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Fun fact: before writing this I looked it up and found out the North Pole is apparently not a real landmass like the South Pole. But since this story also happens to feature immortal elves and Santa Claus I decided to pretend like it was a real landmass and just go with that lol. Hopefully my lack of scientific consistency doesn't prove too distracting! Oh and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it and Happy Holidays to everyone else! I hope y'all have/had a lovely season!

A long time ago, though not nearly long enough for him to reminisce about it so fondly, being at the North Pole during Christmas would've been a dream come true for Hugo Santiago. Back when the fairy tale of Santa Claus, his flying reindeer, and everything else that came with it had still been so real he'd stay up all night trying to catch the reverse burgling old man. Now some twenty fives years after all his childhood fantasies had been thoroughly disproven by facts and logic being stationed at the North Pole wasn't exciting because of the date on the calendar. It was exciting because he'd worked his ass off to get that position and after years of brutal study in college he was finally doing what he wanted. As a matter of fact, he hadn't even realized it was Christmas Eve about to turn into Christmas Day until one of his fellow researches made an off hand comment about it. With all eight of them stationed quite literally in the middle of nowhere and none being particularly religious to begin with the holiday had all but slipped their group by. There was so much work to do and so much data to study there wasn't anywhere near enough time to stop and observe whatever traditions each of them might've had back in civilization. Hugo himself was actually gearing up to go out on what would surely be a fairly routine survey of the various sites they were monitoring. The weather had been uncharacteristically calm and pleasant, by the standards of a frozen wasteland at least, and there was no telling how much longer that trend would continue. There simply wasn't a better time to check their equipment and make sure everything was transmitting properly. So after donning layer after layer of thick, protective clothing and going through all the necessary safety protocols with the rest of his equipment he left the base and headed towards the first site.

Of all the skills he'd picked up working at the station for the better part of a year riding snowmobiles had, without a doubt, been the most unexpected. He knew full well he'd have to make use of them long before he left Cincinnati but he never would've guessed just how often he'd find himself riding one across the tundra. Nor would he have guessed just how incredibly fun such a thing could be. Between the near absolute freedom of traveling across the vast, empty spaces and the almost primal thrill of going at breakneck speeds he actively sought out every chance he could to take a ride out of the base, no matter how trivial or meaningless. The seals, polar bears, and any other wildlife he passed almost certainly hated him but they were little more than blurs zipping by as he sped towards each of his destinations in turn. And he hardly had to worry about the former even when he was on foot. Of course the latter were always a concern any time he was vulnerable but after hundreds of routine checks he found it hard to be truly concerned by them. Especially after visiting four sites in a row without seeing hide nor hair of the fluffy behemoths. It wasn't until the sixth that he even glimpsed one nearby and not until the eighth that another was close enough to be watched. Thankfully it didn't seem particularly interested in him and he was able to fiddle with the equipment in peace. And after checking all ten over the course of a few hours he was ready to enjoy the long ride back to base. It wasn't much more than a straight shot across the snow fields but even heading as the crow flies would take the better part of forty five minutes. Fifty if he counted stopping to refuel his vehicle for the last time. Which meant he had forty five minutes of pure, undiluted freedom waiting for him. Forty five minutes of feeling like the only man in the world. It was hard to think of a better Christmas gift than that!

But about twenty minutes in he was interrupted from his daydreaming by a strange anomaly. While admiring the ever beautiful Aurora Borealis dancing across the cloudless night sky and quietly thanking whoever might be listening for the life he'd led Hugo spotted something on the horizon. Distracted as he was by the utterly breathtaking blue hues he'd almost missed the faint glow hiding beneath the vastly more impressive lights. It looked so small and so unremarkable compared to what he'd been admiring it almost seemed like a trick of his imagination. Some sort of snowy equivalent of a mirage in the desert or simply his own mind playing a little game with his eyes. Yet after slowing his snowmobile to a crawl and squinting as hard as he could at that second light there was no denying it's existence, twinkling there at the edge of the world. Looking uncannily like the sort of light one might see when approaching a city from the country it was all at once intriguing, fascinating, and a little worrying. A quick look at his compass confirmed it wasn't in the direction of the base and a bit of forethought reminded him that the base itself didn't produce that sort of light pollution. Doing so would've been antithetical to several of the researcher's aims. Which of course only heightened his natural curiosity, they mystery of what it could be calling to him like a Greek siren. He'd brought enough fuel to do a little exploring, just in case the urge struck him, and nobody at the station would be the least bit surprised if he came back later than expected. If anything they'd worry more about his timely arrival. Yet at the same time gallivanting off into the endless expanse late at night wasn't exactly a smart idea in the best of circumstances. Even if the weather wasn't stormy and unpredictable it was still below freezing and only getting colder. Was a strange light source really worth the risks he'd be taking?

“Yes.” Hugo decided, nodding as he muttered to himself. “Yes it is!”

Shaking away his doubts and letting his mind run wild with every silly possibility no matter how unlikely or insane it was he turned his vehicle towards the glow and sped off. While he didn't really expect to find an alien spaceship or some other form of extra terrestrial life it was hard not think about that sort of thing as he sped along. Although as soon as the possibility of aliens slipped into his head it was similarly hard not to think about the Lovecraft stories he'd read growing up, specifically 'At the Mountains of Madness' and how that'd turned out for the expedition. He knew it was a silly thing to be afraid of and an even sillier reason to slow down but the instinctive fear he felt upon remembering those stories and how effectively they'd scared the shit out of him as a teenager was hard to shake. But thinking about the other, less horrific science fiction stories he'd read growing up helped considerably and before long he was back to full speed, his thoughts an absolute jumble of random ideas, hopes, and fantasies. He was so lost in his own head he hadn't even noticed how much bigger and brighter that glow had become on the horizon. Growing well beyond anything he'd expected and getting bigger with every passing moment the anomaly was almost hypnotic in it's warmth and softness. Hugo could see all manner of small lights twinkling within the scope of the bloom.

Which put to bed any notion of a single massive source like he'd initially assumed. Instead it looked uncannily like a small city or at the very least a modestly well little hamlet tucked away in one of the most inhospitable places in the world. He knew such a thing was flat out impossible, that there wasn't any sign of civilization for hundreds of miles and his mind was surely playing tricks on him now. And yet he still kept driving towards the light with an eager smile and a burning curiosity. It all looked so real. Too real. There was no way he was imagining it all unless he'd had a full psychotic break. It was too vividly present to be his mind. As he drew nearer and nearer the glow had even started to outshine the Aurora Borealis that'd captivated him every clear night since he arrived at the North Pole. There was no way his imagination could make something that incredible. It just wasn't possible. Or at least that's what he told himself over and over and over again as he traveled towards the fascinating anomaly. He very nearly turned around when he was forced to slow down upon reaching the lip of a large basin. Navigating the slope wouldn't be the least bit difficult but between the uncertainty of getting back out again and the niggling fear that he was driving towards his own death Hugo found it hard to take the plunge. For a minute or two he sat there, perched on the edge of the slope looking at the lights and wondering what they could be. Still hidden behind the horizon yet so tantalizingly close it was downright maddening the mystery of it all called to him so fiercely it defied common sense. It defied his own instincts and rationality. Whatever was going on needed to be figured out. He had to explore it now. There was no telling if he'd ever get the chance again and that alone was worth the risk.

So after taking a few deep breaths and quietly wondering what the rest of the research team would think if he never returned he eased his snowmobile forward and made his way down into the basin. The glow he'd been chasing all but completely vanished as he slid a good hundred meters down before the ground finally leveled out. Only the faintest, most imperceptible shimmer remained as proof it'd ever been there at all. But thankfully that was enough for him to zip across the short stretch of level ground and towards the other slope. Far more gradual and gentle than the one he'd just navigated it was downright trivial to ride up. So much so Hugo let his excitement get the better of him. Little by little he sped up as the mystery called out to him like never before. Within a minute or two he was going as fast as he possible could, absolutely flying up the hill without a thought to anything but getting over the crest and seeing whatever was waiting on the other side. Slowly but surely the light returned in full as he neared the top, it's brightness and warmth sending excited shivers down his spine and filling him with a strange sense of wonder. A sense of wonder he hadn't felt since he was a little boy. That unexpectedly wonderful feeling spurred him onward as much as his scientific need for evidence and understanding. And before long he was nearing the crest of the hill, his heart just about beating right out of his chest and adrenaline pumping through his body. Never in a thousand years could he have predicted what he'd find upon reaching the top.

“What on earth . . .” Hugo was at a loss. He was well and truly dumbfounded by what he was seeing, unable to believe it even as he stared with unabashed wonder, “This isn't possible!”

Stretched out before him and filling another, even greater basin was the most picturesque little village he'd ever seen in his life. Like something out of the most saccharine Christmas movie imaginable yet so sincere it defied any cynicism he might've felt. The mystery of it's presence in what was normally such an inhospitable place didn't even enter his mind. He was too overwhelmed by how soft and beautiful everything looked. Every light twinkling behind snow covered window sills or sparkling atop the perfectly decorated houses was absolutely perfect. Cobblestone roads wound between dozens, if not hundreds of little cottages all spread out with perfect placements. None were too far or too close to one another and a palpable sense of warmth and community somehow radiated from the place. No two houses were exactly alike in their finer details but in their broader designs all were nearly identical as far as he could see. They all had that sort of inviting warmth only found in a certain kind of drawing about a certain kind of fairy tale. Like something that'd sprang from the pages of a children's book to find life in the real world. And their incredible nature was made all the more amazing by the absolutely massive Christmas tree at the very center of the sprawling village. Towering above every other house it sparkled with countless lights and decorations in a truly breathtaking sight. Yet in spite of how much of the tree was covered the innumerable strings of tinsel, untold number of ornaments, and endless chains of glittering lights weren't at all cluttered or garish. Rather they were perfectly arranged with a precision that seemed downright impossible, their sparkling radiance making the already impossible to comprehend sight that much more fascinating. And that much more enticing. Hugo didn't even realize he was leaning forward and staring like a child watching their favorite movie until he nearly fell right off his snowmobile trying to get closer.

After some clumsy flailing and muted cursing he managed to right himself and say again with an even greater sense of wonder, “This isn't possible . . .”

Thankfully no amount of disbelief or rationalization could change what he was seeing. Only facts and evidence could accomplish that. So under the guise of collecting that evidence to explain or even disprove what he was seeing Hugo dismounted his vehicle. Despite how much faster, not to mention easier and safer, it would've been to ride down into the valley he couldn't bring himself to disturb what seemed like such a joyfully peaceful place with his loud snowmobile. He didn't really even think about it until the third time he fell flat on his ass and slid a good five meters down the slope like a kid that'd lost their sled. But with nobody else around to see his inability to walk the embarrassment wasn't nearly as burning as it should've been and he managed to get to level ground eventually. Stumbling the last meter or so and just barely keeping himself upright he tottered back and forth for a few moments before finally gaining his balance and straightening to look at the perfect Christmas tableau stretching out in front of him. Everything looked so much more beautiful up close it was hard to know where to look first, so he didn't even try to figure it out. Only his own, labored breath and the snow crunching beneath his boots disturbed the serene quiet that'd fallen over the place and more than once he felt almost like a trespasser as he approached the nearest cobblestone path. Like he didn't belong in such a welcoming, happy place. That feeling only grew as he finally set foot on the road and wonderfully cheerful tune filled his ears. Literally gasping in surprise he took an instinctive step back and the moment his foot left the stone the music stopped.

When it returned so did the music. Looking down to confirm what he was seeing Hugo stepped on and off the path several times in quick succession, his already overloaded mind absolutely spinning as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Something that seemed more and more impossible with every passing second and something he quickly gave up on as he walked down the winding main road and so many other sights distracted him. Perhaps the greatest and most interesting of them was how much smaller the houses seemed to be up close. They weren't exactly miniatures but they certainly weren't the full sized structures he'd seen anywhere else. It was almost as if someone had taken normal sized cottages and shrunk them down until they were only half as big. Or maybe two thirds. It was difficult to tell and though he would've loved to stop and measure the dimensions he lacked any of the necessary tools. And yet even if he did have the tools it would've seemed a touch invasive and awkward to start measuring someone's home. Or should it be something's home? He honestly didn't have the slightest idea what could live inside those houses. Aside from a few gardens and the like there wasn't any sign of life anywhere around. Just a picture perfect Christmas village filled with music that made him wistful, happy, nostalgic, and warm all at the same time. The mystery of the song playing was enticing enough to keep him going but as he approached the tree towering overhead the question of who or what lived there and what was going on remained at the back of his mind. Particularly as he approached the insanely massive centerpiece of the village and saw how truly gigantic it actually was. Easily ten stories tall if not more it dwarfed everything around it so utterly the houses looked like toys arranged beneath it.

The trunk alone was big enough to fit one of the cottages without any trouble at all and the canopy formed by the branches stretched on for what felt like kilometers from one end to another. And while it wasn't at all the most unique or surprising thing about the tree Hugo was a little surprised to find it planted in the ground instead of resting in some massive pot. Just as he was a touch confused to see the ground beneath it covered in a powdery layer of snow like everything else. Pausing to stare in confusion at that bit of oddness he looked up at the fancifully decorated branches to find them completely devoid of even a single flake. Of all the strange, downright magical things he was seeing that above almost everything else confused him. He couldn't even say why he found that specifically so strange but like an annoying song it just sort of stuck in his head. At least until it was relegated to the back of his mind upon noticing the only building different from all the houses half hidden behind, from his perspective at least, the far end of the trunk. Quite a bit bigger than the cottages surrounding it and very clearly designed more like an office or a factory than a home it still had that same smaller quality that everything else did. As well as the almost suspiciously festive look about it. Even if he'd wanted to he couldn't have resisted walking towards it.

Passing under the tree was a strangely beautiful experience, the darkness cast by it's boughs making all the lights above and around him seem that much brighter in comparison. It was like lying in a cozy bed and looking out the window at the snow covered, festively decorated street outside. He almost didn't want to leave the comfort of the tree but fortunately the mystery of that unique structure across the way was strong enough to overcome his bout of contentment. After a few minutes he was back on the path and hurrying towards the building with an subconscious spring in his step. The music he'd been hearing got louder and louder with every step towards the oversized double doors in the front. Although he tried to peek into the windows lining the first and second floors they only reflected the countless, twinkling lights all around. By the time he was standing in front of the doors with his gloved hands on the handle the music he'd been hearing was downright overwhelming. Even through his layers of protective clothing it came through clear as day and so loud he couldn't possibly think of anything else. Hoping it would at least mellow down a little before he went crazy Hugo pulled the doors open, realizing a split second later they were the only ones he'd seen made for someone around his size.

But that discovery was immediately and completely forgotten as he stepped into the cutesy foyer to find it exploding with more Christmas decorations and occupied by a single desk and a few chairs opposite it. Directly across from him was another set of similarly oversized for the space looking doors. They seemed even more strange in their dimensions as he looked at the desk and chairs to find all were much, much smaller than what an adult would use. They looked more akin to the sort of thing children might play with, in both size and overall design. Had he not just come from the frozen tundra of the North Pole he would've assumed the building was some kind of elaborate play area for kids during the holidays. And as soon as he thought about that he realized how fitting that description was for the entire village down to the enormous Christmas tree and small cottages. But obviously that didn't make the slightest bit of sense. None of it did really and between the music and the voices he could just barely make out it was impossible to think clearly. So without much forethought or concern for what he was doing and what might be waiting for him Hugo approached the second set of doors and pushed them open. Yet again he was met with a wholly unexpected sight, only this time it made his jaw drop and his eyes go wide behind the thick goggles still attached to his face.

“What the fuck?!” He exclaimed.

There really wasn't any better summation for how he felt as he stared at the sprawling, multi level factory waiting for him on the other side. Bigger than the dimensions of the building he'd entered by a wide margin and filled to the brim with all manner of conveyor belts, cat walks, machinery, furnaces, and Christmas decorations it was like the most bizarre combination of a real world industrial factory and a holiday themed imitation of one seen on some Christmas movie. The sheer amount of equipment and tools on display was absolutely mind boggling and the strangely cutesy way it was all colored made for an even more confusing addition. So much so Hugo almost didn't notice the first living beings he'd seen since discovering the strange place what felt like hours prior. At least three or four dozen of them were gathered around a large table at the center of the floor and every single one was looking at him with a surprised expression on their youthful faces. Some were frozen midway through eating whatever sugary confection was in their small hands, others had stopped dead in the middle of a dance while others still just stood there like statues with their mouths hanging open. One was even pouring a glass of what looked like eggnog, the liquid overflowing and splashing all over the recipient's hand as both of them looked at him in shock. Quite naturally he met their confusion with a surprised look of his own, though none of the strangers could see it beneath his gear.

Every last one looked like a strange mix between a full grown human and a child, their bright and festive outfits only making the uncertainty worse as they stood dressed like Santa's Elves in ever rendition of the North Pole ever created. Not a single one looked more than a meter tall and while their height was remarkably childlike the rest of their proportions were undeniably adult, particularly around the waist and chest. Their faces had a naturally cute, almost exaggeratedly so look about them with large and very expressive eyes of every color imaginable. Including many normal humans simply didn't possess. And much like their wildly disparate eyes the hair peeking out from beneath their festive hats was an insane range of colors as well, once again far more than what was possible without the aid of dye. In what should've been a slightly more normal turn of events their skin colors ran the gamut from alabaster to deep brown much like normal humans but somehow that resemblance to the people Hugo had seen all his life wasn't at all the reassuring or illuminating fact he expected. Much like their diminutive stature and distinctly adult human proportions it made for a remarkably confusing sight. Things were both clarified and muddled even further when he noticed their small, pointed ears while staring at the sea of dumbstruck faces looking at him. Not all of their ears were immediately visible but of the ones he could see every last pair was exactly the same. Suddenly he was back to questioning his own sanity as his mind conjured up the phrase “Santa's Elves” yet again. As if that was in any way an explanation for what he was seeing and what he was experiencing. It wasn't. No matter how fitting it might've been that explanation made no sense at all. None whatsoever. His rational brain refused to even entertain it as a possibility.

But as with his initial discovery he could doubt what he was seeing all he wanted, that wouldn't change the truth of the matter one bit. Nor would it affect what happened next. Looking at her fellows, all of whom Hugo suddenly realized were female, an orange haired, green eyed being stepped a little closer to him. Her chubby cheeks were dotted with freckles and already turning crimson as she folded her arms and said in a high pitched voice, “You shouldn't swear mister!”

“W-What?” Of all the things he expected her to say, of all the things he could've imagined her saying, that wasn't on the list.

“You shouldn't swear mister!” She repeated. “It's not nice!”

“And you'll go on the Naughty List!” A darker skinned being added with the same sugary sweet voice as the first, her curly black hair framing her equally cherubic face as she peered at him with strikingly blue eyes.

“The . . . the naughty list?”

“Yeah! Santa's Naughty List!” Yet another added. Her voice was exactly the same as the first two but her skin was even more pale than the first and her hair was a brilliant shade of blue while her eyes were vibrant red. “You don't wanna be on there!”

“What the hell is going on?” Hugo asked again. Then, without thinking he quickly said, “Sorry. What is going on?”

Several of the beings covered the ears upon hearing his swear while all the rest stared with slightly widened eyes and shocked looks. As soon as he apologized their surprise faded and many of them fixed him with smiles that made his whole body feel strangely warm. The first to speak replied, “You're in Santa's Workshop silly!”

Hearing the conclusion he'd already reached but refused to accept spoken with such cheerful conviction was just a little more than Hugo could take. Letting out a sudden breath he took step back and clumsily pawed at the suddenly restrictive clothing protecting his face and head. All the Elves around him gasped and scrambled to help, some grabbing trays full of cookies and milk and sugary treats while others ran off in different directions entirely. He took another step back and teetered back and forth, just about ready to faint as everything he knew or thought he knew about Christmas, magic, and the basic rules of the universe was thrown into question. Luckily some of the Elves that'd scurried off returned with a chair for him to sit on. Unluckily for him it wasn't a chair meant for a fully grown human and when he fell back onto it the finely crafted wood shattered into a thousand pieces. All the air rushed out of his lungs in a single groan as he collapsed against the floor in a heap. Another chorus of gasps filled the workshop as his fretful companions crowded around him. Many simply stood there with their hands over their mouths and worried expressions on their faces but a few of the slightly more proactive ones came up with a plan. Although quite out of it and barely cognizant of what was going on Hugo faintly heard one of the shout 'he needs air' followed by another squealing 'take his clothes off'. The sound of frantic agreement followed soon after and before he could even balk at the idea of being stripped naked by Santa's Elves their unexpectedly strong hands were pulling at his heavy coat and all the rest of his thick winter gear. While he groaned and weakly tried to sit up they peeled layer after layer off him with a remarkable efficiency, even going as far as lifting him and cradling his head while removing the balaclava, goggles, and other items covering his face. But then, as soon as those pieces were removed, he was lowered back to the ground and the atmosphere in the room changed.

“What's wrong?” He asked, staring up at their cute faces and mistaking their looks for worry and fear, “Did something happen?”

None of the Elves responded at first, most of them too busy looking at one another while their cheeks flushed and their eyes widened just a little bit further. Getting more worried by the second Hugo did his best to sit up and look down at himself, half expecting to see a piece of chair jutting through his belly or something. Instead he found himself naked from the waist up. They'd left on his heavy snow pants and boots for reasons unknown but the rest of him was completely unclothed. Embarrassment quickly set in as he looked down at his modestly athletic but by no means chiseled body, then at the gaggle of entirely female Elves around him. It was easy enough to stay in shape with all the excursions he went out on every week but he was a far cry from the sort of muscular hunk he'd always kind of wanted to be growing up. And the stubble he'd neglected to shave undoubtedly gave his already very average face a sort of unkempt, unseemly look. At least that's what his family had always told him growing up and he'd never really had a reason to question that assertion. Before long his own cheeks were darkening as he nervously sat up a bit straighter and brushed some of his jet black hair out of his face. Little beads of sweat trickled down his bronzed skin every time he moved and the urge to wipe them away was second only to the urge to cover himself up entirely and apologize. Despite his current state not being at all his fault. It was obvious the Elves had acted a bit too hastily and now they were uncomfortable with what'd happened and unsure of what to do next. That much was clear from the way so many of them squirmed and shied away from him, their hands nervously grasping at their clothes the way truly unnerved people often did. Hugo was so convinced of that fact he found a sudden burst of energy and he sprang to his feet, awkwardly towering above the magical women around him and looking the most sheepish he'd ever looked in his life.

He was midway through opening his mouth to apologize and make some excuse to leave before one of the Elves cut him off. Her tanned face was bright red and she was nervously twirling her curly purple hair with one hand while cupping her face with the other and looking him up and down with two deep gray eyes, “W-We should take off your pants too!”


“Yeah!” Another added, her beautifully dark features slowly lighting up in a smile as her golden eyes lit up in delight. She tossed her stark white hair back in what could only be described as a sultry move and stared at him with the same expression as the first, “You'll overheat if you keep them on!”

“He will!”

“We can't have that!”

“Take them off already!”

Suddenly nervous for an entirely different reason Hugo chuckled nervously at their palpable excitement and looked around for a moment, unsure if he should run or try and calm them down, “I-I don't think that's really necessary!”

“Why not?” An alabaster skinned Elf with dark crimson hair and strikingly violet eyes asked, stepping closer to him and smiling with unapologetic arousal. “Would you feel more comfortable if we took off our clothes too?”

A murmur of excitement rippled through the amorous women and the man at their center couldn't help but ask, “What the hell is going on?”

By the time he'd gotten the question out several of the Elves had already removed their hats and tossed them away. One or two particularly eager women had started with their cutesy shoes and bright red pants. All of them stopped upon hearing his question and for a split second he thought they were about to chastise him for cursing again. Instead they looked at one another then back at him like they didn't understand the question, “We wanna have sex with you!” One of them explained.

A chorus of agreement and enthusiastic nods followed that proclamation and Hugo just about fell over once more, “W-What?! Why?! Y-You were so sweet and wholesome a minute ago!”

“That was before we saw how cute you are!” A darker skinned Elf with soft green hair and even softer pink eyes giggled, “We never meet cute men around here!”

“We never meet men at all!” An Elf in the back exclaimed.

“It's been at least two hundred years since the last time we had a visitor!”

“And about three hundred since we had a cutie!”

“Dmitri was a cutie!”

“Not as cute as this one!”

“Well no! But he was still a cutie!”

Absolutely reeling as he listened to them discuss the merits of some undoubtedly long dead man Hugo could only stammer and stumble through several attempts at a response before finally asking the most obvious question, “S-So it's been two hundred years since you last had sex with a man?”

“Uh huh!”


“At least!”

“Maybe a little more!”

“Some of us aren't really bothered by that though.” One of the Elves said as she sidled up next to another and smiled at their guest with a fairly unmistakable grin.

“Oh . . .” His cheeks darkened even further and he quickly looked away from the pair, somehow even more embarrassed by that than everything else.

“Yeah but for the rest of us it's been a real long time!”

“Too long!”

“Way too long!”

“And since it's Christmas we wanted to celebrate!”

“We were gonna celebrate like we always do. But then you came along and we saw how cute you are!”

“A-And now you want to 'celebrate' with me?”

His question was met with a sea of eagerly nodding cherubic faces. Several of the Elves resumed taking off their clothes and suddenly Hugo found himself staring up at the ceiling as his embarrassment reached new heights. “What's the matter mister? Don't you think we're cute too?”

“S-Sure but not in a—n-not like that! I-I mean—I'm still t-trying to wrap my head around all this and s-suddenly you're telling me—”

His voice died in his throat and his eyes widened until they were perfect circles as his natural curiosity and suddenly burgeoning libido coaxed him into looking down at the Elves surrounding him. Though some weren't fully undressed yet most were far enough along for him to see everything. And it was without a doubt the most conflicting sight he'd ever glimpsed. Because while they looked at a glance like children there was no denying how inaccurate that comparison was once their cutesy little outfits had been removed. Every single one of them without fail had the sort of shapely curves and buxom features of a fully grown and very well proportioned human woman. Some had wider hips, others had more bountiful breasts, a few were graced with both, a few were particularly chubby around the thighs and belly, a few were unexpectedly toned and muscular, a handful were particularly small and petite, a couple had noticeably different sized breasts, another few seemed a bit older than the rest in the most subtle of ways, and others still had the sort of physique normally seen on models. Many had cute little rosebud nipples but just as many had areola ranging from even smaller to so large they covered most of their breasts regardless of the size. Their curly thickets of pubic hair, near universally matching the locks on their heads, were similarly varied in both quantity and styling. About the only consistent element was how none of them seemed completely shaved, although Hugo was far too nervous to do much in the way of investigating that sort of thing. He couldn't even bring himself to look at their many and beautifully varied pussies despite very much wanting to. Only out of the corners of his eyes could he glimpse their visibly aroused slits and softly wonder to himself how they tasted. At least before his sense of propriety shoved those thoughts out of his mind in favor of fretting and worrying about the sudden and wholly abrupt turn of events that'd led to that moment.

“Oh my God . . .” He finally managed to say.

“So you do think we're cute!”

Excited cheers and enthusiastic giggles filled the room as the Elves all celebrated that little revelation as if it was some great moment. “O-Of course I do!” Hugo stammered, “B-But that doesn't mean I can do—”

“Why not?!”

“Yeah why not?!”

“Is it because we're not Human?”

“N-No! I-I mean—I-I don't think so! I-I've never really had that sort of option before now! But I-I don't think that's the reason!”

His face turned even redder as he looked at the naked Elves surrounding him, ever so slightly nervous about the looks of consternation and annoyance spreading across their adorable faces as they folded their arms or laid their hands on their hips while staring up at him, “Then what is it?!”

“If you don't wanna celebrate with us just say so!”

“Yeah!” Several of them agreed in unison.

Growing more and more lightheaded by the second Hugo tried to take a deep breath and calm himself but the moment he inhaled an unfamiliar yet wholly intoxicating scent filled his nose. It was heady yet sweet and altogether thrilling in a way he'd never experienced before. His head spun a little faster and his body shivered a little harder as he drank in the scent for a moment or two before realizing what it must've been. Licking his lips without realizing he was doing so and doing his best to swallow past the lump swelling in his throat he managed to take a single, shuddering breath before admitting aloud, “I-I do want to . . . to celebrate with you . . . But—”

he was interrupted by more cheering and excitement as the Elves celebrated yet again. The bounced up and down with unapologetic glee, their energy downright infectious. Of course the sight of so many beautiful, naked women jiggling and bouncing all around him was quite an arousing sight and no matter how hard he tried Hugo couldn't help but ogle them. “Then what're we waiting for?! Santa won't be back for hours! We have all night!”

“I-I can't go all night!” He stammered.

“Yes you can!” Several Elves replied as all all of them closed in around him like a swarm of hungry piranhas.

“I-I promise you I can't!” Hugo replied, entirely unsure why he was standing in his own way. “I-I'm lucky if I last half and hour!”

“Trust us!” The Elf standing directly in front of him said as she slid her fingers into the waistline of his pants, “You'll manage just fine!”

Not at all convinced by their words but more than happy to be proven wrong in spite of his trepidation and general lack of sexual competence Hugo simply nodded and helped them finish undressing him. He couldn't help but feel a pretty amazing ego boost when his pants and the several layers underneath them were pulled down to reveal his wholly average cock and balls. By just about any standard imaginable he was perfectly normal. Not nearly big enough to elicit stunned gasps from most women but not nearly small enough to be wholly ashamed of his endowment. He was perfectly ordinary in every way, except perhaps his tendency to keep himself entirely clean shaven for the sake of comfort. But that was evidently judging by human standards because if the amazed gasps and wide eyed stares he was met with were anything to go off Elves had entirely different metrics. Some were all but drooling as he stepped out of his clothes and stood before them completely naked. Except of course the handful already preoccupied with one another off to the side. But considering there were only six among close to fifty elves he couldn't exactly take solace in having a few less partners to satisfy. Especially as those closest to his manhood surged forward and he was suddenly overwhelmed by soft hands stroking his dick and cradling his balls while eager little breaths buffeted his lower half. Goosebumps erupted across his whole body and wild shivers ran down his spine as he was literally surrounded by a sea of comically aroused Elves all jostling and fighting one another for a chance to touch his prick. It was like something out of a wet dream, albeit with a bizarre holiday twist that kept him more than a little guilty as he stared down at the throng of naked women beneath him. Fortunately whatever power imbalance he might've felt being so much taller and bigger than them was put to bed long before it could become any sort of an issue. His companions were nothing if not eager to get started and they made that abundantly clear as they toppled him like a statue.

Falling against the cushion of discarded winter clothes his amorous companions had left in a pile behind him Hugo barely had time to groan before he was swarmed by smiling Elves. He stared in utter amazement as a pink haired, brown eyed minx slowly lowered herself onto his madly throbbing cock while two more held it upright for him. Their fingers were unimaginably soft as they teased the base of his shaft but as soon as he felt that tight little cunt enveloping his tip everything else paled in comparison. A long, shuddering groan erupted from his lips as he watched and felt her slide all the way down to the bottom of his shaft in a single toe curling movement. Her cute face was a mask of pleasure as she took him inch by inch and by the time she was sitting with her fat little vulva pressed against his stomach her whole body was convulsing and shuddering like she was having a seizure. He didn't fare much better as her inner walls clamped down around him so tightly it felt like she was about to rip his prick clean off. Thankfully no such horror show happened, although the overwhelming sensation certainly didn't vanish even after she pulled her feet underneath her to squat over his dick. His only respite arrived when she pressed her hands against his stomach and slowly lifted herself right back up his dick. Her departure left a long, beautifully sticky trail behind and it impossible not to be amazed by just how messy her pussy was in the handful of seconds he'd been balls deep inside her. The look on her face was even more enticing than the mess she'd left on his cock and despite how overcome he was Hugo found himself transfixed by her expression. It was lewd, adorable, erotic, and cute all at the same time. Exactly the sort of thing any guy wanted to see when a woman was riding him. As if their sudden, whiplash inducing turn from cutesy to horny hadn't been enough he couldn't definitely believe it'd been a few hundred years since she'd last had the pleasure of sex with a man. Human women simply didn't look like that no matter how long they went without!

But he didn't get a chance to see how beautifully she reacted to slamming her fat little ass back down onto his dick, much to his initial disappointment. Because as much as her fellows loved sharing in the experience of an impromptu gangbang they were every bit as impatient as she was to get off. But since their partner lacked forty something cocks to satisfy them all at once they had to get a little 'creative' with how they went about their pleasure. The first and most obvious way was straddling his face to take full advantage of his lips and tongue, something a raven haired, silver eyed minx of an Elf capitalized on as soon as the idea came to her. Hugo's vision was blocked by the admittedly wonderful sight of a plump, sodden cunt and the wildly grinning face of the woman it belonged to as she squatted above him. A moment later he was given his first taste of Elven pussy as she pressed herself down against his lips and grabbed the sides of his head. Almost as sweet as candy but with just a little bit of of an edge that made his nerves tingle her flavor was completely unlike his limited experience with Human girls, so much so he actually had a hard time remembering what those experiences had been like the moment he tasted her. But thankfully for both of them his mind could be as distracted as it liked so long as the same animalistic instincts that sent the women around him into a amorous frenzy guided him too. And with how amazing she tasted those urges were nigh unstoppable. Without even thinking about it he slid his tongue as deep as he could inside her, a reaction that earned him a deluge of arousal and another breathy squeal as she grinded atop him like a woman possessed.

Her inner walls clamped down around his tongue every bit as hard as the first Elf's pussy clamped down around his cock but unlike the first he actually had a response to the second. Entirely focused on making her feel as good as possible he went absolutely wild inside her, licking and teasing the depths of her sex with all the enthusiasm he could muster. In an effort to make up for his utter lack of knowledge about Elf anatomy or cunnilingus in general he shoved his tongue as deep as he could get it and moved as ferociously as possible. The wet, slurping sounds of her cunt being licked filled the room as surely as the moans of the two women enjoying his body. Jealousy flooded all those left watching while a little dose of amusement rippled through the women busy with one another off to the side. When his hands instinctively grabbed the ass of the Elf straddling his face two of her friends saw another opportunity. They let her bask in the pleasure of being groped and fondled for a moment before grabbing his wrists and pulling his fingers away from her cute little rump. Long before his thoughts could catch up to what was happening both girls had pinned his arms down and lowered their sopping wet slits onto his waiting digits. And as soon as he felt their slick inner walls wrapping around his middle fingers he understood everything he needed to. Extending them out as far as he could reach only to send them curling back inwards, his well groomed nails running ever so gently against their most sensitive areas, he was finally doing something he could claim a degree of familiarity with. Much to the delight and excitement of the pair enjoying that one bit of sexual knowledge. Crying out just as loudly as the Elf enthusiastically riding his member or the one grinding against his face they let their pleasure reverberate throughout the workshop while all the Elves around them watched and jealousy teased themselves in anticipation.

Fortunately for the many, many, many Elves all but foaming at the mouth for a chance to cum the first four making use of Hugo's attentions weren't at all able to control themselves. After so many years with only their toys to satisfy their urges having a flesh and blood man wasn't something they could pass up, no matter how quickly it made them climax. Surprisingly it was the Elf straddling his face and basking in the ferocity of his tongue that managed to succumb first. Something about being licked, teased, and sloppily eaten out had always sent her right over the edge faster than anything else and never was that more apparent than a few minutes after she'd started with him. In less time than it took her to build a fully functional GPU she was hunching over his face and grunting like a wild animal as waves of pleasure crashed down on her one after another. A torrent of hot, absolutely delicious pussy juice erupted into his mouth, thick rivulets trickling down his face and soaking the clothes beneath him as she all but waterboarded him with her deluge. Only just barely able to keep up he couldn't do much more than let her ride him like a fiend as several hundred years of inadvertent edging finally came to an explosive conclusion. More than once he worried he might actually drown in her fluids as seconds turned into minutes and she continued to squirt all over his now thoroughly soaked face. But as luck would have it her trembling, barely controlled limbs were too weak for her to hang on long enough to see him overwhelmed by her utterly intoxicating fluids.

Just shy of two minutes after she'd started convulsing the Elf slowly rolled off his face, collapsing against the ground in a shivering heap of sweat soaked limbs. Some of her companions helpfully carried her away and set her down on the softest thing they could find before eagerly returning. Despite how horny all of them were their places in line hadn't been taken and one of the trio that'd helped carry the first off was eagerly mounting Hugo's face within a few moments of returning. Her absence had given him just enough time to gulp down the delicious arousal her friend had soaked him with, as well as watch the girl riding his cock succumb to the same sort of ecstasy the first had known. Groaning and panting in exactly the same way as her fellow she slammed herself down onto his dick with far, far more strength than he would've expected of someone so small. Had she been moving at that pace the whole time there was no doubt in his mind she would've bruised his pelvis. Because even in the short while she rode him like a wild animal before coming to a stop and falling completely silent was enough to leave him amazingly sore. But obviously the brief sight of her with her head tilted back and her body convulsing uncontrollably as she came all over his dick was well worth that momentary flash of discomfort. Even if it was cut short by another cute little pussy blocking his vision. Though he could hardly complain about that as his tongue slid deep inside her and started moving with the same intensity that'd worked so well the first time. Hearing another Elf scream and feeling her grip his hair so tight she was liable to rip it out entirely was almost as thrilling as feeling them cum because of his efforts.

At least until a minute or so later when he managed to make two of his lover's climax simultaneously. Feeling their inner walls clamp down around him and hearing their pleasure as they squealed until there was no air left in their lungs was nothing short of exhilarating. He didn't even mind the slight pain that accompanied their frantic gyrations as the two held on tight to his wrists and refused to let go until they'd utterly drenched his arms all the way up to the elbow with their frantic grinding. Much like his slightly sore hips it was a price well worth paying as he basked in the uniquely wonderful experience he'd stumbled into. Though he'd be lying if he tried to pretend he wasn't a little relieved when the two Elves eventually lifted themselves off his soaked digits and a few moments of respite followed. Another was already gliding up and down his cock much faster and much harder than the first and that alone was enough to drain much of his endurance. There was no telling how much longer he'd actually be able to last if all of them were as eager as the first batch, particularly the ones enjoying his dick. Without the distraction of a cute Elven pussy to lick and two more to finger he probably would've cum already! Luckily for all of them the effort of pleasing for incredibly lustful women at once, Human or Elf, was exactly the sort of diversion he needed to counteract his lack of endurance.

Of course no amount of focusing on the other three could ever truly overshadow how incredible each and every Elf riding his cock felt. After nearly a year with only his hand for company suddenly finding himself as the personal toy of near fifty wildly aroused women at once was well beyond any self control he might've had. Even if they hadn't been violently and messily cumming all over him within a few minutes of one another just feeling so many subtly different yet equally amazing women back to back would've sent him teetering over the edge eventually. But feeling all of them cumming so messily all over him? Feeling their bodies convulse and hearing how much they enjoyed themselves as they did so? That was what truly pushed him past his limits. After the fifth or sixth Elf had finished squealing and grinding atop his dick the next woman to slide all the way down to the base and pick up where her companion had left off was in for a real treat. Or at least that's what Hugo thought as he pulled his tongue free of the pussy he was working to groan, “I'm gonna cum!”

Everything seemed to come to a screeching halt as soon as he admitted his weakness. All four of the Elves atop him stopped moving in unison and palpable sense of anticipation filled the workshop a moment later. Then, all at once, the quartet he was doing his best to pleasure suddenly vanished from his body entirely and for the first time in what felt like days he was left alone. Fearful he'd done something wrong he sat up just as a shrill voice screamed, “Hurry!”

In what really shouldn't have been a surprise but somehow managed to be all the same the group of naked, pleasure starved women he was working with had all converged on his madly throbbing cock to kiss and lick and stroke it at once. Their hands rubbed his entire length from tip to base while their lips and mouths sucked on his balls or lavished attention on any part not already being taken care of by the others. He managed to watch and bask in the utterly fascinating sight of four women genuinely and eagerly slobbering over his dick before the pleasure was too great and he threw his head back. Falling against his soiled clothes in a heap he thrusted his hips up without a second thought and held on to whatever he could get his fingers around. Even more Elves swarmed around him as every last one still able to stand did their best to get a few drops of his cum. While nowhere near as eager for Human seed as their Fairy cousins and certainly not as voracious as Goblins they still couldn't get enough of it no matter how often they had the chance to indulge. And after three centuries without they were nothing if not eager to fill their mouths and slurp down every last drop. As they soon found out Hugo had more than the average person to give after a week without pleasuring himself. The tip of his cock swelled and his balls tightened while every Elf within range sucked in a breath. For a split second they watched his manhood and waited for their first real Christmas treat. Then, a heartbeat later, cum exploded from his tip in a gooey font that sent chills down all of their spines.

Even those normally uninterested in males of any sort couldn't help getting a little rush as the scent of his jizz filled the air and set fire to their already burning senses. That first, toe curling load splashed down on the upturned faces of several lucky Elves and the moment they felt it upon their skin they screamed in delight and fell away from his cock to greedily slurp up every last drop they could. More quickly filled in the gaps and some were even rewarded with a messy drizzling of cum across their faces soon after. Load after hot, creamy load was sprayed into the air only to land on the blushing faces of his absurdly horny partners as they jostled and scrambled for as much as they could get. Some were lucky enough to feel an entire spurt oozing across their cheeks or into their wide open mouths and some were unlucky enough to only get a few errant drops that leapt from their companion's face. But no matter how little or how much they enjoyed each and every Elf was beside herself with excitement as pulled away, their trembling fingers hastily scooping all the spunk they'd been given into their mouths so it could be savored then swallowed up like the delicacy it was. And when he'd finished spraying his seed into the air those closest to his still throbbing shaft were all too happy to lick the beads of cum rolling down it's length, each of them pulling away so the rest could have a chance to taste his arousal too. Because while they were sure they could milk him dry for a few hours at least just in case they couldn't all of them wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to satisfy their craving at least a little bit before the fun was over. Something they only just barely managed to accomplish by the time Hugo was done emptying his pent up balls and his cock had fallen limp against his stomach. But only just barely.

For a brief, extremely surreal moment in time Hugo found himself stretched out across the floor of Santa's Workshop, naked as the day he was born and surrounded by near fifty equally naked Elves all eagerly smacking their lips and moaning as they knelt, squatted, and lay sprawled across the wood basking in the flavor of his cum. He stared at the incredible, unbelievable, sight for as long as continued, his mind wholly unable to fathom what was going on. Surely he was having some sort of insane wet dream. Or maybe even a fever dream. There was definitely a rational explanation for every last facet of what he was seeing and feeling. There had to be. But before he could find it one of the first Elves to sample his jizz crawled over to him and asked in the same cutesy voice, “Do you wanna play with our butts too?”

“E-Excuse me?”

Giggling at him and turning around to show off her amazingly cute little bubble butt she reached back with one hand to spread her firm cheeks and reveal the tightly puckered little hole hidden between them, “You can play with our butts too if you want! Some people don't like to but if you do we'd love for you to kiss them! Or stick your fingers or your thing inside!”

Now beyond sure he was dreaming and hoping he wasn't anywhere near waking up Hugo lifted his head to look at some of the other Elves with a questioning stare. They nodded at his unasked question, some even showing off their cutely winking holes the same as the first as if to entice him, “Uhm . . . I-I guess that'd be . . . yeah . . . yeah I'd like to do that please . . .”

“Yay!” Several of them squealed at once.

“Now who was next?” The Elf that'd asked the initial question wondered. “I think it was Holly and Juniper and Dawn right?”

“And Summer!”

Everyone nodded in agreement while the four Elves in question scrambled towards Hugo. But rather than mounting him and going wild they all convened into a little huddle, a whispered conversation taking place just out of earshot. He watched and tried to listen for a minute or two before finally asking, “What are you talking about?”

“Who gets to sit on your face!”

“And who gets to kiss your thing!”

“And who gets to sit on your fingers!”

“Oh . . .” In spite of everything that'd already happened and the fact that he was literally dripping with their arousal while they in turn had slurped down his cum like it was the greatest thing in the world he felt a little rush of embarrassment, “Okay . . .”

“We've decided!” They announced a moment later.

“Hooray . . .”

Breaking away from their little huddle the four adorably beautiful Elves approached him with an air of excitement and delight he couldn't help but share in. To his surprise they didn't simply mount his face and hands like he expected, instead three moved down to his shamefully limp member while the fourth took up her position over his mouth. Standing over him and slowly rubbing her pussy she slowly bent down and leaned forward with her back to him and one hand spreading apart her buttocks. Realizing she was about to take advantage of his openness Hugo somewhat nervously reached up to grab her pert little ass and spread her cheeks even further apart. She moaned and rubbed her clit even faster while he let out a soft laugh. Her madly clenched little hole was lowered onto his tongue and he pushed inside as gently as he could, unsure of how much experience any of them had with anal play. Though he quickly realized he didn't have to worry one bit as her ring effortlessly parted for his tongue and managed to shove it every bit as deep as he wanted. She started grinding against him within a few seconds and the thrill of doing something so lewd with so many others around settled in much faster than he expected, in no small part thanks to what the other three were doing in the mean time. Because how could he not feel all kinds of perverted with an Elf sucking each of his balls like it was her one job in life while a third slid his entire cock into her mouth and throated it with ease?

Aside from the holiday themed twist he was living out the sort of fantasy most teenage boys and particularly horny men could only ever dream about! A fantasy he was determined to enjoy for as long as possible, his mind still certain he was about to wake up at any moment. So with that fear in the back of his thoughts he buried his face between his partner's cheeks and worked her asshole with all the passion he could muster, his tongue straining against her inner walls and stretching out her ring in a sloppy cacophony of pure lust. His medley of perversion was further added to by the wet slurps and lip smacking moans of the trio slobbering over his cock and slowly bringing him back to full attention. It didn't seem to matter just how slowly his manhood stiffened nor how long they were 'forced' to remain there working his shaft, all three continued without the slightest complaint until he was back to full attention several minutes after they'd started. Little did Hugo realize the three Elves enjoying his shaft had picked their roles in a cunning effort to sample his precum and enjoy the heady taste of his seed for much, much longer than any of their companions. That's why they took turns burying his length inside their throats and sucking on the tip with all their might. How else could they share his cum and really get a taste for it before he gave them all another helping to bask in? Of course once he was back to full attention they didn't let their insatiable need for spunk get in the way of their time honored traditions nor their equally insatiable need to climax.

With their main jobs accomplished two of his companions moved away from his cock and balls to grab his wrists and bring his hands down against the ground for convenient straddling. The third took hold of his dick and mounted him, her sopping wet pussy rubbing teasingly against his shaft as she got into position. But before any of them could do much more than brace themselves a gust of cool air swept through the workshop and everyone froze. All eyes turned towards the double doors as a hush fell over the room. Hugo craned his neck to see what was happening, his tongue still half buried in Holly's asshole. Upon seeing what everyone was looking at all the color drained from his face and a sense of dread washed over him. Standing in the doorway with a surprised look on his face was none other than Santa Claus himself! If he was ever going to wake up from his dream now would've been the time to do it!

“Oh my goodness!” The white haired, red coated man rumbled.

None of the Elves said a word and after a few unimaginably long seconds a kindly old woman appeared at Santa's side. She let out a genuine laugh, covering her mouth as she did so, and said, “I told you we were several hours early!”

“I had no idea I'd made such good time this year!” He replied, joining her in a laugh. “Please don't stop on my account ladies!”

In an instance the atmosphere in the room returned to the hedonistic frenzy it'd been before as all the Elves smiled. Normally Santa's return meant a slightly less perverted form of celebration but thankfully for all of them he never wanted to get in the way of their fun. “We should follow their example,” Mrs. Clause said to her husband, “It's been a few centuries since you had this much free time!”

Grinning at her and nodding Santa Claus started to turn away only to stop at fix Hugo with a strangely knowing smile, “Merry Christmas Mr. Santiago.”

Pulling his tongue free of the Elf asshole he'd stuck in Hugo sheepishly said, “M-Merry Christmas Santa . . .”

Mr. and Mrs. Clause laughed as they disappeared into the foyer while all the Elves giggled and wished one another a Merry Christmas as well. None of them were the least bit bothered by their interruption and they didn't give their guest any time to be either. Within seconds he was smothered by tight, round ass once more and it was hard to be guilty or ashamed under such circumstances. There was no denying he was about to have a very Merry Christmas indeed!


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