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Happy Halloween y'all! Here's a massive story that probably wasn't worth all the effort I put into it! Hopefully you guys disagree but I won't hold it against you if you don't! Either way you can read on and find out!

A pale moon climbed ever higher above Castle Dimitrescu, it's sickly light illuminating the tiny, wretched village cowering beneath the extravagant estate looming over it. The howls of bloodthirsty Lycans rent the night air, silencing the screams of their victims and giving way to the sickening crunch of breaking bones. Beyond the murderous creatures stalking the streets in search of easy prey the town was still. Not a soul dared emerge from their rotten homes no matter how dire their circumstance might be. Death prowled the streets and only a fool would step out of the meager safety afforded by their homes. Rurik had long counted himself among those smart enough to stay within their homes as night fell and the monsters descended upon his town. He'd heard the sounds of his kin being torn apart more than he'd heard his own name spoken aloud and nothing could drag him from the shelter of the hideaway he'd dug beneath the floorboards of his shack. Or so he'd thought, until his food stores had finally emptied and water had finally dried up. Pangs of hunger filled his belly as he lay beneath the moldering wood listening to the bestial roars of the creatures that would tear him apart. Every ragged breath to pass his lips reminded him of his parched throat as surely as it sent his heart racing with the fear of being discovered and torn apart. But as the night dragged on the screams faded a deafening silence took their place. A deafening silence from which there was no escape. His stomach rumbled in protest no matter how desperately he tried to silence it. He felt his lips cracking as he dreamt of even the tiniest sip of water. It didn't matter if it was clean, the moment his eyes closed he could think of nothing but his thirst and his hunger.

Thin beams of pallid moonlight were spilling through the cracks in his roof when he finally emerged from hiding, his desperation finally outgrowing his fear. Although the night was deathly still he knew Lycans still prowled the streets. Always hungry for more flesh they'd never be sated. But he knew of a small stream beyond his home, hardly more than a few minutes walk. Shrouded by trees and so far from the heart of the village it was surely safe. As safe as anywhere else he might roam. He needed only fill a bottle or two. That would last him another day at least. If he hurried he could leave and return before a single monster learned of his presence. If he hurried he could slake his unbearable thirst and return to his home for another night. Yet as desperate as he was every fiber of his being trembled in terror as crawled along the floor of his home. Every slightest rustle of his filthy clothes made his heart beat faster. Even the soft whistle of a gentle breeze through his home filled him with an indescribable terror. Simply reaching his rickety door to peer through the cracks at the muddy road outside filled him with an almost paralyzing terror. Though saw nothing but the same filth encrusted, decaying village he'd known as his life that familiarity did little to calm his nerves. The longer he stared out at the shadowy pathway lit only by thin shafts of light falling from the heavens the more certain he was a beast waited for him. One must've heard him emerge from his hideaway. One must be waiting just out of sight. Waiting for him to step out of his home and offer himself as it's next meal.

Crippled by that fear Rurik couldn't move a muscle. No matter how badly his knees ached as he knelt in front of his door he continued to stare at the world outside his home with wide eyed dread. Minutes ticked by one after another as he watched the shadows twist and distort with the drifting moon. Clouds waxed and waned across the heavens, further shrouding everything in darkness and leaving him all the more terrified of what was surely lurking beyond. In the rare moments they fully parted everything was bathed in a soft blue glow and his worries were allayed for just amount. Until they returned greater than ever. Though he might not see any Lycans waiting to pounce they would surely spot him the moment he opened the door. All the world was aglow with moonlight and he would surely be devoured in a second. And as soon as the shadows returned to blanket the village in gloom he heard a long, groaning creak from nearby. Sucking in a sharp breath only to immediately clap a hand over his mouth he peered out of his home with renewed terror. Beads of sweat tolled down his face as he strained to see into the darkness, to find whatever had made that sound. It wasn't until the clouds mercifully parted for a second time and he felt a chilling breeze against his skin that he finally discovered the culprit: a bent and withered old tree twisting over the road and faintly swaying with the wind. Rurik could hardly see it from the many cracks in his door but the moment his mind stopped racing with terrified speculation he understood what'd caused his fear. A hastily stifled sigh of relief tumbled from his lips and he finally pulled himself away from the door after more than an hour of waiting.

Fraught with indecision and clutching his rumbling stomach he did the only thing that made any kind of sense. Searching through every nook and cranny of his meager home for even the tiniest scrap of food or swig of water her crept back and forth across his floor as quietly as could be. Yet no matter how hard he looked nor where he searched he didn't have anything. And without something to drink he was well and truly doomed. As doomed as so many other members of the village o doubt starving to death at that very moment. Before he could stop himself he was back at the door, his face pressed against the splintered wood and his eye darting every which way in search of Lycans. He found nothing but shadows until another scream rent the night air. The all too familiar shriek of someone about to die rang out only moments before the howl of rampaging beasts. Recoiling from his door and pressing both hands against his mouth Rurik listened to ungodly sounds of another villager dying. Just as he listened to even more wailing fill the air as others were discovered by the beasts. Their gruesome deaths echoed throughout the town in a grisly reminder of the fate they'd all come to suffer eventually. But one Rurik might not have to face just yet. As he said a quiet prayer for his dying kinsman some part of him finally noticed how far away those horrid sounds were. How distant they felt and how greatly they seemed to echo as the Lycans feasted on their newest victims. Unless his mind was playing tricks on him they were clear across the village. So far he might actually be able to leave for a few minutes. Those monsters always traveled in packs and if they were busy feasting on more townsfolk they wouldn't be hunting!

At least . . . that's what he hoped as he crawled across the floor to find as many bottles as he could carry in his arms. Ashamed of himself for his opportunism but wholly unwilling to simply lay down and die Rurik made his way back to the door and peeked out one last time. Clouds had once more overtaken the moon and everything was cloaked in darkness. Uttering another prayer for himself he slowly rose to his feet and pushed his door open as softly as possible. The wood creaked and groaned in protest the moment he applied any pressure at all, very nearly stopping him dead in his tracks once more. But in a merciful twist of fate a cool wind swept through the village just as he was emerging, it's soft whistle drowning out Rurik's departure just long enough to let him escape his home. And the moment he was standing in the open air he hurried towards the stream as quickly as his feet could carry him. Every step of the way he worried his pounding heart might give him away but somehow he managed to reach that tiny copse of trees without any trouble whatsoever.

Only the rotting carcass of an oxen and the decaying bones of several unfortunate victims slowed his path. Skirting around them and the swarms of flies they'd attracted he darted behind the nearest trunk and hunkered down beside the softly babbling brook. He could still hear the stomach churning sounds of people being devoured as he filled his bottles with water and he was almost glad to have so little in his belly at that moment. After nearly drinking himself sick and filling everything he had to very brim Rurik steeled himself for the journey back. Fear once more gripped his heart as he peered out from behind the tree that'd protected him. Though empty the road back was once more awash in moonlight as the clouds parted, fully revealing the grisly remains of the Lycans previous victims. Doing his best not to think about those horrible reminders of what he was surely facing he took a deep breath and emerged from the safety of the copse, hyrruing back towards his home in a burst of terrified, almost frantic movement.

But in his haste to return to the meager protection of his home and distracted as he was by every slightest shadow and imagined danger he forgot all about the only obstacles barring his path. Not even the incessant buzzing of the flues swarming over the carcass could save him from stumbling over the oxen that'd been left to rot in the bud. And as he stumbled forward his foot sank into the pile of gnawed bones that'd once been his elderly neighbor. A deafening crunch rang out in the night as the skull caved in beneath his foot. Freezing in place and holding his breath Rurik stared off into the rest of the village, listening hard and praying harder. At some point before his blunder the sounds of Lycans consuming their prey had ceased. Though he didn't have any earthly idea when in the very depths of his soul he hoped it hadn't ceased because of him. He continued to hope as stood there, paralyzed with fear and listening for any sound beyond the flies still swarming about. The longer he heard nothing the more terrified he became.

Eventually he found the courage to lift his foot from the pile of cracked bones he'd created, wincing at they continued to splinter. So distracted by the sounds and by his absolute certainty that more beasts were bearing down on him as he stood there he failed to notice an ever greater threat amassing behind him. Thickening in the darkness as their buzzing grew almost unbearably loud the already dense swarms of flies swelled forward. Much too frightened to pay them any real heed Rurik took a nervous step forward even as three silhouettes formed amidst the gathering swarm. All the hairs on the back of his neck rose and for just a moment he foolishly blamed it on the eyes of a Lycan peering at him from the darkness. Horror squeezed his heart like a vice as his eyes darted every which way in search of the beast, as if seeing it could accomplish anything. The true source of his growing unease continued to materialize behind him but it wasn't until a wildly errant glance turned his head to the side that he finally noticed the figures. By then it was far too late to do anything at all. He scarcely had time to gasp before the silhouettes lunged towards him with unnatural speed.

Rurik was slammed against a nearby home, his head bouncing off the wood and all the air rushing from his lungs. A strangled cry barely escaped his lips as a hand closed around his throat. Two more pinned his arms against the wall as three hooded strangers leered at him. It was impossible to see their faces in the darkness but he didn't need to see their wicked grins and soulless eyes to know the hell he'd stumbled into. “This one has some life in him!” The woman holding his throat hissed.

“Should we bring him to Mother?” The one to the right asked.

“Yes,” The one to the left replied, “Mother will be very pleased with this one!”

“Please . . .” Rurik choked, “Please . . . don't . . . just . . . kill . . . me!”

Every word was a labor as the fingers around his neck constricted and his plea was met with a chorus of laughter as Lady Dimitrescu's daughters mocked him, “The fool would rather die than entertain our company!”

“Perhaps we should grant his request!”

“Or feed him to the Lycans!”

“No! Please! Anything . . . but . . . that!”

“Anything? What an interesting choice of words!”

“What a poor choice of words!”

All three of them laughed while Rurik wheezed, the edges of his vision growing darker with every passing second. “We'll take him to Mother.”

“Perhaps if she's feeling merciful she'll kill him herself!”

“And if she's feeling generous she'll let us kill him!”

Their wicked glee filled the night air, ringing in his ears as the life was choked out of him. Before darkness swallowed him completely he let out a final, meaningless plea, “No . . . please . . . don't . . .”

Rurik's eyes flew open as he drew his first, proper breath a short while later. Fear washed over him as groggy memories of how he'd come to pass out flooded back. Staring dazedly up at the ornate chandelier hanging above his head he felt the unfamiliar texture soft fabric against his back. Against his entirely naked back. Though he knew where he'd been taken and he knew the fate that awaited him he couldn't begin to fathom what'd happened to his shirt. Or, as he quickly discovered upon lurching upright, all of his clothes. After being waylaid by Lady Dimitrescu's daughters they'd spirited him away to the ornate castle they called home, seemingly tearing away the rags he called clothing and leaving him sprawled naked on a carpet in the middle of an empty parlor. As far as he could tell that was what'd happened while he was unconscious and nothing about it made even the tiniest bit of sense. Nor did the roaring fire filling the fireplace beside him.

Had he been anywhere else he might've found the entire scene almost cozy. Waking up naked beside the heat of a fire and surrounded by the kind of wealth he'd never known was like something out of a dream. Waking up inside Castle Dimitrescu under any circumstances at all was nothing short of a nightmare. One from which he desperately needed to escape at any cost. Covering himself as best he could with one hand Rurik stood up, frantically look around the room for any way out. Across the fire and curving upwards to a second floor were two flights of polished stairs. A door sat in the wall between them and at least two more were visible behind the railing But before he had a chance to even think about fleeing through any of them his spotted a figure standing in the shadows cast by the dancing flames. A throaty laugh echoed through the room and his blood turned to ice. He backed away from the silhouette without even thinking and nearly stumbled into the fire behind him. Yet more laughter filled his ears as Lady Dimitrescu finally revealed herself.

Smiling down at him from beneath the brim of her wide, elegant hat she took a long drag from the cigarette perched between her gloved fingers. Her pale eyes and ashes skin glowed in the light it cast off and Rurik softly gasped. Before he could say a word she laughed again, declaring in a voice dripping with excitement, “He's perfect!”

Certain of his impending death yet unable to even muster the courage to react Castle Dimitrescu's latest guest simply stared in abject horror as it's Lady slowly descended the stairs. Although he'd never seen the infamous countess he'd heard stories of her appetites. Of what she did to anyone she brought into her home. Of how terrifyingly imposing she was. And yet for all the tales he'd heard and the frightened recounting he'd grown up with nothing did justice to the woman that was Lady Dimitrescu. Nine and a half feet tall at the very least she towered over him in a vision of refinement and elegance that only belied the monster lurking underneath. As imposing as she was beautiful the mere force of her gaze as it fell upon him was enough to freeze Rurik in place. Her very presence commanded his attention and the fear she instilled in his heart through little more than a smile was greater than any Lycan. It was greater than even a dozen Lycans. As her heeled feet set upon the floor with a surprisingly light step he found himself wishing he was back in the village at the mercy of those beasts. They slaughtered their prey quickly and without hesitation. Only a few moments of pain and then the final peace that only death could provide. Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters had never been so merciful. If even a handful of the rumors and stories were true his life would only end after they'd extracted every last ounce of pleasure they could from tormenting him beyond sanity. From torturing his body and breaking his mind until he lacked the ability to beg for it to end. That was the fate that awaited him as the countess sauntered closer. Suddenly dying of thirst beneath his home seemed almost pleasant.

All three of her daughters appeared moments after she stopped to smile down at him, each one sporting the same wicked grin as their mother. Until she spoke again and wiped those smiles from their faces, “We won't be killing this one my daughters . . .”

“We won't?!”

“You won't?!” They spoke out at the same time as Rurik and his voice was quickly lost amongst theirs as their stared up at their mother in confusion.

Smiling at her adopted children for a moment before turning an eye back towards the tall, well built, and thoroughly naked man standing before her Lady Dimitrescu repeated herself, “No, we won't. He's much more useful alive.”

“How could a human be more useful alive?” Bela asked.

“We're not going to torture him?” Cassandra lamented.

“Why did we capture him for you Mother?” Daniela wondered.

Staring at Rurik with a smile that made him shudder in spite of what she'd said Lady Dimitrescu slowly licked her lips and simply replied, “Humans have so many uses . . . it's time I showed you one of my favorites!”

Rurik's heart skipped a beat and he tried to shy away from her one last time as her eyes roamed his body in a most frightening way. Adrenaline coursed through him and a strange mix of emotions followed closely behind as he meekly attempted to put up some kind of fight she could enact whatever twisted idea she had in mind. He knew full well there was no fighting Lady Dimitrescu or her daughters, he couldn't even fight off the Lycans! But that didn't stop him from moving away from the fireplace and into the center of the parlor. The countess looming over him smiled at his reaction and made no attempt to follow, instead tossing away her cigarette and lowering her hands to her sides. For just a moment his mind conjured up the faintest hope that he wasn't about to suffer some new, unimaginable cruelty at her hands. Then her nails extended into frightfully long, terrifying sharp looking claws and whatever optimism he had vanished in a heartbeat. She stepped towards him and he took what would surely be his last breath. Lady Dimitrescu's daughters smiled wickedly at the fearful man their mother was bearing down on them, each and every one certain she'd simply been toying with them and consequently her newest prey. Which only left them all the more stunned when she didn't turn her claws upon him but instead upon the silky white dress she was so fond of. Tearing through her gown as easily as she tore through so many of her victims the countess shredded her clothes all while giving Rurik a salacious smile. Tattered strips of cloth fell away from her body like leaves from a tree as she slowly dragged her nails across her increasingly bare skin. Inch by heart stopping inch her ashen body was revealed to both the man before her and her equally stunned daughters.

Unable to believe what he was witnessing and unable to look away in spite of his abject terror Rurik watched more and more of Lady Dimitrescu's undeniably beautiful body come into view. Noticing her long, sculpted legs first he was struck by how plump yet muscular they seemed to be. His eyes followed them upward for what seemed like miles and when he finally beheld what sat between he couldn't help but let out a ragged breath. Framed by a thicket of neatly trimmed yet plentiful black hairs were the puffy lips of her sex. Half hidden between her thighs as she stood before him yet impossible to miss her amazingly soft looking pussy was already glistening with arousal. In the handful of seconds he watched before tearing his gaze away out of fear and shame little beads formed acorss her folds, some rolling down her legs and one even managing to drip directly onto the carpet with a soft plop. Rurik was all but certain this was nothing more than some elaborate ploy, yet another way to trick him before he was brutally murdered. Looking away from her heart stoppingly beautiful womanhood he continued to trace his way up the rest of her body, drinking in the wide curve of her hips and the round yet toned shape of her incredibly wide rump. Her flat, almost taut belly similarly stretched upward for so much longer than he expected. Until it sudden ended and he was staring at her truly impressive breasts. Softly heaving with every breath and looking more beautiful than anything he'd ever see they were nothing short of massive. Topped with dark nipples every bit as puffy as her sex and a good deal larger than he might've guessed they were the perfect compliment to the rest of her voluptuous figure.

An immediate and impossible to ignore reminded of how gorgeous she actually was. And when his eyes finally left her chest to glance at the rest of her figure he couldn't help but appreciate the woman towering above him. Despite all he knew about her and his own impending doom. Every bit as commanding and intimidating wearing nothing but her heels, gloves, and hat Lady Dimitrescu would've been a vision of pure beauty had it not been for the abject terror swirling through Rurik's body as she loomed over him with that same lascivious smile. As she squared her broad shoulders and finally stepped closer, a soft laugh emerging from her dark lips and her nostrils flaring. Although her claws slowly retracted as she approached nothing could allay his terror. It paralyzed him like nothing he'd ever experienced, every inch of his body freezing up as she sauntered closer. Or rather, almost every inch of his body froze as he watched his death approach. One part of him couldn't help but react to the sight of an undeniably gorgeous woman standing unapologetically naked just a few paces away. Regardless of what he'd heard about her and in spite of what he thought he knew was about to happen his cock still swelled behind his hands. Within seconds it'd grown well beyond his fingers, slowly twitching into view of both Lady Dimitrescu and her adopted daughters. By the time she was standing directly in front of him his member was hanging down between his thighs and all four women were staring at it's girthy length, though only one appreciated it properly.

Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were much too confused to admire the length of his prick, they were much too thrown off by their mother's antics to enjoy just how thick his manhood might've been. But Lady Dimitrescu wasn't. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at more than a foot of throbbing cock just waiting to be enjoyed. She'd expected something impressive after seeing the rest of his physique but she hadn't expected some so deliciously massive. Her mouth was actually watering as she ogled his member and beads of arousal rolled down her inner thighs in a constant trickle. The sweet smell of her sex clouded the air between them, filling his nostrils and making him shiver with unexpected excitement. His already twitching cock throbbed a little bit harder and a thick glob of precum oozed from the tip. It dripped down onto the carpet a moment later and all four women staring at him drank in the musky scent of his loins. Suddenly her daughters started to understand what their mother was after, even if they couldn't put into words why they understood it or how. Little shivers started to course through their own bodies and they wasted no time circling around him, drinking in the scent of his body and watching ever move Lady Dimitrescu made. Even when she was simply towering over him without doing or saying anything at all. When she finally spoke again her voice rang out in the silence and all three of them looked to her face with the same hopeful expressions. Rurik continued to be terrified and confused.

“On your knees.” She commanded him. “Now.” Too afraid to do anything else he dropped down before she'd even finished speaking. The smile his obedience earned sent a flutter through his body. He did his best to continue meeting her gaze but he could barely see past her ample breasts. And when he looked anywhere else he felt his cheeks burning and his heart racing, even when he stared directly ahead at her thighs. “Good boy.” She cooed, slowly lifting a leg off the ground to press a heeled foot against his chest, “Good boy . . .”

With just a hint of her incredible strength she dug her heel into his skin for just a moment. Just long enough to make him gasp in pain. A single drop of blood appeared beneath her heel and for a moment he thought he knew what might happen next. His eyes darted upwards as fear overtook him again. He barely noticed how the lips of her sex parted as she moved. How soft and wet her warm pink folds looked between her grey lips. There certainly wasn't enough time to appreciate the small rain of droplets falling away from her sex as she teased him. Indeed his cry had barely left his lips before she shoved him back with another laugh. In an instant he was sprawled across the carpet, all the air rushing out of his lungs in a single, throaty wheeze. But while her adopted daughters laughed at the sight of him stretched out beneath their mother Lady Dimitrescu was much too busy squatting down over his beautifully throbbing dick to pay attention to anything else. Softly moaning as she wrapped her gloved fingers around his prick and slowly lifted into the air she watched his face as he felt her touch.

Reveling in the looks of pleasure and confusion as they clashed with his terror she basked in his uncertainty as the twitching head of his length brushed against her pussy for the first time. Terror gave way to pleasure the instant he felt her arousal trickling down his length. A soft but impossible to miss shiver ran down her spine as his prick throbbed in her hand a gooey dollop of precum oozed into her sex. But instead of slamming herself down onto his manhood and riding him until she'd satisfied her lust Lady Dimitrescu slowly reached out towards his chest. Holding his gaze with her own she slowly wiped away the droplet of blood still clinging to his flesh. Collecting it with a single outstretched finger she brought that little morsel up to her lips and drank it down. A strange mix of fear and excitement flooded through Rurik, his cock throbbing harder than ever while his heart beat so fast he feared it might explode inside him. Before it did and before he had a chance to take even a single breath the countess lurched downward, plunging every last inch of his cock inside her in a sudden burst of pent up desire.

A chorus of gasps filled the room as her daughters watched in surprise, Rurik cried out in pleasure, and Lady Dimitrescu herself groaned in ecstasy. Flattening both hands against her plaything's chest she let her head fall back and her whole body shiver as she basked in the simple joy of a hard cock throbbing inside her pussy. It'd been far too long since she'd experienced that bliss and she was beyond eager to continue enjoying it. But not before giving Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela a wickedly lascivious look as she continued to tremble atop the cock she was straddling. Her warmth slowly trickled onto her toy's chest as her impossibly tight sex squeezed his prick so hard he struggled to catch his breath. But relief didn't come when she finally started moving again a few seconds later. Everything about the way her pussy quivering around him as she glided all the way back up to the tip of his shaft was somehow more overwhelming than anything else so far. At least until she slammed back down onto him and the meaty slap of their colliding flesh rang out in the otherwise quiet parlor. Her body struck his with so much force he feared she was going to break him within seconds. And the absolutely incredible trembling of her inner walls elicited a similar feeling long before she started moving again. Holding on to her ankles and gasping for air whenever he could suck in a breath was all he could do.

Especially as she wasted no time building into the kind of frenzied rhythm that saw her absolutely flying up and down his prick with complete abandon. After waiting as long as she had for a suitable plaything Lady Dimitrescu was in no mood to hold back, save of course what was necessary to avoid actually crushing him beneath her shuddering body. As much as she would've loved to completely let loose and ride him until she couldn't move another muscle his frail body wouldn't survive. She could already feel him buckling underneath her as she glided up and down his prick so fast her arousal was glistening all across his chest. His grip around her was deathly tight and the way his legs shuddered each and every time they were smothered beneath her ass confirmed how weak he truly was. But rather than let herself be disappointed by his frailty she slowed her ferocity just a little bit. Focusing on speed more than power she grinded atop his deliciously twitching length and delighted in the way it stretched her open so much more than the last man she'd kidnapped. Of course as her pleasure continued to grow and the years without gratification began to weigh on her it was difficult to keep up that same pace. The more ferociously his prick throbbed inside her cunt the more she wanted to respond in kind as her body craved the ecstasy she'd been denied for so long. As she sought to show her daughters just how much fun a Human could be when you used them properly. Yet as the seconds turned to minutes around her arousal cascaded across their bodies, dozens of glittering droplets rolling down his skin as surely as they rolled down her own, she was slowly losing her battle.

Little by little she started moving harder and harder along his dick, each moan growing a little more breathy and every shudder growing a little more visceral. Before long she was right back where she'd started, her body slamming down against his so forcefully Rurik could almost feel his bones cracking beneath her pressure. Fear coursed through him as surely as pleasure, the former only enhancing the latter as he watched and felt her riding his cock so enthusiastically. More enthusiastically than any women he'd ever been with. Between her beautiful yet terrifying appearance and the unbelievable tightness of her sex he was nothing short of overwhelmed. Pain slowly joined the pleasure in his cries as she continued to plunge down onto his dick. Every impact made his whole body shiver and thanks to the backbreaking pace of her movements he never had a chance to recuperate or catch his breath. If anything he seemed to be getting less and less chances to breath as her pace only quickened. The wet slap of her smashing against him and the even wetter sound of her pussy gliding along his dick reverberated throughout the parlor, drowning out everything else and leaving him to suffer in silence. He barely even noticed the three women looking down at him with the same hunger as their adopted mother. Although some part of him felt Cassandra's wicked stare as she reveled in every ounce of pain he felt neither hers nor Bela and Daniela's stares could piece the haze clouding his thoughts. In truth he was hardly capable of understanding the look on Lady Dimitrescu's ecstasy laden face as she quite literally fucked him to death. It was all far too much for him to comprehend and soon enough he wasn't even trying to make sense of it.

Much like his predecessor Rurik just held on for dear life and waited for whatever might come. He tried to focus on the indescribable ecstasy of her pussy wrapping around his cock but even that pleasure was denied to him when the nine foot tall vampire countess riding him came to a sudden stop. Lurching to a halt at the top of his prick she slowly leaned forward to stare into his eyes. One of her frighteningly sharp nails extended towards his throat. Faster than he could blink he felt it pressing against his skin, another drop of blood beading across his flesh. Every inch of him froze as she said, “Now you're going to fuck me.” She stated, “You're going to fuck me like your life depends on it. Because it very much does . . . do you understand?”


“Good. And you're not going to stop until I'm satisfied. I don't care how long it takes or how many times you cum. You're going to satisfy me, then you're going to satisfy my daughters. You don't get to stop until we do . . .”

“I understand!”

smiling at him and tilting her head to the side Lady Dimitrescu paused for a second or two, then coyly asked, “What are you waiting for?”

Adrenaline surged through his body as his heart leapt into his throat. Forcing aside all the terror he felt and ignoring the nail still pressing against his throat Rurik grabbed onto her waist and slammed his cock inside her with all the strength he could muster. To both his and her daughter's surprise Lady Dimitrescu's smile faltered and a breathy moan tumbled from her lips. At the same time a messy deluge of warmth cascaded out of her pussy. But her lover wasn't stupid enough to stop there. Pulling back just as roughly he withdrew almost every inch of his dick before sending it plunging back into the deepest reaches of her cunt for a second time. The wet slap of his quite heavy balls against her flesh rang out just a moment before her delighted groan. His hips lurched downwards only to bounce right back up in another flurry of movement and he felt her nail withdraw from his neck. But before he could breathe a sight of relief she swooped in to lick the blood off his skin, her tongue trailing across him for much longer than it needed to. By the time she pulled away she'd left a glistening trail of spit all the way up to his jawline. Once more wracked with a potent mix of terror and arousal Rurik channeled everything he was feeling into thrusting as hard and as fast as he possibly could. Knowing full well he could never actually hurt the monster of a woman straddling him and keenly aware of how effortlessly she could kill him he didn't hold anything back. His nails dug into her ashy gray skin and his whole body tensed as he absolutely pounded away at her cunt with all his strength. Pulling himself upwards as much as he thrusted upwards he rammed his prick inside her only to pull right back out again before the meaty slap of their connecting bodies had filled the air.

Another ferocious smack would swiftly join the previous as he moved like a wild animal. No longer thinking about how amazing her pussy felt, even as it convulsed around him like never before, he focused every last ounce of his mind on thrusting into her like there was no tomorrow. Soon enough his eyes were shut tight and he was baring his teeth like the wretched monsters he'd been so afraid in his village. The sight of her tall, voluptuous figure shaking and quivering above him was too great a temptation to continue witness. Although he could do nothing about the pleasure cries erupting from her lips or the feel of her warm breath against his skin at the very least he could stop himself from watching her tremble as he actually fucked her well. But while Rurik might not have been able to look Lady Dimitrescu her daughters couldn't look anywhere else. They'd never seen their mother in such a state. Indeed they'd never seen her acting anything but composed and regal as she lorded over her castle. Even when she was disemboweling her victims and devouring their flesh she always had an air of nobility about her. But the longer they watched her squat naked over some random Human the less regal she looked. The sounds coming from her lips were more akin to the noises a beast might make and the grin slowly spreading across her face was far from cultured or composed. Little by little they watched her air of haughty elegance drain away as a cock plunged in and out of her pussy and she soaked both herself and the wretch beneath her in arousal.

As goosebumps dotted every inch of her naked flesh and her muscles visibly spasmed from the pleasure coursing through her. And the longer they watched the more excited each of them felt. They'd never considered Humans as anything more than cattle. Animals to be used and discarded as readily as anything else in the world. But the more they watched Lady Dimitrescu squirm and the louder her cries became the harder it was for Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra to think of anything but what it must feel like to be in her position. To have that massive cock slamming into their bodies over and over and over again so fast it was a blur of pussy juice and trembling flesh. Without even realizing what they were doing the moved in closer, surrounding the man causing their mother so much bliss and even sinking to their knees to watch it all unfold even more closely. Flecks of her arousal splashed across their gowns and even across their faces but they hardly even noticed. All three were much too busy staring at their adopted parent's face as she finally looked at them. Transfixed by the sparkle in her eyes and struck by how viscerally she was shaking they couldn't look away. Particularly when she slid even lower onto his prick, allowing him to thrust even faster and with even greater force. None of them realized it but all three women were breathing just as heavily as the two they were watching. Clutching slightly damp fabric of their dresses and biting their lips they were thoroughly enamored with the spectacle unfolding before them. Enamored and jealous.

And throughout all their revelations Rurik was none the wiser. Distracted as he was by Lady Dimitrescu's indescribably tight pussy and the constant fear that accompanied slamming his cock inside it. He'd never wanted to cum more in his entire life and he'd never fought harder against that instinct, he'd never had to. Every fiber of his being ached for a release as her inner walls squeezed him so hard it was almost painful. His bones ached from the brutal pounding she'd given him before he 'took control' and his lungs cried out for air no matter how labored his breathing was. Nothing in all the world sounded better than succumbing to his ecstasy and finally enjoying the sweet release denied to him for what felt like an eternity. Nothing except perhaps living beyond the handful of seconds it would take to empty his loins and be slaughtered for his carelessness. Completely unsure of himself and how much stamina he truly had in the face of such overwhelming odds he was too afraid to risk his life gambling on a second or even third wind. If he couldn't satisfy her before losing control his fate was sealed. Or at least that's what he'd convinced himself of as rammed his cock into her pussy with all his might. The one and only recourse available to him was satisfying the towering vampire countess straddled him, of pleasuring a woman so far above him in every imaginable sense he might as well have been a bug compared to her.

It seemed like a truly impossible task and the longer he pounded her tight, wet cunt without her being consumed by ecstasy the more impossible it seemed. Rurik had reached the absolute peak of what he was capable of some time ago and only thanks to pure adrenaline and abject terror was he able to keep that pace going. Yet no matter how many times his cock plunged into her pussy, how frantically his balls slapped against her flesh, or how loudly she groaned in pleasure nothing seemed to change. As far as he could tell he was well and truly doomed, his own frailty spelling his demise as surely as her razor sharp claws. But despite that seemingly inevitable fate he couldn't bring himself to give up without trying everything he could think of. Without bringing to bear every ounce of knowledge he'd gleaned during his handful of sexual adventures. Guided by little more than self preservation and pure instinct he pulled a hand away from her waist, momentarily weakening the wild ferocity of his thrusts. He heard Lady Dimitrescu let out a displeased scoff but before she could act upon that displeasure his thumb found her incredibly swollen clit. In the blink of an eye the annoyance spread across her face vanished, replaced by a wide grin as ecstasy washed over her. Frantically rubbing her quite large, quite sensitive bud as fast and as hard as he could manage Rurik continued to thrust with all the strength he could muster. Even as her inner walls spasmed around him harder than ever and a messy deluge of warmth gushed across his stomach and chest. Deep, almost guttural moans reverberated through the parlor as she lowered herself even further onto his dick, her hips grinding back and forth in a flurry of similarly lustful instincts. Her gloved hands found their way to his shoulders.

Suddenly it was her turn to hold on tight while he sent waves of bliss crashing through her body. Though she would've reached some kind of bliss eventually the sudden and wholly unexpected addition of his thumb against her clit hastened the process so much faster than she expected. Like dousing a growing fire with oil he turned the already toe curling waves of ecstasy coursing through her into a raging storm. Within a minute every shred of her usual demeanor had vanished and vanished for good as she bared her teeth and screamed at the ceiling in utter delight. Creamy, sweet smelling streams of warmth gushed out of her sex with every spasmodic gyration of her hips as all of her muscles seemed to spasm and tremble independently of one another. Before long she'd all but pressed herself down against his deliciously throbbing cock, unintentionally flattening him against the ground and almost entirely stopping his thrusts. But as long as he continued to rub her aching bud she didn't really care. And motivated as he was but abject fear her plaything still managed to push up against her body with a rather impressive force. It was nothing compared to what he'd managed before but as Lady Dimitrescu descended deeper and deeper into her own ecstasy every little bit added to the flood of pure arousal building within in her. Cresting higher and higher like a tidal wave until she couldn't take one more second it finally crashed down upon her in a flood of satisfaction. Suffusing every fiber of her being as she slumped forward and wrapped herself around her toy her first orgasm in decades was everything she could've wanted.

Smothered beneath her voluptuous body and nearly suffocated by her ample, heaving breasts Rurik struggled to keep going. Warmth exploded out of her pussy in every direction to absolutely drench both of them and further cloud the already heady air with the scent of her womanhood. He could all but taste her arousal as she soaked everything within several feet of them. But no matter how arousing that might've been nothing compared to the intense pressure of her inner walls trembling around his far too sensitive cock. Trembling harder and more viscerally than any other part of her body her cunt squeezed his dick so fiercely he actually cried out in both pleasure and pain. Thoroughly unable to hold back for even another moment as she contracted around him he grabbed hold of her plump ass and slammed his prick inside her with all his might. In a last ditch effort to spare himself from death he gave her everything he had left, desperately rubbing her clit and thrusting into her sex as cum erupted from his prick.

Months and months of celibacy were unleashed in a breathtakingly powerful deluge of thick, gooey jizz spraying deep inside her. Deep enough to coat what felt like every inch of her inner walls and further add to the bliss already consuming her. Lady Dimitrescu grinded against him with even greater ferocity as she felt his seed gushing inside her. Long, low groans tumbled from her mouth with every breath while she continued to shudder and convulse throughout his climax. Although it only took him half a minute at the very most to empty his loins, or rather for her madly convulsing pussy to drain his cock of every last drop he had to give, she continued to enjoy the warmth of his seed filling her cunt for so much longer. Especially as his dick continued to throb so eagerly and his thumb continued to rub at her clit. Eventually the greatest peaks and deepest valleys of her pleasure began to level out but only after what'd felt like ages of basking in the delicious pleasure he'd given. It might've only been a couple minutes in reality but when she finally pushed herself upright to smile at her adopted daughters she was well and truly satisfied. For the time being.

In truth she could've very easily continued to riding him for hours more without stopping for a second, a prospect made all the more tempting hy his still relatively hard manhood straining mightily against her inner walls. But she resisted the urge in favor of letting her daughters have a turn with him. After all, they deserved to have a little fun too, “Take off your clothes.” She commanded, “You won't be needing them any longer.”

Still a little dumbstruck by everything they'd just witnessed and in no state to properly comprehend what they were being told Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela took a few moments to react. When they finally did all three rose to their feet and hastily removed their gowns. Although he knew full well he wasn't anywhere close to safe Rurik still breathed a sigh of relief as the four deadly women around him were, for the moment, distracted. When the rustling of silken cloth finally stopped and the room was filled with the soft, labored breathing of Lady Dimitrescu's daughters he finally opened his eyes to see what was in store for him. Unsurprisingly all three were quite beautiful. In the most terrifying way imaginable. Their gray skin was perhaps a few shades darker than the countess' but their eyes were every bit as piercing and soulless. Compared to the woman still straddled his cock and languishing in the pleasures of his reactions they were far more slender and lithe. Their breasts were small and perky and their rumps were round and petite in a way that almost made them seem dainty compared to their mother. Though like everyone else from his home he knew full well they were anything but delicate regardless of how slight they seemed to his eyes. Beyond a handful of superficial differences like the way each of them stood as they bared themselves before him and the size of their stiffening nipples and puffy areola the only real difference between the three was the color of their hair. Bela possessed a soft, honey blonde color that quite elegantly matched the almost nonexistent tuft above her sex. Cassandra's tresses were a dark gray, almost black color that perfectly contrasted her ashen skin and the wildly overgrown thicket of curls surrounding her pussy. Daniela's wavy locks were a reddish auburn that similarly stood out against her body, undoubtedly thanks to the utter absence of any hair at all between her legs.

As frightened as he was of all three women his cock still throbbed excitedly at the sight of their naked bodies and his renewed vigor didn't go unnoticed by Lady Dimitrescu. Shuddering as his prick throbbed against her cum soaked inner walls she let out a laugh and said, “Enjoying the sight of my daughters?”

Instantly fearful of how she might react in spite of what she'd said earlier Rurik looked back at the woman straddling him and stammered out, “I-I wasn't—I-I didn't—I-I wouldn't—”

“Stop gibbering!” She laughed. Her daughters chuckled at his fear a moment later and he fell silent, more than happy to say nothing at all. “Who wants to play with him first?”

All three women were practically foaming at the mouth as they rushed forward but only Cassandra was able to push aside her adopted siblings and proudly declare, “Me!”

With a wicked smile Lady Dimitrescu beckoned to her daughter with a single, curling finger. Cassandra hurried forward as her mother finally lifted herself off Rurik's cock. Her arousal cascaded down his length with every inch to slide free and it was quickly joined by beads of cum as his seed leaked from her sex in long, gooey strands. A little shiver coursed through her body as she bit her lower lip and basked in the feeling of his warmth dripping out of her. But she didn't let her own excitement stand in the way of her daughter's. Towering over their plaything for just a moment she suddenly bent down and wrapped her hands around his ankles. Before he had a chance to worry what was in store for him she'd lifted his fit into the air. Pushing them backwards until they were almost parallel with his head and his back was curved about as harshly as could be without snapping the countess nodded to a visibly confused Cassandra. In a few seconds the two women had switched places and she was guiding her daughter into a position neither she nor their plaything had ever experienced. One that saw her squatting over his body and practically sitting atop him while his legs were bent backwards and his cock was resting against his stomach. Until Lady Dimitrescu took hold of his member and pushed it upwards. Rurik continued to be confused and uncertain of everything that was happening to him but as soon as she felt his slick, throbbing cock head against her asshole Cassandra understood what her adopted mother had in mind. The two women smiled at one another for a moment before she slammed herself down onto his cock, plunging the entirety of his prick into her virgin ass with all the strength she had.

A delicious mix of pain and pleasure swirled through her body as her tight little ring was stretched open so incredibly wide. His dick hadn't seemed all that impressive to her when she first saw it after taking all twelve inches of girthy prick in the blink of an eye she couldn't pretend it wasn't absolutely enormous. Or rather that it felt absolutely enormous straining against her trembling inner walls and even making her stomach bulge from the sheer thickness. Arousal gushed out of her trembling sex in a sudden and altogether surprise streak, further soaking the hair surrounding her cunt and spraying across the man beneath her just as he was letting out a groan. The unexpectedly sweet taste of her pussy filled his mouth and sent a shiver down his spine. His cock throbbed even harder against the incredibly tight asshole wrapped around him and within seconds he was clutching the carpet beneath him. Neither of them moved for several seconds as they basked in the ecstasy of their sudden union. Cassandra was much too busy relishing the pain tinged pleasure radiating outwards from her thoroughly violated hole to think about doing anything else and Rurik was in no position to move his body. Fortunately for her and perhaps not so fortunately for him Lady Dimitrescu was more than happy to step in and provide some timely assistance. Moving behind her adopted daughter and laying her hands on her waist the countess slowly lifted her up the throbbing cock she'd been impaled on.

Keenly aware of how much her sadistic child loved pain in ever form she took her time and made sure she felt every discomforting twinge lancing through her body. By the time she was standing on the tips of her toes with the swollen head of his cock pulling at her trembling ring Cassandra's face was a mask of ecstasy. Her mouth had fallen open and her eyes were half closed as shudders coursed through every inch of her over and over and over again. Often in time with the throbbing of the cock buried inside her and occasionally accompanied by more spurts of arousal squirting from the thicket of hair surrounding her cunt. Then, just as she was adjusting to the myriad of sensations crashing through her, Lady Dimitrescu slammed her right back down onto that wonderfully turgid prick even harder than before. Although it was nowhere near her full strength it was still enough to fill the room with the meaty slap of their bodies connecting so violently. And send a flash of pain coursing through Rurik's body as his aching bones protested the sudden force. Enjoying his agony even more than her own Cassandra unleashed a breathy squeal into the air, throwing her head back and writhing against his dick in a burst of wholly instinctive movement. Her asshole spasmed around his dick even more and she gripped his ankles so tightly he couldn't help but let out a startled gasp. Before either of them could do anything else the monstrous woman leading them both guided her adopted daughter back up his twitching manhood.

Only this time she moved considerably faster as Cassandra pushed herself up Rurik's prick at the same time. Her trembling legs might not have had much strength in them but every ounce she possessed went towards flying all the way to the tip of his shaft and of her toes. Upon reaching it she held herself there for just a moment too long. Distracted as she was by the pain so deliciously crystallizing her pleasure she didn't think about moving again. Not until she felt Lady Dimitrescu's hands tighten and a flash of adrenaline surged through her. Of course by then it was far too late to do anything except squeal in delight as she was sent gliding all the way down to the base of his manhood even harder than before. So hard it made him cry out in discomfort yet again, further enhancing the ecstasy flooding her senses and leaving her every bit as manic as her mother had been. Faster than her mind could react she pushed herself right back up his throbbing member, aided yet again by the woman that'd brought this new plaything to her in the first place. And upon reaching the absolute peak and feeling his cock head straining against her asshole she didn't think twice about lurching downwards again, similarly hastened by her adopted mother. More arousal gushed from her sex and spasmodic shivers tore through her muscles as she was struck by another wave of ecstasy. Yet no matter how violently she shuddered or how uncooperative her legs seemed to be she always found a way to lift herself to the tip of his shaft. With more than a little help of course. Because the faster she moved along Rurik's member and the more frantic her rhythm became the less capable she was of moving entirely of her own accord. Much like Lady Dimitrescu her years of going without any sexual gratification were fast catching up to her.

Though it would take several minutes of frantically impaling herself on his cock to reach the same heights and feel the same ecstasy in the heat of the moment it only felt like a few seconds. A few seconds of riding him like her life depended on it while he in turn thanked whatever or whoever might be listening for the momentary respite he'd enjoyed. Still incredibly sensitive after cumming without any chance to recuperate as they used him like a toy Rurik was fighting harder than ever to keep himself from cumming. Cassandra's asshole might not have been quite as tight as Lady Dimitrescu's pussy, since she lacked the impossible strength of her adopted mother, but it still felt absolutely amazing sliding up and down his prick at an ever growing rate. Even the flashes of pain and discomfort that accompanied her slamming into his body weren't enough to drown out the pleasure. Although he occasionally wished they were as he bared his teeth and did everything in his power to delay the climax he wanted so dearly to enjoy.

Little did he realize the visible agony on his face as he was tormented both physically and mentally by her trembling hole convulsing around his dick only made Cassandra squirm even harder. At times she enjoyed his pain more than she enjoyed the pleasure of being violated by his cock. Such moments didn't last very long but they were a nonetheless delicious accompaniment to the unexpected delight of using a Human in such a fashion. Whenever she she looked to her adopted sisters and saw their jealous expressions she couldn't help but laugh, her whole body shaking as yet more ecstasy surged through her. And perhaps best of all she had no idea how quickly it was all building up inside her, how fast such a thing could reach it's peak. As incredible as it all felt her thoroughly distracted and altogether inexperienced mind couldn't begin to appreciate what was waiting in store for her as she continued to bounce up and down his cock. In truth she wouldn't learn what real bliss was until it all coalesced together in a sudden, overwhelming explosion. Until she was flying along his prick as fast and as hard as she could possibly manage, her mother's influence subtly lessening until it was was almost entirely gone. Only when she'd finally hit that incredible peak did she begin to understand how useful Humans could be. Of course by then it was far too late.

Her mind didn't have any hope of comprehending the pleasure crashing through her, overwhelming her senses and making her scream until her lungs were empty and her voice was ragged. Jets of warmth erupted from her pussy, squirting out in a sudden, incredible arc across Rurik, Bela, and Daniela simultaneously. Each eruption was marked by a violent tremor ripping through the rest of her body and forcing all her muscles to tighten at once. And over the course of her minutes long pleasure she unleashed half a dozen fonts, each one less than the last but all of them enough to completely soak her plaything. But even when she wasn't soaking him and her sisters in arousal the ecstasy cascading through her senses remained so violently potent she was entirely unable to react in any other way. No thoughts filled her head and no other desires could pierce the haze clouding her mind. Not until her convulsing muscles finally relaxed enough for her fingers to release his ankles and allow his legs to fall back against the carpet moments later. His still incredibly hard dick emerged from her asshole with a wet pop and she was given a final dose of pain as his throbbing tip pulled at her trembling ring. One more stream of pussy juice squirted out of her cunt as she stood above him with her knees half bent in a bowlegged stance, still shuddering from the pleasure of it all. She might've collapsed against the ground soon after if it hadn't been for her adopted mother's hands returning to her waist.

“That's enough for now.” She said as she lowered her trembling child to the carpet, “Now it's Daniela's turn to enjoy our plaything!”

“It is?!”

“Of course . . . would you rather Bela have her fun instead?”

“No!” Rushing forward so quickly she almost trampled Rurik underfoot she hurried towards his cock, immediately squatting down over it much like her mother had.

Lady Dimitrescu smiled at her predictable behavior and raised their plaything's dick into the air for her daughter, only to stop her before she could bury it inside her pussy, “Turn around.”


“Turn around.”

Visibly confused but not at all interested in arguing Daniela followed her adopted mother's orders, her perky little ass wiggling as she turned her back to their newest toy, “Like this?”


The word had barely left the countess's mouth before her youngest child slammed herself down onto the fat cock waiting to split her open. And just like her predecessor's she cried out in pleasure the instant she felt his girth stretching her open. What little pain she encountered as she plunged down the entire length of his manhood was easy to ignore as a kind of pleasure she'd never experienced surged through her senses. By the time she'd reached the base her whole body was wracked with uncontrollable shudders, her legs trembling so violently she could scarcely keep them underneath her as she straddled him. Even more warmth soaked his stomach and thighs as her arousal joined the sticky mess already coating his body. She wanted to slide right back up to the tip and repeat the toe curling process all over again like her mother and sister had, but her body just wouldn't respond. Not how she wanted it to at least. As his member throbbed against her inner walls and ignited fires inside her she had never even dreamed of it was nearly impossible to stay still. The more ferociously his cock twitched the more wildly her body shivered, a constant ebb and flow that left her completely unable to do anything except squirm atop and against him.

Guided entirely by instinct and what little she'd witnessed before her turn she rocked her herself back and forth against him, wiggling her hips and grinding to the best of her ability. Even more pleasure flooded her senses as soon as she started and the way his dick responded only her encouraged her to keep going. Particularly when his throbbing tip brushed against something particularly sensitive deep inside her pussy. A burst of ecstasy hit her like a bolt of lightning and she couldn't stop herself from squealing in delight. But as pleasurable as it might've been for Daniela it was a far more terrifying sensation for the man she was riding. In part because he still desperately wanted to cum and still knew there was little chance he could continue after doing so. And mostly because of tightly she'd started to grip his legs during her shuddering ecstasy. Digging her nails deep into his skin and sending a flash of pain through him Daniela momentarily overwhelmed any ecstasy he might felt from her amazingly soft pussy wrapping around his dick. Although her frantic spasms continued and the bliss that was her tight sex quickly returned the pain never went away. If anything it only seemed to become worse the longer she remained atop him. The longer her hips continued to gyrate and grind against his prick with a frantic, inexperienced enthusiasm.

Before she could cause any undue harm or draw too much blood Lady Dimitrescu stepped in, pulling her hands away from his flesh with a soft laugh and saying, “Don't break our new toy just yet!”

“It feels so good!” Daniela whimpered, still moving as best she could against his dick even as she was made to lean back over Rurik's body. At some point her hands flattened against the sodden carpet as she braced herself in an entirely new fashion. “W-What do I do now?”

“What do you want to do?”

“I . . . I want him . . . I want him to touch me! Like he did for Cassandra!”

“Then command him.”

Slowly looking back at her plaything with a crazed smile Daniela gasped, “Touch me like you touched my sister! Now!”

Quick to follow her orders in spite of how foolish it was to do so he reached around her slender body to press two fingers against her clit. The very instant he made constant the woman atop him unleashed a piercing squeal, her eyes rolling back in her head and her hips going into a frenzy as she was struck by an even greater wave of bliss. As soon as he started rubbing her sensitive bud the screaming stopped and she stared in open mouthed delight at the ceiling. Barely blinking and wholly incapable of comprehending anything she was actually seeing Daniel was all but completely overwhelmed by everything swirling through her. After watching her mother and Cassandra have their fun for what felt like an eternity she'd been so desperate for the same she hadn't begun to realize how pent up she truly was. Like all the women in Castle Dimitrescu she was in desperate need of sexual gratification but being forced to wait and watch others enjoying what she'd unwittingly craved for years only made it that much more potent when she was finally riding his throbbing cock. Within seconds of his touch she was shaking so hard her legs finally gave out, her feet sliding out from underneath her as her legs squirmed and shivered. A few moments after that her arms followed suit and she all but collapsed atop the man beneath her. Rurik did his best not to be overwhelmed by the tightness of her pussy as every part of her seemed to convulse. Instead he focused all his energy on making her feel even better and perhaps saving himself from retribution in the process. With one hand frantically teasing and rubbing her clit he moved the other to her heaving breasts, cupping and groping them in equal measure. And when his thumb and forefinger closed around her sensitive nipples for the first time Daniela suddenly found her voice again.

>Move your hips!” She demanded in a breathless groan, “Move your hips right now!”

Thrusting before she'd even repeated herself Rurik did everything in his power to do what she wanted despite the less than ideal circumstances. He couldn't move anywhere near as much as he had with Lady Dimitrescu but he wasn't stupid enough to point that out. Instead he just lurched upwards as fast and as hard as he possibly could. Lifting Daniela's body into the air and making her cry out yet again he suddenly pulled back every bit as hastily as he'd slammed upwards. For the first time in her life she had a chance to enjoy a throbbing cock sliding out of her pussy and like everything else she'd been subjected to she wanted more. Luckily for her the man they'd captured was nothing if not desperate to pleasure and desperate to stay alive. Just as she started sinking back down onto his prick with the aid of gravity he thrusted upwards yet again, driving his cock deep into her cunt and filling the parlor with the meaty slap of his balls hitting her flesh. An even greater pleasure swirled through her body and she cried out like never before as it radiated outwards to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Little did she realize that was only the beginning, a taste of what was to come as Rurik frantically repeated his those toe curling movements over and over and over again. Gritting his teeth and dwelling on the pain in his legs more than anything else he pounded away at Daniela's cunt with everything he had. His finger was a blur across her clit and his hand groped her tits with an incredible roughness. One that actually made Cassandra a touch jealous as she watched from the sidelines. Particularly when it sent her already convulsing sister into fits of violent shaking in less than a minute.

Completely enamored with everything she was feeling and so unabashedly eager for more she couldn't think about anything else. Her mind couldn't focus on anything but the delicious pleasure crashing through her with every slightest movement of his body. His cock felt absolutely wonderful slamming in and out of her pussy and yet without the attention of his fingers against her impossible sensitive bud, not to mention her breasts, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good as she imagined. Fortunately for Rurik combining all three far exceeded her expectations. In no time at all she was a gasping, heaving, shuddering mess. Writhing against him and clawing at anything she could reach Daniela shredded the carpet beneath them and convulsed like she was being tormented by the pleasure welling up in the very depths of her soul. Sometimes her feet managed to press down against the floor long and hard enough to send her flying up his dick of her own volition and it was during those moments that she truly understood why her mother had insisted they capture the right Human. But even when she wasn't capable of moving in such a gratifying manner the pleasure gradually flooding every inch of her trembling body was nothing short of fantastic. Losing herself in the cascading bliss like she hadn't done with anything for a very long time Daniela fully and wholeheartedly submitted to the ecstasy of her first orgasm without even thinking. Throwing herself into the churning maelstrom after hovering at the precipice for so long she let it overtake her with a crazed grin plastered onto her face and a final, climactic scream bursting from her lips.

Subjected to his greatest test yet Rurik had never fought harder to resist his own pleasure as her pussy tightened around him and her warm gushed across his legs. He wanted nothing more than to cum alongside her, to empty his balls into her pussy and bask in the same unparalleled ecstasy she was enjoying as she writhed atop him. And thanks to his hands constantly teasing her clit and fondling her tits he very nearly succumbed to that pleasure. Try as he might he couldn't stop himself from thrusting into her no matter how self defeating it was, nor could he prevent his fingers from rubbing and pinching and groping and teasing in a constant frenzy of movement. Partly because he knew what would happen if he ruined her pleasure but mostly because of how good it all felt. Once again her body was nowhere near as overwhelming as Lady Dimitrescu but that hardly mattered when she was trembling around his cock so violently and drenching them both in her arousal so messily. In truth that was the only reason he could actually hold himself back. Had she been anywhere near on the same level as the countess he wouldn't have lasted ten seconds into her ecstasy, let alone the two uninterrupted minutes she spent breathily moaning and  spasming against him. Indeed by the time she'd fully collapsed against him, her whole body suddenly going limp, he'd come so dangerously close to losing his composure it was nothing short of a miracle he didn't. Just as it was nothing short of a miracle that Daniela was lifted off his prick only a few seconds after she'd fully succumbed to her ecstasy. Anything longer and his life would've surely ended then and there.

Lifting her daughter off their plaything's dick and laying her across the carpet to recuperate Lady Dimitrescu turned to Bela and asked, “How would you like him?”

“On his knees.” She confidently replied. Rurik was moved into position without any regard for the discomfort Daniela had caused him, all four of the women present reveling in his obvious pain as he winced and groaned. Slowly sauntering towards him with a cocksure smile Bela looked him up and down several times before unexpectedly joining him on the floor. Dropping to her own knees and offering herself to him as her hands flattened against the carpet she looked back at him and said, “I'm waiting Human . . .”

Taken aback by her apparent confidence and more than a little wary of what was going on he hesitated for just a moment. Just long enough for Lady Dimitrescu to say, “Perhaps you'd prefer the alternative?”

The moment he was reminded of that prospect Rurik lurched forward in a hasty bid to do as he'd been told. Before he could manage anything a gloved hand wrapped around his prick and a pair of ample breasts flattened against his back. A terrified gasp slipped out of his lips as he felt the countess' warm breath against his ear. Her teeth brushed against his skin as she bit down on his neck just harder enough to elicit another pained cry. But while he was distracted with that Lady Dimitrescu reached past him to find her daughter's waist. Pulling her closer to his throbbing prick, then pulling her onto his throbbing prick a moment or two later she let out a soft laugh as her plaything groaned in pleasure. Her hand vanished from his shaft as soon as the tip of his manhood slipped into Bela's incredibly tight pussy. Had he been even a little less distracted he might've noticed her grabbing her adopted daughter's waist with both hands. He might've realized what was about to happen before it occurred and perhaps braced himself for the surge of pleasure. Unfortunately he didn't have the wherewithal to notice such things and in the blink of an eye every centimeter of his prick had vanished inside her trembling cunt. Faster than either of them could react she was impaled on his dick, it's entire length plunging into her so deliciously hard the ensuing smack drowned out everything else. Including Bela's passionate cry as she too was instantly overwhelmed by the sensations swirling through her.

In a flash her arms were barely able to support her and calves were rising off the ground as her toes curled inward in pleasure. Fully aware that was only the beginning and so eager for more she looked back at the man buried inside her and the woman looming over him with a rapacious gleam in her eyes. Rurik gave her an amusingly frightened look but her adopted mother flashed a wicked smile every bit as lascivious. Her gloved hands tightened even more around her body and within the next heartbeat she was sliding back off his prick even faster than before. Long strands of arousal dripped off his prick as it emerged from her sex and she relished every last inch all the way to the very tip. Almost as much as she relished the mingling looks of pleasure and terror flashing across his face. The former might've replaced the latter when Lady Dimitrescu slammed her back onto his prick even harder but the fear never quite faded no matter how good he might've felt. Which in turn made her squirm and moan all the more enthusiastically. Though between her mother's impressive strength and all the pent up lust she'd been stewing in since this entire adventure began it wasn't long before she was struggling to follow much of anything beyond her own bliss. Much faster and so much harder than she was capable of her body lurched back and forth along his twitching manhood, flying up and down at an ever increasing rate as she was given everything she'd wanted from the moment she saw how pleasurable sex could be. Rurik, on the other hand, had never been more terrified. Pinned between two of the four most dangerous women in the land and denied even the most basic agency he was left to hold on tight to Lady Dimitrescu's arms as she slammed her daughter onto his cock over and over and over again without delay. The faster she moved the more overwhelmed he was by it all.

Between her voluptuous body pressing against his back and Bela's slender yet beautiful frame colliding with his front he couldn't have been more trapped. Once again he tried his best to resist the allure of cumming but after being used by two sex starved women and with a third now enjoying him even more frantically than the others he knew it was a losing battle. The pure strength of the woman controlling both of them was well and truly beyond him. Even without it he wouldn't have lasted long but with her hands firmly plunging Bela onto his dick so fast he wasn't sure how such a thing was possible no amount of self control would be enough. Suddenly it wasn't a matter of stopping his ecstasy but rather delaying it as long as possible. Of thinking about anything and everything except the tightness of her pussy wrapped around his dick or the frenetic slap of their wetly colliding bodies. He especially couldn't spare even a moment to thoughts of how soft Lady Dimitrescu's body was against him, how amazing her skin felt and how much he enjoyed the touch of a woman regardless of who that woman might be. With every passing second Rurik's thoughts strayed further and further from what was actually happening as he groaned like a wounded animal. But not even the fast approaching death he'd tried so hard to avoid could overshadow how amazing it all felt or how badly he needed a release.

By contrast Bela was utterly lost in the moment. Completely overwhelmed by the pleasure she'd watched her sisters and mothers enjoy. At some point during the frenzy her arms finally gave out and she slumped against the carpet in a quivering heap. Without a pair of strong hands around her waist her entire body might've collapsed. Thankfully she was spared from such a thing and instead allowed to continue basking in the utter pleasure of a throbbing cock pounding her cunt with such abandon. She loved the way his balls slapped against her trembling clit and she loved hearing every desperate cry that left his mouth. Even as she was unaware of why he was suffering simply knowing he was being tormented by something was more than enough to leave her in complete disarray before long. Faster than either of her sisters in fact, yet still long enough to further torture Rurik as any hopes he had of survival seemed to fade away entirely. The louder she moaned and the harder her pussy convulsed around his cock the more desperate he became. As her fluids cascaded down his thighs and he felt that all too familiar shudder ripple through his body he knew it was over. He couldn't possibly last through another messy climax. And soon enough he was proven completely right as Bela gleefully lost herself in the pleasure swirling through her. Waves of pleasure crashed down upon her faster and harder than anything from her wildest dreams after only a few, wonderfully frantic minutes. Her strained gasps and throaty moans filled the room as she buried her face in the carpet and further shredded the once ornate cloth with her nails.

Warmth erupted from the depths of her pussy to spray across both of them with a few droplets even managing to reach Lady Dimitrescu's smiling face. But no matter how wildly her back arched or how ferociously the rest of her body spasmed nothing was more viscerally overwhelming than her madly quivering pussy. Made all the 'worse' by his impending ecstasy her already tight inner walls were nothing short of unbearable as she was overwhelmed by pleasure. And thanks to her mother's efforts she never stopped bouncing along his dick even as she convulsed in such a wild frenzy. Feeling her indescribably snug cunt gliding along his dick as she shook so hard was the final nail in Rurik's coffin. What might've been a respite under any other circumstances merely sealed his doom as he finally lost whatever composure he had left. A long, frantic, desperately loud groan burst from his lips at the same moment a thick font of cum erupted from his cock. The former echoed throughout the room while the latter completely drenched Bela's cunt.  Adding yet another sensation to the delicious medley she was already submerged in his thick, gooey jizz flooded her pussy in a creamy wave unlike anything she'd expected. In just a few loads he'd filled her to the brim and sent a particularly throaty cry bursting from her lips. After a few more his seed was gushing out of her cunt in long strands. Rolling down her inner thighs and mingling with her own arousal his warmth continued to flood her sex and ooze back out again for what was surely minutes on end. In reality wasn't more than thirty seconds before he'd emptied his loins and sealed his fate, but as far as Rurik and Bela were concerned it was an eternity. The pleasure they both felt certainly seemed to last that long.

Until she was allowed to finally slide off his dick and collapse against the carpet, fresh cum sputtering out of her pussy while her sisters looked on with rampant jealousy, “He didn't do that for me!” Cassandra exclaimed.

“I want that gooey white stuff in my body too!” Daniela added.

Delighting in their reactions Lady Dimitrescu pulled away from her plaything, slowly standing up to loom above him. Lifting a heeled foot off the floor and pressing it against his back she pushed him forward and said, “You heard them whelp!”

Tumbling forward and immediately rolling over Rurik stared up at the trio surrounding him. They were quickly joined by a shaky but nonetheless eager Bela and he swallowed, “I-I don't think I can . . . I-I want to! B-But I can't—”

“What do you mean you can't?” Daniela asked, “You've still got a penis don't you!?”

“He's too weak to satisfy us!” Cassandra hissed, “Perhaps we can torture him until he finds the strength to do his job!”

“Or perhaps our mother can show us a better way.” Bela suggested.

Lady Dimitrescu smiled at the eldest of her adopted daughters, slowly nodding her head as she slipped a foot out of her heels. Pressing it against his softening cock with enough force to make him whimper she licked her lips and stated, “Now I'll show you how to fix your Human when they don't work any longer . . .”


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