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Full disclosure, I had a really hard time coming up with an idea for this one. That's why it ended up being the shortest of the lot. After I did a bit of research on the character in question I managed to come up with something but like the Veronica Sweet story I put out yesterday this one isn't really a traditional bout of eroticism. But I'm happy with how it came out and hopefully y'all can find something to enjoy as well! You can find the reference picture here!

Cool, refreshing water splashed across Chloe's upturned face as she cheerfully poured the entire bottle into her mouth. Or rather as she poured some of it into her mouth and quite a large amount across her big, round, fake tits and down the front of her body. She didn't see the aroused looks her actions earned from all the men nor the scandalized, angry expressions from all the women. And between the heat of the sun and the coldness of the water dripping down her slender body she really didn't care. Just like she didn't care about what the fluid running in rivulets down her body was doing to the white tube top clinging to her enormous breasts. It was all much too exhilarating to let petty things like 'nudity laws' and 'common decency' get in the way. At least not until she'd completely emptied her water bottle and crumpled it up in her hand. Only once it was bouncing into a nearby recycling bin and she'd turned to look at the crowd of people behind in the park did she think about anything else. But even as she stood there with her chest practically laid bare and her wet, tight, black yoga pants erotically clinging to her hips and thighs the reaction she gave was far from what the people around her expected. Instead of trying to cover herself up with her hands or even the navel baring jacket hanging off her shoulders she flashed them all a bubbly, unrepentant grin. Like she knew exactly what she was doing and maybe even enjoyed the variety of looks she'd earned for such a lewd display.

None of the men staring at the almost fully transparent white fabric clinging to her rosy pink areola had any complaints but it didn't take long for an angry, red faced girlfriend to speak up, “Put your fucking tits away lady!” She exclaimed after angrily smacking her boyfriend's shoulder and spinning him on his heels like a toddler, “This is a public park!”

“But they're not even out!” Chloe replied in a tone full of sincerity. Looking comically down at her giant, fake tits for a moment with her forearms pressed against them as her half closed fists flanked her face her eyes jumped to the woman that'd shouted at her as she added, “If they were out they'd look like this!”

Crossing her arms in front of her chest she slid her fingers beneath the hem of her tube top and lifted it up like there wasn't anything wrong with flashing at least half a dozen people. All of whom watched in utter disbelief as she peeled her top off her gorgeously rounded breasts until it was crumpled up against her collarbone. Suddenly staring at her milky white tits and meager bikini tan lines that'd remained hidden by her clothes every last guy guy capable of doing so stared like it was the first time they'd ever seen boobs. More than a few mouths dropped open with tongues lolling out as their eyes went as wide as dinner places. Chloe giggled at all the attention she was getting, her pink lips curling into a bright smile as she bounced in place a little. Jiggling up and down in that way only fake tits could her breasts were downright hypnotic in their movements. To all the men at least. None of the women seemed very amused by what was going on but their deathly glares did little to stop her from letting out another girly laugh. Eventually she did pull her top back down over her breasts, although even the act of covering up her chest somehow managed to be erotic as she did it with all the speed of frozen molasses. And of course once her tube top was back in place the wet, sheer cloth barely hid anything. If the word 'Plastic' hadn't been printed across the front in nearly the same color as her areola it wouldn't have made any difference at all.

“See?!” Chloe added in a cheery tone one might use when they'd just won an argument, “Now they're covered up! There's a big difference huh?!”

“Jesus fucking Christ . . .” The woman sighed, “Are you really that dense or do you just not care about what—”

“Show us your ass!” A voice exclaimed from the gathering crowd.

“Okay!” Chloe happily replied.

“Are you fucking serious right now?!”

Spinning around with a bubbly lack of care she pushed her ass out towards the people watching and hooked her thumbs in the waist of her leggings. Looking back at them with a cheerful yet sultry look in her eyes she tugged the moist black fabric down as easily as she'd lifted up her top. It slid over her pert, tight ass with a fantastic lack of fanfare and in the blink of an eye her cute, highly spankable rump was on full display. More than a few cheers and plenty of gasps accompanied the reveal of her cute bum and Chloe enjoyed every last one of them. Letting go of the fabric she slid a couple fingers beneath each of her buttocks and lifted them up while bouncing on the balls of her feet. Suddenly jiggling with all the enthusiasm of a bowl full of jell-o in an earthquake her ass cheeks were a sight to behold. Much like her tits they had the same skimpy bikini tan but unlike her breasts there was a whole lot more to enjoy as they bounced around. Especially when her delightfully enthusiastic movements sent her buttocks clapping together with an audible smack. As if that wasn't already incredible enough when the impact of her movements sent them bouncing apart the more canny among her audience caught a glimpse of something even better between her thighs. A soft, puffy, hairless something dripping with what could've been water or arousal but was utterly intoxicating either way. After just long enough for everyone to really get their fill of her tight ass she pulled her leggings back up and giggled once more.

“Like that?” She asked them, her hands clasped behind her back and drawing attention to her tits once more.

Her question received plenty of affirmations in the form of enthusiastic nods and buffoonish 'uh huhs' but nobody staring at her tight little body could voice anything else. Partly because they couldn't quite believe what they'd seen and partly because they couldn't quite believe what they were still seeing. By accident or some calculated decision when she'd pulled her legging back up Chloe had lifted them a bit higher than before. Instead of sitting comfortably low on her hips they were riding pleasingly high up her waist. High enough to stretch the cloth taut against her body and reveal a bit more of what some of them had already enjoyed. Pressed so tightly against her sex paint wouldn't have left as much visible the black cloth that was supposed to hide her pussy was instead revealing every last contour of it to the awestruck stares of the men in front of her. They could see, without any issue at all, the puffy shape of her labia in all it's plump glory. They could see the seam splitting her outer lips and causing them to push even more tightly against the fabric like a phenomenally skimpy thing. They could see the totally hairless curves of her appealingly large mound as it curved outward between her thighs. But more than all that they could see the large, swollen bud at the crest of her slit pushing out against the cloth prison around it. And best of all it took Chloe quite a long time to realize why they'd stopped gawking at her tits. More than long enough for every guy there to commit that image to memory for later use.

When she finally did notice what they were all ogling she let out a laugh, “Oops!” She exclaimed, covering herself with one hand while adjusting her legging with the other, “That's so embarrassing!”

“That you're embarrassed by?!”

Blushing an adorable crimson she finished sorting out her wardrobe malfunction and said, “There we go!” Her eyes darted back to the crowd assembled in front of her. She was just about to say something else when her purse suddenly started vibrating, “Uh oh! I've gotta get home!” Turning away from them without a care in the world she mid step to add, “If you guys wanna see more just look me up online at 'Chloe Doll'! You won't be disappointed!” With a cheerful giggle she strolled away from the crowd she'd created, her ass swaying back and forth in a tantalizing fashion and her face lit up in a carefree smile, “See you soon!”


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