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I hope y'all are in the mood for something fun and simple! Consider this an appetizer to the story I'll be putting out Halloween day, in the sense that both are related to the season. This short little bit of fun is entirely unrelated to what I'll be publishing next lol

“All the chicks in Gotham are sluts, especially on Halloween.”

That's what Derek's friends had told him over and over again throughout October. And that's what he kept thinking about as he rode the train from Metropolis to Gotham on the thirty first. He didn't usually go so far out of his way to get laid but after a pretty lengthy dry spell he was starting to get a little desperate for some action. Not enough to do anything drastic but apparently enough to buy a not too cheap ticket and spend the better part of two hours staring out a window and waiting. For the occasion he'd dressed up as Superboy but thanks to the last minute nature of his plans he couldn't really afford to do much more than slap on a black t-shirt with a red “S” in the middle. It felt kind of weird to dress up as someone that actually existed instead of a fictional character but under the circumstances he didn't have much of a choice. And nobody else on the train seemed to mind that odd little quirk. Just in his car alone he spotted at least one of every member of the Justice League alongside a surprisingly number of villains from all over the planet. Nobody seemed to bat at an eye at anyone else's costume no matter the quality. As long as a person was wearing something resembling a costume they could drink and laugh and generally act like teenagers regardless of how old they might've been. The sun hadn't even gone down yet and the atmosphere around Derek was already getting wild.

Stepping off the train after it'd arrived in Gotham didn't seem to lessen that enthusiastic spirit one bit. If anything the craziness only seemed to get more pervasive with every step he took away from the station and towards the city proper. Huge crowds of people dressed up in every costume imaginable packed the streets, gridlocking the cars trying to use them and further adding to the chaos. Just getting through everyone to find someplace a little less busy was a challenge, let alone finding anyone ladies to flirt with. He'd been in mosh pits at metal concerts that were less wild than some of the groups he had to push through. But nobody had ever accused him of being a quitter and after a good four months without anything but the company of his hand Derek refused to give up at the first signs of trouble. No matter how loud that trouble might've been or how much he was jostled around by drunken partygoers and dozens if not hundreds of people looking for exactly the same thing as him. And for a long time it seemed like his only reward for persevering was more and more pandemonium as he approached the heart of downtown where the partying was at it's most wild. The streets had actually been cordoned off to prevent traffic and the amount of people milling around was nothing short of insane. He'd never seen anything like it in Metropolis.

Of course things only got crazier as the sun went down and night fell over the city. Alcohol flowed even more freely and a fair few fights started to break out in the rowdier areas. Derek was almost pulled into a couple of them as he wandered around aimlessly, his head constantly on a swivel while he looked for a hot piece of ass to flirt with. Fortunately he managed to avoid getting pulled into any real brawls, unfortunately he couldn't find any of the sluts Gotham was supposedly filled with. None that weren't already busy with other people or surrounded by so many friends he'd never have a chance with them. But as the night wore on and things only continued to get crazier it was hard to deny what his friends had said.  Nobody was outright fucking in the middle of the street but it was laughably easy to find people having sex in every available nook and cranny just outside the main thoroughfares. Guys getting sucked off, women bent over trashcans, chicks getting eaten out against walls, dudes fingering their partners off to the side, it was pretty much everywhere. And nobody else seemed to mind! That was almost as surprising as the sex itself! Nobody close to all those couples had any complaints about what was going on right next to them. More times than he expected, which was to say more than a single time, others actually joined in on the fun. Once chick went from getting fucked up against the wall of a packed restaurant to getting pinned between two guys splitting her open from both ends. One lucky dude had a second girl join in on the blowjob he was receiving, neither him nor the woman suddenly getting a hand batting an eye. It was without a doubt the wildest atmosphere he'd ever seen and the longer he stayed in the hear of it all the more he was swept up in the spirit.

Thankfully before he could do anything as crazy as a start a threesome with a pair of complete strangers Derek managed to spot a woman standing by herself in a dark, relatively easy to miss alley just off the main street. Leaning against the wall with her arms folded and a pouty look on her face she was dressed like the infamous Harley Quinn. Her slender but curvaceous body looked fantastic in a skin tight red and black leotard, her ass in particular looking quite tasty when she turned away from the crowd in an obvious huff. To his surprise she'd gone the extra mile with a jester's cap and a thick layer of white face paint. Most people didn't put in that much effort and all things considered she looked more like the genuine article than anyone else he'd seen that night. At least anyone else pretending to be the Joker's most dangerous henchwoman. A smarter man might've wondered why that was the case and erred on the side of caution, or at the very least seen how grumpy she looked and picked someone else to hit on. But after watching so many other people getting laid for a while Derek wasn't ready to pass up what seemed like his only chance. So with a cocky grin he pushed his way through the crowd towards her. She turned around just as he was approaching and her already sour look didn't improve one but at the sight of him. Yet another warning sign he should've avoided and yet another warning sign his cock didn't let him process.

“Buzz off loser, I'm waitin for someone else!” She said in the same high pitched tone as the woman she was pretending to be.

“Well how about I wait with you for a little while?” Derek asked, “We could both use the company?”

“Yeah? And what makes you think I need your company?”

“My superhero instincts!”

Her icy blue eyes narrowed for a moment as she looked him up and down, “You don't look like any superhero I've ever seen!”

“Don't you recognize me? I'm Superboy?”

Immediately and derisively snorting Harley folded her arms and started leaning against the brick wall beside her again, “Of all the supes to pick you went with Superboy?”

“What can I say?” Derek replied, moving in front of her and similarly leaning against the wall with a grin, “I'm surprising like that!”

“Oh yeah? I don't see nothin surprisin about you right now!”

“Why don't we change that?” His tone was low, as much as could be with a party raging all around them, and his smile was unmistakable.

Staring right back at him without moving a muscle or reacting in any way Harley left him to dangle for an uncomfortably long time. So long in fact he almost considered turning around and disappearing into the crowd before she could humiliate him further. Before he could do anything quite so drastic she finally spoke up, “If you wanna fuck just come out and say it. Stop dancin around like you think you're bein clever!”

“I-I wouldn't mind a little fun!” Derek admitted. Thoroughly taken aback by her bluntness and yet oddly appreciative of how direct she was being he smiled a little wider. “If you're up for it?”

Once again falling silent and looking him over as she arched an eyebrow Harley let out an over dramatic sigh and finally cracked a smile of her own, “I got some time to kill.” Grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him a couple steps into the alley she added, “C'mon 'Superboy'! Let's turn ya into Superman!”

Before he could respond she pushed him hard against the wall, sinking to her knees and yanking down his pants in one smooth movement. His not unimpressive cock flopped out of his underpants and she wrapped around around his shaft without even thinking. As soon as she started stroking his dick and cupping his swollen balls he couldn't help but exclaim his relief. “Oh thank God!” He said aloud before he could stop himself.

“What're you thankin him for?” Harley demanded as she worked his dick even faster, “You should be thankin me!”

Derek tried to do exactly that but the words hadn't even left his mouth before her lips were closing around the head of his cock. A startled groan tumbled out of him instead and he only continued to groan as she slid all the way down to the base of his shaft without the slightest hint of trouble Deepthroating every single inch as easily as one might take a breath Harley sucked him harder and more enthusiastically than he'd ever experienced in his life. Within a few seconds he was hunched over and gasping for air, holding on to her head for dear life with both hands. Thick spurts of precum erupted from his tip with every passing second and although he couldn't hear it over the party he could certainly feel her gulping down each load as her cheeks inverted and her tongue went wild across his aching prick. It swirled around and around in absolute frenzy only to suddenly dart out of her mouth altogether and find his balls. At the same time her hands slid around his waist, pulling him even deeper inside her throat as the wet sounds of her increasingly sloppy blowjob finally reached his ears. Just barely audible over everything else the gurgling and slurping of her efforts sounded almost as good as they felt and it was all Derek could do to keep from blowing his load. Only the completely unfounded belief that she wouldn't let him fuck her if he came too early kept him from dumping a fat load into her throat. And even with that motivation it took every ounce of his self control to fight back his natural instincts for as long as he could. Suddenly he wasn't thinking about how tight and wet her mouth was or how amazing her tongue felt against pretty much any part of his body. He was focusing on all of the least sexual things imaginable. On his taxes, roadkill, bills, anything that could take his mind off the complete stranger sucking his dick and do a better job of it than any girlfriend he'd been with.

Had he been thinking just a little bit more clearly he wouldn't have looked down at Harley when he heard a wet squelch as she finally stopped deepthroating his prick. He would've shut his eyes tight and kept them closed as her mouth glided across his shaft all the way to the tip in a single, incredible movement. But he was't smart enough to do anything like that and instead he watched in utter disbelief and open mouthed amazement as her cheeks inverted and her lips extended outwards as his spit soaked dick emerged from her gullet inch by inch. In the time it took her to reach the head of his cock he was about ready to collapse from the pleasure, not to mention the intense pressure. When she stopped to suck on his tip with a particularly toe curling force as her tongue scooped up all the precum leaking out he was all but convinced he wouldn't last another minute. Despite jerking off twice before getting on the train he wasn't even remotely prepared for the kind of blowjob she was giving him. She was way more woman than he could ever hope to handle and never was that more clear than when she started bobbing along his prick at an absolute mind boggling pace.

Suddenly lurching forward faster than his pleasure addled brain could process she pressed her lips flat against the base of his shaft and Derek let out another groan. Then, before he'd even finished react, she was somehow back at the head of his cock and the sloppy passing of her lips and tongue were joining the rest of the pleasures already assailing his senses. In the time it took him to react she was already gliding right back down to the base of his prick and the entire cycle repeated itself all over again. In no time at all she was flying up and down his length like her life depended on it, the wet gurgle of her throat getting stuffed full of his shaft gradually drowning out everything else. Little by little the wild sounds of the party all around them seemed to fade as Derek lost himself in her absolutely incredible talents. Whatever attempts he'd made to keep his libido under control were over. Now he was simply along for the ride as Harley throated him fastr and faster until she was practically a blur. Too overwhelmed to even notice the people watching them go at it he just grunted and gasped with every ragged breath he took and held on like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver. His cock had never been more hard and his balls had never ached so much in his entire life. Barely a minute after she'd started he was at the end of his rope. Nothing in the world could stop him from emptying his balls all over her throat. Nothing except Harley completely denying his orgasm.

Stopping so abruptly she practically gave him whiplash the stranger sucking him off pulled back, her lips vanishing entirely from his cock and her laughter filling his ears as she stood up. Brought to the very edge only to be denied at the last possibly second Derek gasped and shuddered while his dick throbbed wildly in the chilly air, thick strands of spit drooling off it. “Not so fast big guy!” She exclaimed, “You don't get to finish before I do!”

“What?!” He groaned, barely able to process what he was hearing.

Through bleary, half focused eyes he watched her slowly turn around and flatten her hands against the opposite wall, pushing her tight bubble butt out and wiggling her hips. Looking back at him with an unmistakably hungry smile she repeated herself, “You don't get to finish before I do!”

It hardly took a genius to figure out what she was after and even in the state he was in Derek understood her loud and clear. Although it still took him a couple of seconds to adjust and push himself away from the wall. As soon as he had he did the only sensible thing and ripped open her leotard with both hands. Her plump ass all but exploded out of the skin tight latex and suddenly it was his turn to cut her off. Just as she was opening her mouth to yell at him for ruining her outfit he slammed his dick balls deep into her puffy, hairless cunt. Both of them moaned in pleasure as grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her against him, making sure every single centimeter of his shaft was right where it belonged. He might not be the smartest man in the world and he certainly wasn't the most attractive but if there was one thing Derek could claim it was that he knew how to fuck. That much he made clear almost immediately as his hips lurched backwards and his whole body tensed. Harley didn't even have time to brace herself before he plunging back inside her amazingly tight pussy even harder. Her softly jiggling cheeks clapped together from the force of his impact and she cried out even louder than before, her forehead pressing against the brick as she gave up on trying to look back at him. Remembering what she'd said he grit his teeth, widened his stance, and bent down over her as he got ready to deliver a pounding she wouldn't forget. One slid along her stomach to find her tits and give them an old fashioned groping through what was left of her leotard while the other slipped between her thighs to find her clit.

Her whole body shuddered like never before as soon as he started rubbing her oh so sensitive bud and she quivered even harder when he started thrusting in earnest a few seconds later. His one and only focus was making her cum as fast and as hard as humanly possible, a task he took to with an almost ferocious zeal as he slammed his cock into her pussy over and over and over again in the moments that followed. The wet gurgle of her earlier blowjob was like a whisper to the meaty slap of their colliding bodies and when she started to moan with every stroke of his dick it was all but impossible for them to go unnoticed by anyone passing by the alley. Not that either of them were really making any effort to conceal themselves. Derek had forgotten all about the party raging through downtown Gotham and Harley never seemed to care in the first place. He certainly didn't notice the handful of people stopping to watch in much the same way he had, though did he spot the few who stopped with the clear intention of joining in on the fun. On three separate occasions while he was jackhammering her cunt like a madman two women and one guy actually stepped into the alley and started loosening their costumes. But as soon as all three got a good look at the woman frantically bouncing on his dick and squealing in abject pleasure the color drained from their faces and they turned right back around. The guy even let out a terrified whimper as he bolted from the alley like a bat out of hell. But unlike all the other warning signs 'Superboy' actually noticed those bizarre reactions as he fucked Harley with everything he had. He just couldn't bring himself to care, or even remember they'd happened at all as he went to town on her. His fingers were a blur across her clit and his painfully hard dick slammed into her g-spot with a ferocity and precision that sent warmth gushing down her thighs with every pump.

Within a minute or two Harley was practically screaming in delight, her whole body trembling as she lurched backwards onto his cock with all her strength. Her fingers had curled into fists against the wall and her eyes were slowly rolling back into her head. When she didn't have the strength to slam herself onto his dick she just groaned like a wild animal and fought like hell to not lose complete control as she was fucked so well. No matter how hard her knees buckled or how violently her legs shook she flat out refused to do anything that might ruin her fun. Especially as 'Superboy' slammed his cock harder and harder into her pussy. Although he kept his pace frustratingly measured the force of each thrust combined with his constant attention to her clit still sent waves of pleasure crashing through her faster and harder than she expected. At not point before he started pounding her cunt did she expect him to be any good at this. In fact she'd pretty much assumed he'd be a two pump chump and not much good outside of getting her ready for the real fun she was still waiting for. But as his prick glided in and out of her sex so hard each stroke made her cry out she started to forget all about the person she was actually supposed to meet. Pleasure coursed through her in greater and greater bursts, slowly overwhelming her senses and leaving her in a state of drooling ecstasy in what felt like the blink of an eye. In reality it took the better part of five ball slapping minutes to push her to the edge and another five to actually send her tumbling over. Which meant ten uninterrupted minutes of getting dicked where literally anyone could see them by a complete and total stranger. For her it was nothing short of heaven and just about everything she could've asked for in a random hookup.

For him it was ten minutes of constant temptation and self control as he resisted the incredibly tightness of her pussy in a truly desperate bid to make her cum. Focusing so intently on her words they were all but burned into his mind he did everything in his power to give her an incredible orgasm. He could feel how hard her inner walls were contracting around him almost immediately and he was more than familiar enough with a woman's body to hit all the right places with every thrust of a his cock. Which only made it that much harder to resist dumping a massive load inside her. He wasn't even sure if she wanted a creampie from some random dude and that uncertainty paired with a subconscious yet impossible to ignore fear for his well being if he let her down drove him like nothing else. What little endurance he'd gained after she so completely denied him his orgasm earlier was used up in no time at all, every last bit draining away as his cock plunged in and out of her amazingly tight sex. Every single thing he did to make her cry out only tempted him further and it didn't take long for that incredibly tantalizing ebb and flow to become as much a pleasure as it was a hindrance.

Derek loved the way her body shuddered when he buried his dick inside her and simultaneously rubbed her clit. He loved the intense pressure of her ecstasy as she convulsed around him in the aftermath of each stroke. Somehow he even loved the incredible effort it took to resist his baser urges and pull right back out again as Harley made impossibly lewd sounds. By the time his cock had all but completely retreated he could let his guard down for just a moment and catch his breath, readying himself for the whole thing to start all over when lunged forward. Watching her ass bounce with every impact and feeling how tightly she squeezed every centimeter of his cock was enough motivation to send him plunging back inside her no matter how difficult it was to hold himself back. Really there wasn't a single thing he didn't absolutely love about fucking 'Harley Quin' in some random alley. No matter how many people spotted them or how many times some random stranger approached to join in only to run away in apparent terror. He couldn't get enough of making her squirm and the closer she got to her big explosion the more he enjoyed causing every slightest shiver and convulsion.

Which only left him even more caught off guard when, just as she was about to cum, Harley screamed, “Pull out!”

Too distracted by his own pleasure to really think about her command or even argue with it he lurched backwards as quickly as his body could manage. Every inch of Harley's body tensed as she unleashed a surprisingly deep, impressive guttural sound from the depths of her throat. Not two seconds after his prick emerged from her cunt a massive jet of sweet smelling arousal sprayed out. Gushing across both of them in a sudden geyser it only lasted for a second before stopping just as abruptly as it'd begun, the rest of her body descended into spasmodic shivering a split second later. But another geyser of crystal clear pussy juice squirted out a couple heartbeats later, just as she was wracked with a particularly strong convulsion, and while it might've been less explosive than the last it still drenched the two of them in another sticky layer of warmth. Over and over again for nearly thirty seconds fluids erupted from her pussy, each and every fountain accompanied by wild squeals and downright animalistic noises as Harley struggled to keep herself upright. Her hips lurched back and forth like she was grinding against a cock while her fingers clawed at the wall she was leaning so heavily against. Once or twice those wildly unpredictable gyrations sent her eruptions gushing across his rock hard cock, practically guaranteeing they were bouth doused in her arousal from the waist down at the very least. Without her companion's warm around her waist she definitely would've collapsed to the ground after her first bout of squirting. Because even with his hand keeping her up she barely managed to avoid dropping ot her knees as pleasure crashed through her senses and reduced her to a shuddering wreck. A shuddering wreck that wasn't even remotely finished with the man responsible for her state.

“F-Fuck m-me!” She groaned in a frantic voice, “D-Don't s-stop f-fucking meeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Once again in no state to refuse  Derek followed her orders as quickly as he could, but in his haste to do what she wanted he made a rather crucial mistake. Slamming forward with all his might before he was even lined up properly the head of his cock glided right past her trembling cunt to find the tightly puckered little hole only a short distance above it. And before she could do anything more than tense half of his prick had glided into her virgin ass. By the time she felt the surge of pain as her clenched ring was forced open by his not even remotely small dick his balls were slapping wetly against her cunt and his hips were pressed firmly against her buttocks. A long, amazed groan spilled from his lips as he felt her amazingly tight hole clenching around him harder than ever. But with his head tilted backwards and his eyes half closed he didn't quite realize his mistake. In the half delirious state of mind he'd been reduced to he just thought her pussy was somehow even tighter than before. His fingers returned to her clit almost immediately after and the sudden swell of ecstasy they brought stopped Harley from completely freaking out. She still panted and cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain but she didn't push him away and beat him senseless like she'd planned. Nor did she kick the shit out of him when he pulled back and she felt his prick gliding against her tender asshole. It was the first time anything other than her own finger had been inside there and in the heat of the moment she couldn't deny enjoying the sensation. Especially as he continued working her sensitive bud as he resumed the same ball slapping pace that'd made her cum so incredible hard. Although the pain of suddenly getting her asshole fucked out of nowhere never quite subsided.

Thankfully she didn't have to endure that discomfort for very long as 'Superboy' rather quickly devolved into the kind frantic, uncoordinated thrusting she'd expected of him from the very beginning of their hookup. Finally confident he'd made her cum and desperately eager to do the same he slammed his prick into what he thought was her cunt in an absolute frenzy, wildly sodomizing her again and again for nearly a minute straight before finally blowing his load. A minute that felt ten times longer to the woman he was unwittingly stretching open with every pump of his ferociously twitching cock. Her asshole stretched around him more and more and even started to distend as it reflexively tightened thanks to his constant teasing of her clit. All while Harley grunted and gritted her teeth as pain tinged pleasure swirled through her. More than once she instinctively tried to pull away from him whenever the bursts of discomfort grew too unbearable but he just kept pounding away without a care in the world. Entirely too far gone to realize his mistake and practically flattening her against the wall before finally hitting the point of no return Derek couldn't begin to understand his mistake. Not as his months long dry spell came to an explosive end when he plunged his dick inside her one last time.

Letting out a desperately loud groan it was suddenly his turn to tense before descending into a fit of shivers as thick jets of cum erupted from his dick. Each one sprayed deep into Harley's ass, drenching her inner walls and making her toes curl in spite of the pain his wild pulsing elicited. In fact she actually enjoyed just how thick and gooey his spunk was as it gushed inside her. She'd always loved a good creampie and in the heat of the moment it was hard to lament getting another one. Particular when the man giving it to her had so much pent up jizz to share. In spite of his earlier masturbation he still had a truly impressive amount of spunk saved up and with a tight, wet hole wrapped around him there was no reason on earth not to dump every last drop. Although it only took him fifteen seconds to completely empty his balls inside her ass it was fifteen seconds of pure heaven. He'd never felt more relaxed or more satisfied as he slowly pulled his cock free. Of course the moment he looked down and discovered where exactly his prick was sliding out adrenaline surged through him. Without thinking he pulled the last few inches of his softening dick free in a sudden burst, instantly sending a flash of pain through Harley's body and eliciting a wet pop. He barely had a chance to watch his cum bubbling out of her slightly gaped hole before she whirled around to face him with a furious look.

“I'm so sorry! It was an accident! I never would've done that on purpose!”

“You fuckin prick!” She exclaimed, “I was savin my ass for someone else! Now when any of my friends ask what happened I gotta tell them some asshole fucked me in the asshole!”

“I-I really didn't mean it!” Derek replied, “I sweat! I'm so sorry!”

“Now I'm gonna be walkin funny! And I probably can't sit down for like, a week! All my friends are definitely gonna notice and there's no way they don't give me shit about it! And I was savin my ass for Ivy! You fuckin prick!”

Too worried about what he'd done to really process what she was saying he just repeated himself over and over again, “I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!”

“You fuckin better be! Asshole!”

“Please let me make it up to you somehow! I-I could buy you dinner o-or—”

“Are you askin me out right now? After you just fucked me in the ass without askin first?!”

“N-No! I didn't mean it like that! I-I mean, I wanna see you again! But I am reallysorry! I swear!” He watched her fume and seethe for a moment or two before adding, “My real name's Derek!”

Idly rubbing her ass and wincing Harley looked at him for a moment and said, “Nice to meet ya, I'm Harley Quinn!”

“No what's your real—” He started to say, only for the color to drain from his face as a terror filled his eyes, “Oh my God!”


“I'm so sor—”

His apology was cut brutally short as Harley viciously roundhouse kicked him in the head, knocking Derek out could and sending him tumbling out of the alley in a heap. Smiling at her handiwork and feeling a little bit better about everything she tried to sit down on a nearby crate only to lurch back to her feet as pain lanced through her body, “Stupid asshole!” She exclaimed, glaring at her unconscious lover, “I was havin a real good time too! That's what I get for messin around with idiots!” Turning around and heading deeper into the alley she continued to mutter angrily and rub her sore ass while a crowd of concerned onlookers former around Derek.


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