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And here we have another chapter of this probably ill advised series lol. This one also involves something a bit more 'risque' for the average reader so if you're at all curious you may want to check the tags before reading on. If you want it to be a surprise then roll the dice and read on!

Prologue - Chieftain Ursha - Princess Kasheeri - Eldawen - Lady Amoura - Epilogue 

Eldawen of Alfenwold arrived at Wyndelle just as the sun's first golden rays were shining across the  horizon. Shrouded by mists and cloaked in the darkness of an impending dawn her vessel was as much a mystery as she was, it's ill defined shape only crystallizing in the moments before it docked upon the shore where King Latharyn and his company stood. Neither he nor anyone present knew who to expect as they watched a large ship of dark purple wood beach and more than a dozen heavily armed women leapt from the decks. A large, complex looking arrangement of boards was thrown down by the last and a few moments later it was unfurled into steps leading from the deck onto the grassy hillside where her welcoming committee waited. From within the expansive, domed structure at the center of the vessel a yet more beautiful women began to emerge. One by one they stepped out of the shadowy depths and into the light. Some were bore the same weapons and carried themselves in the same manner as the ones already assembled on the beach. Others carried small, ornate treasure chests or other offerings that could only be gifts. It wasn't until the very last Elf emerged from what'd surely been an impossibly cramped space that King Latharyn finally laid eyes upon his bride to be. And like the rest of his entourage he was immediately smitten by her otherworldly beauty.

Where Chieftain Ursha had been fierce and Princess Kasheeri had been elegant Eldawen was soft and gentle. Everything about her spoke of a tenderness and warmth unlike anything he'd ever seen. Unlike anything many of his awestruck companions had ever seen. The soft kind, almost embarrassed smile spread across her pouty lips sent many a heart fluttering and the deep, unfathomable kindness in her silver eyes was simply enchanting, so much so nobody pair any attention to the inky blackness surrounding them in place of the whites many were accustomed to. Her intricately braided hair flowed freely down her back and across her narrow shoulders, framing her full and almost round face as they sparkled like starlight falling upon freshly fallen snow. Contrasting beautifully with her dark, ebony skin her unbound locks couldn't have been more perfectly suited to the shadowy allure of her radiant flesh. Even with much of her lithe, slender body hidden beneath a modest gown of pale blue silk what little could be seen stood out all the more because or it. With only her hands and face left uncovered by her form fitting yet somehow still quite mysterious dress very little about her petite frame could be seen beyond her rather short stature and a few details only a baggy sack draped across her shoulders could conceal. Like a pair of hips that seemed almost absurdly wide compared to the rest of her silhouette and a bodice that rested completely flat against her chest.

But of course such small details only begged more questions as she disembarked from her ship and approached her would be husband. She stood before him with a tender smile, more than a foot shorter than he was but no less of a presence among all the people standing on the shore around them. She extended a gloved hand towards him without a word and he took it with a grin of his own, slowly bending down to kiss the glittering fabric. A split second later he recalled one of the many, many, many Elven customs he'd been taught by his council and smoothly dropped to one knee. With her hand still resting upon his own he lowered his head in a sign of respect and humility. A soft, melodic laugh filled the air and in spite of his better judgment King Latharyn lifted his head to look up at the beautiful maiden softly giggling at him. Her face was flushed with amusement, the nostrils of her small, upturned nose flared as her eyes sparkled with mirth. She'd covered her mouth with her free hand and arched a single, thick yet delicately plucked eyebrow as if questioning what he was doing on one knee. His cheeks turned a furious shade of red before he could even think about why he suddenly felt so embarrassed and King Latharyn fixed her with an awkward smile.

“You aren't royalty.”

“No. But I'm flattered you think so highly of me.”

“Forgive my foolishness, the Princes failed to tell me who I was to meet and I incorrectly assumed you would be their kin.”

“They did mean to send one of their daughters at first.” She explained, “But couldn't decide which was more eligible. While they were arguing and deciding I put my name forth in their stead. After many a test I triumphed over their offspring and won the honor of being your bride.”

Not at all surprised to hear the Princes couldn't agree on something but immediately flattered by her words King Latharyn smiled. A moment later he realized something that made him feel even more foolish than before, “I'm afraid I don't know your name good Lady.”

“Eldawen.” His bride to be answered, bowing her head, “But I am no Lady.”

“What are you?”

“I am me. I am Eldawen.”

Amused by her almost matter of fact tone and the soft lilt of her words King Latharyn smiled a bit wider and said, “I confess I did not expect the Princes to send a bride without impossibly high standing and more titles than subjects in my kingdom.”

Eldawen laughed at his remark and gave an almost mischievous shrug, “They've chosen me to best represent our people and our interests. Have I disappointed you with my lack of titles?”

“Not at all. I am surprised but I could never claim to be disappointed.”

“That pleases me to hear.” A short pause followed her words and she looked away from him to the city of Wyndelle sitting a short distance away, “I was told your forefathers didn't build your palace upon the river but still I am surprised by the choice. Were your forebears afraid of mine?”

“I believe they were.”

“Hmmm. I'm glad that no longer holds true.”

“As am I.”

Another silence filled the air, only the sound of rushing water and birds chirping filled the space. It was broken once more when King Latharyn asked, “Would you like to walk along the river bank with me before we make our way to Wyndelle?”

“I would like that very much!” The excitement in her voice was infectious and he quickly found himself smiling like a fool. “But I should like to send my guards and servants on to the palace ahead of us.”

“I'll do the same.”

Eldawen beamed at him and a horde of butterflies filled his stomach. With a few words and more than a few reassurances both their entourage were sent away. A small crew of Elves departed aboard the boat and in what felt like the blink of an eye Latharyn and and his would be bride were alone. No silence had a chance to fill the space between them as she immediately asked him about his kingdom. All too happy to tell her everything about the land she might one day rule he answered every question she had for him. And when he asked his own she told him everything she could. He was stunned to learn she'd been little more than a scullery maid before ascending to represent all of Alfenwold and more than once he almost found himself doubting her claims as she made them. But the sincerity of her voice and the quiet way she carried herself supported every word she spoke about her past. Especially when she confessed to having little knowledge of statecraft but an intimate awareness of what the common people needed. He couldn't help but feel an immediate sense of kinship with her as he listened to Eldawen speak of peasants and paupers with a kindhearted concern. The longer she spoke the more he understood why she'd been chosen to represent her people and the happier he was in that choice. By the time they were passing Wyndelle by entirely there few unanswered questions left. But the ones remaining burned through his mind and refused to leave no matter how much he tried to focus his attention on the words she spoke and the beauty with which she spoke them. When a lull finally arrived in the conversation some two hours after it'd begun he couldn't help but seize his chance to ask after the one and only thing he truly needed to know.

“What tests were you given before the Princes chose you to be my bride?”

In a flash Eldawen's smile changed, her cheeks darkened and her eyes seemed to light up with a strange sort of fire, “Are you certain you wish to know the answer? Your people are often so . . . reserved . . . and I would hate to ruin a lovely encounter with the truth.”

“Would you prefer telling a lie?” He asked, more intrigued than ever, “That seems a poor foundation to begin a courtship upon.”

“The truth might cause even greater strife.”

“The more you avoid answering the more I wish to know it. Was it a test of your mind? Your magical prowess? You knowledge?”

Coming to a stop and looking up at him with a strange mix of exhilaration and trepidation she shrugged her shoulders and said, “No, it was no test of the mind but rather of the body. All of us were tested in the same ways. The Princes knew our hearts and the knew our minds. What they needed to know was how adept we were in matters of the flesh.”

Latharyn's smile drained away as his heart skipped a beat and he stared down at her in shock. Yet again the rumors and legends he'd heard about his allies were proving all too real and yet again he found himself wholly unable to truly comprehend such a thing. At first. “You mean they . . . they tested your sexual prowess?”

“Not personally. But yes. Each of us was tested in such a manner. I'm certain you already know how highly Elves value sexual talents.”

“I've heard such a thing but never from a truly reliable source. I'd always assumed it was a jest or perhaps a way to denigrate your people.”

“Only Humans would think such a thing denigrating.” She laughed. “For us it's merely another form of status and prestige. One valued as highly as all the others you spoke of before. And since each of the Princesses are impossibly gifted in those matters it remained the only way to truly test their worthiness for marriage. Each of the Princes were tested in the same fashion.”

Latharyn turned away from his companion for a moment to laugh and shake his head. When he turned back he asked after something he'd realized during his moment of reflection. “You say each of the Princesses are already possessed of great intellect and magical power. Why do you not include yourself among them?”

“Because I cannot hope to match any of them in either strength.”

“Then . . . then how did you beat them and win the . . . oh . . .”

His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of crimson as she smiled at him and stepped a little closer, “I am no fool, nor am I unskilled in the magical arts. But neither is what allowed me to overcome the Princesses and stand here before you.”

He let out a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding and cast a nervous look around. They were completely alone beside the river, a smattering of trees surrounding them on both sides and nothing in the world stopping her from stepping even closer. “I truly don't know what to say . . .”

“Then don't say anything.” Her hands moved to his breeches and her fingers brushed against the bulge swelling within them, “Allow me to show you why I was chosen . . .”

He tried to respond, tried to think of something to say or some way to react beyond gawking like a fool but Eldawen gave him no chance to do anything more as she knelt in front of him, tugging down his breeches as she did. His cock sprang from it's cloth prison in a burst of eager twitching and fresh precum but before it could even finish bouncing her lips were wrapped around his head. And before he could even appreciate how warm and wet her mouth was she'd lunged forward in a burst of movement so fast he couldn't even follow what happened. As far as he knew she'd simply inhaled every last inch of his cock instantly, her throat expanding around his throbbing length only to contract the second he was inside her. He felt her chin pressed against his balls and her lips curling into a smile against the base of his cock and for a moment he was left to stare in amazement as she locked eyes within. Within a heartbeat he was throwing his head back and groaning to the heavens while clutching her soft braided locks and holding on for dear life. Like a succubus from the depths of the Abyss she sucked his prick with such a ferocity it honestly felt as if she'd rip his entire length off using only her mouth. The tightness of her throat and the intensity of her lips as her cheeks turned concave was beyond anything he'd ever felt in his life. Although he was by no means an expert in receiving oral pleasure, certainly not in the same way he liked to think he was an expert in giving it, Latharyn instantly understood how his bride to be couldn't won any sort of competition centered around sex.

The way her tongue darted out of her mouth to lick at his balls and very nearly pull them up into her mouth would've been enough to leave him weak at the knees and gasping for air. But when she wrapped her arms around his waist to grab his ass and hold him against her as she pressed her body into his legs he knew there was no chance he'd be able to last more than a minute or two at the very most. Never in his life had he felt such a single minded passion. It felt for all the world like her reality began and ended with his cock and it was a sensation he truly couldn't get enough of. Hearing her slurp and suck and gurgle as spit dribbled down her chin and her tongue lapped it right back up off his balls was indescribable. He could feel her throat contract around him with every twitch of his cock and every spurt of precum to emerge and he could see just how eager she was as her eyes glazed over and her face darkened. She didn't even have to move. Simply remaining there with his manhood buried in her throat and her body trembling more and more violently with each passing second was enough to send him hurtling closer and closer to what'd surely be the fast orgasm of his life. So when she decided to lurch backwards just as quickly as she'd slammed herself onto him the experience of his wet, spit soaked shaft flying out of her mouth and rubbing against her throat was almost too much to handle. Latharyn only managed to keep himself from losing it entirely by focusing on anything and everything that wasn't the beautiful Elf gurgling on his shaft. His mind filled with the least arousing thoughts imaginable and his body straightened as he refused to hunch over for even a second longer.

Of course his efforts were all in vain the moment his gaze drifted down to the sight of Eldawen perched on the end of his cock, her tongue darting out of her lips to swirl around a small part of his member while her hands eagerly stroked the rest of his shaft in a veritable frenzy of movement. Still sucking so hard she could've pulled his soul from his body through his cock she started bobbing back and forth along his dick, each movement just as wild as the rest and the wet slurp of her throat being filled by cock gradually overwhelming the constant squelch of her fingers relentlessly working his dick. In the heat of the moment it felt as if she was throating his prick for hours on end. Watching her lips gradually envelop more and more of him as she lunged forward only to pull back again just as quickly had a beautifully hypnotic rhythm. It was so hypnotic what actually took less than a minute to accomplish seemed to stretch on for eternity. Not even the sight of her mouth pressed tightly against the base of his shaft nor the feel of her throat convulsing around him as she gurgled and slurped with absolute abandon seemed to fully register in his mind. Instead his thoughts drifted away from what she was doing entirely as his eyes rolled back in his head and he all but surrendered himself to the pleasure of her efforts. Although it would take a few more seconds to finally reach the explosive finale those moments seemed to last forever as she hugged him tight and sucked so fiercely he had no idea how he was still upright.


His words were met with a throat moan and a sloppily inhaled breath as she paused for just a moment to suck in a little more air. Before he could even understand the momentary lapse in pleasure that accompanied her basic need to breath ecstasy crashed down upon him in a massive wave. All of his muscles tightened at once only to descend into wild spasms as his cock went wild inside her throat and thick spurts of cum erupted into the depths of her belly. Every last thought or desire vanished from his mind, replaced with nothing but pure satisfaction as he sprayed his seed across the depths of her gullet and drowned her stomach in a veritable flood of warm spunk. Somehow sucking even harder than before her body started to tremble and shake in time with his own, violent quivers running down her spine as surely as they ran down his. Her grip on his body only tightened as she held herself against him and gulped down each gooey eruption he provided. All the while her tongue massaged his balls and her eyes stared up at his face with a mixture of sincere joy and abject lust. In every possible sense of the phrase she well and truly sucked him dry. Even after the thickest and creamiest jets of spunk had been pumped out and only the leftover dribbles were left to ooze into her body she slurped them up and drank them down just as eagerly as all the rest. Indeed she absolutely refused to stop sucking for a single moment. Not even when Latharyn winced and started to groan in the wake of her efforts. She didn't care how sensitive his cock was nor did she allow it any time at all to wilt and deny either of them more pleasure. More than once the pressure was almost unbearable but every time he thought he couldn't handle another second she proved him wrong. And within a minute of him emptying his balls into the depths of her stomach she slid back off his length  and stood up, giggling at how hard he was and eagerly turning away to approach the nearest tree.

Latharyn watched with dazed excitement as she lifted up her gown to reveal a fantastically plump ass covered only by an exceedingly skimpy undergarment. But when she hooked a finger into the small strip of cloth 'hiding' her deliciously spankable buttocks and pulled her small clothes aside he was given another reveal. Instead of a cute, almost certainly hairless, pussy tucked away between her petite thighs he was met with an incredibly small cock and equally hairless balls hanging down between her legs instead. Her shaft couldn't have been more than a couple inches long and it was absolutely smeared in precum, long strands oozing down her trembling skin as she stood there fully exposed and waiting for him to join her. But he was so taken aback he honestly couldn't move a muscle, except to say, “You're—you have—that's not what I was expecting!”

Lifting her head and looking back at him with a surprised expression she unhelpfully asked, “You didn't know?”

“How could I know? I only met you a few hours ago?”

“Y-You couldn't tell simply by looking? Every other being I've ever met knew the moment they looked at me.”

“They . . . they knew just by looking at you?”

“Of course! I-I thought everyone could tell . . .” Standing up and letting her dress fall back down her body as a mortified expression fell across her face Eldawen immediately apologized, “I'm so sorry! I-I had no idea Humans couldn't—I was a fool to assume—I'll return to Alfenwold and ensure a proper bride is sent in my place.”

Vehemently shaking his head before he knew what he was doing Latharyn rushed towards his companion, pushing her up against the tree she'd been leaning against and letting out a wildly guttural sound. Eldawen gasped as she was flattened against the towering oak and she gasped again when he lifted her legs off the ground. Lifting them up until her ankles were resting on either side of his head he wrapped one hand around his cock while frantically hiking up her dress with the other. Her cutely small member sprang to attention the moment it was revealed but before she could think to cover it or do anything else in a fit of pure, reactionary embarrassment his spit soaked cock head pushed against the sloppy little oval she'd been offering to him a moment ago. The well trained, well fucked asshole he'd all but completely failed to notice at the time. She sucked in a sharp breath as she felt his precum smear across her ring and she let out that breath in a long squeal as he slammed his prick into the depths of her ass every bit as furiously as she'd slammed his prick into her throat. Suddenly both of them were gasping and moaning in pleasure as he felt her amazingly soft, wonderfully tight inner walls convulsing around him while she basked in the sheer ferocity of every twitch and throb surging through his manhood. Her hands flattened against his chest and her mouth fell open in a protracted scream while thick beads of precum oozed from her own cock. He pressed his body even closer to her own, all but crushing her between himself and the tree. She called out his name in a slightly frantic voice and shivered like mad. But it wasn't a cry for help or a plea for him to pull back. It was a desperately eager call for him to keep going. To absolutely devastate her exactly like he wanted and not think twice about it as he did. So that's exactly what Latharyn did, but not before putting to rest any lingering worries she might've had.

“I don't want them to send anyone else!”

Those were the last coherent words either of them spoke aloud for ten minutes. Ten minutes of unbroken, uninterrupted passion. Letting go of all the shock and disbelief he'd felt upon discovering Eldawen's true nature Latharyn held nothing back. He gave her every ounce the wild, frenetic passion he was capable of. Knowing full well she could handle anything he was capable of he plunged his cock into the depths of her ass and slammed his body against hers with all his might. She cried out in abject pleasure and shivered uncontrollably as his prick withdrew and her well trained hole distended around him. He buried his manhood inside her once more, long before she'd finished squealing in delight from the first cycle, and an incredible rhythm was swiftly established. His balls slapped against her flesh in a constant, messy barrage while her precum spurted from her twitching member, thick streams of it running down her hairless loins to collect along his shaft as it flew in and out of her hole. More and more lubrication was added to already sloppily overflowing ass and the messier his prick got the more copiously she leaked seed onto both of them. And the harder he slammed into her the harder her innermost walls clamped down around his member. Every single retreat saw more and more of her once tight oval stretching outwards around his length as she refused to let go. Impossibly loud, impossibly lewd squelches filled the air as he withdrew and whenever his plunged back inside her again another, even more pronounced squelch rang out.

Only Eldawen's pleasured cries and Latharyn's constant groans could drown out the lewdness of their colliding bodies. Her voice in particular rang out fiercely enough to send birds flying from the trees around them and her squeals echoing out across the plains beyond. Whether by intention or simple, wonderful luck his manhood slammed over and over again against the most sensitive spot within her body. Bent as she was between him and a tree every last thrust saw him pounding a place all but designed by the Gods to make her scream and convulse in pure ecstasy. Over and over and over again he hit it with unerring accuracy while she screamed in labored breaths and tightened around him like never before. Her toes curled inwards until they cracked in rapid succession while her hands clawed at his chest and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Had she been even a little less experienced in all things sex there was little chance she could've lasted as long as she did. Between the fiery warmth of his cock and the constant gooey thickness of her own precum being smeared across her inner walls she was truly in heaven. His unrelenting ferocity and unfathomable precision as he hammered her most intimate depths like he was pounding in a stubborn nail only added to the bliss cascading through her. But thanks in no small part to just how much of a voracious lover she truly was Eldawen actually lasted far longer than she had any right to. Which only meant more delicious ecstasy as her asshole was ravished by his member and her cock sent bouncing to and fro from the force of his thrusts.

Even better than that when she finally did succumb to her bliss and descend into mindless carnal bliss all the time she'd spent holding it back amplified her joy to levels she'd hoped her new King could bring about. Violent shudders wracked her body as she tensed against both her lover and the tree supporting them both. Her cock swelled and her balls quivered in an uncontrollable burst. He felt her body wrap around him even tighter than before, so tightly it took his breath away a moment before a fountain of thick, creamy seed erupted from her body. Leaning back just in time to avoid being sprayed with her cum Latharyn instead watched as she unleashed an inhuman amount of spunk into the air, each twitch of her body sending another massive strand arcing high above them. Every last one splattered across her body in a messy shower, rapidly drenching her in her own fluids and decorating every part of her from head to toe in ropes of pungent cum. The more explosive side of her ecstasy only lasted about thirty seconds but in that time she absolutely coated herself in cum. The air around them was thick with the sweet smell of her arousal and the musky scent of his own body. It was an intoxicating mix that made both of them dizzy as they struggled to breath in anything but the scent of one another. Especially as she continued to leak cum even after the eruptions had ceased and he continued to thrust away even after she'd gone almost completely limp against his body. Neither of them had any interest in stopping and in all likelihood they wouldn't have if not for a sudden, unexpected interruption.

“Eldawen?!” A clearly Elven voice called out.

“King Latharyn!” A gruff voice shouted.

Both of them froze upon hearing their names, each smiling at one another as they waited. Their names were called again and he asked, “Should we stop?”

“No!” She panted. “No!”

“What if we're caught?” Her ass tightened around him for a moment as she shivered in excitement and he immediately laughed, “You're a madwoman!”

Biting her lip for a moment and licking up some of her own cum in the next she asked, “Is that a bad thing?”

Suddenly it was his turn to shiver in excitement, his cock throbbing inside her and his whole posture tensing up, “Not at all.”

“I'm glad . . . now don't stop . . . I want to feel your seed inside me again!”

“As you wish!”


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