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Like always anyone put off by depictions of fictionalized versions of real people should give this a pass.. Those that like fun, naughty, passionate sex should definitely give it a look!

“Is it on?”

“Yeah, I just have to get the angle right.”

“I can't believe I let you talk me into making a sex tape!” Madalina exclaimed as she watched her boyfriend fiddle with the camera.

“What are you worried about? You're keeping the file so it's not like anyone else will see it!” Federico laughed, stepping away from the tripod at the foot of the bed to smile at her.

“I”m not worried.” She replied, “I'm just realizing how big of a pervert you are!”

“You say that like it's a bad thing.”

Smiling at him and rolling her eyes Madalina looked directly at the camera for a moment. Now that her man was finished adjusting it she felt a lot less nervous and a lot more excited. She'd certainly been filmed in vary states of undress before but she'd never done anything quite so risque. Even if it was entirely in the privacy of her own home she was still experiencing chills. Goosebumps formed all across her beautifully tanned, absolutely breathtaking body while the smile she flashed the lens was equal parts eager and shy. Deciding to put on a little show for their future selves when they watched the video back, as well as an eagerly watching Federico, she gave a little wave and fell back. Extending her long, smooth legs out across the white sheets she struck a languid, sultry pose that would've looked right at home in any modeling shoot. Save perhaps the total lack of clothes on her body. She stretched out seductively with her arms above her head and her thick, wavy black hair framing her face quite nicely.

Her dark, almond shaped eyes smoldered in the most alluring way as her nostrils flared and her carefully plucked eyebrows arched. A captivating smile was spread across her full, pouty lips while a warm flush had crept over her cheeks and across her cute little nose. Even laying there in less than ideal lighting with a less than stellar camera recording her she looked nothing short of gorgeous. Everything about the way her ample yet wonderfully perked breasts heaved her large cocoa brown nipples stiffened was simply intoxicating. It was almost a shame nobody else would see her in such a state. Only her boyfriend was lucky enough to see the way her wide hips slid back and forth across the sheets and her thighs furtively rubbed against one another. Federico was the only man in the world lucky enough to see that unmistakable shimmer as the light caught her arousal as it seeped from her pussy or to witness the tousled beauty that was the curly tuft of hair above her sex.

And when she rolled over he was the only man lucky enough to witness her near incomparable ass in all it's naked beauty. To see the wide and mouth watering contours of her firm buttocks as they were displayed for him and for the camera. The way it simply begged to be spanked, kissed, groped, and worshiped in that way only the best and most incredible asses deserved. In addition to the long, shapely nature of her legs as they stretched out forever across the bed in the most coquettish pose. Perhaps that was why he suddenly climbed onto the mattress beside her without so much as a word. It was certainly why he was sporting a massive erection nearly ten inches in length and thick enough around to make a woman sore just from looking at it. Madalina glimpsed his swollen cock and let out a small laugh.

“You pervert.” She teased.

“Don't pretend you don't love every second of it.” He replied.

“Oh I love it,” Madalina cooed, sitting up and shifting to throw a leg over his head and straddle his face with her sopping wet pussy, “Just like I love you and just like I love this big . . . fat . . . cock . . .”

She wrapped both hands around bis thick Latin dick and slid the head into her mouth without a second thought. Although she'd never been able to fit his entire length in her mouth she could slide down about three quarters of the way like it was nothing. So that's precisely what she did, a loud slurp filling the room as her mouth and throat gobbled up his shaft. Her eyes sparkled in delight as she looked at the camera and imagine watching this back years from now. The thought was quite a turn on and it immediately sent a little stream of fluids seeping from her cunt. Thankfully there was a strong, eager man there to catch her juices before they could stain the sheets. Opening his mouth wide and pressing his stubble covered face against her plump little folds Federico pushed his tongue inside her and started working with just as much enthusiasm as Madalina. Perhaps even a little more. Because while she enjoyed sucking cock he simply adored eating pussy. Especially her pussy. There were few meals in the world that could rival the taste of her sex and it only took a couple seconds of sampling it to get her quivering like mad.

Not one to be outdone and certainly not one to simply lay there without reciprocating Madalina quickly pulled herself off Federico's cock only to come sliding right back down a moment later. Spit dribbled from the corners of her mouth as the arousal flooding her body kicked her natural lewdness into high gear. She rather quickly forgot about the camera recording them and instead focused on simply working her man's dick to the best of her considerable ability. Her lips glided up and down his shaft with ease while her tongue swirled around every inch it could reach, even darting out of her mouth to run across the parts she was unable to take in her throat. Wet gurgling and soft moans were soon echoing throughout the bedroom thanks to her eagerness with the sloppy sound of Federico tonguing her pussy adding a nice background to the main melody. The two rather quickly settled into their respective routines as the fun of pleasuring their partner and being pleasured by their partner fueled them for several unbroken minutes. And since both of them were keenly aware this was only the foreplay they could enjoy a certain degree of anticipation alongside the oral pleasure they were already experiencing.

Of course it didn't take long for that knowledge to spur them into jumping to the next part of their little foray into amateur porn. Having discussed everything in advance Madalina knew exactly what Federico was doing as she pulled herself off his cock and he moved out from beneath her. Remaining on her hands and knees while he shifted behind her plump ass she smiled at the camera and blew it a little kiss. A moment later she was much too distracted to anything of the sort thanks to his wonderful cock sliding balls deep inside her pussy. With his hands on her hips and a grin on his face Federico had gently pushed the entire length of his manhood into her with a single well practiced thrust. She moaned long and loud as every inch stretched out her gooey folds and rubbed pleasurably against her inner walls. For a moment her arms gave out and she slumped forward, her face buried in the sheets while she moaned encouragements to her man. By the time he was finished entering her she was ready to go absolutely wild. 

As luck would have it so was he. His shaft retreated from her pussy at the same languid pace as before but upon reaching the halfway point it suddenly slammed back inside with much more force. Her entire body was wracked with carnal satisfaction at the same time it was sent lurching forward from the impact. Madalina lifted her head to gasp, a wild grin spreading across her face. Her eyes darted to the camera as if to say 'I love this dick' before she turned her head and literally said as much to her boyfriend. He responded by grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling it back, all but forcing her head to tilt upwards and her gaze to return to the camera at the end of the bed. Her pussy tightened considerably around his dick and a nice little torrent of juices seeped out. When he repeated that same slow retreat followed by a fast reentry she called out his name in a breathless squeal. It hadn't been more than a couple minutes since they started and she was already about to cum. It probably wouldn't be the kind of explosive mind shattering release that left her broken and unable to think. But it would certainly help build towards that.

The measured yet rapidly increasing speed of his movements would also help as well. After thrusting into her a few more times in that same fashion Federico was beginning to settle into a nice, ball slapping rhythm that left very little room for downtime. His cock was gliding in and out of her at the ideal pace to leave Madalina gasping and moaning endlessly. At some point his hand found it's way to her tit and the moment she felt those large, calloused fingers groping her chest she knew it wouldn't be long before she was putty in his hands. Unsurprisingly her vague estimate proved even more inaccurate than usual as he pinched her nipples and manhandled her tits. Less than a minute after he started playing with her chest, all the while still thrusting consistently into her pussy and yanking on her hair in a very dominant way, she came. It only lasted a handful of seconds but during those blissful moments fluids gushed out of her pussy and wild tremors wracked her beautiful body. Knowing better than to stop Federico continued exactly as he had been throughout her wet climax, his movements only faltering a little bit as her pussy wildly clamped down around his dick.

Once she was finished and capable of moving without twitching so hard she lost control of herself Madalina felt her man's cock retreat fully from her pussy. She realized what that meant and pushed herself upright. Once more Federico got into position, this time lying beneath her again as she instead straddled his dick while he lay with his head pointed towards the foot of the bed. Letting out a long, quavering moan she sank back onto his prick and immediately started bouncing up and down it's wonderful length. Her hands flattened against his chest while her feet pressed hard against the mattress on either side of him. Though she wasn't quite able to match the power that he'd displayed before she could certainly try her best and come damn close. Up and down her hips flew with a wet slap accompanying every impact and a delight moan spilling from both their lips half a second later. In the blink of an eye his already wet cock was absolutely smothered in the creamy fluids Madalina was leaving all over it and like any heterosexual man witnessing a woman like her riding enthusiastically atop him was quickly proving to be more than he could handle.

In some ill fated attempt to distract himself Federico gave her amazing ass a good, hard swat. It was a shame the camera couldn't witness how it jiggled from the force of his spank but the pleasured grin that lit up her face certainly made that issue moot. Her pussy tightened around his dick and without thinking he smacked her other buttock. Madalina called out his name, a breathless encouragement if ever he'd heard it, and he gave her a few more swats for good measure. One after another they arrived with each strike echoing in the room and sending shivers of pleasure through her body. Which rather swiftly sent shivers of pleasure through his body as well. Rather quickly he realized his mistake but it was far, far too late to do anything about it. About the only response he could manage was a loud groan as he shoved his dick inside her pussy and unleashed a flood of spunk.

Madalina felt his jizz flood her body and she was immediately torn between the pleasure of a nice creampie and the irritation of him emptying himself inside her. They typically avoided such a thing and only ever indulged on special occasions and always with a clear discussion before hand. Part of her was a little flattered that after two years together he could still lose control like that. Just as part of her was impressed by how massive, gooey, and thick his loads were. Each one blasted into the depths of her cunt with enough force to make her tense and enough speed to make it feel like a fire hose. By the time he was done spraying his cum all over the walls of her pussy she felt so deliciously full any irritation she experienced was gone. She was just too horny and too in love with him to bear any serious resentment. Fortunately his cock remained hard even after he'd finished to that arousal was even easier to maintain and she could continued to ride him for a couple more minutes. Though not before Federico wisely apologized for his lack of control.

“I'm sorry baby!” He gasped, “I didn't meant ot cum so quickly and I know how you—”

“I forgive you!” Madalina panted, “Just pull out next time all right?”

“Of course!”

“Good! Now shut up and fuck me!”

Federico nodded and took advantage of her momentary distraction to smooth transition into their third and final position for the sex tape. Throwing his arms around Madalina and rolling over without ever pulling out he was suddenly grinning down at her while she was breathlessly smiling up at him. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist but her hands remained pressed against his chest. He didn't wast a single moment one build up or teasing instead simply returning to the same speed that'd carried them through her orgasm. This time he pulled back nearly all the way with every thrust so the camera could see his cock retreating and then flying back inside her like a piston. As well as the unbridled look of pleasure that spread across her face after a couple of seconds being fucked so good and so hard. She was moaning his name in less than a minute and by the time a second had passed she couldn't even do that much. All thanks to his steady and incredibly powerful thrusts. What they lacked in speed they made up for in strength. 

There was no doubt in her mind her pussy would be sore and maybe even a little bruised the next day but in the heat of the moment she was nothing but delighted by how hard he was pounding her cunt. It felt nothing short of amazing every time his cock plunged inside her and the way it scraped against her walls as it retreated nearly made her eyes roll back in her head. When he started fondling her tits in earnest her beautiful, dusky orbs could no longer remain focused on him. They disappeared behind her lids as her head tilted and her back arched. Although she had no idea her orgasm face was perfectly framed in the camera it hardly mattered one way or another. Between the almost vicious fucking her boyfriend was giving her and the fact that it was being recorded Madalina couldn't even begin to control the ecstasy flooding through her. His calloused touch on her breasts was merely a seasoning on the already exemplary meal that was their sex and she'd already eaten more than her fill. With a final, shuddering cry she called out his name before sinking into the ocean of pleasure trying to swallow her up.

Every inch of Madalina's body shook, her breasts heaved, and her breathing arrived in frantic gasps as juices erupted from her pussy like a fountain. They splashed all over Federico's muscular lower half with some droplets even managing to find their way onto her body as well. Due in no small part ot the squirting geyser that was her pussy releasing another torrent just as he was thrusting inside her. Just about every sense she had was consumed by pleasure and what little vision she possessed had nearly gone dark. She'd never had much trouble cumming when he was fucking her but even this was a special kind of powerful. It normally took far more effort and a whole lot more build up to get to this point. Of course neither of them were complaining as she soaked the sheets and both of them with arousal and the walls of her pussy squeezed him so hard it was actually difficult to keep thrusting. Alongside the medley of beautiful and occasionally comical expressions flitting across her face it very nearly caused him to forget her earlier words to him. Thankfully he was nothing if not a good listener and before he could repeat his one and only mistake during their lovemaking Federico pulled out.

His cock emerged from her cunt just as another wet, sweet smelling eruption of pussy juice sprayed out of her and it only made his impending climax all the more powerful. He furiously stroked his dick for several seconds while Madalina writhed beneath him, aware of what was happening and unable to participate beyond being a canvas for his paint. She felt his spunk oozing out of her nicely fucked slit at the same time it was streaking across her stomach, heralded by a loud groan from Federico. Apparently not the least bit reduced by his earlier release his second climax was just as thick and plentiful as ever with load after load sprayed across her stomach in long strands. And thanks to the sheer arousal of the moment along with his emphatic hand movements the tail end of some of those strands even managed to splash across her tits as well. But as incredible as he was he wasn't superhuman and his orgasm did eventually come to end a short while before her own. But in the fifteen seconds or so he'd spent ejaculating all over her perfect, voluptuous body he'd managed to coat her belly button and the underside of her tits in a healthy layer of cum. One the camera could absolutely make out and one that Madalina was overjoyed to feel.

So much so she let her close close and her hands run through the jizz he'd deposited all across her skin, the feel of it never failing to make her shiver. She felt the bed shift as her man dismounted and for a moment she wondered what he might be doing. Upon opening her eyes her question was neatly answered. Standing above her and holding the camera for a POV shot Federico was offering her his wet and still half hard dick. Noticing the cum still clinging to the tip Madalina happily turned her head tot he side and opened her mouth. His prick slid back inside her mouth almost immediately and both of them moaned in utter contentment. They both knew they were done for the night but it never hurt to end things with a little fun. And since she adored licking his cum off his dick that seemed like the perfect fit. Even the taste of her own pussy couldn't mar the experience and she slurped up every last molecule of semen left on his shaft before letting it fall from her mouth. He moved the camera in nice and close so her blushing face filled up the entire frame, a grin spread across his handsome features as he teasingly asked her a question.

“Now who's the pervert?”

“You are.” She replied with a laugh, “But I am too . . .”

“That's what I like to hear baby.” Federico commented as he shut off the camera.


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