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This one was quite a bit of fun to write. As a fan of world building and fantasy stories I very much enjoyed writing the beginning of this story. The latter half was fun for entirely different reasons that I'm sure will be evident all on their own lol. Oh and since this was based on a picture I'll go ahead and share the image with those of you who might not have seen it. Here you go! 

Firesong University might not have been the most prestigious college in the world. It lacked the grandeur of the Alistair Academy or the resources of the Orliana Institute but of all the schools in Galia none were more inclusive. With a diversity that made every similar associations on the continent envious they were one of the few places openly accepting applications from all sentient races. Despite being signed more than three centuries prior many organizations had been quite slow to incorporate the races added to the republic by the Narkovala Pact. Among it's many and constantly growing accolades Firesong University was the first college to teach Dark Elf studies, it was the first place outside of their homeland Orcs were allowed to study magic, and it was currently the only school that had dormitories capable of housing everything from Centaurs to Dragonkin. This reputation had elevated what was once a modest little college barely in the top fifty to one of the most sought after places to apply in just a few hundred years. But with their meteoric rise came a wealth of new and unexpected issues. While in hindsight it was obvious putting so many different races together on one campus would lead to a great deal of interspecies romance at the start such a thought wasn't on any of the faculty's minds. All it took was a sudden and dramatic upsurge in pregnancies and unpredictably volatile offspring for measures to be enacted and plans to be laid.

Since outright forbidding sexual fraternization between certain races ran completely counter to what they were hoping to achieve the authorities of Firesong instead set about educating the students. Many of the races had produced children with one another in the past and much of it had been documented over thousands of years. Unfortunately such information had always been something of a niche area up until recently and few outside of academic circles or the medical field had any practical knowledge of such matters. Everyone knew what happened when an Elf and a Human had children. Or when an Orc and Dwarf produced offspring. But a Hobgoblin and a Tiefling? A Centaur and a Halfling? Even the most informed scholars couldn't say without poring over a millennia of scattered notes and case histories. So in keeping with their spearheading of new movements Firesong University gathered the top biologists, geneticists, and interspecies experts in the world to help craft an entirely new school of study. One that became more important to the prosperity and peace of the republic with every new child born to parents of different races. 

It wasn't long before a new curriculum was founded by their studies and entire medical textbooks were written about what was being learned. For most of the world nothing had really changed but in several key scientific areas incredible breakthroughs and discovers were being made at an incredible rate. Of course much of their data was nearly incomprehensible to anyone without extensive schooling and backgrounds in specialized fields of study. Which naturally offered little to no benefit for the students finding themselves with fire breathing, winged infants capable of leveling an entire building in a few seconds. So another class was added to the already booming field, one that would end up being mandatory for every single student on campus regardless of major. Although it wasn't nearly comprehensive enough to cover every possible outcome, nor could it be as new variations were being discovered with every birth, it would give enough of an understanding to prevent some of the more serious problems that'd started the whole affair. And because she was popularly considered an expert on the subject Griselda Fitzcrank had been selected to teach the groundbreaking course.

Like any new enterprise there were a fair number of hurdles in the first decade or so, including protests by more conservative groups and the general perception of the class being useless, but eventually Professor Fitzcrank managed to find her footing. Due in no small part to her at times brutal grading structure and overall stern demeanor. After nearly an entire class was failed and forced to retake the course because of their flippancy stories about the intimidating Goblin professor spread through the school like wildfire. In addition to earning herself quite a reputation she'd also accrued a significant amount of good will from the administration. By the end of her first year teaching the number of interspecies breeding accidents and casualties had taken a small but noticeable hit. Things continued to trend down for several more years before reaching a plateau resting somewhere below acceptable from a legal and insurance standpoint.

Once it looked like that trend was around to stay, with the occasional dip or spike depending on how students fared in the class itself, other schools started adopting the same practice. In just a couple of decades Professor Fitzcrank was something of a celebrity in the academic world. Which naturally only made her more intimidating to the students attending her class. The start of each semester was particularly amusing as members of every sentient race gradually filled into her lecture hall. Many of them fell silent the moment they walked into the room with the rest talking in hushed whispers as they looked around for the battleaxe that was their teacher. Elves, Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Halflings, Dragonkin, Centaurs, and more found places to sit in the expansive lecture hall while Fitzcrank finished drafting an email in her office. The palpable sense of trepidation radiating from the classroom never failed to put a smile on her face. More than once she glanced through the one way glass in the center of her door to see how this new crop of students handled themselves. Unsurprisingly most were exactly as nervous as previous years. Even the hulking Minotaur and group of haughty Tieflings looked suitably reserved as they found their seats. A few seconds before the second bell rang and class officially started she slid out of her seat and walked into main hall. The moment the door to her office opened everyone fell silent and she entered the room to a sea of wholly expected looks of surprise. Thanks to her reputation and age many expected Professor Fitzcrank to be some wizened, cantankerous old crone surviving on spite and venom. Most new students had no idea she was barely into her third century and thus only now approaching middle age. Although upon seeing her such facts were made so apparent even a half wit could tell. Of course few were thinking about the finer details of her age when the more obvious aspects of her beauty and appearance were so eye catching. 

Standing just shy of four feet tall Professor Fitzcrank looked every bit the woman in prime that she was. Her skin was a beautifully soft shade of green, darker around her face and chest and lighter around her slightly oversized hands. Like always her nearly platinum blonde hair was tied into a bun with only a pair of bands left loose to frame her wide yet sultry features. Half rimmed glasses rested on the end of her small, sharp nose, their shape matching the angled contours of her large crimson eyes. Light pink gloss covered her lips as her only acknowledgment of traditional makeup trends, excluding perhaps her delicately plucked black eyebrows. Much like the rest of her species her ears were rather prominently displayed, both emerging perpendicular from her head and shaped not unlike those of an Elf. Though considerably larger. The rest of her body rather nicely matched the beauty of her face as even a plain black pencil skirt, jacket, and a barely visible purple blouse did nothing to hide her shapely contours. If anything the sheer stockings running all the way up her legs drew attention to just how plump and vivacious she was. In much the same way her top did almost nothing to hide her ample bosom despite her showing no cleavage at all. From head to toe she had the kind of wide, curvaceous, and generally thick build many other races could only dream of. With thighs that could crush a Human's skill, an ass that could easily do the same, and breasts that wouldn't look unsuitable on a woman twice her height she was the kind of beauty that could've spent her life modeling. Which made her stern, carrying voice all the more intimidating as a result.

“Good morning,” She greeted, “Welcome to Intro to Interspecies Relations. My name is Professor Fitzcrank and for the next fifteen weeks you'll be learning the physiological differences between the sentient species of our world as they pertain to sex.” As she spoke the name of the class appeared on the whiteboard behind her, “I'm sure some of you already think yourselves experts on the matter. You may even have some experience with interspecies copulation. But I assure you, a spur of the moment romp in the back seat of a car does not make you an expert!”

Her words were met with laughter and no small amount of smirking from many of the more confident students present. Professor Fitzcrank allowed them their haughty self confidence, her red eyes narrowing while a knowing smile spread across her face. Every year she had a batch of students that assumed they were above her class and it wasn't long before that arrogance shone through their initial fear of her. And every year they ended up struggling with what was popularly considered one of the most straightforward required courses on campus. The workload and tests were unquestionably brutal but the information itself was beyond easy to understand for anyone taking the time to listen. Although it probably reflected poorly on her as a teacher she took no small amount of enjoyment out of watching them slowly come to realize how ignorant they were over of the semester. Especially when the more affluent ones used to good grads purely for showing up experienced a nice, harsh wake up call as a result. As her classroom quieted down she could already tell which students would end up retaking the course and which would barely scrape by with a passing grade. Giving herself a little treat she made sure to lock eyes with each of them before she resumed speaking, her rather severe look putting many of them in their place without so much as a word.

“To those of you going into medicine much of what you'll learn here will be quite familiar. For the rest this will likely be your only chance to learn the pitfalls of interspecies procreation. And how to prepare yourself for said pitfalls or even avoid them outright. Because there's a great deal to cover and new discoveries are being made every day we'll start with the some of the more basic pairings. For obvious reasons I'll be skipping over the most common interspecies offspring. If you're really curious about what happens when a Human and Elf procreate ask Professor Northsong.”

As usual a handful of people laughed at her joke while the rest of class remained silent. Content with one of her only attempts at humor Professor Fitzcrank spent the first half hour of the class going over the nomenclature used to describe the children of various species. While she spoke the various terms she used appeared on the whiteboard behind her. As pointless as it initially seemed she'd learned quite some time ago that skipping this step made future explanations much more time consuming. When that was finished she started lecturing about the species that could and couldn't procreate. Despite what many assumed there were a considerable number of races that couldn't produce offspring with one another. Since teaching that side of things was relatively quick and simple she always started off the course with that. It'd make for a nice pop quiz in a few days. A surprising number of students always wound up failing that first test despite how rudimentary the information was. She didn't even need an entire half hour to go over everything on that list and for the last few minutes she started a talked about basic physiological limitations, or the lack thereof in many instances. Once again she was forced to address and subsequently abolish many preconceived notions before things progressed to far.

“So despite what you may think or what you may have heard,” She concluded, pausing as the bell rang, “Sexual coupling between nearly every race is possible. Of course this is not an encouragement but rather a simple fact. Limitations of size, species, and other seemingly insurmountable differences are not nearly as impossible as they seem. Class dismissed.”

As she moved behind her desk at the center of the hall to look over some papers the students began to filter out of the room. Were it not for a quiet remark made by one of her pupils she wouldn't have paid them any heed at all, “Too bad it doesn't work like that for Minotaurs.” her only Minotaur student said to himself as he rose from his seat. Aside from his reddish brown fur, the white button up shirt stretched across his bulging features, and the loose fitting black slacks around his legs he looked every bit like a normal Minotaur and she felt more confident than ever in her spur of the moment plan.

Hearing him through the general noise of an emptying classroom Professor Fitzcrank looked up from her desk to see the culprit. A grin flashed across her face for an instant. “Mr. Sattacoi!” She called out as her lumbering student neared the door, “I'd like a word with you before you leave.”

Heaving a sigh as his broad shoulders slumped and those behind and around him smirked Sattacoi turned back and shuffled towards his teacher, “What is it Professor Fitzcrank?”

“I heard your comment just now. You seem quite certain what I have to teach won't be relevant to your life.”

“Because it won't be.”

“Oh I see,” She looked him up and down for a few seconds and aside from his reddish brown fur, the white button up shirt stretched across his bulging features, and the loose fitting black slacks around his legs he looked every bit like a normal Minotaur. “You're prophetic aren't you?”

“Of course not.”

“Then you had your future read to you and you know for certain what will happen?”

“T-that's not how it works.” He replied, bewildered and a little amused by her bizarre questions, “Why are you—”

“So if you have absolutely no knowledge of how the future will unfold or what path your life will take why are you so certain than my class has no value?”

Folding his thick arms and shrugging his shoulders Sattacoi looked down at his hooves, “Because nobody except another Minotaur is gonna have sex with me.”

Tilting her head to the side and allowing the barest hints of a smile to crest her sultry features Professor Fitzcrank simply asked, “And why is that?” 

A flush crept into the few parts of his face not covered in fur and he looked anywhere but at his teacher as he mumbled, “I'm too big.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I'm too big!”

Professor Fitzcrank had no reaction except to ask, “I presume you're referring to your penis?” Blushing harder than ever Sattacoi nodded and continued to avoid her gaze, “Well unless your genitals are somehow twice the size of a normal Minotaurs I fail to see how you could be—”

Sattacoi let out a frustrated grunt and turned away from her, “Every woman I've ever been with told me it was too big! Some of them were even scared of it! They said it'd kill them if we had sex!”

“Were any of these women familiar with interspecies copulation?”

“What?” He glanced back at her over his shoulder and she repeated the question. “I don't—I mean—no? Of course they weren't!”

“Then why are you so quick to take their word as fact?”

“Because—because—it's their bodies! They'd know what they're capable of!”

Professor Fitzcrank softly laughed at his indignation, “Well I admire your respect for the women you've been involved with. I hope you'll hold onto the trait even after I've reeducated you.”

“There's nothing to reeducate. I know how this sort of thing works!” He grumbled, “It's worked this way my entire life! Everyone knows it and some class isn't gonna change the truth!”

“Is that so?” Folding her arms and looking at him for a moment Professor Fitzcrank smirked at her student and said, “Very well.”

“I don't want to—what are you doing?!” Taking a step back and balking at what was unfolding before him Sattacoi could only stammer out her name, “P-professor F-Fitzcrank!”

Without any hesitation at all she pulled up the hem of her skirt to reveal the lacy black panties hugging her body. Bending over as she slid them down her legs Fitzcrank kicked off her heels and slid onto the desk behind her. She let one leg dangle over the edge while the heel of her other foot came to rest against the wood. Her now thoroughly unnecessary underwear hung from the ankle of that same leg as she spread open her thighs to reveal a beautifully furry thicket of black hair above her sex. Dense enough to hide most of her actual pussy it could do nothing about the small trickle of fluids spreading out across the wood beneath her. Staring in utter disbelief Sattacoi's attention was pulled from her freshly revealed pussy to the sudden appearance of cleavage as Professor Fitzcrank unbuttoned her blouse. Letting her massive tits breath a little she leaned back and tilted her head down as she offered him an unfathomably seductive look. Everything about the way her eyes narrowed, her lips pouted, and her eyebrow arched told him exactly what was going to happen. It was so enticing not even the more clinical and stern nature of her words could diminish his instinctual desire.

“Normally physical demonstrations don't take place for another few weeks but I suppose I can make an exception now to prove a point.”

“Physical demonstrations?”

“Yes Mr. Sattacoi.” She replied with a smile, “You're going to fuck me. It's the only way to prove to you that you're not 'too big' at all. I trust you've never tried to have sex with a woman as short as me?”

“N-no but—”

“Good, then my point will be proven in the most incontrovertible way possible.”

As casually as one might glance down at a lunch menu she looked down at the massive bulge tightening Sattacoi's slacks. He was too distracted by the sudden turn of events to notice her stare but he could certainly feel his cock swelling inside his pants. Before long it was too uncomfortable to deal with and without even thinking he removed them. The subtle widening of Fitzcrank's eyes as she saw what looked to be a third leg and a pair of coconut sized balls dangling behind. Rather unsubtly the fluids trickling from her slit noticeably increased as the musky smell of his dick filled the air. She allowed herself a little shiver of anticipation while he stepped closer and swallowed several times. No matter how badly he wanted her to be right years of conditioning had told him what they were about to do was completely impossible. But it was hard to argue with a plump, half naked Goblin women waiting expectantly to be fucked and his misgivings couldn't stop him from taking hold of his shaft with one hand.

“Professor I'm really not sure—”

“Trust me Mr. Sattacoi.” She replied in a gentler tone than before, “I'm not going to injure myself trying to prove a point. Do I seem that foolish to you?”

“No . . .”

“Good. Then do as I say and put your penis inside me.”

Laying across the desk and opening her legs as wide as they could comfortably go she gave him his first, unobstructed view of Goblin pussy. Unlike other races her plump, glistening lips were deep green with the silky inner folds growing even darker still. The juices steadily seeping out of her also had a slight emerald tint to them as well although this was considerably more subtle than the other differences. Everything else about her sex from the little nub at the top to the way it visibly blossomed like a budding flower as she grew more aroused was in line with his admittedly limited understanding of non Minotaur vaginas. Much in the same way his large, deep brown cock was exactly what Fitzcrank had expected as well. Although caught off guard by it's at least twelve inch length and girth as thick as her calf everything else about it was precisely what it should have been right down to the flat tip with the flared edges and the powerful, masculine stench wafting from it. But despite how familiar she was with such things she never failed to be intrigued by how identically his cock matched that of a horse or a centaur. Perhaps next time she had the chance she'd do a little more research on the subject for her own edification. But that would of course have to wait until after she'd finished proving her point in the sloppiest way possible.

He stepped forward and pressed the head of his cock against her pussy, once again marveling at the absurdity of his shaft fitting inside her. The tip alone was so big there wasn't any part of her cunt still visible from that angle and yet she continued to offer seductive looks instead of balking at the mere thought. Nervously rubbing the back of his neck and trying to think of how he'd explain murdering his teacher through sex Sattacoi slowly pushed inside her. His eyes closed and his ears perked up as he waited for the inevitable pained cry. But instead his efforts were met with a long, satisfied moan as, against all reason and common sense, his dick gradually popped inside her slit. Progress was beyond slow and the timid pace of his movements only exacerbated that fact yet no matter how he looked at it her pussy was slowly parting for his dick. Little by little her glistening folds widened until they eventually blossomed around the tip. Then, in no time at all, that same tip was slowly vanishing inside her while she trembled in delight. A look of pure amazement spread across his face with ever centimeter that glided into her, his eyes widening until they were perfectly round. Soon after his mouth was hanging open in a look of abject shock while Fitzcrank smirked at him. Her triumph was two fold, not only did she relish in proving yet another man wrong about his misconceptions but getting a nice belly full of cock never failed to leave her in a fantastic mood. 

More and more of his prick continued to vanish within her as he discovered just how tight his Professor's little pussy was. Although the women he'd been with certainly weren't slouches in that department they paled in comparison to the woman currently being impaled by his shaft. It was almost as incredible as the mere act of entering her in the first place. But even more amazing than either of those facts was the complete lack of physical evidence she was currently being filled by several pounds of cock. In any sensible reality her stomach should have been bulging and inflating from the size of his tip alone and yet there seemed to be no change to her taut belly. Aside from how widely her lips had been stretched his shaft might as well have been as large as a Human's. Of course Professor Fitzcrank wouldn't have enjoyed that nearly as much nor would she have made a point of vocalizing how much she enjoyed it with a bevy of moans, whimpers, gasps, and other blissful noises. She put on such a good show Sattacoi didn't even realize how much she'd already taken and how little was actually left outside her wonderfully snug pussy. When he was finally done pushing inside her every inch of his member had been swallowed up by her sex and his balls were gently pulsing against her buttocks. She let the pleasure of the moment sink in for a few seconds before tossing a little comment his way.

“See . . .” She panted, “As you can see my vagina has no issue accommodating your penis . . .”

“Yeah . . .” He nodded, “Yeah . . .”

His cock throbbed wildly inside her as he stared down at the seemingly impossible situation he'd stumbled into. When he managed to pull his gaze away from her glistening and stretched out pussy Sattacoi found his Professor grinning up at him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. A moment later he felt her inner walls tighten even more around him. Gasping at the sudden rush of pleasure he bent over her tiny, buxom form and flattened his hands against the desk on either side of her. Pretty much ready to climax after just a few seconds he did everything he could to stymie that inevitability. Having only ever slept with two other women, both of whom were Minotaurs, made his efforts considerably more difficult. In much the same way her willful contractions and the overall feeling of her amazingly tight slit. For a few seconds he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth while thinking of anything he could to put off blowing his load. He was completely unaware of how goofy he looked and upon opening his eyes he saw Fitzcrank covered her mouth with one hand. Her amusement was quite infectious and before he knew it he was grinning too.

That smile quickly turned back into wonder when she continued to unbutton her blouse and he was suddenly treated to the sight of her bra clad bosom in all it's buxom glory. His cock throbbed and his mouth opened ever so slightly as he drank in the sight, wholly unaware of how much better it was about to get. With a simple twist of her fingers she undid the front facing clasp and like an explosion of jiggling flesh her breasts were freed from their prison. Bursting into view with a jiggle that made his jaw drop her tits were absolutely breathtaking. There wasn't a single thing he didn't like about them from the way they managed large enough to put almost any woman to shame without being so big that they looked disproportionate to her plump body to her large, green nipples already sitting pert and ready for attention. His wide, perfectly round eyes watched them gradually settle, drinking in the way each one naturally pointed outwards as they rested against her opened top. There was something undeniably real about how her chest looked that fit the rest of her alluring yet genuine appearance so well it was almost uncanny. Not even realizing what he was doing Sattacoi licked his lips as he stared at her incredible bust all while Fitzcrank chuckled at his reaction. Being adored was rather nice and she saw no reason not to let him bask for a little bit. If her hunch was correct he might not be a long distance runner but he'd definitely know how to sprint to the finish line and bring her right along with him in the process.

Had she known he was right on the cusp of an orgasm she might've reconsidered that assessment. Yet Sattacoi was nothing if not a master of covering for his relatively low stamina and to his credit he did manage to hide how long it'd been since he last had sex. For a few minutes at least. With his head full of every unappealing thought his brain could muster he slowly pulled his hips back. Professor Fitzcrank moaned as his cock retreated from her pussy but her pleasure was soon interrupted by a laugh. Not at her partner's expense, although he certainly assumed as much upon first hearing it, but rather at the amusing way she was being pulled off the desk by his fat dick. Thanks to the tightness of her pussy and the size of his shaft he couldn't actually withdraw like he would've normally and after a couple of inches he was no longer pulling out. Instead he was simply dragging her plump, quivering body from her perch. Before she could actually fall off the sticky wooden surface her hands reached back to grab the edge and stop his inadvertent attempt to brain her against the floor. As soon as there was a modicum of resistance his prick was free to continue gliding out of her without any further issue. Until he stopped about midway and started pushing forward again because her slit just felt too good to pull back all the way.

Though he managed to repeat the motion a handful of times after that Sattacoi knew he was living on borrowed time. Everything about the way Professor Fitzcrank moved, felt, smelled, and sounded was like a series of blows to his waning endurance. In no time at all she'd absolutely coated his prick in warm, gooey fluids and every thrust, no matter how slow, caused more to seep out of her. Were he capable of putting two and two together he might have guessed that it'd been quite a bit of time since her last sexual experience too. Of course knowing that and knowing how aroused she was getting because of him would've certainly been a deathblow to his self control. Not that he really needed any further help. Unsurprisingly have a plump, beautiful Goblin woman squirming and moaning atop his dick proved to be detriment enough. Trying in vain to make her feel as good as he possibly could before he revealed his inexperience Sattacoi started to thrust as fast as his weakening body would allow. Even going as far as grabbing the sides of the desk he managed to reach a rather impressive clip considering how badly he wanted to just shove his dick inside her and let go of it all. Fitzcrank's moans filled the hall and his head as the speed of his movements really began to affect her. Crying out with increasing frequency her voice climbed higher and higher with seemingly every thrust. All he had to do was keep upping the ante until he was fucking her like a madman and there was no way she'd be able to walk back to her office of her own volition.

And in a different reality he might have pulled that off. Sadly they weren't living in that reality and just as things were really getting going Sattacoi was at the end of his rope. Managing to go almost three minutes before hitting his limit when the end came he could only apologize by way of a groan. He pushed the full length of his dick into her pussy and  gripped the desk so hard the wood creaked. A moment later his cock was a fire hose as cum sprayed into the deepest reaches of her pussy. It flooded her womb and filled her to the brim within a few seconds and for a moment she was so caught off guard by the suddenness of it all Professor Fitzcrank didn't even react. Of course her mind quickly caught up with her body and she resumed her eager moaning with even more eagerness, the feeling of his jizz flooding her trembling cunt proving to be an excellent addition to the sensation of being stuffed with his dick. She didn't really mind how quickly he'd finished, part of her was flattered and part of her was happy to revel in the sensation of being pumped full of what might as well have been gallons of semen. The fact that his climax was one long, seemingly endless spray rather than the periodic spurts produced by other races added a nice layer of uniqueness to the whole affair. When his cum started gushing out of her overly filled hole and seeping onto the floor she had yet another thing to enjoy in the ever growing medley. Not long afterwards was the cute look of shame and regret on Sattacoi's beastly face. Not ten seconds after he finished emptying his balls inside her he stammered out the apology he meant to give beforehand.

“I-I'm sorry Professor . . . I-I didn't-I mean it's been a while since-I-I'm sorry.”

“Don't apologize Mr. Sattacoi.” She replied, sitting up a little to smile at him, “I enjoyed myself quite a bit.”

“You did?”

“Of course. I wasn't moaning for your benefit.”

“Right . . .”

As he slowly pulled out she bit her lower lip and whimpered. After several toe curling seconds his cock popped out and jizz immediately followed it's wake. Both of them looked down at her gaped, cum glazed hole, “You've made quite the mess.”


“Don't apologize.” Fitzcrank interrupted with a laugh, “Especially not while you're still clearly able to keep going.”

“Wh-oh!” He followed her gaze down to his still erect member, staring at it in surprise for a moment before looking back at her, “S-so you wanna keep going?”


“That's great!”

“Yes it is. Only this time you're going to put it in my butt.”


“Put your massive, equine cock inside my asshole.” The obvious vulgarity of her instructions clashed with the matter of fact delivery so dramatically Sattacoi was at a loss. He could only stare dumbly at her disheveled face until she added, “Some time today would be ideal.”

“Uhm . . . right . . . sorry Professor!”

Stepping forward and taking hold of his dick Sattacoi watched with no small amount of amazement as Fitzcrank lifted her legs into the air. Grinning at him from between the V formed by deliciously thick thighs she reached down to spread apart her plump buttocks. Even with all the cum dripping out of her pussy covering up the hole he managed to press his flat, swollen tip against her tightly puckered ring after a few tries. As soon as it was lined up he started to push and she let out a satisfied moan. Once again his dick slipped inside her seemingly against all conventional wisdom. And the moment it did his groans soon joined the cacophony echoing through the hall. Because if her cunt had been amazingly tight her ass was something else entirely. Sattacoi wasn't even sure he'd be able to fit more than a few inches inside her entirely because of how snugly her hole was clamped down around him. But at Fitzcrank's insistence he continued to push despite this misgiving. Centimeter by centimeter he glided inside her as the impressive girth of his member stretched her out until she was panting like a dog in heat. Forced to grab the edge of the desk as her head fell back against the wood she delighted in just how big his prick felt sliding into her rarely used but always pleasurable asshole. Despite knowing it wouldn't happen it felt as though his dick was going to emerge from her mouth at any moment. Her whole body gradually stiffened as her back arched while pleasure suffused them both. And when the last few inches of his dick finally pushed inside and they felt his balls come to rest against her jiggling green buttocks each let out a protracted moan.

Soon after his hands closed around her waist and she was lifted bodily from the desk. She felt his strong grip around her body and shivered in delight. Everything about the way he squared his shoulders while simultaneously cradling and manhandling her told Fitzcrank she was in for a wild ride. A quick glance at his face reinforced her supposition and sent a shiver coursing through her spine. Now that she'd unequivocally proven there was little cause for worry and thus no reason to hold back he was going to fuck her like he a female Minotaur. It wasn't even a conscious decision on Sattacoi's part, merely an overwhelming urge that guided his every move. And the moment he was in position he started pulling back with more force than he'd yet displayed. She cried out in pleasure as his cock withdrew and the sheer size of it combined with the tightness of her asshole sent her once tight ring distending outwards. Dragged along nearly his entire length Fitzcrank didn't stop until she felt the flared head of his horse like dick pulling against the edges of her hole. But rather than pulling out completely he simply rammed his entire prick back inside with a single move. Thrusting forward at the same time he pulled her towards him she slammed down against his waist at a speed that nearly made her cum then and there. Squealing in abject delight as her hands clutched his meaty fingers and much of her body went limp the nearly in over her head Professor was all but begging him to repeat what he'd just done. A few seconds later she was literally doing so.

“Don't stop now!” She cried out, “Oh Gods don't you dare stop! Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeee!”

The tail end of her uncharacteristically vulgar exclamation was drawn out into a endless, breathy gasp as Sattacoi did exactly what she was asking for. With that outcry he not only had her express permission to fuck her like a cheap fleshlight but the kind of encouragement he'd never had before. His grip tightened as much as it could without causing her pain and started to thrust like it was the last time he'd ever get to have sex. Repeating the first motions again with even more gusto he didn't stop upon slamming her against his waist. Instead he transitioned effortlessly into a rhythm that would leave his mewling, shortstack of a lover unable to catch even a single scrap of relief. It only took a few passes to completely shatter the facade of calm, collected academia that she'd exuded to reveal the cock loving slut that sat underneath. After that it was simply a matter of continuing until one of them broke or both of them climaxed. Fully aware he hadn't brought her to orgasm yet Sattacoi did everything in his admittedly limited power to bring that across. Including a clumsy attempt to fondle her tits with his thumbs that worked out far better than it had any right to. As his thoroughly calloused digits pressed against her madly jiggling tits she felt a sudden rush of ecstasy. The combination of being pawed at, goblinhandled, and generally treated like a disposable dick sleeve was working for her in ways it never had before. Screaming until she was hoarse Fitzcrank was fucked within an inch of her life as his massive dick turned her asshole inside out over and over again while she cried for more. Luckily for both of them he definitely had more to give and she was given every last scrap of energy he possessed.

Before long it was her turn to experience the sensation of rapidly waning endurance only unlike her companion Fitzcrank had absolutely no reason to hold back. If anything she was beyond eager to dive right in and let herself get overwhelmed by the rising tides of pleasure within her. After several minutes of sitting perched on the edge of a nice, gushing orgasm while her asshole was fucked raw she finally managed to topple right over the edge into a churning sea of orgasmic bliss. Her scream rattled the windows and echoed out into the hallways beyond the classroom until it died in her throat. Replaced by a grunting, warbling noise more like something belonging to a beast of burden the sounds spilling from her mouth were something to behold. Just like the way her eyes rolled back in her head and her entire body seemed to vibrate uncontrollably. Twitching and shaking as if she was having a seizure Professor Fitzcrank lost any semblance of control or dignity among the crashing waves of her ecstasy.

But as breathtaking as her various reactions were nothing could compared to the veritable fountain of juices that gushed out of her pussy. Erupting into the air like water from a broken high pressure pipe her fluids sprayed across Sattacoi's chest and soaked his shirt in the pungent aroma unique to Goblin women. For nearly ten seconds she doused him with an uninterrupted stream of clear, beautifully smelling fluids while watched in stunned silence. So great was his surprise he actually stopped moving for the entire duration, although his cock twitched like mad inside her asshole. As soon as her initial font had concluded he resumed with all the enthusiasm left within him. Never in his life had he seen such a display, not even in the porn he frequently enjoyed, and being privy to such an amazing spectacle first hand was like winning several lotteries at once. Suddenly getting her to repeat that incredible display was his sole motivation for fucking her. Unbeknownst to him Goblin women were rather famous for their long lasting orgasms and he'd have a front row seat to many more geysers just like that first one. In fact, thanks to the speed and force of his ensuing thrusts along with a little bit of lucky timing things started to line up in the most serendipitous was possible. 

Following that initial jet all the ones after were considerably shorter but no less wonderful and it wasn't long before each thrust forward left her primed and ready to unleash another one. Then when he pulled back her juices squirted out of her in another display of awe inspiring lewdness. Sometimes it was accompanied by another grunting burst of sound from her eternally parted lips and other times Fitzcrank was completely silent as the pleasure overwhelmed her. But no matter how she reacted vocally her eyes remained firmly in the back of her head while every muscle in her body tensed or relaxed independently of one another. In a couple minutes he was as drenched as she was, both of their clothes pretty much soaked through by the inconceivable amount of juice she'd coated them in. And yet it continued seemingly unabated for what felt like an eternity as every vigorous thrust cut short her eruption only for the retreat to cause another soon after. The smell of her sopping cunt filled his nostrils so completely it was almost suffocating and yet every time he took a breath it made him shudder with arousal. His cock pounded her asshole as the rest of his body succumbed to a similarly primal urge deep within him. He didn't even realize it was happening until moments before his second climax in so many minutes. This time he did manage to belt out a warning, for all the good it would actually do either of them.

“Professor!” Sattacoi groaned, “Professor I'm gonna cum!”

Far too overwhelmed by her own bliss to even care about what he was saying Fitzcrank simply moaned at the sounds coming from his mouth. Her mind couldn't even connect those noises to the increased ferocity of his thrusts. Pleasure was still flooding her body and setting every nerve on fire with such vigor it was a wonder she was even conscious. Had he been able to continue as he'd been for any serious length of time she almost certainly would've fainted. Thankfully she was spared the hassle of being taken to the hospital by a well meaning but adorably unaware lover, for what would have been the fourth time, by her companion's impending climax. Fucking her like a wild beast for almost a full minute as his own climax loomed overhead Sattacoi let out a bellow as he shoved his entire dick inside her completely wrecked asshole. He buried himself up to the hilt within her amazingly tight body and held her there for several seconds as he panted and groaned. 

She was only dimly aware of how uncontrollably his shaft and balls pulsed against her. Until it was finally accompanied by another flood of creamy spunk. Nearly identical to the first time he'd basted her innards with a tidal wave of jizz cum sprayed from his cock in one endless stream of thick, gooey fluids. In the blink of an eye he'd drenched her inner walls in a fine layer of semen and a moment later a considerable amount of that seed was gushing right back out of her trembling hold. Having filled her up in an instant it was left with nowhere else to go but right back out again. And thanks to the pressure created by the size of his dick and the spasmodic twitching her ass it squirted out with more force than ever. Identical cries of passion filled the air as she was yet again pumped full of spunk like a water balloon and he got to enjoy that incredible pleasure for a second time in just a few minutes. It was such an incredible experience he couldn't help but start thrusting towards the end of his orgasm. Right around the time both the force and volume of his one, continuous load was beginning to drop off he started moving her a few inches up and down his length. Sattacoi didn't even make the conscious decision to do so, it was merely a side effect of just how good he felt and how badly he wanted to keep feeling that way. Everything about Professor Fitzcrank's body filled him with an overwhelming urge to give in to the bestial side of his race and just use her until he couldn't any more. Little did he realize he'd already done that and there was nothing else he could appreciably do. That realization didn't arrive for another couple of minutes.

While his mewling, green skinned fuck toy continued to pant and moan as cum sprayed from her asshole and pussy juice seeped from her cunt Sattacoi was gradually forced to accept that he just couldn't go a third time. There was no doubt in his mind she would've appreciated it and that he definitely wanted to do it but neither of those facts seemed to matter one bit. His cock continued to soften inside her ass while her fleshy red hole remained the yawning chasm he'd turned it into. Soon he was forced to pull her off his dick and set her atop the desk where her massively gaped holes could push out all the jizz he'd so eagerly dumped inside them. Although her slit didn't have nearly as much left as he expected. Taking a step back to avoid some of the more powerful jets of cum launching from her ravished body Sattacoi watched the unexpectedly amazing show, quietly wishing he had some way to record what was taking place. But Professor Fitzcrank made for such an incredible sight he'd probably remember it for the rest of his life anyways. Part of him hoped she'd had the same experience even as the rest simply assumed a woman like her was used to the kind of things he'd done. He had no idea he'd just given her one of the best sexual experiences of her rather long and very adventurous life, though a hint of that fact was brought across in the tone of her voice when she finally managed to speak.

“Now then . . .” She gasped as cum gushed out of her holes and she struggled to lift her head, “I trust I've made my point? Unless you'd like me to demonstrate I can take you orally as well?”

“No you definitely . . . uhm . . . what was that?”

Propping herself up on one elbow Professor Fitzcrank smiled at her student and asked, “Can you even get an erection right now?”

Sattacoi looked down at his limp, gooey shaft for a moment, “I don't think so . . .”

“Then never you mind.” Letting herself fall back against the desk she grinned at the ceiling and let her body soak in the post coital bliss, “I'm glad I could educate you Mr. Sattacoi.”

“Thank you Professor.” He replied, his breathing just as labored as hers, “But . . .”


“But how does this lesson change anything? It's not like women will magically know they can do what you do just because we had sex . . . right?”

“Of course not! But now you know it and you won't be nearly as despondent about your body. And perhaps you'll meet someone that will be more aware of her own and this issue will be firmly in your past.”

“Oh . . . right . . .” 

A brief silence stretched out between them as he contemplated her words and she enjoyed the aftermath of a good, hard dicking. It ended when a loud squelch filled the nearly silent lecture hall as a sudden burst of cum sprayed from her holes. Erupting out of her thanks to a sudden shiver that ran down her spine it launched Sattacoi's creamy seed across the stained floor. Landing with an echoing plop his thick load immediately joined the ever growing puddle beneath and around Professor Fitzcrank's desk but if she was in any way bothered by the mess she gave no indication of it. Her companion couldn't help but worry about the aftermath of their frantic sex though. After a few seconds of watching her he voiced his concern.

“Do you want me to clean all this up Professor?” He asked, “It's gonna ruin the floor if it sits there too long.”

“You sound like you're speaking from experience Mrs. Sattacoi.”

“N-no it's just something my dad used to warn me about when I was a kid . . .”

“I see. Well, as much as I appreciate the offer,” Lurching into a sitting position and chuckling as even more cum squirted from her body, “I have a spell for this sort of thing. It's meant for cleaning up gum, dirt, and waste paper baskets but it'll remove your semen just as readily.”

“Oh, well that's good.” Entirely unsure of how someone was supposed to conclude a spur of the moment affair with their teacher Sattacoi looked around as though expecting an answer to materialize out of thin air, “Uhm . . . I guess I'll get dressed then . . .”

“That would be wise.” Fitzcrank remarked, “I expect you're quite late for your next class.”

“Oh shit!” He leapt to his feet and scrambled to find and put on every article of clothing he'd discarded all while his Professor watched with unapologetic amusement. By the time he'd managed to get dressed and collect his backpack she'd gone back to lying across her desk and enjoying her afterglow. “I-I'll see you tomorrow Professor Fitzcrank!”

“I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Sattacoi!” She listened to the sound of him thundering out of the hall and the door slamming shut behind him, “I love Minotaurs . . .”


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