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And in what will surely become a trend here's another story that ended up a lot longer than I planned lol. It's also a good deal different from my usual stock and I hope that ends up being a positive, though I'll let you guys decide that for yourselves!

Oh and just like the previous one this was based on an image you can find here!

A deep, pervading silence filled the abandoned storefront as Rebecca Chang crept from one derelict aisle to the next searching for any dirt she could dig up on Terror is Reality. But after hours of looking for her scoop of the century she was beginning to question the merits of combing through a zombie infested hellhole to find it. Just a little bit. Not nearly enough to actually consider stopping her search and nowhere near enough to consider going back to the safehouse. If someone like Chuck could go gallivanting through the area in a football helmet and floral print dress wielding a rowing paddle with a chainsaw strapped to either end she could certainly sneak around looking for clues dressed like a sane person and relying on her wits. But while the regular undead shuffling around the mall had been easy enough to avoid something else was lurking in the darkened lanes she was prowling. Something far more intelligent and far more cunning than the mindless zombies she thought were her only concern as she scoured the plaza one storefront at a time. It followed her at a distance like a predator stalking their prey, always hidden by the shadows when Rebecca would look back over her shoulder. Some part of her could sense she wasn't alone and the hairs on the back of her neck refused to go down no matter how many times she assured herself it was just more zombies. Or at worst some of the looters pillaging the rest of the mall. Both of which she knew she could handle and neither of which should've left her feeling as nervous as she felt. Little did she realize the creature stalking her was far from something she could handle by herself, although she'd be learning that soon enough. Because after skulking about in the darkness for quite a long time her unseen companion was ready to make it's presence known. And it did so my silently approaching it's victim when she stopped near the loading bay at the very back of the department store.

Just as she was about to grudgingly admit the store was a dead end and the lead that'd brought her there really had been too good to be true Rebecca felt a faint rush of air behind her. It was the only warning she got before a massive pair of grayish purple hands grabbed the shoulders of her blouse and ripped the fabric from her shoulders like it was tissue paper. She gasped and looked down in shock, unable to process the sight of her own breasts and the exceedingly skimpy, lacy black bra covering them jiggling in the pale light of a flickering bulb. Fear and adrenaline filled her body and the instant those enormous mitts were finished shredding her top she tried to run away from whatever was standing behind her. But it grabbed her flailing wrist with a vice like grip and pulled her back towards it so fast she was barely able to gasp. In the blink of an eye her body was pressed against the broadest and most muscular chest she'd ever felt in her life. It was like a slab of meat perfectly chiseled into an ideal physical specimen of masculinity and despite the peril she was certain she'd stumbled into a part of her still marveled at what she felt her face and chest pressing against. In the brief moment before she bounced off the monster's body. And while she was recoiling from the unexpected impact the creature holding her wrist hunched beneath the light she'd been standing under to reveal itself properly. Gasping yet again, this time in a mixture of horror and something even more primal Rebecca covered her mouth with her free hand and stared in shock at the hulking abomination in front of her. Although passably human, were it not over eight feet tall, the creature was from head to foot a behemoth unlike anything she;d ever encountered in her entire career. All at once repulsive, bestial, grotesque, and strangely fascinating it was a hideous thing that should have elicited nothing but abject terror from her.

And initially it did, although Rebecca continued to feel conflicted in a way no sane person should have when confronted by such a thing. Especially after it'd ripped off her shirt in an act that couldn't have been more unambiguous in it's intent. But in spite of that she could only stare at it's revolting features until it grabbed her shoulders with both hands. A timid little squeak erupted from her mouth as she felt it's clammy touch against her bare skin. She tried to wriggle free but it was abundantly clear she didn't have any hopes of stopping the monster from doing whatever it wanted. Something that was proven a moment later when it forced her to her knees as easily as one might shift a pillow across the bed. At first her eyes remained glued to it's misshapen, leering face as she struggled to think of a scenario, any scenario, that didn't end in her death. But then her eyes notice da flicker of movement directly in front of her and she naturally glanced in that direction only to suck in a sharp breath upon seeing what had caught her gaze. Hanging between the monster's legs was a devastatingly huge cock and a pair of balls that looked almost as big as her head! As thick as one of her thighs and long enough to look like a third leg it throbbed with an almost terrifying power and leaked copious amounts of white fluid onto the ground. Every inch of it was riddled with veins, ridges, bumps, or some other featured that gave it at almost diseased look yet all Rebecca could think about was how amazing that thing would feel inside her pussy. She could almost taste the pungent stench of his prick as it twitched mere inches from her awestruck face and the longer she stared the harder it was to look away. Without even realizing it she started to lick her lips and drool as the sheer masculinity of what she was staring at began to wash over her. When her eyes finally managed to tear themselves away from his exquisite example of manliness she was met with a grin. One that sent goosebumps erupting across her body the instant she saw it.

One of his frighteningly massive hands jumped from her shoulder to close around the back of her head and hold on just tight enough to keep her firmly rooted in place while the other leapt to his cock to take hold of it's enormous length just below the tip. A long, trembling whimper spilled from Rebecca's lips as she watched his preposterously enormous length slowly rise through the air until she was staring down the precum soaked consequence of her desire to find a scoop regardless of the consequences. Yet despite knowing how fearful and horrified she  knew she was supposed to be those feelings were at a distant second to the overriding sense of anticipation and arousal she felt instead. In fact those desires were so strong she found herself willingly opening her mouth only moments after the monster finished hefting his cock. Centimeter by centimeter her lips parted until they'd spread as far apart as possible and her gaze had tentatively returned to his face. And the moment her eyes met his he slammed his hips forward so quickly she didn't have any hope of reacting. Faster than her body could handle and faster than her mind was capable of processing it the fist sized head of his dick plunged into her mouth, the sheer size of it stretching her pouty lips to the breaking point in an instant. But of course he didn't stop at just violating the contents of her mouth with the sweaty, foul tasting, and wholly intoxicating flavor of his prick and precum. That was just a necessary by product of his larger goal as he continued to push every last inch of his titanic member inside her in a single rough motion. His madly throbbing cock head blasted into the back of her throat and down into her esophagus so quickly her gag reflex didn't even have a chance to kick in. And by the time it started to her throat was already bulging outward in a grotesque display as more and more of his shaft slid past her lips. Spit and stomach bile sprayed from her mouth in gooey jets while her eyes rolled back in her skull and violent tremors wracked her half naked body.

Entirely on instinct her hands flew to his bulging thigh muscles in some desperate, subconscious effort to stop what was happening. But there was no stopping him and she knew it. Or at least she'd come to understand that after pushing against him to no avail as more and more of his knobbly dick entered her tight throat. And while it definitely didn't feel as amazing as it would've inside her pussy there was no denying how incredible the misshapen contours of his dick felt rubbing against the walls of her gullet as it burrowed deeper and deeper inside her. Her already sodden panties were absolutely soaked by the time he'd pushed a third of his prick inside her and since she was a notorious slut for all things oral sex there was no doubt she'd be cumming long before those fat balls were resting against her chin. In fact she could almost guarantee it. Because the pleasure flooding her senses was constantly and endlessly helped by the revulsion and the panic that accompanied being facefucked by a literal monster in a mall infested by zombies. The thrill of the danger and the knowledge that her hideous lover could destroy her on a whim added a whole new dimension of arousal she'd never felt before. One that effortlessly overcame the discomfort associated with sucking down a cock big enough to knock her unconscious if it collided with her head. Although she continued to weakly push against his thighs and scrape her nails against his oddly stone like skin Rebecca wasn't even trying to rescue herself from his clutches. It didn't matter that she was was moments away from puking up the water she'd been drinking since she left the safehouse. Or that the corners of her vision were started to go black as the pressure of his throbbing dick pushed all the air from her lungs. Her mind could only comprehend the steadily rising pleasure of being violated by such a powerful example of manhood. Of being an almost literal fuck toy fit only for his pleasure and his amusement. She couldn't believe how turned on she was!

Of course no amount of arousal could overshadow or stop simple biological functions and as more and more of the monster's cock pushed into her body that fact became increasingly relevant. Around the time she could feel his tip pushing into her stomach Rebecca knew she couldn't hold back for a second longer. Sputtering and gurgling around the fat pole forcing her gullet open she did her best to brace for the inevitable fireworks as convulsions wracked her body. Thick jets of stomach bile and saliva burst from her overstuffed mouth to splatter against the ground or splash across the muscular contours of the thighs she was bracing against.  And thanks to his steady and wholly unimpeded movement the longer she continued to spew forth the contents of her bely the more of it she sprayed across the monster's flesh and the more of it subsequently splashed back onto her as a result. But as spectacularly sloppy and lewd as those heaves looked they were little more than a precursor to the main even as her long suffering gag reflex finally had enough. So far beyond the point of self control she was basically an animal Rebecca offered one last retch before a fountain of liquid exploded from her lips, the already incredible pressure formed by her body's violent upheaval finding an even greater force thanks to the size of the dick blocking her up. Instead of simply exploding out of her like normal the contents of her stomach sprayed out like water from a high pressure pipe that'd just sprung a leak. As her body heaved and writhed from the orgasmic agony coursing through it a near constant spray of precum, spittle, and bile gushed out of her lips all while the behemoth violating her continued pushing forward without any care at all. He hardly even seemed to notice Rebecca throwing up all over his cock, herself, and much of his lower half. Or if he did it didn't phase him in the slightest. He just kept pushing forward as the last quarter of his dick neared her trembling lips.

Naturally the encroaching presence of his balls presented an even more sloppy outcome for her already disgustingly messy upheaval as her puke splashed against his weighty sack in gooey torrents. Every passing second she showered herself in more of the tawdry mixture spewing from her throat and before long the front of her body was absolutely coated in the substance. It was a sensation every bit as strange and arousing as having her entire esophagus all the way down to her stomach filled by a misshape dick the size of a human leg. So it was hardly a surprise when Rebecca finally climaxed barely three inches from the base of the monster's cock. With it's soaking wet balls closer than every and her own vomit absolutely soaking her body each and every moment she continued to puke how could she not succumb to the ecstasy flooding her system? How could she not lunge forward the remaining distance to press her lips against his body and violently spew bile all over his muscular abdomen and her own face? How could she not unleash a sticky fountain of pussy juice into her panties and all across the disgustingly soiled tile floor beneath her? It was as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning. And she was beside herself with delight. Waves of pleasure crashed down on her one after another and each instance felt all the stronger because of the previous one. In much the same way she spewed vomit all over the creature embedded in her throat she always squirted another, far more sweet smelling liquid all over her thighs, skirt, and ground. And thanks to her panties what might've been a relatively normal explosive bout of female ejaculation was turned into something even more perverted. Although she far, far too enamored with her own ecstasy to notice what her companion was doing the monster had, at some point, grabbed her head with both hands and leaned over to watch the juices cascading from her pussy as best he could manage. Had she seen the way his eyes sparkled as it watched hot torrents of arousal gush out from beneath her tight little ass it would've brought a smile to her face. It also would've prepared her for the absolutely relentless ferocity of what came afterwards . . .

Back at the safehouse the few survivors that'd seen Rebecca Chang leave were starting to wonder if she was okay. While by no means their favorite person she was nice enough and certainly didn't deserve to become one of the shambling, undead horrors roaming the mall above them. And with Chuck out doing whatever it was he did when he was gone nobody could quite bring themselves to their relatively safe haven to search for the wayward reporter. Most couldn't bring themselves to leave whatever room they had posted up in upon first arriving at the safehouse! But just as people were beginning to fear the worst they heard the squeal of metal hinges and the sound of something crawling through the vents that led to their hideout. The bravest and most able bodied survivors made their way to the entrance, hoping to see either their scoop hungry journalist or the madman in charge of keeping them all safe. And while they technically got the former it was hardly what anyone was expecting. Because rather than seeing Rebecca disheveled but unharmed like they had so many other times when she all but vanished only to come back an indeterminate amount of time later they saw a half naked, comatose wreck of a woman barely fit to be called human. A bulging, almost grotesquely muscular arm colored a strange purplish gray shoved the half naked woman into the safehouse with remarkably little concern for her well being and then disappeared before anyone could do anything.

Not that the onlookers would've done anything about the mysterious and definitely inhuman presence in the vents. They were much too preoccupied with Rebecca's half conscious body tumbling to the floor in front of them. After several ungainly rolls she'd come to a stop on the concrete floor with legs spread open and arms lying uselessly on either side of her head while her back subtly arched and much of her body trembled. Somehow her yellow blouse had been reduced to shreds hanging off her naked torso like ribbons and the lacy black bra she'd had on had been give the same treatment. The black, thigh length pencil skirt she'd been wearing was rolled up to her waist and whatever panties she'd presumably worn beforehand were completely gone. But as shocking as the sight of her bare breasts and uncovered ass and pussy were nothing could quite beat surprise of how utterly and completely sloppy her cunt and face were. The former was absolutely slathered in a viscous white fluid that leaked from the gaping hole that was her vagina while the former was splattered with several layers of that same, albeit drying, liquid. Before anyone could think to help her or even approach Rebecca let out a gurgling moan and slammed her fists against the floor. Her back violently arched into the air until only her head and feet remained touching the ground. Everyone watching recoiled in surprise and continued to pull back as a fountain of strangely pungent liquid exploded from her naked and ravished pussy. It sprayed out of her like water from a broken fire hydrant to absolutely drench everything within five feet.

In the blink of an eye her wildly quivering legs were drenched in the substance while a massive and rapidly growing puddle of the stuff was spreading across the concrete. All while Rebecca squealed like a stuck pig and manically bucked her hips as if she was riding some sort of invisible bull. The look of orgasmic ecstasy on her face was one nobody watching had ever seen on a human being and every single person was both amazed and a little horrified by the spectacle they were witnessing. Particularly when it lasted far, far longer than any of them could've predicted. Indeed it lasted far longer than basic physics and common sense should've allowed. For almost a full, uninterrupted minute Rebecca squirted out monster cum in quantities that could've filled several buckets or even a conservatively sized bath tub! At times it looked like she might be slowing down as her trembling body started collapsing against the floor but after a couple seconds it would launch back into the air and the torrent of fresh spunk being evacuated from her cunt would explode outwards with renewed strength. By the time she was crumpling to the floor for what would be the last time she was all but swimming in the torrid mixture surrounding her. Landing hard against it with a wet splay Rebecca immediately let out out a protracted whimper as a delirious smile spread across her face. Though barely able to move of their own accord her hands shakily swirled around the cum stained floor around her while she slowly and laboriously turned her head to press a cheek against the substance and nuzzle against it like a cozy pillow. All the people watching could only stare in disbelief until someone finally managed to ask what everyone was thinking.

“W-what happened?!”

“I found my scoop . . .” Rebecca moaned as her eyes fluttered shut and much of her body slowly went limp as she lost consciousness, “I found my scoop . . .”


Jimmy TwoTries

Personally I'm not a fan of vomit stuff, but literally everything else there is amazing!


While I'm glad you liked it regardless I definitely would've have included the vomit aspect had I know it wasn't your thing!