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There's not much to say about this one honestly! Fans of simple, romantic, and sapphic stories should find a lot to enjoy. At least I hope they will. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day to anyone celebrating the occasion!

To the delight and chagrin of people all over the country Valentine's Day had finally arrived, bringing with it all the stress and romance such a holiday could cause. For many it was a day of frantic, last minute plans and desperate bids to accomplish something before their partner found out they'd totally forgotten the occasion. For others it was a magical saga through cliches and sappy but nonetheless endearing rituals common to anywhere that celebrated the event. Thankfully for the first time in three years of dating her girlfriend Silvia Vargas had actually remembered to plan ahead. Through dumb luck and pure grit she'd managed to salvage every previous fuck up without her adorable naive lover figured anything out. But this year she wouldn't have that issue! This year she'd bought or arranged to be delivered all the candy, flowers, candles, gifts, and everything else far, far in advance. Well before Christmas in fact. She was so over prepared in fact she could've hosted the entire day without a hitch three times over. Which under any other circumstances would've meant a day spent relaxing content in what she'd accomplished at waiting for her girlfriend to get off work.

Too bad God seemed determined to throw a wrench in her plans no matter what she did. Not two weeks before the big day Delilah had announced her intention to become a nun and finally fulfill what had apparently been a lifelong dream, despite it never coming up once. They'd spent the entire night and much of the next day talking about this seemingly spur of the moment decision with Silvia wholly against it every step of the way. Her obstinate refusal to accept what was happening had quickly turned their conversations into arguments and the two of them had all but broken up as a result. Luckily for their relationship she wasn't the sort of girl that could just wash her hands of someone. Especially not someone she loved more dearly than anyone else in the world. So after spending the entire time up until Valentine's Day both apologizing and trying  to reconnect with her soon to be ex she finally managed to convince her to meet her one last time. One last night before she entered the convent and was functionally dead to the world. All the cheesy crap she'd bought for the holiday was tossed aside and she arrived at Delilah's sister's house a hair before five o'clock. Just in time to meet Candice on the stone walkway and exchange a few words.

“Oh thank God!” She exclaimed the moment she spotted Silvia on the sidewalk, “Please tell me you're hear to convince her not to become a nun!”

“Fuck yeah I'm hear to convince her! You're against that shit too?”

“Absolutely! I know it's her dream but Delilah had no idea what being a nun is really like. I honestly don't even know why this is something she wants so bad!”

Silvia laughed wryly and shook her head, stepping aside so Candice could walk past her, “You sure you don't wanna stay and help me? I bet we could make a really good case together!”

“Yeah probably but then she might feel like we're ganging up on her. And after seeing my parents fail at that tactic for years I'm not gonna risk it on something this important.”

“Fair enough.” She approached the front porch and paused, “Wish me luck!”

“Good luck Sil!” Candice said with all sincerity.

Feeling quite a bit more confident knowing pretty much everyone in their lives wanted Delilah to stick around Silvia opened the door and stepped inside the house. After a quick pass through the first floor she headed up stairs and into the guest bedroom. The door was shut and a quiet, melodious humming was coming from inside. Hearing it instantly made her heart flutter and her stomach do little flips. So much was riding on this conversation her usually brash, confidence was nowhere to be found. She couldn't imagine her life without the amazing young woman quietly singing to herself in that room. It just didn't seem possible. And while part of her could understand how dramatic she was being even the rational side of her mind didn't want to imagine Delilah leaving. Regardless of how likely such a thing was. Steeling herself and taking several deep breaths she knocked on the door and waited. Everything fell uncomfortably silent and there was a long, weighty pause before the words 'come in' were finally spoken. Although it was hardly worth celebrating Silvia had never felt a great rush of euphoria from two syllables. A very small, very pessimistic voice in the back of her head had insisted she wouldn't even get that far. But thankfully it was wrong, like always, and she stepped into the guest bedroom as quickly as she could without making it obvious how shaky her hands were. Or how full of butterflies her stomach was. She shut the door behind her before looking at her girlfriend and that quickly proved to be an unintentionally wise choice.

Standing in front of a full length mirror already dressed in her habit Delilah looked so unlike the girl Silvia had fallen in love with. Only her face and hands were visible beneath the flowing black tunic covering her body and the white veil wrapped around her face. Golden rays of sunlight spilled in from the window beside the mirror to bath and frame her in a heavenly glow. Those brilliant blue eyes of hers still had their telltale sparkle but the adorably nervous smile always cresting her plump lips was absent. Her small, upturned nose and chubby cheeks were flushed a deep crimson and although they weren't visible her girlfriend knew without a doubt her cute little ears were just as red. But those charmingly petite features weren't the only thing hidden by her apparel. Underneath the freely hanging cloth draped across her body it was impossible to see the curves that'd left Silvia weak and the knees and all but drooling a thousand times or more. Those wide, rounded hips and chubby thighs were gone and only the barest hint of her amazingly ample bust remained. All the features that Delilah herself had often lamented for their size and thickness, but Silvia had adored for the very same reason, sat obscured beneath her habit. Like she was an entirely different person already. That thought alone was enough to send her heart racing and sweat beading across her forehead long before she found her voice. Even after she did the words attempting to spill out were as nervous and stuttering as her heartbeat.

“D-did you—you already—are you—” She stammered, her heart plummeting.

“I haven't taken my vows.” Delilah replied with a deep blush. Looking down at her habit she smiled in that adorable way that always left Silvia stomach fluttering and added, “I just wanted to see what I'd look like when I did . . .”

“Oh . . .that's . . . that's good . . . you look . . . you look really . . . nice . . .”

“Thank you . . .”

Another silence filled the room as Silvia tried and failed to think of what to say next. Of what she was even supposed to say in this circumstances. It was astonishing how strange she felt dressed in the way she had while standing ten feet from a nun. Or a novitiate at least. Assuming everything was going to be relatively normal Silvia hadn't worn anything different from her usual attire and never had that been a poorer choice. All of a sudden wearing a skin tight black tank top with no bra covering her small, perky tits and showing off the tattoos covering her arms, back, and chest felt . . . sacrilegious. A pair of tiny cut off jean shorts wrapped around her small waist and showing off the lower portions of her tight bubble butt, as well as more tattoos all over her legs, only added to that sensation. As did the piercings in her nose and ears, not to mention the pixie cut she'd gotten recently. Never had shaving the side of her head felt more inappropriate! Thankfully she'd gone easy on the mascara so her dark green eyes didn't look as intense as usual. Since she didn't wear anything across her sharp cheekbones and strong nose only the crimson lipstick spread across her small but full lips continued the trend. The fact that Delilah was a foot taller than her and nearly six feet tall as a result really made her feel like she was back in Catholic school. Before she learned who she was and what she wanted.

“Did you still want to talk?” Delilah eventually asked.

“Yeah . . . did you still want to talk?”

“Yeah . . .”

“Okay . . .”

“Okay . . .”

Before another lull could strike their conversation Silvia rushed towards her companion, all the emotions tearing her up suddenly spilling out at once, “Please don't leave me!” She cried in a tone fraught with genuine distress unlike anything Delilah had ever heard, “Please! I love you so much! I-I can't imagine life without you! You're the only woman that's ever made me feel loved! The only one that's ever made me happy! I know it's selfish but I don't want you to leave! I can't live without you! I don't care how pathetic that is! I can't! You're the only person in the world that matters to me! The only one I want to be with! You can't go! You can't!” Feeling tears streaming down her face she threw her arms around her girlfriend and hugged her tight for what might be the last time, “Please Delilah . . . please . . . I know this is what you want . . . I know I don't have any right to ask this . . . but please . . . please stay with me . . . please stay with me . . . please Delilah . . . I can't . . . I can't . . .”

Although she'd expected an emotional outpouring at no point had Delilah imagined it'd be anywhere as genuine or as powerful as the one Silvia was giving her. Crying before her girlfriend even had the chance to start she returned the hug she was given ten fold and tried desperately to swallow past a lump in her throat. So many conflicting thoughts and emotions swirled through her body she couldn't even begin to get a handle on them. In her infinite naivete she never imagined someone as strong and cool as Silvia capable of breaking down like that. It was the most unabashedly sincere display she'd ever seen, both from her girlfriend or from anyone else. And it utterly wrecked her. Without even meaning to she found herself sinking to her knees with the woman she loved doing the same. Both of them cried and held one another for what could've be hours. The desperate, emotional begging that'd brought them to that point faded into sobs as they nuzzled against each other and just let all the feelings they hadn't properly shared before spill out. Neither of them could speak beyond calling out the other's name but even if they could've it was impossible to know what they might've said. They were so utterly and completely ruled by their emotions in that moment any semblance of control was gone. Had they not been holding on to one another Delilah and Silvia almost certainly would've collapsed to the floor in a heap as violent shivers wracked their bodies.

But they weren't alone with their emotions. Not anymore. And because of that it wasn't long before all that cuddling and desperate whimpering started turning into something else. Before their lips became far more interested in kissing than speaking and their bodies pressed tightly against one another. In the blink of an eye their uncontrollably emotional reunion had turned into something so familiar neither of them even thought twice about it. In spite of the tears streaming down their faces and the turmoil they'd dealt with after breaking up being back together just felt right. In fact nothing else in the world could ever feel more right. Silvia didn't even register what she was doing as she planted a kiss on her partner's tear stained cheek. Delilah had no real awareness of her hands sliding all across her lover's trembling body. The two were driven by little more than instinct as the atmosphere of the room subtly changed along with the noises spilling from their mouths. Instinct and a deep, incredible love that'd never been properly examined by either of them until that point. How could they not stare deep into one another's eyes after such an incredibly outpouring? How could they not fall onto the nearby bed in a flurry of passion? How could they not do the only thing that made sense as their bodies ached for the connection they had denied themselves?

Like she had so many times in the past Silvia snaked her arms around the beautiful woman before her and rolled them both over. Suddenly staring down at the woman she loved her only thought was lavishing that beautiful person in kisses. Each one was met with a moan as her girlfriend trembled like mad against the bed and frantically tore at the clothes hiding the tattooed body she knew even better than her own. Just as eager as her lover to remove every last piece of clothing she had on Silvia pulled off her tank top without a thought and the instant her breasts were exposed Delilah's warm lips pressed against them. Quickly finding herself on the receiving end of all that pent up emotion she could only moan in delight while goosebumps erupted across her entire body. When the familiar sensation of large, soft hands squeezing her buttocks joined the cacophony she cried out her partners name more lustfully than ever before. Grinding against her partner as her areola were suckled and bitten in a way nobody else had ever done better Silvia was quickly flooded with the kind of pleasure that would soon leave her unable to think, breath, or function as anything other than a quivering mass of flesh. Without a though she wrapped her arms around Delilah's head and pulled her tighter against her chest. Instantly her efforts were rewarded with a barrage of kisses and stimulation that sent both of them quivering like mad. When she heard the wild voice of the woman she loved it was like the first time she'd heard words spoken aloud.

“I've missed you so much Silvia!” She gasped between frantic kisses, “I've missed you so much!”

“Oh Delilah!” Her partner moaned as shivers wracked her body, “Oh God I've missed you too! Please, please don't stop!”

Even if they'd wanted to there was no way either of them were going to stop. Not until they'd shared every last unspoken thing they should've shared before that point. And maybe not even then. Pulling her hands away from Silvia's pert ass Delilah cupped her lover's small breasts and squeezed them just hard enough to elicit a pleasure cry. She wrapped her lips completely around one of the dark, heavily tattooed areolas all but pressed into her face and sucked as hard as she possibly could. At the same time her teeth bit down on the puffy nipple inside her mouth. Her tongue flicked and rolled that sensitive brown bud back and forth while the woman above her squealed with increasing delight. Few places were more sensitive than her breasts and after fours years together Delilah knew how to turn what that into gasping, heaving ecstasy without any trouble at all. In no time Silvia was squealing loud enough to rattle the window panes, her voice echoing through the fortunately empty house. Though she would've loved to respond in kind and give her girlfriend exactly as much pleasure as she was receiving pulling away at that moment was downright impossible. Even thinking about it left her body feeling weary and unresponsive. Instead she simply writhed atop her woman as the wet spot on the front of her thong was slowly upgraded to a wet spot on the front of her shorts. Before long she was grinding that damp patch against her lover's habit in a hungry, selfish bid to satisfy every last craving rushing through her body at the same time. Fortunately for her Delilah was more than happy to indulge all of them.

Keeping one hand pressed against and groping one of Silvia's breasts while the other was pleasured by her lips she moved her newly freed fingers down her partner's trembling stomach. Letting them stroke her gorgeously tanned skin as they moved she basked in the way her lover reacted. Shaking harder and harder with every inch those digits moved she was all but uncontrollable by the time they were slipping beneath the waist of her shorts. She paused long enough to undo the button before plunging her hand between those sodden thighs without an ounce of hesitation. Despite feeling it a million times already Delilah still moaned as her fingers brushed against Silvia's oversized clit and sodden labia. Of course her pleasure was nowhere near as loud as the woman atop her and the ensuing cry as she felt the joyous return of her companion's touch to her neglected pussy was simply incredible. An explosion of pleasure surged through her faster and more completely than she'd felt in what seemed like years. It set every last nerve inside her alight and caused a deluge of warm fluids to cascade across the digits responsible for her sudden ecstasy. She would continue to soak those talented fingers as they began to rub her pert bud and tease the outer folds of her pussy. All while Delilah's lips and teeth worked her areola with an almost ruthless efficiency. The only break she had between the moment her lover's hand pushed against her cunt and the orgasm that soon washed over her was the brief moment it took her habit wearing lover to switch nipples. Beyond that she was a slave to the pleasure assailing all five senses.

Like a wild animal in heat she grinded against the fingers buried between her legs and the mouth pressed against her chest in equal measure. In fact it didn't take long for her to find an all but perfect way to rock back and forth between them while panting her lover's name with increasingly high pitched moans. Just as it didn't take long for Delilah to push a finger inside Silvia's cunt and press it against that secret little spot that always drove her wild. She knew where it was as surely as she knew where her own nose was and without any trouble at all she started massaging that button like mad. In less than a minute her lover was all but screaming in pleasure as she soaked both of them in arousal. After two her voice had failed her and her eyes were rolling back in her skull. By the time she'd endured three full minutes of the ecstasy her body couldn't take another second. Pure, unbridled pleasure filled every fiber of her being, radiating outwards from the depths of her sex while she was battered and tossed about by it all. Every inch of her body save the wantonly spasming walls of her pussy stiffened as her face tilted back to stare up at the ceiling in utter rapture. Each impact of Delilah's finger against her g-spot sent a wild tremor through Silvia and before it could even begin to fade another had arrived. Wracked by the overlapping pleasure of a full body climax she couldn't even be considered a true human being. At best she was a writhing puppet being worked by the woman beneath her until insanity or death claimed her.

Of course neither arrived and her over dramatic, thoroughly fragmented brain probably could have predicted as much were it capable of thinking. Instead the greatest peaks of her pleasure started to fade and her mind gradually returned to something approaching normalcy little by little. Fully aware of how hard and long her lover could cum Delilah was just as familiar with how to bring her back down from that high. The movement of her finger slowed and her lips finally relinquished their hold so she could watch her partner's eyes gradually reappear as the dumbstruck expression on her face vanished. It was replaced with a charmingly giddy smile, the sort of expression one might make when given an amazing present or told an incredible joke. By the time her finger slipped free of Silvia's pussy her dark haired, heavily tattooed lover was trembling once more. Except it wasn't orgasmic pleasure sending her into little fits of muscle spasms. It was excitement. Because unlike the woman beneath her experiencing a mind shattering orgasm didn't leave her drained and unable to move. It left her in a wild state of lust that could put even the horniest man to shame. While she certainly knew about and expected that to happen again Delilah was still a little astonished by how quickly her girlfriend jumped into action. One moment she was smiling down at her with a sparkle in her eyes and the next she was kneeling on the floor between her legs.

Eagerly pushing up and aside the long black habit covering her partner's plump, creamy thighs Silvia let out a frantically aroused moan upon seeing the soaked panties covering Delilah's cunt. Even more drenched than her own the white cotton was all but see through and what it showed off couldn't have been more wonderful. Like a woman possessed she tore them away and pushed apart her girlfriend's thighs as wide as they could go. Knowing how much her baby loved to watch her work she pushed that useless frock over her soft belly until her face sat completely exposed between the trembling thighs and gooey pussy that'd be her new home for quite some time. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second but before any words could be said or any unspoken feelings could be shared Silvia plunged her tongue inside her partner's slit. All of a sudden it was Delilah's turn to cry out in utter desperation as the feeling of her lover's mouth returned in all it's glory. Almost immediately her back started to arch while her legs attempted to shut as the surge of pleasure seemed too much to bear. Fully prepared for such an occurrence her lover kept those thick, jiggling thighs at bay while her tongue furiously lashed every last inch it could reach. Inside and out. Once or twice it even brushed against the tightly puckered ring a short distance below her blonde haired lover's cunt. But never for long enough to interrupt the bevvy of pleasure crashing down on her. Though certainly enough to add a little dose of surprise each time it happened.

Putting to use every single thing she'd learned in three years of being with her girlfriend Silvia was an absolute madwoman. Her tongue had never moved fasted and her lips had never been hungrier as they all but savaged the fat, sumptuous pussy laid out before her. Delilah was actually shocked by just how ferociously her partner moved. Under any other circumstance describing such a thing as ferocious would've been an exaggeration at best and downright silly at worst. But as she lay there quivering in ecstasy while her cunt was pleasured in every conceivable way there didn't seem like any better word than that. Especially not when Silvia risked being crushed between her girlfriend's juicy thighs to slide a finger inside the pussy she was ravishing and begin curling it back towards her palm. The moment she felt that added stimulation Delilah knew there was no way on earth she'd last more than a few minutes under that ceaseless barrage. Her whole body shook like she was having a seizure as powerful streams of arousal gushed from depths. They were lapped up with utter delight, the messy sounds of Silvia's ministrations filling the room even more than the moans of the would be nun she was giving so much pleasure. And the longer she remained there, her movements building in speed until she was at her absolute peak, the more violently Delilah shook.

Which naturally just made Silvia that much hungrier to continue. To completely overload her companion's brain and send her spiraling down into an ecstasy laden crash from which there was no recovery. And impressively she actually managed to succeed. Within two minutes her blonde haired partner was gasping in that high pitched, almost frantic way that always signaled one of her orgasms. Fountains of sweet tasting arousal were streaking from her cunt in spasmodic bursts while her entire body seemed to flail about madly with no rhyme or reason behind the movements. But through it all she was guided and controlled by the woman buried between her thighs feverishly slaving away at her cunt. Even if her mind had no control over what happened the tongue and finger of her lover did. More completely than the most skilled puppeteer she dominated her lover and sent her into an ever widening frenzy that seemed to go on forever. In fact she wanted it to go on forever. She wanted to be a slave to her own lust with Silvia controlling her every tremor until the end of time. And even when it began to fade there still seemed to be no end in sight. No safety from the mind shattering ecstasy. No reprieve from what she was being subjected to. Not until those lips and that finger had fully departed.

When she finally pulled away from Delilah's sodden, quivering pussy it'd been so thoroughly ravished by Silvia's tongue and fingers her puffy labia barely even resembled the cute pussy she loved. Turned a bright red from the force of both the cunnilingus it'd endured and the orgasms it'd been given her outer lips were somehow even more sumptuous in the wake of what might as well have been a three course meal. The gooey pink folds between them were spread open as wide as they could be and showed no signs of closing any time soon. All the creamy juices that'd once been squirting across her enraptured lover's face were now dribbling in long strands as her slit tried and failed to close after the wild tongue lashing it'd been given. Her small, almost hard to see clit was still deliciously pert and swollen in a way that all but demanded more attention. Like a siren call her companion rarely ever had the wherewithal to refuse. Despite wanting to lay beside her lover and bask in the amazing afterglow of their reunion Silvia couldn't help but stare at the mess that was Delilah's womanhood. While there was not way she could've forgotten just how gorgeous her lady love's pussy looked it was nonetheless an absolute treat to be reminded after two weeks. So much so she found herself leaning forward to plant one last kiss on that sloppy, lewd vagina one more time before pulling away. Her choice was met with a quiet but enthusiastic moan that was quickly followed by a giggle as they two of them cuddled beside one another without a care in the world. They didn't even think about what had pushed them into such a euphoric state for several quiet minutes.

But as the high of their sexual bliss faded it was impossible for Silvia to avoid thinking about why she was there to begin with. And the unanswered question that she almost didn't want to ask, “Delilah?”


“Are you still . . . are you still leaving . . .”

“I don't know . . .” She replied.

“Why not?”

“Because I don't want to leave you . . . I don't think I realized how much I'd miss you until you were gone . . . until we broke up . . .”


“But I've wanted to be a nun since I was a little kid . . . it was always a dream of mine . . .”

Feeling enormously guilty about the turmoil she must have caused by coming back Silvia cuddled a little closer to her partner and said, “I'm sorry . . .”

“For what?”

“For putting you in this position . . . I know it wasn't fair of me to do but I just . . . I just couldn't let you go without trying . . . and now it seems like I've made it worse . . .”

“You've never made anything in my life worse . . .”

“You're such a cornball . . .”

“I know . . .”

“I love you Delilah . . .”

“I love you Silvia . . .”

A long silence stretched between them, longer than either of them cared to keep track of. At some point they found themselves laying on their side looking into one another's eyes. “If you do . . . if you do become a nun . . . if that's what you really want . . . I won't try and stop you anymore . . .” Silvia finally said.

“Really?” Delilah asked, surprise evident in her face and voice.

“Yeah . . . I don't want you to go but I can't make you stay . . . I won't make you stay . . .”

Biting her lower lip and staring at the woman she loved more dearly than anything else Delilah turned over the options in her head more times than she could count. She might've continued to do so until the choice was made for her had she not suddenly blurted out what Silvia wanted to hear most, “I won't go . . . I can't leave you . . .”

Overcome by a wave of emotion stronger than any she'd ever experienced Silvia lunged forward with a delighted moan. Her lips pressed against Delilah's and the two shared a long, tender kiss that only ended when she pulled back to say, “Thank you . . . I love you so much . . .”

“I love you too . . . Happy Valentine's Day . . .”

“Happy Valentine's Day,” She replied with a watery laugh, “Happy Valentines Day!”


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