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While I'm pretty sure I did this once before I don't want to make a habit out of releasing stories in parts like this. Unfortunately between my self imposed schedule and a host of other things going on in my life I can't finish this story and have it released before the start of next week. So instead I'll be releasing the first half or so right now and the remainder within a week. Both chunks will be fairly different from one another in content so hopefully that gives you something to look forward to!

Hir'thalla was a land of magic. A continent so steeped in the ancient powers that stoked the creation of the world few could truly comprehend it's wonder. Relics of bygone civilizations dotted the land like the bones of an old battlefield, countless lives lost in the pursuit of understanding the ineffable strength of the very earth itself. But still more settlers arrived from every far flung corner of existence. More cities were built heedless of the ruins left behind by their forbears. For the allure of that mysterious could not be ignored nor could it be mastered. Some had learned how to live among the swirling eddies of wild magic and make their peace with the strange beings that called it home before a single lesser race had known the breath of life. Only one city had survived Hir'thalla's test, had met the inscrutable will of the land itself and continued onward. Nestled deep in the forests Taer Vallen a great Elven house of the same name had remained for thousands of years. Much of their population had only known life on the continent and those that knew of the worlds they came from could only glimpse those memories as one might glimpse a figure hidden in the fog. They were all as much a part of the ancient lands as it was a part of them. Among the first born to the great new land was Lady Tirsala, the eventual matriarch of the house and the only leader her people of could ever imagine. Guiding them through every trial and every triumph to many she was Taer Vallen. An embodiment of all the house could ever be and all it had become.

Never before had they found cause to question her wisdom or her generosity. So great was their love and trust for her they had not raised objections when a great host of Beastmen arrived at the borders of their land and their Lady allowed them to enter. Though unable to guess at her thoughts none doubted she acted for the good of the realm even as Lycanthropes, Minotaurs, Bugbears, Gnolls, Lizardfolk and all manner of bestial half breeds trampled their woodland home. They knew the clans had arrived under the auspices of peace and while it was surely a ploy it only made sense to allow them deeper into the trap before it was sprung. To let them think they were safe within Taer Vallen before jaws closed in around their throats. But as they continued to roam unimpeded towards the very heart of the woodland doubt began to creep into the minds of even her staunchest supporters. It was not welcome nor was it wanted but it festered within them all the same. Perhaps if they knew their Lady's intentions, if they understood what she had planned for the invaders it would put them at ease. She had never hesitated to share with them her thoughts when asked and as the Beastmen made camp a day's walk from their capitol the time for questions had come. A great council representing every family under the protection of the house was gathered and they were ushered into the majestic hall by Lady Tirsala's five daughters, each of whom were just as eager as the rest to know what their mother planned.

They found her seated as she often was on a plain, unassuming chair at the far end of the hall with only a handful of guards that insisted on remaining at her side present. She was bathed in the pale warmth of a full moon, silvery shafts of light falling across her radiance from windows high above. In the heavenly light cast upon her face her golden eyes seemed to glow like the sun while the inky blackness surrounding her pupils was near unfathomable. The dark green contours of her plump, smiling lips betrayed only the barest hint of pearly white teeth behind them. Her rich, emerald colored skin took on a pale luminescence as it was shrouded in moonlight in much the same way as her wildly unrestrained, moss colored tresses. Tangled in her silken locks were leaves of every imaginable color, some still attached to the small twigs from which they should've fallen away. Set upon her brow was a circlet of white gold that paled in beauty to the woman it was adorning. Unlike many of her kin she lacked the angular features that so often made Elves appear haughty and aloof. While her cheekbones were certainly pronounced and her jawline unquestionably strong there was a fullness to her cheeks that only enhanced her warm nature. It perfectly suited her small, upturned nose and matched the rest of her body so well the Gods themselves could do no better. The flowing white gown draped across her shoulders and hugging every rounded curve and plump contour of her body displayed this better than anything else.

Even without some ornate throne or the extravagant trappings of wealth she was every bit the ruler of Taer Vallen and the Lady all had come to love. Even the sight of her incandescent smile as she stood was enough to put at ease the minds of those gathering before her. Though not enough to render their gathering moot. Like water filling a basin they entered the hall until it was packed with nobles, courtiers, and even throngs of common folk that had fled their homes in fear of the Beastmen. What little chatter that'd been present died away as her daughters approached and bowed. The rest of the Elves did the same and Lady Tirsala cast her eyes away from them, as she always did. No matter how many years she led her people the sight of them bowing before her like she was some great monarch would always cause the smallest of discomfort. She understood why they felt it necessary to genuflect upon seeing her and she knew that asking them to stop did not work. So instead of protesting she merely averted her eyes, shamed by their adoration but unable to deny how much it gladdened her to have their trust. Once they were finished bowing the people looked to their Lady with the same hopefulness always present on their faces and she met their looks with a calm warmth that instilled nothing but relief and happiness within them. Her eldest daughter was, as always the first to speak.

She asked the question that was on every Elf in the realm's mind but the answer they were given did not instill the confidence they were expecting. Hearing their Lady had every intention of honoring the peace sought by the Beastmen instantly sent discontented ripples through the crowd. Some of the more outspoken nobles, certain it was a ploy, asked her as much. When she assured them it was no ploy and there would be no trickery the disquiet continued to rise. More questions were asked of her and though all were little more than reworded variations of one another she answered each of them as they were posed. Knowing she had never lied to them before made the forthcoming nature of her words that much harder to comprehend for the gathered Elves. But rather than turning their ire towards Lady Tirsala the men and women of the court found themselves growing ever more angry with the monsters that had forced their beloved leader into this position. They made up all manner of excuses for her and why she must take this course of action and all the while calls for retaliation, for war, echoed throughout the hall. It was time to drive out the Beastmen before they could come any closer and threaten any more Elven lives. It was a sentiment that seemed universal among those present and it was certainly shared by her offspring as they nodded alongside and spoke to their subjects. All while the lady of Taer Vallen sat in her seat watching them with a heavy heart.

“This aggression cannot be allowed to continue unchecked!” Her eldest daughter shouted above the din of chattering nobles and courtiers, “No army has ever been allowed so deep into our territory in three thousand years! If we allow them any more ground they'll march right through our city without a fight!”

As the court once more exploded into shouting Lady Tirsala allowed them all a few moments to bicker and argue among themselves. Only when many of her more heated subjects began berating one another with open threats of violence did she rise from her seat. Though making little more than a whisper as she stood the entire room fell silent in an instant and all eyes turned towards her. She looked across the sea of concerned, angry, and distraught faces with an expression of serene warmth unmatched by any mortal creature in the known world. In a single heartbeat the tensions within the room lessened as even the most irate among her court felt their worries dissipating. When she spoke it was in a quiet voice that carried through the entire room and, while laced with no real magic, seemed to fill the air with music at every syllable.

“I know your fears,” She began, smiling at her children as they stood before her, “A long time ago I might have shared them. I know how frightful the Beastmen can seem. How terrifying their presence must be to those of you unfamiliar with their ways. But they are not the monsters many would describe them as. They are not unthinking, slavering animals that desire only blood. Despite what you may think every one of them is a thinking, feeling creature not so different from you or I.”

A rippled of discontent and uncertainty flickered through the crowd. Lady Tirsala expected as much just as she expected her youngest daughter to speak up a moment later, “If that's true then we should be all the more concerned!” She exclaimed, “They sue for peace but if they're truly as intelligent as you claim their talk of peace is surely a trap!”

“Why else would they bring an army with them?!” Her second oldest daughter added, “I cannot imagine it takes a force of nearly three thousand to come to terms! They must be planning more than simple negotiations. Whoever we send to meet them will surely be slaughtered!”

Once more the court threatened to explode into bickering and arguments but as Lady Tirsala smiled the tension yet again faded into a simmer. “You call them an army and perhaps they might appear to be one at glance. But I don't believe them to be anything of the sort.”

“Then what are they my Lady?” A noblewoman asked.

“Refugees.” She answered simply. “Refugees from all corners of Hir'thalla seeking asylum and finding naught but death waiting for them.”

“Then we should answer them the same as all the rest!” Her second youngest daughter declared, “We should drive them out before they can find any sort of foothold in our lands!”

“Is that so?” Lady Tirsala asked. Her voice was filled with a sorrow so profound many of the nobles and courtiers present found tears in the corners of their eyes and lumps in their throat. Few were used to the depths of their Lady's emotion and even her offspring were taken aback, “You would advocate genocide when they sue for peace? You would ask me to send our people to war, to die, when those we would fight don't seek violence? What has made you so thirsty for battle my love? Why do you search for conflict?'

“I've read the reports mother.” She answered in a far less harsh tone than before, “I've read the histories and I know what they're capable of. I know if our neighbors and allies sought their destruction these Beastmen surely deserve their fate.”

“I see.” Turning away and approaching her seat once more the Lady of Taer Vallen slowly shook her head, “I cannot pretend you words have no merit. Nor can I fault your faith in our neighbors.”

“Then we'll attack?” The eldest daughter asked.

“No. I will meet with the leader of the Beastmen and hear their terms.”

Her court erupted into complete pandemonium as shouting and protests filled the great hall. But this time every last bit of it was unified against the decree their Lady had just made. Every single man and woman there would die for her a hundred times without hesitation but sending her to die for them was simple unthinkable. The mere suggestion that she put herself in harms way to negotiate with Beastmen couldn't have been more ludicrous. Not a single Elf present could even begin to understand her reasons and many simply refused to even try. Letting their Lady go to those savage monsters was tantamount to killing her themselves. Not in over eight hundred years had the entire court been so united in desire and purpose. Even if it meant high treason they would not allow Lady Tirsala to leave Taer Vallen or go anywhere near the Beastmen. Or so they believed.

Turning around to face them with a fierce expression she cried out in a terrible voice, “Enough!” The entire forest fell silent at the force of her command and those within the court dropped to their knees before her word had finished echoing across the woodlands. “Stand up.” Lady Tirsala bade them, her tone and expression softening, “I know your thoughts, I know what you fear, and the depth of your love and concern truly humbles me. But I am not nor have I ever been a defenseless waif. I am the Lady of Taer Vallen and if the Beastmen desire war they will have it. They will suffer my wrath as none have ever suffered it before.” The assembled courtiers and nobles looked at one another, heartened by her words, “But only after all other paths have been closed to us. I will not answer peace with war.”

“But my Lady,” The captain of her personal guard interjected, “If your daughters are correct and this is indeed a trap . . .”

“Then I will die content knowing I sought peace instead of war.” She replied. “None of my ancestors would honor the truce these Beastmen offer. None of them would've allowed the Beastmen entry to our lands. But I am not my ancestors and I will not continue their cycle of violence.” Turning her gaze towards her second youngest daughter she added, “I too have the histories of the Beastmen, just as I have read the histories of our own people. We are just as capable of evil as they are. And I believe they are just as capable of good. I would gladly risk my life to give them that chance and to turn our people away from the warring that created us.”

Her words convinced some but the rest were unable to see the truth if it meant risking their Lady's life and they made their dissatisfaction known. Lady Tirsala heard their protests and responded to each of them in kind. For hours she talked with the Elves in her hall, convincing them one by one to understand what she wanted. Not a single one of them could ever trust the Beastmen outright, as their lady did, but they could take solace in the faith she seemed to have in them. Little by little the assembled nobles and courtiers were won over through the earnest sincerity of their Lady's words and the unwavering confidence with which she spoke them. They wanted to believe her words as much as they believed in her and she knew it as well as they. By morning's first light only her daughters were left advocating war and no matter how much they might have grumbled or glowered she knew they wouldn't fail her. They never had. After telling her children as much and thanking everyone present for their concern she bid them all a good morning. Exhaustion was evident on nearly all of their faces and rest, she assured them, would make everything they'd discussed more palatable. Unable to refuse those claims her people departed from the great hall until Lady Tirsala was left alone with her thoughts. As well as the handful of guards that would no doubt attempt to accompany her to the camp. She asked them all to approach, a soft smile forming on her lips as they gathered around.

When the sun returned to his slumber and the moon began her slow climb through the heavens she left the great hall. With her daughters and soldiers in tow she walked through the city with an ever growing throng of Elves following behind. Upon reaching the eastern gates every man woman, and child under her protection had gathered to see Lady Tirsala away. A profound sense of melancholy filled the air as she stopped at the threshold and turned towards them. Not even her beautiful, calming smile could dispel the clouds hanging over her people. Knowing there was little she could do and even less she could say to assure them of her safety the Lady of Taer Vallen instead expressed her admiration and love for all of them. She addressed every last one of them by name and spoke to each in turn until one by one nobody was left with any doubts of her affection. Saving her daughters for last she kissed each of them on the brow and promised she would return before they could begin to miss her. They nodded along with her words but said nothing, their hearts already heavy with worry. With her parting words still hanging in the air she turned away from her people and walked into the forest. Her presence slowly faded as she was swallowed by the darkness with only a final, parting smile to assuage those watching left.

She arrived at the Beastmen's camp not long after sunset the following day and her arrival was met with no small amount of pandemonium. Horns rang out in the night the moment she stepped from the shadows as the once quiet encampment seemed to explode with energy. Beastly humanoids of every shape and size crawled, slithered, stalked, pounced, and crept from their tents and burrows to see what had disturbed their rest. Within seconds Lady Tirsala found herself approaching a horde of dumbstruck Beastmen, none of whom seemed able to believe their eyes. Down to the last man they stared with open mouthed surprise as she made her way closer but rather than shrinking away as most other did when met with her beauty for the first time they leaned closer. None dared move beyond the spiky perimeter of their camp but those that could perched themselves on the farther possible edge of the sharp, wooden fortifications while the rest were left to bend over one another in their efforts to see her. Even from a great distance she could smell the unmistakable scent of their pheromones, no doubt enhanced by the presence of a woman in what her scouts had told her was a camp filled entirely with males. It was both flattering and a touch intoxicating to be met with such a fervent reaction from those that didn't know her from any other Elf in the forest. While the adoration of her own subjects filled her heart with pure joy the unmitigated lust of the Beastmen before her sent an entirely different sensation through Lady Tirsala's body. One she had expected from the very beginning but one that was nonetheless welcome in spite of that knowledge.

And one that only grew stronger with every step she took towards the gathered wild folk and the stench of their arousal clouded the air. Doing her best not to breath too deeply and allow it to overwhelm her before it was time for such things she continued her approach with all the grace and dignity one might expect of a woman like her. By the time she stopped at the entrance to the camp every last Beastmen that could had surged to the border and was watching with wide eyed interest. Though she couldn't know their true intentions or even their most basic thoughts Lady Tirsala found no malice in their eyes as they stared at her. Only rampant curiosity and the sort of deep, visceral attraction she expected to find among a group of undoubtedly deprived men upon seeing a woman. Her ensuing smile was every bit as genuine as her intentions as she looked across her unorthodox welcoming committee. Just as her spies had reported seemingly every feasible type of Beastmen was represented within the ranks of that encampment. Werewolves stood alongside Minotaurs who towered above the Wererats that lurked behind their Werebear cousins. Snakemen watched with slitted eyes beside their Lizardfolk brethren as groups of Gnolls panted around them with mysterious, glassy eyed Fishmen lurking far in the back. It was truly a remarkable gathering and one that filled Lady Tirsala with hope. If all these once hostile and incredibly disparate tribes could band together for the common good surely the Elves of Taer Vallen could manage the same! In fact she would ensure it. Of course before she did she'd need to gain entry into their camp. A feat that would prove much easier than expected.

“I've come to speak with the man that leads you.” She called out in a voice that carried through the woods with a delightful melody, “I'm told his name is Siltash.”

The mob before her shifted as she spoke, smiles lighting up the faces of those capable of producing such a response. But no answer was forthcoming. It almost seemed like they couldn't form words in her presence. After a few moments Lady Tirsala's smile widened and she laughed softly to herself. Thanks to keen senses and a rapt interest in every last move she made all the Beastmen heard her amusement and it sent a ripple through their ranks. One of utter delight unlike anything they'd felt in a very, very long time. She could sense their happiness at being given a reason to smile once more and she couldn't help but beam with delight. Even if negotiations completely fell apart and they were sent away to wander Hir'thalla once more knowing she'd brightened their lives at all would remain with her until her dying day. But before anything else could happen there was a sound from somewhere deep in the camp, a word spoken in a language foreign to her. All the Beastmen she could see, and no doubt all the ones she couldn't, suddenly stiffened. Their once languid posture vanishing as they sprang to attention. A moment later the host parted like doors being pushed aside and a path through the camp was suddenly laid bare to her. Amused by their abrupt shift and more eager than ever to meet Siltash she offered those assembled a grateful bow. There was a collective intake of breath as she walked past the perimeter of the camp and past the Beastmen on either side. While she couldn't look at all of them as she walked the good Lady did her best to smile at as many as she could, her countenance sending each and every one she looked at into fits of delighted shivering. Left in her wake was a sea of grinning faces and sparkling eyes that followed her every step until she reached the large tent at the center of camp.

“Enter my Lady.” A strong, rasping voice called from within, “It's a pleasure to have you as my guest.”

“It's a pleasure to be your guest.” She replied before pushing aside the flap and entering Siltash's pavilion, “And to finally make your acquaintance Lord Siltash.”

Sitting on a makeshift stool carved from a lump of wood was the man that could only be Siltash. Even seated her was a rather imposing figure due in no small part the leathery wings sprouting from his back and the spike laden swishing back and forth behind him. Every inch of his body was covered in ruby scales while a pair of large, bone colored horns protruded from his forehead to curl backwards above his pointed ears like those of a ram. The distinctly draconic yet vaguely humanoid features of his face gave him an inscrutable, alien quality that was further enhanced by the glittering radiance of his copper colored eyes and the slits that formed their pupils. All eight of his fingers had small talons protruding from them while his six toes were sporting similar, albeit much larger claws as well as two more jutting from his heels. As he stood the top of his head nearly brushed against the ceiling of the tent some eight feet above the ground while the breadth of his shoulders appeared to be twice the width of Lady Tirsala's body with room leftover. Every inch of his body seemed to bulge with inhuman muscle from his tree trunk like thighs to the enormous contours of his biceps. His torso alone looked to be heavier than her entire frame and the rest of his physical features seemed more akin to those of a giant than any regular humanoid. A plain brown loincloth was wrapped around his waist to hang in front of his groin as the only sign of clothing on his otherwise bare form.

“I am no Lord.” He replied, “But your respect is appreciated all the same.”

Nodding in acceptance of his words she walked through the sparsely decorated tent and sat down on a small log near his seat. She daintily crossed her legs and smiled at him for a moment while he returned to his own stool. “Why have you come to Taer Vallen?” She asked once they were both settled, “You seek peace, that much I know, but I'm curious why you've chosen to search for it within my lands.”

“Yours are the last lands left to us.” Siltash replied, “There are no others left.”

“It saddens me to hear the suffering you're people have endured. It's a pity you didn't come to Taer Vallen sooner, you could've have saved your people a great deal of hardship.”

“That remains to be seen my Lady. But again your words are appreciated.”

“I'm glad.” She replied with utter sincerity, “But what is it you hope to find in my domain?”

“A home. My people insist we cannot go on fighting. They say it will destroy us.”

“You don't agree with them?”

“I do not.” Siltash brusquely answered, “Nor do my thegns. We know what you and your people think of us. What the world beyond this forest thinks of us.”

“Do you?” Lady Tirsala asked him, “And what is it I think of you?”

Mulling over his words for a moment he smiled and answered her question with one of his own, “You claim to be different?”

“I claim nothing. I am different.”

“Is that so?”

“It is.”

Siltash smirked at her confidence, “I suppose there is some merit to that. I never imagined you would come to our camp in person.”

“I could think of no better way to demonstrate my interest in peace.” She replied, “My people did not want me to come. They do not believe your desires are genuine.”

“And still you came?”

“I did. I believe with all my heart there can be peace between our people. I know the hardships you've endured simply getting to Taer Vallen. You may not know it but my people suffered much the same as yours many years ago.”

“That seems unlikely.” He responded with a dismissive tone. His expression quickly softened upon seeing the disappointed look on her face, “But I suppose it's not impossible.”

“Regardless of past sufferings,” Lady Tirsala continued, “We have a chance to accomplish greatness here today. Your people need a home and mine need to see beyond their own prejudices. I believe we can benefit one another greatly.”

“Perhaps.” Siltash mused. He leaned back for a moment before leaning forward, “But it sounds as if any alliance we forge will be met with great resistance. From both our peoples.”

“So it will fall to us to ensure our kin see the benefits of cooperation and cohabitation.”


“You remain unconvinced?”

“I do not think my people and yours can live together as seamlessly as you claim. Even without the past hatreds weighing upon them Elves and Beastmen are too different . . . there is little that would bind us together and even less that would keep those bonds intact.”

“I disagree. I think there's a great deal we have in common. More even than you might realize.” Lady Tirsala remarked, “And over time we would make new bonds . . . find new ways to solidify the peace that's been forged . . .”

Something about the tone of her voice and the bent of her smile made him pause. He found his heart beat quickening as adrenaline surged through him. “And what are these ways you speak of?” Siltash asked.

His question was met with a smile as Lady Tirsala slowly bit her lower lip and allowed the meaning of her words to truly sink in for a moment. Her own heart was beating wildly inside her chest as she let out a quiet breath and said, “Perhaps it would be best if I demonstrated the benefits of peace . . .”

“Perhaps it would . . .”

Fixing him with a smile that sent his beastly heart pounding Lady Tirsala slowly stood up. Her golden eyes sparkled like gemstones bathed in sunlight as she lifted a hand and waved it gracefully through the air. Siltash felt a crackle of magical energy fill the tent and before he could wonder what spell she'd cast he watched in awe as the gown hugging her gorgeous body fell away. Without so much as a whisper she was suddenly laid bare before him, naked as the day she was born and smiling more lasciviously than any woman he'd ever seen. Stepping over her discarded gown and the slippers covering her feet in a single smooth movement Lady Tirsala approached her would be lover all but radiating arousal. A warm trickle of fluids was already dripping down her thighs and the smell of her sex filled his already heightened senses to such a degree he couldn't smell anything else. The dark green buds at the crest of her ample breasts were already stiff and aching for attention and even as his eyes roamed her body he could see goosebumps spreading across her emerald skin. And yet despite how badly he wanted to leap to his feet and take her in every way a man could take a woman he remained seated. His draconic eyes couldn't stop feasting on the sight of her. The curve of her wide, womanly hips and the plumpness found in every aspect of her body that gave her such an incredible silhouette. How soft and round her buttocks looked even glimpsed as little as they were from the angle he was sitting at. Her downright frighteningly large breasts heaving with every ragged breath she took and bouncing lightly with every step. That tangled mass of curls shrouding her sex and colored the same as the locks framing her impossibly radiant features. Like every other man confronted with her beauty he was all but powerless.

“Are you sure this is what you desire Lady Tirsala?” He asked in a rasping, ever so slightly nervous voice, “I do not think your people would approve.”

“My people will learn what true cooperation is.” She whispered, “But do not call me Lady . . .”

“Why not?”

“Because I won't be doing anything Ladylike tonight . . .”

Hearing those words and the promise they implied was enough to sent a bolt of energy coursing through his body. Before he could produce a rational thought Siltash was towering above Tirsala with a lascivious grin of his own. He reached out to stroke her face and feel her skin against his talons but she acted faster than he could react. Sinking to her knees and tearing away the loincloth covering his waist she let out a delighted gasp upon seeing the turgid red member slowly emerging from between the newly parted scales on his groin. Long and tapered with a thickness that made her toes curl and her sex ache his member was easily the length of her forearm and as thick around as her bicep. But the head was about as wide as the tip of her middle finger. A glob of creamy white fluid was already waiting for her and she didn't hesitate to wrap her lips around as much of his cock as she could. Her tongue licked up that delicious sampling of precum while he moaned in pleasure at the sudden stimulation. When her fingers closed around the massive base of his prick, both hands wrapping around his pulsing red flesh, his own jumped to her head. Tirsala shivered in delight as she felt his talons scrape against her just hard enough to remind him of their sharpness yet still gentle enough to prevent any real harm. It made for a wonderful thrill as she slowly pushed herself further onto his cock with a long, slurping moan. His delighted and thoroughly surprised moans were a delightful background noise to the pounding of her own heart and pulsing of her slit as it leaked all over the flood between her thighs.

Groaning in utter delight Siltash stared down at the Elven beauty currently swallowing up his cock with no small amount of amazement. She was all at once completely unlike the woman he'd first met only a few minutes prior and exactly the same in a manner that simply defied logic. Watching her sparkling eyes stare up at him, clouded with lust and eager for pleasure, was almost as enjoyable as the sight of his prick gradually vanishing into her mouth. Seeing those pert, full lips stretch outwards as his dick rapidly increased in size with every centimeter she moved forward was mesmerizing. Every time it seemed like she might hit her limit Tirsala proved his assumptions wrong. Although she often stopped to send her tongue dancing across his length and suck down the precum flooding her tongue or the spit trying to escape from her overstuffed throat there was never more than a few moments between her lewd movements. But even if there'd been a full minute Siltash couldn't possibly have complained. The feeling of her warmth wrapped around him, her tongue wildly swirling across his throbbing member, and the sight of her so eagerly enjoying what she was doing left him dizzy with arousal. In no time at all his head was spinning and his entire body was shaking. All the muscles Tirsala had been admiring when they first met were straining mightily and his breaths came in labored gasps. Often with little bursts of flame. She could hear his tail swishing back and forth behind him and see his wings slowly opening like he was about to take flight.

Thrilled by how imposing and masculine her partner looked on the precipice of an orgasm Tirsala felt a violent shiver course through her body. A little spurt of arousal gushed from her pussy and not a second after it splashed across the ground Siltash's nostrils flared. He basked in the smell of her fluids, his mouth slowly falling open as yet another groan filled the tent. She responded with a gurgling moan and a flurry of wet slurps. Although her senses weren't quite as pronounced as his the potency of his musky body was still felt in every way a woman could experience such a thing. It'd been present the moment she entered his pavilion and the possibility of such a thing had sat in the back of her mind every step of the journey from Taer Vallen. Now that she was finally immersed in the pungent aroma of his beastly scents Tirsala couldn't have been happier. Everything about the feel and taste of his cock was exactly what she'd hoped for but gradually enveloping his member while bathing in the odors given off by his manly form was simply incredible. She couldn't wait for him to take his enormous manhood and bury it inside her pussy. Maybe she'd even let him experience the tight confines of her ass, if he proved himself skilled enough to warrant such a present. Continuing to work herself into a frenzy with every lewd thought that darted through her mind the Lady of Taer Vallen couldn't wait to feel his first, climactic release in what was surely quite  along time. If the visceral reactions she was witnessing were any kind of sigh she wouldn't have long to wait.

Of course knowing that her lover was nearing the end of his endurance only deepened Tirsala's lust as well. It'd been quite some time since she enjoyed the company of another and she wasn't about to waste his first climax. So while Siltash moaned and tensed as shuddering waves of pleasure spread through his body she pushed herself deeper onto his cock with all the enthusiasm she could muster. Since there was little chance she'd be able to bob along his length like she so enjoyed it only made sense to, at the very least, gobble up the entirety of that impressive dick and make sure there wasn't an inch left outside her throat when he did release his seed. All but throwing caution to the wind she began lunging forward in sudden, toe curling bursts of speed. Each one sent her another inch or so further onto his dick while also sending pleasure flooding through both of their bodies. More amazed than ever he watched her lurch deeper onto his member as the space between his base and her lips waned so quickly it was hard to even measure how much was left. When it became apparent her hands were no longer needed she didn't hesitate to pull them away and bury her fingers between her thighs. Some rubbed her clit while others stuffed themselves deep in her pussy but whatever they did it immediately and noticeably added to the efforts of her mouth. Gagging and slurping around the massive shaft she was all but worshiping Tirsala could feel tears streaming down her cheeks as surely as she felt her throat bulging outwards form the size of the prick nestled within. And she loved every last second of it.

“I can't last any longer!” He growled, every part of his body suddenly tensing as his words filled the tent.

She moaned loudly and eagerly in response to that declaration and slammed herself against his cock with all her might. Even going as far as grabbing his firm, muscular ass with both hands to help pull her those last few inches forward. Siltash groaned louder than ever as he felt the remainder of his length vanish into her throat, an experience he'd never enjoyed with any other female. His eyes were already shut tight and his head was tilted back but he could surely picture how beautiful Tirsala looked choking on his shaft. Had he any idea how accurate his assumptions were he might've found the strength to look down and see for himself. Unfortunately he was much to overcome by the pleasure surging through his body as cum exploded into the depths of her belly. Near identical moans reverberated through the tent and into the camp beyond as he emptied his loins inside her in one endless spray of cum as thick and hot as the heartiest of soups while she reveled in every last drop to flood her belly or coat the walls of her throat. A torrent of pungent juices gushed from her pussy the moment she felt his seed within her body and it although it didn't arrive in a seemingly endless cascade it was not the only eruption she left across the floor. While not quite as overwhelming as what he experienced her own orgasm was still powerful enough to leave her shaking and writhing on the ground while her practically untouched slit quivered madly, the dark inner folds unleashing jet after warm jet of arousal until she was kneeling in a puddle of her own fluids.

Even wracked as he was by pleasure Siltash could smell his mate's sex and fountain of juices she was leaving across the floor of his pavilion. Before his cock had even finished emptying an impressive amount of spunk inside her he was pulling backwards. As divine as her mouth and throat felt wrapped around his dick there was somewhere he longed to be more. Somewhere that demanded his attention so completely he didn't even think about what he was doing. He simply pulled his prick free of her lips, sending the last spurts of his jizz splashing across her face as a result, and effortlessly pulled Tirsala to her feet. Suddenly finding herself unable to stand as her greedy little pussy continue to leak all over her legs she immediately slumped against him like a puppet with it's stings cut. Unfazed by her inability to move he picked her up as one might pick up their new bride and carried to the large pile of furs on the other side of the tent. She was laid down with a surprising gentleness and for a moment it seemed like he might be about to make love in a way she hadn't expected. But then he flipped her over with all the care of a person turning over a rock and she let out a delighted laugh. Her hips instinctively lifted upwards as she offered herself to him in the most blatant way she could. Tender lovemaking certainly had it's place but she wasn't in the mood for such a thing and apparently neither was he!

Squatting above and behind the shapely mountains of her ass he rammed his cock into her cunt with a single well placed thrust. It sank up to the hilt inside Tirsala and slammed her waist back down against the furs hard enough to make the earth around them shake. The impact of their bodies was drowned out by her passionate scream as, for the first time in nearly a century, she felt the presence of a man within her sex. Unable to handle the flood of pleasure cascading through her body she buried her face in the bedding and squealed like a stuck pig. Her inner walls spasmed wildly around his dick and a veritable deluge of juices sprayed out of her in the moments following his unexpectedly wonderful and perfectly timed movement. Wild shudders sent every inch of her plump frame jiggling madly while her muffled screams of ecstasy continued to grow until they were nearly piercing the furs that were supposed to mask them. Siltash grinned at her overblown reaction, amazed and delighted by how eagerly she took his throbbing length. It made him all the more eager to show her just how a Half Dragon mated. He didn't waste any time bending over her trembling body and pushing open her thighs with his knees so she couldn't accidentally stymie his efforts. One hand flattened against the bedding next to her head as the other grabbed a fistful of her tangled green hair. Slowly twisting his clawed hand around he lifted her face from the furs and pulled it backwards as far as she could go. Their eyes met as he finished adjusting himself and prepared for another brutal thrust.

“Don't hold back . . .” Tirsala moaned, “Don't hold back for a second . . .”

Needing no further incentive than that Siltash grinned at her and promised, “I won't.”

What followed was the most violent, intense, and amazing sexual experience she'd enjoyed in several thousand years of being alive. Her body was his plaything and he was not gentle with his toys. Pulling back as far as he could go without leaving her trembling cunt altogether her partner slammed himself back inside of her with an earth shattering fury. His hips smashed against her ass and sent a shock wave of ecstasy through her body as surely as it sent a shock wave of displaced air through the tent. But he didn't hold himself against her as he had the first time, instead the very moment their flesh collided his ricocheted backwards even faster than it'd plunged down. Tirsala's agonized scream melted into a drawn out cry as his dick rapidly vanished from her cunt and the tapered contours of his shaft left her feeling strangely empty. That sensation existed just long enough for the ensuing return to utterly ravish her mind. For the third time in a fantastically short amount of time her pussy was forced open wider and more completely than she could've imagined. His girth at the once tight entrance of her sex felt absolutely enormous and yet it was the presence of that small, almost pointed head against her cervix that truly sent her into fits of ecstasy. The strength with which his cock head battered the entrance to her womb was more than she could bear. It would've been more than she could bear even if her sexual escapades hadn't been laughably nonexistent for the last hundred years or so. It would've more than she could bear even if she'd spent every last day having sex with a variety of partners in preparation. He was quickly and immediately living up to beastly nature present in his appearance.

There was no telling how long she laid there being hammered against the furs by Siltash's cock and scaly hips while he gripped her hair and growled like a wild animal. An orgasm washed over her almost immediately and it continued to radiate outwards from her quivering sex for what seemed like hours on end. About the only metric she had for the passage of time was the rhythmic impact of his body against hers once he reached the peak of his ferocious movements. Had she been anywhere close to lucid she might've used that to gauge any sort of time frame but sadly that kind of rational thinking was well and truly beyond her. It was nothing short of a miracle she could recall her own name as the corners of her vision darkened and reality itself seemed to crumble away. At one point her toes were curled inward so hard they began to cramping while the wild spasms of her legs sent her calves lurching into the air on either side of the Beastmen ravishing her. While she didn't make the conscious effort to do so one of her hands naturally closed around Siltash's wrist and the other had leapt to the nearest edge of the furs she was splayed across to hold on for dear life. It was about all she could really do as he ruined her slit with his furiously pumping cock.

It wasn't until she was on the precipice of a second orgasm that Tirsala experienced anything that could break up the mind numbing bliss of making love to a Half Dragon. Moments before she descended into another maelstrom of ecstasy that would, in all likelihood swallow her up, his cock suddenly retreated from her sex. Fully vanishing from her pussy it's loss was so sudden and so unexpected she could only stare in blank faced bewilderment. But to his credit Siltash answered any questions she might've had were she capable of rational thought a moment later. Once more being flipped over with all the grace and care one might extend a piece of firewood Tirsala found herself staring up at the man responsible for her pleasure. He wasted no time sliding back into her cunt as he grinned down at her with a bestial glint in his eyes. Delighted by this sudden change in perspective she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his chest. Her back arched as high as it could go and sent the enormous, jiggling mounds of flesh already bouncing every which way tantalizingly close to his mouth. Although it wasn't planned in the slightest he took the unintentional bait all the same and bit down on one of her exposed, pert nipples. Not hard enough to draw blood but certainly hard enough to send a spike of pain laced ecstasy lancing through her body. She sucked in a sharp, ragged breath upon feeling that unexpected source of stimulation and the walls of pussy followed suit, in their own way. Continuing to nibble and suckle at breast Siltash pulled back as quickly as he was able to, the pressure of her cunt all but forcing him to retreat or wind up climaxing yet again.

Of course as soon as he pulled back far enough he slammed his cock back inside her with all the force that he was capable of and another flurry of quivering ecstasy rushed through her body. Only now he could see the rapturous beauty spread across her features. Actually getting to witness that incomparable look of delight adorn her already gorgeous face was far, far more arousing than he expected. A long, shuddering groan escaped his lips before he could stop them as her freshly teased areola fell from his mouth. Once more bending down over her he slid his arms beneath her shoulders and intertwined both hands in her tousled, sweat soaked locks. But rather than pulling on them or doing anything rough like she expected he simply gripped her head as tightly as he could, holding her in place so he could watch every minute detail of her countenance when he pulled out again. Much too absorbed in the pleasure of his prick sliding out of her sex to realize why he was staring at her in such an intense manner Tirsala didn't even think about what he was doing. So long as his hips continued to move and that gigantic dick of his continued to move everything else was secondary. And because she was so absorbed in all the pleasures of being fucked she didn't, and indeed couldn't, hold back any of her reactions when he drove that wonderful length back inside her. Which meant Siltash was able to watch a series of emotions flash across her face almost faster than he could process. All culminating in a look of cross eyed, open mouthed joy as his tip struck her cervix yet again.

Witnessing such a pure, unabashed display of pleasure quickly overshadowed any other motivations he might've had for continuing to slam his cock as deep as he could inside her with every thrust. Entirely without a conscious thought Siltash found himself focusing entirely on her radiant face to the exclusion of all else. Wracking her with pleasure over and over again as fast as he possibly could soon turned into his only motivation and the flurry of movements that followed in the wake of his shifting priorities was nothing short of inhuman. His hips were a blur and his every movement took on an animalistic quality that'd only been teased up until that point. What had once been a frantic yet rhythmic barrage of wetly slapping flesh turned into a wild cacophony as he hammered her cunt with no discernible tempo whatsoever. All while she screamed in ecstasy and threw her head back as far as it could go. Another orgasm was already washing over her, further eroding any sense of propriety or dignity she might've had. Even when he was forced to slow down for a moment and recover she continued to pant and moan like a bitch in heat, the ecstasy of his assault reverberating through her for much, much longer than it had any right to. And then he repeated his wild, frenzied barrage of thrusts and she was sent hurtling down into the depths of carnal bliss that filled the entire camp with her delight.

Four times she endured his merciless barrage and the almost peaceful serenity that followed directly after each one. Four times her poor little cunt was hammered nearly to the point of breaking while she all but pleaded for it to happen. Four times he battered her cervix until it was more bruised than a piece of fruit hurled down a flight of stone stairs. And neither of them could get enough of it. Tirsala's voice had grown hoarse from the sheer amount of screaming she'd been doing while every inch of Siltash's body was growing weary from the unbridled effort of his movements. Never in his life had he felt so tired simply from rutting and never in her life had she been so completely overwhelmed by one single partner. It was a testament not only to how capable both of them were but also how desperately both of them needed this sort of release. The furs beneath her body were absolutely drenched in arousal while little droplets of pussy juice dripped from his scaly hide and beaded across a great deal of her emerald skin. Their tent absolutely reeked of sex and the stench had long since permeated the cloth to hang in the air around the pavilion like a cloud, taunting all the Beastmen unlucky enough to be nearby. As if all the constant, orgasmic moaning and feverish slapping hadn't already been tortuous enough for the thegns camped near their chieftain. Of course the two responsible didn't care one whit about all that, they were much too absorbed in one another to think beyond themselves. Especially in the heady pause between his fourth and fifth bursts of fervor.

“I'm gonna cum again . . .” He told her as he stared into her eyes, “I can't hold back anymore . . .”

“Good!” Tirsala panted, “Don't!”

They shared a laugh as he nodded and she bit her lower lip. Knowing he was about to destroy her pussy again and simultaneously flood it with cum made the anticipation so much more delicious. Although it didn't take him more than a few seconds to pull back and begin his assault anew it felt like hours or even days to her frazzled mind. Once she was finally subjected to the full brunt of his passion all that waiting left her in a state of utter euphoria. Of course a good deal of that was also brought about by the sudden deluge of hot cum that erupted inside her not two seconds after he began thrusting. Entirely true to his word Siltash couldn't hold back the orgasm that'd been welling up inside him and thanks to her wildly quivering sex he didn't even get a chance to try. Spunk gushed from his furiously pumping cock in an endless font of toe curling pleasure, basting her inner walls and soaking the entrance to her womb in the blink of an eye. If he'd remained still during his wild climax he probably could've emptied his loins into the deepest reaches of her body. But since he was furiously pumping back and forth while his jizz spilled out all that breathtaking fluid was instead smeared across every inch of her spasming sex. It was churned up by his constant moving cock and sent dribbling down her quivering flesh in long rivulets as no small amount of seed leaked from her pussy with every passing moment. All but totally unaffected by his earlier release the amount of cum he unleashed inside her body was incredible and Tirsala relished every last drop that passed from his cock to her cunt. Even when the flow, and his wild movements, came to a halt sometime later she continued to bask in the pleasures of the moment.

Siltash eventually pulled his cock free of her insatiable body about a minute after he was done pumping her full of cum“I see the benefits of peace,” He admitted with a rasping laugh, “I'll do my best to relay them to my thegns.”

“Will they be difficult to convince?” She asked, looking at him as he lay on the furs beside her.

“Perhaps. But I will make them understand.”

An excited tingle rushed through her body as Tirsala watched her beastly companion stand up and walk past to take a hearty swig of wine directly from the jug seated on a nearby table, “Allow me to do it in your stead . . .” She quietly suggested.

Slowly tipping the jug backwards to stymie the flow of crimson liquid pouring into his throat Siltash stared at her for several quiet moments. His draconian features betrayed none of his thoughts, “You would convince them as you've convinced me?”

“I would.” She replied, goosebumps spreading across her body as the prospect of what she was doing truly sank in, “If you think they would enjoy such a thing.”

He grinned fiercely at her proposition, his cock visibly throbbing as he set down the jug of wine and approached her side of the furs, “Which would you prefer to start with?” He asked in a voice heady with excitement, “Many of my thegns that could ruin you for the rest if they were to begin negotiations before their comrades.”

“How many thegns are under your command?”


“Send them all in together.” She cooed, “It's only fair that they all be allowed to negotiate at the same time, don't you agree?”

With sparkling eyes and a lascivious grin Siltash bowed low and said, “As you wish Lady Tirsala. I hope you understand what you're agreeing to.”

“Oh I've never understood anything better in my life. And I will make all of them understand the benefits of cooperation with my people. No matter how long it takes.”

Shaking his head at her words he picked up his discarded loincloth and fastened it around his waist once more, “Very well. I'll gather my thegns and relay your wishes.”

“Thank you.” Sitting up right and feeling the cum bubbling out of her beautifully fucked pussy she called out to him before he could leave the tent, “Before you leave?!”

“What is it?”

“Might I wash myself? I should like to be ready for them.”

“You already are Lady.” Siltash remarked, “I can assure of you that.”


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