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Some of you may have noticed the 'part 1' featured in the title and for those curious I'm basically splitting one super long (and currently unfinished) story into two parts. So rather than bombarding everyone with a massive post I'm breaking them up into two for easier reading. And so I can put something out a little sooner than I would normally. I hope the two halves still prove suitably enjoyable!

As the Fast Travel station at the stern of Sanctuary III lit up the digistructed figure of Lieutenant Cole slowly formed in front of the machine. The moment he was finished materializing he let out a breath and chuckled. No matter how many times he went through that thing it never failed to put him on edge and make all the hairs on his neck stand up. It was almost as nerve wracking as heading down to Pandora for a 'routine' patrol. Despite being dead the Calypso Twins had left no small amount of damage in their wake and the Crimson Raiders will still dealing with the aftermath of the war several months after it's conclusion. But for the time being his tour was over and he was owed at least a week of R&R. And thanks to his recent promotion he could even enjoy his down time in somewhere more private than the barracks. Even if it was little more than a repurposed janitorial closet attached to the barracks. Making his way into the bowels of the ship Lieutenant Cole found his superior officer and went through the usual debriefing process. Once that was finished and all the information had been filed away he made a beeline for his quarters and the modest little bed that'd been calling to him for well over a month. It'd been so long since he slept somewhere that didn't have sand, Skag bile, bandit guts, or some combination of the three within smelling distance.

“Welcome back sir!”

“It's good to be back Private.” Cole replied, saluting his subordinate and giving him a a friendly smile, “I never thought I'd miss the smell of oil and grease.”

“I know what you mean sir, my last tour on Eden-6 was a nightmare. I can't even imagine what Pandora must be like!”

“Well I hope you don't have to find out any time soon.”

“Thank you sir!” 

Cole turned away from Private Temple and the rest of his fellow Raiders, his eyes fixed on the door to his quarters. It opened as he approached and the soft rush of air from within was like heaven. Before it'd even closed he removed his battle scarred and heavily worn down Crimson Lance helmet and set it on a nearby rack. He probably should've removed the rest of it as well but that would require far more effort than he was willing to put in. His eyes didn't even stay open as he slumped onto his bunk. But as his head hit the pillow he felt something strange crinkle against his cheek. When he shifted the corner dug into his skin in a manner just irritating enough to make him open his eyes. Grunting as he lifted his head Lieutenant Cole looked down at the intruder, his annoyance melted into confusion. Resting near the center of his pillow was a square, golden packet about as big as the palm of his hand. It took several seconds of staring for him to recognize it as a condom. Another few seconds passed before the significance of it's color and presence in his room managed to register. Sitting bolt upright with a wide eyed stare he looked down at the rubber, then at the door, then back to the rubber as if expecting something to happen. Like he was defusing he a bomb he reached out and picked up the condom. He turned it over just as slowly and let out a startled gasp upon seeing a red lipstick mark on the other side of the wrapped. Cole instantly rubbed his bleary eyes and shook his head, the rational part of his brain unable to believe the evidence before him.

But no amount disbelief could change the reality of the situation: Mad Moxxi herself wanted to sleep with him. Despite everyone on Sanctuary III knowing the significant of the message Cole couldn't think of a time he'd ever heard anyone else getting it. That fact alone was enough to send his heart racing and his adrenaline pumping. Being with a woman like Moxxi wasn't something he'd ever expected. Just talking to her at her bar was difficult enough but spending the night with her seemed downright impossible. Or more accurately spending the five minutes he'd probably last. Just the prospect of trying to satisfy someone as stunning as her made his knees weak. At that moment he'd have rather faced down an entire bandit camp or a nest of Skags. But after a years long crush on everyone's favorite Underdome proprietor the offer was too incredible to pass up. Before he even knew what he was doing Cole was rising from the bed and walking out of the barracks. He'd tucked the golden condom into a pouch on his belt for safekeeping and to hide what he was doing from his fellow Raiders. Their nods and salutes as he passed made his cheeks darken and his heart race but he managed to keep himself composed all the way to her bar. Of course once he was actually standing on the threshold looking into Moxxxi's and listening to the techno music his courage started to fail him.

Fortunately Moxxi wasn't actually behind her bar like usual because the sight of her would've almost certainly turned him away. Wiping away the sweat beading on his brow Cole stepped into the bar and looked for everyone's favorite buxom queen. To his surprise she was nowhere to be found and none of the patrons seemed the least bit concerned about her absence. Had he been more clear headed he might have asked one of them where she'd gone to but actually speaking aloud was one of the many things he was having trouble with at the moment. But since the bar wasn't all that big it didn't take long for him to wind up standing in front of the door next to the slot machines. As he approached he heard soft music spilling out from what had to be Moxxi's bedroom. A flush crept into his cheeks as he listened to the soft, sensual melody and imagined what was happening on the other side of the door. After a few seconds he realized how creepy it must look for him to be standing there staring at a clearly locked door like some kind of pervert. If it didn't open automatically she obviously wasn't expecting him, which meant he had no business lurking around her bedroom the way he was. Lieutenant Cole almost felt a sense of relief as that realization dawned on him. He looked down at the keypad beside her door and the red sensor light above it, his confidence growing tremendously. Moxxi obviously wasn't ready for him that very second. Why would she be? She was a busy woman with plenty going on in her life, it's not like she could simply drop everything and have sex with him right away!

“I'll come back later.” He decided, “Probably . . .” As he turned away his hand brushed the pouch holding that gold condom she'd given him and for whatever reason the crinkle of the packaging sparked a though in his mind. Stopping mid step and turning back towards the keypad he stared a little more intently at the sensor, “Did she . . . is this a key too?” His hand dipped into the pouch to retrieve the rubber and stare at it for a few seconds, “But how would that . . . oh . . . oh I think I get it now . . .”

Turning the condom over and holding it out Cole held Moxxi's lipstick mark in front of the sensor. A second or two passed and he felt unimaginably foolish. Before he could lose his nerve yet again there was a loud beep and the light turned green. When the door opened and several nearby patrons gasped he couldn't help but smile. Although it was perhaps the most terrifying thing he'd ever done he stepped inside the room right away, his sense of propriety momentarily outweighing his embarrassment. Once he was inside it took his eyes several seconds to adjust to the different and much darker lighting conditions inside her bedroom. Lit bit a multitude of red and purple bulbs Moxxi's room looked exactly like one would expect it to. A large, heart shaped bed rested against the wall opposite him with another sitting to the right of it and a large vanity situated on the left. Shelves lined with everything from books to sex toys sat on on the walls around him with two rather sizable dressers flanking the door he'd just entered through. Unlike nearly every other part of Sanctuary III the floor was covered by a soft looking carpet. Silky drapes hung over the modestly sized window and there was even a poster advertising the Underdome on one wall. He probably could have admired how perfectly tailored Moxxi's room was for hours if the other door hadn't suddenly opened to reveal the woman herself standing in the frame with a sultry grin.

With one hand resting against her waist as the other was stretched upwards against the doorway she made for a striking sight even before he realized she was almost totally naked. But the moment that fact did register Cole's eyes widened and his jaw just about hit the floor. Although she was still wearing her small red top hat tilted at a jaunty angle, it's yellow and teal feathers protruding from the back like the tail of a peacock, and her black choker lined with bullets the rest of her unimaginably buxom form was completely without clothes. Everything about the way her wavy brown hair fell coquettishly across her pale, heavily made up face was exactly like the woman he knew and admired yet being able to see the rest of her body was such a surreal experience it was almost like he was looking at a different woman altogether. She still had the same black lined pink heart tattoo on her left thigh as well as a matching one on her left bosom that dipped into her cleavage but along with her face those remained the only similarities between the curvaceous bar proprietor he knew and the breathtaking woman standing before him at that moment. Strangely it was seeing both her bare feet and bare hands that really made him pause. Her large, beautifully sculpted breasts topped with large, pink areola were undoubtedly a mouth watering sight just like the plump outer folds of her totally shaven pussy tucked impishly between a pair of wonderfully thick thighs. And the curvy width of both her waist and the impossibly tight buttocks just barely visible from the angle her hips were cocked at was to die for. Yet for whatever reason it was seeing her normally glove covered hands and boot covered feet that really struck a chord with the rational part of his brain. Naturally the more libido centered areas had no issue ogling the gloriously beautiful parts he'd always fantasized about and even his conscious thoughts couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly she lived up to his fantasies.

“Hey Sugar,” She said in a beautifully alluring voice, “Didn't anyone ever tell you not to keep a woman waiting?”

“S-sorry ma'am!” He stammered.

Chuckling appreciatively at the respectful tone Moxxi slowly sauntered towards him, “Now that you're here how about we have some fun?”

“O-okay . . .”

He swallowed several times as she approached and sucked in a sharp breath when she was finally within arms reach. Despite wanting more than anything to reach out and touch her his hands remained locked at his sides even as hers reached out to grab the edge of his breastplate. Sliding her fingers into the neckline of his armor and pulling him close enough for a kiss Moxxi wasted no time pressing her plump red lips against his. Exactly as expected he stiffened in surprise and his dark eyes widened in shock while her glittering green orbs slowly closed. After a few seconds he started to reciprocate and she took the chance to lean in hard than ever. With one hand holding on tight to his armor the other snaked around his shaved head to pull him deeper into their embrace. Several moments passed before he finally summoned the courage to reach out and wrap his arms around her slender body. Moxxi let out a noise caught somewhere between a moan and a chuckle as she felt him finally begin to let go and embrace what was about to happen. Her amusement rapidly melted into delight when he suddenly crushed her against him and lifted her bodily into the air. Her feet left the floor and eagerly coiled around his waist as she happily let him take a little initiative. His gear did get in the way a little bit but she didn't let it bother or stop her from pushing her tongue into his mouth and grinding against him like she was being paid to put on a show. His adorably meek response was to simply hug her a little tighter and kiss her a little more deeply.

They remained locked in that embrace for close to a minute before Moxxi finally pulled back to offer a little more teasing, “Most men would've thrown me onto the bed by now . . .” She remarked, “In fact I think you're the only one who didn't wind up inside me within thirty seconds . . .”

“I'm sorry ma'am . . .” Cole replied, “It's not cause I don't find you pretty c-cause I do! I just don't wanna waste this opportunity by rushin into anythin . . .”

“Is that right?”

“Uh huh . . . you're like . . . the most beautiful woman I've ever seen . . . I don't wanna just jump into bed with you like this is some cheap fling . . .”

Flattered by his words and  wholly satisfied with her choice in partners Moxxi bit her lip for a moment, “Well aren't you just the cutest thing!” Extricating herself from his arms and stepping back to look at his handsome, dark skinned face for a moment she added, “I don't see a lot of guys like you Sugar . . . I think that deserves something special . . .”


“Of course.”

Grinning up at him with a look that made his heart pound and his knees weak Moxxi pressed a hand against his chestplate. But rather than jumping back into his arms for another bout of kissing she pushed him towards a small love seat sitting perpendicular to the door he'd come through. Not fully realizing what she was doing and too enamored to ask he fell back into the seat with a soft grunt, the furniture creaking as his sizable frame plopped down into it. Once he was comfortably seated Moxxi turned her back and sauntered towards the opposite side of the room. She made sure he had plenty of time to enjoy the sight of her peach shaped ass swaying back and forth with every step. And when she bent over to flip the switch hidden behind one of the pictures on her shelf she took a little extra time doing it. All so Lieutenant Cole could watch in amazement as her perfect buttocks slowly parted to reveal yet another glimpse of her plump and glistening slit. His attention was quickly pulled away when a small hole opened in the floor at the center of the room and a long, metal pole suddenly emerged from it. Rising into the air until it reached the ceiling where another hole several mechanical clamps closed around the bar at the top and bottom, apparently locking it in place. When Moxxi turned back around Cole's eyes jumped back to her, a flicker of confusion passing through them as he wondered what she could possibly do with a large, chrome pole. He had no idea she was about to answer his questions in a manner that would stick with him for the rest of his life.

Like anyone else that'd visited one of Moxxi's many bars and drinking establishments over the years Cole had seen his fair share of remarkable and talented pole dancers. But he'd never seen the queen of seduction herself do it and getting to witness that incomparable display put all the other shows he'd seen to shame. Watching her effortlessly climb up the pole only to come spinning back down in a way that seemed paradoxically wild and perfectly controlled actually made him gasp. Like it was nothing at all she flipped upside down and to give him the most incredible view he'd ever seen only to come gliding back down in a way that made her seem less like a flesh and blood woman and more like an angel. Even just seeing her strut around the bar with one hand clinging to it and the other coquettishly reaching out towards him was like something out of a fantasy. Over and over again his eyes feasted on the visual spectacle of Moxxi performing a routine that only a lucky few ever got to see. Every time she glanced his way the dumbstruck and wholly amazed look on his face put a grin on her own and by the time she was nearing the end of her show his unabashed adoration was like a spotlight. One she was all to happy to bask in.

When she finally stepped away from the pole and moved towards her heart shaped sleeping quarters he instinctively stood up to follow her. Climbing onto the bed to continue her show Moxxi paused with one knee resting against the mattress and her other leg stretched out languidly behind her. She flattened both hands against the soon to be soiled sheets and seductively swayed her hips back and forth. A quick glance over her shoulder at the wide eyed, dumbstruck stare on her companion's face all but confirmed her display was working. If he wasn't already he'd soon be putty in her hands. Or at least that's what she assumed. In reality Lieutenant Cole was anything but. Watching Moxxi's perfect bubble butt in the red and purple glow was nothing short of incredible. Not even in the middle of combat had his heart beat as fast as it was beating in that moment. And as soon as she turned away to resume her sultry routine he pounced. Completely unable to stop himself he rushed towards her incomparable body. Faster than she could react he was kneeling behind her, his hands spreading apart her pert buttocks and his tongue buried deep inside her tightly puckered hole. Any regret he felt at disrupting her show was mitigated by the overwhelming urge to taste every inch of her amazing ass. The fact that he'd only caught the briefest glimpse of her delicious ring while she undressed only heightened his enthusiasm. Cole made sounds like a wild Skag feasting on a bandit as he slurped, licked, and otherwise worshiped her beautiful asshole. Once she'd recovered from the surprise Moxxi's appreciation soon joined the lewd cacophony filling the bedroom.

“Ohhhhhhhh yes!” She moaned, her whole body trembled as she squirmed against his ferocious tongue, “I love a man who knows what he wants! And who isn't afraid to get in deep!”

Moxxi pulled her other leg onto the bed and leaned back as hard as she could against his face. To her delight he more than matched her enthusiasm, his head only shifting backwards an inch or two before he pushed forward even harder. As his tongue pushed deeper than ever into her ass she let out a pleasured cry. Her hands curled into fists against the sheets and her legs started to shake quite a bit harder than usual. Maybe it was how eagerly he was working her asshole. Maybe it was the fact that she hadn't enjoyed a good rimming in years. Or maybe it was just that one of her biggest turn ons was a man willing to go down on a woman. But whatever the cause within a minute she was a mewling, pleasure wracked mess of inflamed nerves and jiggling flesh. It didn't take long for her to slump forward against the bed, her own face buried in the sheets while her moans grew louder and louder. At some point she wound up biting down on the blanket for want of something more fun to nibble on. And all the while Cole's tongue never stopped wriggling and licking her asshole. More than once Moxxi caught herself marveling at how passionate he remained despite the relative simplicity of what he was doing. She certainly appreciated it but in her experience the average guy wasn't nearly this eager to do anything that didn't involve his cock in some way. Each of her husbands had been different but many of the men she'd enjoyed a one night stand with weren't. That fact alone was enough to make her satisfied with her choice regardless of how the rest of the night went. Whatever else happened she could at least say that Lieutenant Cole knew how to work her ass better than most. If he showed the same determination in combat and following orders that he did eating her ass it was no wonder he'd been promoted as quickly as he had!

She reached back behind her to grab his head with both hands, her body needing something solid to latch onto as her ass was given the kind of treatment most women only ever fantasized about. Cole leaned in harder than ever upon feeling her soft touch against his skin, her abject encouragement fueling him as much as anything else. Far too engrossed in the tastes and pleasure of her body he didn't even notice how hard she was trembling or the deluge of fluids gushing from her pussy. He didn't hear the climactic tone of her cries or the way her whole body seemed to stiffen all at once. Completely absorbed by the pleasure that was getting to please the woman of his dreams he had no idea he'd done such a good job that woman was actually cumming from his passionate analingus. While nothing mind blowing the simple fact that he'd brought her to orgasm with nothing but his tongue and a penchant for assplay that made her feel prudish made Moxxi more horny than ever. As juices gushed out of her pussy and she cried out loud enough for the entire ship to know what was happening all her mind could think about was what else she'd do to and with the man currently working her asshole like it owed him money. Of course as was so often the case her libido vastly outpaced her physical capabilities because the moment Cole finally pulled back to admire his handiwork she collapsed against the bed in a quivering heap. He barely got to see her slightly gaped and thoroughly soaked asshole before it was hidden between her jiggling buttocks as she slumped down with her face buried in the sheets.

Luckily Moxxi was never one to simply lie there while other people had all the fun and before Cole could even think about doing anything she rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Thanks to her still shaky control of her own body the movement was far less graceful and sultry than she would've liked but under the circumstances she was willing to make a sacrifice. Especially when he stared down at her pale, sweaty drenched body with a look that told her she wouldn't be walking right for days. When his hands started to unfasten the armor around his groin and pull down his war torn trousers she managed enough strength to sit up and stare. Her eyes widened in abject delight and her mouth fell open as it was suddenly her turn to gawk upon seeing his wonderful cock. Moxxi was certainly no stranger to dick and she'd seen a fair few in her lifetime but there was no doubt in her mind Cole's was the kind she'd fantasize about when making friends with the detachable shower head in her bathroom. Long without being cumbersome and thick without being unwieldy it was exactly the kind of prick she loved to ride, play with, and just cuddle up next to. His balls were perhaps a little larger than she expected, comparatively speaking, but that just meant he had plenty of cum to give her. And there was never a situation where that was a bad thing. So when he climbed onto the bed and his fat shaft came to rest against her skin she let out a long, passionate cry. Her legs closed around his waist and her arms circled around his shoulders as the two of them kissed once more. Sadly their embrace didn't last nearly as long as either of them wanted as something popped into Cole's head and forced him to pull back just as they were really getting going.

“Wait . . .” He said. Although their kiss ended Moxxi continued to lavish his neck and jaw with kisses until he said perhaps the most preposterous thing she'd ever heard, “I gotta find that condom . . .”

“Why the hell would you stop the fun to do that?”

“Because-don't you-aren't I supposed to wear it while we . . . h-have fun?”

She looked at him for a moment, her eyes wide and her brow furrowed. Once it was clear he wasn't kidding she burst into laughter. Covering her mouth with one hand and repeatedly smacking the other against his broad chest she giggled like a crazy person for several uninterrupted seconds while Cole blushed. Although she was obviously laughing at him the genuine nature of her amusement made it hard for him to resent her. In fact it was such an honest display of emotion he actually found it really endearing. She'd always cultivated an aura of seduction that sometimes made it hard to see her as anything other than some otherworldly goddess of sex. But watching her snicker and snort like a normal human did a lot to temper than appearance. In a way that didn't actually detract from how sexy and badass she was. By the time she'd recovered enough to actually speak Cole was more smitten with Moxxi than ever and she knew it just from the look in his eyes.

“Put that fat cock of yours inside me already.” She said in a beautifully husky voice, “I'm tired of waiting!”

Both surprised by and enamored with the bluntness of her request Cole did exactly as instructed. He pulled his hips back just far enough to line up his cock with her exceedingly wet pussy and, after locking eyes with her, thrust into her with an eager smile lighting up his face. The sound of nails scraping against ceramic plates joined the wet slap of their colliding bodies as Moxxi gasped. Her pleasured cry ended in a far more guttural sound when the head of his cock pushed against her cervix with just enough strength to make her whole body tense. Feeling a man's cock against the entrance to her womb was one of the pleasures she craved more than anything else when having sex. She immediately pulled him into another kiss as her inner walls stretched to accommodate his length and the rest of her body trembled. For a few seconds his focus was almost entirely on that kiss as the passion of the moment washed over both of them. But it wasn't long before he remembered there was such a thing as feeling too good. Without even realizing it he'd let himself sink so far down into the pleasure that was being with Moxxi he hadn't given any thought to how dangerously unprepared his libido was. He'd fully expected her to be warm, wet, and breathtakingly tight but what he hadn't prepared himself for was a genuine and rather emotional connection. It might not have been love but there was no denying a certain level of intensity that caught him off guard. He could only hope she was feeling it too because that was the only thing that could save him from the ridicule of blowing his load as quickly as he seemed poised to do. If the passion in her kisses and the way her back was slowly arching proved anything he could probably say she was on a similar page if nothing else.

Moving her hips as much as she could and burying her tongue inside his mouth Moxxi did everything in her power to encourage him to start fucking her in earnest. After the foreplay of having her asshole rimmed until she literally couldn't take it anymore all she wanted in that moment was to feel his cock pounding her into a similar state. Her fingers roamed his armored body, scraping and pulling against every handhold they could find while she grinded against his dick. Nearly every inch of her supple body that could be was pressed against him as every ounce of passion she had to give was shared through their prolonged kiss. So when Cole finally started to pull back she was about ready to scream just from the sensation of his retreating dick. Shaking like she'd fallen into an icy lake in the middle of a snowstorm Moxxi relished every inch as it gradually emerged from her sopping wet pussy. She could feel her glistening pink folds stretching outwards around his member as they tried in vain to keep him from leaving, seemingly unaware of what would happen next. He finally stopped with only a quarter of his length still within her and that split second pause before he thrusted forward stretched on for an eternity. Of course when that blink of an eye moment had passed he slammed his dick back inside her like she'd personally wronged him and the resulting explosion of pleasure was made all the sweeter for it's nanosecond of buildup. Juices splashed into the air from the force of his impact, his balls smacking wetly against her asshole as the head of his dick rammed into her cervix so hard there was no way it wouldn't leave a bruise. And Moxxi loved it. 

Her moan reverberated through her bedroom as she threw her head back and let the pleasure of the moment be known. It might have been an over the top, unnecessary display but with how good she was feeling it only made sense to go full bore and let the rest of Sanctuary III know too. When her new favorite fuck buddy took her by surprise and repeated his wildly successful motion with even more gusto she made sure to cry out with an appropriate amount of passion. His third go round was met with a hoarse, barely cognizant scream as her vocal chords started to fail her and every subsequent movement that followed afterwards quite literally fucked the ability to make noise right out of her body. Because not only was each thrust so wonderfully strong and fluid, with the full brunt of his shaft scraping against all her most sensitive spots, but it was capped off with a blow to the entrance of her womb that sent an eruption of pleasure through her body. Within a few seconds the corners of her vision had started to fade. Soon after that she was seeing stars as a growing puddle of arousal seeped into the mattress beneath. Before long she was staring up at the ceiling with glazed eyes and a smile as wide as her beautiful face would allow. All while he slammed into her at an ever quickening pace and she coiled around his body like an amorous snake.

Had he been able to keep up that momentum long enough Cole would've pushed Moxxi into an ecstasy like few others. But no matter how badly he wanted to do that very thing the absolutely stunning way she reacted to his every thrust combined with the inherent pleasure of having sex with a woman like her was simply too much for a plain soldier like him. Add to that nearly a year without anything but his imagination and left hand to keep him company and it made for what was sure to be a disappointing recipe. Hoping he could mask his waning endurance by simply fucking her with every ounce of his strength he pounded her into the bed until the supports were creaking and the metal was bending. She held on to him even more tightly and buried her face in his neck, the rush of pleasure assaulting her sense proving too much for her rational mind to handle. She had absolutely no idea what was about to happen. Moxxi was having trouble remembering her own name as his member drilled her into a state of euphoria only the best sex or the most powerful drugs could elicit. And when he shoved his entire length into her quivering pussy and held himself there for a moment longer than usual she didn't think anything of it. 

But as an explosion of warm, deliciously thick spunk erupted deep into her belly even the fragmented shell that was her mind could recognize what was happening. At least in the handful of seconds before he started thrusting again in yet another attempt to mask his failure to deliver. Suddenly she was enjoying not only the pleasures she'd been basking in already but the added bliss of cum spraying into and against her cervix with every push forward. Whether by sheer luck or some unintentional brilliance every time Cole's dick glided back inside her it did so with a fresh jet of semen coating her inner walls. In the twenty seconds it took for him to drain almost a year's worth of pent up jizz into her body he absolutely drenched her pussy in fluids and filled her stomach with a contentment that only a nice cumshot could provide. It wasn't until he'd pulled out and collapsed onto the bed next to her that Moxxi properly understood the whirlwind of events that'd just transpired. But instead of being annoyed or disappointed she happily rolled onto her side to cuddle up beside him, her head resting against his shoulder as he instinctively draped an arm around hers.

All but certain a beautiful, experienced woman like Moxxi wouldn't be content with something as plain as missionary position or with the lackluster amount of time he'd lasted Lieutenant Cole immediately sat up and said, “I'm sorry Ma'am, I don't know what came over me. I know I finished real quick and that I didn't do anythin special but I can—”

“Relax cutie,” She cooed, her hand sensually running across his chiseled jaw and down his nicely muscled chest, “There's nothing wrong with a classic. Sometimes a girl wants to look her man in the eyes while he's breaking her pussy . . .”

“O-okay . . .”

“But now that we've revved up the engine I think it's time we went for a real ride, don't you?”

“S-sure . . . uhm . . . what did you have in mind ma'am?”

Moxxi smiled at him, her eyes sparkling mischievously, “Just follow my lead and do whatever I tell you Sugar.” 

With an unexpectedly exuberant laugh she leapt off the bed and sauntered towards a shelf laden with sex toys. Cole sat up to watch her, his eyes following the steady trickle of cum seeping down her legs once they were done feasting on the sight of her swaying ass. When she turned back around he was given an even better view of the cum soaked mess that was her pussy but it was the armful of dildos and other toys in her hand that really caught his eye. She was only holding maybe five or six things but of that small list he only recognized one item and it was the most plain one of the collection. But aside from the bright pink vibrator everything else she'd gathered might as well have been Eridian technology for all he knew. As she returned to the bed and set her collection down he expected her to launch into some sort of sultry explanation of everything she'd grabbed. Possibly with the kind of demonstration that would naturally evolve into more passionate sex. Instead she turned away and moved to another shelf for another armful of naughty bedroom aides. Once again he only recognized one of the toys assembled in her arms and the sight of a rather large strapon dildo didn't exactly ease his uncertainty. Thankfully when she returned to the bed with her second collection she didn't move to retrieve a third despite there being more than enough items spread throughout the room to make the trip viable. Instead she spread everything out in a nice, pleasing display across her mattress. Once she was finished Moxxi slid off the bed and pulled Cole to his feet as well. Without saying a thing she started to kiss him while her hands dexterously unfastened his armor.

Piece by piece the gear he was wearing fell to the floor, followed soon after by his clothes until he was just as naked as she was, “That's better,” She said after looking at his nicely chiseled frame, “I didn't want your armor getting in the way of our fun!”

“T-that makes sense.” He replied, his eyes darting from her face to the veritable museum of sex toys.

“Awwwww what's the matter Sugar?” Moxxi cooed. Stepping towards her companion she rose to the tips of her toes to wrap her arms around his shoulders and sensually press her stomach against his half hard cock, “You worried all my friends are gonna outshine you?”

Cole slowly nodded and said, “A little . . .”

She laughed and pulled him into a kiss. When she moved back she added, “Don't worry about that cutie, You already proved you know how to fuck without any help. Now we're just gonna have fun and go wild!”

“Okay.” Enormously flattered by her compliment and everything it entailed Cole felt a lot better about his earlier performance, “I don't really know what any of this stuff is though . . .”

“That's all right, by the time we're finished you'll be as familiar with them as I am!” She watched him nod and look back at the toys, his eyes slowly scanning the collection, “Why don't we start off with something simple?”

To Be Continued . . .


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