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Now this one's a bit different. Rather than describing a sex scene I thought it'd be fun to describe the aftermath of a sex scene. Hopefully that proves as enjoyable as my usual fair! I definitely went over the top with this one lol. Oh and you can find the reference picture here!

Veronica squealed like a cheap hooker as the last cock was removed from her ruined asshole. What had started out as a fun little New Years party with her friend had taken a predictable but no less over the top turn the moment she and Samantha had entered the VIP room. Quickly finding herself separated from her companion and surrounded on all sides but massive, beefcake athletes she had no idea who'd made the first move. In hindsight it hardly even mattered. While everyone else in the club had spent the countdown and subsequent celebration of a new year drinking or dancing she was getting spitroasted by cocks as long and as thick as her forearm. To her endless delight none of them had been gentle when they fucked her slutty holes raw and turned her into the kind of dumb, cock addled whore she so often mocked while out on the town. More than once they'd even shoved two or three of their picks into her mouth, ass, or pussy while she simply screamed in ecstasy. And when it came time to blow their rather enormous loads every single one had done so inside her quivering body. They hadn't even asked if she was okay with it, they just emptied their balls into whatever hole they were busy fucking and pulled out so one of their friends could take over. She couldn't even begin to guess how long they'd passed her around the room abusing her limp body as she whimpered and cried out for more. About the only thing Veronica could be sure of was how completely ruined her dress, makeup, and overall appearance was by the end of that impromptu gangbang. But even that notion only came about as she crawled across the floor and saw a glimpse of herself in the windows.

Realizing just how sloppy and whorish she looked sent a little jolt of adrenaline through her body. Her momentarily abolished sense of pride returned in full swing and she did her best to adopt the haughty expression normally found on her face. Even while thick dollops of cum from nearly a dozen different men oozed from her gaped asshole and slack cunt. While the guys responsible for the state she was in poured themselves drinks and watched Veronica clawed at a nearby couch, slowly pulling herself to her knees. Her milky white, jizz soaked tits pressed against the leather cushions as she lifted her ass into the air in an attempt to stand up. But her knees almost instantly buckled as the echoes of her numerous orgasms continued to reverberate within her body. Her knees slammed against the floor with a painful thud but she didn't even have the energy to wince. Let alone pull up the soiled red thong that remained pulled halfway down her thighs. Of course even if she had pulled her panties back on it wouldn't have helped the spunk bubbling out of her with every passing second nor the cavernous state of her once tight holes. Although in spite of how weak her limbs remained she did attempt to pull down the hem of her crimson cocktail dress in a downright pathetic show of modesty. The damp, sticky fabric refused to move more than an inch or so down her round, plump, and thoroughly spanked buttocks. Mostly because of how little strength was left in her hands. Before long she was forced to give up hiding her body from the men still watching her and focus entirely on actually leaving.

With her mind still mostly submerged in a haze of post coitus satisfaction the likes of which she just couldn't experience with her husband Veronica continued to pull and scramble against the cushions that were her only source of stability. Little by little she managed to lift herself off the floor and the puddle of cum and pussy juice that'd formed during her struggled. By the time she'd managed to stretch herself out across the backless couch her breath was coming labored gasps and her head was spinning like crazy. All the champagne she'd guzzled before coming to the VIP room, along with the utter lack of any substantive food in her stomach, was really taking it's toll. Having a belly full of jizz and liquor wasn't doing her any favors and would continued to impede her as surely as the gaped ruin that was her lower half. Even when she finally managed to roll over and pull herself into a seated position standing up after that seemed like an impossible task. But that wouldn't stop Veronica from lurching towards the door in a flailing, ungainly attempt to grab the handle. Nearly falling flat on her face she just barely managed to grab it with one hand. Her second hand clumsily joined the effort soon afterwards and in spite of how ill advised such a thing was she pulled herself to her feet. Because her barely lucid, cock broken brain could only focus on leaving she didn't make any efforts to cover herself up as she pushed the door open. None of the men that'd fucked her silly made any attempts to stop her from stumbling into the hall basically naked and leaking their jizz like a broken fleshlight.

All but collapsing against the railing that overlooked the main floor of the nightclub Veronica leaned against it for deal life as she staggered down the walkway. Her naked, braless tits bounced merrily back and forth with every lurching step while lewd squelches and loud plops filled the air as her asshole and pussy continued to evacuate their contents all over the place. Although she could feel all that spunk running down her pale thighs and pooling in her high heels she didn't care. So long as she could get out of the club everything would be fine. That's what her brain kept telling her and that's what she kept believing even as she stumbled past several completely strangers on her way towards the stairs. Every single one of them stopped to stare at the sight of a forty year old mother of two practically squirting jizz out of her ruined ass and pussy, the form fitting dress she'd been wearing reduced to little more than a belt. They watched with equal parts amazement and confusion as she tottered past them with an almost comical determination burning in her eyes. And when she actually reached the stairs more than a few people had gathered behind her to watch the incredibly arousing display before them. Although some did worry how on earth she was going to navigate a staircase in the state she was. Veronica didn't pay them any mind as she moved down each step with a punishing lack of urgency. She really couldn't afford to with cum squirting out of her holes and her legs all but refusing to support her weight unless she was clutching the railing.

Somehow she managed to make her way to the ground floor and stagger towards the exit, wholly unaware of how many people were watching her progress. Nearly every single person in the club had noticed her by the time she was within sight of the nearest exit. And all of them were staring in just as much awe as the people upstairs. Many had seen her when she arrived with more than a few of the guys hoping for a chance to fuck her sweet MILF pussy. Now they were suddenly witnessing the aftermath of that very thing and for most of them it was quite an amazing sight. The way her asshole and pussy winked in the open air while thick streams of cum spilled out, the way her thong strained and stretched against her thighs with every step, the way her gigantic tits flopped around as she moved. All of it was nothing short of incredible and even the people disgusted by what they were seeing couldn't get enough of it at the same time. At one point Veronica's strength failed her as the echoes of past orgasms sent her to her knees. She fell forward with hands splayed against the ground and short, gasping breaths spilling from her lips. Those closest moved in with the intent of seeing what was wrong but before anyone could open their mouth's her back violently arched. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes as her already runny mascara dripped even further down her cheeks. Unable to keep the ridiculous amount of spunk inside her belly contained a moment longer her body had to expel some of it before she drowned in semen. Unfortunately her brain didn't quite process this information as she pushed herself upright.

A loud, grotesque burp exploded from her lips as she drunkenly looked down at the ground for no real reason at all. She pressed one hand against her stomach while the other moved to cover her mouth. But she might as well have been trying to stop a fire hose. A veritable fountain of spunk, champagne, and stomach bile exploded from the depths of her throat faster than she or anyone around her could react. It sprayed out from between her trembling fingers in a disgusting showed of utter debauchery, the bulk of it launching across the floor and walls while a not insubstantial amount dripped down across her naked chest. All the onlookers recoiled in shock as the first jet of cum drenched sick erupted from her mouth and they actively retreated when another followed soon afterwards. As a third font launched from the depths of her stomach more than a few people were actively covering their own mouths in an attempt to stymie their own vomit. While others were watching her nearly prolapsed asshole distend as she puked all over herself. Each time a violent shudder coursed through her it would cause both Veronica's ruined holes to open even more and push outwards, the jizz that'd been pumped inside them launching out with only slightly less force than the fountains gushing from her mouth. Had the music not been drowning it out they would've also heard the lewd splash of all those juices coating the ground beneath, in front of, and around her writhing body as surely as they saw it. But she was spared that single, tiny embarrassment for the time being.

Only after she'd puked up nearly every last drop of semen inside her stomach was Veronica able to pick up where she'd left off. Albeit with even less composure than before as she continued to burp and gurgle with every breath her shaky body managed to suck in or exhale. No longer even trying to stand up she resorted to crawling on her hands and knees through the puddles of jizz and champagne she'd left all across the floor. The first time she tried to put any pressure on the slick surface her hands slid in opposite directions and she crashed chest first into the soup she'd created. The ensuing splash was as disgusting as it was lewd, her already drenched body getting further coated as the perverse concoction coated her so completely she might as well have taken a bath in it. Absolutely nobody watching wanted to help Veronica at that point and whens he pushed herself upright again it was entirely through her own, dogged refusal to give up. Twice more in the ten or so feet she had left to crawl she slipped and dropped back into the puddles of jizz and booze. Both times her pussy and asshole loudly released another blast of comparatively untainted semen behind her. Anyone even remotely near her rump when that happened immediately moved away for fear of being drenched. This gave her plenty of time to reach the door and clumsily push it open before any of the bouncers and other personnel responsible for handling problems could reach her. Not that she was anywhere close to aware of their presence of the consequences they might bring down on her head. Veronica was much too elated by the sight of a trash strewn alley and the salvation her mind seemed to think it would give. Grinning like the drunken idiot she'd become she crawled out of the nightclub and onto the filthy pavement.

But in her single minded doggedness she hadn't given any thought at all to what she'd do once she was actually free. Samantha was nowhere to be found and it wasn't like she'd called Henry to come pick her up. Not that she would've done that even if her mind had thought of the idea. So after crawling a short distance away from the door she'd come out of Veronica felt her arms buckle and her meager strength begin to fade entirely. Her mind tried to tell her she wasn't some drunken whore that collapsed in an alley way surrounded by garbage but her body didn't quite get the message. Giving out long before she reached street beyond she slumped against a foul smelling trash bad in a heap of quivering limbs and pale, naked flesh. Lying sprawled on her side with cum oozing from her cunt and asshole she tried one last time to get up and spare herself the humiliation of passing out there. Her efforts failed completely and her eyes drifted shut as the world around her faded into nothing. Jizz trickled out of her open mouth to pool on her garbage filled pillow and eventually drip onto the ground beneath while a steadily growing pool of spunk formed beneath her exposed ass as the remaining semen inside her holes leaked out at a steady rate. Her naked tits smothered her right arm while the left pulled in close to her body in an instinctive attempt to ward off the chill. Though they continued to twitch and shift in small bursts her legs remained almost as motionless as the rest of her body and it was only the ragged, if steady, rise and fall of her chest that even hinted at her being alive. Whatever had passed for consciousness up until that point was utterly and completely gone as Veronica lay there passed out like a drunken whore on the first day of the new year.


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