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So this story is something of a prequel to another one I wrote. In the sense that it features a younger version of a character. Otherwise it's pretty much unrelated lol. But I think it's a fun little romp regardless and I hope you guys do too!

For those interested the first story can be found here!

Officer Castel disembarked from the landing shuttle onto the sand blasted Mos Eisley docking bay alongside a fresh contingent of Republic soldiers. But unlike the Clone Troopers marching past him in lock step he wasn't on duty. His station was normally on one of the cruisers orbiting the planet but after several Tatooine months of duty he was finally owed shore leave. But since he lacked the authority or the insanity to commandeer an entire battle cruiser simply to take a short vacation his choices were all but completely limited to those available on the planet. Something he'd initially balked at upon being told by his Commander of the available places to visit in the smugglers hive of treachery and danger that was his destination. And indeed the only space port on the planet with anywhere worth being. He'd changed his tune considerably upon being told of a Twi'lek run hot springs hidden away in the back alleys of the densely packed city. It'd been a long, long time since he last had the pleasure of any female company beyond some of his fellow Officers and the occasional Jedi. Naturally the latter were far from viable romantic partners and with fraternization among Officers being heavily frowned upon, and even more frowned upon with the Clone Troopers themselves, an establishment run by the most beautiful species in the galaxy couldn't have been more appealing. By the time he'd left the port itself Castel was practically skipping with every step, drawing more than a few suspicious or confused looks from the many aliens he passed by. Though few if any paid attention to him beyond anything more than a simple oddity. Most had little interest in the Republic and those who did knew better than to attack an Officer in broad daylight. No matter how ridiculous he might look with an ear to ear smile practically bounding through the city towards his destination. Of course once he'd departed from the main thoroughfares and disappeared into the even seedier areas his enthusiasm was tempered by common sense and a fair bit of self preservation.

Even if Humans weren't any more of a target that other species being a symbol of authority in such a lawless place marked him like few things could. He kept one hand near his blaster at all times and the other near his communicator, just in case he needed assistance from. The territory between the main streets and the hot springs he was headed to were in such a constant state of flux the dossier he'd read on it couldn't even list the crime syndicate that ran the cramped, run down network of alleyways he was winding through. Which made for an added rush of adrenaline and tension as he navigated them more cautiously than a Separatist minefield. But while every step he took was watched by a dozen eyes at the very least he never encountered any serious resistance. Once or twice his path was blocked by someone or something but they never lingered, usually staying long enough to glare at him before vanishing down an alley or into a building where they could continue to watch him. Amusingly when he entered the territories owned by the Hutt cartels Castel's mood relaxed considerably and he even let his guard down as much as one could safely do on Tatooine. Though hardly allies the Hutt cartels were certainly not enemies of the Republic and they kept their organizations in order and about as cordial as criminal syndicates could be towards a galactic authority. Some of the enforcers lounging around or standing watch on the rooftops even nodded in his direction as he passed. A gesture he returned with a slightly bemused smile. Less than an hour after crossing into the new territory and a little more than two hours after leaving the space port he found the hot springs he was seeking. Or rather he found the unassuming little building that led into the underground complex that housed the hot springs. Stepping through the strangely ornate curtain that hung in place of a door he was greeted by the natural, volcanic smell of the springs alongside the familiar scent of perfumes and oils that always seemed to radiate from Twi'lek women no matter where they were. It made for quite a strange combination of odors as he approached the desk that was the only feature of the lobby.

Sitting behind it was a green skilled Twi'lek woman wearing little more than a few strips of fabric over her plump, curvaceous body. Her smile seemed to radiate excitement as she saw him and visibly perked up when he approached, “Welcome!” She said in a voice as sweet as it was sultry, “What pleasures can I indulge with you today?”

Surprised by her phrasing and a little embarrassed after spending so much time away from anything the slightest bit sexual he nervously replied in his deep baritone, “I was hoping to use the hot springs. I've been told I can rent a private pool . . . are any available?”

“We have several available!” She smiled at him, “How long did you want to rent it out?”

“Uhm . . . I'm not sure . . .”

“That's quite all right!” She stood up from her seat and sauntered around the desk to casually slide her arm around his and guide him through the second door nearby, “If you're unsure of how long you want to stay we can simply charge you for the time you use afterwards.”

“T-that sounds perfect!” He said as he looked pointedly at her face instead of her enormous, bouncing breasts trying to escape from her top. “Thank you!”

“It's my pleasure. Will you be enjoying the pool alone?”


“Would you like company?”

His heart skipped a beat and his tanned cheeks darkened considerably as he looked away from her to stare at anything else. Unfortunately they'd begun to descend down into the hot springs themselves and every dozen steps or so would stretch out into a landing a few hundred feet long lined with rooms for all manner of activities. None seemed to have any doors at all and every single one was occupied by at least one gorgeous Twi'lek female and an alien. Some were bathing together in springs, some were enjoying varying types of massages, and some were outright having sex. The various sounds of sexual ecstasy coming from the rooms filled the already heady air with a heat that made his head spin and his body tremble. He did his best not to stare at any one room for too long, though his efforts proved much harder than Castel expected the further down they went. After seeing a room filled with Twi'lek women and a single Wookie pleasuring all of them he realized it'd been nearly a full minute since his guide had asked her question. When his attention finally returned to her face she was looking up at him with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling and much of her body glistening with beads of sweat that caught the many, flickering braziers filled with fire hanging from the walls. Suddenly aware of how sweaty he'd become Castel nervously wiped some from his brow, cleared his throat, and finally gave the answer he felt almost embarrassed to say aloud.

“N-No thank you!”

Looking genuinely disappointed his companion's expression melted into a look of sadness that nearly made him go back on his answer, “That's a shame! If you change your mind don't hesitate to ask for me or any other woman you see . . . we'd love to take care of you . . .”

Beyond excited by that notion even as he knew there was little chance she personally had any interest in him beyond what her job involved Castel nodded and said, “I-I-I'll think about it . . .”

“Good!” She cooed. They reached the bottom of the stairs and walked a few dozen feet down the small hallway the steps led them to only for his Twi'lek companion to stop at the mundane looking wooden door and turn towards him, “And in case you need a little extra incentive . . . let me give you a taste of what you can enjoy . . .”

She threw her arms around him, pressed her body against his, and embraced him in the most passionate kiss he'd ever known in his life. Instantly overwhelmed by the scent and taste of the woman against him Castel very nearly collapsed. Before he knew what was happening his arms were wrapped around her and his lips were parting as his tongue instinctively sought even greater pleasures. He was delighted to feel her tongue already waiting for his and the two instantly coiled around one another while she let out a long, quavering moan and none too subtly grinded her body against his. After a moment of basking in the feel of her enormous, soft breasts squishing against his chest he gave her the only response he was capable of in the heat of the moment. Her moan rose several octaves the instant his throbbing cock pushed against her undoubtedly sodden pussy. The woman who's name he didn't even know pushed her quivering body against him so forcefully it just about knocked them both to the floor as she basked in the size and strength of his dick. While certainly not quite as impressive as a Wookie and nowhere near what a Rancor possessed his prick was absolutely enormous for a human and exactly what she'd been craving and hoping for since the moment he walked in. As they continued to kiss in the entryway of the main cavern she actually had to reign herself in a bit. Not that she wanted to. But after being repeatedly told not to have sex with customers on the floors unless she wanted to clean up the mess she was forced to show a little bit of self control and pull back. An eventuality Castel wasn't the least bit prepared for and one that left him downright confused when their lips parted and he found himself staring an eagerly smiling Twi'lek just begging for him to fuck her silly. Entirely with her eyes and the pout in her lips as she licked them clean and turned away from him.

The potent smell of her arousal hung think in the air as she pushed the door open and led him into a massive chamber lined with at least a dozen doors like the one they'd just entered through. Along with at least five or six tunnels leading to what he could only assume were more chambers. “I believe this pool is free . . .” She said in a husky voice, leading him to a door right across from the entrance, “And my name is Kyrata . . . in case you change your mind . . .”

“T-thank you Kyrata . . .” Castel stammered as he stopped in front of the door.

“Of course . . . just ring the bell and someone will come along to attend you . . . or fetch someone else to do it . . .” She pushed the door open and gestured into the room, “Enjoy your stay Officer . . .”

He nodded at her and watched as she walked away, his eyes glued to her swaying hips and wide, plump ass until she vanished from sight. Once he was certain she wouldn't be coming back to insist on being with him he turned towards the intimately small hot spring he'd been shown to. Maybe thirty feet from end to end the roughly oval shaped room was taken up almost entirely by a large, steaming pool of greenish blue water. Everything else save a few shelves attached to the wall was the same dark brown rock that made up the cavern outside and the caverns leading down to that point. After shutting the door behind him Castel started removing his uniform, eager to finally experience a little relaxation after the stresses of war and the frustration of not being able to ask Kyrata to stay with him. Within a minute he was naked and stepped into the surprisingly deep pool of water. At first he nearly dropped right into the deepest part as he tried and failed to stand on a ledge carved into the wall two or three feet below the surface. Suddenly thankful his Twi'lek companion wasn't around he caught himself and moved along the slick rock until he found a little better footing. Then he sank down to his waist in the rejuvenating waters with a loud, satisfied groan. Sitting on the first step he slowly felt for more with his feet and found another that would let him drop down to his shoulders in the hot spring. Which was exactly what he did as soon as his body had adjusted to the temperature. Sighing and wincing in equal amounts he sank even lower into the water and thought about Kyrata as his eyes closed and he let his head fall back against the edge of the pool. His cock was still throbbing like mad beneath the water, the heat doing absolutely nothing to diminish his arousal. Tempted to take care of that lust before it cost every credit he'd saved Castel eventually dismissed the notion. After several months alone he was much too familiar with his hands and unless the prices were ten times what he'd been told he could afford to have a little fun. All he had to do was work up the nerve to ask for it!

Little did he realize fun was sauntering towards his private pool that very moment, although it wasn't Kyrata the approaching Twi'lek was every bit as eager to make his acquaintance. Especially after seeing their kiss at the bottom of the stairs. Naked save for a flowing teal shawl hanging from her smiling face Itara was every bit as excited as her fellow Twi'lek to the make the acquaintance of the handsome man they were treating. Her brilliant orange skin was glistening with perspiration, little beads running in rivulets down her voluptuous curves with every swaying step she took towards his room. She'd taken off all the jewelry usually adorning her head tendrils but left one wrapped around her neck like a shawl while the other was draped down the front of her body to hang between her enormous, softly bouncing breasts. Upon reaching the door to his private pool her crimson eyes narrowed while a wide, sultry grin spread across her gorgeous features as she listened to his sigh. After working with humans, and plenty of other races, for much of her life she knew on instinct when one needed a sexual release from as little as a breath. And the man she was about to meet needed one more than any she'd pleasured in at least a dozen years. A little trickle of fluids leaked from the plump, hairless lips of her sex at the thought and she reflexively squeezed her thighs together while a shiver ran down her body. Although part of her did feel a slight pant of guilt at taking Kyrata's chance to enjoy all the pent up lust boiling over inside the Officer's body the rest was so abundantly eager to experience it she pushed the door open without even announcing herself. Naturally the man's gaze snapped to her with reflexive precision the instant she appeared. A split second later they widened in utter amazement as he was struck by the radiance of the woman entering his room. He stared in awe at her plump, supple curves and the beauty of every detail visible to his lustful ogling. Particularly the puffy, dark orange contours of her areola and nipples. Not to mention the wide, round contours of her ass visible even when she was facing him.


“Hello . . .” Itara sauntered towards him and sat down at the edge of the pool, her legs sliding into the water with ease as she sidled up close enough for him to smell her arousal hanging thick in the air, “It's your lucky day Officer . . .”

“W-what do you mean?”

“We've been running a contest and every new visitor is automatically entered . . . and I get to pick who wins and give them a special reward . . .”

Castel swallowed nervously and tried to shrink away from the incredibly beautiful woman sitting next to him, “A-and you're picking m-me?”

“Yes I am . . .” Itara flashed him a lascivious smile as she slid deeper into the water and moaned as the heat enveloped her already burning sex,. Although she could barely see it beneath the surface she knew his cock was already throbbing and ready to be enjoyed as soon as she wanted. “Which is why you're so lucky Officer . . .”

“Castel.” He managed to say, “my n-name is Castel . . .”

“Castel . . . that'll be a fun name to scream while you're splitting me in half with your enormous cock!”

As she spoke Itara wrapped both hands around his cock and gave it a soft squeeze. Her companion let out an echoing moan and his entire body tensed. “W-what can w-we do?”

“Anything . . .” She promised, “Everything . . .” Their eyes met in a feverish stare for several seconds as she watched a subtle change come over him. Knowing he was about to lose all control and descend into a frenzy she seductively told him, “Call me Itara . . .”

He nodded at her words, though she couldn't tell if he actually understood them. An unmistakable haze had clouded his dark eyes and it was abundantly clear he was only seconds away from giving in to his baser instincts. So of course Itara helped him along but lightly stroking his cock and letting out quiet yet impossible to miss moan. She felt his cock swell against her fingers, saw his muscular chest bulge outwards as he sucked in a ragged breath, and knew she'd poked the Rancor. In a single heart beat his prick vanished from her hands as he leapt to his feet in an explision of steaming water. Her startled but overjoyed moan was swiftly cut short by a wet gurgle as the man she'd enticed grabbed her tendrils with both hands and rammed his cock down her throat with a single, furious thrust. All ten inches of thick, pulsing meat plunged into the deepest reaches of her mouth and down her esophagus as the butter taste of his precum and the sweet taste of the water they were soaking in washed over her. Loudly and eagerly slurping on the dick violating her face Itara didn't hesitate to slide her hands around his waist and pull herself even tighter around him while at the same time grabbing two handfuls of his perfectly tight and deliciously firm ass. A cloud of arousal leaked from her greedy pussy as her wantonly aroused body released a little jet of fluid into the pool. It was soon joined by another, even thicker spurt when her partner's grip tightened and he pushed his hips forward. Feeling his large, hairy balls bumping against her chin while the rest of his manhood stretched open her gullet was a divine experience and exactly why she loved mating with humans. They were never too big to enjoy in any and every way she could've wanted and many were so sexually repressed compared to other species they went absolutely made the instant anything sexual was offered to them. A fact that continued to be proven true as Castel uttered a long, trembling groan and started pulling his cock back out of her tight, wet throat. Of course he did so just as forcefully as he'd entered.

Itara gurgled and gagged as the flared head of his cock scraped against her throat, much of her reaction was performative but there was enough truth to the violent shudders ravishing her body to bring a genuine smile to her lips. Especially when she felt the tip of Castel's dick collide with the back of her teeth and saw him shiver as well. Thick globs of precum oozed onto her tongue and were immediately swallowed up for a moment or two before he unceremoniously rammed his shaft right back down her slutty gullet every bit as hard as the first time around. Perhaps even a little harder! The impact of his balls against her chin certainly felt more pronounced than before and she wild spasms wracking her body were unquestionably more violent as she slobbered all over her dick. But even if that was all in her imagination she hardly gave a damn either way. As long as he kept working that fat dick like he did and abusing her throat like he was she couldn't care less about anything else. Except maybe enticing him to do more than just violate her throat for minutes on end. Because as lovely as it felt to have him plunging in and out of her mouth as he quickly settled into a frantic rhythm she absolutely wanted to feel his throbbing shaft plunging into other places as well. Places she drew his attention towards while he was busy ravishing her mouth. Although she wasn't quite flexible enough to show off everything she could very easily lift her round, pert ass out of the water while arching her back downwards to enhance the already wide and jiggling proportions of her rump for his wandering eyes.

Castel noticed her bright orange buttocks breaking the surface of the water almost immediately and she felt his dick swell even more inside her throat as he did. And how could he not notice when her frankly gigantic ass appeared in all it's spankable glory, glistening with beads of water and visibly bouncing from the force of his thrusts as if his dick was already buried between those cheeks. Of course once she caught his attention Itara made sure to hold it by lightly bouncing her rump in time with his movements and pushing it as far out of the water as she could so he had ample motivation to continue staring. Her legs and arms struggled to keep her aloft underneath the surface as she clutched the slick stone steps behind and in front of her but it was well worth the effort as Castel's speed slowed but his strength increased mightily. A quick look upwards confirmed his unblinking, open mouthed admiration of as ass no male or female with so much as a passing interest in Twi'leks could resist. Unsurprisingly he was every bit as susceptible to her charms as all the other lovers she'd enjoyed. Perhaps even more so as his dick throbbed almost hungrily inside her throat and the ferocity of his thrusts reached an unmistakable zenith. Eagerly and forcefully making full use of her wet, inviting, and well trained throat the Republic Officer stared unblinkingly at her ass for what seemed like ages before finally acting on the lascivious thoughts filling his mind. First by letting out a groan as he buried his dick in her mouth for what would be the last time and then by pulling his slime coated shaft free of her throat with as little ceremony as he'd pushed it in.

Absolutely dripping with a thick, gooey mixture of spit and precum his cock managed to look even more imposing as it throbbed insistently in front of Itara's face. At least for the split second she had to enjoy it's presence before Castel grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet. She didn't even have long to enjoy standing with her body pressed against his and the hot, warm presence of his cock against her belly because he once again moved her faster than she could react. This time towards the edge of pool and to what would be her new home for the next few minutes of wild abandon. Realizing what her man had in his perverted mind as soon as she saw him step onto the lowest level of the pool's seating Itara eagerly climbed out of the water and onto her hands and knees, her ass jiggling like mad as she wiggled her hips back and forth to show off just how eager she was for his prick. But even if she'd been as still as a statue the sight of her fat, creamy pussy dripping with water and arousal would've sent him into an absolutely frenzy. Little did she realize he'd also caught a glimpse of the dark orange and deliciously puckered little ring hidden between her buttocks. A hole he'd wanted to ravish since the moment she walked into the room and one he was about to turn inside out as he gripped his shaft with one hand and spread open her gorgeous buttocks with the other. Since her ass was so big and so plump he couldn't actually part both cheeks with just a single hand, instead only pulling aside one while she helpfully pulled aside the other. Itara moaned his name and shuddered with very real arousal as her tight little ass winked hungrily at him.

She couldn't wait to feel his cock inside her anus and luckily for both of them neither could he. His swollen, sticky tip pressed against her open not long after it'd been revealed in full to his lustful stare and barely a second after that it started to vanish inside her greedy entrance as he pushed with a good amount of force. Not quite as much as when he'd fucked her throat but certainly more than he might've used in a more level headed state of mind. Of course in a more level headed state of mind he would've taken the time to tongue her asshole until she was begging for mercy while simultaneously hoping it would never end so perhaps there was a certain balance to be struck between the two. Not that Itara would ever know what his preferences were. Not for a few days at least, after she'd fucked him every way imaginable and made up for months of celibacy with the sort of unhinged sexual ecstasy one could only find in the Outer Rim. But all that would come much, much later. For the time being she was about to bear the full brunt of his overeager libido and she couldn't have been happier about. Or perhaps more accurately her asshole was about to bear the full burnt and her asshole couldn't have been more happy. The rest of her body was just along for the orgasmic ride of the day. Maybe even the week if he was particularly good.

She was given her first, delicious reminder of how energetic humans could be when truly motivated the moment his cock head passed through her quivering ring. As soon as he managed to penetrate her tight, quivering hold Castel let out a moan, grabbed her waist, and rammed the rest of his dick inside her in a frenzy of lust. His balls slapped wetly against her always sodden pussy and his waist collided hard with her ass cheeks. Hard enough to send her lurching forward and hard enough to send the hand supporting her upper body buckling from the unexpected pleasure. And she might've been able to recover and keep herself upright had she pulled her free hand away from her ass cheeks in time. But before she could do anything like that her lover pulled back out and she felt his gloriously throbbing dick scraping against every nook and cranny of her madly clenching asshole on the way out and any hope of recovery was lost. Instead she let her arm collapse and grunted in equal parts pain and pleasure as her ample, naked tits smashed against the floor of the cavern. Fortunately she didn't have to deal with the discomfort of that rather embarrassing landing for long as Castel stuffed his prick right back inside her again and she was able to enjoy both the feverish return of his cock to the depths of her asshole along side the almost as wonderful sensation of his hairy sack smashing against her pussy. Squealing in utter pleasure as her eyes rolled back in her head Itara couldn't help but reach back and grab both of her ass cheeks at the same time. Clumsily pulling them apart in a gesture of submission as blatant as it was arousing she did her best to moan his name again but only the first syllable actually emerged. The rest was lost in a throaty scream as he responded to her blatant attempt to be fucked harder by fucking her as hard as he could. Grunting like a feral animal and holding on so tight it was almost painful Castel drilled his dick into her asshole like an absolute madman as months of going without the pleasure of a beautiful woman wrapped around his cock were exorcised as hastily as possible.

Utterly and completely consumed by passion the two of them swiftly lost themselves in the pleasures of sex as Castel ravished Itara's asshole and she in turn begged him to ruin her for all other men. Neither gave any thought to how loud they were being or how long they'd been there, so long as the ecstasy that was their union continued the rest of the galaxy didn't matter. His cock glided effortless in and out of her pulsing hole, each retreat distending her dark ring outwards and each push forward driving her whole body hard into the stone. Added to that ecstasy was the constant, wet collision of his sack against her pussy and the wild surges of pleasure that accompanied it. Each and every time his loins struck her gooey folds it sent a wild spasm through Itara's body and turned her protracted squeal into a breathy whimper. The walls of her quivering rectum would tighten even more around the cock rubbing against them and Castel would respond with a shudder and moan of his own. Back and forth the two of them went in a constant ebb and flow of pleasure as their bodies reveled in one another and all but drowned in the rising tide of ecstasy. Their already humid chamber was a haze of lust and musky arousal as they sank ever deeper towards a mutual orgasm both of them couldn't wait to experience. And by the time one of them finally arrived they were both so overwhelmed by the entire affair they couldn't fully appreciate what was going on. Thankfully their bodies were under no such restrictions even as their minds floundered and the jet of hot, pungent fluid that sprayed from her pussy remained undiminished in pleasure and volume. Squirting from the depths of her cunt to splash messily across the balls still smacking against her folds it drenched the two of them in a deluge of fluids that clouded their nostrils with the sweet smell of Twi'lek lust. Something her lover knew all too well and eagerly inhaled like the finest, most potent drug in the galaxy. As he pulled back and his cock emerged for what might as well have been the millionth time he was given another torrid blast of arousal as her greedy body refused to relinquish it's hold on him. When he gave her exactly what she wanted a split second later he felt his own endurance falter as the sheer ecstasy of her asshole washed over him. Although he managed a few more thrusts it was all over well before that and with a final moan he buried his dick inside her and let the tidal wave of pent up spunk explode inside her. Itara moaned his name and panted like a Bantha in heat as she felt his hot cum baste her inner walls and fill up her guts. Each new spurt arrived hot on the heels of the last and within seconds it felt like she was literally overflowing with his cum. After that she could've sworn his jizz was flooding into her belly and about to explode out of her mouth and while no such thing happened the effect remained orgasmically pleasurable all the same. So much so she didn't even notice the door to their chamber open or another person step inside the room. Even while their voice managed to snap the two out of their haze. As much as such a thing was possible.

“You just couldn't help yourself could you?” A nearby voice asked.

Itara and Castel looked up to see Kyrata standing in the doorway naked, her arms folded beneath her enormous breasts and arousal visible leaking down her sweat coated thighs, “Of course not!” The former moaned, “And neither can you!”

“No I can't!” She laughed, shutting the door behind her and sauntering towards the pair of them with a gorgeously confident strut, “Which is why it's my turn to fuck him and your turn to watch!”

“Mmmmm I may have to fight you for that!”

“Oh I don't think you want to lose that battle again.”

Castel listened to the two of them flirt fight, slowly pulling his cum splattered cock from Itara's asshole, taking a moment to admire the cavernous and gaped wreck it'd become after he fucked it, and smirking as her voice rose several octaves from the pleasure that caused, “I think I might have a solution for you . . .”

“Oh?” Both women asked.

With an ear to ear grin he climbed out of the pool, shoved Kyrata to her knees, lifted Itara up on hers, and grabbed both of their heads, “The first one to make me cum gets to fuck me . . .” He said as he took hold of their head tendrils and pulled their faces towards his throbbing dick, “How does that sound?”

“Perfect!” Itara cooed as she lavished his cock with kisses and slurped up his cum.

“Better than perfect!” Kyrata agreed as she sucked on his balls and buried her face in his loins.

“It's definitely something . . .” He laughed as pleasure washed over him and he stared at the horniest Twi'lek women he'd ever seen worshiping his dick, “it's definitely something!”


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