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It's time for another story I picked totally at random because I couldn't decide between the suggestions lol. I tried to make this one a little different from my typical fare, give it more of a specific focus, so hopefully that paid off! Be sure to let me know either!

Oh and this was based on a picture you can find here!

Words couldn't describe how excited Shin was as his bus finally came to a screeching stop and he watched the ticker above the driver switch over to “Townsville City Hall”. He barely even heard the jarringly loud hiss of the brakes at it lurched forward before settling. After months of applying everywhere he could, and months of working as a barista in the little coffee shop near his rundown apartment, he was beyond eager to finally start his new job.

But not just any job. Against all odds, sense, and logic he'd somehow managed to land his dream job despite never in a million years thinking he could. He'd only applied to work at the mayor's office on a whim! Almost as a joke just for the fantasy of imagining himself there. But less than a week after filling out the application Ms. Bellum, the Ms. Bellum, had called him back! And since that wasn't insane enough she'd offered him an internship almost immediately after! A paid internship no less! Even after a full weekend to absorb it all he was still completely dumbstruck by everything that'd happened. So much so he spent the entire bus ride over half expecting to wake up from what was obviously a dream.

Yet against all odds he wasn't dreaming. Not when he spent hours getting ready and obsessing over every last detail of his clothes, what he put in his briefcase, how he parted his hair, and anything else he could fret over. Not during the twenty five minute commute across Townsville. And certainly not as he stepped off the bus and stared up at the historic building he'd wanted to work inside of for what felt like his entire life. Somehow it was all real. Somehow it was all happening. Even when every step seemed like he was walking on a cloud as his head spun and his heard positively raced.

In what simultaneously felt like hours and the blink of an eye he ascended the stairs leading into the main building. A heartbeat later he was checking in with the woman at the front desk, nervously giving his name and taking his temporary badge while she said, “Welcome aboard Mr. Jang!”

“Th-Thank you . . .” Shin replied, staring down at his badge for a few seconds as a whole new wave of disbelief watched over him, “Where . . . uhm . . . w-where do I go?”

Tamara smiled a little wider at him and replied, “Ms. Bellum will show you the ropes!”

“I get to meet Ms. Bellum?!” He exclaimed. Instantly losing his cool at the prospect he couldn't help but geek out a little, “B-But she works f-for the Mayor directly! She fought Sedusa! Why w-would she have anything to d-do with me?!”

“Why don't you ask her yourself?”

All the color drained from Shin's face at those words. His whole body stiffened and his heart raced so fast it felt like he was about to pass out. Second to the Powerpuff Girls themselves there was no one he admired more than Ms. Bellum and the thought of suddenly meeting her face to face was almost too muhc to bear. He didn't even want to turn around and embarrass himself but he could hardly stand there doing nothing for the rest of the day. And after a second or two his body reacted even as his mind continued to fail him.

Slowly turning to face the smartest, most capable woman in Townsville like a character in a horror movie Shin looked up at her and nervously swallowed past the lump in his throat. He held out a sweaty hand and timidly said, “I-I-It's a pleasure to meet y-you Ms. Bellum!”

Even more impressive in person she seemed to tower over him as stared at her in awe. Like always her eyes were completely hidden by the curly orange avalanche of hair falling down her shoulders and across her back. But the rest of her kind, freckle covered features were entirely visible and the gentle smile lighting up her wonderfully full lips was nothing short of jaw dropping. Much like the rest of her remarkably curvaceous figure.

Despite seeing her beside the Mayor in countless interviews and even watching some of her fight with Sedusa more times than he could count Shin was still floored by her voluptuous curves. By how long her legs looked as they stretched on and on for miles in those sheer black stockings. How well she wore the red pencil skirt and blazer combination she always seemed to have on. Everything from her incredibly stylish yet entirely work appropriate heels to the barest hint of cleavage left exposed by her top so perfectly walked the line between professional and beautiful it was unreal. To say nothing of how much her beauty was enhanced and complimented by her intelligence. Or her unexpectedly impressive talent for hand to hand combat. In every imaginable way she was the complete package and Shin was completely stunned by her presence.

“It's a pleasure to meet you too.” She replied, smiling warmly at him and shaking his hand while he did his best to not completely lose his mind, “I'm glad we can finally meet face to face!”

“M-Me too!”

He continued shaking her hand for a few seconds longer than he should've before finally realizing how stupid he was being and pulling away before he could embarrass himself further. Ms. Bellum was clearly to nice to say anything as she let out a soft laugh and turned away from him, “why don't I give you a tour before you start working?”

“I-I'd love that!”

“I thought you might.” She replied with another throaty laugh.

For the better part of half an hour Ms. Bellum showed him around the office, introducing him to everyone he'd be working with in the accounting department and just about everyone else working in the rest of the building. He wasn't entirely sure why she was giving a lowly intern such a comprehensive tour, especially why she herself was doing it, but he certainly couldn't complain. He was more than happy to spend as much time in her company as possible. Hearing her smooth, beautiful voice for so long was a dream come true and getting to watch her show off her now famous intelligence as she did was even better. Though of course she wasn't really showing off at all. She was just an incredibly smart woman and that shone through everything she did. Of course Shin wouldn't have cared either way. He was thrilled either way. Sometimes a little too much . . .

Pay attention!” He told himself, shaking his head and deliberately focusing on Ms. Bellum's words instead of his admiration for her, “Focus you idiot!”

It might've taken a lot more willpower than he expected but he was actually able to keep his head straight for the rest of the tour and even ask a few pertinent questions when it was over. Something that even earned him an approving smile as she led him to his desk, “I think you'll be a perfect fit for this job!”

“Th-Thank you!” Shin stammered, “I-I-I won't let you d-down!”

“I'm sure you won't.” Ms. Bellum's smile grew just a little bit wider as she added, “And if you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask. My door's always open!”

Eagerly nodding as he finally sat down at his desk Shin stared up at her with a look of sincere admiration, unable to hold back as he repeated himself, “Thank y-you so much M-Ms. Bellum! I c-can't tell you how much I-I appreciate this job!”

Laying a hand on his shoulder and with a soft laugh she simply replied, “You're welcome Shin.” before turning away and sauntering off.

It took everything he had to not watch her go and only when he was certain she was gone did he finally turn his attention to the work waiting for him. But even as he focused on the many, many bits of paperwork and accounting required of him his thoughts remained fixated on Ms. Bellum. If he hadn't had such a knack for numbers he probably would've started making mistakes almost immediately. And if he'd known about the conversation happening  outside the main office block he definitely would have screwed up big time.

“So what do you think of the new intern?” Tamara asked as Ms. Bellum stepped into the bathroom.

“He's adorable.” She replied, smiling at her friend with an all too familiar grin. “He's exactly what I've been waiting for!”

“Oh yeah? So when are you gonna break him in?”

“I think I'll give him a week.” Ms. Bellum decided as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“Really? Why wait so long?”

“Curiosity. I want to see how good he really is at his job first.”

“If he's not?”

“He wouldn't be the first.” She joked.

“And if he is?” Tamara asked, a knowing smile spreading across her face.

“Ms. Bellum smiled back at her and bit her lower lip for a moment, “Then he just stumbled into the greatest job of his life . . .”

Shin's first week at City Hall was the quickest week of his life. Partly because there was so much work to do he managed to stay busy just about every hour except his lunch break but partly because he managed to spend so much more time with Ms. Bellum than he imagined. At no point when applying for the job or speaking to her over the phone did he think she would be involved with his little corner of the accounting world at all. Let alone to the degree she seemed to be. And yet every single day without fail she always seemed to show up at least once or twice for one reason or another. Sometimes she didn't seem to have much of a reason at all beyond checking up on him but most of the time she was there for some sort of legitimate reason. Usually something involving the mayor, the city budgets, and any number of pending projects.

But whatever the reason he was unbelievably glad to see her. To talk with her about literally anything she wanted to discuss. Normally it was work but every once in a while things took a turn for the slightly more personal and unsurprisingly Shin cherished those moments. He looked forward to them day after day and even when they kept things entirely professional just being around a woman as incredible as Ms. Bellum was enough for him. It made the occasionally boring things he had to do so much better and livened up the exciting parts of his accounting duties so much more.

Really there just wasn't anything he didn't love about his new job. He could already imagine himself working there for months or maybe even years and the more the thought about that the harder he worked to earn that position. From the very beginning it'd been made clear his internship could very easily turn into a full fledged job and he was more determined than ever to make that happen, never realizing just how much better things would get for him because of it.

And when the first Friday of his budding career rolled around Shin was all at once thrilled about the first week being over and mildly disappointed by thought of going home for an entire weekend. Mostly because of Ms. Bellum  and the joy he felt working with her but even setting that aside he did genuinely love the work he was doing. Most people would've hated it but to him accounting and math as a whole was practically his love language. So much so he was rather happy when Ms. Bellum suddenly called him in to her office about an hour before his day was over with the offer of working on Saturday as well. Working with her no less.

“You'll be paid over time of course.” Ms. Bellum added after making her proposition. “And you're more than welcome to turn the whole offer down. I certainly wouldn't blame you if—”

“I'll do it!” Perhaps a little too eager but entirely to excited to care Shin smiled at her and nodded as he said, “I'd love to!”

“You'd love to?” She repeated. Her tone was light and cheerful, not at all mocking like it probably should've been after such a silly declaration. His cheeks darkened and she let out a laugh, “Hopefully you'll still feel that way after hours of poring over documents with me!”

“I'm sure it won't be a problem.” He replied in an ever so slightly more composed tone.

Her smile grew just a little bit more as she leaned back in her seat and watched him closely, delighted by his eagerness and even wondering if he might have some inkling of what she was planning. If he did he'd be the first to guess at her ulterior motives but she really didn't care either way. The excitement of breaking in another intern was already getting to her. Enough that she sat there in silence for a good while longer than she meant to. Long enough to almost make it awkward for both of them. Though he didn't seem to mind.

“Good.: Ms. Bellum finally said. “I'll see you tomorrow!”

“Great!” Shin exclaimed. He started to turn away from her only to turn back and ask, “Should I come in at the normal time or earlier?”

“You can come in at the normal time.”

“Great! Do you—uhm--do you want me to bring coffee or something?”

Ms. Bellum couldn't help but chuckle at his fawning. His was the first intern to have such an adorable mix of fascination and respect. They usually leaned heavily towards on or the other and Shin's mixture of both was an endless source of amusement. “That would be lovely.” She said with an earnest grin, leaning forward and subtly resting her ample breasts on her desk as she laid her arms on the polished wooden surface, “Black with no cream and two packets of sugar.”

“Great!” He said it before he could think of something else to say and subtly winced at his own silliness as he nodded, “I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Bellum!”

Watching him squirm and sweat as he tried not to look at her chest she sat up straight and coyly replied, “Yes you will!”

Completely thrown off by that response and her almost sultry tone Shin just nodded one last time and hurried off, all but certain he was misunderstanding how she'd said it as he returned to his desk. Though he'd continue to dwell on it for the rest of the day and long into the night. Even the next morning left him thinking endlessly about why she'd sounded so seductive. By the time he was back at City Hall with coffee in hand he was determinedly pushing those thoughts out of his mind in favor of keeping a professional, respectable attitude. The last thing he wanted to do was read too much into a totally innocuous statement and end up making things uncomfortable for Ms. Bellum. A sentiment she seemed to share as he met her in her office.

“Here's your coffee Ms. Bellum!”

“Thank you Shin.” She took her drink with a warm smile, looking every bit as gorgeous and in charge as she had every other day he'd worked with her. After a sip and a contented moan she stood up from her desk and cheerfully said, “Let's get to work!”

The first hour or two of their time together was about as normal as it could be. Shin was a little nervous about working so closely with Ms. Bellum, and a little weirded out by how much more empty City Hall was when a large portion of the staff wasn't there, but she didn't seem to mind. If anything she was every bit as comfortable as usual. Even making a few jokes and being all around more relaxed than he had seen during a normal work week. It was a really nice experience and one he enjoyed a lot more than he could've guessed. Even if he hadn't been paid going over old documents and helping Ms. Bellum correlate data was a dream come true. Or at least that's what he thought until his dreams really did start coming true.

It started off so innocently he almost didn't notice anything was amiss. The first time she laid a hand on his shoulder as she walked past felt almost natural. They'd been in the middle of a conversation and he certainly wasn't about to complain. But when she did it again upon returning with the box she'd left to collect? When her hand lingered just a little to long? That was much harder to ignore.

As was the way she always seemed to move in closer to him. Any time he had even the slightest question about what he was looking at or what she wanted him to do with the information Ms. Bellum always circled around the table to look at the document beside him. She always moved in so close he could smell her perfume and feel her breasts against his arm. Sometimes he was even smothered by her wild cascade of hair. And when she looked at him when she was that close he just about crumbled under the pleasure and shock of being so close to such a gorgeous woman. But if she noticed his reactions she didn't give it away. Nor did she sound any different as she spoke.

“This was a project Townsville's first Mayor started.” She explained, bending over the table and pressing her hip against his, “This amount here is what he claimed it cost but I want to cross reference that with a few other documents and make sure the money was actually spent.”

“O-Okay!” Shin nervously replied. He was barely even looking at the papers and in no position to truly focus on anything as long as she was so close.

“Let me know if you find any discrepancies.” Ms. Bellum stated. She straightened and pulled away from him, returning to her side of the table they'd been working at and rummaging through the stack of papers she had on her end, “We only have a few more boxes to sort through. We'll be done in no time, I promise!”

“Great . . . th-that's great!”

She continued to torment him with her seemingly unintentionally actions for so, so much longer. All the wall getting just a little bit more handsy as the minutes slipped by. She never acknowledged what was happening but she never stopped doing it either. It didn't make any kind of sense but of course Shin wasn't about to question his good fortune. He just did his best to keep his head down and focus on what he was actually there to do. Though he still glanced at the beautiful and beautifully brilliant woman he was working alongside from time to time. Especially when she was taking what seemed like every chance to move in close to him.

True to her word they really were done in no time. Or at least that's how it felt to him as he was endlessly lost in her company. It could've been twelve hours since he first showed up. He really didn't know and really couldn't care. Between the mountain of work they'd done and spending all that time with Ms. Bellum he was the happiest he'd ever been. And completely oblivious to what was coming next.

“And we're done!” She cheerfully exclaimed, “You did an incredible job Shin, this would've taken me all day by myself!”

“I-I'm glad I could h-h-help!”

“Me too.” Once again her tone had that sultriness he had to be imagining. Though after everything that'd happened he couldn't help but read a little into her smile. Into the way she lingered on him as she lifted the last box and carried it away. Her returning words all but confirmed at least some of his rampant suspicions, “Why don't we have lunch before you go home? My treat!”

“Oh I-I wouldn't want to—”

“Nonsense!” She exclaimed, sauntering around the table to stand beside him with that same warm yet inscrutable smile she'd been giving him all morning, “I'll order something and we can bask in the satisfaction of a job well done! What do you feel like? Pizza? Chinese? There's a wonderful little hot dog cart not too far from here if you don't mind walking!”

“Pizza s-sounds good . . .”

“Pizza it is! I'll put in the order right now!” She looked around their impromptu workstation for a moment before adding, “Would you mind cleaning all this up before you join me? I don't think Nadine would appreciate us leaving a mess for her!”

“Of course!” Shin replied. Almost glad for the reprieve and for a chance to get his head on straight he jumped at the chance to parted from Ms. Bellum, if only for a few minutes.

“Thank you.” She laid a hand on his shoulder and grinned at him with a look that made his heart skip a beat and the rest of his body tense, “For everything.”

“Y-You're welcome M-Ms. Bellum!”

She left without another word and he watched her go with the same incredulity that'd completely taken over his life for the last few hours. He spent however long it took him to clean up lost in a sea of conflicting thoughts, desires, instincts and fantasies. He tried to keep them under control but not even someone as naive and inexperienced as him could deny what she was doing. There was no way he'd just been imagining things. Just like there was no way he could flirt back or do much of anything aside from squirm. Part of him was half expecting to wake up from the dream that was his life. The rest simply struggled to wrap his head around all of it. A feat made all but impossible shortly after knocking on the closed door leading into her office.

“Ms. Bellum? A-Are you in there?”

“Come in!”

He heard her tone and should've understood what it meant alongside the closed door but Shin was too wrapped up in himself to think about anything else as he pushed it open. “I-I'm not sure I—oh my God!”

Sitting on the edge of her desk with the most amazingly lewd smile imaginable Ms. Bellum was waiting for him like something out of a porno. Her once classy, professional outfit had been traded for something truly shocking and he was all but frozen in place the moment he laid eyes on her. Though she still had on the same heels and stockings she always wore those were the only things not completely changed. Everything else was a stunning mixture of lewd and gorgeous.

Her skirt was the tiniest, most irrelevant strip of cloth he'd ever seen. Barely reaching past the tiny black thong he could glimpsed between her long, sultry legs it didn't come anywhere close to covering up her wide, voluptuous ass. Even looking at her head on he could still see the curves of her shapely cheeks as they squished against her desk. Curves that were all at once beautiful nd completely outshined by her downright enormous breasts! Because instead of the sensible, form fitting blazer she normally wore Ms. Bellum had yet again swapped it out for something that barely fit her in the most provocative way imaginable. One tiny little button at the center somehow managed to contain the avalanche of soft, jiggling flesh trying with every second to escape. The fabric was stretched so taut across her chest she could see it digging into her skin as it threatened to break with every passing second. Spilling out in every imaginable direction her cleavage was unbelievable. He could see so much of her freckled covered tits even the edges of her rosy pink areola were visible!

“M-M-Ms. Bellum!”

Pushing herself off the desk and sauntering towards him with a cocksure strut she moved her hips with a beautifully hypnotic sway as her breasts bounced and jiggled with every step, “Call me Sara . . .” She whispered upon reaching him, Her fingers closed around his tie and pulled him into the room while she shut the door behind him, “We're long past formalities . . .”

Shin staggered into her office only to be pulled right back towards her again when she gave his tie a playful tug. Just about careening headlong into her breasts he somehow managed to stop himself at the last second, his hands flattening against the door behind her. He immediately looked up from her massive tits to stare in utter disbelief at her face. Ms. Bellum let out a coquettish giggle and the noisy thunk of a deadbolt sliding into place punctuated her laughter. She let go of his tie and he immediately stumbled backwards as quickly as he could. No part of him could make sense of what was going on or even what he was doing. Nothing made sense anymore and until it did he'd just keep backing away from her. At least until he slammed into her desk.

“M-Ms. Bellum!” He gasped, instantly grabbing onto the wood and shying away from her as best he could while she sauntered closer, “W-What's gong on? Why a-a-are you doing th-this?”

“I told you . . .” She whispered, strutting up to him and pressing her breasts against him and completely smothering his torso in softness, “To call me Sara . . .”


There was no telling how long he would've stoo there stammering if she hadn't interrupted him with a sudden, passionate kiss. Luckily for both of them Sara was no stranger to nervously overwhelmed partners. She barely thought twice about sliding a hand around the back of his head and pulling him into the kind of deep, all encompassing embrace he'd never felt with another person.

Her unimaginably soft lips pressed against his before he could even process what she was doing. And by the time his mind had caught up with his body a truly incomprehensible wave of pleasure was crashing down on him. He couldn't do much more than moan and cling to the desk he was bent backwards over as the tenderness of that first kiss completely destroyed him. Shudders tore through his entire body and soft, breathy whimpers spilled from his lips. But she didn't seem to mind his total lack of reciprocation. If anything she just seemed to enjoy herself regardless.

Sara's lips curled into a smile against his as her other hand snaked around his waist. She felt him tremble at her touch and she couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. Especially when she crushed him against her chest, smothering him all the more against her breasts and leaving him completely frozen like a deer in the headlights.

When she finally pulled away after a few incredible seconds Shin was left so completely dazed he just stared at her with an almost blank look on his face. Like his entire brain was rebooting after what'd just happened. Of course she didn't give him a chance to recover. Holding back just long enough to seductively lick her lips and bask in his adorable antics Sarah leaned in for another kiss long before he could ever hope to recover. Her lips reunited with his own and her tongue slipped into his mouth a second or two after. And just like she'd hoped that was enough to snap him out of his daze. Suddenly tasting her sweetness always seemed to snap her interns out of their daze. Though she was delighted by how he acted on his swell of animalistic desire.

Though his brain was still completely incapable of processing what was happening his body had finally taken over after feeling the softness of her tongue. Guided entirely by instinct and the countless fantasies he'd indulged in over the years Shin pushed back against her in a burst of pure, unbridled enthusiasm. In the blink of an eye he was kissing her back every bit as fiercely as she'd kissed him. In the blink of an eye his arms were wrapped around her waist and his hands were grabbing as much of her plump, shapely ass as he could get. His fingers slipped beneath the tiny little skirt she was wearing and squeezed those gorgeously full cheeks as hard as he could. Hard enough to make Sara whimper and moan against him. And the moment she did he responded in kind, slipping his tongue into her mouth and groaning in abject pleasure. He felt her push her hips out against his mindlessly groping hands while somehow keeping her tits pressed tight against his chest. To say nothing of how deeply she managed to kiss him despite trembling almost as hard as he did!

Eventually they broke apart again, a little trail of saliva connecting their trembling lips as both of them pulled away just enough to look at one another, “Now you're starting to understand . . .” Sara whispered, “But just in case you stilln don't get it . . . let's consider this the last part of your evaluation . . .”

Hearing her words and only barely comprehending them Shin just nodded and quietly said, “Okay . . .” before enough of his brin kicked in for him to ask, “W-What do I have to do?”

Giggling at his question and pulling back even further, enough to finally let him breath as the pressure of her tits against his chest vanished, Sara slid an arm under her massive chest and deftly undid the button keeping her top wrapped so tightly around them. “You don't haveto do anything Shin . . . except have fun!”

Somehow both hearing and understanding her words even as he watched her rosy pink nipples stiffen in the cool air Shin didn't know how to react. Beyond staring in open mouthed amazement at her wonderfully large, amazingly puffy areola and practically salivating over the sight of her naked breasts he was entirely at a loss. At least until she stepped closer again, laughing at his amazement and wordlessly guiding him to her breasts while he just gawked.

But between her soft, guiding hand on the back of his head and the absolute beauty of her amazing curves Shin couldn't stay passive for long. Or rather his body couldn't stay passive for long. Instinct yet again took over a soon as he was close enough to wrap his lips around one of her pert nipples. The rest of the rosy pink flesh capping her breasts was far too big for him to completely smother like he wanted but that hardly stopped him from trying. First with his mouth and then with his hand a few seconds later. He didn't know what he was doing nor could he recall any of the things he'd read about foreplay during a many lonely night. But as soon as he heard Sara cry out he knew he was on the right track.

Throwing her head back and moaning in delight she clung to the back of his head and pulled him even harder against her chest. Watching his cheeks sink inwards and feeling the almost unbearable pressure of his mouth was absolutely exquisite! And the added bliss of his tongue relentlessly swirling around her nipple at the same time just made her tremble all that much harder.

Then she felt his fingers groping her chest with a strength and ferocity she honestly hadn't expected of him. Fondling as much of her tit as he could get his hand around he instantly reminded her of the first boy she'd ever been with. The first time she'd ever been felt up. But what he lacked in skill or experience he more than made up for in pure desire. Everything about the way he sucked on her nipple and manhandled her breast made Sara squirm like few things could. Warmth trickled down her inner thighs no matter how tightly she pressed them together and it wasn't long before she was staring up at the ceiling in abject delight. A delight tht only grew more pronounced when he suddenly switched to the nipple he'd been roughly pinching and kneading between his fingers. And the moment she felt him lightly biting on her sensitive bud she knew she'd made the right call hiring him.

“Shin!” Sara squealed, wild shudders rolling down her spine as his fingers teased her other nipple even more roughly, “Don't stop! Don't stop!”

It was impossible to say if he actually heard her but it hardly seemed to matter one way or the other. He was so clearly lost in his pleasure nothing short of a cataclysmic disaster could've pulled him away from her tits. And even then he still might've stayed right where he was. Right where she wanted him to be!

Like the absolute madman he'd been turned into Shin just kept switching between her breasts at random, his inner beast suddenly awakened in the most amazing way possible. Responding to every wild shudder and breathy moan he earned he did everything in his power to make her scream even more. To absolutely ravish her with the kind of pleasure he'd always wanted to give a woman. He didn't have any idea how sensitive her breasts really were. How completely at his mercy she was in less than a minute. He just licked and teased and nibbled and pinched and whatever else he could while the heady smell of her perfume mixed with the even more thrilling scent of her arousal. While she called out his name in that wonderfully eager voice he couldn't get enough of as the rest of the world just sort of disappeared entirely.

Between his frenzied pace and her own, exceedingly smart, choice to refrain from any kind of sexual activity from the moment she spoke to Shin over the phone Sara had never been more vulnerable in her entire life. Within a minute or two she was whining and holding on to him for dear life as pleasure crashed through her body and completely overwhelmed her senses. It was hardly the first time someone had reduced her to a quivering pile of nerves and whimpers just by playing with her tits but she couldn't remember the last time anyone had done it so quickly! Or with such overwhelming excitement! Shin was like a man possessed and the longer she stood there basking in the ecstasy of his wild ministrations the more wildly he seemed to move. Soon enough little flashes of pain were accompanying the pleasure as he bit down even harder on her nipples. As he groped her tits so much more roughly than she ever dreamed. Especially from him!

But rather than asking him to stop or slow down Sarah reveled in those little moments of discomfort as surely as the pleasure. Every single one just crystallized the ecstasy she felt whenever his tongue flicked across her nipple or his lips closed around as much of her areola as he could get. They kept her just lucid enough to feel everything he did without stifling the ecstasy that was slowly overwhelming her entire body. It was utterly perfect in every way and she couldn't stop moaning his name in abject delight with nearly every slightest movement!

Even when she was struggling to stay upright as her knees buckled. Even when she was struggled to take a breath amidst the pleasure surging through her. No matter what happened or how completely it ravished her Sara still managed to call out to him over and over and over again. Even when she was on the verge of collapsing into a puddle on the floor as her whole body tensed she still managed to squeal his name one more time.


He looked up at her the same moment she looked down at him. For just a moment time seemed to freeze as he realized what was about to happen. Whe he'd managed to accomplish without even meaning. Surprise flashed across his face and the corners of her mouth twitched upwards. But before she could do anything more than that all the pleasure coursing through her body finally erupted like she wanted. In an instant she was throwing her head back and puling him against her so forcefully Shin was all but completely smothered by her breasts. He practically disappeared between them as Sara held him close and groaned like nothing he'd ever heard.

A long, deep, almost guttural sound erupted from her lips as she grit her teeth and shuddered against the man responsible for her bliss. Her knee almost completely gave out while her back arched as she clung to him in fits of mindless desperation. Though he continued his eager suckling and biting and teasing she barely even felt it amidst the ecstasy now consuming her. She couldn't focus on anything while her mind was drowning in pleasure and her body was wracked with spasmodic convulsions and almost violent shudders. Especially as the wave rising up inside her finally came crashing down and a messy torrent of warmth erupted from her already wantonly aroused sex. As she drenched her already sopping wet panties and squirted all over her trembling thighs and the carpet beneath her feet.

Every time another wave crashed down on her more arousal gushed from her sex. Every time she unleashed a fresh torrent of bliss her body twitched and bucked and spasmed even harder. And every time she started to settle down and compose herself another barrage would arrive to reignite the flames burning her nerves and assailing her entire body. All the while Shin was kept between her massive tits like the plaything he might as well be.

Sara's ecstasy might've only lasted a minute at the very most but it was the most exhilarating minute she'd enjoyed in a very long time. Not to mention the single greatest minute of Shin's life. Both of them were entirely consumed by the pure exhilaration of the moment for every solitary second she spent gasping and squirting and shuddering against him. And even when it came to an end the heady downturn and wordlessly thrilling afterglow that followed was almost as incredible. Particularly for Sara.

Finally realizing how hard she'd been leaning against her companion throughout her bliss, that she was all but completely slumped against him as he struggled to hold her up, she finally pulled away from her beleaguered companion. Staggering away from him in a daze she collapsed onto the desk with a giddy little sigh, panting like she'd just run a mile and make no effort to cover herself. She half expected Shin to pounce on her as she lay there with her legs deliberately splayed wide open and her messy pussy almost entirely exposed. The tiny little strip of fabric 'covering' her sex had all but disappeared between her plump folds and everything from the soft contours of her vulva to the curly tuft of hair above her swollen clit was entirely visible. If anything she was trying to goad him into mounting her and thrusting away until she was screaming in ecstasy all over again. Few things made her cum faster and she wasn't the least bit shy about offering herself up to him. Even if he didn't seem to take the bait.

After a handful of seconds spent waiting and squirming she finally lifted her head to look at him, seductively propping herself up with one hand and asking, “What're you waiting for handsome? We're nowhere near finished!”

Shin's already crimson cheeks darkened even more as he looked at her face for a moment before glancing at the rest of her body and finally settling on staring at his feet, “I-I-I—uhm—I-I'm not—I h-haven't—Th-this is m-my-my—”

“You've never had sex before.” Sara mercifully stated. Shin quickly shook his head without looking at her and she bit her lower lip for a moment. Normally she wasn't overly fond of having teach a virgin how to fuck but after the orgasm he'd just given her she was finding the prospect a lot more enjoyable than usual. Especially when it gave her an excuse to prolong their naughtiness even more than she would've normally, “That's all right . . .” She cooed, sliding off the desk and shakily rising to her feet, “I'll teach you how to make a woman scream . . .”

Completely taken aback by her lack of derision Shin immediately looked up from his feet just in time to watch her saunter towards him with a gorgeously confident strut. Watching her hips sway and her breasts jiggle with every cocky step was another dream come true and he couldn't help but dumbly reply, “Really?” as soon as he found the wherewithal to speak.

“Of course!” She replied, grabbing his tie once again and pulling him in close. A heartbeat later they were sharing a deep, passionate kiss as she once again pressed herself against him. He melted into her body and closed his eyes, completely dumbfounded by everything that'd happened, a reaction that didn't go away as she pulled back to teasingly add, “We'll just have to extend your intern evaluation for a little while longer . . .”

“H-How much longer?”

Sarah smiled and let out a soft giggle as she straightened and looked him up and down. After a few seconds she turned away from him, still holding on to his tie, and led Shin towards the desk. Without any preamble or explanation she pushed him onto the polished wood. He stared up at her in amazement as he stretched out across the surface while his legs dangled over the side and she grinned right back at him as her hands glided down his chest. By the time they reached his belt he was gasping for breath and shaking like he'd been caught in a blizzard. All while his head was spinning too fast for him to properly comprehend anything beyond his own excitement.

“Let's keep today nice and simple . . .” She remarked, deftly undoing his belt and unzipping his slacks in two quick movements, “You made me cum so it's only fair I do the same for you . . .”

His madly pounding heart skipped a beat at those words and before he could even think about responding Sara pulled his pants and boxers down in one quick motion. Faster than he could react his slacks were around his ankles and his cock was throbbing wildly in the open air as her massive tits squished against his thighs. Shin was instantly overwhelmed by shyness as she looked at his dick, completely ignoring the delighted smile spreading across her face. He was much too busy covering his own in embarrassment even while she let out an eager moan.

“Ohhhhhh we'll have to extend your evaluation for a longtime!”

Even if his dick wasn't the biggest she'd ever enjoyed, not by a long shot, it was thick enough to make her tremble just at the thought of it being inside her. Alongside a nice upward curve and a deliciously fat pair of balls his prick was just about everything she couldn't wanted and more. So much so she didn't think twice about eagerly throating every last inch of it in a single movement.

Whatever shyness or embarrassment Shin felt before disappeared the moment her lips touched his cock. By the time they were wrapped around the base and her tongue was licking at his balls while she sucked his dick so hard it took his breath away he couldn't feel anything other than pleasure. In an act of mindless desperation he grabbed onto the edges of the desk and groaned in abject pleasure while she held herself on his prick for what felt like an hour at the very least. Maybe even more. It was truly impossible to say for certain, the pleasure of his first blowjob was unbelievable. And it only got better when he lifted his head to stare at her just as she was gliding back up to the tip of his shaft.

Watching a woman as incredible as Sara Bellum eagerly slide up his prick, her lips curled into a wide smile as she did, was almost too much for him to handle. Between that and the shock of everything else that'd happened since he came to her office he was at his limit before she could even start moving in earnest. No matter how hard he tried to hold on.

“S-Sara! I-I-I can't—”

“Don't worry about that.” She moaned, releasing his cock with a wet pop and licking the precum off her lips, “Just enjoy yourself . . . we'll have plenty of time to work on your endurance later!”

Despite her words he still tried to apologize for his lack of stamina. And he might've actually gotten the words out if she hadn't smothered his cock between her tits before his mind had caught up with his body. And of course the moment he felt the soft warmth of her breasts around his dick Shin didn't have any hope of thinking about anything. Even before she pressed them together with a throaty moan and started stroking his entire length in long, smooth cycles. But after she did and the unbelievable pressure of her snug little tunnel washed over him he was completely at her mercy. Somehow more than he already had been!

Absolutely thrilled by the pleasure of a warm cock between her tits Sara let out a genuine moan as she watched him squirm. As she made him squirm by moving faster and faster along his prick. Her tits were so enormous they completely smothered his prick and she took full advantage of that as his precum smeared across her skin and sent shudders coursing through her body. She gasped and called out to him in a throaty tone with every wild twitch of his shaft and thick strand of warmth erupting from the tip. It only took a few seconds for him to completely drench her cleavage in his warmth and it only took a few more for the musky scent of his arousal to completely overwhelm her. And when he started mindlessly thrusting upwards she even had a chance to to see his glistening precum beading across her freckled chest. A pleasure that would quickly grow even more lewd as he called out her name in a fit of desperation.


That was the only warning he could give before bucking his hips one last time and letting out a truly frantic moan. His back arched and his eyes rolled back in his head as he grit his teeth and made a sound completely unlike anything he'd ever produced. And all the while Sara just kept stroking his cock between her tits, a wild grin lighting up her face as his prick throbbed uncontrollably.

A few seconds later he collapsed against the desk as a fountain of amazingly thick, deliciously warm cum exploded onto her goosebump riddled skin. As he cried out over and over and over again while his jizz absolutely drenched her chest. Load after gooey load squirted from his cock so forcefully a few streaks erupted out of her cleavage and even managed to splatter across her face. One two or reaching high enough to coat her lips and give her a few bittersweet morsels to swallow while the rest completely soaked her cleave. Before long gooey strands of his jizz were dripping down her chin and rolling across the few parts of her chest not already glistening with cum. All the while she continued her wild ministrations, churning up the spunk smeared across his cock and turning it into an even more gooey mess.

The sheer lewdness of feeling him empty his balls between her tits lasted so much longer than Shin's orgasm. Especially as Sara refused to stop stroking his prick throughout and even after he was finished unloading a truly incredible amount of cum. Between the thrill of getting painted in jizz by a single man, something she usually needed an entire group to enjoy, and the thrill of knowing they were only getting started she just couldn't help herself. And unsurprisingly her companion didn't seem to mind all that much either!

Barely conscious after experiencing the best orgasm of his life Shin couldn't feel much of anything. He couldn't remember his own name, where he was, or how he'd gotten there. But somehow he could always feel her soft tits kneading and rubbing against his cock. Somehow he could hear Sara's eager moans and even feel her breath against his body as she leaned in closer. Nothing else in existence mattered in the slightest but as long as she was there he was happy.

Which only made it that much more jarring when she suddenly pulled away, her tits disappearing from his cock without any warning at all. But he didn't have the strength to lift his head and see where she had gone or what she was doing. He used what little he had left weakly thrusting upwards as his prick wilted and shudders tore through him. Luckily Sara didn't go that far.

All but sensing her presence as she rounded the desk Shin's eyes fluttered open just in time for him to see her cum splattered tits jiggle as she knelt down beside him, “That was a good start . . .” She whispered, laying a hand on his cheek before giving him a soft, upside down kiss, “Next time we'll go a little further . . .”

“Okay . . .” He murmured. A delirious smile spread across his face as he lay there in his own afterglow for a while before dimly asking, “When . . . when's . . . next time?”

Sara's smile widened even more as she looked at him with a sultriness that made his heart skip a beat all over again, “How about Monday? You're due for a little more overtime after work . . . I still have so much more to teach you after all . . .”

“That's . . . perfect . . .”

She laughed at his dreamy tone and goofy smile, lightly caressing his cheek while he lay there shivering for quite a while. At least until a knock at the door suddenly snapped him back to reality in a surge of adrenaline, “Ms. Bellum?” An unfamiliar voice exclaimed, “I have your pizza!”

Jolting upright despite his exhaustion Shin frantically tried to tuck his cock back into his pants while Sara giggled at him and called out, “I'll be right there!”

As she pulled a coat on over her half naked, cum splattered body he whispered, “Y-You really ordered a-a pizza? I thought th-that was just an e-e-excuse!”

“Can't it be both?” Sara teased, looking back at him as she all but skipped across the room to open the door and speak with the delivery girl.

In less than a minute she was back at her desk, her coat gone and her tits out, with a large pizza in hand while Shin was left staring in disbelief. He watched her open the box and pull out a slice, devouring it without a second thought before noticing him staring. Without a word she slid the box towards him and smiled, grabbing a second slice for herself and letting out a contented moan as she ate it.

“What's the matter?” She asked after noticing him standing there like a gawking statue, “Is pepperoni too plain?”

“N-No! Of-Of course not . . .” He took a slice and brought it up to his mouth, barely biting into it as he continued staring at the unbelievable woman in front of him.

“You're still trying to wrap your head around it all aren't you?” Sara laughed. He nodded and she giggled a second time, “I get that a lot. Don't worry, you'll come around eventually!”

Shin watched her tear into a third slide like a wild animal, his admiration only growing as the seconds passed. He didn't have the slightest clue what was in store for him. What she had planned for both of them. But he could say one thing for certain: there was no way in hell he'd ever get used to anything that'd just happened. And in truth . . . he didn't want to.


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