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I hope y'all were in the mood for some over the top, gangbang fun! Although if you're any kind of a fan of Veronica Sweet and the rest of the characters around her I have to imagine you are lol.

Also this story was based on an image you can check out here!

No matter how hard her pleasure soaked, cock addled brain tried to make sense of the events that'd led to the predicament she currently found herself in Veronica Sweet simply couldn't fathom what was going on. Part of that was definitely a consequence of having a fat, black dick stuffed into her asshole, a second fat, white dick buried in her pussy, a third far, Latino dick buried in her throat, and a fourth fat, black cock slapping against her naked tits waiting for a chance to use her mouth. Part of that was also a consequence of just how surreal it felt to be gangbanged by convicted felons in the middle of the visiting area while the guards looked on and did nothing. Although she was no stranger to having every hole filled with throbbing man meat, often times not even belonging to the same species as her, there was something to be said about it happening in such a strange environment. Particularly when she was only there as a result of some stupid volunteer program her daughter had roped her into. Some asinine outreach program meant to give legal aide and support to minor drug offenders and other people who'd been 'wrongly' convicted of crimes that didn't warrant hard time. But in what had become something of a tradition in her life things had gone completely and immediately awry. Instead of a few potheads or a group of pimple faced teenagers she'd been assigned to a quartet of hardened criminals who very much deserved to be in prison for a very long time. A quartet of hardened criminals who hadn't been with a woman in years and definitely hadn't fucked a fine piece of ass like Veronica in even longer. As soon as she sat down to talk with them she could feel their eyes glued to her massive tits and pouty face but in an attempt to be professional she'd ignored them. She was hardly unaccustomed to those sorts of looks from the opposite sex. And often times even the same sex!

But things had taken had a very sharp turn into unacceptable when the men she was sitting across from at the large, cafeteria like table had taken upon themselves to stand up and sit down on the bench next to her. Uncomfortably close as a matter of fact. The two sitting directly to her left and right didn't waste any time putting their hands on her body. One put an arm around her shoulders, the other slid his arm around her waist, and both of them put their hands on her thighs. And despite how dangerous she knew them to be Veronica wasn't having any of it. Without an ounce of hesitation she pushed their hands off her legs and shrugged the arm draped across her shoulders off. Before she could do anything about the one hovering above the waistline of her skirt five incredibly calloused and frighteningly strong fingers closed around her throat and she found her head turned towards the man on her right. He leered at her with an unmistakable gleam in his eye and she felt a cold ball of dread form in her stomach. Clutching his beefy forearm with both hands she tried to pull his digits away from her neck only to be completely ignored and pulled into a grotesque kiss. His heavily chapped lips pressed against hers faster than she could react and by the time her brain had processed what was going on his tongue was writhing around inside her mouth. Veronica let out a disgusted moan and tried to push him away but quickly found him as unmovable as the walls around them. Things only continued to get worse as the convict on the other side of her took the opportunity to slide his hands around her waist and start groping her enormous tits through the thin white blouse and lacy bra she'd worn that day. His movements were every bit as rough and unpleasant as the man kissing her and yet despite that she felt a strange twinge of arousal flicker through her body. One she couldn't even believe was there but one that was there all the same. In spite of what was going on and how repulsed she was by it a growing part of her was getting off on being manhandled by those criminals.

Whether or not they truly realized how much of a slut she was hardly seemed to matter as the convict kissing her finally pulled away only to run his tongue across her face and send a violent shudder down her spine. Even she couldn't say how much of that reaction was pleasure and how much was disgust. Of course it was a moot point as the two men on either side of her stood up and effortlessly lifted Veronica off her feet as well. In a fit of desperation she looked at the guards stationed all around the otherwise empty room but found each and every one of them pointedly looking anywhere but at the wild violation of the rules going on under their noses. Adrenaline spiked through her system as a terrifying realization dawned on her. But she didn't have long to dwell on what their indifference meant because the four scumbags around her were eager to capitalize on their apparent freedom. First by restraining her wrists with their meaty hands and then by groping and pawing at her tight MILF body with a complete lack of concern. The boldness of their touch and how hungry they clearly were for her continued to send little ripples of pleasure through her system and as much as she hated to admit it Veronica was starting to get off on the way they fondled her tits and rubbed at her pussy. She let out a quiet, almost imperceptible moan when one of them finally decided to take things to the next level and rip open her blouse. While the buttons from her top clattered across the floor the men around her exclaimed in varying degrees of urban slang how impressive, hot, and fuckable her fat, jiggling tits looked. Their hands immediately jumped back to her breasts but rather than simply pawing at her bra clad chest they continued to up the ante by yanking off the lacy fabric protecting her modesty. In snapped under their strength pretty much the instant they applied any force and within a few heartbeats her gigantic tits were exploding like an avalanche of soft flesh into the chilly air of the visiting room. Veronica could help but moan a little louder as four different hands started fondling her naked breasts at the same time.

Not long after one of them grabbed a fistful of her auburn hair and yanked her head backwards almost hard enough to make her gasp. For a brief moment she found herself staring up at the fluorescent lights but her vision was swiftly blocked by the tattooed face of another convict as he forced his lips against hers and his tongue into her mouth. The disgusting taste of his spit and the revolting feeling of his kiss overwhelmed her in an instant and yet no matter how hard she tried to resist them her willpower was fading and fading fast. It took another precipitous drop when someone shoved their hand down between her tightly clenched thighs. Effortlessly pushing between her shamefully damp legs and reaching up beneath the black pencil skirt she'd put on that morning he pressed his fingers against her wet panties and let out a derisive chuckle. Veronica dimly heard the words 'whore', 'slut', and 'bitch' thrown around in the wake of that discovering but her brain was already swimming in a haze of pleasure too great for those demeaning words to have the sting they might've otherwise. Although part of her did bristle at the insults it was barely heard among the growing sense of arousal that was steadily creeping into every facet of her body as they continued to play with her however they wanted. Between the multiple hands groping her tits, the tongue writhing around in her mouth, and the fingers rubbing at her pussy she was in no position to think critically about anything. Or indeed react in any way except continuing to writhe and shake between the four criminals responsible for her growing humiliation. But with every passing second she remained at their mercy it was clear the trembling of her body and the constant whimpering spilling from her lips were far from the protests of a woman who didn't want was happening. In fact as time wore on and their movements grew even more rough and even more bold it was readily apparent to even the guards not watching that Veronica very much wanted their cocks. And luckily for her they were more than happy to oblige.

When several of the hands groping at her half naked body suddenly vanished Veronica felt a strange mixture of disappointment and relief. Too dazed by what was going on to think clearly she incorrectly assumed they'd somehow seen the error of their ways and decided to stop. Or maybe the guards had at long last stepped in to do their fucking jobs. In reality they were anything but finished and she learned that rather quickly as her blouse was removed entirely before she could form a coherent thought. After than she felt the zipper on the back of her skirt being pulled down and another surge of adrenaline hit her like a runaway train. But as with everything else they'd down the convicts were apparently masters of taking advantage of dumb sluts that made the mistake of trying to help them and long before she had any sort of chance at reacting her skirt was on the floor and her panties weren't too far behind. Another chorus of vulgar, appreciative remarks both praising and demeaning her followed but the naked except for a pair of high heels woman they were surrounding barely heard a word of it. And if there was any hope of her brain processing what they'd said about her it was thoroughly destroyed when two separate hands smacked her fat ass hard enough to leave a perfect imprint. Not to mention send a shockwave of pain tinged pleasure through her body and make Veronica yelp in surprise. The hand that'd been teasing her pussy before returned, at least she assumed it was the same one, to happily bury two fingers in her sopping wet cunt without any delay. Veronica let out another, far less complicated moan as the greedy walls of her sex clamped down around the digits wriggling against them while the rest of her body was wracked with shivers. Heavily calloused fingers pinched and tugged on her swollen pink nipples while the hands responsible for leaving two perfect red outlines on her quivering ass cheeks returned with an even harder pair of smacks that filled the room with both her moans and the indecent sound of her ass cheeks being abused.

She was given even more ways to reveal just how big of a whore she really was when one of the men who'd just spanked her decided to slid a couple fingers between her tightly clenched ass cheeks to find the tightly puckered but wildly experienced hole hidden between them. Veronica's whole body tensed as soon as she felt his digits against her quivering ring and she continued to stay locked in a statue like pose while he teasingly rubbed against her rectum for just long enough to leave her wondering if he would actually penetrate her. And while the answer to that should have been obvious she was anything but capable of thinking rationally, she didn't hear the man fingering her pussy laugh about how much tighter she'd gotten all of a sudden despite him being right in front of her. Although she certainly heard what the man behind her said as he pulled his fingers away, licked them, and then pushed them right back against her asshole. Mostly because the second time around he didn't stop at simply pushing them against or swirling them around her anus. Instead he shoved them knuckle deep into her second hole like it was nothing. Crying out in unmitigated pleasure Veronica rose to the very tips of her toes as the two men fingering her cunt and asshole started moving at the exact same time and a barrage of wholly unwelcome but impossible to deny ecstasy flooded her body. Writhing against and between them in a frenzy of barely controlled delight she panted like a wild animal and squealed like a stuck pig as her hands clumsily reached out to grab the orange shirt of the man in front of her. Entirely unable to resist them by that point all she cared about was getting more pleasure. About getting as much pleasure as she could possibly acquire. The inner depraved whore that was always lurking just below the surface of her posh, upscale demeanor had finally made it's presence known and she didn't give a fuck if her pleasure came from her husband, a pack of wild dogs, or a group of violent convicts. So long as something hard and throbbing was stuffed inside her body soon!

Which was exactly what she got within a minute. Because as much fun as it might've been to finger and grope her that was hardly what four sex starved criminals had paid thousands of dollars to fantastically corrupt guards for. So the moment they'd had their fill of teasing it was time to get down to the main event. Once again lifting and moving her plump, curvaceous body around like she was a toy they lifted her right off her feet and onto the table they'd all been sitting at a short while ago. Pants were hastily removed and Veronica was given a brief moment to admire the absolutely enormous cocks on display all around her. Each one was a good few inches bigger than her husband in both size and girth, a fact that sent shudders running down her body long before she found herself being lowered onto one of those fat rods asshole first. At some point one of the convicts had laid down across the table with his cock pointed straight upwards and it was onto that cock that Veronica's asshole was pushed. And like the good little fucktoy she was her greedy rectum opened immediately for the throbbing pole to let the man it belonged to slide in balls deep with almost no resistance at all. She heard his pleasured groan and actually smiled at how delighted he sounded. It was almost flattering to know after years of taking it up the ass from all manner of things her butt was still tight enough to make a man groan as loudly as he did. Although a good deal of her enjoyment came from the unmitigated pleasure of having a giant dick stuffed into her ass as well as the promise of three more taking her other holes soon afterward. A promise she didn't have to wait long to be fulfilled as her legs were lifted into the air and gooey cunt was offered up to another of the convicts who happily slid into her tight pussy and groaned every bit as passionately as the man enjoying her ass. In fact both of them started moaning louder than every thanks to the way her body reflexively tightened around the two dicks shoved inside her at the same time and all but begged for them to start moving.

But she still had one hole left to fill and two dicks eager to fill it. One of the remaining convicts didn't miss a beat, grabbing her head and turning her face towards his prick to shove the entire thing into her gullet as fast as he could. Veronica gagged around his enormous length and sputtered as her usually well trained body struggled to accommodate the dick inside her. She was given more than enough time to adjust however as all three men enjoying her tight body started fucking her at the same time. Almost like they'd rehearsed it the trio pulled back and slammed forward at the same breakneck pace while she was left to convulse and shake in pure ecstasy as their dicks utterly ruined her asshole, cunt, and throat simultaneously. In a long, long 'career' of being an absolute slut she'd grown quite used to be fucked in every hole but every once in a while a group came a long and really reminded her of just how great being a total, unrepentant skank was. And to her enormous delight the four convicts all but completely ravishing her body had that quality as they took their years of sexual frustration out on her in the best possible way. Moving like men that knew they weren't going to have this opportunities many times, if every again, they absolutely wrecked her with the force of their thrusting. Had she been even a little bit less experienced with taking fat cocks and brutal dickings they almost certainly would've split her in half. Because even with the incredible amount of practice she had Veronica was still completely taken aback and utterly overwhelmed by their assault on her body. She didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of resisting them and she didn't even bother trying as they turned her pussy and ass inside out while using her throat like a cheap cum sock. And since the two men enjoying her mouth were taking turns doing so she even got to experience the added thrill of getting passed between them like a cheap piece of meat. Which never failed to be enormously arousing regardless of the circumstances.

Within a few minutes she was messily squirting all over the two fucking her cunt and asshole while at the same time spraying copious amounts of spittle and stomach bile over whichever man was using her throat at any given moment. Her eyes had all but completely rolled back in her head and every inch of her tanned, naked body was covered in goosebumps. As if being fucked by a quartet of violent thugs wasn't enough she'd well and truly turned into the spectacle of a pure and utter whore. And it was that spectacle that her family witnessed as they were let into the visiting area to pick her up. But that wasn't quite humiliating enough for Henry or startling enough for Sarah and Jack so by pure and complete happenstance all four men also came as soon as Veronica's dumbstruck family witnessed the true scope of her depravity. Amidst a flurry of self satisfied preening and insults at just how much of a slut the woman they were fucking was all four men cam one after another. The two enjoying her pussy and ass blew their loads directly into her holes without a care for the consequences. They pumped jet after hot, sticky jet of spunk into the depths of her body while groaning in pleasure and laughing at the dumb bitch they were pumping full of their seed. As well as the poor jackass she was married to. Meanwhile the man abusing her throat did much the same as his companions and sprayed his jizz down her gullet and into her belly. Unlike his partners in crime he continued to thrust as he did so and the sloppy effect of his movements combined with the pent up cum flooding her mouth made for an even more over the top sight than might've otherwise been enjoyed. The odd man out of the group didn't get to bust his nut inside the whore they'd picked out for the day but rather than complain he simply emptied his balls all over her massive, heaving tits and blushing face. Coating both of them in streaks of fresh, bitter semen he furiously beat his dick for as long as he could while aiming each new spurt at a different part of her until she was totally glazed by his spunk and looking somehow even more slutty than she had before that point.

Near the entrance to the room Sarah was standing with both hands covering her mouth and a jealous flush creeping into her cheeks. Jack was watching in abject disbelief while Henry had one hand pressed against his forehead and a tormented look on his face as he gasped, “Oh God no!”


Sophia Dearden

This was an excellent piece. Loved the way you structured the story, it made the whole thing quite fun.


It's funny, I really didn't think about that as a conscious choice but I'm glad all the same that it was received well!


Great work snizz! Its always a treat to read a sweet snizzle story :P


Thanks man! It's always flattering to hear that, especially after all these years!