his tight little ass she thrusted faster and harder with every stroke. She glided in and out of his perfectly trained hole with a giddy abandon and worked his cock in time with her movements. Effortlessly destroying with both she could've made him explode with either. But it was so much more fun to make him completely melt as she teasingly rubbed his lube soaked dick and pounded away at his tight little ass with long, tender strokes that still sent his body lurching upwards and the bed creaking from the force of her efforts. And just like every other time she turned his ass inside out and fucked him just right Cody turned into a quivering puddle so fast Faydra had barely gotten started.

Within a minute precum was leaking from his cock in messy strands as he gritted his teeth and whimpered like he'd been shot in the gut. Barely a minute after that he was gasping and groaning and calling out her name so feverishly it made her heart skip a beat. And after three wonderful minutes spent fucking him senseless he finally erupted.

A breathless groan erupted from his lips as his whole body tensed. Cum squirted from his cock a split second later and she moaned in rapturous delight as it streaked across his stomach to paint his chest and even drench his blushing face. His asshole tightened more ferociously than ever as he bucked and gyrated against her in mindless ecstasy and she matched his movements and stroked his cock in an pure frenzy of lust. Load after gooey load exploded from his madly twitching cock as she milked his prostate and ravishing his asshole for the length of his ecstasy, never relenting and never wavering as she basked in his utter joy.

Gleefully helping him completely splatter himself as her movements gradually slowed in time with his gradually relaxing body Faydra left Cody soaked in his own cum and gasping for breath even before he'd truly finished. And by the time he was done squirting all over himself and making a complete mess his chest was soaked in jizz and his face was dripping in creamy rivulets of spunk. All the while he panted and whimpered in fits of utter bliss as he finally slumped against the bed.

Bending down to share a sloppy kiss with her man Faydra tasted his cum and hugged him close, delighting in the way he wrapped himself around her the moment their lips met. And when she pulled back seeing that delirious smile on his face and smelling the head scent of cum clouding their every breath was beyond wonderful. She couldn't help but kiss him again a moment later, although their embrace was cut short as she withdrew just far enough to whisper exactly what he wanted to hear from her in those moments.

“That was a great start . . . but I'm not done with your tight little ass . . . not even close!”


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