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And here we have the final sex scene of this little experiment. Now all that's left is the epilogue and the ending I'm sure all of you fully expected as soon as I started writing this story lol. As for this chapter in particular I'd say it's pretty straightforward, hopefully y'all enjoy despite that!

Prologue - Chieftain Ursha - Princess Kasheeri - Eldawen - Lady Amoura - Epilogue 

Lady Amoura reached Wyndelle sometime in the late afternoon. Her arrival was completely unknown to everyone within the castle until she rolled off the cart she'd been resting in to approach the gates and announced herself. Until she did so none of the watchmen saw anything more than company of Dwarves with pickaxes lugging around a half covered wagon filled with gold. Two were pulling it, two more were pushing, and six others were surrounding it. It was hardly the sort of procession one might have expected of a woman coming to marry their king, indeed they'd seen three other convoys near identical to it within the last few days alone. But the moment they saw a fiery haired, ruddy faced woman land in a cloud of dust and smoke every last man and woman stationed at the gates knew who'd just appeared before them and the court was notified immediately. By the time the newly repaired gates were opened King Latharyn and the rest of his entourage were standing in the courtyard waiting. Casks of mead and wine were already sitting opened beside them and servants filled flagon after flagon even as their newest guests approached. Drinks were handed out the moment their friends from Kaershull were within arm's reach and the presence of fresh alcohol and welcoming smiles put many a grim bearded face at ease. Actually tasting the liquor given to them set their eyes sparkling and soon enough filled the courtyard with laughter as cups were drained and refilled with impressive frequency. Barely two words had been spoken between the two groups but already a party was threatening to break out as the Dwarves drank a cask apiece and more were brought out to satiate them. Specially grown mushrooms imported from their homeland and even a few shanks of the tunnel dwelling rats they loved to feast on were brought at as well. No one bothered with tables, eating utensils, or indeed anything aside from the food and drink. It would've simply gone to waste.

“Do you treat all yer guests so well?!” Lady Amoura exclaimed after belching louder than any of her companions.

“Of course.” King Latharyn replied, grinning as he listened to her burp echo across the courtyard, “I trust the food and drink is to your liking?”

“That depends!” A nearby Dwarf bellowed, “How much do you have?”

“We have more spirits than you could ever hope to drink and mushrooms aplenty. Our stock of Gurrasha meat is considerably more limited but there should be enough to last you the remainder of the day at the very least.”

“Then it's perfect!” Another of Lady Amoura's companions cheered as he drained his mug and threw an arm around the waist of a courtier standing beside him, “Have a cup lad! It might ease the stick outta yer arse!”

Laughter filled the courtyard and at the continued insistence of their guests many a noble started to partake of the freely flowing alcohol. Even the servants were dragged into the fun as they brought out yet more liquor. As they were waylaid into drinking contests and rousing songs of battle more and more servants were forced to divert from their regular duties to ensure the booze never dried up. Which only meant more new friends for the miners of Kaershull to party with. As was so often the case with Dwarves even a simple meeting turned into a spur of the moment party. Soldiers were quickly called down from their posts and soon enough the gates were thrown open to let in curious townsfolk, at their guest's insistence of course. Their cart laden with raw metals and gemstones was pushed out of the way as squares were drawn in the earth and all manner of contests took shape. Everything from drinking to wrestling was fair game and crowds of citizens gathered to watch their men and woman face off against some of the land's heartiest fighters. Chieftain Ursha made an appearance before long and gleefully dominated every single member of Lady Amoura's entourage. Soon she was facing off against two or three at a time for a proper challenge! Princess Kasheeri merely watched from her flying carpet, an amused smile spread across her feline features and one of her servants sitting beside her. Eldawen of Gilgahan was far too busy downing pint after pint to sit idly by, much to the delight of all those around her. Not even King Latharyn was immune to the festivities unfolding in every corner of the courtyard, though he remained considerably more focused than the rest of the partygoers. In no small part thanks to Lady Amoura standing beside him chatting away about her expedition as she drained every cask nearby.

And then the blasted thing exploded! Can you believe that? After all the times we shot and stabbed it the stupid monster only erupted when I lodged me pickaxe in it's head!”

“Orthalaka can be so rude sometimes.” He remarked.

“That's puttin it mildly!” His companion agreed. “But after we killed it the mines were ours for the takin. And take we did!”

“I can see that. Congratulations! I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you.”

“Me too! I coulda used someone warm to huddle up with when we couldn't light fires!”

King Latharyn blushed a little and she smiled at him even as her own cheeks darkened. Both of them fell silent for a few moments and he spent those heartbeats reflecting on the woman beside him. And none too subtly enjoying her beauty. Not even a soiled white shirt, dark brown breeches, and altogether plain boots could diminish how charming she was. Like all Dwarves she was short in stature, no more than four feet tall in boots, but exceedingly wide in frame. Both men and women alike were often wider than just about every other race except Orcs and she was no exception. But the breadth of her shoulders and size of her muscles did nothing to impede how fiercely beautiful she looked. In more than a few cases it only served to enhance her looks. The way she'd carefully braided half of her fiery orange locks only to let the other half fall freely down her strong face was a perfect example. Looking as much a warrior as a Lady depending on the angle she stood her broad, flat features were the perfect accompaniment to her subtle yet unmistakable curves. Much like the soft angles of her jawline the supple sculpt of her breasts and slight narrowing of her waist were small but unmistakable signs of her femininity. Though in truth the lack of any sort of beard was the greatest indication of her sex even setting aside that rather obvious and unmistakable tell revealed more than a few traits worth admiring. Like her quite pale alabaster skin turned red by the sunlight and the freckles dotting her round cheeks like stars across the night sky. Or the striking pink hue of her eyes and the way her rather large ears always seemed to peek out from behind her shaggy tresses no matter what she did. As he had so many times before, as he had with all of his brides to be, King Latharyn couldn't help but admire her beauty and wonder just what he'd done to earn the company of women as remarkable as Lady Amoura. Little did he know she was thinking along similar lines as she looked up at him with a smile.

“I could use a wash.” She stated, “Where's the nearest trough?”

“We have more than enough bathtubs to suit your needs.” He laughed. “I've brought some down to the ground floor. I assume you still prefer boiling water?”

“It's the only way to relax!”

“Then follow me. Lady Amoura.”

She scoffed at his use of her title and drained her flagon. After putting it in the hands of a young woman without a drink she walked into the castle beside the king. He led her to a small, private room near the larder where a bath had been set up. A massive cauldron of boiling water was sitting up an already roaring flame. Thanking the servants tending it King Latharyn bid them to join the festivities, though not before inviting them to stay and watch as Lady Amoura effortlessly lifted a metal bowl some twice her size. Carrying it without the slightest concern for the heat she emptied it into the bathtub and set it down on the stone with an echoing crash. Her companion smiled as much at her antics as he did the awestruck looks on the faces of his servants. They hurried off soon after, undoubtedly to tell all who would listen what they'd just seen, and he turned away to join them. But the moment his back was turned to Lady Amoura something heavy, dirty, and damp smacked him in the back of the head. Before he even touched the garment he knew exactly what it was and the moment he pulled her shirt from his head he turned around to see her already in the process of kicking off her boots and pulling down her breeches. Despite seeing her naked many, many times in their youth his heart still skipped a beat as her glimpsed more and more of her thick muscular body. Her breasts were still every bit as supple and perky as he remembered and the many rippling muscles of her arms, shoulders, stomach, back and indeed everywhere else glistened with the sweat of a long day's travel. A thick tuft of fiery orange hair was revealed to his unsurprised but no less eager gaze as she removed her leggings and though much of it was hidden between her toned thighs the what little he glimpsed of her cute little sex made him inhale just a bit harder than normal. When she turned away from him to climb into the bath he stared at her amazingly tight yet remarkably round rump for just a moment before she plunged into the steaming water.

Upon breaking the surface and stretching out within the spacious confines around her Lady Amoura looked at her companion and said, “So what's this I'm hearin about you fuckin each of yer potential brides?”

Thoroughly taken aback by her knowledge and bluntness King Latharyn could only stammer and blush for a few seconds before finally saying, “How did you find out?”

“I have my ways.”

“Right. Well . . . as much as I'd like to deny it . . . that is what I've been doing.”

“Yeah?” She nodded and smiled a bit wider, “Lettin your cock make the choice for you huh? I can't say it's a bad idea.”

“Of course you'd think it was a good idea!” He laughed.

“If it means we get to have a little more fun one last time you bet yer skinny little ass I'm all for it!”

“Why do you assume it would be for the last time?”

Rolling her eyes and chuckling Lady Amoura leaned back against the lip of the bathtub and closed her eyes to avoid looking at him as she said, “C'mon Lathy. We both know yer never gonna pick me. I've seen the others.”

“You're just as beautiful as they are.”

“Yer just saying that so I'll fuck you.”

“You'd fuck me even if I called you a stone humped hag.”

Her eyes opened and she looked at him with a lascivious grin, “I do love it when you talk dirty . . .”

“I know . . . you saggy titted goblin.”

Amoura's eyes sparkled like diamonds as she looked up at him, “Keep going . . .”

“Gladly you . . . you shit smelling troglodyte!”

Her hands disappeared beneath the water and she sucked in a sharp breath. A moment later the surface started to churn and bubble while she gasped, “More!”

Latharyn stepped closer and smiled as he said, “Why? Are you enjoying this you cock addled succubus imitator?”

Amoura bit her lip and moaned, her eyes slowly shutting as frantically rubbed at her pussy, “Don't you dare stop?”

“Why? Are you enjoying me telling the truth? Are you enjoying being called a sex crazed, flat assed harpy?” Laughing as much as moaning she plunged a digit into her sex and teased her clit between her thumb and forefinger. Latharyn stepped even closer and her eyes flew open to see him looming over her as he said what'd be his last insult, “That's right. Pleasure yourself like a back alley whore. You shouldn't be in the mines. You should be squatting down in the gutter sucking the cock of anyone who passes by! You're not good for anything—”

Whatever else he might've wanted to say ended in startled laughter as she suddenly yet predictably leapt out the bathtub in an explosion of scalding hot water and trembling limbs. Latharyn jerked backwards to avoid both the eruption of boiling liquid and the Dwarf sized missile lunging at him with amorous intent burning in her eyes. Though he managed to avoid the former there was little chance of avoiding the latter as she tackled him to the ground. Landing hard enough against the stone to knock all the air out of his lungs and leave him half delirious he watched as a beautiful, naked woman ripped his breeches from his body and slammed herself down onto his cock without a moment's delay. In an instant he was basking in the wonderfully familiar warmth and tightness of her sex as her body wrapped around his cock. Her hips slammed down against him hard enough to bruise his very bones and for a moment he was reminded of Princess Kasheeri. Those thoughts didn't and couldn't last long though. Not when Amoura's knees slammed into the stone on either side of his body and she immediately hunched over to wrap her arms around him and and smother Latharyn in a ferocious tender kiss. Grabbing a fistful of his hair and a fistful of the cloak still wrapped around his shoulders she held on tight as her tongue pushed into his mouth and her hips grinded against his in a burst of pure abandon.

Still a little stunned by his fall and very much overwhelmed by her insatiable sexual appetites even after so many of years of witnessing them first hand the King of Wyndelle couldn't do much more than lay beneath his muscular beauty and shiver as her inner walls convulsed around him while her tongue danced across his own. It wasn't long before instincts and a deep need to give her exactly what she wanted overtook him but for a few thoroughly enjoyable moments he was entirely at her mercy as Amoura gyrated atop his cock like the old days. Her soft, passionate whimpers filled the empty chamber, each one ringing out like a demand for him to do more. A plea for him to do everything he used to do and more. Latharyn met that call before long, his hands slapping down against her ass hard enough to make her cry out. Squeezing hard and letting his digits slide between her tightly quivering cheeks he brushed the tips of both index fingers against the tightly puckered little hole trembling just out of sight. The moment he touched her sensitive ring again after more than two years apart their kiss ended as Amoura pulled back to stare down at him and gasp for air. He smiled right back at her as he teased her ass just like she used to love. And just like the good old days her body was absolutely wracked with shivers as he did so. For a moment her hips actually stopped their wild grinding in favor of wild convulsions and breathy groans. Her hands curled into fists against his chest and she bit her bottom lip once more as he moved deeper and deeper between her buttocks. But just as he was about to push his way inside and stretch her open like the sleeve of a much too small shirt he sat up and continued the kiss she'd so selfishly ended.

His lips reunited with hers the same moment his fingers pushed into her ass. Amoura squealed and melted into his embrace, her arms wrapped around his head and holding on tight as she pushed him back down against the ground. Moving at a maddeningly slow pace he slid his digits into her ass centimeter by centimeter, ignoring how tightly her inner walls squeezed him and her eagerly her hips pushed backwards onto his digits. Every time she tried to lunge against his fingers and send them flying into her depths he pulled away. Nowhere near enough to slide free but more than enough to stop her in her tracks and deny her what she wanted so badly. It was a game they'd played so many times by all rights it should've gotten old long ago but as she felt his digits slipping deeper and deeper into her ass while his cock throbbed against the trembling walls of her cunt Amoura truly couldn't get enough. She loved every agonizing second and she loved how well he knew her body even after so long away from one another. Moving no faster or slower than she could bear he pushed both index fingers deep into her ass, deep enough to curl them towards his palm and deep enough for both of them to feel his touch within both her trembling holes simultaneously. When he finally stopped at the final knuckle she could barely kiss him as she convulsed and spasmed atop his cock. Her hips were a frenzy of haphazard movement and uncoordinated gyration and her lips were a trembling mess against his own. She couldn't even complain when he stopped kissing her, though it was an easy sacrifice to make when she learned why a split second later.

“It's good to know you're still a whore even after all these years!”

“Shut up!” She moaned, “Shut up . . . and spread me open . . . you pervert!”

“Oh I'm the pervert am I?” He replied as he slowly pulled his fingers apart and stretched open her ass little by little, “Then why are you about to cum?”

Amoura truly had no response for him. Words utterly failed her and the truth he spoke wasn't even worth lying about in the first place. She'd thought about nothing else but this moment the entire journey from Kaershull and now that she was finally enjoying it properly her pathetically weak body was about ready to give in entirely. The feel of his cock pulsing away inside her was incredible and the knowledge he had of her weaknesses made all the difference in the world. As she felt her asshole open more and more with every passing second she knew there was no hope of lasting long enough to do any of the perverted things she'd fantasized about. As he slowly turned her once tight ring into a stretched, almost gaping oval she knew there was no chance of resisting him for any length of time at all. But that didn't stop her from trying her hardest, even when he started thrusting upwards in small but powerfully arousing strokes. Groaning harder than ever and burying her face in his chest she screamed until her voice was hoarse and her eyes had rolled back in her head. All while he continued to teaser her slutty little hole just like he had so many times before. Yet as good as it felt and as much as she adored every last second of him pulling her open it wasn't until he suddenly switched tactics that she found herself well and truly beyond redemption. Despite knowing full well what he was going to do and even looking forward to it when both of his digits suddenly withdrew she couldn't help but tense and cry out his name. A split second later she was groaning like a beast of burden as he shoved three digits into her ass simultaneously.

Burying the index, middle, and ring fingers of his right hand in her depths in a single burst he wasted no time stirring up her asshole like he was churning butter. His free hand slid across her lower back and slammed her down onto his cock as she reflexively tried to lift herself off his prick and away from his hands. And in her weakened state Amoura couldn't resist him for even a second, she could only scream louder and more hoarsely as he fingered her ass and thrusted into her pussy with toe curling efficiency. Although her mind couldn't begin to keep up with the pleasure assailing her senses nothing the world could stop her body from grinding against him with all the strength she had left. It didn't matter how weak her movements were or how little they actually added to the ever rising tides of bliss surging through her. There was no chance she could sit idly by while he ruined her ass and fucked her cunt so skillfully. It simply wasn't possible. Just as it was wholly impossible for her to resist the ecstasy surging to the very tips of her fingers and toes with every frantic moment she remained crushed against him. Even if she'd wanted to prolong her bliss it was truly beyond her capabilities. Even lifting her head to smother him in one more kiss as pleasure descended upon her in an all consuming fire was very nearly more than she could handle. Thankfully she retained just enough of herself to do so before succumbing to her bliss and exactly like she always preferred the warm embrace of his kiss was the last thing she felt before her eyes rolled back in her head and a surge of ecstasy set fire to her very soul.

Thick, creamy fluids erupted from her pussy, spraying across his waist and splattering both of them in her messy arousal as her inner walls spasmed uncontrollably around his shaft. Both her asshole and cunt tightened like never before, the latter just about breaking his manhood and the former just about breaking his fingers. Her back arched in every possible direction  while her muscles convulsed and her moans echoed throughout the room even through their long, passionate kiss. And through it all the harder she spasmed and the harder she gushed the more ferociously Latharyn responded. Meeting her intensity without hesitation he held nothing back and gave her every last thing she could've wanted. In a constant, blissful escalation he slammed into her pussy with all his might and he fingered her ass so hard a less woman would've screamed in pain as much as pleasure. But not Amoura. She felt nothing except pure contentment. Among the crashing tides of pleasure and the blissfully mind altering surges of ecstasy was a deep, underlying satisfaction that'd only ever been possible with a few lovers. The man beneath her was the only one to ever manage it so effortlessly and the only man to make her scream like the wanton whore she really was. In part because of how well he knew her body and how well he knew how to abuse that knowledge. And in part because she always felt his pleasure alongside her own. Their time apart hadn't changed that inseparable face and the moment his cock swelled inside her she knew what was coming next. She loved what was coming next as much as she loved everything that'd led up to that point.

Completely unable to resist the allure of his own pleasure and keenly aware how much she loved feeling his seed gushing inside her Latharyn had no reason at all to hold anything back. Indeed as she writhed and gushed atop him his own aching desire leapt into knew heights as well. Long before his gorgeous lover was anywhere close to finished climaxing he slammed his prick into her one more time and buried his fingers as deeply as he could inside her ass. Although he tried to  continue moving them as ferociously as before he'd never quite figured out how to do so as pleasure enveloped him too. Of course his partner hardly cared about that little detail as his warmth exploded into her sex, drowning the entrance to her womb and sending another heady burst of satisfaction crashing through both of them at the same time. Whimpering against his lips and kissing him with renewed passion she pushed herself down hard against his cock. Harder than she had in a very long time and hard enough to make his bones ache from the pressure of her desire. Luckily he was far too overwhelmed by the wild quivering of her innermost walls as they milked him dry to notice. Squeezing every single inch of his cock like there was no tomorrow her sex coaxed out all the cum he had to give. Even as it drenched her depths and seeped out onto their trembling flesh amid yet more torrents of her own arousal she craved more of his seed until there was nothing left. Until she was completely overflowing and overcome by the beautiful warmth of his fluids. Although the end of his orgasm hardly meant the end of her own, that wouldn't arrive for another minute or more. Not while she had his relentlessly throbbing cock to enjoy and more than enough cum to fill her to the brim. It wasn't until the afterglow of their passionate sex had fully descended upon them that she collapsed against him in a heap and he held her close until she finally managed to find her voice once more.

“I shoulda brought my marble cock . . .”

“You still have that thing?”

“I got a new one a little while ago . . . I was savin it for a special occasion . . .”

“This certainly would've fit the mold . . .”

“Yeah . . .” Softly laughing and lifting herself up to smile down at him Amoura licked her lips and asked, “Can you fuckagain?”

“Always.” Latharyn replied. As he spoke his softening manhood slipped free of her cunt and she shivered in delight as cum bubbled out of her depths. “I might need a minute.”

“I'll wait.” She laid down against his chest and heaved a sigh.

“What's wrong?”


“You're a terrible liar.”

“I know.”

“So what's wrong?”

Looking at him as best she could without lifting her head she simply replied, “I guess now you gotta pick someone to marry . . .”

“I guess I do . . .”

“Who're you gonna pick?”

“I truly have no idea . . .”

“Yeah I thought as much . . .”


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