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And here we have another comic book themed story! I very much didn't plan that but I can't say I'm unhappy it turned out this way lol. As far as this one goes I think it's pretty straightforward, hopefully y'all enjoy!

Oh and it was based on an image you can find here!

Descending from the heavens to the uproarious applause of hundreds, if not thousands of people Power Girl and Wonder Woman landed beside the mayor of Metropolis grinning from ear to ear. Arriving exactly on cue and striking heroic poses both women waved to their countless adoring fans while the almost laughably tiny politician standing between them behind her podium continued to grandstand for all the voters. Neither of them paid much attention to what she was saying or what she was promising, both had heard it all before and both had only come as a favor to Superman while he was away on his honeymoon with Lois. When the mayor turned towards them they both simultaneously pledged to help the city in whatever way they could and pledged themselves to the new crime fighting initiative being implemented as part of their stay in the city. As much as they wanted to help out their friend and protect the innocents of Metropolis what'd really drawn them in was the new, rather delicious plan she'd come up with to not only fight crime but outright prevent it. It was a plan being adopted all across the world and one that was, by all reports, working far better than anything else. Although it wasn't stopping any of the truly insane or evil villains many of the Justice League faced in areas the initiative had been implemented petty crimes had dropped to almost zero percent within a few months. And much like the mayor was stating herself, it was high time Metropolis enjoyed the success. Wonder Woman and Power Girl couldn't have been more excited to get out there and do their part, something anyone with even slightly functioning eyesight could gather as they watched the towering, muscular beauties subtly fidget and squirm as they listened to the endless speechifying. When the mayor was finally done talking about the same points over and over again she turned towards the pair one final time and bid them to 'help the community' in as grand a fashion as she could manage.

Both superheroines nodded and rose into the air, waving and smiling at their countless adoring fans for a moment or two before disappearing in a flash as they accelerated faster than the human eye could follow. As they returned to the clouds high above Metropolis Kara stated, “Thank God! I didn't think she'd ever stop talking!”

“Mayor McMillan does love the sound of her own voice!” Diana agreed with a laugh.

“I can;t think of a bigger understatement!” The two women shared a chuckle as they looked out across the bustling city for a moment, “Where should we start first?”

“The docks. Criminals are always swarming over the docks.”

“Really? I was going to suggest the warehouse district.”

“We can stop there next!”

“Are you sure we'll have time?”

Wonder Woman flashed her companion a lascivious grin and said, “We'll have plenty of time.”

Power Girl's eye's sparkled as she stared at her friend and after a moment or two of grinning at each other both women sped towards the docks as quickly as they could. Making full use of their superhuman abilities they found a building full of criminals with ease and made their grand entrance as dramatically as possible. Bursting through the ceiling in a shower of brick and metal they landed in the very heart of a smuggling operation surrounded by dozens and dozens of gun toting thugs. Before any of them could even raise their weapons the pair jumped into action. As easily as they might pluck a flower they ripped every last gun away from their owners, casually twisting with their bare hands and dropping the useless weapons at the feet of whoever had been holding it. Within a few seconds the entire building was completely disarmed. Within a few more they'd all be corralled into the center of the room as two of the most powerful entities on the planet stood on either side with arms folded beneath their ample breasts and strange smiles lighting up their faces. None of the goons were stupid enough to try and fight Wonder Woman or Power Girl with their bare hands. Only a few of them had even tried to actually fire their guns in the first place. Instead they could only stand there gawking and waiting for whatever came next. Many of them incorrectly assuming it was being arrested and left for Metropolis P.D. to find them. Like what Superman was always doing every time he busted up just about any operation. Instead they were left completely and utterly dumbfounded by what their would be captors did next.

With identical smiles and near identical giggles both women uncrossed their arms and slid a finger between their absolutely massive cleave. None too gently tugging on the front of their costumes both superheroines pulled down the fabric keeping their enormous tits hidden. Once again faster than any of the criminals in front of them could react Wonder Woman and Power Girl revealed their fat, jiggling tits like it was the most normal thing in their world. An absolute avalanche of soft, heaving flesh bounced into view as they tucked their costumes beneath their alabaster breasts. Goosebumps erupted all across their pale skin and the puffy pink nipples at the center of their large areola were stiffened even more as they stood all but topless in front of a room full of confused, horny men. And a few confused, horny women. Long before their tits stopped bouncing the two women slowly licked their lips and leaned forward, none too subtly pushing their enormous racks together as they showed off just how truly massive their chests were. Watching two of the hottest superheroines in the world act like cock starved strippers was, without a doubt, the best and most unexpected thing any of the criminals enjoying the sight had ever seen. Getting to watch tits bigger than their heads swing and bounce to and fro as Power Girl and Wonder Woman showed off was well worth being arrested, beaten, or just about anything else that might happen. Of course they were still far too wrapped up in what they assumed would be next to really think about why two beautiful women were practically dancing for their amusement. Everything was made clear soon enough when they slowly straightened. With hands on hips and bright, sparkling smiles spread across their faces the pair looked at the thugs in front of them for a few heartbeats before grandly announcing the new initiative they were so eager to take part in.

“Mayor McMillan has instituted a new rehabilitation policy!” Wonder Woman began.

“One she hopes will motivate you to turn your lives around!” Power Girl continued.

“W-What's the policy?” A very hopeful sounding woman asked.

The two superheroines smiled and stepped forward. Despite how sexy they looked with their tits bare and jiggling the criminals still instinctively shied away. “If you pledge to stop breaking the law we'll suck you dry and let you cum all over our tits.”

“And if you continue to stay on the straight and narrow afterwards . . . well we can negotiate all sorts of fun things . . .”

“Every week you go without breaking the law we'll do something even more perverted than sucking your cocks.”

“Or licking your cunts.”

“But . . .” Wonder Woman said with a smile, “If you break the law after making this pledge . . .”

“We'll arrest you and send you to jail for a very, very long time.”

“No matter what crime you committed.”

Excited murmurs and confused whispers filled the air and one not so bright thug asked, “How will you know if we committed more crimes?”

“Oh we'll know. And besides . . .” Slowly cupping her massive tbreasts and squeezing them together while groping her soft flesh and rubbing her nipples against each other, “Is smuggling really worth missing out on sliding your cocks between these fat tits?”

“Or getting to fuck a superheroine?” Wonder Woman added as she groped her tits with one hand while slowly rubbing her fingers against her pussy with the other. “I might even let you stick in my ass if you're good enough . . .”

“Oh I'll definitely let you fuck my tight little ass!” Her companion agreed, giving her nicely toned buttocks a smack as she bit her lip and giggled.

“So what do you say? Do we have a deal?”

“I hope you guys are smart enough to say yes . . .”

The words were barely out of her mouth before every single criminal was nodding in agreement and all but drooling at the prospect of fucking the two women. After a few seconds every single one had agreed a dozen times over. Both Power Girl and Wonder Woman were sporting ear to ear smiles as they licked their lips and stepped even closer. But before they dropped to their knees and gave everyone in the warehouse the best oral sex they'd ever known the latter said, “Take off your masks.”

“And your pants.”

Jeans and balaclavas dropped to the ground in seconds as every single member of the crew undressed as quickly as they could. Some didn't stop at their pants but most were content to simply unzip and reveal their almost painfully hard dicks or sopping wet cunts. Naturally spreading out and inching towards the pair of superheroines offering their service the group wasted no time making good on the arrangement they'd agreed to. And as the first juicy cocks neared their eagerly salivating mouths both Wonder Woman and Power Girl sank to their knees without a second thought. Every bit as horny as the men and women they were about to pleasure the pair almost couldn't wait to satisfy themselves with at least a dozen random pricks and a handful of random pussies each. The two men lucky enough to be closest enjoyed the full brunt of an Amazonian and Kryptonian's lust as each woman grabbed their waist and pulled them forward with a breathy moan. Effortlessly yet hungrily inhaling the musky, sweat soaked shafts being offered they throated criminal cock like it was the last time they'd ever have the pleasure of doing so. Every last inch no matter how big or how small vanished into their throats, their noses pressing snugly against their waist while their tongues darted out to taste and tease the balls hanging beneath. Neither of the men were anywhere near as well endowed as some of the other guys the two had tasted in the past but that only bothered them for a moment.

The thrill of acting like the complete and utter whores they'd always been beneath their veneer of respectability was such a turn on those first guys could've been any size. Slurping and sucking and moaning in equal measure Power Girl and Wonder Woman held themselves on those first, absolutely delicious pricks for as long as they could bear. Long enough to make the guys they were sucking off moan and hold on to their heads for dear life as the received superhuman blowjobs. And when the rampant sluts going wild on them started to pull back the absolute intense pressure of their mouths and lips around their shafts was almost too much to handle. It honestly felt like they were about to have their cocks ripped off and while such a thing obviously didn't happen the thrill and terror of that prospect never went away. Especially not as each of the superheroines reached their madly twitching, precum oozing heads and once again held themselves there. But this time as they stopped the loud, enthusiastic sound of them gulping down all the bittersweet jizz given to them filled the room. Everyone not currently being sucked off quickly surrounded the pair, many frantically pleasuring themselves as they watched two of the strongest and more heroic women in the world utterly debase themselves. As they watched their cheeks sink in as the two slurped and sucked like it was their life's mission. None of them thought to record the incredible sight but there really wasn't any reason to bother doing so. There was no way in hell any of them would ever forget what was happening and what they got to experience. Wonder Woman and Power Girl made sure of that.

First by drinking down enough precum to make their whole bodies shiver and then by sliding their hands around the waists of the men they were throating. Grabbing their asses on holding on tight the pair lunged forward once more, swallowing up their cocks and making their knees buckle as the poor mortal men were given pleasures even Gods rarely knew. But instead of stopping there and letting the two adjust to those heavenly blowjobs the Amazonian and Kryptonian sluts pulled back almost immediately. Their lips glided back down the cocks they were enjoying only to stop at the very tip and suddenly reverse course once more. In the span a few heartbeats they were bobbing back and forth along two absolute stranger's pricks while so many others watched. Long, sticky strands of arousal dripped down their thighs as they worked their respective members. Just the thought of doing this had been enough to make them both wet but actually getting to go through with it soaked through their costumes and sent a constant dribble of pussy juice spreading across the floor between their constantly shifting feet. And thanks to their endless fidgeting the fabric often cut so finely around their aching cunts had all but completely disappeared between their plump, hairy folds. What'd once been a pair of somewhat modest leotards covering their pussies and asses had turned into little more than double sided g-strings, the full scope of their round buttocks and wantonly aroused sexes pretty much on full display for everyone in the warehouse.

Or at least that would've been what everyone was staring at had the first pair of men not blown their loads within a couple minutes of enjoying the greatest blowjobs they or any human would ever experience. Completely unable to stand up to the incredible pleasure they were being subjected to both thugs were groaning and gasping and struggling to stay upright in what seemed like no time at all. Not that they or anyone else were complaining. Wonder Woman and Power Girl were absolutely overjoyed as they felt their first lovers twitch and tense inside their mouths. Sucking away until the very last moment the two released the cocks they were so eagerly throating with identical pops, the wet sound of their smacking lips ringing out an instant before the men's groans. Wrapping their fingers around each prick they'd been working and fondling their tightening balls the two stroked and groped their manhoods as thick ropes of jizz erupted from their tips. Everyone else watched in amazement as fresh, hot cum glazed the superheroines' faces, every twitch of the cocks they were rubbing adding another drizzle of spunk like icing on a cake. In the blink of an eye gooey strands of sperm were dripping down Diana's tiara and rolling across her cheeks while thick rivulets oozed across Kara's lips. Before long both women's faces were absolutely dripping with cum as they milked out every single drop they could possible get. Running down their chins in massive dollops and dribbling across their heaving tits to coat their soft mounds or disappear between their cleavage what seemed like absurd amounts of jizz was produced by the time both men couldn't give another load. But after the blowjobs they'd just been given it was no surprise their balls were drained and their knees were buckling. Just as it was no surprise they were all but shoved out of the way by the next couple of men in line, though not before their softening pricks were licked cleaned and kissed by the unapologetic whores kneeling at the center of some two dozen more criminals to rehabilitate.

Power Girl and Wonder Woman sucked down what little spunk had managed to pass between their lips before eagerly opening their mouths and wrapping those some sticky lips around the next cocks made available to them. With the floodgates well and truly opened they held nothing back as they slurped up the second pair, hungrily throating them every bit as eagerly as they'd throated the first ones. But instead of taking their time and building up to the frenzy their predecessors had enjoyed the two rampant sluts simply started off in a wild burst of pure enthusiasm and maintained it for as long as the men could handle. Thanks in no small part to their superhuman endurance and superhuman desires they could easily outlast every single person in that warehouse and then some. In fact they probably could've sucked and fucked the entire city without stopping. Unfortunately they didn't have the chance to test that theory out quite yet. Perhaps someday they'd give it a shot but for now they were and had to be content with deepthroating all the cocks available to them. When such a thing was warranted of course, much like the first duo the second pair weren't exactly powerhouses but just like the others that didn't matter in the slightest. Kara and Diana still bobbed up and down their cocks with all the incredible enthusiasm they could muster. Their cheeks still inverted and their eyes still rolled back in their heads as the pleasure of being such unrepentant sluts continued to wash over them in a constant barrage of toe curling delight. And when that second set of newly reformed criminals reached the end of their ropes a couple minutes after started they gave them exactly the same treatment.

A pair of wet pops filled the air, followed immediately by passionate groans, as the Amazonian and Kryptonian stroked the cocks of total strangers while massaging their balls and making sure they unleashed every last drop they had to give. Only this time they didn't direct the massive streaks of hot jizz towards their faces but rather their mostly untouched and very much in need of cum breasts. Although they couldn't resist letting a load or two splashed across their blushing cheeks and smiling lips most of the semen they had to give ended up dribbling down their heaving breasts or splattering across their goosebump riddled collarbones. The warm feeling of hot sperm trickling down into their cleavage to coat the sides and undersides of their racks was nothing short of exquisite and the more they basked in that sensation the more they wanted to experience it. Unfortunately the men they were jerking off only had so much cum to give and while they certainly produced more than they ever had in their lives they couldn't drench the two super sluts like everybody wanted. Fortunately there were more than enough cocks to accomplish that unspoken yet clear as day goal and none of the men they belonged to were even remotely shy about stepping in for their chance to contribute. Though not before Wonder Woman and Power Girl 'said' goodbye to the pair of dicks that'd given their tits a lovely glaze. Despite only being human men and not the godlike entities the pair usually fucked both criminals had produced more than enough to leave their skin glistening and sticky with fresh cum. Especially with the help of the two that'd gone before them.

It wasn't quite dripping off their chests and soaking into their uniform but that was easy enough to fix as their turned their attention and mouths towards another set of fat pricks. Diana finally had a chance to really deepthroat a meaty cock as she sucked down almost a foot of throbbing meat and hungrily throated every inch with all her might. Power Girl wouldn't get that same chance until a few cocks down the line but much like her companion when it arrived she took full advantage of the opportunity given to her. And of course even when they were working with dicks small enough to barely fill their mouths neither woman had even a single complaint. As long as their efforts ended with more jizz splashing across their tits and adding to the countless streaks already soaking their skin nothing else in the world mattered. Aside from the broader need to satisfy their hunger for cock and their need for as much cum as they could be drenched in the only thing they cared about was splattering their tits in what seemed like an endless flood of warm jizz. Under normal circumstances they would've made sure each and ever load was dumped directly into their pussies or assholes but thanks to the Mayor's initiative they couldn't do more than suck off the men and women available to them. Not if they wanted to continued participating in the program and helping the community. It was an admittedly small price to pay but a price nonetheless.

Thankfully with so many men to pleasure and so much cum to distribute across their tits it was almost too easy to do exactly what they wanted. Load after creamy load was sprayed across their breasts, every new partner adding just a little bit more to the jizz stained mess that was once Wonder Woman and Power Girl's tits. At times those watching couldn't even see their nipples beneath the layers and layers of musky sperm glazing their flesh. But it never took long for their enthusiastic motions and the sheer weight of the jizz coating them to reveal those perky nipples and swollen areola. At least until yet another thick load was added to the puddles and streaks already coating the rest of their tits, sending all the spunk oozing down their bodies dripping even further than before. Like everything else they were doing it was nothing short of a perfect cycle and although it was eventually broken up by the rare few women in the crew joining in neither of the superheroines could complain about the variety. Both were all too eager to taste the soft, dripping wet cunts being offered to them. In fact as soon as they saw those puffy little cunts and the deliciously swollen clits at their crest Diana and Kara lost what little composure they had left. Tilting their heads back and lifting the women before them into the air they buried their faces in the delectable pussy they'd been given, their tongues plunging deep inside their entirely overwhelmed partner while their lips went into a frenzy on their outer folds. In the span of a few heartbeats the two unsuspecting criminals being given the best cunnilingus of their lives were completely overwhelmed by the pleasure assailing them.

More overcome than any of them men and even less capable of handling the sudden onslaught of ecstasy they were being subjected to the pair of women suddenly being tongued by Wonder Woman and Power Girl didn't even last a full minute before cumming. Neither had ever experienced good oral sex in their lives, much less the godly pussy eating their partners were capable of and they couldn't begin to wrap their minds around it all. Instead they simply lost it in a fit of bucking and screaming and convulsing. For much longer than any of their male counterparts they trembled and writhed in utter bliss and since they didn't have any jizz to unleash the pair of super powered whores tonguing their cunts didn't bother pulling away or stopping. Much to the absolute delight of everyone else still waiting for their turn. It took almost two full minutes for the women straddling their faces to finally dismount and when they did the sight they left in their wake was every bit as delicious as what their friends had created. With their cheeks smeared in pussy juice and their chins still dripping copious amounts of jizz Wonder Woman and Power Girl couldn't have looked more perverted if they tried. Just their wild eyed expressions alone with a sight to behold even before the mess that was their naked tits and the juicy sight of their own cunts practically on full display. None of the remaining men and women could get enough of what they were seeing and more cocks were offered to the pair within seconds. It would be a good ten minutes before they had the chance to taste the rest of the ladies in the warehouse but breaking up that particular treat with yet more juicy cocks and endless helpings of hot spunk was more than welcome.

They added more and more jizz to the sperm banks that were their breasts and furiously tongued any cunts that came close enough to feel their wild expertise. Soon enough they weren't even looking at the men and women they were pleasuring. They simply didn't care enough to bother with something so unimportant as their faces, they'd already memorized each and every person after their balaclavas had been removed. What was the point of looking at them now when their cocks and cunts were so much more enjoyable? When there was so much more spunk to soak themselves in and pussy juice to slurp down? With the numbers of available lovers to satisfy themselves with steadily waning losing themselves in the cum crazed frenzy only made sense. Neither of them wanted to think about their fun ending even as that end came faster and faster with every dick they sucked off and every gooey load they guided onto their tits. No matter many criminals had been in the warehouse at first there weren't enough for Wonder Woman and Power Girl. That much was clear as they finished off the last of their playthings and held their mouths open for more dicks only to be left wanting for the very first time. As they opened their eyes and looked around they saw dozens of half naked figures lying sprawled across the ground, not a single soul able to stand upright.

“I guess it's over . . .” Kara lamented.

“But we're not done yet.” Diana remarked. “We still have so many other criminals to rehabilitate!”

“Yes we do!”

Grinning at one another as they stood up the two superheroines lifted their costumes back up over their cum drenched tits. The already soaked fabric squished and squelched as it stretched across their massive breasts and absorbed even more semen. Long strands of jizz were already leaking from the underside of their ample breasts and more would only continue to dribble down their taut bellies and sides as the gallons of spunk they'd earned oozed across their mounds. Even with their chests 'covered' by their outfits the sight of their smiling faces splattered with streaks of cum and literal pools of even more sperm collecting in their cleave and drooling down their huge, natural breasts was truly a sight to behold. Even the most comatose men and women managed to sit up and stare at the amazing sight for a little bit before collapsing back down in a heap. Those with stronger constitutions or the good fortune to go sooner than their companions got to watch the pair strike a little pose, each putting an arm around the other's shoulders as they smiled at the criminals they'd rehabilitated, then at one another. Before heading off to do more exemplary work for the community they paused just long enough to give a little more incentive.

“If you thought that was fun just imagine how much better actually getting to fuck us will be!” Power Girl remarked.

“You can find out in just a couple weeks.” Wonder Woman added, “As long as you aren't stupid enough to throw it all away.”

“The next time any of you are tempted to fall back into old habits just think about today. Think about us. I'm sure you'll make the right call.”

“And when you do we'll be waiting. And so will Zatanna, Hawk Girl, Batgirl, and plenty of others. Just in case you want a little variety!”

More than a few of the thugs perked up at the mention of other superheroines and the pair standing cum drenched and cum drunk before them smiled, “That's right. We're not the only ones you can fuck if you're good.”

“So make sure to remember that!”

“And we'll see all of you in a week!”

“We're already looking forward to it!” Rising up through the hole in the ceiling Wonder Woman and Power Girl soared into the heavens once more, flying high above Metropolis and looking out across the city with unrestrained glee. “Warehouse district?”

“Warehouse district!”


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