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And here we have the final chapter of this little saga. Since I didn't want to conclusively wrap anything up, nor could I really, this is more like an end to an anthology rather than a proper conclusion. I hope y'all enjoyed this experiment of mine. Should the opportunity arise I'd be more than happy to do it again in the future with different characters and a new setting.

“And that's why I'm not allowed back in New Orleans.”

Clapping a hand over her mouth to keep from spitting up tea as she laughed Anna's entire body shook from the force of her amusement. “Oh my God!” She finally managed to croak out, “You're completely insane!”

“I try dearie.” Mrs. Greenberg replied, taking a sip of her tea and looking unaccountably proud of herself, “I'm sure you'll get there some day.”

“I don't think I could ever steal a police horse and ride it through town completely naked.”

“Well I didn't have a horse of my own and how else was my drunk ass gonna imitate Lady Godiva?”

“There really wasn't any other way.”

“Of course not.”

They smiled at one another as Anna sipped her tea while Mrs. Greenberg took a bite of a scone. It'd been more than two hours since they met for mid morning refreshments and the time had simply flown by. The two of them had spend the bulk of it swapping increasingly over the top stories about their younger, more wild days. It was only after hearing the truly insane things her elderly hostess had done that Anna started to think she might not have been as crazy as she thought. Compared to Mrs. Greenberg she was a good little Catholic schoolgirl. It was all once humbling and incredibly delightful to learn so much about her sweet, foul mouthed neighbor. And ti imagine all the things she'd gotten up to in the decades prior. As they finished their drinks and snacks the two of them looked at the large, antique clock sitting in the hallway beyond the living room. It was just about to chime eleven and while neither of them wanted to cut their tea time short both had appointments they needed to keep to.

“This was a lot of fun!” Anna remarked as she set her cup down on the table and leaned back.

“Is that surprise I hear in your voice?” Mrs. Greenberg asked.

“Of course it is. Do I seem like the kind of woman who has tea with people?”

“Not even a little bit.”

“Exactly! But I really enjoyed this. Do you want to get together the same time next week?”

“You bed your tight little ass I do!”

“Great,” Anna stood up and started collecting the dishes, “Did you want me to put these in the sink or the dishwasher?”

“Dishwasher?!” Her companion asked with exaggerated incredulity, “Do I look like I'm made of fucking money?!”

Loudly snorting and looking around the well furnished house and all the antique decorations that must have cost a fortune Anna shrugged, “The sink it is!”

“Thank you dearie.”

“Of course.” Anna gathered everything up with ease and carried it into the fabulously well furnished kitchen. It almost felt sacrilegious to put such a lovely tea set in the sink but if Mrs. Greenberg wasn't going to tell her off there seemed no reason not to do it. “If you want we can have tea at my house next time!” She called into the living room.

“Any excuse to get outta this place is fine by me!”

Once everything was gently set down, the leftover tea had been poured out, and the crumbs washed away Anna returned to the living room. “Well I'd better get going. Joy's expecting me in L.A. and I'm sure there'll be traffic.”

“Yeah no fucking kidding!” Mrs. Greenberg said with an irritated shake of her head, “I don't miss driving out there every day.”

“I don't see how anyone could.”

“Too right.”

Anna laughed and said, “Thanks again for the tea Mrs. Greenberg. And all the amazing stories.”

“Of course dearie, you had some lovely tales of your own.” She stated with a grin, “I look forward to hearing more of them next week!”

“The feeling is mutual!

They finished saying their goodbyes and Anna left with a nice little bounce in her step. She walked back to her house feeling quite happy with how things were shaping up. Not even the ever so slightly judgmental looks of a family she passed by on the way to her house could dampen her spirits. Nor could the unabashedly objectifying stare of a group of guys all working on a car in the driveway. Anna was certainly aware of their antics just as she was aware of why they were regarding her in such a way but it was hard to give a damn. By the time she returned to her house her mood had only elevated. In a few minutes she was dressed to go out and a minute or two after that she was in her car driving towards the freeway. Traffic certainly impeded her progress but not nearly as much as it could have and she managed to arrive at the cafe Joy had described to her a couple minutes before her companion. Finding them a nice little spot in the corner where they could watch everyone and talk about whatever they liked she ordered herself a drink and, on a whim, something for her friend as well.

Joy arrived right around the time their beverages were being served, “Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find parking and I—oh thank you!” She said to the server, “Did you order for me?”

“Yep!” Anna replied, “I remembered how much you said you loved their caramel macchiato so I took a chance and ordered one.”

Her friend smiled at her and took a sip, “Damn that's good. Thanks!”

“You're welcome!”

“What'd you get?”

“Just some green tea.”

“Huh, I'd have thought you'd be sick of tea after brunch with Mrs. Greenberg.”

“Are you kidding? After drinking what she made all I can think about is getting more!”

“Ahhh she's got you addicted huh? That's how she roped me in too.”

“So long as she's got those wild stories I don't mind being addicted.”

“Nor do I. Did she tell you the one about the jazz band at the night club?”

“No, I'll have to ask about that next week.” Anna said, immediately curious about what that story could entail.

“Yes you will.” Joy nodded, taking another swig of her drink, “So what's been going on? It's been a few days since we last talked, have you done anything wild and crazy?”

Starting off with a laugh Anna filled her friend in on everything that'd happened with her since the last time they talked. Which wasn't really all that much beyond work and occasionally hanging out with Beatrice but that rather naturally led into a proper conversation when the two of them began discussing places they'd want to vacation in. It came as no surprise that Joy had already been a fair number of places, especially around her homeland, while Anna hadn't even left the states. From there the subject of their discussion turned towards places within the continental U.S. that were worth seeing and thanks to the countless road trips she'd been on with her family Anna was able to flex her knowledge on the matter. That rather neatly led back into talks about their respective homes and all the work Joy had done on hers to turn it into the place she was currently living. Along with recommendations for her how her new neighbor could do the same. They spent the better part of an hour on that talking point with the only interruption being the server stopping by to see if they wanted to order anything to eat.

“What do you recommend?” Anna asked her friend.

“I love their croissants. Especially if you get them made into a sandwich with melted cheese and ham on it.”

“Oooh that does sound good right now, I'd like one of those please. And another tea.”

“Sure thing!” The server said, “And for you ma'am?”

“The same but with another macchiato please.”

“Coming right up!”

As their server left Anna looked at her companion with a sudden curiosity, “Do you ever get annoyed when someone calls you ma'am?”

“A few years ago it used to piss me off like nothing else.” Joy chuckled, “I remember I was hooking up with this cute guy I met at a bar and he called me ma'am after sex. I wanted to punch him right in the cock.”

“Did you?”

“Nah, he was a good lay and he didn't really deserve it anyways.”

“Well that's good!” Anna laughed.

“For a few reasons yeah. Now whenever someone calls me ma'am I just take it as a sign of respect instead of some weird insult about my age. It's even kinda fun when someone younger calls me ma'am in bed.”

“Is that right? I thought you preferred 'mistress'.”

“I do. When you're addressing me.” Joy replied. “But for other people ma'am works pretty well.”

“Huh, I'll have to keep that in mind.”

Joy smiled widened as her eyes narrowed, “So how's work been?”

“Pretty boring actually. I've had a couple good shoots but most of them have been pretty run of the mill.”

“Oh yeah? Are you gonna start to the 'crazy stuff' now?”

“I hadn't planned on it.” Anna smirked, “At least not any time soon. Maybe in a couple years but right now I'm happy with how things are. And considering the numbers my videos are getting so are my fans.”

“Well that's good. I'd hate to see you doing hardcore BDSM.”

“You'd love to see that and you know it.”

“Guilty as charged.” Joy replied, “Maybe I'll try pushing you in that direction myself. It might be fun to film something like that ourselves and put it up on that website you're always talking about.”

“I'm sure that'd go over big on OnlyFans.” Anna stated, “But I think I'm way too vanilla to do anything crazy like that.”

“Says the girl that had a gangbang for her friend's birthday.”

“Hey that was pretty normal!”

“By whose standards?”

Anna stared at her friend for a few seconds and then said, “Shut up.”

Joy had a triumphant sip of coffee, her wide grin mirrored on Anna's face as well. Before either of them could say anything else their food arrived and the next few minutes were spend eating with relatively little talking. Anna was much too hungry to waste any time talking while there was food left to be eaten and Joy was seemingly content taking her meal a bit slower while also watching her friend. It was only when the latter had consumed her entire croissant sandwich and practically licked the plate clean that the conversation picked back up once more. This time about the cafe itself and how Joy had discovered it a few years back. That topic and all the little offshoots of it carried them through the remainder of their lunch date. When they were finally ready to leave Anna waved the server over for the check only to find her companion had already paid the bill.

“When did you do that?!” Anna exclaimed.

“When I got up to use the bathroom.” Joy replied, “I assumed you wouldn't want me paying for you.”

“Well you assumed right! I was gonna pay for us.”

“Now you don't have to worry.”

“How much was my stuff?”

“Oh don't worry about it.”

“I can't let you pay for me.”

“Don't worry about it.” Joy repeated, “You'll be paying me back in other ways soon enough.”

Setting her purse down on the seat beside her Anna's face broke into a smile, “Is that right?”

“Oh yes.”

“Can I have a hint how that's gonna happen?”

“Let's just say I've made some recent purchases and you're going to help me test out their quality.”

“You really do know how to a make a girl excited.”

“It's one of my many talents.” Joy finished her drink and smiled at Anna with a lascivious look, “I believe you're free tomorrow afternoon right?”


“Good. Then why don't you stop by my house around one o'clock? And wear something . . . revealing.”

“Yes ma'am.”

The two of them shared a chuckle and stood up. The line outside was growing quite long and Anna was eager to leave before they were asked to vacate for the sake of those waiting. She knew full well Joy was of the same mind and the two women departed so some other couple could have their seats. They walked and talked for a bit longer, finally parting ways at the midpoint between their cars. Driving home was considerably faster and more straightforward that driving into L.A. and in no time at all Anna was back at home. Though she'd barely taken off her shoes and set down her purse when there was a loud knock at the door. Wondering who it could be and why they were knocking instead of using the doorbell she walked into the entryway to find Clark standing on the porch.

“Here for a booty call?” She quipped.

“I uh I'm here to fix your sink?” He said with cheeks as red as an apple, “I was gonna come by and do it a little while ago but you weren't home.”

“Oh my God I totally forgot!” Anna exclaimed, “I'm so sorry Clark! I was in L.A. with Joy and I totally lost track of time! Thank you so much for coming by again!”

“Sure thing,” He replied with a small grin, “I didn't want anything to get damaged.”

“You're such a sweetheart! Please come in!”

With a nod Clark stepped inside. He paused in the entryway, clearly waiting for Anna to lead him to the sink despite knowing full well where it was. Like always she found his overly respectful nervousness charming. Enough that it made her already noticeable guilt at forgetting she was supposed to meet with him that much stronger. Luckily he was far too nice a guy to actively make her feel bad and when he asked questions about the leak he did so in a way that didn't seem even remotely annoyed. If anything he came across as a man who genuinely enjoyed fixing things and finding out what was wrong with stuff. It was another charming aspect of his character and Anna happily watched him work on her kitchen sink. She affably chatted with him the whole time, mostly about all the technical aspects of home ownership but occasionally about other matters. Like his hobbies beyond housework and her continued regret at making him wait.

“It's all right Ms. West.” He said, sitting up to smile at her, “I don't mind. I was just working on my car until you got back.”

“Even so,” Anna said as she sat on the island looking at him with an apologetic expression, “It was a shitty thing to do all the same.”

“You're making a big deal outta nothing. You keep talking like that and I'm gonna start feeling bad for even mentioning it!”

“Well we can't have that.”

Clark nodded and grinned at her for a couple seconds. She smiled back at him and he eventually slipped back under the sink. A few minutes later he was done, “That should do it! Turns out the issue wasn't that serious after all.”

“Thank God! What do I owe you?”

“I can't accept any money for this.”

“But you're going to.”

“That's not necessary Ms. West.” Clark said, “I just tightened a couple things and cleaned out a pipe. I didn't even need any of my tools. I could've done it all with my hands.”

“Yeah but you still spend half an hour under my sink working. So I'm gonna compensate you.”

“Well I just won't accept the money.” He replied in a rare bit of open defiance.

“Is that right?” Anna wondered, sliding off the island to approach him, “And what if I said I was gonna pay you with a blowjob? Would you refuse then?”

“I'm not sure—I mean I couldn't—I wouldn't want—you shouldn't—I don't—”

“Come back tomorrow morning.” She told him, her lithe body pressed against his and her hands teasingly moving around his cock, “I've got the whole morning free and you're gonna get your payment  whether you think you deserve it or not.”

Clark slowly nodded, his face darkening as a nervous grin spread across it, “O-okay . . .”

“Good. And thank you for fixing my sink.”

“You're welcome Ms. West.”

Anna stepped back and flashed him a mischievous smile, “Do you want a beer before you go? I bought a pack of that stuff you were talking about a little while ago.”


“Mmhmmm!” She opened the fridge door and pointed towards the bottles resting on the bottom, “I thought you might like something to drink after we hook up.”

“Wow . . . thank you!” He approached the fridge with a comical sort of reverence and pulled out a single beer, “I never get to drink this!”

“I thought you said you loved it?”

“I do but it's always gone when I try to buy some!”

“Really? There were like four cases when I picked some up.” Anna stated. But her words clearly fell on deaf ears as Clark popped off the cap with one of his tools and took a sip.

“Ohhhhhh that's really good!” He sighed, “Thank you so much Ms. West!”

“Sure thing cutie.”

She watched with no small amount of enjoyment as he drank his beer, each sip warranting a long sigh and the sort of reaction that almost made her want to try one. He offered her a sip of her own quite regularly but she turned him down each time. It was his treat just like sucking him off tomorrow morning would be hers. When he was finished Clark thanked her again and gathered the tools he'd brought for the job. Anna walked him to the door and did her best not to constantly allude to the payment she was gonna give him. After what Joy had teased her with and now the blowjob she was gonna give him tomorrow was shaping up to be quite a fun day already. She pulled open the front door to find Beatrice standing there with her left hand lifted up to knock and her right clutching a stack of DVDs.

“Oh! Hello Clark!”

“Hello Mrs. Keller!” He replied, “How are you?”

“I'm quite well, how are you?”

“I'm good, thanks! Did you wanna come in first or should I—”

“I'll just get out of your way really quick.”

“Thank you!”

“Of course! It was nice seeing you again!”

“It was nice seeing you too Mrs. Keller, take care!”

“You too!”

“I'll see you tomorrow.” Anna added before Clark could say anything to her.

He simply nodded and waved, his face bright red and his smile appropriately goofy. “What's happening tomorrow?” Beatrice asked. 

“Oh I'm gonna suck dick as payment for him fixing my sink.”

“Really? I thought that sort of thing only happened in porn?”

“It does.” Anna laughed as the two of them stepped into the house, “That's where I got the idea. Plus I just really wanted to suck his cock.”

Beatrice let out a soft laugh, “I guess I can't argue with that. Are you ready for movie night?”

“You know I am. But it's not even four o'clock in the afternoon.”

“That's okay, I brought a few movies we can watch.”

“I can see that. You know most of these are probably on Netflix or Hulu right?”

“Yeah but we can't watch the deleted scenes on Netflix or Hulu!” Beatrice scoffed.

“Of course not.” Anna smirked, “I'll get the DVD player and start making popcorn!”

“Great! Mark is gonna bring by a bottle of wine when he comes home from work. I asked him to get something special.”

“Fantastic!” Anna called back to her friend, “Hopefully this time we don't drink the whole thing in half an hour.”

“I still don't remember anything about that night.”

“That's because you're a lightweight!”

“I am not!”

Anna laughed and shook her head. Beatrice was the lightest weight she knew but that was okay. It was cute watching her get slowly more goofy as she threw back glass after glass of wine. Although she'd never actively support that sort of thing there was no pretending she didn't love it when it happened. In more ways that one such a thing was the perfect end to any day. Although spending the bulk of her time with her neighbors and friends was perfect regardless of what happened. And tomorrow promised to be even more of the same. Just about every day did and for that Anna couldn't have been more grateful.


Sophia Dearden

This was an excellent way to cap off this series. I hope you come back to it eventually but even if you don't, this was a saisfying place to end things. Great job!


Thanks! It's good to know this miniseries feels complete even when it's technically open for more stories down the line!