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And here we have our special Halloween story! I'd originally planned to write two of the ideas submitted and release one earlier and one on Halloween day but thanks to some physical issues that wasn't feasible anymore. Hopefully this single, and relatively unique, story will suffice. Happy Halloween y'all!

As her carriage bounced along the increasingly bumpy road Princess Peach managed to retain nearly all of her regal demeanor even as she shifted across her seat. Toadette, Toadsworth, and Toad were not as lucky and their inability to remain upright  while the royal procession traveled from the familiar cobbled streets of the Mushroom Kingdom to more . . . unsettling regions. Bowser had been defeated once again but rather than celebrating with her people as was the custom the Princess had chosen to undertake a journey none of her subjects were happy about. Especially not those who'd come along in spite of her assuring them she could make the trip alone. Because while there were many, many places in the world they'd prefer to avoid the haunted woods surrounding King Boo's mansion ranked high on the list. Second only to King Koopa's castle and the lava filled lands surrounding it. Were it not for the presence of their steadfast leader sitting without fear in her carriage and often looking out her window with a kind smile many of the Toads making up the procession would've lost their nerve after the familiar, pastoral green landscapes they loved began to change. As the road beneath their feet grew ever more pockmarked and unkempt. As the once clear and sunny day they'd enjoyed shifted to a dark and overcast field of endless melancholy above their heads. As all the lush trees and fluffy looking bushes were replaced with twisted, darkened shapes that seemed to reach out at them as they passed.

Indeed had it not been for Peach's constant, unspoken reassurance nearly every member of the delegation would've turned tail and fled in spite of their desires to see her safe. Because even with that unwavering support man still contemplated it as the procession traveled alongside the endless forest they'd soon be entering. They chattered nervously amongst themselves and jumped in terror at every slightest sound, including their own footsteps, while doing their best not to look directly at the seemingly infinite sea of leafless, dead trees beside them. But even that wasn't any great guarantee of relief as flickers of ghostly movement among the gnarled, spiky branches refused to give them even a moment's reprieve. And when they invariably glanced in the direction of whatever had caught their eye they found only the dark and foreboding sight of trunks twisted and hunched like figures in pain. An encroaching darkness that seemed to fall over the land regardless of the time of day only enhanced their unspoken malevolence and many of the Toads present found themselves staring at their feet as often as closing their eyes. Were it not for the howl of a cold breeze rustling through the leafless branches they might've found a little bit of peace in that. But whether by his presence alone or as a result of his sinister intentions King Boo had transformed the land into something every bit as terrifying as himself. And when it finally came time to turn off the road they'd been traveling and down the winding path that weaved into the heart of the forest all but Princess Peach hesitated.

Telling her carriage driver to halt she emerged from her relative shelter to set foot upon the parched, cracked earth as daintily as she might step upon a lavish rug, “Thank you for accompanying me this far my friends.” She said to her terrified subjects as they immediately gathered around her, “Your support has been invaluable . . . but now I must make the rest of the journey alone.”


“But Princess!”

“You can't go alone!”

“It's too dangerous!”

“What about King Boo?!”

All manner of terrified protests were squawked in the seconds after her announcement and with a warm smile spread across her face Peach allowed everyone to say what they desired.  After all of them had been heard she raised a gloved hand and their shouting gradually simmered down, “I assure you, I will have no trouble finding my way. This isn't the first time I've made the journey but I hope it will be the last. And even if I were to secure an alliance with King Boo I couldn't bear to think about the suffering you all endured on my behalf. So please, return to the Mushroom Kingdom.”

All the Toads huddled around her, each of them looking at one another as silence, broken only by the howl of the wind and the creak of dried wood, stretched on. It was clear each and every one of them wanted to do as she commanded. Save perhaps Toadette and Toadsworth. And yet the longer they stood there glancing at their fellows then back at the Princess the more resolute their expressions grew. None could shake the terror gripping their hearts but none could abandon Peach either. “We're right beside you Princess!” One of them said.

“Yeah!” All of them cheered.

“We're not going anywhere!” Another exclaimed.

“Yeah!” All of them cheered again.

Gladdened by their faith in her and only slightly disappointed that she wouldn't be undertaking the rest of her journey alone Princess Peach beamed at her companions and said, “I truly don't deserve your kindness. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” Her subjects smiled up at her, many of them only showing hints of the terror they still felt, and after a few seconds she let out a soft laugh, “If any of you find yourselves too frightened you're welcome to sit within my carriage.”

More than a few Toads looked at the spacious and reassuringly closed off coach she was gesturing too, their bravery quickly slipping away. At least three immediately took her up on her offer with another two following suit after looking down the path they were about to travel. A second trio followed soon behind and within a few seconds only Princess Peach, Toadsworth, Toadette, and Toad were left standing outside. The four of them looked at each other with amused grins and set off on foot while the carriage laden with terrified Toads followed behind them. It was packed so full of her fearful subjects the entire thing creaked and groaned from the weight, only further adding to the unsettling ambiance of the surrounding woodlands. The sounds of their frightened whimpering and frantic gibbering quickly joined the cacophony as the road running alongside the forest soon vanished into the darkness behind them and only the light from a pale full moon directly above illuminated the path ahead. Nobody questioned how night had fallen so quickly nor how they'd seemingly lost most of the day. Talking about or openly acknowledging what was going on would only make things worse. At least that's what the Toads told themselves and one another as they moved deeper and deeper into the woods. With what felt like every step the darkness around them grew more dense and a creeping fog slowly enveloped the ground like a blanket of moss.

The wind rushing through the trees grew stronger and yet the mist swirling about them never dissipated. If anything it seemed to thicken the further along they traveled down the barely visible road meandering endlessly through the trees. At times ghostly figures could be glimpsed in the distance, their movements sending the fog around them shifting even faster. But as soon as anyone looked directly at them the apparitions vanished, often with a high pitched cackle that sent a terrified chill through all who heard it. Save of course Princess Peach. But just as often the ghosts disappeared without so much as a sound, only the shifting mist proving they were ever truly there as it curled around the gnarled roots and along the crooked trunks like brushing fingers. And even when there were no figures to see the feeling of eyes watching them from the darkness remained. It never wavered to vanished and the deeper into the woodlands they traveled thre palpably the royal procession felt it. Before long it felt as if the entire forest was staring at them. Like the very trees were turning to watch their passing and staring ominously at their backs. One by one all the Toads within the carriage fell silent as they cowered amongst themselves and avoided looking out the windows at all costs. The Princess they were supposed to be accompanying and her three most trusted advisors looked on at the path ahead, their eyes never leaving the near impossibly to see road. Each of them knew what would happen if they strayed and each of them made sure neither they nor the coach behind them ever had the chance.

For what felt paradoxically like hours upon hours and no time at all they traveled through the murky, haunted forest. Although they knew they were moving as they put one foot in front of the other and watched the trees pass by it somehow felt as if they weren't really traveling anywhere at all. Like they'd been stuck in place since the road that'd taken them there had vanished into the darkness. Many of the Toads felt a sense of hopelessness whenever they dared to think about the world around them or indeed anything but the bright, sunny home they'd left behind. Even Toadette, Toadsworth, and Toad were beginning to succumb to despair as they looked at their shadowy surroundings and wondered how far their group had actually traveled. More than once they glanced backwards at the mist covered path behind them, hopeful that they'd see the entrance to the forest sitting only a short distance behind the carriage. Of course they found nothing but more darkness and the occasional flash of movement. And the longer they traveled the more frequently they would cast a glance over their shoulders. At first they did so one at a time, each of them taking the chance while the others were busy focusing on the road beneath their feet. But as the darkness pressed down upon them with an ever greater force, stifling the sounds they made and sapping their will to go on the trio started casting their eyes back with greater and greater frequency. More than once they looked at each other before doing so, as if to make sure their companions were seeing the same unbroken shadows as them. Of course knowing they were did very little to help their growing fears. After a while they were looking back as often as they were looking ahead and only Princess Peach was left guiding them along their journey. Their trust in her never wavered but their terror continued to grow in spite of it and there was no telling what might happen if the latter outgrew the former. They certainly couldn't flee into the carriage, nor could any of them abandon their friend and leader.

Thankfully before any of them were forced to make a decision or indeed think about what they were doing with any sort of critical lens the forest around them suddenly opened. The darkness smothering the delegation lessened and the moon shone a little bright. Princess Peach and her retinue stepped into a once beautiful courtyard, the worn and moss covered flagstones beneath their feet matching the dried up fountain and rusted ironwork of the fences enclosing the space. Before them in the shadows loomed an enormous mansion, big as any castle but so run down it looked ready to collapse at any moment. Yet within many of the cracked, shattered, or completely boarded up windows they could see flickered a ghostly blue light. Before any of the Toads could remark upon the ethereal glow casting even more shadows within the darkened estate every single light went out at once. A chorus of startled gasps and terrified whimpers filled the air as they recoiled from the window they were crowded around. Their fear leapt to even greater heights when two more flames appeared in sconces beside the main doors a second or two later. When those chipped, faded doors suddenly creaked open another round of frightened squeals drowned it out. The inside of the mansion was completely bathed in darkness, not so much as a single silhouette could be seen within. In spite of that terrifying sight Princess Peach stepped forward while the rest of her delegation instinctively recoiled.

Most, if not all of them wanted to stop her from going inside and handing herself to Bowser's long time ally. But they knew she wouldn't listen to their objections so instead they simply watched their monarch approach the abyss with bated breath and terrified stares. How she remained so calm and so composed as she lifted her dress to ascend the moldy old steps was beyond them. They had no idea the secret weapon she wielded. The knowledge that she'd acquired from Lady Bow and the way she planned to use it to secure an alliance and forge a new bond between the Mushroom Kingdom and the ghostly realms. Given the sensitive nature of the information and her plans for it she couldn't outright tell them what she planned, although she had confided in Toadette a few days before. But that much was a necessity given their romantic relationship and the bond they'd formed over the years. Fortunately her long time friend and long time lover had no objections to the Princess' plans and the two had even shared a few passionate nights envisioning everything that was to come. The memory brought a smile to her face as she reached the porch and came to a stop to look back at her subjects one more time. All of them stared back at her with varying looks of fear and she gave them a warm smile, lingering for a moment upon Toadette, before turning away and disappearing into the darkness.

The moment she stepped across the threshold the doors behind her slammed shut and a hissing voice spoke out from the darkness, “Whyyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaarrrrrrrrreeeeee yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu heeeeeeerrrrrrrrreee?”

“to negotiate King Boo.” Peach replied without a shred of fear. “To seek an alliance between out kingdoms.”

“An alliance?” Her unseen counterpart asked, his voice immediately returning to normal as a sense of palpable surprise flushed his tone. “Why?”

“Because for too long we've been enemies. I want to change that.”

“You mean you don't want me helping Bowser anymore.”

“That's part of my goals yes.”

“Heh . . . well lucky for you I was gettin bored of that guy anyways . . .but why should we ally with you? What'd you guys have that we need?”

“In truth? Nothing. My kingdom has nothing you need because you need nothing King Boo.”

a long, rumbling cackle filled the mansion and seemed to shake the very foundations of the building around her. “Then why'd you come here?”

“Because I have something you want. Or rather, I can give you something you want. Something I know you and your people love.”

“Oh yeah? And what's that?”

Stepping further into the darkness with a confidence that was sure to impress her counterpart Peach smiled and looked at the inky void surrounding her. In a soft, sultry voice she said, “Me . . .”

In the courtyard beyond the mansion all of the Toads had retreated into carriage in spite of how cramped and uncomfortable such a thing was. The reassuring warmth and comfort of something so familiar and not terrifying couldn't be overstated. After seeing their beloved ruler step into the scariest place they could think of and watching the doors slam shut behind her there was little else they could really do. Even Toadette felt a touch of uncertainty when the mansion seemed to rumbled and a laugh echoed out from it. But like the rest of her companions she was confident the Princess could handle herself. Unlike the rest of her companions she knew there was no chance of her being kidnapped by the nefarious ghost king. At least not in the way the rest of the Toads thought. He might 'kidnap' her the same way Bowser did but considering how much she enjoyed those little excursions, how much both of them enjoyed those excursions, it was hard to be concerned. In fact she spent most of her time hiding her excitement, particularly when she heard an unmistakably feminine cry from within and noticed a split second later the unique blend of excitement and eagerness hidden within the cry. Nobody else within the delegation noticed of course and their terror was palpable.

Inside King Boo's mansion Peach was downright giddy. After several seconds of silence she felt a surge of excitement fill the area around her. The single, barely tangible presence she'd sensed when talking to lord of ghosts had multiplied until there were more than she could fathom. Hundreds upon hundreds of eyes were fixed upon her, although she saw only darkness. Soon after a force greater than any she'd ever felt lifted her off the ground as if she weighed nothing at all. It simultaneously cushioned and manipulated her body, slowly stretching her arms and legs outwards until she was hovering some distance off the ground spread eagle and wholly at the mercy of whatever magic had been cast upon her. Barely a heartbeat after she'd stopped moving, or at least after she assumed she'd stopped, every scrap of clothing was ripped from her body in an explosion of tattered cloth. The shredded remnants of her elegant pink gown rained into the abyss below her, fading into nothingness alongside her frilly undergarments. Only her silken gloves, regal crown, and elegant heels were left adorning her otherwise completely naked form. But instead of being fearful or horrified by her sudden exposure Peach felt nothing but eagerness coursing through her. Had her legs not already been spread open to reveal her glistening sex she surely would've parted them willingly for her audience. The plump, fuzzy outer lips of her pussy were already slick with arousal and parting like the petals of a blooming flower to reveal the even more slick folds hidden between.

A hundred different Boos gasped at the same time and the gust of their breath ruffled the thicket of curly blonde hair above her sex while sending goosebumps spreading across the rest of her body. She let out a delighted little whimper and allowed her head to fall back against the force holding her upright, confident it would keep he steady as she lay there basking in the attention and adoration of those around her. The soft, rosy pink buds at the crest of her modestly perky breasts stiffened almost immediately while the a much smaller and far more sensitive bud at the crest of her pussy did much the same. Every other part of her softly buxom yet overall slender form trembled with unrepentant delight, her round bubble butt clenching as tightly as her fingers and as often as her toes while her back slowly arched as yet more moans spilled from her mouth. All around her the invisible ghosts stared with rapt intensity, each and every one of them even more excited than her but unable to act until their King allowed it. And whether it was a show of strength or simply dumbfounded amazement he didn't act further for much, much longer than Peach expected. Long enough for her to wonder if what Lady Bow had told her was truly a universal quality of her people. Before she could do more than wonder the monarch himself materialized before her, coincidentally positioned remarkably close to her sex and directly between her outstretched legs. His eyes darted from her naked and quivering pussy to her blushing face as he spoke.

“You're offering yourself to us?” He asked, clearly doing his best to remain imposing even as a note of excitement infected his words, “For how long?”

“For as long as it takes to show you the value of an alliance.” Peach replied with a coquettish smile.

A long, weighty pause followed her statement as every Boo gathered seemed to hold their breath while the King contemplated what'd been said. After a few moments he looked at her with a fanged grin and gave a little nod, “We accept your offer Princess!”

His words had barely pierced the silence before dozens of Boos materialized all around Peach, their toothy grins and hanging tongues mirrored on the face of their leader. Her heart raced even faster as she looked at them all and shivered. A little droplet of arousal beaded on the lips of her sex and fell away in a rapid descent towards whatever passed for the ground. Within a second of it breaking away from her pussy another Boo appeared directly beneath to catch the errant fluid on it's tongue. It's eyes quickly shut tight while it's whole body seemed to vibrate. A reddish hue spread across much of it's face and it immediately pulled it's tongue back inside it's mouth. Even more Boos appeared around him, their jealousy evident and their cast upwards in the hopes of receiving another morsel from her glistening folds. They were given exactly what they hoped for a second or two later as a wild shudder coursed through Peach's body and the violent movement shook loose another few drops. Pushing and jostling one another the ghosts clamored for a taste of her sex but only a lucky few were able to enjoy it. Their faces turned the same reddish color as their companion at all of them looked more pleased than she'd ever seen a Boo look in her life. Which of course only sent even more shudders running down her spine as she saw with her own eyes the truth of what Lady Bow had said.

Although it'd be evident by their reactions and exuberance actually witnessing how feverishly addicted Boos were to the taste of a woman's arousal proved endlessly pleasurable. And endlessly humorous. An ear to ear grin quickly spread across her face as she looked from the ghosts assembled beneath her to the King still floating just close enough to have a perfect view of her quivering folds. He licked his lips with every intention of feasting upon her bare, waiting cunt, his eyes following the droplets raining down from her sex. But he didn't actually lunge forward like she expected until a few moments later. After the once shadowy void around them had been so completely filled with Boos there wasn't a scrap of darkness left. Once there was a plentiful audience to witness his feasting and share in the bounty of her sex King Boo surged forward. His massive tongue, easily as long as her arm and as wide as her waist, completely smothered her cunt as he licked it from top to bottom with an amazingly dexterous movement. Peach wasted no time crying out in pleasure as the pressure, size, and skill of his appendage sent a wave of pleasure crashing down upon her. The anticipation she'd been forced to endure only made the ensuing bliss that more incredible. Particularly when his tongue flicked her clit as it passed by and she was sent into momentary convulsions.

More of her fluids rained down on the lucky Boos underneath her as their King's tongue vanished, leaving no trace of saliva on her sex. Though it felt unaccountably strange at first Peach didn't have much to time think about that little quirk of being licked by a ghost. Not as she wast at least half a dozen of them eagerly catch any morsels they could. And certainly not when the entity responsible for their sudden happiness ran his tongue across her pussy once again. His tongue followed much the same pattern as the first time but it pushed even harder against her sex. Slid even deeper between her trembling folds. Perhaps even more thrilling than that his appendage slipped between her jiggling buttocks to momentarily brush against the well fucked little oval that was her asshole. No stranger to analingus and very much a fan of the sensation, particularly when it occurred just before Bowser shoved his thorny cock inside her ass, Peach squealed in delight and convulsed once more. By the time King Boo's tongue had flicked across her clit and departed for several heartbeats a little shower of pussy juice was falling into the mouths of his eagerly waiting subjects. Countless sweet tasting drops of her arousal fell onto their waiting tongues and this time it was met with a chorus of eager giggles and jealous grumblings. All of which made Peach's flushed, ever so slightly faltering grin widen. Despite it being something she'd always longed for she'd never had the pleasure of being watched by so many others while engaging in her characteristically debaucherous behavior.

Up until the start of these very special negotiations the most she'd ever enjoyed was Toadette watching as Bowser utterly ravished her for hours on end after they'd both been 'kidnapped' by him. And as fun as that'd been having literally hundreds of ghosts, every single one of whom wanted to taste her, staring intently at her writhing, shivering body was simply heavenly. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so aroused and luckily for the ever growing throng of Boos underneath her that arousal was a gift she could happily share with everyone. Particularly when the King lapped at her achingly aroused pussy yet again, his tongue pressing harder than ever against her tightly puckered hole while at the same time running along her sex every bit as skillfully as before. And when he surprised her by not pulling away but instead running his tongue across her folds once more, faster than she could process and while her body was still shuddering from the stimulation to her clit, Peach was at a loss. Her back arched as high as it could go while her eyes threatened to disappear as they rolled backwards and everything that could curled into a tight ball. As her pussy was lavished by long, smooth strokes of a tongue both remarkably similar to the ones she'd known yet eerily different in so many subtle ways her hips started gyrating and grinding against the appendage as best she could. The magical force restraining her seemed to relax and she took full advantage of it, her body moving in a sensual yet provocative rhythm to match King Boo's while her arousal dripped in a steady stream from her goosebump laden skin.

And thanks to the strangeness of her surroundings as well as her own rapidly deteriorating mental acuity time quickly lost whatever meaning it'd held up to that point. As she writhed and moaned with ever more passion the only measurement of time was the quickening pace of King Boo's tongue as he eagerly lapped at her pussy and licked her asshole. Faster and faster he moved, seemingly keeping pace with her wild gyrations and at times even overtaking them as his own eagerness took over. Although he'd done an impressive job acting as though he wasn't every bit as enamored with and addicted to the taste of her arousal that facade was slipping fast as Peach's sopping wet pussy afforded endless chances for him and all his subjects to slake their innate desires. Those below her quivering body were forced to make do with whatever fell away from her trembling cunt, and wasn't licked up by the King, but those watching everywhere else were left with no choice but to simply watch and wait for their chance. Some of the crowd underneath was kind enough to move away after a few precious droplets of her arousal graced their tongues and the gap was always filled by another Boo. The rest were every bit as greedy as their leader, the hunger they all felt for the delicious taste of her pussy everlasting and often overwhelming. While it was certainly possible for them to get their fill eventually according to Lady Bow even the lowliest of Boos could lick a woman for hours on end and stop only after she;d collapsed from exhaustion. It was a prospect Peach thought about frequently as the King licked her pussy over and over again while hundreds of others waited for a chance to do the same. It was a prospect that aroused her more than the audience itself.

The idea of laying there being pleasured for hours or even days, her consciousness fading in and out as her body was enjoyed by a horde of amorous ghosts had been a fascination of hers from the moment she learned about that little quirk of all Boos. She was beyond delighted to find it more than lived up to her expectations! Particularly when a pair of the more jealousy impatient ghosts watching took it upon themselves to join in a most unexpected way. Around the time she was feeling the first breath catching, toe curling echoes of an orgasm two more sources of pleasure quickly joined the cacophony. With her head thrown back and her eyes half closed she was taken entirely by surprise when a couple of smaller but no less eager and no less skillful tongues glided across her heaving breasts, hungrily lapping at her nipples and brushing across her areola in an unexpectedly powerful surge of pleasure. As fast as her trembling muscles would allow she lifted her head to stare dazedly at the pair on either side of her perky tits, her lips curling up into a breathy smile as she stared at them for a moment. They responded by licking her sensitive buds once more and sending another jolt of ecstasy through her body. Little beads of milk formed across her stiff nipples and were immediately lapped up by the eager Boos while Peach quietly thanked her past self for insisting Bowser cum inside her pussy. She had no idea her wild passions would pay off so spectacularly but she was overjoyed by yet another perk of her unintentional yet wonderful pregnancy.

“I didn't realize you'd bring your subjects into the negotiations!” Peach gasped as she shivered and moaned in utter delight, “I would've brought my own subjects if I'd known!”

“Perhaps . . . next . . . time . . .” King Boo replied, each lengthy pause marked by a lick, “I . . . think . . . Princess . . . Daisy . . . and  . . Rosalina . . . should . . . be . . . here . . . too . . .”

“Yes!” She cried out. Although she'd never had the pleasure of spending romantic time with Rosalina it was certainly something she desired. “Yes w-we should!”

Thoughts of that meeting taking place, of her old friend and new lover similarly held aloft while Boos licked at their bodies and brought them endless waves of pleasure, filled what was left of Peach's half broken mind. An elated laugh tumbled from her lips and even more fluid cascaded from her pussy as she found one more fantasy to add to the never ending list always lurking just below the surface. Her hips grinded harder than ever against King Boo's tongue and in response he pushed back with the greatest amount of force yet. His massive tongue pushed between her gooey folds and against her tight asshole as he slowly dragged his appendage across her cunt. Moving at an almost maddeningly slow pace he made sure every last centimeter of her vulva received the attention it deserved before ending with a perfect crescendo at her aching clitoris. Peach squealed in utter delight, the ecstasy crashing down upon her further accentuated by the excited licking of her sensitive nipples. Evidently just as ravenous for breast milk as they were pussy juice the Boos attending to her breasts moved with a wild, borderline chaotic passion as they lapped up ever drop she had to give. But as their King worked her pussy over and over again with a force that lifted her hips up and a strength that send convulsions through her outstretched legs the two found it harder and harder to match the flow of sweet, sweet milk leaking from her body. Soon rivulets of the delicious substance were running along her shivering flesh to drip down into the void below.

At least that's where they would've fallen had the countless ghosts all around them not noticed and eagerly caught her errant fluids much the same as the horde beneath her lower half. Within seconds a throng of Boos had gathered to find over the trickle of milk seeping from her overflowing breasts, their numbers even greater than those below her pussy. Since their King couldn't selfishly hoard all the sumptuous treats her body had to give many of the more impatient of the onlookers fought for a chance to taste her milk. The sounds of their exertions and impatience barely reached Peach's ears but what little she did hear over her own pleasure soon made her laugh. Both in genuine amusement and in unbridled pleasure. Even though she knew it wasn't unique to her the fact that so many of them were literally fighting for a chance to taste her breast milk was an enormously pleasurable notion. So much so she quickly faded back into the haze of pleasure that'd been clouding her mind before the pair enjoying her tits had arrived. She would remain in that dazed state for quite some time as the rising wave inside her grew more and more overpowering, in almost direct proportion to the frantic pace of the Boos enjoying her. She might've even stayed in that heavenly repose right up until her orgasm crested bu thanks to the King's greediness and her own inability to process anything beyond her own bliss she was given one last surprise before succumbing to pleasure.

Apparently no longer satisfied with mere licking at her pussy and occasionally tasting the depths of her wantonly quivering sex King Boo suddenly and wordlessly pulled back. The absence of his tongue was felt for all of a second before Peach was given something far, far more enjoyable to compensate for his momentary departure. With a thrust every bit as powerful as that of the other King she often satisfied her carnal desires with he buried the entirety of his massive appendage inside her pussy without an ounce of warning. Every inch of Peach's body tensed as a desperate scream burst from her lips and echoed throughout the mansion and even the forest beyond until there was no air left in her body. She felt her inner walls stretched open around the tongue writhing inside her, stretching more than she'd ever known. Stretching so much it was almost excruciating at first. Had the intruder been as hard and unyielding as a cock she might not have been able to adjust to the sensation of it pressing deep into her sex and smothering her cervix. But because King Boo's tongue was far more malleable, and far more capable of reacting to her quivering slit, the pain she should've felt never arrived. Indeed the short bout of discomfort that accompanied his sudden entry faded into nothingness soon after as he started moving in the most fantastically mind shattering way possible. Taking full advantage of the difference between his tongue and a more traditional member he pushed against every sensitive spot inside her of her at the same time, paying special attention to the wildly sensitive entrance to her womb.

And since that wasn't enough for him he also pushed the remainder of his appendage, everything that could be stuffed inside her thoroughly filled pussy, against her quivering outer folds as well. Not only did that allow him to catch all the fluids gushing out of her as she writhed in ecstasy and screamed whenever she inhaled so much as a scrap of a breath but it also send even more pleasure cascading through her as he pushed against her clit. Which in turn meant even more tasty juices to lap up with only a small trickle falling down to the ghosts below them. Luckily even that trickle was a vast increase to the scattered droplets raining down before and the Boos graced with it were overjoyed. Almost as much as those reveling in the sweetness of her milk. Because the moment their King buried his tongue inside her the already plentiful streams leaking from her breasts seemed to increase twofold as her body went into overdrive and her already out of control hormones surged. The two lapping at her tits didn't have the slight hope of enjoying all the milk streaming from her nipples and those beneath reaped the rewards, some all but drowning in the droplets raining down upon them and so many more appearing to enjoy it. An utter and complete frenzy soon overtook them all and though she could've enjoyed it forever the pleasure such a fervor brought the Princess couldn't be enjoyed without consequence for very long.

Of course when that consequence was one of the best orgasms of her life it was difficult to imagine doing anything to prevent it from coming about. And once it started it was difficult to imagine anything at all as ecstasy crashed down on her in a tidal wave that washed away any semblance of reality, self, or sanity. With a piercing scream that seemed to rend her throat and shatter what few windows were left intact within the mansion Peach convulsed in a violent, unhinged display of pure satisfaction. Every muscle spasmed at once while a fountain of clear, absolutely delicious fluids erupted from the depths of her pussy. That first, messy jet was so forceful and so plentiful not even King Boo's tongue could fully stymie the deluge. What seemed like a waterfall of sumptuous pussy juice rained down on the ghosts beneath her in a shower great enough to satisfy nearly all of them. For a moment at least. They only had to tilt themselves back and open their mouths wide as Peach squirted all over them, little drops falling like a mist while thicker drops fell from her madly quivering flesh. The first eruption seemed to last for both an eternity and yet for no time at all as those reveling in it thirstily drank down everything they could while the woman giving it to them was overcome with ecstasy. Fortunately for all of them another, ever so slightly diminished stream burst from her cunt a split second later, aided by the vulgar thrusting of her hips and arriving hot on the heels of another crashing wave.

Much the same as before it sprinkled down upon the greedy Boos while their even greedier King tasted the bulk of it and continued to wriggle his tongue within her madly contracting slit. Peach let out another scream upon unleashing the third messy blast of pussy juice and although it was a pale imitation of the cry she'd first unleashed at the start of her climax it was nonetheless a piercing, almost pained exclamation of her joy. One that continued on for as long as there was breath in her lungs. Just as her hips continued to buck and grind against the reason for her bliss and an ever lessening but no less delectable streams of arousal sprayed from her sopping cunt every few seconds. There seemed to be no end to the pleasure she was feeling nor the cascade of juices seeping from her pussy. Even when the powerful eruptions that'd once been showered upon her admirers was reduced to a mere dribble by comparison the amount leaking from her remained astonishing to all those involved. King Boo himself was impressed by the depth of her arousal and the quantity of her gifts to his people. So great was his delight he chose not to free his tongue from the depths of her pussy and make a churlish remark like he'd planned. Instead he pushed it a little harder against her cervix and all but attacked the sensitive spots that'd given such a bountiful reward the first time. To the Princess' abject delight.

Outside of the mansion Peach's delegation could hear every scream and moan as if they were standing in the room beside her. But in their abject fear none could imagine the sounds they were hearing to be anything but wails of misery and anguish. The thought that their monarch was experiencing fits of ecstasy unlike anything she'd ever known simply couldn't occur to them. Some weren't even sure the terrifying noises belonged to the Princess, save of course Toadette, in the first place, although such ignorance was born from hope rather than naivete. And the longer the sounds persisted the more horrified her subjects became, their fear paralyzing them within the carriage even while that same inability spurred one of them to say, “W-We should help her!”

“What can we d-do?!”

“I-I don't know!”

“We have t-to do something!”

“M-Maybe it's not her?”

“Yeah! Maybe i-it's something else! S-Someone else!”

“B-But what if it is her?!”

“Yeah what if s-she's in trouble?!”

“We gotta d-do something!”

Their squabbling grew louder and more heated with every passing second as the sounds of screams and moaning continued to fill the air around them. It likely would've gone on forever until Princess Peach herself arrived to put an end to it but unfortunately for the gathered Toads they weren't lucky enough to be greeted by the sight of their monarch. Instead when the carriage door suddenly and loudly flung open they were left staring at the empty air and billowing mist. Every single one of them froze as they stared out the coach and waited for something to happen. When a single Boo materialized before them from out of the shadows every single member of the processions screamed in unison as they scrambled to move away from the ghost. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

The entire carriage rocked backwards as the Toads surged away from the apparition before them and the Boo responsible for their horror simply watched with a bored look on it's face. For the better part of five minutes the horrified citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom scrambled over one another in an absolute madhouse. But the more frantically they tried to escape the faster they exhausted what little energy they had left and soon enough all of them were left gasping and panting in a heap while the reason for their terror, or at least the most immediate reason, finally spoke with a cackle, “King Boo and Princess Peach are busy with their negotiations. They will not be done for some time. You may all leave the way you came. King Boo will ensure the Princess is returned safely once the negotiations are finished.”

For a split second the Toads looked at the Boo in confusion and the Boo stared right back at them with the same placid expression it's face. Then, before any of them could speak. It suddenly pulled it's mouth open horrifying wide, waggled it's lengthy tongue, and maniacally cackled before vanishing into the darkness. Another round of screaming and panic flailing followed that mischievous exit and it took several more minutes before they were able to calm down. And only after most of them had stopped climbing over one another did one manage to ask, “S-Should we go?”

Everyone exchanged uncertain looks until a piercing, almost blood curdling scream once again filled the night air. “M-Maybe we should go!”

“I-I think that would be okay!”

“S-So do I!”

“M-Me too!”

Within seconds the agreement was unanimous and their course of action decided. But when the group looked out the open door and realized one of them would have to actually steer the carriage nobody budged. “M-Maybe we can stay a little longer. F-For Princess Peach!”



“Can someone s-shut the door?”

With a terrified squeak the Toad closest to the door pulled it shut and all of them huddled inside the carriage once more, the pleasured screams of their monarch tormenting them for hours on end as she was reduced to a pile of barely functional limbs all while her subjects cowered inside her royal coach and waited for it to end. Nobody noticed the coy little smile upon Toadette's face nor the flush that'd crept into her cheeks.



I hope you are doing well


Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern though! I didn't mean to make it sound like some big issue or anything, I've just been doing a lot of physical labor of late and my body is consistently sore enough to make writing uncomfortable. Or at least writing as often as I used to. Were I in any kind of reasonable shape I'd be totally fine lol. But your concern is honestly very touching :)