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I hope y'all are in the mood for something quite different from my usual stories. I know I say that a lot but this time it's definitely accurate lol. I don't want to get into too much detail on how it's different though, I think that'd ruin the surprise. As always people who dislike stories about real celebrities should give this one a pass!

Also because the woman featured in this story might be a bit less well known here's a reference image!

As she lay naked, save for a few strips of strategically placed seaweed, on a polished wooden table in the private room of an upscale New York sushi restaurant Deisy couldn't help but wonder what she'd gotten herself into. While her tanned, athletic, and wholly nude body was technically covered next to nothing had been left to the imagination and now that she was actually facing the prospect of men eating off her like a plate staying motionless was rather difficult. It'd seemed like such an easy paycheck when her friend first told her about the job. Hell it'd seemed almost too good to be true! Ten thousand dollars to spend a few hours lying on her back ignoring a bunch of men in suits talk business? No sane person could say not to that sort of thing, especially a person who had no real compunctions about being nude for work. And yet with the moment of truth looming over her head she found herself doubting those earlier assumptions quite a bit. Posing in front of a camera was one thing but lying perfectly still while possibly lecherous strangers prodded and picked at her body with chopsticks was something else entirely. Thankfully none of them had arrived yet and the prearranged menu was still being prepared so she could fidget and squirm to her heart's content. So long as she didn't crinkle the seaweed too much. Which was definitely easier said than done as she squeezed her thighs together and tried to keep her hands flat against the table in a way that wouldn't be uncomfortable for an extended period of time. For the first time in ages she felt more than a little nervous about what she was doing, almost enough to debate calling the entire thing off. Only the prospect of an enormous paycheck kept her in place long enough for people to start filtering in.

Chatting affably with one another the first group sat down without a single comment on the beautiful, dusky woman laying on the table in front of them. All three of them sat right around her midsection and continued talking to one another until another pair arrived. Greeting the newcomers they pushed out the chairs opposite them and started discussing some merger that was no doubt the reason they were meeting in the first place. Another trio arrived soon afters and were met with the same enthusiastic joviality their predecessors had encountered. The last four showed up barely a minute later to fill the remaining seats with the sort of people that usually occupied stock photos of corporate board rooms or toothless sitcoms centered around New York businesses. Including a surprising number of women as it turned out. At least a third of the group if Deisy had to guess, though she couldn't exactly lift her head to count them. But judging by the voices that number seemed accurate. Not that it really mattered much in the end. They could've all been women and it wouldn't have made her stomach flutter any less or her heart beat any slower. Especially not when the chef arrived to greet them all and the first rolls were brought out and laid across her body. They were unexpectedly ginger as they places the various items across her lightly jiggling breasts and softly quivering belly. Although the sudden chill of freshly made sushi against her skin certainly helped distract from her other thoughts. Mostly by causing her entire body to subtly tense as it made contact and she struggled not to react even while goosebumps erupted across her beautifully tanned skin. They might as well have been laying the sushi directly on her naked body for all the good the seaweed did!

“God I hope there's nothing hot on the menu!” She thought to herself, “I really should've asked the chef what he was making when I got here!”

Her thoughts were once again interrupted when, after plenty of cheering and eager lip smacking, the people around her picked up their chopsticks and started eating. Before she could even begin adjusting to the feeling of sushi resting atop her perky breasts, covering her taut belly, sitting against her hairless pussy, and laying across her slender thighs the rolls began to disappear. Like it was the most normal thing in the world the people around her started plucking their desired foods off her body and dip them in soy sauce or simply pop them straight into their mouths. The seaweed their morsels were resting against managed to cling to Deisy's body and keep her covered in the most basic sense but she could already feel certain parts lifting off her skin as they stuck to the sushi being eaten. Under different circumstances she might've spent more time worrying about that eventuality but her mind was far too busy dwelling on the way her skin was being prodded by chopsticks whenever someone picked up another bite. Although it didn't exactly feel deliberate it was hard to tell if most of them were simply inexperienced with those particular utensils or purposefully taking every chance to feel her up, in a very roundabout manner. Just about every time someone picked up another piece of sushi they'd press the tips of their chopsticks against her body and hold it there for a moment as the squeezed. It didn't seem to matter where the sushi was located or how large it might've been, almost without fail they would push against her lightly trembling flesh and drag the smooth wooden implements together in a way that never stopped making her heart flutter. And the strips of seaweed that should've, in theory at least, protected her did absolutely nothing.

It didn't take long for Deisy to close her eyes and put every ounce of willpower she had towards keeping still. The urge to tremble as two dozen chopsticks were dragged almost sensually across her body was nearly overwhelming and it only continued to grow the more they ate. As more and more of the food disappeared the remaining bits became sought after treasures everyone wanted to steal for themselves. Which quickly resulted in multiple strangers pressing their implements against the same parts of her body at the same time. No matter how hard she tried to prepare for it there was nothing Deisy could do when four different sets of chopsticks pushed down simultaneously against her breasts and glided with a punishing lack of urgency across her sensitive body. Taken aback by how fiercely her body wanted to squirm upon experiencing that stimulation she barely managed to resist the temptation and keep her composure. Even while goosebumps sprouted across every inch of her gorgeous frame and her cheeks burned a cherry red. Another test of her self control arrived a split second later as more chopsticks found the sushi resting against her waist and legs. At least six different pairs suddenly made contact with her body, half of them pushing down with unmistakable purpose against the inner parts of her thighs. Not quite enough to make the seaweed stretched across her sex crinkle inwards but more than enough to demonstrate what was on their mind. According to Deisy's own, increasingly frazzled brain at least. But as distracting and nerve wracking as their not so subtle teasing was she couldn't even imagine how much worse it could get until someone decided to snatch up the rolls resting directly atop her pubic mound.

Up until that point the small handful of sushi situated as close as can be against her vagina had gone totally unnoticed. By both the people around her and Deisy herself. She'd been so distracted with all the others her mind had completely forgotten how completely her body was covered. But as a pair of rigid wooden utensils pushed down against freshly shaved mons in a way that brought one so tantalizingly close to her slightly engorged clit there was nothing else in the world her mind could focus on. In spite of her efforts to remain motionless and passive she couldn't stop her eyes from flying open like she was enacting a jump scare in a horror movie. Every last muscle in her body tensed as the chopsticks were dragged with a tortuous slowness across her body until they finally closed around the roll sitting at the very center of her hairless mound. The faintest trickle of something warm and shameful dripped from the depths of her sex and although Deisy tried her best to ignore it there was no hiding that little dribble of arousal as it leaked down her vulva to pool on the table beneath her tightly clenched buttocks. All she could do was hope that nobody else noticed her visceral and wholly uncontrollable reaction to the stimulation they were providing. Her tightly clenched thighs and the presence of that seaweed strip casting a shadow over her sex were probably enough. Though if they weren't she couldn't quite imagine what any of the suits around her would do with that new development. They were clearly attempting to cause some kind of sexual arousal but the real mystery was why. Hopefully the answer to that question would remain speculation and the eroticism would end as abruptly as it'd begun. But that seemed less and less likely the more she actually thought about it.

Particularly as the remaining morsels of sushi were removed from her mons as slowly and teasingly as possible. Several more chopsticks joined the fun soon after the first got the ball rolling and much like the initial one they made no effort at all to grab their morsels with any expediency. If anything each one seemed to be moving slower than the one before it, their smooth yet rigid contours rubbing against her mound and drifting so achingly close to her clitoris Deisy wanted to scream. Part of her almost wanted them to just drop all pretense and start molesting her properly. At the very least that would afford some kind of release to all the tension slowly building up inside her and it'd make their interests perfectly clear. Because as it was currently constantly being teased with the prospect of proper stimulation only for no payoff to arrive was absolutely maddening. The less emotional parts of her brain were glad none of the suits had actually gone through with it but that voice was getting more and more quiet with every second. In almost direct proportion to the trickle of fluids leaking from her shamefully aroused vagina and forming a slowly spreading puddle beneath her body. If they couldn't already see that humiliating sign of her perversion they'd be able to rather soon, at the rate they were going. Deisy was, temporarily, spared from that embarrassment as the last rolls were snatched from her mons and their attention was necessarily directed elsewhere. Their apparent lack of interest in areas without food was the one factor keeping her from saying with absolute certainty they were deliberately trying to tease her. Which just made the whole affair that much more maddening as their chopsticks were dragged across her thighs like the fingers of a lover caressing her body. At least they were rapidly finishing what she prayed was the only course for the night.

Those prayers were almost comically dashed not twenty seconds after the last morsel was plucked from  her tense, rigid body. Entering the room with several women all holding plates full of sushi the chef greeted everyone with a cheerful Japanese phrase before switching to English. All the businessmen and women responded with slightly drunken enthusiasm, the ones Deisy could see finishing off the sake they'd poured themselves before holding out their cups for more. Once more closing her eyes she took a long, slow breath and forced herself not to think about what would happen once all the food had been placed on her body. Instead she focused on adjusting to the cold sensation of freshly made sushi being laid across her practically naked skin. And for a time she found an unexpected amount of success with that strategy but it wasn't long before the trend of her being thrown a vicious curve ball the moment she was comfortable reared it's head again. This time as a result of the food being laid across her quivering mons by undoubtedly amused Japanese hostesses. Because unlike what she was expecting and indeed unlike what had happened the previous time the rolls suddenly resting atop her mound in a tight cluster that completely covered the seaweed strip across her thighs were warm. Hot even. Nowhere near enough to cause any real pain or even make her wince but unquestionably enough to send a powerful jolt of surprise lurching through her body. And since it was so wildly unexpected Deisy couldn't stop her body from suddenly tightening even more, although thankfully she did so in as subtle a way as was possible under the circumstances. If anyone had noticed they made no comments to that effect and the chef, along with his coworkers, departed soon afterwards. The door he'd left through hadn't even closed before people were snatching up sushi like it was going out of style.

But for all the arousal their chopsticks caused brushing against her tightly clenched belly and softly heaving breasts Deisy couldn't even begin to register anything but the heat radiating outwards from her poor little mound. Although she'd never exactly experienced anything quite like having a freshly baked sushi roll sitting atop her mons it wasn't all that different from any time one of her lovers had pressed their enormous, throbbing cocks against her hairless pubic region. Or indeed when they, at her request no less, unleashed a torrid spray of fresh cum across the same place moments after pulling out. And of course once that comparison had been made it was all her mind could think about. Which did nothing to stem the flow of arousal dripping from her thankfully hidden sex. All the subtle teasing and soft strokes that came with a dozen people playfully rubbing her naked body as they feasted on sushi simply added to the ache that was creeping into body. Whether they knew it or not each and every movement was adding fuel to the fire that'd begun burning in the depths of her sex and it was only made 'worse' by their unspoken focus on her more erogenous zones. What felt like a thousand different chopsticks slid across her breasts and stomach in an almost tender fashion while somehow another thousand moved over her thighs in the exact same way. Deisy's breathing grew more and more labored as she tried and failed to keep herself under control while her body was stimulated in every way it could've been while still maintaining the paltry excuse of eating. Excluding the warm morsels resting against her mound of course. Those were left untouched for much, much longer than anything else as the group cleared the other rolls from her body until there wasn't a single one left.

In her ever growing distraction Deisy failed to notice the seaweed that was her only source of modesty lifting a little higher with every roll of sushi removed from her body. She far too engrossed in trying to curb her welling arousal to feel it rise from her skin centimeter by centimeter. Not even a soft rush of warm air across one of her pert brown nipples could pierce the growing haze clouding her mind. There was no telling what might've happened if it had but thankfully for everyone present she remained just distracted enough to miss that momentary slip. And the one that followed soon afterwards with her second areola as the seaweed was pulled almost completely free of her tits for a single moment. Before she could realize how tenuously it remained attached to her body the wrapping fell back down and any awareness Deisy could've had was lost. The strips covering her tensed and quivering stomach went through the same process, though far less was revealed and it took considerably less time, and not long afterwards her thighs were momentarily laid bare in the same fashion. With the same efficiency that'd devoured every last roll on her body save the ones burning her mons with pleasure the businessmen and women seated around her subtly peeled away the seaweed on inch at a time until every last scrap save the ones protecting her most private area could be removed with a light breeze. All while the red faced beauty laying beneath them tried and failed to hide the ever growing tides of arousal coursing through her body. Had she opened her eyes at any point she might've seen the smiles spreading lighting up their faces as they watched her quivering body, every last pair of eyes turning towards the only rolls left atop her gorgeously supple form.

Adrenaline surged through her body as she felt their stares and knew what they meant. And yet she did nothing about it. By all rights she could've sat up and left. Deisy knew where her clothes were and the momentary embarrassment of walking through an upscale restaurant naked was surely better than being molested by a group of strangers for ten thousand dollars. At least that's what she told herself over and over again like some sort of mantra while her body didn't budge an inch. Something kept her rooted in place despite all the appeals her rational mind was making and she quickly realized why no amount of logic could spur her limbs into moving. She was enjoying it. On some deep, unspoken level she was actually getting off on being their plaything. All the arousal she'd been feeling up until that point hadn't exclusively been some reflexive, biological response to stimulation. Despite how utterly crazy it might have been she wanted them to keep going, she wanted them to tease and play with her body for as long as they possibly could. A new and previously undiscovered kink had been awakened inside her and she couldn't stop herself from submitting to it just as she couldn't stop herself from submitting to the people around her. It didn't matter how loudly her higher brain functions protested or how vehemently they refused to accept what was happening Deisy simply laid there waiting with unbridled anticipation for someone to pluck a roll from her mound and drag their chopsticks across her barely covered flesh in that tantalizing manner. Arousal dripped from her sex in earnest as she stifled all manner of instinctive shivers. Though it hardly needed to be acknowledged a not insignificant part of her arousal came from the fact that she couldn't move while they were having their fun. It made her feel like even more of an object than anything else!

In nearly the exact same fashion as before several of the businessmen and women started plucking the rolls from her mons, their chopsticks sliding with an incredible lack of urgency across the seaweed that was her only source of modesty. At least half a dozen stiff, unyielding sources of pleasure could be felt at any given moment and when one vanished upon collecting it's prize another replaced it so quickly she almost didn't notice the switch. The more brave among their number dared to push down with a bit more force, their efforts pushing in the strip covering her sex and giving them access to places once ignored. One even went as far as brushing against her thighs before turning making it's way towards the more lewd parts of her anatomy and the extra buildup sent all manner of tremors through her. Yet in spite of how few morsels there actually were and how many probing utensils seemed to be roaming her mound the whole affair lasted much, much longer than it should've. Certainly much longer than Deisy had any reason to expect.

Minutes seemed to melt into hours as they had their way with her in the least direct way she'd ever experienced. There was no telling how long it really took them to eat every last bite of sushi available to them and she didn't even try to figure it out. By the time they'd finished her only concern was stifling the shivers constantly trying to rush through her limbs. She didn't even care about the now visible puddle of arousal that'd formed beneath her taut, round ass or how it inched ever closer to the edges of the table. Of course both those 'issues' were aided somewhat when the chopsticks vanished from her body not long after the last piece of sushi had been eaten. While her pleasure didn't immediately fade it still dropped rather precipitously the instant her body was left alone and it would only continue to plummet when the chef suddenly returned. Arriving with such punctuality some of the guests weren't even finished chewing he asked after their meal and if there was anything else they might need. A short, meaningless conversation followed and she tuned out nearly every word until one fateful question.

“Can we eat the seaweed?” One of the women asked of the chef.

Deisy's heart leapt into her throat and her entire body visibly tensed, though nobody seemed to notice, as she realized what the woman was talking about, “Of course,” The chef replied with a bow, “Our hostess will return with more sake shortly!”

The entire atmosphere of the room perceptibly shifted as the chef departed and all eyes returned to her with a newfound delight. For the first time Deisy felt all of them really staring at her body, their gaze feasting on the gentle curves and beautifully tanned contours they'd been eating off. The urge to get up and run had never been more powerful and this time she was genuinely considering it! At no point had she ever thought about them removing the seaweed and exposing her naked body. Neither her friend nor the people paying her had ever said as much but she'd just naturally assumed that the one thing not available for consumption was the only thing keeping her body technically covered. As was quickly becoming clear that assumption couldn't have been more foolish. Before she could make up her mind and do anything that might preserve whatever dignity she had left the woman responsible for the abrupt shift snatched up her chopsticks. Deisy heard the telltale clink as they collided with the plate and she opened her eyes just in time to see the strip of dark green hiding her breasts vanish. Pulled away in the same manner one might pull a tablecloth as part of a magic trick it simply disappeared from sight with no fanfare whatsoever. A myriad of conflicting emotions welled up inside her as she felt cool air rush across her freshly bared chest. Though already quite pert her warm brown nipples stiffened just a little bit more as twelve pairs of eyes stared at them. Goosebumps erupted across her small yet perky tits and her already ragged breathing grew noticeably more labored. Her large, dark eyes darted from face to face as she stared at all the people she could actually see with a mix of arousal and uncertainty lighting up her countenance.

Some actually acknowledged her look, smiling down at her with an oddly reassuring expression, while the rest didn't seem to pay her any mind at all. They were much to busy staring hungrily at her petite areola and picking up their own utensils. Like more food had suddenly materialized on her body two of the reached towards her with chopsticks in hand. Of course there weren't any new morsels of sushi to be eaten so instead of sensually picking them up the two men dragged their implements across her bare chest, each taking a separate breast and starting as low down as they could possibly go. A pent up breath escaped her lips the moment they made contact and a sudden, noisy inhale followed their slowly journey across her quivering flesh and towards the peak of her lightly trembling tits. The instant she felt the polished wood make contact with the edges of her areola a little spike of arousal lanced through her body. Something warm dribbled down her thighs and her fingers slowly curled into fists. An instant later they were pinching her nipples between their chopsticks with one pulling her sensitive bud while the other squeezed it almost hard enough to cause discomfort. It was abundantly clear they knew what they were doing though and neither went far enough to send anything but pleasure rushing through her body. In fact they so perfectly and effortlessly walked the line between arousal and pain Deisy was all but certain she wasn't the first woman they'd done this sort of thing to. That certainty only continued to grow as the other ten people seated around her turned their sights on the remaining strips of seaweed and everything that lay hidden beneath them.

While their coworkers teased and stimulated her nipples better than the vast majority of her romantic partners using only a pair of chopsticks the rest set about stripping away what little modesty still clung to her body. With an almost comical synchronicity they peeled off the seaweed covering her stomach and thighs at the exact same time. The strip covering her pussy was removed a few moments afterward, coincidentally long enough for her to really focus on that one remaining piece, and in the blink of an eye Deisy was completely naked. She didn't have long to appreciate how mortifying such an experience should have been though, the businessmen and women around her didn't give her the chance. In a show of enthusiasm that could put lottery winners to shame they all but pounced on her beautiful, trembling body. Some elected to gently trail their chopsticks across her quivering flesh like they would with their fingers, others applied a bit more pressed to scrape them in a way that elicited just as much arousal as their companions, while a select few set their sights even higher. Still fixated on remaining still for reasons she couldn't begin to fathom Deisy's thighs were pressed together so tightly her plump vulva would've been completely hidden from view had she kept even a wisp of pubic hair. But even without a curly tuft to hide her shameful arousal very little of her sex was visible between her wet and quivering legs. They were squeezed together so tightly a finger couldn't have slipped between them. Luckily for the people enjoying her body they had something even better. Several somethings in fact!

Moving without an ounce of hesitation two different pairs of chopsticks slid between her thighs, both of them all but pushing against the outer edges of her sex as they did so. A quiet, breathless moan slipped from Deisy's lips as pleasure radiated outwards from her aching sex. Another, much louder gasp would spill out shortly afterwards when another pair joined the fun in a far, far more direct way. Instead of moving against her thighs and no so subtly rubbing against her outer lips the third duo went for the gold and glided between her sticky, quivering folds. With her pert and steadily swelling clit squeezed between them the utensils split the lips of her vulva to rub against the gooey pink folds it'd been hiding from everyone. Those nicely rounded edges came to a stop right at the opening of her sex and wasted no time tracing the outline of her quivering entrance in a way that stimulated her clitoris just as much, if not even more. Every muscle in her body tensed at the same time while a long, desperately needy moan burst from her lungs. There was no reason it should've felt as good as it did. No reason why that meager amount of pleasure beat all the times anyone had gone down on her by a wide margin. The fact that it did was nothing short of insane! Her mind couldn't even begin to accept the truth of if even as her senses were flooded with pleasure and a torrent of arousal seeped from the depths of her cunt. But thankfully her brain didn't have to accept it for her body to bask in the joy radiating outwards from the core of her being to the very tips of her fingers and toes. If anything her attempts to comprehend and even resist the ecstasy welling up inside her because of how absurd the whole thing was only made it more potent. It certainly left her less and less prepared to handle the rapidly cresting wave of orgasmic bliss cresting inside her!

Thankfully none of the people responsible for her arousal showed any signs of slowing, no matter how tightly her body might've clenched. Even the ones simply caressing her stomach and thighs did so with a level of commitment that could only be described as admirable. Naturally the ones playing a far more direct role in Deisy's ecstasy kept to their tasks with an even handed zeal that left her absolutely no chance for recovery or respite. Moving in ways no spur of the moment endeavor could possibly match they pinched and teased her nipples, squeezed and rubbed her out folds, and pleasured both her clit and the entrance of her pussy all at the same time. They subtly matched the pace and ferocity of her barely controlled quivering and kept a near constant rhythm of ebbing and flowing pleasure that melted her brain within a minute. After two her arousal was dripping off the table in long, slightly viscous strands while her back was ever so slightly arching upwards. Any desire to remain still as part of her job had all but vanished from what few thoughts she had left, now it was her muscles' abject refusal to cooperate that kept her so motionless. Between the constantly mounting pleasure and the way it seemed to stretch on endlessly because of their consistently predictable movements Deisy was left in a constant state of anticipation. Some part of her knew full well what was coming but the rest was lost in the endless back and forth, that perfectly harmonious give and take that was so unlike anything she'd ever felt. As her legs slowly parted and her back finally left the sticky surface of the table she could only stare blankly at the ceiling at whimper. Anything else required far too much self control to accomplish and was utterly beyond her limited capabilities.

Until the orgasm that'd been looming over her finally came crashing down like a tidal wave upon a somehow unsuspecting town. Every nerve in her body was set on fire as ecstasy washed over her and swept away whatever passed for self control. Finally unleashing the scream her throat had been trying to form since this whole sordid affair began Deisy squealed like a wild animal, her voice reverberating through the room and into the restaurant beyond with impunity. A fountain of sweet smelling juices exploded from her cunt to spray across the table and splash against the nearby wall. Violent shudders wracked her gorgeous frame as her hips bucked uncontrollably. Her legs flailed every which way and nearly kicked those closest to her tightly curled toes while at the same time her arms went completely rigid against the table. Curving upwards until it could move no higher her back formed a graceful arch supported only by her tightly quivering ass and thoroughly disheveled head. It didn't take long for her voice to fail as the pleasure quickly strangled her vocal chords and sent only breathy gasps spilling out of her lips instead. Soon after the furious expulsions of arousal squirting from her pussy began to diminish in the same way, despite the overall ecstasy she felt only barely lessening as all the chopsticks were removed from her twitching body. Eventually her wildly spasming muscles gave out on her and Deisy fell back against the table with a lewd smack. What little air left inside her lungs was forced out and the darkness that'd been slowly creeping into the corners of her vision took over completely. With a limp, almost pathetic gasp she passed out while all the people around her looked at one another with varying degrees of surprise and delight.

The woman that'd given Deisy the first half of her paycheck earlier stepped inside the room moments after she'd collapsed in a heap against the table. Shaking her head with a wry smile she said, “They can never stay still the entire time . . .”


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