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As always those uninterested in stories about real people should give this one a pass. If that's your cup of tea then read on for some good old fashioned eroticism!

As the last hours of her pleasant but ultimately uneventful weekend ticked by Lili determined to spice things up before she went back to work the next morning. While her boyfriend was taking a shower she'd stripped off the comfy yoga pants and baggy sweatshirt she was wearing in favor of something a whole lot more enticing. The kind of outfit that'd make his jaw drop and his eyes boggle the moment he stepped into the bedroom and saw her waiting there. Starting with a pair of red silk gloves that stopped midway up her nicely toned biceps and sheer black, thigh high stockings that showed off her thick yet athletic legs. Next came a shoulder baring, curves enhancing red Chinese dress purposefully cut to leave as much skin as possible exposed. Trimmed with gold and more akin to a leotard than any normal gown it was exactly the sort of thing she'd only ever wear when she wanted to make her boyfriend out of his mind horny. The way it cupped her soft, perky tits and enhanced her already impressive cleavage was second only to how it naturally drew the eye towards her firm, round ass as if begging for a hand to come down and swat her appealingly pert buttocks. She left her rich auburn hair falling wherever it liked down her back and about her face to accentuate her high, angular cheekbones and the feminine curves of her jawline. Her naturally tanned skin helped the dark coloring of her hair pop while in turn those darker tresses really heightened her not quite pale tones. Moving in front of the floor to ceiling mirror beside her bed she applied a bit of mascara around her large, brown eyes and some blush across her cute little nose. Midway through tracing lipstick across the full, sultry contours of her mouth the bathroom door opened and her boyfriend emerged with nothing but a towel wrapped around his bulky waist.

“Holy shit!” He exclaimed in his characteristically deep, booming voice.

Thoroughly distracted with getting ready Lili jumped at the sound of his voice and turned towards her man, “You're done already?!” She asked in a voice filled with equal parts excitement and surprise, “I thought you'd be longer!”

“I'm glad I wasn't!” He laughed. Letting the towel drop her lumbered towards her with an ear to ear grin, his swelling cock bouncing between his thighs in a rather pleasing fashion, “You look so fucking hot babe!”

Lili giggled at his approach, her eyes feasting on his body as surely as his feasted on hers. Somewhere in the neighborhood of six inches taller than her her and built like a fridge he was every bit the bronzed, Greek god she liked to describe him as. And nowhere was that more apparent than with the ten inches of thick, deliciously hard steel bouncing between his legs. Between that enormous shaft and the huge, hairy sack hanging behind it the urge to drop to her knees and suck him off was incredible. But luckily for her she spent just enough time admiring his hulking frame to actually fulfill that wild urge. Instead he slid behind her to wrap an arm around her waist and run his fingers across her taut, beautifully toned belly. Even hidden by fabric he couldn't get enough of her smoothly muscled stomach. His other hand pushed up the hem of her dress to reveal the luscious, spankable ass he and any guy who happened across her couldn't get enough of either. His eyes sparkled with pure delight as he looked down at her bare rump while a long strand of precum oozed from his swollen cock head. Pressing her own hands against the mirror in front of her Lili pushed her ass out towards him and bounced a little, her tight cheeks jiggling like mad from the movement. Nikolaos sucked in a loud breath at the gorgeous sight unfolding in front of him and immediately brought his free hand down against her deliciously bouncing ass. A loud smack filled the room, drowning out her moan and sending a little bolt of pleasure through her already wildly aroused body. When he gave her another firm swat she gasped his name as a nice little deluge of arousal leaked down her thighs to soak her stockings.

“Are you gonna fuck me or just stand there playing with my ass?” She teasingly asked.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” He teased.

Lili giggled and fixed him with a smoldering look that could've melted a glacier. Although already in the process of grabbing his cock the moment Nikolaos saw that telltale stare he had no hopes of saying no to anything she wanted. Fortunately for him the only thing she wanted was already throbbing between his fingers and it took no effort at all to bring against her sodden pussy. He teasingly rubbed the tip against her puffy outer lips for several moments, just long enough to make her squirm and soak his dick in warm pussy juice, before thrusting inside with a single well placed movement. Her entire body shuddered from the force of his impact and she squealed in abject delight as his entire length plunged into her cunt without any hesitation at all. After more than a year of fucking and being fucked by him her slit was more than capable of handling Nikolaos' impressive length. Even if his size still stretched her inner walls a little bit every time he first penetrated her. But getting to feel her body adjust to the sheer size of his dick was always arousing and it would only get more arousing when his newly freed hand slid down her leg to suddenly lift it off the ground. Abruptly finding herself balanced on one foot and her boyfriend's cock while the other one dangled uselessly in the air she was well and truly at his mercy. Something he took full advantage of when he started thrusting a moment later.

Not even bothering to build up speed or take things slow Nikolaos knew exactly what his lover wanted in that moment. He could always tell how she wanted to be fucked by the way she acted before he slid inside and that particular evening she wanted to get dicked up and down the apartment. And that's exactly what he did. Slamming into her as fast and as hard as he could his cock drilled so wonderfully deep into her pussy with every thrust she was immediately at a loss for words. While the angle wasn't ideal for sending his tip pounding against her cervix it was more than enough to stimulate every last sensitive spot within her pussy and then some. Particularly as he subtly shifted his stance and her own body to really maximize how fast he was going. Pretty much the moment he reached the absolute peak he was going to achieve she had no hope of resisting the tidal wave of ecstasy surging through her tight young body. Every thrust of his beautiful cock sent it cresting a little higher and ever retreat held it in place until the next push forward. Within a minute or two she was barely able to look back at him as the rapidly ascending pleasure sent wild tremors to the very tip of her fingers and toes. But she managed to maintain eye contact just long enough to flash him an open mouthed, glassy eyed stare he'd seen about a thousand times, if not more. The desperate, high pitched announcement that followed soon afterwards was pretty much pointless but that didn't get in the way of him basking in every frantic syllable.

“Ohhhhhh fuck!” She squealed, her entire body lurching upwards with every thrust of her man's thick cock, “Ohhhhhhh fuck I'm gonna cum baby! Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck you're gonna make me cum!”

“Already?” He laughed, “You just can't get enough of my dick can you?”

“No I can't!” Lili breathlessly moaned, “Oh my fucking God I can't get enough of your fat fucking cock! Don't stop baby! Please don't fucking stoooooooop!”

More familiar with her orgasms than the layout of the apartment Nikolaos gleefully did as she asked and plunged his cock in and out of her pussy like a madman. Feeling every slightest quiver and sudden spasm he continued his breakneck pace until the very last second. Then, just as she was about to spray a fountain of clear, pungent juices he buried his entire length inside her at once. Lili screamed in delight and turned away, her forehead thudding against the mirror as a small but incredible orgasm washed over her. She barely even felt her man pull out as sudden eruption of fluids squirted from the depths of her pussy. Though her body certainly appreciated the effort. Having long ago learned how intense and unpleasant it was if he remained inside her when she came the fact that he always retreated no matter what was one of the many things she adored about him. Much like the way he let go of her leg so she could tremble and quiver in her post orgasm haze with both feet planted firmly on the floor. At least until her spasmodic quivering lifted her heels off the soaked wood as more fluids dripped out of her in a steadily diminishing stream. When she felt his long, throbbing dick slid between her buttocks and rest against her lower back Lili smiled at his reflection. She'd never met a man more enamored with her ass than him and it never stopped being both flattering and comical. Not to mention highly arousing as the warm, pulsing length of his prick rubbed between her cheeks until she was quivering from more than just her climax.

“Let's put this tight little ass to good use!” He chuckled.

When his large, calloused fingers cupped her ass cheeks and pushed them together against his cock she let out a genuine laugh. Unable to resist teasing him she started sliding up and down his length as smoothly as her quavering body would allow. Nikolaos immediately and loudly groaned as her pert buttocks glided along his length, his eyes widening as he watched them jiggle so deliciously from the force of her movements. Thanks to the difference in their heights and her own uncooperative limbs she couldn't move as much as she might've wanted. Nowhere near enough to smother the entire breadth of his cock like she'd done in the past. But even if she'd barely moved at all her man would've still loved every solitary moment. Especially when she reached the peak of her motions and her ass bounced nicely around the head of his dick for a moment before she moved back down as far as she could. Just like she loved all the little expressions flitting across his handsome features and the sheer amount of precum oozing from his tip with every passing second. Her lower back and the inner portions of her ass were absolutely slathered in it before long and the heat of his arousal was filling her with the sort of lust that nobody else could inspire. It'd only be a few seconds and she already felt the echoes of another climax welling up inside her. But she resisted the urge to slide his dick back into her pussy for a little bit longer. Enough to give her own teasing bout of dirty talk before indulging in the overwhelming desire to feel his cock stuffing her pussy.

“How does that feel baby?” Lili asked him, “Do you like seeing my tight little ass bouncing around on your cock?”

“Always!” He replied.

“Good because I love feeling your big dick throbbing between my cheeks. Almost as much—” She reached back and guided his dick towards her pussy, “—as I love when you fuck me silly!”

Torn between laughing and groaning Nikolaos wrapped his arms around her body as he braced himself for another unhinged flurry of movement. His hands pressed against her beautifully toned belly once more while his feet slid a little further apart. Lili panted with breathless excitement as she felt him get ready and basked in the anticipation of what was to come. She didn't have very long to wait though as he moved into position rather quickly and started thrusting with all the ferocity he could muster soon afterwards. Wet echoing slaps filled their apartment as his hips collided with her ass in a furious display of raw lust, every push being accompanied by an furious exhale that ruffled her hair and buffeted her ears. His whole body tensed as he hunched over and against her, pulling Lili tight against him even as his cock was retreating from her increasingly sloppy cunt. Pleasure flooded her senses as her eyes rolled backwards in her head and frantic, barely audible gasps erupted from her mouth. At some point her gloved hands had reached back to find his tightly corded thighs but whether or not she did so to prevent the unceasing barrage or coax him further remained to be seen. Either option was ultimately meaningless as his pace reached it's zenith and he drove that fat, pulsing dick of his inside her cunt with a beastly abandon. It was abundantly clear he was on the brink of a climax and she couldn't have been more delighted by the prospect of feeling his jizz flooding her pussy once more.

For nearly two full minutes she waited and moaned with increasing delight as Nikolaos endlessly drilled her cunt like it'd done him a great personal wrong. His movements grew more erratic and less controlled with every passing second and yet he never slowed in his relentless pace or uncompromising force. By the time he was gasping into her ear with the telltale cadence of a man about to blow his load she was a grinning, cross eyed, drooling husk of her former self. Barely able to string together a proper thought and even less able to articulate how amazing it felt to be fucked so mercilessly by her man. He was far too absorbed in his own pleasure to really notice anything she was doing, excluding the way her madly quivering pussy gripped his cock. It was impossible for him not to notice that as he stuffed his prick balls deep into her pussy and unloaded a powerful jet of creamy spunk directly against her cervix. Both of them cried out in pleasure, their voices reverberating throughout the apartment and rattling the windows as they lost themselves in ecstasy. Jet after hot, creamy jet burst from his loins to splash across the entrance to her womb and then cascade down her wildly pulsing inner walls. His cum started gushing from her pussy almost immediately as the furious twitching of her cunt paired with the size of his dick left his jizz nowhere else to go. Lili felt it squirting out of her in long, creamy strands, his spunk mixing with her own juices to create an even messier concoction that drenched their lower halves in a tawdry flood of arousal. One that only increased when his dick eventually slid free and a veritable waterfall of semen gushed from her freshly vacated pussy.

“Fuuuuuuuuck!” Nikolaos groaned, “That was amazing babe . . . you're amazing . . .”

“So are you!” She replied with a breathless smile. Turning her head to smile at him she bit her lip for a moment or two and asked, “I'm almost there . . . do you have another one in the tank?”

“Hell yeah I do!” He grinned. Lifting up his still erect dick and sliding it back into her pussy before too much cum could leak out he kissed her neck and asked, “Are you ready?”

“Fuck yeah . . .”


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