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And here's the second story I promised. It's also a pretty straightforward little romp, though if you're not a fan of futas or femboys you may want to give this a pass. If you are a fan hopefully this will scratch that particular itch!

Oh and this was based on an image you can find here!

Stretching out across her towel and listening to the soothing crash of waves upon the shore Jennifer Walters couldn't help but smile. After countless grueling battles and endless, world destroying catastrophes she could finally take a break and relax. She could finally close her eyes and just enjoy the planet she'd fought so hard to save. Starting at the pink sand beaches of Kaihalulu Beach in Hana Hawaii and ending whenever and wherever she felt like it. And thanks to a newly instituted rule she was all too happy to take advantage of a more secluded stretch of the picturesque location didn't have any limits on what sort of attire visitors wore. Or in her case what they didn't. Which naturally meant she'd stripped off the modest bikini and sarong she'd been wearing as soon as she passed by the sign telling her she could do so. Stashing it away in the little picnic basket she'd brought along She Hulk found the best spot she could, laid out her towel, and propped open her umbrella. Everything after that was a blur of peaceful relaxation and even the occasional nap, though she never slept for very long. A good few hours were lost to the comfort and serenity all around her and she likely would've lost plenty more had it not been for the other people on the beach. While none were particularly noisy and most were content to keep to themselves a towering, green skinned woman famous the world over for her heroic feats was bound to draw some attention eventually.

The fact that every inch of her broad, powerfully muscular body was on full display, including the downright ungodly cock hanging between her thighs, all but guaranteed those who noticed stared with wide eyed amazement. At first Jennifer just ignored the hushed whispers and none to subtle comments about her. Nobody said anything rude or unseemly and a small, admittedly egotistical side of her rather enjoyed the adoration she was getting from everyone tht passed by. Although she'd never openly bask in such a thing she had no qualms about enjoying it while pretending to be asleep or otherwise distracted. The way some of them spoke in hushed whispers about her physique was more than a little flattering and the way several others commented on her ample, downright bountiful breasts even more so. But what really stirred her from her relaxation and sent her sitting upright was a particularly excited comment about her absolutely massive cock. Very much a shower not a grower just about all of her sixteen inch monstrosity of a prick was on fully display no matter what she did or where she tucked it away. It still had a bit of girth to gain whenever she was aroused but the difference was relatively minor and even at her softest she was still as thick as a normal person's bicep. Of course her own were far broader and the thighs surrounding her member were even bigger still but that hardly made any difference as her length stretched out between her legs for all to see.

Apparently enamored by her impressive dick and equally weighty balls a soft, feminine voice none too subtly murmured, “What I wouldn't give to have that thing inside me right now!”

Immediately smiling to herself at the thought of having a little vacation fling She Hulk's eyes opened and she turned her head to look at who'd spoken, “That can be arranged cutie . . .”

Clearly not expecting to be heard at the distance he was standing at the pear shaped, bikini clad young man who'd made the comment blushed harder than anyone she'd ever seen, his cheeks darkening considerably as he cast his eyes down at his sandal clad feat. Everything about him was absolutely adorable in the most enticing way she could imagine. From his cutely wide, feminine face to the massive contours of his womanly hips. The stark white color of his swimsuit contrasted beautifully with his dark brown skin and the wild mane of dark curly hair framing his nervous face was nothing short of beautiful. His chest was completely flat and completely at odds with both the plumpness of his ass and width of his hips. Not to mention the cute little bulge already straining against his swimsuit as he stood in front of her. If she was being perfectly honest with herself there wasn't a single thing she didn't like about the gorgeous person that'd stumbled headlong into her corner of the world and the prospect of doing anything even remotely sexual with him was one she found impossibly arousing. So much so she couldn't think of anything else as she eyed him up and down several times in quick succession. The fat, spankable ass barely covered by his bikini was enough to make her eager but the soft, pouty lips and bright blue eyes sitting above them truly sealed the deal. Sitting up and grinning at her would be lover from behind wavy locks of waist length black hair she none too subtly licked her lips and giggled as her absurdly massive dick throbbed with excitement. Each twitch lifted it a little higher into the air and by the time the slutty little femboy offering himself up to her managed to lift his gaze again her prick was standing at full attention. Curving outward from her body and leaking a little dribble of precum into the sand it almost seemed to point directly at him as she watched his reaction. Excitement flashed across his face, followed soon after by embarrassment.

“I-I'm sorry ma'am! I-I didn't m-mean to be so crass! I-I was j-just!”

“Yes you did. You absolutely meant to be that crass.” She Hulk interrupted, “You just didn't think I could hear you . . . but it's a good thing I did.”

While she spoke his eyes returned to the sand but as she trailed off he looked up again with a mixture of confusion and hope, “W-What do you mean?”

Chuckling at his question and pointedly looking from his face to her cock then back again she tilted her head to the side and asked, “Is that a serious question?”

“I-I guess not . . .” Her companion laughed.

“What's your name cutie?”

“A-Avon . . .”

“Well then Avon . . . how'd you like to have a little fun with me?” Leaning back a little and striking a seductive yet cocksure pose she lifted her right arm into the air and curled it inwards to show off her impressive muscles even more.

He laughed at her silly little pose even while his body shivered and he clutched the straps of the small bag slung across his shoulder, “I-I guess there w-wouldn't be any harm i-in it . . .”

“None whatsoever.” She Hulk extended her hand and bit her lower lip for a moment, “Now bring that fat ass over here and lets have some fun!”

“O-Okay!” Nodding about as enthusiastically as she'd ever seen Avon hurried forward, a shaking hand disappearing into his bag to produce a bottle of what she initially assumed was sunblock. “Lube.” He clarified as she looked at it with an inquisitive stare.

“I love a man who comes prepared.” She laughed. “Were you trolling the beach for cock?”

Blushing and smiling with a thoroughly arousing hint of mischievousness Avon sprayed a massive dollop of clear, gooey fluid onto his hand and said, “I was . . .”

Her grin widened as she watched Avon lather both hands in lube before wrapping his amazingly soft fingers around her cock. Totally unconcerned with all the people that could easily see them he stroked every inch of her enormous length without the slightest bit of hesitation or restraint. Within seconds his mouth was hanging open and his own dick was straining madly against his bikini bottoms. He panted almost as much as she did while the wet squelch of his fingers gliding up and down her length filled the air around them. Leaning further and further back with every passing second She Hulk quickly found herself stretched out across her towel, both legs splayed open and a complete strange kneeling between them as he enthusiastically worked her dick. Even after she'd been well and truly lubricated he continued to rub and tease and practically worship her shaft. She could feel every hot, pent up breath he unleashed as he moved closer. When she felt his flat chest pushing against her throbbing shaft and his lips kissing the precum glazed tip she couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan. There was no way on earth he could actually throat her like she wanted but the mental image of him trying was almost as good as the mental image of his fat, jiggling ass bouncing up and down on her dick. Her eyes drifted shut to better enjoy both thoughts while her hands teased and played with her stiff, untouched nipples for a little while.

Moving fast than ever as he pressed more and more of himself against the pillar of meat that was She Hulk's monstrous dick Avon moaned like the little slut he was and wrapped as much of his mouth as he could get around her cock head. Despite years of practice and countless blowjobs he couldn't even fit her entire tip inside his mouth at once. But he could certainly suck with all his might and lap up every drop of precum she gave with his tongue. Almost instantly his head was spinning and his entire body was trembling like crazy as he sampled the bitter yet delicious flavor of her cum. Like so many others he immediately fell in love and had it not been for his near insatiable need to be split open and demolished by her her gigantic prick he might've stayed right there until she gave him a proper load to gulp down. Because even with his near constant need for a dick in his ass Avon just had to suck on her prick for a little while longer. He didn't even realize he was grinding against the rest of her shaft like a stripper pole, rubbing his own member against her balls and whimpering almost constantly as he did so. But his green skinned partner certainly noticed and it was hard to imagine anything more arousing. Upon opening her eyes and seeing first hand the sight unfolding between her legs she groaned like a wild animal and pinched both nipples so hard it was almost painful. Beyond glad she'd taken the time to masturbate earlier that morning she propped herself with one hand and reached out to her slutty companion.

Caressing his cheek as she flashed him a knowing grin she licked her lips and said, “That's enough foreplay cutie, it's time you put that ass to work!”

In no position to argue and certainly in no position to refuse that kind of order Avon released her cock with a wet pop. His hands continued to stroke her beautifully twitching dick for another moment or two before he managed to stand up and turn around. Showing off quite possibly the widest, juiciest ass she'd ever seen in her life he bent over and pulled aside the bikini bottoms barely covering his enormous cheeks. Both hands smacked against his buttocks an instant later, a delicious ripple spreading through them before he pulled his spread himself open wide to reveal the puffy little oval that was his thoroughly fucked, perfectly trained asshole. Beyond excited by how many cocks he must've taken over the years if his ring looked like that She Hulk moaned and grabbed her dick. Holding as steady as she could and watching with unblinking delight she enjoyed every last second of Avon lowering himself onto her dick. Like it was the easiest and most natural thing in the world he squatted down above her prick, his impossibly fuckable hole immediately opening to accept her tip the very moment the two came into contact. But instead of lowering himself down gently or doing anything else she would've expected from any normal human her little butt slut did the exact opposite. Looking back at her with a bright eyed grin he absolutely slammed himself down on her cock, the entirety of her member vanishing into his ass in the blink of an eye. Faster than either of them could react his quivering inner walls were completely wrapped around her cock and his fat, jiggling ass was pressed tight against her thighs.

A split second later both of them cried out in pleasure as the sheer tightness of his body washed over She Hulk while the sheer size of her dick reverberated throughout Avon. With every pulse her gigantic member strained not only against the deepest reaches of his asshole but his all too sensitive g-spot hidden away inside it. The bliss of her shaft throbbing against his prostate would've been enough to make his toes curl and his eyes roll back in his head but the massive, almost grotesque bulge in his stomach from her inhumanly thick shaft was like nothing he'd every experienced. Utterly overwhelmed by the sight of his once flat belly stretching out around the dick inside him he couldn't help but splay his legs and lean backwards, both hands flattening against the sand. Before he could start riding her like there was no tomorrow she reached around his supple waist to tug aside the little triangle of cloth keeping his cock hidden away. It sprang to attention the very instant his bikini bottom was moved aside and the pungent aroma of his precum joined the scent of her won as he throbbed in the open air for all to see. Of course neither of them gave a damn about anyone else but themselves and one another the moment he started gliding back up her cock. Watching his asshole stretch and distend around her dick as he lifted himself into the air was nothing short of spectacular for She Hulk. Getting to feel such a beast of a dick rubbing along his inner walls and throbbing against his prostate until he couldn't take another second and slammed himself back down was everything Avon could've wanted and more. Within two passes cum was squirting out of his cock in massive, creamy dollops as his knees pressed together and violent spasmed wracked his body.

As much as he might've wanted to keep riding her for minutes and minutes before blowing his first load he just couldn't help himself. Her dick was too good and his needs were too overwhelming. The third time he slammed his fat ass down on her thighs seemed like it might be the last for a while. And in all likelihood it would've been had he chosen a different lover. Fortunately for both of them the women he'd met was far from the type to sit idly by as her lover squealed and squirted in equal amounts. The very instant she realized he wasn't going to move on his own her hands darted out to grab his waist and use him like the world's most advanced fleshlight. Lifting him nearly to the tip of her cock only to slam him right back down again she wasted no time at all picking up where he'd left off. Avon cried out in agony as his sensitive, madly quivering inner walls were fucked long before he could bear the stimulation. The pressure to his inflamed prostate alone was enough to send him into convulsions but when she started thrusting upwards at the same time she slammed him onto her dick? There was no chance of him ever recovering so long as she was doing that. And as luck would have it there wasn't anything else she planned on doing. Like so many others she was completely enamored with his fat ass bouncing up and down her cock and nothing short of death itself was going to get in her way.

As a matter of fact her eyes were practically glued to the sight of his cheeks bouncing and jiggling with every ferocious impact against her body. The delicious ripple coursing through his plump booty was more enticing than anything else, except maybe his madly quivering hole as it spasmed around her dick in an uncontrollable frenzy. Tighter than anyone she'd ever fucked and slutty enough to leave her in awe of him Avon was nothing short of the perfect fucktoy for She Hulk's pleasures. Although she still had to control herself and avoid using all of her considerable strength she let loose much, much, much more than she did with any of her past lovers. Partly because she just couldn't help herself but mostly because she knew without a shadow of a doubt her pear shaped slut could take it. No matter how frantically he squealed or how violently his body convulsed he was made to take cock wherever and whenever he could get it. That much was clear after nearly a minute of spraying cum from his endlessly flopping cock as she hammered his prostate and molded his body around her dick. The sheer amount of spunk leaking from his dick with every passing second was downright incredible and the scent of it all but overwhelmed her already pleasure soaked brain. As much as she liked seeing him on top and watching him bounce along her dick it just wasn't enough to satisfy her animalistic craving to dominate and breed the bubble butt whore that'd stumbled into her life. Fucking him harder and faster with every passing moment She Hulk did all she could to keep him screaming and convulsing atop her so she could watch his ass bounce until it was time to blow her own load all over his guts.

But no matter how hard she buried her cock inside him or how furiously she slammed him down on her prick it was never enough. It never could be enough. Not as her own climax was building within her and certainly not as the erotic thrill of fucking a complete stranger in front of countless other complete strangers layered on top of everything else she was feeling. Like it always did her need to dominate and completely own whoever she was fucking slowly but surely emerged, gradually taking over every part of her mind, body, and soul until she could think of nothing else. Until her arms were wrapping around his body and Avon suddenly found himself lying flat on his stomach, his knees bent as his toes curled in the air while his cock continued to spray cum in gooey jets as it lay across the towel. He barely had time to squeal in delight before the green skinned goddess mounting him started pounding his tight little ass like never before. With one muscular arm wrapped around his neck and almost, but not quite, choking the life out of him and the other clutching a fistful of towel as she groaned like a wild animal She Hulk wasted no time absolutely destroying his asshole. Slamming her cock balls deep inside him with every ferocious thrust and pulling back so fast and so hard his quivering hole just about prolapsed every single time she ruined him like no other lover had. Using every ounce of strength she could get away with she plunged her enormous, throbbing length inside him like there was no tomorrow. The lewd slap of his asshole being violated and his ass cheeks being battered by her muscular waist echoed all across the beach, joined by his girlish screams as he too clawed at the towel beneath them and held on for dear life.

More and more people started to approach the pair, many watching with utter amazement as they witnessed the most relentless, downright brutal fucking they'd ever seen. But even those with a bit more experience were taken aback by the sheer wildness of the woman completely ruining the mewling femboy beneath her. Pulling back far enough to let everyone see just how much of her cock was being shoved into his guts with every thrust, then making it all disappear like the most perverted magic trick in the world time and time again she had no pity and no hesitation. And the ebony skinned slut pinned beneath her simply couldn't get enough. Between the cum spurting in massive jets from his endlessly twitching cock and the expression of pure joy lighting up his face there was no denying how much he loved being her cock sleeve. Without hyperbole it was the single greatest experience of his life and everything he could've wanted upon finding She Hulk laying on the beach. His eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue lolled out of his mouth, long strands of drool dripping onto the towel beneath them as any and all composure utterly vanished. Another orgasm washed over him within a minute of being devastated in that new, even more wonderful position but in a wonderful twist of fate he wasn't the only one to reach his limit in front of the gathering crowd.

Beyond overwhelmed by the pleasure and completely absorbed in her craving for more She Hulk didn't think twice about trying to prolong the ferocious, ball slapping sex she was enjoying so much. Indeed she didn't think about much of anything as she pounded Avon's ass until the very last moment. Her mind was a complete blank as ecstasy coursed through every fiber of her being. Gritting her teeth and letting out a groan  loud enough to shake the very earth beneath them she rammed her cock inside his gorgeous little hole one last time while her whole body tightened. She threw her head back and continued to growl like a feral beast as all of her muscles strained and her balls tightened like never before. Inside his utterly devastated hole her dick throbbed like never before, every wild twitch sending a burst of pleasure through his body. But no matter how good that felt it was barely an afterthought when what must've been gallons of fresh spunk erupted from her tip to flood his thoroughly unprepared body in a tsunami of toe curling warmth. Instantly and completely drowning the depths of his rectum with her first blast she delivered more jizz than he'd ever felt inside him, with the possible exception of the one and only time he found himself at the center of a gangbang, in a single load. And as he soon learned she was far from done after that one explosions of gooey jizz. For nearly two minutes of pure bliss he was reminded again and again of just how superhuman his lover was as She Hulk emptied her balls inside him and his greedy little asshole milked out every last drop it could get.

Within two loads she'd filled him so completely her seed had nowhere to go but right back out again, his quivering hole sending an ever rising tide of jizz to surround the dick helpfully providing it all to him. By the time she'd dumped another messy spurt inside his body the first was spraying out of her ruined asshole in a messy corona. Jizz painted his trembling ass cheeks and soaked much of her lower half as the pressure of not only his rectum but their tightly pressed together bodies sent so much of her cum squirting in every possible direction. And with every twitch of her cock more sperm flooded his overflowing body, instantly sending even more sperm gushing out of him and all across both of them. The potent stench of her arousal clouded the air around them, absolutely overshadowing the smell of the ocean and indeed any other smells. Avon was practically suffocating in the scent and even those around them couldn't help but breath in the heavenly aroma that was She Hulk's jizz. Even after she'd finished emptying her balls inside her slut's hole the sheer amount of spunk oozing from his flooded ass to pool across the towel, sand, and their own bodies all but ensured that pungent aroma couldn't fade. But unlike the fat assed whore pinned beneath her the rest of the onlookers were under no obligation to remain nearby as her posture slowly relaxed and the wild debauchery finally came to an end. Some hurried away for fear of being reprimanded, others hurried off to have their own fun, and the rest departed in something of a daze as they tried and failed to collect their fragmented thoughts. Not unlike the drooling whore trembling beneath her and busily leaking cum from both his softening dick and constantly trembling asshole.

Only one of them had even the slightest ounce of composure in the afterglow of their wild passion, in spite of her still absurdly hard cock and insatiable need to continue fucking the unwitting slut that'd wandered into her life. Although as she lay atop him savoring the pleasure and smiling at the warmth of her own cum dripping down their bodies a single question managed to penetrate the haze clouding the rest of her thoughts. “Did you come her for dick . . . or did you come here for my dick?”

Barely capable of answering but much too enamored with everything that'd just happened to even think about lying Avon simply moaned, “Yours!” in a breathy whimper.

An ear to ear grin spread across her face as her cock throbbed excitedly inside his asshole and a sudden burst of energy coursed through her, “Is that right? Then I guess I can't stop now can I?”

“N-Noooooooo . . .”

His asshole clamped down around her cock and she moaned into his ear and pushed down against his fat ass, more cum spurting out of his rectum while she slowly grinded her hips, “You'll never be able to fuck anyone else after I'm done with you!” She promised.

Limply clutching the soiled towel and pushing back against her as much as he could Avon delirious expression twisted into a smile as he shakily replied, “Good!”



Excellently done as always! A fun story that's just as good as I was hoping for


That's about all I can really hope for and it's good to know I accomplished my goal with this story!