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Usually I try to keep the setup and the actual sex scenes fairly even with one another, in regards to length. With this story I definitely let myself get carried away with the setup. I hope the sex scene is still fun enough regardless!

Marcus Holliday was a loser. There weren't many universal truths in life beyond death, taxes, and that simple, unavoidable fact. He'd been a loser his whole life and odds were he'd continue being a loser until the day he died. But he didn't want to. He didn't want to be the butt of everyone's jokes. He didn't want to be the guy everyone at whatever job he'd managed to get that month teased. He didn't want to be his bosses whipping boy and eventually their scapegoat when everything went wrong. But after twenty three years of failure and humiliation it hardly seemed like anything would ever change. How could it when everyone around him apparently knew he was a loser the moment they saw him? When everything he tried seemed to backfire, fall apart, or makes things worth no matter what he did? Unless he could completely rewrite his entire personality, get a magic dose of luck, and totally change his appearance so nobody knew who he was it seemed downright impossible! Fixing everything that was wrong with his life just wasn't feasible, but that didn't stop him from trying anyways. For five very long years he'd tried everything he could to remake himself and fix all the things everyone was deriding him for. He'd read every self help book like religious text, until they were invariably lost or destroyed while he was out and about. He'd attended every seminar or online class about getting one's life in order and taking charge of your destiny, until finding out most of them were scams or timeshares. And he'd tried everything he could think of between that to improve his lot in life and set himself on a better path. All he really accomplished was spending what little money he'd managed to scrape together and stocking his house with piles of tchotchke he was too sentimental to throw away. By the time is twenty eighth birthday rolled around he was pretty much ready to give up. Maybe he could join the circus and be some sort of traveling freak people could laugh at. They were already doing that anyways, at least he'd get paid for it!

As luck would have it he was spared that particular fate by a chance visit to a small, pre owned bookstore near his current apartment. Entirely on a whim he'd walked down there a little while before sunset to pick up another copy of The Picture of Dorian Grey after his last one had been knocked out of his hands by an angry pigeon seemingly intent on sending his book into the river he was sitting beside. Since nobody else was going to buy him a birthday present, nor should they have bothered by his estimation, and he didn't have the money to buy anything fancy a used copy of a book he'd read a hundred times would have to suffice. In a wholly expected but no less unfortunate twist of fate the store had just sold it's last copy earlier that morning and unless someone came in to sell theirs it wasn't likely they'd get any others in soon. Even more defeated and run down than usual Marcus thanked the owner and was about to leave when he tripped over his untied shoelaces and went tumbling head first into a massive display as tall as he was. During his flailing, stumbling descent he also managed to knock over a tall, dark haired man in a crisp three piece black suit. Needless to say the clerk responsible for cleaning up the mess and the owner he'd just been talking to weren't the least bit thrilled about the damage he'd caused. With a passion he was all to used to they shouted and ranted at him as he picked himself up off the splintered wooden display and tried his best to collect some of the books that'd fallen. When he noticed the man he'd taken down with him he immediately rushed to the stranger's side to help him up. He accepted the help with a disarming smile, disarming both because of how bright it was and because of how unusual it was for anyone to smile at him for any reason beyond mockery. But unlike just about everyone else in his life, save his parents and a few family members, the man had no trace of derision, amusement, disgust, or annoyance on his face as he rose to his feet and dusted himself off. Somehow he seemed genuinely happy to encounter Marcus.

“It's quite all right young man!” He said in a voice strangely calm and captivating, “It was an honest mistake. There was no harm done. Well, not to me at least!”

Marcus followed the stranger's dark, glittering eyes to the ruined stand and the scattered collection of books lying around it, “A-Are you sure you aren't hurt? I-I'm really sorry I knocked you over! I-I could've sworn I tied my shoes before I left my apartment! I-I guess they must've come undone when I was walking down here and—”

With a deep belly laugh that drew the attention of everyone in the shop the stranger clapped a hand on Marcus' shoulder and said, “I assure you, I'm quite all right! It'll take more than a fall to cause me any harm!”

“W-Well if you're sure . . .”

“I am!”

“I-I'm still sorry I knocked you over.” He looked at the annoyed owner and clerk, “And I'm sorry I-I knocked over your stand . . . a-again . . . i-it won't happen next time!”

“That's what you said last time!” The owner replied.

Marcus' cheeks darkened even further and he stared down at his untied shoes for several seconds before suddenly kneeling down to sort them out. The stranger he'd barreled over watched him with an oddly mischievous grin that vanished from his face the moment Marcus stood up again. “i-'m sorry again . . .” he said in a dejected tone.

He turned away to leave but was stopped once more by the stranger, “Hold on a moment young man, I think you dropped something!”

“I did?” Marcus immediately patted himself down for his keys, wallet, and likely broken phone while turning around to face the man, “I'm pretty sure I have everything . . .”

“No, I believe you dropped this.” The man said as he offered the item in question.

Without really thinking Marcus took the heavy, black covered book and stared down at it with genuine confusion. He'd never seen such a massive piece of literature in his entire life. His fingers barely fit around the edges and the cover was completely blank save for a small, embossed similar on the front. It kind of looked like the sort of thing a Norse or Celtic warrior in a period drama would have tattooed on their face but he somehow knew it wasn't from either of those cultures. Regardless of where it was from the book was incredibly heavy and many of the pages inside were sticking out at odd angles, like they'd been torn out and haphazardly put back into place. Some were old and yellowed, others looked considerably newer, and others seemed to be stained by something other than time. It was an altogether fascinating and peculiar tome but certainly not something he'd been carrying with him when he entered the store. He was about to say as much to the man but upon lifting his head to look at the strange he found him completely absent. The jingle of the front door sent Marcus whirling around and craning his neck to see if the well dressed man had left. He caught a glimpse of what looked like a suit and hurried after the stranger but upon stepping onto the busy street he couldn't see the man he was looking for in the crowd. For a few minutes he tried to find him anyways, wandering back and forth along the sidewalk constantly looking around like a lost tourist and stumbling into at least half a dozen people in the process. After being shouted out by a large, scary looking group of people dressed in punk rock clothing and sporting a variety of colorful hairstyles Marcus couldn't help but give up. He stared down at the book he'd been holding out in front of him like a clipboard the whole time and considered what to do with such a bizarre, unusual thing. For a moment he toyed with the thought of going back to the pre owned bookstore and selling or giving it to them. But the prospect of returning and inadvertently causing more damage kept him at bay.

Maybe if I hold on to it I'll run into tha tman again and he can take it back . . .” He thought, “It won't be too hard to spot him . . .”

Although that didn't really feel like much of a solution it was the only one he could come up with and after standing around for a little trying to think of better options while the only one that seemed to make any sense. So he returned to his small, sixth floor apartment lugging a massive book and wondering the whole time what on earth could be inside it. Part of him was afraid to open it for fear of causing any further damage through his trademark bad luck, negligence, or stupidity. But the rest was oddly fascinated by it as he set it down on the only table he had and examined the tome a little more closely. Back at the bookstore he hadn't really taken the time to notice how smooth the cover felt in spite of how ragged the rest of it looked. Nor had he noticed the way the spine was emblazoned with at least a dozen more symbols all similar too yet undeniably separate from the one on the cover. None of them made even the slightest bit of sense to him but tracing their patterns with his eyes was strangely hypnotic and he soon found he quite enjoyed doing so. Enough that he eventually forced himself to stop for fear of wasting his entire birthday on something as silly as staring at the spine of a book. Yet when he stood up to do something, anything, else he couldn't help but look back at the tome like someone looking back at a lover they were leaving behind. He walked into his kitchen to eat a slice of the cake he'd picked up and maybe light, then blow out the candle he'd bought. But it was just a little too depressing and he ended up doing shutting the fridge without retrieving anything. Though not much better watching some television would at least be a nice enough distraction and probably would've lifted his mood a bit had the lights in his apartment not flickered, then died barely ten seconds after he thought about it. Black outs were pretty common in the area and while it definitely seemed appropriate one would happen right at that moment Marcus hardly batted an eye. He just grabbed the flashlight he kept in the kitchen and turned it on.

For about ten seconds he could see the dark, cramped interior of his studio apartment but in what had long ago become a trend in his life the flashlight flickered, then died soon after. Absolutely certain he'd replaced the batteries but in no position to do anything but complain Marcus instead fumbled around for a book of matches and some candles he kept on hand as a back up. After living his life for as long as he had backups for his backups had become a necessity. He spent a few minutes lighting his candles, burning himself on just about every one, and eventually his apartment was somewhat visible. If a little spooky looking. Sitting down on his mattress and staring at his blank television screen he wondered what he could do to pass the time before bed. What little money he had was being saved for rent and groceries so going out wasn't an option and just walking around the city would inevitably cause more issues for him. Possibly even financial ones if he managed to destroy or damage something with any value. Which left him with very few options. None as far as he could tell. Yet as he considered what to do with himself for his birthday his eyes were drawn to the book he'd left on the table. Before he knew what he was doing Marcus had stood up and approached the bizarre tome. As he stared down at it from behind the only chair he owned he drummed his fingers on the metal backing of his fordable seat and toyed with entertaining his curiosity. There really wasn't any reason not to and after a few seconds of pretending to deliberate on the matter he turned away to collect a few of the candles he'd placed around the apartment. Once he'd gathered all of them except the two in the bathroom he arranged them in a fun little pattern around the book and sat down. A strange feeling of excitement and foreboding rushed through him as he ran his fingers across the cover and slowly pulled it open. Marcus had no idea why he felt that way about a silly book and upon seeing what was written on the first page he almost shut it again with a laugh.

From top to bottom the page was completely covered in absolutely illegible writing that looked like it was taken straight from the Lord of the Rings. It was uniformly faded and even covered entirely by stains or crossed out by what looked like far more fresh ink. Where there should've been margins were dozens of separate additions made in all sorts of styles and languages. No two looked the same but all made absolutely zero sense to Marcus. He might as well have been staring at a collection of scribbles a child left on the inside of their library book. Only a sense of bizarre curiosity kept him from laughing at the absurdity of it all and spending the rest of his birthday doing something else. He turned the page to find another, slightly less cluttered page that was obviously some sort of table of contents. Or at least it had been until dozens of people had embellished each and every tab with their own writing, drawings, or downright nonsensical scrawling. As with the previous page he couldn't make out a single letter of what he was looking at and trying to follow all the random segues and meandering paths each line took as it weaved across the page in whatever space it could made his eyes hurt. Maybe it was the light he read it by and maybe it was trying to imagine what language each section was written in. Everything that was supposed to be there seemed to be the same, inscrutable writing but all the rest was a complete mish mash of different things. There was some overlap between the random assortment of languages, as far as an uneducated layman like Marcus could tell, but the handwriting always seemed different no matter how much the writing seemed to match up. If he'd had even the slightest clue what he was looking at or what it was saying he might've enjoyed the mystery of it all but staring at what amounted to a hundred different kinds of scribbles really didn't do much but frustrate him and before too long he was turning the page. Although he didn't really expect to find anything different part of him was still disappointed to come across more of the same anyways.

Like a bored student flipping through their textbook to put off doing any actual work Marcus looked through page after page without finding anything interesting, save the occasional diagram of something that made even less sense than the writing. Often times whatever had been drawn on the page by whoever had written the book in the first place was amended and redrawn by other people to such an extent it was hard to figure out where to look. And no matter what he was seeing the designs always gave him the faintest sense of unease coupled with a far more prevalent sense of excitement. Often he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck lift up as he stared at the fantastical looking patterns for what felt like hours. But every time he noticed that reaction he immediately turned the page out of fear and uncertainty. While he always felt out of his depth doing anything more complicated than digging a hole or smashing something with a hammer on a construction site Marcus was beginning to feel like he'd wandered into an entirely different universe. Like he'd stepped into a college lecture about, well, anything really. But unlike all the other times he'd been made to feel completely out of his element and in over his head the nervousness and worry he felt was actually tolerable. He could even ignore most of the time. Something about the book kept drawing him back in over and over again no matter how many times he told himself he should stop or how many times he rolled his eyes at yet another page covered in nonsense. Part of it was undoubtedly the mystery involved. The mystery of why that strange man had been so insistent about giving him a book he couldn't possibly understand. The mystery of what in the hell the book was. The mystery of why it managed to be so interesting even with his total lack of understanding. The mystery of what each new design he found scattered across the various pages would be and how it would make him feel. All of that and more kept him bent over the odd book and scanning the pages while the candles slowly shrunk around him.

About three quarters of the way through the book, long after he should've stopped wasting his time on it and done something else, Marcus was rewarded for his persistence. Or more accurately his inability to give up. For the first time since opening the tome he found legible text scrawled on one of the pages, though much of it was still in languages he couldn't speak or read he could at least identify what the language itself. Despite everything else up to that point being absolutely incomprehensible for reasons he'd never know the page he'd carelessly flipped to seemed entirely written in Latin. At least the text that was supposed to be there was written in Latin, much of the surrounding additions were still in that same mixture of nonsense scribblings as before. But being able to see and understand, in the most vague sense possible, what had been written was far too enticing a prospect for him to ignore. Sitting up a little straighter and leaning over the book with an intense look in his eyes he scanned the dozens of lines written by the book's original author, his lips silently forming the words as best he could imagine they were pronounced. Aside from what was spoken on the occasional television show Marcus knew absolutely nothing about Latin or it's pronunciation but there was a strange enjoyment to trying to figure it all out regardless. Especially when he reached the end of the page and found to his surprise a note written in plain English. Although it was scrawled with the worst penmanship he'd ever seen and half covered by dark stains and smeared ink the message remained strikingly clear among everything else: “for companionship, a partner”. Instead of finding any sort of clarity or understanding from that small addition he was left more confused than ever. The literal meaning of the words were clear enough but how they applied to everything else and what exactly the non literal intentions were left him very much stumped. So much so he leaned back in his chair and folde dhis arms while staring at the book as if it waiting for it to explain itself.

“For companionship, a partner . . .” He said aloud, “Like a girlfriend? Or something else?” While both options were quite intriguing the former was a lot more interesting than the latter. Marcus had never enjoyed the company of a woman who wasn't mocking or laughing or avoiding him and if all the Latin stuff on that page was some sort of advice he could hardly turn it down. Maybe that was why that man had given it to him? He'd seen what a loser he was and taken pity on him. It wouldn't have been the first time someone tried that sort of thing. “But what good is it if I can't ready the message?” He asked the empty air, “It's not like I can do anything with a bunch of stuff I can't even read!”

Heaving an exasperated sigh he let his head fall back and his eyes close as he tried to think about what life would be like with someone around. Someone to come home to and spend time with when he wasn't being yelled at and mocked by everyone around him. It seemed really nice, if all the sitcoms and romantic comedies he'd watched were anything to believe. Nice enough that he suddenly found himself pining for another person to spend time with. All because of a silly book filled with gibberish and some note left by a stranger. Marcus couldn't help but feel all sorts of ridiculous for even entertaining the idea let alone getting his hopes up. No book was going to improve how much of a loser he was. If every aware winning self help book couldn't get the job done what hope did he have looking to some weird, old thing given to him by an even weirder stranger? He was supposed to be alone. That's just how it was and how it would always be. The sooner he accepted that the better! And yet as he opened his eyes and took another deep breath he felt himself pulled back to the book that'd caused his sudden and very unpleasant bout of self reflection. A scowl spread across his face as he looked at the Latin text. While he knew it couldn't because it was just dried ink on a page it felt as though he was being taunted by the mystery of the text. Like all his problems could be solved if he only knew how to read it. Or if nothing else at least one of his problems would be solved. His eyes roamed the paragraphs one more time as he slid a hand underneath the cover to slam the book shut. Around the middle of the page he forgot about that endeavor entirely as he noticed a phrase that definitely hadn't been there the first time he'd looked it over. Situated at the center of the page with all the other text written around it and an actual blank space separating it from the rest of the Latin it couldn't have stood out more. Part of him wondered how he could've missed something so obvious while the rest was certain he hadn't. It definitely hadn't been there the first time. It hadn't . . .”

Without really knowing why and without really thinking about it he squinted a bit harder at the new, mysterious sentence and slowly read it aloud as best he could, “Obsecro te . . . Socium . . . amandi mihi . . . mitte . . .” As he spoke the candles around him flickered and the air within his apartment seemed to grow heavy, as if something was weighing down upon him. It grew more oppressive with every syllable until it was almost more than he could bear. And yet in spite of the fear gripping his heard and the sweat running down his face he continued. “Socium cognoscere . . . Socium fovere . . . Obsecro te . . .” The moment he finished the last word everything around him returned to normal but for a single unmistakable addition.

“Well I suppose that wasn't the worst attempt I've ever heard . . .” A husky, feminine sounding voice remarked from the darkness near his bed.

Leaping out of his seat with a surprised, terrified exclamation Marcus grabbed the nearest candle and held it out in front of him. His attempt to illuminate the stranger that'd broken into his apartment failed utterly and the woman, or whoever it was, laughed. But much like the man in the suit her amusement didn't seem to be at his expense. At least not compared to all the other people. Of course it did little to calm him down and rather than approaching the unknown entity he backed away even further. A faint sound of creaking bed springs followed his hasty retreat and a moment later the quiet sound of footsteps filled the otherwise silent room. They were getting unmistakably closer with every passing second and although he could easily have turned and fled out the front door he was inexplicably rooted in place. His heart pounded so loudly it seemed to drown out the stranger's approach. Even without the candle held out in his trembling hands the intruder surely could've found him from the sound of that alone! They continued making their way towards him for what seemed like an eternity, the short distance between his bed and where he stood feeling like a thousand miles  But then she stepped into the faint ring of light thrown off by the flame and it suddenly felt as short as it truly was. A terrified gasp erupted from his lips at the flicker of movement even while his mind processed who, or what , it was standing before him.

Taller than him by several inches and more beautiful than anyone he'd ever seen, dreamed of, or fantasized about the woman standing confidently before him was completely beyond his ability to describe. Her skin was a deep blood red while her hair was such a deep, shimmering black it stood out even in the darkness. Her eyes were pure gold without any pupils and her face was somehow both angular and fierce yet soft and tender at the same time. A trait exemplified by the rest of her voluptuous, naked body. Every inch of her looked like it was sculpted by the most talented craftsmen in the world. Her hips and shoulders were wide yet her waist was slim. Her buttocks and thighs were plump yet her arms were slender and lithe. Her breasts were full and rounded yet her stomach was flat and smooth. She was everything he'd ever desired in a woman no matter how contradictory or impossible it seemed. From the tips of her toes to the tips of the large, curving horns emerging from the sides of her head she was beautiful in a myriad of ways too numerous to count. He tried his best not to stare at her nudity like a lecher but the softness of her fuzzy, ahir covered vulva and the size of her pert, dark red areola begged for his attention. As did the curly thicket of hair resting above and around her sex and the faint glimmer of something wet trickling down her inner thighs as she stood before him with arms folded and a knowing smile spread across her full lips.

“W-Who are you?!”

“I'm the woman of your dreams.” She replied, “You can call me Lillith if you like . . .”

“O-Okay . . . what are you d-doing here?”

“You summoned me.”

“I did?”

“Oh yes. You spoke the words and I felt how lonely you are. So I came.” She smiled a little wider and looked him up and down for a moment, “In spite of how terrible your Latin pronunciation is . . .”

“I-I don't understand . . .”

“Few mortals do, I suppose it's a consequence of your short lifespans and shorter attention spans. Allow me to explain.” Lilith stepped closer to him and Marcus, though still afraid, didn't recoil, “You called for me across the vast, infinite gulfs of space and time between us. I answered your call. Now I'm here to serve as your lifelong companion. Provided you can survive our first night together.”

“Survive? What does that mean?”

“When a succubus and a mortal mate the succubus naturally takes the mortals life essence during the fun. If that mortal can't control themselves and resist the pull they're killed, though I assure you none of my past lovers were the least bit unhappy about their fate . . .”

Recoiling at her words and the casualness of her tone Marcus stared at her with renewed terror, “Y-You mean I might die if we . . . if we . . .”

“When we have sex. Yes, you might not survive the experience. But if you do, well then you'll be safe from my powers for the rest of your days. And I'll be at your side for every moment of that time.”

“I-I . . . h-how . . . d-do I have a choice?” He stammered.

“Of course. You can send me away this very moment if you like. You can return to a life of solitude and loneliness and wonder what could have been forever . . .”

“O-Or I can die?”

“There's a chance you might die yes.” She laughed, moving even closer and reaching out the rest her hands on his shoulders while seductively biting her lip, “If you don't I can promise you'll never be alone again . . . if you do . . . then you'll have died knowing a pleasure mortals can hardly fathom . . .”

“I see . . .”

“What is it you desire?” Lilith asked of him as her fingers drifted up his neck to cup his face and stroke his cheeks with remarkable tenderness.

Marcus stared deep into her eyes for a long time. Longer than he'd ever been able to stare into anyone's eyes in his entire life. He knew the sane answer. He knew the right answer. He knew what he should've said. But the words that came tumbling out of his mouth weren't sane or right. They were heartfelt, “I can't be alone any more . . .” He whispered.

“And you won't be my love . . . never again . . .”

Before Marcus could even begin to respond to that Lilith enveloped him in a sudden, passionate kiss beyond anything he could've ever imagined. The softness of her lips, the warmth of her body pressing against his own, the tender passion of her fingers tangling themselves in his hair, all of it was so perfect he genuinely had no idea how to react. He didn't even think to start kissing her back until a few seconds had passed. A few seconds of standing there awkwardly with a wide eyed look of amazement spread across his face while the most beautiful woman in existence kissed him. When his brain finally caught up to the sudden turn of events and his limbs started moving his completely lack of experience left him in something of a predicament. Although he understood the concept and certainly enjoyed what she was doing he had no earthly idea what to offer back in return. His own hands wrapped around her in a clumsy bear hug while he pressed his mouth against hers a bit harder. There was no telling how much of a fool he must've looked and acted like but surprisingly his lover didn't seem to have any complaints at all. At least not of her moan and giggle were any indication. As he pushed forward she slowly leaned back, subtly letting him take control while still very much remaining in charge of everything they did in those wonderful seconds. As he pulled her tightly against his body she coyly wrapped a leg around his and none to subtly grinded her sex against his achingly hard member.

Inevitably his hands began to roam her soft, naked body and she was all too happy to encourage his exploration, goosebumps erupting wherever he touched as she pushed herself against his fingers wherever she could. And when his lips timidly parted and his tongue emerged it was met by her own, vastly more confident and more experienced tongue. But rather than overwhelming him like she almost certainly could she instead used her soft, alluring nature to coax him from his shell in ever sense of the word. Without saying anything she guided him not only towards his first sexual encounter with another person but what very well might be his doom. Yet as he stood there kissing and feeling her Marcus had a hard time imagining a better way to go out. Her breasts felt incredibly against his chest, their softness making his head spin even as her kiss did the same. After what felt like hours of roaming endlessly across her back and shoulders his hands found the supple contours of her buttocks and although he tried his best not to be too eager, for reasons he couldn't even explain to himself, there was no stopping his trembling digits from grabbing a handful of her plump, jiggling ass the moment he could. She met his touch with a long moan, her tongue coiling around his while her lips seemed to find new life in their endless assault on his willpower. Some part of him could already feel his endurance draining away. Whether as a result of her magical nature or simply his own profound lack of sexual stamina he really couldn't say. Nor did he care all that much. At least not until she finally broke their kiss with a soft laugh.

“I love virgins . . .” She cooed, “They're always so eager but so nervous . . .” As she spoke she knelt down in front of him and although he could guess at what she was doing Marcus was nonetheless dumbstruck by her ctions when she unbuttoned, then unzipped his jeans, “And you cum so easily too . . . others can take ages to finish . . . and that's just no fun for me!”

“Y-You like it when men cum fast?” Marcus asked, as she tugged down his jeans and gave his bulging member a kiss through his boxers. “I-I thought women w- anted men who c-could last a long t-time!”

“Mortal women do.” Lilith replied. She smiled up at him and lasciviously licked her lips as her fingers slipped into the waist band of his underwear, “But not me . . . I adore mortal seed . . . it's my favorite delicacy . . . and I never have any trouble getting as much as I want!”


With an eager grin Lilith pulled down his boxers to reveal his modestly sized, wildly throbbing cock and equally unremarkable balls. But rather than being annoyed, disappointed, amused, or any of the other reactions Marcus had always expected she seemed genuinely excited by his member. So much so the speed at which she wrapped her lips around the head of his dick caught him completely by surprise, one moment she was gasping in delight and the next moment her soft, wet mouth was wrapped around him. A pleasured moan erupted from his mouth and without even knowing what he was doing he grabbed hold of her horns. The softness of her mouth was indescribable and the urge to thrust forward upon feeling it was nearly overwhelming. He managed to resist solely for fear of causing any sort of harm or discomfort, his mind still not fully wrapped around the magical nature of the woman kneeling down in front of him. Fortunately she seemed equipped to handle just about anything he might do and his lack of movement was met by an eager moan. Marcus could feel her lips curl into a smile around his cock but as enjoyable as that was it paled in comparison to the sensation of her tongue sliding out of her mouth entirely. Licking the underside of his shaft while sucking the head of his dick at the same time Lilith immediately put her centuries upon centuries of talent to good use. Then, after several incredible moments of experiencing his first blowjob she gave him a little taste of what being with a succubus was really like. Her tongue extended further and further down his prick, futher than any human appendage could go. Soon it was coiling around his length in a long, winding swirl that reached all the way to the base and still managed to continue down.

All at once amazed and horrified by what was happening Marcus looked down at his lover to witness firsthand what she was doing. His eyes fell upon the incredible sight just as the suddenly forked tip of her appendage reached his balls. Another loud gasp tumbled from his mouth as she started fluttering her tongue across his sack, licking and caressing him in a way that truly defied his understanding of oral sex. Her lops curled into an even wider smile while her eyes sparkled with unabashed delight as she slid forward inch by inch to swallow his shaft while still keeping her tongue inexplicably wrapped around him. The sensations coursing through his body were even more amazing than the sight of a beautiful woman gradually inhaling his shaft and Marcus could barely comprehend either one. Let alone both together! His knees started to buckle around the middle of her efforts and by the time she reached the base and he felt her nose press against his groin and her chin against his sack he knew there was no way in hell he'd last long enough to feel her pull back. It would be a miracle if he lasted another couple of seconds! And Lilith was evidently aware of this, because why wouldn't she be? Instead of pulling back like countless hours of porn told him she would she held herself on his cock and gradually applied more and more pressure until it felt like she was actively trying to suck out his soul through his cock. A comparison which might not even be that inaccurate and one that felt increasingly appropriate in the handful of seconds he was able to enjoy her efforts before his endurance completely failed. With a shuddering, almost pained groan he called out her name and held on tight as cum erupted from his dick more with greater force and in greater quantities than ever before.

Wonderfully thick and deliciously fresh cum exploded into Lilith's mouth, the haste of it's eruption very much affected by her magic but the quantity entirely thanks to Marcus' pent up libido. His first load alone was enough to send her eyes rolling back in her head and a violent shudder coursing through her body as she was given ample fluid to gobble up with unabashed delight. And by the time she'd gulped down that first explosive mouthful another had replaced it. But instead of greedily swallowing it too she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him as tightly as she could against her face while her cheeks puffed out and every part of her mouth was filled with his seed. Long, creamy strands of arousal dripped from her aching sex and wild, unrelenting shudders danced up and down her spine as she basked in every shudder and pulse that brought her more of his seed. Lilith hadn't been exaggerating in the slightest when she told him it was her favorite delicacy and if her companion had been even the least bit capable of acknowledging anything but his own pleasure he would've seen first hand just how much she truly reveled in his jizz. Each and ever drop delivered to her was savored with an inhuman glee that seemed to border on mania. Her impossibly long and impossibly dexterous tongue retreated from his shaft solely to frolic among the swirling mouthful of jizz still held behind her lips, although her forked tip remained near his sensitive shaft to tease and flick it whenever possible. Only after she was full to bursting and little morsels of his sumptuous cum were threatening to leak from the corners of her mouth did she finally begin to swallow the rest of his fluids. But she made sure to take her time and savor each gulp and delight in the feeling of it rushing down her throat to fill her stomach. No matter how many times she enjoyed that sensation it never failed to send a violent tremor through her body and put the wildest of grins across her face.

Marcus was far too dazed to smile after his first real climax, his mouth hanging open and his eyes half closed as he swayed back and forth on unsteady feet. Amidst the seeming endless barrage of pleasure that redefined what he understood as ecstasy he'd begun to feel the expected exhaustion that always came soon after a particularly lovely climax. But considering Lilith had given him something a hundred if not a thousand times better than anything he'd ever felt the exhaustion washing over him was appropriately enhanced. It was only when she continued to suck and tease his softening dick while staring up at him with a lascivious grin that he felt what could only be the effects of her magical nature starting to creep in. A darkness at the edges of his vision that defied the candlelight around them and a weariness in the very core of his being that was unlike any he'd ever known. The longer her lips remained glued around his cock the more pronounced it felt, even as she slowly brought his member back to to full attention through naught but the promise of more fun and the talent to back up that unspoken claim. Were it not for the rush of adrenaline he felt upon seeing her pull back and knowing he could do far more than he'd already done Marcus definitely would've put an end to their liaison then and there. The weariness creeping into him had ceased it's inexorable overtaking of his mind and body but there was little doubt another climax would bring it back and perhaps even hasten it's infection of his very being. But when Lilith rose to her feet and took his hand he caught the faintest hint of her scent and all thought or reason vanished from his mind. Her intoxicating aroma and undeniable beauty was far more than he could resist. Without so much as a second's hesitation he followed her to his bed and laid down upon the mattress for what could very well be the last time. She guided him onto his back with a gentle smile and straddled his waist with an eager gasp.

“Are you ready lover boy?” She asked of him.

“Y-Yes . . .” He replied with a heady gasp.

“Good . . . because I can't wait another second!”

Marcus let out a gasping chuckle that quickly melted into a prolonged moan as Lilith smoothly glided down his cock in a long, gentle motion that nonetheless sent shivers coursing through his body. With no idea what to expect and nothing to compare the sensation to he still managed to be absolutely blown away by the soft warmth of her body as she enveloped him. As well as the incredible tightness and almost certain inhuman wetness as she reached the base of his shaft and fluids trickled onto his skin within seconds. Although he did his best to not let himself be overcome by how amazing she felt and how wonderful it was to finally experience sex he had little hope of resisting her magical charms. Long before she lifted herself back up his length his eyes were rolling back in his head while his fingers curled into fists as he clutched the sheets beneath him. The slow, measured gyrations of her body as she sat atop him softly moaning and giggling were leagues better than the blowjob she'd given him. And he'd naively thought nothing could feel better than that. But with her inner walls tight around his length and the intoxicating scent of her arousal clouding his nostrils there was little doubt in his mind: nothing could be better than what he was currently feeling. Of course he was and would continue to be wrong in that way only a truly ignorant virgin could manage because as soon as she began to move in earnest he was treated to yet more ecstasy. Barely registering the feeling of her hands pressing against his chest or the heat of her breath against his neck as she kissed him Marcus was completely and totally overwhelmed by the impossible to describe pleasure of her pussy sliding up his length. Higher and higher she went, seemingly moving forever, while his whole body tensed and his prick throbbed so hard it was downright painful. As more and more of her vanished the few parts of his mind capable of doing so wondered what would happen if she left entirely. If it was all a cruel trick and she was about to leave entirely like so many others had done.

He was never given an answer to that question. Upon reaching the head of his cock Lilith came to an abrupt stop and suddenly reversed her course. She slammed herself down onto his member with far more strength than before. Far more strength than he would've expected. His old box spring creaked in protest from the force of their colliding bodies and wet smack filled the apartment. His breathy gasp and her throaty moan soon joined the noisy evidence of their sexual bliss as pleasure washed over both of them in equal measure. Her nails scraped across his chest, leaving long red furrows in his skin, as her own body tightened even further. Although he couldn't see it a deliciously lewd smile had spread across her face as the delight of taking his virginity and riding him entirely at her own pace washed over the succubus. She bounced up and down his cock several more times in quick succession, each return to the base accompanied by a feverish and increasingly wet slap as she soaked hi lower half with her fluids. At some point her tongue started hanging out of her mouth like a dog's while her once bright smile melted into something a little more impossible to control. Little by little her amusement faded into genuine arousal as she moved along his cock at a steadily growing rate. Though reflexive and beyond his control the wild pulsing of his cock inside her pussy was a constant and delicious treat as she moved faster and faster with every passing second. Across the millennia she'd fucked thousands, if not tens of thousands of men and while Marcus certainly wasn't a paragon among them the subtle curve of his dick combined with his adorably awestruck reaction certainly elevated him above many of the half wit occult summoners she'd dealt with. Certainly enough for her to eventually reward him with another long, sensual kiss after several minutes of riding him like an unbroken stallion. Thankfully not even the fugue state he'd entered as a succubus rode his cock could shadow the tender warmth of her lips returning to his.

In a burst of movement that surprised even himself Marcus' hands leapt to Lilith's face within seconds of their kiss. She was more than a little surprised to feel his fingers brushing against her cheeks and more than a little aroused by the tenderness of his touch. Plenty of her lovers had been loving or tender in the past but it was still enough of a rarity to catch her off guard every time it occurred. And to send little shivers of delight cascading down her spine. Should he survive their first night together something told her this human would be an enjoyable one to spend a few decades alongside. Part of her almost wanted to hold back a little and give him a fighting chance. Enough that her once frantic pace slowed and the constant smacking of their bodies colliding was reduced to a more rhythmic, temperate cadence as she instead basked in their kiss. But after a few seconds her better judgment returned and she resumed the wild bouncing that'd brought them to that point. Giving him a leg up wasn't far to all the others who'd successfully lived through a night, or day, spent alongside her. Nor was it fair to all those who hadn't. Moaning into his lips and coiling her tongue around his Lilith moved faster than ever as her pleasure mixed with an innate desire to see what outcome would find her newest summoner. More and more arousal seeped from her sex in ever thicker quantities, the pace and ferocity of her movements sending it splashing all across their bodies and ensuring long, gooey strands were soon connecting her skin to his. Before long his precum soon joined the already lurid mixture as the sheer pleasure assaulting his senses brought forth an endless sampling of his seed. Even without that undeniable clue or the downright cute way he pulled her deeper into their kiss and held her close she knew he wasn't far from a climax. It took another few minutes of sloppily bouncing along his dick and eagerly kissing him for what very well could be last time before he actually reached his limit. And the two of them spent all that time thoroughly overjoyed with every second they had to share.

In much the same way as before Marcus groaned so fiercely he almost sounded pained by the ecstasy rising up within him. But since he couldn't say Lilith's name with her tongue in his mouth and her lips smothering his own he settled for wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close. She met his passionate embrace with a tender hug of her own, her hands slipping beneath his head to hold him tight while her hips slowed to a more gentle, but no less incredible pace. His cum erupted into the depths of her sex with a force even greater than what she'd felt the first time and within a heartbeat her inner walls were coated in his seed. Another, far longer moan spilled from her mouth as she hungrily pushed herself down to the base of his shaft to make sure every last drop he had to give ended up exactly where it belonged. And so she could feel each wild pulse of his length straining against her pussy as it delivered a toe curling barrage of fresh seed. The already tight confines of her sex squeezed him even harder as her innate love and desire for mortal fluids took control and she lost whatever semblance of composure she'd been maintaining. Her mind, soul, and body only had one goal as he pumped load after creamy load of cum inside her: milk him dry. Whatever happened afterwards was the whims of fate, God, Lucifer, or whatever other force guided their lives. Nothing but what she felt, what they both felt, in the heat of the moment mattered. She lost herself in him as surely as he lost himself in her and for close to a full minute that was the beginning and end of their reality. Anything beyond his madly twitching length eagerly delivering an endless flood of see was irrelevant. Her body basked in every last morsel of his essence even as it began to feed upon his life force in much the same way. Just as before Marcus felt her draining the very core of his being away from him as exhaustion seeped into his bones at faster and faster rate.

But he didn't care. The pleasure still washing over him far outshone that weariness and would continue to outshine it long after he'd finished climaxing and his body had fallen limp against the bed. Lilith continued to kiss and savor his affections for as long as he could give them, only pulling away after he could no longer return her passion as eagerly as he once had. “Good night handsome . . .” She cooed, “I'll see you soon . . .”

“Then . . . I'm not . . . I'm not gonna . . . die?” He asked as his eyes fluttered shut and an exhaustion like nothing he'd ever felt washed over him.

“That's your decision not mine . . . but even if you do . . . I'll still see you soon . . .”

“Oh . . . okay . . .” Marcus managed to gasp before darkness claimed him and the world faded into an endless shadow.


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