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This might be the first time I picked between my options with a coin flip lol. But aside from that little quirk I'd say this story is pretty run of the mill in content. I didn't get too wild with it by design so hopefully the end result is still enjoyable!

In an office full of backstabbers, blackmailers, and corporate climbers Santiago might've been the only one perfectly content with his job. He was certainly the only person in the mail room perfectly happy to clock in every morning, clock out every evening, and just work the whole day through. He never schemed or plotted. He didn't gossip or spread rumors to get ahead. He didn't even know the first thing about the skeletons in his coworkers closets! And nobody bothered to learn anything about him. In a sea of sharks trying to eat each other alive just for the chance to get ahead he was a barnacle on one of the rocks beneath them.

Most days the people around him didn't even register his presence despite how imposing a figure he was anywhere else. Outside of work his nearly six and a half foot height and bulky frame was nothing short of impressive, maybe even intimidating to anyone watching him hunch down just to enter so many rooms. But inside the law offices of Marshall, Wilson, and Chu he was about as remarkable as a potted plant or the Christmas decorations strung across nearly every surface. Even when he was squeezing his way through cubicles handing out mail to everyone and towering over all of his cowerkers on the elevator nobody paid him any attention. They knew he wasn't a threat to their plans and because of that he simply didn't matter in their cutthroat world. Which of course suited him just fine.

Nobody else could say they'd worked there for half a decade without making any kind of waves. He'd been with the company since the summer he graduated high school, far longer than many of the top legal minds that'd been hired after him. And he'd probably still be there well after the new crop of lawyers, students, and others burned out or were let go by the senior staff. Not that he paid much attention to any of it.

Santiago didn't really have the mind for that sort of thing. He just kept his head down, did his work, and earned his paycheck plus all the benefits they gave him. Every day he went right to the gym after work and every weekend he hung out with his friends and family. Compared to the fast paced lives of everyone around him he was practically country bumpkin for the middle of the country. Despite being born and raised in New York like most of his peers. Or at least the people he considered peers. The truth of the matter was far more one sided. Beyond his brief forays into the floors above he never spent much time outside of the basement mail room and that's where he belonged. Though not everyone agreed with that sentiment, as he'd quickly come to learn.

It was Friday like any other, the last one before Christmas, and Santiago was making his rounds through the floors like he'd done hundreds of times His little mail cart was almost empty as he worked his way from the bottom of the building all the way to the top and his thoughts were already drifting off as he thought about his impending workout and all the video games waiting on his computer. Not to mention the Christmas movies he watched every year.

But as he walked past one of the senior partners' offices and dropped off her mail he was stopped dead in his tracks by a cold, commanding voice shouting from inside, “Vallez! Get in here!”

Freezing in his tracks, just like everyone else within earshot, he looked into Mrs. Chu's lavish corner office through a partially covered window, dumbly pointing to himself and mouthing the word “Me?” as he did.

“Yes you!” She snapped, “Hurry up, I haven't got all day!”

Immediately retreating back to her door and pushing it open he wheeled his cart inside and nervously asked, “W-What do you need Mrs. Chu?”

“Leave the cart outside.” The words were barely out of her mouth before he'd done what she said. “And close the door.” Once again he followed her commands in an instant while she remained seated behind her desk.

Only when the door was shut and he was slightly more confident she wasn't about to gie any more orders did he ask again, “What d-do you need M-Mrs. Chu?”

Instead of responding right away she did what he'd overheard so many other people talking about over the years. Slowly leaning back in her high backed leather chair and drumming her fingers on the desk as she stared through his soul Mrs. Chu was nothing short of terrifying. She might've been half his height and a third his weight but her stern, unblinking stare and utterly humorless face sent chills through Santiago. Between that icy look and her fearsome reputation as a vicious, brilliant lawyer he could see why so many people in the mail room were terrified of her. Why everyone who talked about her seemed to be positively terrified. He couldn't imagine what someone like her wanted with someone like him but he definitely couldn't imagine anything good.

Of course he wasn't about to ask. He might not have been the brightest bulb in the drawer but he was smart enough to know he should keep his mouth shut and his ears open. That's what they'd told him on his very first day and it's what he'd done every time he'd ever been called into one of his many, many boss' offices. Although he'd never been face to face with a senior partner before.

When she abruptly stood up after several uninterrupted moments of terrifying silence his heart actually skipped a beat. He might've even jumped a little, it was hard to say as he watched her point to one of the chairs in front of her desk, “Sit.”

“Yes ma'am!” Moving as fast as humanly possible he sat down in the chair she'd pointed at, nervously clasping his hands in his lap as he looked up at her.

“You've been with us for five years now.”

It wasn't at all a question but he still felt compelled to answer all the same, “Yes ma'am.”

Mrs. Chu made a sound that could've been a scoff, a laugh, or so many other things as she stepped away from her desk to slowly circle him like a bird of prey. He craned his neck to watch her walk up to the windows and finish closing the blinds one by one. Santiago listened to them rustling as they fell down and he held his breath as each of them clattered against the glass before settling. Once again he didn't say a word and neither did she. Not until she was finished and facing him once again.

“Are you familiar with the executive Christmas party? Excuse me, the executive holiday party?”

She approached him as she spoke and he tensed up all over again, shaking his head before suddenly remembering one conversation he'd heard a very long time ago, “I-I think so.”

“Which is it? Have you heard of it or not?”

“I-I-I don't—someone talked a-about it once in the mail room a-a-a long time ago—back w-when I was first hired I th-think!”

“I see.” Making her way back to her desk and sitting down once again she rested her elbows on the polished wood and clasped her hands together, peering at him from behind them as she asked, “Do you remember who you heard talking about it?”

“I-I don't think they work h-here anymore—b-but no! I d-d-don't remember who it-it was!”

“Hmm. That's a shame.”

A short, incredibly tense silence followed as she looked him up and down while he squirmed under the pressure of her gaze, “I-I could try a-and remember if i-i-it's really important!”

“We'll come back to that later.” Mrs. Chu assured him. “The reason I brought it up and the reason I called you into my office are more important.”

“O-Okay . . .:

Very clearly sizing him up for a few more seconds she quite coldly stated, “I would like you to attend the executive holiday party this evening.”

Utterly dumbstruck by her invitation, especially after how excitedly his former coworker had talked about the executive holiday party, Santiago didn't know how to respond. He didn't even know what he'd been invited to! Beyond the most obvious details literally in the name. Neither he nor any of the people he worked with had ever been invited to an executive anything. From what little he'd heard over the years only people who worked on the tops floors were even considered for that kind of stuff. From the executive bathrooms to executive retreats and dinners none of it was the kind of thing workers like him were involved with. He would've had a better chance of winning the lottery or going to the moon! At least according to the people who talked about that sort of stuff around him.

Which was probably why he just sat there with his mouth hanging open like a particularly dim fish as he tried to think of something say. Mrs. Chu wasn't in any hurry to save him from his speechless shock and eventually he managed to remark, “W-Why me?”

Her lips curled inot a smile and despite how normal it should've been seeing her previously unmoving face change so completely was somehow even more terrifying. Though what she said after helped calm his madly beating heart a little bit, “My wife hosts the party every year. She's hosted it for just shy of a decade now. And she's asked me to invite more employees. I believe the exact words she used were 'someone other than the same old stuffy executives you bring around every year'.”

Santiago smiled a little at those words and even let out a small chuckle but he remained too confused and too unsure of himself to truly enjoy that comment. So much so he asked again without any real thought, “B-But why me?”

Mrs. Chu smirked at him and even let out a quiet laugh of her own, neither of which reassured him in the slightest. “Because you're no threat to me. You're no threat to anyone. You're the most unimpressive, inoffensive, unremarkable person at this firm. From a work perspective at least.”

“Oh . . .” Feeling all at once like he'd been insulted and complimented at the same time Santiago was at a bit of a loss. “Thank you?”

“You're welcome.” She replied. “And you're coming to the executive holiday party. It starts at seven o'clock and it's a black tie event. If you don't have anything suitable you can wear what you're already wearing. But I would recommend something more formal.”

Looking down at his white button up shirt, black slacks, and the blue tie his mother had given him to bring out his eyes Santiago blushed a little, “I-I have a nice suit at home.”

“Good. Wear it tonight and be here at seven o'clock sharp.”

“I-Is the party on this floor or—”

“It's in the rooftop garden.”

“There's a rooftop garden?”


He couldn't help but smile at that revelation, nodding to himself at the thought and even chuckling a little as he thought about how nice it must be up there. Especially for something as important as an executive holiday party! Though another thought quickly distracted him from all that, “Should I-I bring something?” He asked, only realizing how stupid that question was after he'd added to it, “L-Like a bottle of wine or-or something?”

Her brow furrowed for a moment as he seemed to genuinely catch her off guard, “No.” Mrs. Chu stated after a second or two, “It's catered.”

“Oh . . . right . . . o-of course . . .”

Another short bout of silence stretched between them, broken only by the creak of her chair as she leaned back. After a few seconds of staring at him she said with just the tiniest hint of mirth, “You can leaven now Vallez. I'll see you tonight at the party.”

“Y-Yes ma'am!” He sprang to his feet and hurried towards the door only to pause and turn around, “Thank you ma'am!”

“You're welcome.”

No matter how many times he tried to wake himself up, no matter how many times he told himself that whole conversation was a dream, Santiago couldn't avoid the truth. He couldn't pretend like he hadn't been invited to some swanky party by his boss' boss' boss' boss. And he couldn't stop worrying about every little detail.

Spending nearly every moment of the two hours he had left at work absolutely panicking at the thought of attending something so formal and prestigious he'd worked himself into knots before he even got home! He tried to sneak in a quick work out before getting ready but there was no way in hell he could focus on anything beyond the most basic exercises and some light stretching. Anything else needed so much more focus than he had. Especially when he realized he didn't have the slightest clue what to wear alongside his suit. How to accessorize with it and look appropriately dressed up for such a monumental event. And the moment he realized that Santiago's already uncertain downward spiral careened even further into second guessing and panicking.

Even after he was all but forced to pick everything he was wearing out of pure necessity or risk being late and making things a million times worse he still worried like he hadn't worried in years. Maybe his entire life! He worried the entire taxi ride over and he worried the entire elevator ride up. By the time the doors opened and he stepped into the little building that led to the main part of the roof he must have adjusted his cuffs, collar, tie, slacks, jacket, and every other part of his appearance at least a dozen times each. And none of it had made him feel even the tiniest bit better.

The expensive looking silver and gold Christmas decorations all round him did lift his spirits the tiniest bit though.  If nothing else seeing all the tinsel and streams and lights he was used to, albeit with a wildly different color scheme, was reassuring. He didn't feel completely out of his element as he approached the large doors leading to the rooftop proper. Although not being able to see through them as he walked closer didn't help much.

Instead of pushing through and entering the party he checked his watch to see he still had a couple minutes before seven. Which meant a couple minutes to psych himself up. “You can do this. You can do this. You can do this!” He whispered, pacing back and forth and trying to control his breathing even the tiniest bit, “It's just a regular part. A regular party with regular people. There's nothing to be afraid of! There's nothing to be—”

The doors behind him swung open and a surge of unexpectedly warm air swept through the room. He whirled around like a Sasquatch caught on tape, half expecting to find Mrs. Chu standing in the doorway with a disapproving stare. Instead he greeted by someone almost exactly the opposite, “You must be Santiago!”

Positively gorgeous in every way the woman standing across from him might've been the single prettiest human being he'd ever seen. Tall enough to match his gaze without craning her neck too hard and dressed in a tight, revealing dress she looked like she'd just walked off a runway. And for all he knew she had! She was absolutely beautiful enough with her long, fiery orange hair falling in a carefully managed cascade of curly ringlets that perfectly framed her almost dainty face. Her shockingly blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she smiled at him and freckles dotted every inch of her pale skin from her forehead all the way down to her bare shoulders and arms. He'd never seen anyone with lips so full and so soft looking in all his life and the way her cutely upturned nose seemed to contrast with and enhance her sultry demeanor just made his knees weak. Everything about her seemed to make his knees weak.

Like the flowing black dress she had on. With a slit that reached all the way to her hip and exposed one long, beautifully toned leg dotted in freckles too she would've been a knockout regardless. But seeing all that tight, shimmering fabric clinging to such a voluptuous figure was too much for him to handle after being blindsided by her beauty. Santiago's mouth fell open before he was anywhere near comprehending the sheer size of her breasts and ass. Almost too big for her comparatively slender frame her chest looked like they were ready to burst out of the top of her dress at any moment and the sheer amount of cleavage she showed off was stunning. And yet as amazing as that was he couldn't help but notice the wide, equally disproportionate curve of her butt even when she was facing him. It was obvious she'd had some sort of work done but unlike most guys he had nothing but open mouthed admiration for her. So much so he didn't even respond to her statement or the knowing laugh she let out soon after. He just stared like a deer in the headlights until she approached him with a cocksure swagger.

“I guess I don't need to ask if this dress works on me!” She laughed, sauntering towards him with the kind of hip swaying strut that seemed almost magically hypnotic, “It's a pleasure to meet you!”

She held out a hand and he took it without really thinking, completely enveloping her dainty little fingers with his own as he dumbly said, “I-I'm Santiago . . .”

“And I'm Riley Summers-Chu!”

It took him a second or three to process the name she'd just given and connect all the dots, “Y-You're Mrs. Chu's wife?”

“Of course, although I've never called her 'Mrs. Chu' outside of the bedroom!” Riley laughed.

Santiago blushed even harder and nodded, immediately releasing Riley's hand and blushing a furious shade of red, “Y-You've thrown a lovely party!”

“You haven't even seen the party yet!”

She might not have been mocking him as she giggled at his words but he certainly felt like a fool. For a couple seconds at least. As soon as she sidled up next to him, sliding an arm around his like they were there together, a whole different feeling washed over him, “M-Mrs. Summers-Chu I-I-I don't—”

“Call me Riley darling!” She cheerfully interrupted, “Formalities like that don't have any place at one of my parties!”

There was no way in hell he'd be able to call her by her first name but before he could say as much or really say anything at all she led him out of the little room and onto the rooftop, gleefully throwing open the doors to reveal the party he'd been invited to. And what he found waiting for him inside, or rather outside, was nothing short of stunning.

The entire place looked like a winter wonderland straight out of a movie. Even the massive outdoor heaters were decorated in some small way to fit the extravagant theme. And yet as amazing as it all was every last ounce of his attention was immediately and completely focused on the people occupying the party. Santiago barely even noticed the decorations as his eyes immediately fell on a young, gorgeous woman passionately sucking a man's cock not five feet from the doors. On her knees with her platinum blonde hair tightly gripped by the older gentleman she was throating and her dress pulled down and lifted up to show off her perky tits and ass she was absolutely going wild on him. Even with the music and the other lewd sounds echoing from all around he could hear the wet gurgle of her sloppily working every last inch of his dick with sheer abandon.

And she was just the first one he noticed. A loud, enthusiastic moan pulled his attention away from that shocking sight and to another, even more starting one. Crying out as she was held aloft and pinned between a shockingly well endowed man and his equally impressive female partner another woman was lost in the throes of ecstasy as they ravished her from both ends. She clung to both of her partners and cried out with nearly every stroke as warmth cascaded from her sex to splatter both people responsible for making her squeal so loudly.

But somehow that was only the beginning of the madness. Everywhere he looked, everywhere his eyes jumped to, there were people engaged in some manner of wild sex act. Sometimes it was only two of them together, sometimes it was as many as five or six. But no matter how many people it involved or  what they were doing it was always perverted. Some of the more wild groups and pairings had little rings of other people watching them. And most of the time they were all masturbating or playing with one another as they did. Nobody seemed to think it was the slightest bit strange. Nobody seemed to bat an eye at what was going on. Not even the other people casually talking with one another as they poured drinks, ate the food laid out for them, and otherwise acted like they were literally surrounded by dozens of people having sex. It was the most surreal thing he'd ever seen in his entire life and Santiago genuinely couldn't stop staring at everyone around him. Despite how rude and embarrassing it felt to ogle them.

“W-What kind of party is this?!” He finally gasped. He stared at a nearby man bent over a table with another man absolutely pounding him from behind while a woman sucked his cock for what felt like an eternity, endlessly waiting from a response that never seemed to come. “I-I thought this was s-s-some kind of-of office party!”

“It is!” Riley exclaimed, stepping in front of him with a little flourish, “It's an office sex party!”

“I-I don't understand!”

“What's not to understand?!” Moving beside him and sliding her arm around his again she led him away from the doorway and deeper into the party. He might've resisted ever so slightly but he couldn't offer up any real resistance. Not when he was so stunned by literally everything around him. “It's an office party . . . where we all have sex!”

Seeing so many people he knew, or at least recognized, was absolutely nerve wracking. Most of them barely even glanced in his direction but in the time it took them to reach what looked like a small stage in the center of the rooftop he was completely overwhelmed. His cheeks were on fire and his whole body was covered in goosebumps as adrenaline surged through him with every wild heartbeat. He barely even noticed Riley pulling away from him and he certainly didn't pay any attention to what she might have been doing. How could he when everywhere he looked he was surrounded by more sex than he could possibly imagine? It was like he'd stepped into a porno! Or that one movie his film buff friend told him about when they were younger. He couldn't quite remember the name and he didn't have a chance to. The sudden arrival of Mrs. Chu completely distracted him.

“M-Mrs. Chu! I-I-I didn't—”

“Hello Vallez.” She stated, glancing up at him for a moment before looking past him and asking, “ I assume he's what you were looking for?”

“W-What are you—”

“Oh he's perfect!” Riley exclaimed, “You should've invited him as soon as he was hired!”

More and more confused with every word out of their mouths Santiago glanced back at Riley as she spoke only to instantly look away as his eyes widened and a look of pure shock spread across his already bright red face. “What's the matter Vallez?” Mrs. Chu asked, smiling wickedly at him while he was left staring down at her in disbelief, “You look like you've seen a ghost.”


His stammering was mercifully cut short when Riley stepped into view, casually laying an arm across her wife's shoulders as she stood completely naked in front of everyone and said, “That's not the reaction I'm used to getting!”

“Look lower darling.”

Santiago stared into her sparkling blue eyes with a mixture of shock and dread, fully aware of what his boss was referring to and hoping against hope Riley wouldn't take the bait. He even tried to hide his shame as soon as Mrs. Chu spoke but before he could do anything more than awkwardly twitch her attention jumped from his brilliantly red face to the unmistakable bulge straining against his slacks. A look of pure joy lit up her already beautiful countenance and she even let out a delighted giggle. When he finally managed to hide his embarrassment behind his hands her eyes returned to his and she laughed even louder.

“Now that's the reaction I'm used to!”

“I-I-I'm sorry Mrs. S-Summers-Chu!” He muttered. Very deliberately looking at her face and nowhere else despite seeing so much of her body as he did Santiago still hadn't quite wrapped his head around what was going on, “I-I-I-I didn't mean to-to-to—”

“Why are you apologizing Vallez?” His boss demanded, “You don't think my wife is beautiful?”

“Oh I know what he thinks of me!” Riley exclaimed, stepping closer to him and teasingly laying a hand over his as he continued to hide his arousal. Pushing her enormous, fake breasts against his chest and stomach she rose to the very tips of her toes as she smiled up at him with a look that made his heart skip a beat and his mind go blank. “You're just too embarrassed to say it . . . aren't you big boy?”

“I-I-I-I d-don't—”

Before he could even figure out what he was trying to say Riley's arms were draped across his broad, muscular shoulders. Her lips pressed against his in a sudden, passionate kiss as she all bug hung off his enormous frame, pressing herself even more tightly against him and completely overwhelming the last dregs of his composure. His eyes widened in shock then drifted shut as her tongue pushed into his mouth and her fingers tangled themselves in his hair. One of his hands fell away from his groin only to shyly find her shapely waist and nervously slide across her unimaginably soft skin. Faster than he could even comprehend he was ever so slightly leaning into their kiss as he held her waist and shivered against her body.

No part of his brain was functioning properly. No part of his body was under his control. He didn't even feel like he was himself anymore. Like something else had taken over entirely while he was left kissing the single most beautiful woman he'd ever met. Maybe even the most beautiful woman to ever live! It was impossible to resist her and impossible to do anything but lose himself in that long, luxurious kiss.

Riley pulled away from him after a few moments, giddily licking her lips and smiling at the dazed, almost vacant stare he gave her as her feet returned to the ground with a soft thump. Santiago continued to stare in disbelieving awe even as she said, “Ohhhh he's absolutely perfect! If he fucks even half as good as he kisses we'll have to take him home with us!”

“Let's see how he performs in front of an audience first.” Mrs. Chu remarked.

Despite hearing the words they spoke and understanding them on the most basic level Santiago didn't really process anything they'd said for several seconds. Not until Riley had pulled his other hand away from his cock to lead him onto the stage they were standing beside, “W-W-Wait! W-What am I-I-I doing?!”

Glancing back at him with one foot on the stage and her enormous, fake ass sticking out like she was striking a pose for a modeling shoot Riley giggled at his question and said, “We're gonna put on a little show for everyone! You're gonna fuck me over and over and over again with that big fat cock! You're gonna fuck me silly while everyone watches!”

Absolutely thrilled and utterly terrified by her words Santiago babbled for several uninterrupted seconds, vehemently shaking his head without ever actually pulling away. It wasn't until he looked at his boss standing literally a foot away that he managed to say something coherent, “B-B-But you're married! To a-a woman! T-T-To my boss!”

Giggling even more as she tugged on his arm with both hands Riley pulled him onto the stage as what felt like everyone at the party looked to them, “That's what makes it so fun!”

She overwhelmed him in another kiss before he could even think about responding, her legs wrapping around his waist as she leapt onto him without any hesitation at all. In the blink of an eye he was utterly lst in the pleasure of her body. The thrill of kissing such a beautiful stranger with so many people watching them like it was perfectly normal. He felt her breasts squishing against his chest as surely as he felt her pussy rubbing against his cock and he couldn't help but moan. His hands might've been locked at his sides when she first pounced but after a few wonderful seconds of kissing her and gradually losing his mind all over again they didn't stay there for long. They couldn't. Not with such an amazing woman moaning into his lips and kissing him like no one ever had before.

Sliding his hands across her back and nervously hugging her even more tightly against him Santiago didn't even know what to do. There were so many conflicting feelings and emotions coursing through him as he stood there he felt downright paralyzed by indecision. How he managed to kiss her back with more and more passion was entirely beyond him. He didn't even realize he was doing it until he felt Riley shiver and heard her eager little moan. And he couldn't help but shudder to as he felt goosebumps erupt across her skin. His tongue pushed back against hers a split second later as instinct started taking over and one of his hands drifted down to her plump, jiggling ass without any thought at all. She moaned even louder as he nervously cupped one of her fat cheeks and squeezed as hard as he could get away with. As hard as his still nerve wracked mind and body would let him. But she didn't seem to mind how timid he was being and neither did all the people watching. Mrs. Chu certainly didn't seem to have any complaints as let out an approving whistle.

Hearing all the people around them moaning ang laughing and groaning with unmistakable pleasure was a little too much for Santiago to handle. He'd never had sex with even a single other person around to see it, let alone a party full of high powered lawyers and their trophy lovers. “I-I don;t think I c-c-can do this . . .” He whispered, breaking off their kiss and shyly looking at Riley even as he remained painfully aware of everyone else, “I-I-I'm not—I've n-never—th-th-this isn't—”

His nervous rambling was interrupted by another kiss but instead of trying to ignore his worries and sweep them away, like he expected, Riley pulled back after a few heartbeats. Staring deep into his eyes and fixing him with a tender, understanding smile she said, “Don't think about them . . . don't think about anyone but me . . .”

As she spoke she slid a hand down his chest and towards his slacks. With shocking ease she unfastened his belt and unzipped his pants, her fingers sliding into his underwear without any trouble at all. He couldn't help but gasp as he felt her soft touch against his almost painfully hard cock and her already radiant smile widened even more.

“Just focus on me . . .” She whispered, freeing his cock from his pants to a chorus of moans and delighted gasps. “Just focus on me . . .” His tip brushed against the soft, puffy folds of her sex and he shivered like never before, “Just focus on me . . .”

Just about on the verge of passing out from sheer embarrassment Santiago looked into her eyes and gave the tiniest of nods. He couldn't quite drown out everyone around them but he could certainly give it a try as he gently lowered her onto his cock. Especially when she was cupping his faze and holding his gaze with such an intensely passionate look he was all but enamored with her. At least until he was awash in the warmth of her body as his tip disappeared into her sex.

Mrs. Chu let out a throaty groan as her employee's cock slipped into her wife's pussy. She moaned even louder as she watched Riley's back arch and a telltale quiver tear through her already quivering muscles. When a little bead of arousal rolled down his prick before dropping onto the stage she actually had to cover her mouth with one hand to stop herself from being too loud. Not that anyone around her seemed to mind. Most of them were moaning even louder as she did, their own lewd antics growing even more enthusiastic as they finally witnessed their lovely hostess taking a cock. After years and years of trying to find someone she liked, and someone who could stay hard enough to perform, all of them were finally getting to see Riley enjoying herself like they'd wanted for so long. And none of them were left disappointed!

As soon as he felt the tight, wet softness of her pussy wrapped around even just the head of his cock Santiago knew he couldn't resist her. Even before she slid her arms around his shoulders once again and smothered him in another, somehow more passionate kiss he knew he was gone. Cupping her amazingly soft yet incredibly firm ass with both hands and squeezing her cheeks even harder than before he lowered her onto his dick so much faster than he thought he could. Sinking inch after inch into her unbelievably overwhelming pussy he was groaning and shuddering like he was having a seizure before he'd even finished! And by the time every last centimeter of his cock was firmly buried in her sex and he could feel her trembling around him like no one else he'd been with Santiago was utterly gone. Completely lost. Somewhere in the back of his mind he still heard the people around them and still knew they were there. But losing himself with Riley, in Riley, was so unimaginably easy he would've felt silly for ever doubting her if he could feel anything beyond pleasure. Or the ever increasing need to start moving again.

Every bit as delighted as he was Riley bucked and grinded against his massive cock, genuinely struggling to breath as he filled her up so completely it stole her every breath away. It felt like he was stretching her to the absolute breaking point just by holding her against his dick. Even after all the lewd, over the top things she and Hua had done together his prick still felt utterly monstrous. Despite her knowing her wife's fist and indeed her entire arm were surely bigger.

Momentarily bringing their kiss to an end to rest her forehead against his and quietly whisper, “Fuck me Santiago!” Riley trembled at her own words and the thought of Hua watching what he was about to do, “Fuck me as hard as you can!”


Throbbing harder than ever at her words and even unleashing a gooey strand of precum into her pussy after she was done his cock absolutely raged inside her depths. It even managed to brush against the entrance to her womb as she shivered and convulsed against him! Yet no matter how amazing all of that felt it didn't even come close to what happened next. To the almost imperceptible change that came over her companion as his hands slid along her legs and to her knees. A long, giddy moan erupted from her lips as he lifted her off his dick and she even managed to giggle at his unexpectedly studious expression as he moved her into a whole new position.

Within a few seconds her legs were pressed against his chest, her ankles parallel to his head as she was left holding on to him for dear life. His hands returned to her ass and their lips reunited a few seconds later. A messy little torrent of warmth cascaded down his cock and dripped onto the stage beneath Santiago's feet as he slid them a little further apart. What little conscious thought remained in his mind was dedicated entirely to giving her as good a fucking as he could manage. Deliberately ignoring everyone else and focusing entirely on Riley he tried to do exactly what he would've done with any other lover. Very purposefully ignoring the fact that she was his boss' wife, that dozens of people were watching them, even that his boss was standing a couple feet away, he let out a soft groan and leaned even deeper into their embrace. Kissing her back with everything he had as he tried, and somehow succeeded, to flip a switch inside of himself Santiago braced for his own passion at the same moment as Riley. But only one of them was truly prepared for what was about to happen.

Rising up his cock even faster than before she tried to moan in delight at the simple pleasure of his dick gliding out of her pussy. Of it rubbing against her inner walls and even brushing against her g-spot as he withdrew. Before she could even finish her delighted whimper he slammed her back down onto his madly throbbing prick with more force than she'd ever felt. His tip slammed into her cervix so deliciously hard her eyes all but completely disappeared into the back of her head. All the air left in her lungs came rushing out in a strangled groan while a whole new wave of arousal gushed from her trembling sex.

Her almost bestial grunt was punctuated by the wet smack of her body colliding with his and by the excited gasps of everyone around them. Mrs. Chu sucked in a ragged little breath and bit her lower lip as she watched her wife's body shiver and tighten. She watched Santiago's fingers dig into her fat cheeks as he held her against his dick and she let out a long, whimpering moan as she waited for what came next. From the moment she invited him to the party she'd been hoping he wasn't the 'gentle giant' he seemed to be and she couldn't have been more elated to see his inner animal coming out. Partly for herself and her own lascivious intentions but mostly for her already gasping and panting and squirming wife. Getting to see Riley shudder would always be a treat but getting to see her spasm as something slammed into her cervix was a pleasure she'd only experienced a few times. And one Santiago was about to let her enjoy more than anyone she had ever picked out for her slutty bride.

After pausing for all of a second or two as the sheer ecstasy of her pussy washed over him Santiago immediately launched into the kind of ball slapping frenzy he, Riley, and Mrs. Chu so eagerly wanted from him. Let alone everyone else watching and masturbating and having sex as they looked on with bated breath!

Lifting her up his cock and slamming her back down with all the strength he had he rammed his cock into her pussy, hammering her cervix with another shockingly forceful blow that absolutely devastated Riley's entire body. Barely clinging to their kiss as she shuddered and convulsed against him she wasn't given even a second of respite before she was flying right back up his shaft all over again. Before his tip was plunging back inside of her and stealing her breath away even more forcefully. The first jolt of pleasure was still echoing throughout her body when the second arrived. Her ass was still jiggling nad her mind was still reeling from his almost brutal stroke. And that was only the beginning!

Within seconds he was absolutely jackhammering her pussy. Faster than she could even comprehend he was moving her like a cheap fleshlight, slamming her onto his dick over and over and over again as if she didn't weigh anything at all! The way he managed to manhandle her as he bounced her up and down his cock was nothing short of heavenly! Riley had never felt so slutty, so completely used in all her life. And when she buried her face in his broad, muscular chest after the pleasure of his dick proved too much for their lingering kiss she'd never felt more dainty and petite. He seemed absolutely massive against her and every ferocious stroke only enhanced that toe curling feeling even more. Especially as he pounded away at her cervix with such unrelenting force it was impossible to take even a single breath. She was all but suffocating as he utterly ravished her sex and the longer he kept at it the faster her head spun. The more frantically she convulsed against him. The messier her already sloppily gushing pussy grew.

His initial barrage might've only lasted a minute at the very most but it was the most devastating minute she'd ever experience. Riley had completely soaked herself, Santiago, and the stage beneath them in a veritable shower of warmth as he bounced her back and forth on his dick. She'd all but broken off her newly pressed nails as she scraped them along his back and the guttural, animalistic sounds she let out alongside the meaty slap of their colliding flesh was nothing short of bestial. Easily the lewdest and most vocal noises she'd ever made despite being wholly unable to breathe all throughout his wild fucking.

Only when he finally slowed down did she manage to suck in enough air to think straight. Or at least come the tiniest bit close. Between the maddening assault on her cervix and the constant pleasure of his dick her mind wasn't about to start working again. Even if he'd stopped completely! Thankfully for her and everyone else he didn't stop at all, he just slowed down a little bit as he caught his breath and gathered his strength for the next onslaught. All the while Riley and everyone else waited with heady anticipation.

And once again Santiago didn't leave them disappointed. The moment his grip tightened and he sucked in a quick breath a hush fell over the crowd. Riley moaned his name and squirmed against his dick in a final burst of self control and involvement while Mrs. Chu hastily slid a hand down into her already sopping wet panties. But the man responsible for all of their glee didn't even notice how they were reacting. Except of course the woman squirming atop and around his prick. He couldn't stop noticing how wildly she was trembling. Which was exactly why he gave her something even better than before, something that utterly broke her faster than she or anyone watching could believe. Lifting her off his cock like he had so many times already Santiago slammed his boss' wife back down onto his dick with all the same ferocity as before. And he thrusted forward with every ounce of his strength at the exact same moment.

His cock vanished into her pussy so fast it was practically a magic trick. A shower of warmth erupted from her sex as Riley let out a strangled groan that barely even sounded human. She threw her head back in a fit of convulsive ecstasy as her hips moved entirely on their own and the rest of her body was utterly wracked with spasms. And before she or anyone else could fully comprehend what'd just happened Santiago did it all over again.

He didn't think twice about picking up where he'd left off. About absolutely ruining her as best he could, ramming his cock into her pussy every single time he plunged her down. Really he didn't think about much of anything as he launched into another wild frenzy. Between the unimaginable ecstasy of her pussy convulsing around him and the endless thrill of hearing her groan and gasp and make the most lewd sounds imaginable he was almost as lost as Riley. Even when he looked out at all the people watching them, all the people passionately fucking one another because of them, he didn't and simply couldn't comprehend what they were doing. His one and only job was absolutely ravishing the gorgeous woman squirming so hard on his dick and it was a job he took to with unmitigated ferocity.

Once again absolutely jackhammering her pussy and battering her cervix like no one ever had he didn't hold anything back for the better part of a minute. Sixty seconds had never felt longer as the meaty slap of her ass smacking into his body and the throaty screams tumbling from her lips drowned out everything else around them. Riley couldn't think, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't even function as he pounded her so relentlessly. It was everything she could've wanted and more as he mercilessly turned her inside out and broke her pussy.

All the years she'd spent trying and failing to achieve what Santiago was finally giving her had been well worth the frustration. The sheer flood of abject pleasure tearing through her with nearly every stroke was more than she could comprehend. More than she could ever hope to handle. 'Devastated' was too weak to describe what she felt and yet it was the only one that made any kind of sense as he pushed her right up to the edge of an orgasm she'd been fantasizing about for ages.

The thought of completely losing her mind in front of everyone, in front of her wife, while a man she didn't even know broke her pussy as surely as he broke her brain was amazing. Almost as amazing as his cock. And while he didn't push her over the edge with that second barrage of abject pleasure the third sent her tumbling into a churning sea of pure bliss faster than she could even fathom. One moment she was gasping for breath and clinging to the man responsible as the scattered fragments of her mind disappeared one by one. The next he was picking up where he'd left off like no time had passed at all and she was screaming his name with her final, proper breath as the sheer ecstasy of his wild efforts finally overwhelmed her.

Mrs. Chu and everyone else around her watched in equal parts delight and amazement as Riley seemed to melt into Santiago's body. As the most wild, convulsive spasms tore through every inch of her while she groaned and grunted and screamed in abject desperation. Torrents of warmth exploded from her pussy with nearly every stroke, each and every one arriving after a particularly violent shudder that sent her bucking and gyrating against him. Squirting all over the both of them, the stage beneath, and anyone within a few feet of them she unleashed fountain after fountain of sweet smelling, even sweeter tasting arousal as he continued fucking her unabated. No matter how hard she shook or how violently she reacted to his ferocity Santiago just kept pounding Riley with the same animalistic strength. He might've even gone a little harder than before as her body wrapped around him and she clawed at his shoulders. It was truly impossible to say and nobody really cared one way or another. They were much too busy reveling in the lewdness of seeing Riley lost her mind. Of seeing her squirt all over someone's cock while her wife looked on in utter delight.

Much like Santiago himself. Even if he couldn't see the full scope of the lewdness unfolding right in front of him just feeling her body react to his wild strokes was more than enough. Even when he closed his eyes amidst the crashing waves of pleasure tearing through his body the tightness of her pussy and the sweetness of her arousal was indescribable. He was well and truly lost in the constant ebb and flow of her body reacting to his. Of her bucking and grinding and shuddering so violently he actually struggled to hold on to her more than once! How she didn't squirm right out of his hands as he continued slamming away with such abandon was a mystery he didn't even have the wherewithal to comprehend. Like the performer he'd been turned into he just kept pumping away with all the ferocity he could manage.

Keenly aware of his own limitations even as he continued to forget about everything else around him he slammed his cock into her pussy and slammed her onto his cock throughout Riley's explosive ecstasy. She never had a chance to come down from her orgasmic high as he continued thrusting away with such unbridled fury. Not until his movements finally slowed after what felt like an eternity of drowning in ecstasy and squirting so messily the air was positively clogged with her arousal. Then and only then did she finally get a chance to slump against him in a delirious haze as her uncontrollably shuddering body finally started to settle.

To everyone around them, and Santiago as well, she just seemed to collapse against him. With a final, gurgling moan all of her muscles seemed to relax at once as she dropped like a discarded toy. If he hadn't been holding on so tight she would've tumbled to the ground in a crumpled heap. Instead she was left trembling and whimpering against his broad chest as he slowly lowered her onto his cock one more time.

Slowly coming to his senses as he held his nearly comatose partner upright Santiago did his best to cradle her as tenderly as he could, though he didn't even think about pulling out as her pussy continued to tighten around him. “A-Are you okay Mrs. Summers-Chu?”

“Call . . . me . . . Riley . . .” She moaned, not even lifting her head to speak as she shuddered against and around him.

“She's fine.” Mrs. Chu assured him. Approaching them both but making no effort to join them on stage or relieve him of her wife she instead looked up at the pair and bit her lip, eyeing them both up with a look that made Santiago all manner of nervous, “But she'd be even better if you finished in her ass!”

Riley's pussy tightened around him and a particularly violent shudder spread through her body. “Hua!”

“I-I-In her ass?” Santiago stammered, “Are you s—” Before he could even finish that fantastically stupid question Mrs. Chu silenced him with a sardonic yet somehow intense look. His cock throbbed a little harder at the thought of doing what she was suggesting and Riley moaned a bit louder. Her body was still limp and barely functional but it was clear she didn't object. “O-Okay . . .”

“Don't . . . be . . . gentle . . .” His companion moaned.

“Are you familiar with a full nelson?” His boss asked a second or two later.

Once again the woman impaled on his cock shuddered at her wife's remark but he did his best to ignore that reaction for the time being, “Y-Yeah . . .”


She stepped back and smiled at him, sliding a hand back into her panties and slowly rubbing her pussy as she looked at her wife. Even in the state he was in Santiago could understand what she expected from him and he was quick to give her exactly that. Although he tried his best to be careful with Riley as he put her in a full nelson and slid his cock into her ass. Of course as soon as his prick disappeared into her surprisingly tight hole without any serious resistance and he felt her trembling around him even more ferociously than before much of that gentleness went right out the window. By the time he was in the right position and more than capable of fucking her just like he had before Santiago couldn't hold back a moment longer.

Pulling out as fast as he could and moving her as roughly as possible he turned Riley's ass inside out while she squealed in pleasure and everyone around them moaned in delight. A little jet of warmth squirted out of her sloppy excuse for a pussy and Mrs. Chu softly moaned her name. Most of the crowd watching them moved into view of the real show and Santiago had one last moment of clarity as he watched them all shift.

“This is crazy!” He thought, “This is the craziest thing I've ever done!”

And yet as true as that might have been it didn't stop him from slamming her back down onto his dick, from slamming his dick back into her ass, the moment it was about to slip free of her quivering little ring. Riley screamed in ecstasy and shuddered against him like never before. Her eyes disappeared into the back of her head as she screamed his name and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Nothing had ever or would ever destroy her like taking it up the ass right after cumming. Something about the state a good old fashioned orgasm left her in made anal the single greatest thing in the world. And the fact that her beautifully vicious wife had made sure everyone else knew it too only enhanced the pleasure crashing through her body. Knowing they were all getting a glimpse of what an unabashed whore she really was excited her to no end! Second only to the thrill of getting a belly full of jizz as soon as her beefcake of a lover finished pounding her sloppy hole. And she didn't even have to wait all that long to enjoy a fresh load of cum!

Already near his limit when she was squirting all over his cock Santiago didn't have any chance of lasting more than a minute or two after sliding into her ass. He'd never fucked a girl in the ass before and the simple thrill of popping that particular cherry excited him so much more than he could've expected. More than enough to see him absolutely slamming into her asshole within a few strokes and more than enough to see him returning to full strength soon after.

All but certain Riley could take everything he was dishing out no matter where he might've been fucking her he just destroyed her asshole like he'd destroyed her pussy. After how hard she'd gushed all over his dick before he didn't even need a hint of lube. He could just thrust away with total abandon and absolutely fill the party with the wet smack of his balls clapping against her pussy with nearly every stroke. Before long he was showering everyone within two or three feet of them in little flecks of Riley's warmth. Within a full minute of fucking her like his life depended on it she was trembling and convulsing so hard even people four or five feet away were suddenly getting splashed by her ecstasy, much to their abject delight.

But of course nothing could compare to the simple pleasure of him finally hitting his limit and pumping a massive load into Riley's ass while she screamed in delight. Even if they couldn't see much more than him ravishing her hole for a few more seconds before plunging his dick balls deep in her asshole and letting out a long, shuddering groan the thrill of it all was beyond compared. And watching his already madly twitching shaft pulse and throb with every spurt while the woman being flooded with his cum quivering against him actually pushed a few others over the edge too. Suddenly he wasn't the only one emptying his balls at the party. Suddenly she wasn't the only one getting a nice flood of warm, toe curling spunk to savor. Though neither Santiago nor Riley had any awareness of what was going on around them. Nor did Hua as she rubbed her clit so furiously she just about buckled from the surge of pleasure tearing through her body.

Completely drowning in the pleasure of her asshole milking his cock dry as he emptied the biggest loads he'd ever produced into her ass Santiago could only cling to the woman he was fucking and groan like a wounded animal. All the while Riley shook and trembled in his grasp as a veritable fountain of thick, pent up jizz sprayed so deep into her guts it felt like it was actually in her stomach. Although she didn't succumb to another orgasm the simple joy of being pumped full of cum while her wife and everyone else watched was one of the most exhilarating experiences of her life. Especially as when she heard the telltale sound of Hua cumming nearby. Not being able to see her beautiful lover shake and spasm as she soaked her clothes and sank to her knees was perhaps the only downside of being locked in such a deliciously exposing position. And it certainly wasn't enough to dampen the thrill of getting so thoroughly flooded with cum she actually felt bloated and swollen by the time he was done. Like he'd literally filled her to the brim with searing hot jizz. She half expected to see her stomach distending from the ungodly amount he'd filled her with!

Sadly her first time as the center of attention at one of her famous parties wasn't quite that absurd. She merely had to settle for the toe curling delight of watching his cock slide free after a few seconds and a deluge of cum sputter out of her nicely gaped asshole. All while Santiago sank to his knees with a groan and gasped for breath.

Riley, Hua, and the rest of the party watched her utterly ruined ass wink and quiver in the open air as a constant stream of jizz erupted from her depths. Sometimes she found the strength to push it out a bit faster, the wet sputter and squelch of her efforts filling the air, and the rest of the time she just basked in the pleasure of it leaking out. Especially as his grip slowly relaxed and she was able to look around more freely. Locking eyes with her wife and mouthing the words 'I love you' while she squirted fresh cum all over a man's dick was a truly blissful experience. And when Hua mouthed 'I love you' back she was seized by a wild spasm that sent even more jizz streaking from her hole.

More exhausted than he'd been in a very long time, maybe even his entire life, Santiago was left in a daze after cumming. He didn't think about where he was or what he was doing. He didn't have the slightest clue when he'd Riley down onto the stage or when he'd collapsed onto it beside her. At some point he was staring up at the cloudy sky and watching the decorations twinkle all around him while the rest of the world slowly faded back into existence. Staring with the giddy words of the woman he'd just finished having sex with.

“We're definitely doing this again soon!” She cooed, “There's no way I can wait another year!”

“How about your birthday?” Mrs. Chu suggested.

“Don't spoil the surprise!”

He heard both women laugh and share a kiss but couldn't do much more than dreamily smile at the absurdity of his life. At least until his vision was suddenly filled with Riley and Mrs. Chu's positively radiant faces, “I hope you don't think your work is finished Vallez.” the latter remarked.

Looking at them both with a mixture of surprise, delight, and horror Santiago quietly asked, “You w-w-want more?”

“Always!” Riley giggled. “But my turn's over! It's time to be a good hostess and make sure everyone is taken care of!”

“Th-Then who—”

The pair disappeared from view and he was left staring at the sky for a few seconds before they grabbed his wrists and pulled him upright. By the time he was sitting straight he could do so of his own volition, although he very nearly collapsed onto the stage again upon seeing what awaited him, “As many guests as you can manage!” Riley exclaimed.

Another beautiful woman was standing barely a food away from him, her dress already sitting in a pile at her feet and her truly gorgeous body on fully display. Behind her at least two more women were making their way towards the stage, their clothes already soiled with cum and pussy juice. Even more were eyeing him from all around, men and women alike licking their lips at the thought of riding his cock too. Santiago looked at all of them in utter disbelief as his limp prick slowly stiffened again and a shudder coursed down his spine. But his attention quickly turned to his boss and her wife before anyone else could act.

“I-Is this a-a-a dream?”

Bending down with her hands on her knees and a giddy smile lighting up her face Riley slowly shook her head before giving him one last kiss, her tongue coiling around his for just a moment. When they broke apart Mrs. Chu simply replied, “Merry Christmas Vallez.”

“M-Merry Christmas Mrs. Chu!” He watched them both walk away before turning his attention back to the women slowly surrounding him like a pack of horny wolves, “S-So . . . who w-wants to go f-f-first?”


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