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As always anyone who doesn't like porn featuring real people (or the wildly out of character versions of them depicted within) should give this a pass. Those who do or don't care should read on and enjoy what I think is a rather fun little romp!

Oh and this too is based on an image you can find here!

Carmella knew he was watching her as she stepped out onto the porch of her cabin dressed in nothing but a flimsy white blouse that only barely reached past her waist. Because he'd been watching her every day since he arrived. But rather than take offense to her neighbors captivated stares she'd come to quite enjoy the adulation he so freely gave her. There was something sweet about how his face always lost all color whenever the two of them crossed paths. How he nervously swallowed and tried his best to make conversation while barely stammering out a single word. How he grinned like an idiot any time she did anything that even slightly acknowledged his presence. And in the week or so they'd spent vacationing next to one another she'd come to greatly look forward to every charming little reaction he had to damn near every thing she did no matter how small or mundane. But she'd only booked her cabin for two and a half weeks and that time was rapidly coming to a close, something she wasn't at all happy about now that she'd found such a cute little ball of neuroses to spend her time with. He probably wouldn't have been too happy to learn she was leaving either, which was exactly why she didn't tell him. Instead she'd done something infinitely more fun than ruining their last full day together. Because while she hadn't glanced in his direction she could feel her twenty something neighbor staring at her tanned legs like it was the first time he'd ever seen an attractive woman. A smile gradually lit up her face as she sauntered down the steps and down the path leading from her cabin towards the main 'road' that connected their remote little getaway to the rest of the area. Yet instead of continuing to walk away she stopped at the hanging wicker swing that sat at the edge of the property she'd rented. While more than a few mornings and afternoons had been spent enjoying the peacefulness of nature in that swing that particular day was going to be anything but peaceful if she had anything to say about it.

With his eyes still glued to her body as she turned towards the swing still without looking at him, she slowly hooked an arm around the rope keeping it attached to a thick, sturdy branch twisting across the canopy above her. She grabbed the upper portion of the frame with her other hand and seductively slid a knee onto the seat while pushing her tight, round ass outwards just enough to reveal the total lack of underwear covering her lower half. Since she was standing perpendicular to her companion he couldn't see anything but the curve of her body but Carmella knew full well that was enough. The smooth shape of her sun dappled rump blending seamlessly into her toned thighs was a sight that drove both men and women crazy when she was wearing jeans. Seeing it when she was completely naked save for an easily removed white blouse could very well send her neighbor into a frenzy. But there was a good chance he might not have the courage to approach her or he might be too much of a gentleman to simply assume she wanted his cock. So to make things as unambiguous as she could without words she slowly turned her head to look at him, her green eyes adopting the sultry look she'd perfected after years of modeling while the rest of her face adopted a sort of understated intensity. While nowhere near as blatant as she could've been Carmella found a certain charm in fixing her nervously sincere partner with a stare that practically melted ice. Predictably his already furiously blushing face turned an even deeper shade of crimson the moment their eyes met. It didn't take long for him to descend the steps of his cabin to walk towards her with visibly shaky steps. The smoldering passion of her gaze was like a siren call after seven days of awkwardly admiring her from afar. And when he was finally close enough for her to run a hand across his broad chest and feel his youthful muscles through the white cotton shirt he had on her face instantly broke into a grin. All pretense was dropped as she smiled lasciviously at him and subtly nodded while biting her lower lip.

“Y-you don't—a-are you—i-is this—oh my God!” He stammered.

“What are you waiting for handsome?” She asked him, her eyes drifting down to the deliciously large bulge in his exercise shorts before purposefully returning to his face, “I know you want me and I don't think it's hard to figure out I want you . . .”

“No! No i-it isn't hart a-at all!”

Nodding like an overexcited bird he stared at her for just long enough to make Carmella question if he was actually going to do anything. Before she could voice that question her companion finally moved behind her and she let out a delighted giggle. Immediately looking back at him over her shoulder she watched his hand slide into his shorts and retrieve what looked like a solid eight inches of throbbing cock followed by a pair of thick balls just begging to be drained of cum. Her already sopping wet and very much aching pussy twinged with desire upon seeing what he was working with and a trickle of her arousal quickly dribbled down her thighs. Whether or not he noticed how turned on she was remained to be seen as he nervously reached out to place his right hand against one of her pert buttocks and give it a soft, tentative squeeze. She responded with a delighted moan and wasted no time pushing her ass out even further. Both to encourage his soft groping and make sure the temptation to slide that far dick of his inside her pussy was as overwhelming as it could be. Unsurprisingly he took the bait after only a couple of seconds and she soon had the pleasure of feeling his pulsing tip brushing against the soft little folds of vulva. By accident or design he ended up rubbing the head of his prick against her outer lips for several thoroughly satisfying seconds before he actually thrusted. It lasted just long enough to make her whimper in delight and shiver with anticipation before the big moment. When he finally started to move forward a ver genuine and very passionate moan burst from her lips before she could do anything about it. Not that she would've or even could've hidden how good his cock felt gliding into the depths of her pussy. Moving at a fantastically slow pace he inched forward little by little with every centimeter feeling a dozen times longer as a result. The wild throbbing of his length against her tight inner walls sent shivers down both their spines and before long he was groaning just as loudly as she was.

“Oh my God!” He moaned, “Oh my God! It feels—I-I mean YOU feel amazing!”

“You're not so bad yourself handsome!” Carmella panted as more than two thirds of his prick vanished into her pussy, “Don't stop now!”

“I=I won't!”

As if to reinforce that promise his hips lurched forward to drive the last couple inches of his cock into her pussy with remarkable speed. She gasped in delight and gripped the chair she was leaning against harder than ever as the impact of his body against hers sent a nice shockwave of pleasure through her entire system. His cock throbbed uncontrollably against the equally quivering walls of her cunt as he watched her firm buttocks jiggle with nothing short of awe. The ripple his thrust sent through them was downright hypnotic and despite how incredible her pussy felt squeezing his prick he was compelled to pull out as fast as he could, just so he could thrust forward again and see her amazing ass react that way again. Carmella didn't have any complains as she felt his dick retreat and basked in the enormously pleasurable sensation of it rubbing against her sensitive pussy on the way out. Every inch that vanished from her slit reminded her just how long it'd been since she last had sex with the most wonderful form of a solution to that issue arriving when he slammed forward yet again. Only this time his hands had found their way to her hips and instead of simply driving his dick back inside her like before he pulled her backwards against him at the same time. The resulting shockwave of their messily colliding flesh sent another barrage of pleasure through her senses and actually made Carmella throw her head back in ecstasy. Meanwhile her companion was groaning in utter disbelief as he drank in the sight of her body, her amazing and downright peerless body reacting to his movements. Part of him still couldn't quite believe he was having sex with her at all and the few chunks of his brain that could were intoxicated by the sight of her ass jiggling from the force of his thrusting. So much so he immediately pulled back to slam inside her yet again not a heartbeat after doing so again.

And for a brief moment in time that was their rhythm. Carmella would moan and wiggle her hips every time her ass slammed against his cock and he would drive that throbbing dick into her pussy as fast and as hard as he could over and over again. The pleasure she felt from each thrust continued to rise at an incredible rate and there was no doubt in her mind she'd be cumming within a few minutes if he could keep up the same level of speed and strength he was displaying. Unfortunately she was giving him a bit more credit than he deserved. Or perhaps more accurately she was vastly underestimating how amazing her ass looked while she was being fucked from behind and just how much her partner enjoyed seeing it jiggle. Because with two minutes he was panting and moaning like a dying animal and thrusting like an absolute madman. Although she greatly enjoyed the latter there was no pretending the former wasn't a cause for some concern. Before she could find the wherewithal to actually say anything about it he let out an unmistakably climactic groan and started slamming into her in a frenzy of wet, slapping flesh and utter pleasure. Too caught up in the ecstasy of the moment to say anything Carmella moaned every bit as passionately as her companion and her voice only grew more shrill, not mention louder, when she felt the first gooey jet of spunk erupt from his madly twitching cock. Erupting deep into her pussy as he buried his shaft inside her it splashed across her inner walls and sent a toe curling surge of arousal to the very tips of her fingers and toes. It was quickly added to and compounded by another, equally large font of jizz a split second later. One that added a wonderfully satisfying feeling of warmth to all the other sensations she was enjoying. That experience would only get more pronounced with every new load he pumped into her sex and by the time he was finished Carmella couldn't even be mad about how quickly he'd cum. Having a belly full of spunk just felt too good.

“I'm sorry!” Her lover moaned as his thrusting came to a stop and he wisely pushed his softening but still nicely hard dick balls deep inside her pussy, “I'm sorry! It just—you just felt so good . . . and your ass was so . . . was so amazing . . . and so big . . . I couldn't control myself . . . I'm sorry!”

Choosing to focus entirely on how flattering his words were and how sweet the sentiment behind them could be interpreted as Carmella flashed him a sincere, adorable smile and said, “That's okay . . . lucky for you I like when a guy cums inside me . . . and I don't mind when they're quick on the draw so long as they aren't done after one go . . . which you aren't right?”

Immediately shaking his head her neighbor wasted no time saying, “No ma'am! I-I can definitely go again!”

“Good . . .” She cooed, “Good . . .”

She continued to smile at him as she reached back and pressed a hand against his chest. He stared down at her fingers in confusion for a split second and then instinctively backed up when she applied a little bit of pressure. Carmella laughed while he continued to look unsure of what was going on and his cock slowly retreated from her pussy. The instant it emerged with a soft squish and cum began leaking out she wordlessly changed positions. Because as fun as the previous one had been it was murder on her knee and not at all enjoyable to engage in for the length of time she hoped to be having sex. Instead she sat down in the swing she was previously leaning against, invitingly opened her legs, and beckoned to him with a seductively curling finger. Like any sane human being he rushed forward as quickly as his legs could carry him and within a few heartbeats his dick was right back where it belonged: balls deep in her cunt and ready to start thrusting. And once he had a firm hold on her waist that was exactly what he did. Much to her absolute delight. Eager to make up for his perceived failing regardless of what she said and how okay with it she seemed to be he did everything he could to pick up where they'd left off before his unfortunate moment of weakness. His hips lurched backwards as quickly as he could manage and his dick retreated until barely a quarter of it was left enveloped by her incredible pussy and as soon as he reached that point he reversed his movements and plunged back inside her. Carmella moaned in appreciation and grabbed his muscular forearms for support as the first impact of his waist against hers after his climax sent even more pleasure cascading through her system. Having a pussy full of fresh cum while being fucked was among her favorite experiences and she was quickly reminded why when he resumed the frantic, almost breakneck pace he'd been moving at earlier. Without any proper thought she wrapped her legs around his waist, her ankles crossing behind his back as she stared up at his cute face with an increasingly aroused look on her own.

Amusingly it took him far longer to notice the expression on her beautiful face than it probably should have, in no small part because he was staring fixedly down at her pussy as it trying to force himself to last longer through stares alone. For nearly two full minutes his eyes never let their wetly colliding loins and the myriad of looks spreading across Carmella's gorgeous passionate countenance went completely unnoticed by the man causing them. It wasn't until she let out a particularly feverish moan that he finally thought to look up from his frenetic, wild thrusting. And the moment he did the change that came over him was both unabashedly adorable and remarkably hilarious. His eyes went as wide as they could possibly could without just falling out of his head entirely and while his cock throbbed like mad inside her pussy his hips slowed down considerably as he stared at the pleasure wracked smile and glassy eyed stare his actions had earned him. If the sultry come hither look she'd given him after they'd changed positions had been fantastic and the understated stare she'd given him to get the whole thing started was intoxicating the expression on her face at that moment was transcendent. He'd never seen a woman look more beautiful than she did in that moment and for a split second he almost felt bad about what he was doing to her. But then he quickly snapped out of the stupid, weird, and downright creepy way of thinking. As well as the stupor that'd come over him. Sucking in a breath and quickly letting it out as a moan he resumed fucking her as hard and as fast as he'd been before, only this time his eyes remained glued to her face as he did so. Something she enjoyed to no end. The pleasure of staring deep into the eyes of the man fucking her was another of the things she enjoyed above nearly everything else and that swiftly became clear from the deluge of warm fluids trickling out of her pussy. Alongside the plethora of loud moans, breathy whimpers, and everything in between spilling from her eternally parted lips.

Another few minutes passed by in what felt like a few seconds as they lost themselves in the passion of their impromptu and rather public sexual encounter. The constant and impressive pace of his thrusts combined with the size of his cock and his rather impressive ability to use it a lot better than many of the guys she'd been with proved endlessly pleasurable for Carmella. Although she didn't quite achieve an eye rolling, mind shattering, body shaking orgasm she was still hit by a veritable flood of smaller and no less wonderful climaxes throughout her time with the young hunk she'd seduced, Many times her smaller orgasms would arrived one after another so quickly they fed off and fueled each other like throwing gasoline onto a fire. During one particularly lovely few seconds she actually managed to send a little font of arousal squirting across his waist and shirt, although it was somewhat comically missed by her partner because of how intensely he was now staring at her face. Although as a direct result of their unbroken eye contact she had a chance to see the earliest signs of his impending release before he was actually blowing another load inside her. And with the benefit of that foreknowledge she was able to enjoy his eventual climax a lot more the second time around.

Partly because the slow build up to yet another pussy full of cum was the perfect sort of teasing and partly because of how cute he looked as he came closer and closer to orgasm. His face twisted up in concentration and his his eyes gain a new sort of intensity that sent a shiver down her spine while the rest of his body visibly tensed from the effort of trying to last as long as possible. Of course with how beautiful his partner was and how tight her pussy continued to be he might as well have tried to turn back time or stop the sun from rising. Eventually he managed to figure that out and lean into his climax and when he did it was even more delicious than the first time. His spunk flooded into her body at an even faster rate that before and it swirled around her pussy like whirlpool of hot, sticky pleasure. All aided by the frantic thrusting that had accompanied his previous orgasm and made it such a wonderful experience for her the last time. He dumped load after load inside of her like it was going out of fashion and she reacted to all of them with the same panting delight, eagerly nodding her head and gasping as he fucked her. So close to a proper orgasm it was almost maddening she couldn't wait to keep going. In fact she was so eager to continue she didn't even wait for him to completely stop before asking the question he knew was coming.

“Can you go again?” She asked, her voice as breathless as it was needy.

Slowly pulling his cock out of her gorgeous little pussy and watching cum instantly bubble from her sloppy opening Carmella's neighbor took a ragged breath and said, “Yeah . . . yeah I can definitely go again . . .”

“Good!” Watching his cock throb and twitch between his legs for a moment she slid a bit further down and opened her legs a bit wider as a thick strand of his spunk dripped from her sex to land in the dirt beneath her with a wet plop, “Then don't keep me waiting handsome . . . we've got all day and I don't want to waste a second . . .”

“Okay!” He said with an enthusiastic nod. She bit her lower lip and smiled affectionately at him as he took hold of his cock and brought the tip back against her entrance, “B-by the way my name is—”

Immediately pressing a finger against his lips to silence him Carmella shook her head and laughed with unabashed delight, “Don't tell me! It's more fun this way . . .”

“All right . . .” Her companion said. He slid his shaft back inside her pussy and both of them moaned in delight as it glided effortlessly into the depths of her cunt once more, “Do you want me to pull out this time?”

“Not on your life.” She cooed. “I want every last drop you have to give.”

Carmella shivered as his member throbbed like crazy inside her and her smile was practically radiant as her companion nodded, placed his hands on her waist again, and said, “Yes ma'am . . .”


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