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Those of you hoping for another massive story are going to be a little disappointed with this installment lol. In an attempt to control myself I deliberately kept this story on the shorter side and went for something a little more simple and a lot more sex focused. I hope y'all end up enjoying it despite, or maybe even because of, that! Either way feel free to let me know!

Oh and this story was based on a short clip (it doesn't have sound) you can find here!

A common truism holds that nothing is certain but death and taxes. But for the employees at the firm of Trautman, Richter, and Wise there was another absolutely certainty: if Adriana was involved it would get fucked up. She'd only been working at the office for a few weeks and in that aggressively short amount of time the woman had earned herself the scorn and dislike of just about every single person in the company below the junior partners. There wasn't a single task she could do with even a modicum of reliability, unless one was relying on her to fail in the most consistent and consistently unexpected way a human being could fail at something. From taking coffee orders to sorting files and everything in between she was the poster child of corporate incompetence in a way few had ever seen. At a lesser law firm that might not have been notable. Damn near every company had at least one or two exceptionally incompetent individuals that had no business working there. It was a sad, inevitable fact of just about any company large enough to house a decent number of people. Or, thanks to nepotism, anywhere that staffed human beings in general. But up until her hiring Trautman, Richter, and Wise had been a rather prestigious law firm boasting an exemplary track record and only hiring the best of the best directly out of Harvard and other Ivy League schools. And then without any warning Adriana had just shown up in the lobby of the three story building they'd been operating out of for two decades. Dressed like she'd just walked out of a porn shoot or strip club Adriana had claimed to already be working there in spite of nobody at the front desk knowing about it.

Nobody in human resources had heard of her either and just about the entire first floor assumed she was a delusional airhead who'd mixed up the addresses. They were partially correct but that was a small comfort when several of the junior partners came down from the second floor to greet her personally and welcome her to the team. Although most of the employees hadn't actually been present for this even it was still spoken about in the sort of hushed tones and rumor mongering fashion that usually accompanied some folkloric story of an old employee quitting in a grandiose fashion or some other suitably interesting tale. Instead of the hiring of a woman who never seemed to understand what it meant to be appropriately dressed for a professional job. Because as well as being stunningly bad at everything she attempted to such an degree it was downright worrying when it was absolutely maddening Adriana also had the fashion sense of a pornstar acting in an over the top parody of a real office. Every single day without fail she arrived dressed in something more suited to going out clubbing than working in a prestigious law firm and despite frequent warnings from human resources about her attire she never seemed to face any consequences. Even when she showed up in a tight, strapless little black dress so high up her thighs it was a wonder her vulva didn't peek out when she walked. It didn't matter how tightly her clothing hugged her tight round ass or how pronounced her modest cleavage was present. Nothing seemed to get her more than a warning from the people fielding the endless list of complaints, something that only guaranteed everyone forced to deal with her directly came to the same conclusion.

Someone higher up on the food chain than the people she was tormenting with her incompetence had to be sleeping with the ditzy bimbo. There was no other explanation that made sense and while not at all comforting the notion that she was a convenient, salaried prostitute for one of the junior partners made just enough sense to keep the employees from outright revolting. That and the fact that Adriana, despite how annoying she was as a coworker, remained an unfailingly nice person to be around anytime they weren't forced to clean up her messes or watch them being made in the first place. She might've been a bit on the loud side with a laugh that could grate if one had just spent several hours resorting files for an important case but there was an undeniable sweetness about her that felt sincere enough to keep any genuine hostility from boiling over. Especially as the weeks went by and she started to actually learn everyone's names and remember random little things about them. Like how many kids Stephanie had or where Nick's favorite restaurant was. Under different circumstances they might've been suspicious of her kindness, assuming it was just a ploy many of the more cutthroat employees engaged in to lower people's guard and get ahead. But unless she was also the single greatest actress in the world there was no way Adriana was doing for some ulterior motive. Though knowing she was actually some sort of psychopathic manipulator and mastermind would've been a slightly easier pill to swallow than the real, if unconfirmed reason for her employment. Of course nobody actually thought she was anything more than what she appeared to be: a dark haired, tan skinned, buxom airhead kept around for the solely for sex.

With long, shapely legs and a pair of wide hips that melted into a slender waist and flat stomach set beneath a pair of perky breasts and arms just on the right side of slender and muscular nobody could pretend she wasn't gorgeous. Few were willing to admit it, especially when cleaning up her messes and sorting out all the headaches she caused, but try as the might it was impossible not see why one of the junior partners had let his dick do the thinking when it came to her. It was hard not to when they looked into those smoky green eyes of hers and saw the perpetual, genuine smile that always seemed to be spread across her wide, full lips. Not even her most avid detractors could pretend she was anything but gorgeous and that was most assuredly how and why she managed to get away with the things she did when anyone else would've been fired on spot. Little did the employees of Trautman, Richter, and Wise realize Adriana's role went far, far beyond what they'd assumed the first time a five foot nothing little bombshell of a woman had sauntered into the building escorted by several junior partners all drooling as they crowded around her. While absolutely correct about the assumption of her true purpose at the firm nobody had quite conceived of the true scope of her 'duties'. Nor could they ever have predicted just how much she actually enjoyed the real purpose of her employment. Had any of them discovered the truth they would've been even more stunned than they were the first time Adriana failed in taking a simple coffee order or making a dozen copies of a single piece of paper.

It was sort of funny how, with all the amazing perks of being a salaried employee at a wildly successful law firm, the part of the job Adriana most enjoyed was the one part she couldn't ever talk about with anyone at the company. Or even really her friends. Not if she wanted to keep the best job she'd ever had for longer than a month. Of course keeping the true reason she was employed at Trautman, Richter, and Wise secret often made her real job so much more juicy. On paper she was a consultant, whatever that meant, but in practice she wasn't much more than a secretary in her obvious duties. It was her job bring coffee, memos, and just about anything else to the four junior partners she'd been hired by. And they took every chance they could to send her between their offices so each of them could admire her tight body for a little bit while working. It didn't matter if they were on the phone, in the middle of a meeting with an actual client, or swamped with paperwork. As long as Adriana was around she was encouraged to saunter into their offices and show off for whoever happened to be inside the room. Usually by doing all the things most guys fantasized about seeing while at work like seductively bending over when she could just kneel down or bouncing up and down any time she needed to grab something out of reach on a higher shelf. When those options weren't available she just stood there with a smoldering look in her eyes and seductive curl in her lips. Both came so naturally to her she hadn't even realized she'd been doing them when first hired by the junior partners that'd come across her. Now that she was a little bit more aware of herself she did her best to show off those qualities as often as humanly possible. Along with plenty of flirtatious looks, throaty giggles, and lip biting to really sell her role as eye candy. And as far as she could tell it was working. In fact it was working better than she could've ever imagined! Just about every single day she made her rounds between the four offices and by lunch time her four bosses were practically drooling over her.

They'd always cool down a little while actually out on lunch, usually because they were forced to take a client or someone else important out to eat and would spend an hour or two away from Adriana in the process. But when they came back everything was dialed right back up to eleven as they saw her again and she went right back into her job with a genuine gusto that always seemed to surprise them. After another couple of hours being teased by and ogling her the four would inevitably call a meeting to talk about something she never understood in the slightest. And obviously with all four of her bosses in the same room at the same time her job was simultaneously four times easier and four times harder. Since all of them were staring at and drooling over her while at the same time trying to actually get their work done she had her work cut out for her. But as they learned on her first day Adriana was more than up to the challenge, sauntering in and out of the conference room with her hips swaying and her tight, sexy body all but demanding their attention while her gorgeously smoldering features made sure she kept it the entire time she was around. It didn't matter if she was delivering a memo, bringing in pens, or just standing there waiting for someone to give her a job. Literally just standing there looking as hot as she did in whatever tight little outfit she was sporting that day would be enough to get all four of them so worked up they couldn't get any of the work they wanted to finish done. On a bad day she'd end up getting called away by someone with enough authority to overrule her bosses and spend the rest of her time trying and failing at whatever task they demanded of her. Or just helping to sort out the mistakes she'd made earlier, usually by explaining her entire process step for step so whoever was dealing with it could work backwards through the issue. Her bosses would, as far as she knew, actually get some work done in her absence and she'd go home feeling slightly disappointed by it all. On a good day though, that's when things got really juicy.

After several days in a row of being called away because of something she accidentally done or not done earlier Adriana was finally able to spend a full meeting with her bosses and it went about as well as she could've hoped. In no small part because of the tight, glossy black dress she'd worn that, while a bit less revealing than usual, showed off an incredible amount of skin below her waist. Stopping high above the middle of her thigh the edge of her tight little number hugged her round, perky ass so well it was impossible not for everyone to stare whenever she turned around. When she was facing them her employers instead enjoyed how well the fabric showed off her smallish, perky breasts at the same time it was teasing them with her soft tits thanks to the utter lack of cleavage. It even covered her shoulders in a way that might've been professional if not for how short the actual hem was. Every inch of her arms were left completely bare as well and she'd let her silky black hair fall freely around her face to frame her always smiling features and draw attention to just how dusky her eyes looked and just how full and plump her lips managed to be. Her efforts near perfectly walked the line of slutty and titillating as she flounced around the conference room pulling in their attention so completely they barely got any work done after a full hour of being in there. Which was exactly what Adriana wanted and loved to do whenever she had the chance. She knew full well how horny all of them would be after spending three days being denied her presence. Partly because of how obvious her bosses were and partly because she couldn't have been more horny herself! That's why she'd chosen something a little less obvious than her usual outfits.

Teasing them when they were already so eager, not to mention teasing herself by hiding just how wet she was beneath a lacy little thong when she usually skipped underwear altogether, was an endlessly fun and endlessly erotic experience. So much so when she was finally sent out of the room to get something from the little break area connected to it she could feel the sodden mess that was her g-string practically dripping with arousal. Every step she took smeared her own fluids across her inner thighs and ensured the room she'd left, as well as the room she'd just entered, was filled with the smell of her arousal. Something her employers would absolutely notice and something they would absolutely capitalize on sooner rather than later. So soon in fact she barely hide time to start making the coffee one of them had requested of her before she heard the door opening and then shut again behind her. Trying her best to remain calm despite wanting to squeal in delight and shiver until her legs gave out Adriana asked if there was anything else her boss needed, without turning around to look at him. He said there was in a voice that made her pussy ache and her heart skip a beat and when she finally turned around after incorrectly setting up the coffee maker she found her tall, handsome boss standing there with his cock hanging out of his slacks. Seeing ten inches of throbbing dick as thick around as her wrist along with a pair of balls so big she could hardly fit one in her mouth was exactly the motivation she needed to finally let go of the facade. Letting out a wild moan she literally tossed aside the clipboard and pen she'd been holding, sank to her knees, and grabbed his fat prick with both hands.

Her lips closed around the precum slathered head of his dick an instant later and like some sort of wild animal she devoured the entirety of his cock without any trouble at all. A wet gurgle filled the room as his dick plunged into the back of her throat and down her gullet far enough to make her neck bulge outwards. Spit immediately started dribbling from the corners of her mouth while she loudly slurped on her bosses dick like it was the most delicious thing in the world. He let out a satisfied groan and ran his fingers through her hair, brushing much of it aside so he could look down at the cocksucking whore eagerly deepthroating his prick without anything in the way. So naturally she smiled up at him as her lips glided backwards along his cock and her hand cupped his magnificent, hairless sack. Fondling his balls with a softness and enthusiasm that made his whole body shake Adriana opened her mouth as wide as she could so every last squelch and gurgle could be heard in full. The moment she felt the pulsing head of his dick emerge from her throat she immediately reversed her course and sent it flying right back down into her esophagus where it belonged. Her boss' satisfied moan was music to her ears and the taste of the precum she'd felt on her tongue in the brief moment the two had made contact was nothing short of heavenly. Though she remained committed to sucking him off as skillfully and happily as a woman could suck off a man she desperately wanted to bury her free hand in her sodden panties and start pleasuring herself like a fiend. Knowing full well she'd be getting a lot more than a throat full of spunk soon enough Adriana resisted the temptation, instead grabbing onto his thigh and holding on for dear life as she bobbed back and forth along his dick. Within seconds she'd worked up a fast, almost frantic rhythm that saw her gliding along her employer's shaft faster than most women could've jerked him off. All while letting gooey strands of spit dribble out of her mouth and unleashing the sort of wet gurgling few men had the pleasure of hearing in person.

And for a brief moment that was the sole focus of her existence: kneeling on a linoleum floor eagerly sucking the cock of a man who'd hired her solely to be his personal fuck toy. Her pussy was absolutely soaked entirely from the thought of what a slut she was being and it only got wetter with every second she continued to blow her boss like a back alley hooker. Hell, she was a hundred times better than some back alley hooker and they both knew it! All of her bosses knew it! Which was probably why and how one of them stepped into the break room within a couple minutes, laughing at what he apparently knew he'd find in there. Of course it didn't take a genius to know anyone left alone with Adriana would end up fucking her in some form or fashion. Especially after all the effort she'd put into enticing them with that very prospect. But rather than getting annoyed or demanding his turn the second junior partner just whipped out his own impressive cock and moved to stand beside his buddy. A sincerely delighted moan spilled from her lips as surely as spit and precum the moment she saw another dick being offered to her as casually as one might offer a snack to a guest. Her free hand immediately latched onto the 'new' cock to start stroking it as fast and as hard as her shaking fingers would allow. Though he was already pretty hard her boss wasn't quite hard enough to deepthroat properly and that just wouldn't do. Within a few seconds his dick could cut diamonds and she gladly pulled herself off the slime coated first prick she'd been sucking to give the second the exact same treatment. The hand that'd been cupping his balls closed around his slick shaft to give it the same treatment his companion had been enjoying a moment ago while his friend was given the same enthusiastic, cock worshiping, dick loving blowjob all of them had enjoyed many times since hiring her. Completely with all the passionate stares, eager gurgling, and wet slurping a woman could offer. Within a minute he was groaning just as loudly as his buddy as what might as well have been a wild animal gorged on his dick.

But rather than focusing on just one of them at a time like a normal woman might've Adriana did what she did best and proved exactly why a normal woman couldn't cut it. As effortlessly as someone turned their head she pulled herself off that second cock and returned to the first, hungrily deepthroating it just as passionately as before. Maybe even a little more so as the prospect of having two fat dicks to enjoy all for herself worked her into a greater and greater frenzy. It certainly filled her with a profound sense of euphoria each and every time she switched between them, her gasping laughter filling the cramped room as surely as her gurgling oral talents. And much like her lips and tongue her hands remained in constant motion eagerly jerking off whoever wasn't getting sucked off and ensuring that neither of her bosses went without pleasure for even a single moment. Her reward was a constant supply of yummy precum pumped directly into her belly or smeared all over her fingers. On top pf the enormous amount of pleasure she felt as an orally fixated whore who could never get enough of sucking cock. Had she been able to continue like that forever she could've spent the rest of eternity kneeling there blowing the two of them. It might've even been enough to make her cum! Thankfully that wasn't her only option, in no small part because of just how loud and sloppy she was being. Correctly assuming what was going on in the other room the remaining two junior partners entered the break area in much the same way as the second.

Yet unlike him they didn't whip their dicks out and surround her in a forest of throbbing dick meat to be sucked on. Instead they convinced their buddies to pull out and helped the horny young slut to her feet. She was left back into the conference room and before any of them could say a word she was climbing onto the table, her ass lifted into the air and lips noisily smacking as she stared at the four of them, just waiting for the pleasure she was owed. They more than happily obliged her with one of the two that hadn't enjoyed her yet that day climbing onto the table and lifting up her dress while the other stepped in front of her face and offered his nicely huge cock for sucking. Adriana swallowed it up faster than his buddy could pull aside her thong and shove his cock into her creamy pussy and by the time he'd done so and was balls deep in her incredibly tight, beautifully fuckable cunt she was already bobbing along the first junior partner's length with a wild passion. Her other two bosses just stood on either side of the one she was blowing and jerked off, each waiting for their chance to feel her throat around their dicks again. The guy balls deep in her pussy wasted no time thrusting every bit as hard and fast as she was moving and like always the extra force rippling through her body only added to the blowjob she was giving. Often by sending her lurching down to the base faster than she would've been capable otherwise. And filling the room with the meaty slap of his hips against her ass cheeks and his balls against her vulva. That part certainly couldn't be ignored among the cacophony of lewd sounds filling the conference room.

Eventually she started working on the other two cocks throbbing away mere inches from her face as the insatiable need to suck on them all was only fueled by the pleasure of finally having her pussy fucked after several hours of waiting and fantasizing for that very thing. Of course it didn't hurt that the cock ramming into her cunt over and over again at an ever increasing rate was the biggest of the four and had a lovely upward curve that just hit all of her buttons every time it retreated or slid forward. Maybe that was why he always seemed to have first dibs at her pussy? Adriana had never stopped to think about that before and she definitely wasn't going to when there were three fat dicks to slobber all over and another one to push her juicy ass backwards against in a naked attempt to make him go even faster than he already was. And like always her efforts paid off tremendously. By the time a full minute had passed the guy slamming into her pussy was absolutely pounding her, his thrusts wracking her body with shivers as she struggled, and often failed, to keep up with what was happening. Fortunately none of the men she was supposed to be sucking off were left out of the fun. Whoever happened to be balls deep in her throat when she'd inevitably pause to moan and convulse in response to the ecstasy flooding her sense just grabbed her head and gave her face the exact same treatment. Naturally getting fucked from both ends by pricks as meaty as her wrists as an experience Adriana couldn't been happier about, even if that happiness eventually spurred her into trying to regain control again. Because if there was one thing she wasn't it was lazy! Just because she could lay there and get dicked up and down until all of them came didn't mean she was gonna! It just meant she had to try a little harder! Mostly by pushing through her orgasmic shudders and working the trio of dicks in front of her with all the skills she'd been developing since junior high school. And before long her refusal to just lay there getting fucked was rewarded in the best possible way.

Although at first it didn't seem like a reward as the shaft frantically pounding her cunt suddenly pulled out and the three she'd been slobbering all over stepped away. But that misunderstanding was quickly fixed as they stood her up again and tore off what little clothing she had on. While two different men held her hair and all but kept her upright by it the other two unzipped and stripped off her dress and yanked down her thong. They left her heels on for reasons she didn't care enough to think about while undressing themselves as fast as they could. Someone checked to make sure the door to the conference room was still locked and the moment they knew it was all hell broke loose. Bent over like the cheap slut she was Adriana felt another cock slide into her cunt at the exact same time the one that'd been fucking her so well was buried in her throat. Though she gagged around the massive pile gliding into her gullet she nonetheless grabbed the man in front of her and helped him slide as deep as he could without so much as a second thought. The man behind her didn't need any help, although neither did the one in front if she was being honest, and he wasted no time devastating her pussy as eagerly as the first one. Obviously the guy in front of her did the same and before too long Adriana's naked, quivering body was getting bounced back and forth between them like a fleshy toy. A constant stream of arousal leaked from her pussy to stain the already ruined carpet while almost as much spit oozed from the corners of her mouth.

She had no idea what the other two were doing and she honestly couldn't care in the heat of the moment. As long as the first pair continued to spitroast her so well that she couldn't even remember her own name without giving it some serious thought everything else in the world just didn't matter in the slightest. Now that they were fucking her properly it was so incredibly easy for her to completely lose track of all time and space. Not that she'd ever had much difficulty doing either of those things anyways. But with a lovely pair of dicks hammering away at her it was easier than ever, so easy in fact she sort of lost consciousness around her first orgasm. As her eyes rolled back in her head and a fountain of clear, sweet smelling juices squirted from her pussy whatever self awareness her brain still had just up and vanished completely. Her mind went completely blank as only the ecstasy of being fucked took over. As a thinking, rational human being she just sort of stopped existing for a while. Not long enough to become a vegetable or anything but definitely long enough to black out and come back to reality straddling one of her bosses with his cock buried in her asshole, another one of them stuffed into her pussy, and a third eagerly slamming away at her throat. All in all it was a lovely way to return to the world and she made her pleasure clear in every way she possibly could. Just like her employers made their own obvious but fucking all three of her slutty holes like it was going out of style. If they weren't passing her around like a cheap bong at a college party that was.

Because one of the many things they loved to do while fucking her was twist and contort Adriana's tight, sexy body into whatever position they could get her in. Usually so at least three of them could shove their cocks inside her holes at the same time but occasionally so one of them could do so while the others watched and enjoyed. Like when her ankles were pushed up behind her head and the partner with the biggest dick claimed her gaping asshole all for himself for a little while. The other three were more than happy to watch her scream and squirt all over herself as her rectum was blasted open by the biggest dick she'd ever known. After that she was turned onto her side to straddle another one of them, this time with his prick buried in her pussy, as another guy enjoyed her tight asshole and the third used her throat every bit as mercilessly as the rest used her remaining holes. In just about every way four men could fuck a single, impossibly slutty and impossibly eager women they did. So long as it never involved putting more than a single cock into one of her holes at a time. For whatever reason that continued to be the line they couldn't cross no matter how much Adriana begged and encouraged them to stuff all their cocks into her pussy, asshole, and throat at the same time. It was perhaps the only part of their arrangement she found disappointing. Or rather the only part she would've found disappointing had she been capable of feeling anything besides ecstasy as her cunt and rectum were turned inside out while her face was used as a cheap fleshlight for well over twenty minutes of uninterrupted sex. On at least three separate occasions she enjoyed one of those gushing, mind altering, reality changing orgasms that made her such an exquisite fuck, on top of her whorishness and beauty and skills at least, while all four of her companions just kept fucking her without stopping. It was downright impressive that none of them had blown their loads yet and had she the ability to reason she might've wondered why that was. The answer, like everything else to do with them, was better than she could've asked for.

After getting literally every hole that could be filled by one stuffed with cock for the better part of half an hour Adriana suddenly felt each of them pull out of her one by one. The sudden absence of their dicks inside her cunt, throat, and asshole was downright jarring and despite being in the middle of an orgasm she came back to reality much faster than normal. But the instant she opened her eyes and realized she was kneeling on the carpet while all four of them frantically masturbated above and around her she realized what was happening and a flood of excitement and heartfelt delight swirled through her body. They were finally giving her the bukkake she'd always wanted and the simple fact that they cared enough to remember at all was so incredibly touching she could've cried. Luckily for all of them and their erections she resisted the urge and instead focused on sloppily blowing the man standing closest to her as all four of them rapidly approached climax. Their groans and panting, as well as the wet sounds of their dicks being stroked, completely drowned out the eager moaning she was encouraging them with but it hardly mattered. The sight of their sweaty little whore kneeling between them, her makeup running and her face glistening with spit while her body dripped with her own pussy juice was more than enough to get them all there. Unsurprisingly the guy she was sucking off finished before the rest and Adriana happily pulled herself off his dick at the last possible second. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and stared up at him with a sparkle in her eyes as he beat his meat and groaned like a feral beast.

Within a few seconds a massive, ropey strand of cum was bursting from tip of his cock to streak across her parted lips, much of it falling into her mouth while the rest was drizzled across her cheek and the side of her nose. She moaned in utter delight and leaned in closer, practically rubbing her face against his swollen member as it disgorged load after creamy load onto and into her face. It was the most perfect fifteen seconds she could've hoped for, matched only by the next fifteen seconds as the junior partner nearby let out a climactic grunt and stepped forward. She turned to face him with her mouth still open and fresh cum smeared across the right side of her face and he responded by grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling her head backwards as he blew his load all over her left cheek and eye in a messy fountain of cum. She managed to close her eyes just in time and the feeling of gooey spunk splashing across her eyelids and forehead or dripping down her cheek was simply exquisite. Enough to send a violent shiver running down her spine and nearly make her cum all over again. And by the time her second lover had finished the remaining two were at the end of their rope. Both of them stepped forward to deliver their cumshots onto either side her face and although her eyes were still closed she managed to enjoy every single drop of cum given to her like it was the most precious, perfect thing in the world. The coated as much of her face as they could, with some of their spurts landing across her naked shoulders and even dribbling down onto her tits as well. But she hardly cared about a few errant strands of spunk when there was so much deliciousness coating her face. How could she after finally having a lifelong fantasy fulfilled?

As soon as she felt the last drops of new cum splash onto her face Adriana opened her eyes and wiped away some of the loads pooling closest to her sparkling green orbs, collecting more than a mouthful of it on her thumb before wrapping her lips around her jizz splattered digit and sucking it clean as noisily as she could. She looked up at the men around her with an expression of utter contentment that lasted all of a second before the intoxicating flavor of their jizz washed over her and she asked, “How much longer do we have the conference room reserved?”

The four junior partners grinned at one another and down at her, one of them saying, “We've got it the rest of the day . . .”

“Good . . .” She cooed, reaching out to stroke their softening dicks the way someone might stroke a gorgeously made silk garment, “Then let's make sure we use every second of that time!”


Sophia Dearden

This was an absolutely stellar story. I loved how energetically, enthusiastically slutty she was, that was a delight from start to finish.


That's always nice to hear, especially on a story I wrote to be deliberately uncomplicated and sex focused lol