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For those of you wondering about the first part of the title while writing this story I thought it might be fun to both give the gang of bimbos in it a title (both in universe and out) as well as maybe feature them in future stories. I don't write nearly enough stories about cock starved bimbos and having six to choose from would make that error in my life choices a lot easier to rectify. But of course all that stuff is for a future date, right now I hope y'all enjoy this fairly lengthy introduction into the smutty side of the holiday season lol

Brandi Armstrong wasn't like other girls. None of the sluts in her posse were but even among a gaggle of party girls she stood out from the rest and that's exactly how she liked it. Her platinum blonde hair shined in the dullest light while her bright, icy blue eyes were lined with thick mascara and all at once warm but terrifying. She never dressed in anything that couldn't be torn off at a moment's notice regardless of where she was going or what she was doing. Which meant her absolutely massive tits were always moments away from bursting out of whatever slinky top or dress she'd managed to squeeze her big, round ass into that day. Cleavage that could put the San Andreas fault to shame was constantly on display for everyone to enjoy or envy. But anyone admiring her tight, voluptuous body had plenty of things to ogle when she strutted past them. Like her long, smooth legs. Caught in that perfect middle zone between plump and just a little bit toned her thighs and calves absolutely popped no matter what she had on. But since she always wore high heels her muscles really stood out in the best way. Although as tasty as they might've been her wide, round, surgically enhanced butt was borderline impossible not to stare at. Always covered by a thin layer of skin tight clothing her fat, wobbling cheeks bounced like crazy with at the smallest movements and the mere act of walking sent them jiggling up and down so ferociously it was a wonder she didn't cause earthquakes.

Of course her dumptruck ass wasn't the only thing the good surgeons of Beverly Hills had improved about her. Born with relatively small, unimpressive tits she'd gotten them enhanced the day she turned eighteen, more than tripling their size to give herself a rack that could knock a man out if she turned to fast. And since she'd been on a roll with the alterations she'd made sure her already full lips were that extra bit pouty and full, just so the men and women she sucked off really had something to enjoy when she was on her knees. Their always dark crimson color ensured they stood out against her pale skin like few things could. Her already high and prominent cheekbones had been made a little more pronounced too, though compared to everything else that was barely even worth mentioning. She'd kept her stomach nice and flat and the rest of her body slender and shapely through diet and exercise though. Unlike some of her friends. And many of her more sultry features like her supple jawline, delicately plucked black eyebrows, and carefully trimmed pubic hair were entirely of her own making. Or given to her by her equally slutty, equally sexy mother. Brandi had even done her own nails, choosing hot pink acryllics to really exemplify the bimbo look she'd cultivated and grown so fond of. They formed an amazing contrast with the jet black stiletto heels she'd put on and the sin tight, strapless white dress both covering and accentuating her curves. A fashionable black choker was wrapped around her slender neck while a collection of gold bangles and jewelry hung from her ankles and wrists. A cute little silver purse hung from the crook of her elbow and although they were hidden by her thick, naturally wavy blonde hair spilling past her shoulders a pair of large and eye catching earrings finished off her very flashy look.

She'd let the sporty little black coat she'd brought in the car. As good as it looked hanging off her shoulders she wanted everyone to see her tight, fuckable body as she sauntered past them through the mall with her friends. Knowing they were staring and knowing that almost none of them would ever be able to do more than that turned her on so much it was downright absurd. Her tight little thong was drenched by the time she'd done a lap of the ground floor and there was no doubt in her mind anyone looking up while she rode the escalator could see right through the damp, sheer fabric to glimpse her fat little vulva. That was such an erotic thought she was almost disappointed the ride didn't last longer. There were so many dads out with their families and horny teenage boys looking for any sort of distraction. And she was more than happy to oblige, thinking about them all going home and masturbating or fucking their wives while picturing her was as much of an ego boost as anything else. But no matter how fun it was to be ogled and drooled over she didn't come to the mall for that. Or to do any Christmas shopping. Her girlfriends wouldn't be caught dead in any of the stores there and the guys in her life only wanted one thing from her. Whether or not she gave it to them was another matter entirely. No, Brandi was at the mall trolling for cock. All of her friends were. They'd be leaving L.A. in a few days to see family, lovers, or just to take a vacation and spending their last weekend together searching for men to dick them down was a time honored tradition all of them looked forward to every year.

“What about him?” One of her friends said as they walked by a group of men with their children.

“Ugh!” Brandi exclaimed, her voice high pitched and thick with the sort of valley girl accent one might expect when looking at her, “I don't want some middle aged greaseball who's gonna sweat all over me and cum in five minutes!”

“Not that one! The hot one standing next to him!”

“Oh . . . he's not too bad . . . but I don't really go for Dads . . .”

“Well I do!” Natasha cooed, strutting towards the man in question with a bright grin and absolutely no shame whatsoever. “See you bitches later!”

“Later girl!”

You get that dick!”

“Send pics!”

“Don't come back too soon!”

They watched their dusky, ebony skinned companion sidle up close to the stranger and immediately turn on the charm, an easy feat when she looked like a pornstar and fucked better. But after a few seconds the deal was all but sealed and they turned away in search of more hunks to fuck. Desiree and Melody found their boys a few minutes later while walking past the lingerie section of some clothing store. Immediately spotting the two clueless hotties standing around trying to find something to buy for whatever boring bitches they were dating the pair broke off without hesitation and hurried towards their new fuckbuddies. Brandi, Stacey, and Jessie were all too happy to watch them work their magic for a little while, even though they knew full well those two meatheads weren't about to turn down a pair of Latina beauties all but throwing themselves at them. Soon enough they were off again and despite the luck their other friends had enjoyed the remaining three bimbos were finding it a lot more challenging to pick out a good dick to ride. There were plenty of eligible guys around but so many were with their wives and girlfriends. Which wouldn't have been a problem normally but after the Thanksgiving brawl they'd started while trolling for cock last year they couldn't afford to get banned from the mall. It was the best place to find hot, fuckable guys who were so desperate for a good time they'd do anything and everything the girls wanted. That was a special combination and they certainly weren't about to deprive themselves of it! Even if that meant taking a little longer to find some guys by themselves. Or waiting until their women broke away and seducing them to a bathroom or somewhere else they could get in a quick little taste. Just enough to make the men too horny to refuse meeting up later.

Jessie managed to find just such a guy not long after they'd done a complete circuit of the second floor and were debating whether to do another or go back to the first. Runding a corner to find a group of highshool jocks all wearing Letterman jackets her green eyes lit up and her smile just about reached her ears. “Fuck I hope they're eighteen!” She moaned to her friends.

“Go find out bitch!” Stacey laughed.

“Oh I will. Don't wait up girls!”

“We won't!” Brandi laughed.

All seven of the boys stared at them with the sort of cocky confidence only in over their head teenagers could pull off. Their composure melted away in an instant as Jessie approached and she couldn't help but giggle and glance back at her companions before disappearing into the crowd of hopefully barely legal boys. “Do you think she'll put that one up on her OnlyFans too?” Stacey asked.

“I hope so! That last gangbang she did was so fucking hot!”

“It was even better in person!”

“I know! Don't rub it in!”

Both of them laughed and thought about their own OnlyFans accounts for a second or two. Neither put anywhere near as much work into it as Jessie did and watching her seduce seven guys at the same time made them question why exactly that was. Of course they didn't dwell on that or indeed anything except finding their own fucktoys for the day. Stacey ran headlong into hers as soon as they stepped off the escalators, quite literally bumping into a massive beef cake of a man easily a foot taller than her. He apologized in a deep Southern drawl and Brandi could almost hear her friend's panties filling with pussy juice. She didn't even bother speaking to her as she walked away, instead flashing a knowing grin and sauntering off towards the center of the mall. By herself she was the apple of everyone's eye as she walked like a queen across the tiles. Every footstep echoed loudly enough to be heard even over the general chaos of the holiday season while her jiggling ass and bouncing tits were impossible not to stare at. Men were obviously drooling over her while their partners stared with open contempt but she didn't pay those women any mind. It wasn't her fault they didn't fuck their men well enough to keep them faithful! She couldn't help if they were too prudish to get nasty with it!

Although even as she was scoffing at some of the obviously sexually repressed wives and mothers she passed by Brandi couldn't help noticing a few of them staring at her the same way as their men. Some looked even more thirsty than their husbands somehow. More than a little amused and lamenting her unwavering preference for cock, be it on a man or woman, she gave them a coquettish little wink as she passed by. The thought of them fantasizing about her later was still pretty hot, even if she didn't have much interest in indulging those fantasies. And it gave her a nice little distraction as she continued searching for an eligible dick to spend a little while riding, sucking, and playin with. A distraction she very much needed as she did another lap of the mall only to find no more eligible guys to seduce. All of her friends had already disappeared with their lovers, some likely heading into the closest bathroom while the rest dragged them home for hours of uninhibited fucking. Which meant she was pretty much all be herself. Normally that was a good thing but as she continued to come up empty handed she started to miss the company of her sassy, bitchy, judgmental bimbos. They were stupid amounts of fun to be around even when they weren't getting up to no good and when they were . . . it was like the six of them ruled the world.

Her phone vibrated loudly in her purse not long after she started thinking about her absent bitches and Brandi grabbed as fast as she could. To her delight it was a Snapchat picture of Jessie surrounded by half a dozen cocks of varying shapes and sizes. She looked as happy as a woman could be, cum already glazing her red hair and her lips wrapped around a big, throbbing dick. Across the bottom was the caption “#SlutSquad!!!!”.

Brandi laughed at typed '#SlutSquad' back before adding, “You lucky bitch! I hope you're recording that!”

After a few seconds she got an answer, “Hell yeah she is!”

“Good!” Brandi put her phone away before getting a response and she ignored it when it buzzed soon after. She was much too busy trying to decide whether or not she should keep looking for a new fuck or call up some of her regular lovers. Maybe she could have a little gangbang of her own. It wouldn't have been the first time nor would it be the last. But while she was deliberating she rounded the corner and stepped into the one part of the mall she'd been avoiding like the plague, “Oh fuck me!”

Entirely by accident she'd walked straight into the center of the mall, immediately surrounding herself with hordes of squealing children and exhausted parents all waiting in line to see Santa Claus. What was usually some random display for the season had been completely overhauled into a massive imitation of the North pole complete with a little cottage, fake snow, oversized candy canes, multiple Christmas trees, and a big throne for the man himself to sit on. Bored looking teenage girls dressed as elves stood at regular intervals around main event as he posed for pictures with various kids and listened to their insipid requests. Some were trying to organize the chaos into a line around the edges of the scene but it was clear they weren't making any progress at all. A couple of the luckier ones were standing in the back near a massive red curtain that could be pulled around the entire enclosure to hide it from view while Santa was getting ready. One was actually standing half hidden by the velvet and looking ready ti disappear entirely as her eyes rolled back with every dramatic sigh she heaved. For quite self evident reasons Brandi shared that teen's annoyange as she watched the absolute madhouse that was the center of the mall. Quietly rethinking her love of creampies as she watched a mother try to wrangle her screaming, red faced spawn she was about to turn away when the child on Santa's lap slid off and he stood up to welcome another kid forward. Her eyes darting to the bearded man in question and something about his appearance held them as he sat back down.

Curious about her own curiosity she moved a little closer and folded her arms beneath her massively inflated tits. Watching him for a few minutes, long enough for about six kids to come and go, Brandi started to realize what about him was keeping her there. As subtle as it was there was no denying the man underneath the costume wasn't some middle aged lardass or a weird old pedophile. He was fit. Even more than that he was a hunk! A bit of padding around his stomach and a massive beard to hide his tanned face couldn't disguise that fact whenever he stood up and she noticed his muscles straining against the rest of the suit. While not always quite so obvious when he moved in certain ways he looked less like a mall Santa and more like a stripper dressing up as the fat man before his routine. Which worked for his buxom admirer in ways a normal person might've examined. But after searching high and low for a hot piece of dick to enjoy she wasn't about to waste time with self reflection.  Nor did she have any plans to wait for him to go on break. There was no telling how long that'd take and she couldn't let dozens if not hundreds of hyperactive devil spawn wear him out before she had a chance to. Which unfortunately meant she'd have to wade into the sea of snotty children and get to him herself, a prospect that didn't seem worth the effort. At least not until he stood up again and she caught a glimpse of his biceps. Easily as big as her head and exactly the sort of thing she wanted to watch bulge while he fucked her raw Brandi let out an inaudible moan and set aside her vehement dislike for all things kid related. It would be worth it. It had to be worth it.

She spent the next ten minutes trying to wiggle her way through the chaos and towards the front of the line as subtly as she could. But of course 'subtle' was in her nature and trying to change that looking how she did was pretty much a lost cause. Especially whenever she lifted her arms into the air and scrunched up her face in disgust as children passed her by. Looking perpetually like she was wading through waist high sewage runoff she was drawing more attention to herself than when she'd been strutting through the mall looking for cock. Thankfully most of the parents seemed just as repelled as she was, their sexual hangups and biases making them pull away as soon as she approached. Though it was obvious the husbands were only doing so because they were around their wives. Most looked ready to grab a handful of her ass and tits even with their partners standing next to them. Despite her general revulsion Brandi couldn't help but flash those horny pervs a wink and a smile as she passed by on her way to Santa. Once or twice she even gave the disapproving wives a similar reaction, just to piss them off a little more and amuse herself. It was the only real distraction she had while slowly creeping her way through the crowd until she was standing close enough to the entrance that she could see and be seen by the man in question. Thoroughly ignoring the annoyed looks her presence earned from just about every woman around her, including the teenage elves 'helping' out she leaned over the velvet rope meant to keep people at bay and showed off as much of her massive cleavage as she could get away with in public.

All while slowly licking her lips and fixing Santa with the sort of smoldering gaze that could melt a block of ice in moments. Like any red blooded, heterosexual man he spotted her right away and like any red blooded, heterosexual man he couldn't take his eyes off her. Freezing midway through standing up he stared like she was the first woman he'd ever seen and she made sure he knew exactly what she wanted as her eye screamed 'fuck me'. The rest of her body was giving off the same vibe too but she didn't have to make a conscious choice for that. Just being alive was enough for everyone in sight to get that message. Although she was only concerned with one person as she slowly straightened and bit her bottom lip with turning to the side just enough to show off her absolutely insane curves in full. Santa's eyes widened and his whole body tenses as he saw just how massive her tits and ass looked. At least, that's what she assumed he was ogling as his eyes roamed her body for several seconds while she giggled and battered her eyelashes at him. The way he sat down and immediately crossed his legs sent another laugh spilling from her cock sucking lips and without any trace of hesitation or concern she lifted up the velvet rope and sauntered towards her soon to be lover while dozens of people shouted at her. Several of the teenagers in charge of keeping order approached to stop Brandi but she ignored them with such confidence and conviction the poor, basic bitches didn't know what to do. Or at the very least didn't have anywhere near enough conviction to stop her from doing whatever she wanted. But one of the elves standing next to Santa, who'd seen her entire display no less, was made of sterner stuff.

“Do have a child with you ma'am?”

Bristling at being called ma'am Brandi snidely replied, “No, thank God!”

“Well then you can't—”

“Step aside bitch. I'm here to see Santa!”

She tried to push her way past the girl but to her surprise and amusement the tiny little wafer of a teen didn't move, “You can't see him without a child!”

“And what are you gonna do about little girl?”

“I-I'll call security!”

“You do that then.” Successfully pushing the teenager aside and letting out a throaty laugh as she walked across the display Brandi had eyes only for Santa and his hopefully massive cock. Everyone else stared at her, watching intently as her fat, jiggling ass bounced with every step onto the tiered dais and every provocative sway of her hips, “Hi Santa . . .” She said upon reaching him, her voice low and sensual, “I haven't been a good girl this year . . . not at all . . .”

Before he could react in any way, except to gulp and literally pant, she sat down on his lap. Her fat ass smothered his thighs and pressed down against his deliciously huge bulge as she draped her legs over one side of the throne while draping her arms around his shoulders. Leaning back and all but pushing her tits into his face she licked her lips and moaned. While she'd never had the same fetish for being openly sexual in front of strangers and Desiree or Jessie she could definitely see the appeal as hundreds of people watched her none too subtly grind herself against his dick under the guise of settling into a more comfortable position on his lap. Her already soaking wet panties were in danger of drowning in the tidal wave leaking from her pussy. Fortunately she'd have a nice, thick cock to plug up the leak and make sure she wasn't too messy. At least until it caused an even bigger mess. But before she could have any of the fun she wanted she had to pretend, for her own enjoyment, like she wasn't about to fuck him raw. Or that she hadn't pushed past dozens of children and parents just to get some Santa dick. Acting like she wasn't a raging whore while being a raging whore had always been one of her favorite parts of chasing guys. And to her delight this new stud was apparently eager to play along as well. Because instead of letting his hands roam and grope her body like he most definitely wanted he held on tight to the edges of his chair. So tight in fact the wood was groaned in protest and all the blood rushed out of his knuckles. Brandi could already tell teasing those fingers off the chair and onto her body would be the first of many delicious Christmas treats.

“Well I'm afraid you won't get any presents if you've been a bad—if you've been naughty!” He said in a hilarious mix between a Santa voice and his normal, toe curlingly deep tone.

“That's okay Santa . . . I have all the toys I could ever want . . .”

“I-I see!”

“I think what I really need is a punishment . . .”

“N-Naughty children get coal for Christmas!”

“Oh yeah? Are you gonna fill my stocking up with coal Santa?”

Several of the elves listening to the exchange rolled their eyes and scoffed at the absurdly obvious back and forth but neither Santa nor Brandi paid them any mind. “Yes I-I think that's what I'll have to do Miss . . .”

“Brandi . . .” She told him, seductively whispering it as she leaned forward and pressed her tits against his wonderfully broad chest.

“I-I think that's what I'll have to do Miss Brandi . . .

“Yeah . . . you're gonna stuff my stocking nice and full?”


“You'll have to come down my chimney first . . . won't you Santa?”

“Y-Yes . . .”

“Mmmmm . . . are you sure you can fit . . . my chimney's awfully tight . . . and my stocking is even tighter . . .” Santa audibly gulped and Brandi let out a giggle that sounded uncannily like a moan, “You might have to try over and over to get inside . . .”

“Oh my God . . .”

“That's my line Santa . . .” She cooed, “You'll be hearing it a lot while your stuffing my stocking and coming down my chimney . . .”

Brandi felt his cock throbbing against her ass and she didn't bother hiding the excited shiver that ran down her spine as his dick smacked into her buttocks over and over again. Santa looked about ready to lose his mind but he still had enough self control to stop himself from doing so in front of everyone watching their torrid display, “S-Shut the curtains!”

“What?” A nearby elf exclaimed.

“Are you serious dude?!” Another demanded.

“There are like a hundred people waiting!” The third protested.

“Shut the goddamn curtains tight now!” He said without the slightest hint of the affect he'd put on for the kids.

“And fuck off!” Brandi added. “Unless you girls wanna watch and learn!”

One of them looked slightly intrigued by the idea but the rest were openly repulsed by it and the entire group scattered within seconds. Adults and children alike shouted and argued as the curtains were drawn around Santa's little workshop, their voices shrill and unapologetically angry. Although the nature of their anger wasnt anywhere near as uniform as some probably assumed. Within a few seconds Brandi and her lover were hidden from the rest of the mall and the sound of their anger, as well as all the shoppers running about, seemed oh so distant. “I'm gonna split you in half!” He told her.

“Fuck yes you are!” She moaned, sliding off his lap only to straddle him properly a moment later, both legs resting on either side of his waist and hanging off the backside of he chair. Her enormous ass was pressing down against his even bigger cock and she wasted no time grinding against his length as it split her cheeks. “Leave the suit on!”

“You got it!”

His large, muscular hands landed with a smack against her bouncing cheeks as he wasted no time grabbing as much of her ass as humanly possible. Nobody could every hope to grab her entire ass but he did as good a job as any many could and Brandi moaned in delight at his aggressiveness. Her own fingers trailed across his broad shoulders and muscular chest for a moment while her hips continued to grind her buttocks and pussy against his dick. As much as she wanted to fuck him she couldn't help but think about how much more fun it would be to get dicked down while at the same time making a little money on the side. “You okay with me recording us fucking?” She asked him, “Not the whole thing, just the juicy parts. It's for my OnlyFans . . .”

His dick noticeably throbbed against her pussy and he chuckled as his grin widened, “I know how that goes. You want me to take pictures and record when you can't!”


“Hell yeah!”

With the sluttiest smile a man could imagine Brandi slid off Santa's lap and sank to her knees. He stood up an instant later and she moaned upon seeing the absolutely massive bulge in his pants. Her purse hit the ground soon after as she grabbed her phone with one hand while deftly unfastening the massive belt buckle keeping his slacks up with the other. The moment it came undone the lower half of his suit dropped to his ankles. She couldn't help but let out another desperately excited moan upon seeing his entirely unremarkable boxers stretched tight against his body as a cock as long as her arm and as thick as her bicep extended out from the woefully inadequate fabric. His dick quite literally hung down to his knees and the head alone was so massive her body ached to get it inside her. But before she could do that Brandi had to partake of a special tradition she and the rest of her Slut Squad enjoyed whenever they fucked a new guy. Namely tugging down his boxers and taking a selfie with his inhumanly massive cock pressed against her cheek. Holding it like she was holding something precious and squishing the thickest part against her face she puckered her lips and gave the camera a knowing wink as she snapped an image. Of course that wasn't the only picture she took with his cock. It was merely the first and perhaps most tame. Several others were taken in quick succession with her kissing, licking, and nuzzling against Santa's fat package.

She took a few with his prick smothered between her tits and then a few more of the precum glazed aftermath of her cleavage. And for good measure she made sure to grab a few of her giving his balls the same worship as his dick, although she couldn't even begin to fit them in her mouth like she wanted. Instead she sucked on as much of them as her puffy, cock loving lips could get while moaning loudly and genuinely. Her companion groaned and shivered as well, his face a mask of pleasure as she stroked and teased him to make sure he stayed hard while she took enough pictures to really pad out the posts she'd make later. As well as a few silly ones like letting his gigantic sack and enormous prick smother most of her face and generally show off just how big he was compared to her. Eventually she'd taken all the pictures she wanted to and the musky scent of the manly loins she'd been nuzzling against combined with the deliciously familiar odor of precum had gotten to her more than she realized. With her head spinning and her mind already hazy Brandi handed off her phone to the man she was about to suck dry, the camera already set to start record. Hitting the button and holding it up Santa gave a quick nod and she moaned with unabashed glee as she hefted his pulsing cock. It was so long she had to lean back to bring it to her lips and it was so weighty she needed both hands to hold it properly. Which only turned her one even more. She couldn't get her lips around his head fast enough!

“Ohhhh fuck!” He groaned.

Since her mouth was too busy for words Brandi simply moaned in response, then gave an extra messy slurp as her tongue darted out to lick at the rest of his shaft. His dick visibly swelled inside her and a thick stream of precum oozed onto her tongue. Eager to show it off and to tease him for a moment before showing off just how much of a whore she was the cock gobbling slut kneeling in front of Santa abruptly pulled back. Her lips vanished from his dick only to smack open again and show off the bitter yet absolutely delicious prize she'd won for herself. Swirling it around in her mouth for a moment or two before gulping it down as dramatically as possible she smacked her lips again and gasped. With a smile straight at the camera, and the man behind it, she asked the same question she always did when filming a blowjob scene “Wanna see a magic trick?”


A sultry giggle was the only response he got before witness what might as well have been an honest to God miracle. Opening her mouth nice and wide Brandi looked straight into the camera and completely inhaled every last inch of Santa's foot long cock in a single, gurgling movement. Her eyes rolled back in her head and spit erupted from her lips as she throated herself on his titanic shaft but she neither slowed nor pulled back as she lunged forward. The man she was blowing all but squealed in pleasure as he suddenly felt his whole prick glide into the depths of her insanely tight, madly quivering gullet in a lewd display of sheer talent. Although neither of them nor the camera recording it all could appreciate the detail her once slender neck had bulged outwards to an almost grotesque degree from the sheer size of the cock within her and thanks to his preposterous length even part of her chest, just above the collarbone, was distended. Somehow her choker just barely managed to hang on in spite of what she was stuffing down her throat, though the rubbery material was ready to snap at a moment's notice. And yet even after performing the most incredible feat her dumbstruck partner had ever seen she still wasn't done. Holding herself against the base of his shaft and letting both him and her fans watch her take him Brandi reached up to cradle and massage his balls with both hands long enough to make his knees buckle.

Another loud groan filled the air as he shuddered and struggled to remain standing. So naturally she moaned right back in a sloppy, precum and spittle filled show of pure perversion. Her moan continued far, far longer than his though. It continued for what seemed like minutes on end as she glided right back off his dick again far slower than she'd slammed herself onto him. The wet, squelching and gooey suckling was as rampant as her own arousal and she made sure the camera heard every last sound. By the time she reached the head of his dick massive strands of spittle were drooling from the edges of her mouth and oozing off his glistening shaft like little trophies marking her impressive accomplishment. But rather than basking in her achievement and resting on her laurels Brandi continued groping and stimulating his balls while lurching forward once again to bury his prick inside her throat. Santa panted and shivered more than ever as his dick plunged deep inside the single most sexually talented woman he'd ever known. He could barely hold the camera straight as she approached the base of his shaft and when she immediately reversed course in what would become a nice, gurgling rhythm it took all of his willpower to keep recording. To her delight he managed and although it didn't make his job any easier she rewarded him as best she could. Mostly by bobbing up and down his shaft faster and faster with every pass until her head was a blur and the lurid mix of spit and precum had completely soaked her massive tits. Tits she was all too happy to expose not long after she'd really started facefucking herself with his gigantic dick.

They burst into view beneath his cock and she smiled, as much as she able, the moment she felt him throb a little harder. Letting go of his balls she cupped her big, fake breasts and played with them instead. Pinching her quite large and rosy pink nipples while groping herself like a teenage boy experiencing his first run at second base she moaned around his cock and moved as fast as she could around him. Her gorgeously enhanced lips slid back and forth along his member in a constantly erotic display as her cheeks caved in and her whole face seemed to lewdly stretch around him. Because if there was one thing Brandi committed herself to it was sexually gratification. Both her own and that of her lover. Something her newest companion was finding out in the best way possible as minutes of uninterrupted and absolutely prodigious cocksucking passed by. Had he not been able to see the length of time on her phone he might've believed it was going on for hours or even days. The whole world around them just stopped existing entirely If one of his elves had suddenly opened the curtain to reveal them to the entire mall he wouldn't have noticed a thing. Neither would she. Among her many, many perverted talents was a single minded focus whenever she was getting down and dirty. Whether it was sucking cock, riding it, or anything else one could do with a man she dedicated herself mind, body, and soul to the task. A fact Santa couldn't stop noticing as she worked his dick like something out of a teenage fantasy. The sheer amount of saliva and precum dripping down her chin and soaking her tits was insane. And that was easily the least absurd part of the whole affair!

“Jesus fucking Christ!” He moaned. “You're a fucking maniac!”

Gurgling around his shaft and pulling back for just a moment Brandi smiled at him and said, “Just you wait big boy!”

“Yeah? What else are you gonna do slut?”

“Sit your fine ass down and I'll show you!”

He did as he was told without a second thought and she wiggled forward, immediately smothering his dick between her tits while sucking on the head. “Holy shit! Your tits are amazing!”

“Thanks baby! I got em done especially for this!” Brandi panted. Sliding her wet, gooey breasts up and down his length as much as she could she squeezed her massive, pillowy rack together until it'd totally enveloped his dick. As big as Santa's prick was her breasts were bigger. Although they couldn't even begin to fully encompass his length. But that's where her mouth came in. Of course when she wasn't sucking him off she was talking dirty,”You like my fat fucking tits? You like feeling them around your huge dick?'

“Fuuuuuuuuck yeah I do! I love your big, fake tits!”

“And I love you big, fat dick! I fucking love all big fat dicks!” She slid along his shaft for several very wet and messy seconds, “But you know what I love even more?”


“A mouthful of thick, gooey cum!”

Her companion groaned at her words and laughed as her mouth closed around his tip again, “Keep working my dick like that and you'll have a mouthful of cum in no time!”


Very much eager to hold him to his word Brandi picked up right where she'd left off and sucked his dick like it was her one mission in life. Only now with the added pleasure of stroking his shaft with her gorgeously oversized tits at the same time. To his credit Santa managed to last about five more minutes even with that added stimulation. Five more minutes of the sloppiest, most enthusiastic oral sex he'd ever had the good fortune to witness. But no matter how much he wished it could go on forever nothing in the world could stop her from milking a man dry once she'd set her mind to it and his admittedly impressive endurance was no exception. Before he could hit the ten minute mark Santa was groaning and tensing like never before as his cock swelled and his balls tightened. She continued slurping and sputtering all over his shaft unabated, even as her pussy unleashed another stream of arousal into her ruined thong and down her trembling thighs. And a few seconds after the first warning sights she was given the perfect treat for any cock loving bimbo: fresh, hot cum. It exploded into her mouth in a messy font so thick and so delicious she had to fight every urge in her body and not immediately gulp it all down. Instead she let it flood her cheeks and fill her to the brim in a fantastically perverse display, each pulse of his dick sending her face puffing out just a little bit wider until she was straining under the pressure of keeping so much inside.

Soon she couldn't possibly hope to contain the amazing amount of semen pooling behind her lips and thick streams of it burst from the corners of her mouth. Gurgling and moaning like never before she let a little bit of the pressure ease off while greedily keeping as much cum inside her mouth as humanly possible. Both for herself and for the video he'd been recording the entire time. Because once he was finally done emptying his balls into her mouth she happily pulled herself off his dick to show off the jizz flooding her tongue and filling her cheeks. Much like she'd done with his precum she played with it and showed it off like a prize before very loudly and very eagerly swallowing every last drop. But since he'd given her so much she couldn't get it all down in a single gulp. Or rather, she could but it was far easier to take a few and let everyone watching and jerking off at home enjoy the spectacle of it. In addition to the guy who'd drained his balls into her in the first place. He enjoyed it a lot, his wild eyed grin proving as much even while his dick started to wild between his legs. Quietly hoping he wasn't done after a single orgasm Brandi occupied herself with cleaning her lips and showing off just how much her mascara had turn and her lipstick had smeared during her oral fun. Neither she nor her partner had really noticed the change but the camera had caught every second of her transformation from put together bimbo into drooling, cock slobbering whore fit only for dick. Which was exactly what she wanted and stried for every time she recorded herself fucking.

“Stop the recording!” She gurgled. “And start another as soon as I stand up!”

“You got it!”

“Hey guys!” Brandi moaned as she stood up and drooled what little cum was left onto her tits before smearing it across her chest and playing with her breasts, “I know it's been a while since you got to see me getting fucked silly . . . well that wait is over baby!” Rolling down her dress even further and lifting up the hem until it wasn't much more than crumpled belt she rubbed her soaking wet pussy through her thong and added, “I'm about to take that massive cock I was just sucking in every hole. I hoe you like it . . . I sure will!”

In a short but seductive display she slid out of her panties and tossed them aside, teasing and playing with her cunt once more while showing off both her messy pussy and gigantic ass in equal measure while Santa commented, “Fuuuuuuuuck . . .”

“That's right hot stuff . . .” Smacking her deliciously large and perfectly enhanced ass several times in quick succession she let it jiggled for a good while before sauntering away from her man and towards a nearby candy cane. Pushing it over and straddling it with her creamy pussy shoved against the smooth plastic she grinded back and forth for several seconds. When her man stood up and approached she looked back at him and giggled. Still grinding against her makeshift sex toy she reached back with one hand to pull one ass cheek aside and reveal her oval shaped asshole to him in all it's tight, soft brown glory. “Let's start here stud . . . I wanna be turned inside out by that fat dick!”

“You got it slut!”

With one hand wrapped around the middle of his suddenly erect dick and the other holding the camera on her soon to be ruined asshole Santa approached Brandi as fast as his legs could carry him. In the blink of an eye his tip was pressing against her quivering hole and she was moaning like the unrepentant slut she was. Still grinding against the candy cane as best she could she reached back with both hands to spread her ass open wide for him. He responded by shoving his dick inside her in a single and beautifully ferocious thrust. Correctly guessing her anal talents were every bit as developed as her oral talents he shoved his whole dick into her ass without the slightest bit of hesitation. His astuteness was rewarded with the unimaginable pleasure of her somehow fantastically tight hole wrapping around his dick so snugly it literally took his breath away. And she was rewarded for training her ass since she was old enough to have a sex drive with the ecstasy of having it stretched open and all but split but a cock that could make a horse sore. His hips smashed into hers with an echoing smack and the amazing ripple that moved through her ass cheeks was downright hypnotic. He couldn't stop himself from watching it and thankfully the entirety of that beautiful sight was captured on film too. As was the even more lewd spectacle of his sopping wet dick emerging from her asshole a few moments later. Her tight little ring clamped down around him and refused to let go even as he retreated, her entire anus stretching outwards around him in a perfectly lurid display her fans had seen many times but could never stop enjoying.

At least what she hoped as pleasure coursed through her body and she soaked the prop in pussy juice as her vulva quivered uncontrollably. Because even if her fans got tired of it Brandi was never gonna stop enjoying getting her asshole wrecked. Never in a million years could she stop loving that sensation. It was nothing short of heaven on earth as he pulled all the way back out until his tip was straining against her exit turned entrance. And somehow that heaven got even better when he slammed back inside with a ferocious thrust that send chills throughout her body. A delighted and high pitched squeal erupted from her mouth. One that would continue in one form or another for several minutes as he repeatedly pulled out and buried his dick within her over and over again at a pace both fantastic and frustrating. His dick never moved quite as fast as she wanted it and yet it moved more than fast enough to leave her squirming and grinding against the candy cane she was straddling. A quick look back at him, followed by a wink at the camera and a few lewd faces, confirmed his temperance was entirely intention. But she knew it wouldn't last long and given how tight her hole was and how eagerly his dick throbbed inside it she had every confidence she could outlast him. That confidence proved entirely accurate of course and before too long he was moving at a far more delicious pace as he split her asshole open properly. Her ass bounced and clapped like it should've as he fucked her right and she made sure to voice her appreciation as often as possible.

While also rubbing her clit against her second lover and holding on to that red and white phallus for dear life. At least until he grabbed her wrists with his free hand and held them behind her back without any trouble at all. As soon as he took charge like that Brandi happily surrendered to the man fucking her. Unlike some of her friends she had no problem at all being a complete and total fuckhole for whoever she was with. Being completely used and degraded was the biggest turn on the world for her and few things were more degrading than having her asshole wrecked by a gigantic cock while simultaneously being filmed for dozens more people to see. It was enough to send a small but deliciously potent orgasm washing over her not long after he started thrusting in earnest. A nice little shower of fluids erupted from her cunt to spray all over the both of them while waves of pleasure crashed down upon her one after another. Even if it only lasted a few seconds the ecstasy on her face and the ecstasy consuming her body didn't go unnoticed by the man fucking her nor the camera capturing every second of it. Which was really all she could ever ask for after the orgasm itself. Not counting the rest of the dicking she'd earn herself over the course of the hour they spent 'hidden' away in that little workshop. As both of them quickly learned, the other was just getting started.

Santa absolutely devastated Brandi's asshole over and over again for what easily could've been half the time they spent fucking in their own private heaven. She honestly had no way of knowing for sure and he wasn't about to give her a time frame. It was impressive enough that he managed to keep her phone steady and in his hand throughout the wild bout of unrelenting sodomy that took place. And after three separate, equally gushing orgasms she wasn't much for thinking about anything except the dick pounding away at her hole without any mercy. Not even his eventual climax could fully rouse her from the daze that settled over her senses. Although it did give a nice little spike of adrenaline as he basted her inner walls in spunk and sent so many wonderfully thick loads erupting into the deepest parts of her ass over and over again. If his cum was at all diminished by the earlier orgasm she honestly couldn't tell as it was flooding her rectum. The amount still felt wonderfully torrential and absolutely toe curling in every possible way. Even if it didn't actually happen she wouldn't have been the least bit surprised if her belly distended from the sheer amount of semen he was dumping into her. Sadly such a thing just wasn't possible, but that didn't stop her from enjoying the fantasy as he slowly pulled out and his spunk oozed from her nicely gaped hole. Keenly aware of the camera fixed on her ass and eager to show off what a whore she was Brandi pushed a thick font of Santa's cum from her winking orifice as quickly as she could manage. It squirted from her hole in a sudden spurt, accompanied by the lewd sputtering of air rushing from her slackened anus. Not to mention her breathy moan and his appreciative chuckle as he got in nice and close to catch every second of the show. And since she loved being filmed like that she let him record her ruined fuckhole for much, much longer than a normal woman might have. Long enough for his dick to get hard again and for her to notice another lovely prop they could have even more fun with!

After bidding him to start and stop the camera again Brandi staggered her way over to another phallic object, this time one lined with large bulbs painted to look like Christmas lights. Upon finding they were entirely solid she pushed it over and lowered her asshole onto the one closest to the base. She spread her legs wide to reveal her as of yet unfucked cunt and beckoned him with a seductively curling finger. He all but sprinted forward and slammed his dick inside her pussy, immediately thrusting just as hard as he'd been when fucking her ass. She moaned in utter delight as her sore but still hungry asshole clamped down around the object shoved inside it while her sex was finally enjoying the same deep dicking her other holes had experienced. And much like she'd done before she effortlessly and gladly settled into another euphoric haze of being reamed for minutes on end without stopping. Only now with the added fun of groping her tits, rubbing her clit, and generally showing off for the camera pointed down at her slutty body. As time wore on it was harder and harder for her to do any of those things with any degree of coordination but in the very begging she was as smooth and sultry as could be. It wasn't until her first proper orgasm arrived to send her right over the edge that she really lost control. Around the time a fountain of pussy juice was erupting from her cunt to splash across Santa's chest and even send flecks of arousal onto the camera any semblance of fine motor control vanished. As it always did when she managed to squirt. Her limbs became entirely useless for a while as she slumped against the knobbly and thoroughly uncomfortable pole she was sitting atop while ecstasy set fire to every nerve inside her body. For the better part of a minute she unleashed torrent after messy torrent all over both of them while moaning and shuddering with each new spurt. All while Santa continued fucking her pussy with the same frenetic speed as before, his energy entirely unchanged, to her endless delight.

He managed to give her one more explosive climax before reaching his limit as well but the time between her first and second true orgasms was absolute perfection. Her asshole wantonly quivered around the bulb shoved inside it while her pussy creamed all over and distended around the prick causing her bliss. She managed to play with her tits and tease her clit a little bit more, bursts of energy arriving as she was jolted back into clarity by the occasional stimulation to her womb. His cock had all but completely ignored her cervix after his initial penetration and although it rarely put up much of an effort in stopping well endowed men from enjoying her body it didn't go unnoticed either. Especially not during longer fuckfests that saw her getting absolutely devastated in the best possible way. And obviously all that extra pleasure she felt as she was split open translated into additional pleasure for the man doing the splitting. How could it not when her inner walls clamped down around him and all but demanded he empty his balls inside her over and over and over again until there wasn't a drop left? No amount of self control or mental fortitude could stand in the way of her body's rampant desire for cum and when she sank deep into another orgasm Santa had no choice but to give it to her. The feel of her cunt spasming around him and the warmth of her fluids drenching his body and clouding the air with a delicious aroma was far too much for any mortal man to handle. The best he could do was groan and keep the camera steady while he fucked her with all his strength and delivered another flood of creamy spunk deep into her womb. Of course feeling his jizz spraying into her pussy only enhanced the pleasure already cascading through her system and ensured her ecstasy remained in full force even longer than it might've. Which in turn saw her already tight pussy sucking every last drop of semen he had to give out and making sure he basted her womb so thoroughly there wasn't a single centimeter left untouched by his jizz.

The last few minutes of their fucking was spent basking in the pleasure of their mutual orgasm until any sense and rationality had departed entirely. Between the highs of the climax itself and the beautiful ebb and flow of everything that came after it was the perfect conclusion to such a spontaneous and altogether unhinged bout of sex. Brandi was about as satisfied as she could be when his cock finally emerged from her cunt. She wasn't even that disappointed that he couldn't go again, although she would not have complained if he had. Instead of making any sort of comment she took the phone from Santa's trembling fingers and gave one last sweeping shot of the absolute mess that was her body before at long last ending the recording. But while he stumbled backwards to slump against the steps and lie sprawled with his cock out and his head tilted back she set about taking a metric shit ton of pictures of herself in various states. Her sloppy cunt, her still filled asshole, her tits, her ruined makeup, anything and everything was the subject of her spree. Especially as she lifted herself off the prop she'd been riding that whole time and took advantage of a whole new position for images. As was always the case after a good fuck she documented every last thing she could possible get a picture of and didn't stop until there were so many to choose from she was completely spoiled for choice. Then for good measure she took several more.

Once she'd taken her last batch of pictures and clips Brandi clumsily stashed her phone away and did her best to stand u[. The aftershocks of so many orgasms in quick succession as well as the pleasure of feeling a total stranger's cum oozing down her thighs in such thick, creamy strands was almost too much for her legs to handle. The moment she pushed herself away from the candy cane she was leaning on her knees started to buckle and tremors wracked her naked body. She couldn't help but moan as a sudden spurt of cum oozed from her half gaped asshole, her inner walls contracting like the rest of her muscles and sending it squirting out in a messy streak. Since her pussy was far too ruined after the dicking santa had given her to close properly her inner walls didn't affect the spunk dribbling out of her creamy slit one bit. Although the wet squelch of them trying and failing to return to normal soon after being fucked so well did provide a nice, lewd soundscape for her panting and grunting attempts to stand up and leave. Her near unconscious lover was all to happy to watch the display and grin at the mess he'd made of an already slutty woman. Her smeared lipstick and runny mascara alone was hot enough to make him wish he'd recorded her too but the icing on the cake was her bright pink ridiculously massive ass jiggling as she moved around. Seeing it bounced and shift to occasionally reveal the once puckered hole he'd fucked so well was a real treat. Almost as much as seeing her cum glazed vulva still dripping with semen and stretched wide enough for his massive dick to slide right back in like he'd never stopped. Had he been able to stand he definitely would've shoved his prick back inside her, regardless of how limp it'd gone. Her pussy was too enticing to pass up. And Brandi would've welcomed him doing so even as slowly fixed her dress and smoothed out her hair to the best of her ability. One last fuck before she went on her way was never a bad thing. Although she wasn't exactly disappointed that it didn't happen either.

Tugging down the hem of her dress to hide her gooey cunt and thoroughly spanked ass was difficult enough with a hunk thrusting away at one or both of the holes she was trying to cover. And pulling her outfit back up over her tits was always a struggle no matter what she was doing, though she'd gotten use to that small downside to having gigantic and perfect rounded breasts. Eventually she managed to wrangle her dress into something approaching a normal look despite only being able to use one hand while the other was clutching the candy cane for dear life. Her thoroughly tousled and sweat soaked blonde tresses were pretty much a lost cause though. It was downright impossible to hide that she'd just been fucked like a cheap piece of ass and if she was being honest with herself Brandi didn't want to. Most girls felt embarrassed after getting dicked down so good they forgot their own names but not her. She wasn't about to do the walk of shame like so many others. She loved all of them knowing she'd been turned inside out by a cock as big as her arm. She loved that everyone could take one look at her and know exactly what she'd been doing recently, even tho people not waiting to see Santa. Which was exactly why she made no effort to fix her hair beyond pushing it out of her face. She didn't bother with her makeup either. Or the cum still bubbling out of her cunt and very obviously dripping down her thighs. All of it would stay exactly as it was until she got home. As long as her tits, pussy, and ass were covered enough to not get her charged with public nudity again she was good to go. Metaphorically of course. Brandi still needed another minute to gather her strength and walk properly again. Or as properly as she could walk after cumming like a broken water main and getting her asshole split in two.

“What about your panties?” Santa asked, holding them up as she started walking away with a distinct sense of purpose.

“Keep em baby.” Brandi replied. Smiling back at him and biting her lip she stared at his cock one last time before turning away, “See you around stud . . .”

“Yeah . . . I hope so!”

She laughed at his comment but didn't stay long enough for him to say anything else. Instead she hobbled around the ring of curtains until she found a spot she could slip through that wouldn't also expose her still half naked lover to the crowd of children waiting outside. She was a mean and often petty bitch but she wasn't gonna fuck over a good lay like that. Not without a good reason. Plus she wanted everyone to be looking at her when she emerged like the diva she was, dramatically throwing the curtains open and stepping into the spotlight as if it were her grand appearance. A hush fell over the crowd as she wobbled and stumbled towards the rope. Whispers quickly replaced angry shouting as everyone lucky enough to be within sight of her talked among themselves about what the hell they were seeing. Mothers covered their children's eyes while fathers stared with open mouthed looks of pure, unadulterated jealousy. Brandi ignored them all and pushed her way through the crowd. Or perhaps ignore was the wrong word. She basked in their attention like it was the most delicious food in the world but she didn't let any of it slow her down. She knew full well there was a limit to how long she could hang around with cum dripping out of her pussy and down her thighs before someone called the rent a cops and she was escorted out. Or maybe escorted to a back room where they'd each take turns fucking her holes. Based on what she'd seen on her friend's Snapchat and OnlyFans both Melody and Natasha had enjoyed that special treatment on more than one occasion.

But even as she thought about Brandi's sore pussy twinged and her body shuddered at the thought. She could always come back and coax them into splitting her open later. After the week she'd had her cunt and asshole needed a break. The sort of break that involved lounging in a steaming hot bubble bath listening to music until the water was too cold to bear. An eager grin spread across her face as soon as she thought about all the soaps and lotions waiting for her at home and her ungainly pace quickened soon after. The loud clop of her heels against the tiles drowned out the steady drip of cum leaking from her pussy but nothing could hide the rivulets of semen running down her legs and soaking into her undoubtedly ruined heels. Or the jizz stains already darkening her dress as the spunk leaking from her asshole oozed into the hem of the fabric hugging her curves. Once or twice the eroticism of leaking cum all over herself and leaving a messy little trail of it in her wake forced Brandi to stop and sit down for a moment. When she did she made sure to keep her legs close enough together to hide her still messy cunt while at the same time giving anyone who looked just enough of a glimpse to know without a doubt she wasn't wearing panties. But she could never stay in one place for long and after a few especially laborious minutes she reached the parking lot. A short while late she was in her sporty little convertible getting ready to go home. Before she left though she posted all the clips and pictures she'd taken to her Snapchat with '#SlutSquad' at the end of every commentary. She also tweeted out a few of the more tame images as a little teaser for her OnlyFans, also with the same hashtag. Once that was done she posted all of it to her actual OnlyFans account, once more with that trademark hashtag she and all her friends used.

She put her phone away soon after and smiled as it started vibrating nonstop with retweets, comments, messages, and all sorts of other reactions to the medley of smut she'd just shared with the world, “I'll check that shit later!” she said to herself as her car roared to life. “Mama needs a bath!”


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