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So I was originally going to release this last week as part of the suggestion post I did at the start of the month. But then the story ended up going long, time got away from me, and I realized that there really wasn't any reason it had to be put out in the same week as the last story. So I hope y'all were in the mood for some mistaken identity and lesbianism because this story has both in spades!

Summer was in full swing and the residents of the Mushroom Kingdom were happily enjoying the heat wave by flooding the beaches, lakes, rivers, and ponds dotting the landscape. Even Princess Peach herself was off lounging on a sandy shore somewhere soaking in the sunlight alongside her faithful companion Mario. Everything was the definition of peaceful and idyllic. So much so the more canny members of the kingdom were just waiting for Bowser to appear and bring an end to it. No doubt by kidnapping their beloved monarch and forcing their overall wearing champion to rescue her. Little did they know King Koopa was already in the midst of a master plan but rather than absconding with Peach, stealing sacred artifacts, or any number of dastardly schemes from his villainous handbook he was finishing a rather mundane burst of cat burglary. Or more accurately his Lakitu minions were doing so while he lurked within a deep dark cave near the princess's castle. None of his underlings had any idea why he wanted the special crown Peach kept within a vault but they weren't foolish enough to question the motives of their king. Nor were they unwise enough to ignore his commands upon delivering the crown to him. Having stolen it without the slightest bit of trouble they returned to their master with the spoils. In an attempt to impress him they'd not only stolen the crown but also a considerable pile of coins, several stars, and a few miscellaneous but valuable looking items from around the castle. Yet when they laid everything out before Bowser he had eyes only for the crown. He didn't even look at the rest of the treasure as he snatched it up with a wicked smile on his face. The sheer delight evident in his scaly features was such that his henchmen started to wonder what exactly it was that they'd stolen. Nobody was brave enough to ask though.

“Perfect!” Bowser laughed as he admired the crown, “ Good work . . . very good work . . . now get out of here!”

“Lord Bowser?” One of the Lakitu asked in confusion, “What should we do with the rest of the treasure?”

“Take it back to my castle.” He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. Turning away from them and lumbering deeper into the cave he let out an ominous laugh and repeated his command, “Get out!”

Jumping a little at the timber of his voice the Lakitu nodded and scooped up everything they'd collected, “Y-yes Lord Bowser!” They sped off towards his castle without a second glance while their master was left alone to don the crown in solitude.

Had they remained and spied on the cave in an effort to see what Bowser was up to they would have accidentally happened upon their master deepest and most well kept secret. Something nobody else was aware of and something that could utterly destroy his reputation as the fearsome rule her was. Because if any of them had stayed they wouldn't have seen their hulking, turtle shell wearing leader emerge but rather a curvaceous, pale skinned woman dressed in a black gown. About the only indication she was their master in disguise would have been the golden grown resting atop her glittering blonde hair. As well as a few other, more subtle clues that few of Bowser's minions would actually be able to properly notice. They would've been completely floored by the sight of what looked to be Princess Peach emerging from the cave dressed entirely different. She even carried herself differently, a sort of bold confidence and cocksure smile lighting up her face as she strutted into the sunlight. Departing from the cave as quickly as she could she wandered vaguely in the direction the castle, no apparent goal in mind but a confident grin stuck to her face.

But it wasn't Princess Peach sauntering across the grassy hills feeling utterly content in her alternate form. It was Bowsette, the alter ego of King Koopa himself brought about thanks to the transformative powers of the Super Crown. In many ways she was like the dark reflection of the Princess, all the little similarities between them only highlighting the difference. Possessed of the same golden blonde hair and cute facial features the presence of two modestly sized horns emerging from either side of her head just above her ears was one of the more prominent differences. A large pair of blue bauble earrings along with a spiked black choker around her neck formed two more. Perhaps one of the most visually striking differences was the ample amount of cleavage left visible by her low cut, charcoal colored gown. Unlike Peach her shoulders were bare with only a pair of straps covering her biceps to break up the plane of soft, supple flesh visible down to her noticeably larger bust. Beneath her gown she was just as buxom and shapely as the Princess, if a bit wider in certain areas. Thankfully repeated uses of the crown had slowly removed other signs of her true heritage like the scaly yellow tale or the spine covered green shell on her back. But with the same sky blue eyes, angular chin, pert lips and button nose she could easily pass for Peach to a casual observer. Or maybe even a not so casual observer as it turned out.

“Heyyy Peach!” Immediately tensing up at the sound of a familiar voice Bowsette started to turn towards Daisy only for the auburn haired princess to reach her first. Sliding a gloved hand around her companion's shoulders to grab her bicep she leaned around her nervous friend and to grab a handful of her dark dress. Lifting it up a little to admire the color and the texture Daisy grinned at 'Peach' and added, “Love the new look!”

Furiously blushing and flashing an awkwardly wide smile Bowsette replied with, “T-thanks!” All of her confidence had evaporated the instant she heard Daisy's voice. Never before had she been called upon to fool someone more canny than a random Toadstool. “I-I appreciate it!”

Unfortunately Daisy wasn't finished admiring her buxom partner. Still remaining behind and to the side of her she released her hold on 'Peach's' dress and instead grabbed something even more embarrassing, “Wow! Your tits are huge! They haven't always been this big have they?!”

Like it was the most naturally thing in the world she slid her hands underneath Bowsette's massive breasts and lifted them up. Her fingers lightly squeezed her softly jiggling mounds in a way that would have been merely shocking were it not for their deliberate attentions. Brushing against the puffy nipples hidden beneath her bodice Daisy rather unsubtly teased and played with her companion in a blatantly sexual fashion. After a few seconds of bouncing her friends tits around in her hands like it was the first time she'd ever touched boobs she casually transitioned into pinching her nipples through her gown as though such an act made all the sense in the world. Bowsette stifled a whimper as her incredibly sensitive buds were given the kind of treatment she herself was still much to timid to attempt. She was still getting used to having a woman's body and the finer points like sexually stimulating experiences, were well beyond her. They weren't beyond Daisy however and in the back of her mind Princess Koopa was starting to wonder just what kind of relationship her brown haired molester had with Peach. Of course if she actually thought about it for more than a second the answer was blindingly obvious. It took several seconds of being fondled and played with for her to finally find her voice and speak up about the absurdity of what was going on. She did her best not to betray just how much she'd enjoyed it, even though such an attempt seemed like a lost cause after all the squirming and gasping she'd done.

“D-Daisy what are you doing?!” Bowsette stammered.

“Oh don't worry about it!” She cooed, “Nobody can see us! Now come on, tell me the truth! You did something with your tits right?”

“I—uhm—I didn't—”

Daisy gasped and Bowsette tensed, “You ate one of those mushrooms didn't you? We were gonna eat those together you impatient bitch!”

“Uhm—yeah . . . I uh . . . I didn't want to wait . . .”

Well it's fine.” Daisy finally released her hold on Bowsette's now heaving breasts and stepped in front of her, “Did the mushroom change your outfit too?”


“Well it looks great girl! You should definitely dress like this more often!”

“Really?” Bowsette looked at her exuberant companion with a hopeful smile, “You think so?”

“Absolutely! In fact . . .” She leaned in and slid an arm around her friend's shoulder to pull her close, “It kinda makes me want have one of our special 'royal meetings' . . .”

“I don't . . .” Trailing off as she noticed the lascivious grin on Daisy's face Bowsette's cheeks darkened even more, “Oh . . . t-that would b-be . . . that w-would be . . . nice . . .”

“Then what are we waiting for?!”

In what seemed like the blink of an eye Bowsette found herself back in Peach's castle with Daisy all but dragging her into the royal bedroom. Both nervous and excited about the prospect of what was about to happen she did her best to play along and not betray what was really going on. Which amounted to little more than lots of awkward stammering, blushing, and wide smiles that all but revealed her actual nervousness. Thankfully her exuberant companion didn't seem to notice the many slip ups and giveaways as they talked all the way up to the bedroom. But since Daisy was doing most of the talking anyways it wasn't quite as absurd as it could have been. But once they actually stepped inside the royal bedchambers and shut the door Bowsette was starting to wonder just what she'd stumbled into. Like everyone else in the kingdom she knew full well what kind of sexual deviant Princess Peach really was but her brown haired ally was still something of a mystery. It made all the sense in the world that she was just as much of a pervert but there was still a small chance the 'meetings' she'd teased were actually conversations about matters of state. Although the chances of that were almost laughably small and diminishing with every second. It died completely when Daisy turned to look at her with a lustful grin and issued a surprisingly forceful command.

“Take off your dress.”

“M-my dress?” Bowsette replied as her face turned dark red and her whole body tensed.

Her expressions softened as she laughed and stepped towards the woman she thought was Peach, “Of course! You got to take the lead last time. Now it's my turn!”

“Oh . . . t-that makes sense . . .”

“Is something wrong?”

“N-no of course not!”

“Great, then get naked beautiful!”

Daisy slapped her on the ass and turned away, her purposeful stride carrying her towards the large walk in closet on the far side of the room. Bowsette tried to swallow past the lump in her throat but found her efforts entirely in vain. Only a handful of times had she ever been fully naked since she began to transform. Not once in any of those times had she thought about being nude in front of or with someone else. In fact the whole idea was absolutely mortifying. But the prospect of refusing and being discovered was even more frightening. She might lose access to the transformation altogether. That idea was too unpleasant to even entertain. The fact that a very small part of her was a little excited by the idea of pretending to be and getting treated like Princess Peach made it just little easier to do as she was told. Beyond grateful that Daisy had stepped into the closet for some unknown reason Bowsette slid out of her dress as quickly as she could. With a soft rustle her black gown fell to the floor and she stepped out of it. Her plump, curvaceous body shivered in the sudden draft as she stood utterly naked in someone else's bedroom wearing only a pair of heels and her choker. Without any input from her brain her hands slowly moved to cover her large, inverted pink nipples and her completely hairless pussy as best they could. Covering the latter was easy enough but the former was much to large for her slender arms to properly hide. No matter where she placed her hand the outer portion of her areola were still visible behind her wrist. It probably wouldn't have mattered considering what Daisy seemed to be interested in but she couldn't help her shyness. Although as she caught a glimpse of her unreservedly voluptuous body, in particular her rather plump and round buttocks, in a nearby mirror she couldn't help but feel a glimmer amount of pride. Compared to other women in and around the Mushroom Kingdom she was undeniably more buxom and curvaceous. Particularly around the waist and thighs. Although her rather large bust was doing no small amount of work in that department too.

“Damn Peach!” Daisy exclaimed as she emerged from the closet, “You look amazing!”

Bowsette jumped a little and turned to look at her companion. Her cheeks darkened even further as she noticed Daisy's completely naked body, “T-thank you . . .”

“I was already looking forward to having fun with you but now . . . now I'm not sure I can control myself!”

“O-okay . . .”

Daisy walked towards her soon to be lover holding a coiled length of what looked like velvet rope. She was wearing nothing but a smile, her crown, and her frilly white gloves. In many ways she was like a more petite version of Bowsette. Both women possessed near incomparably tight bubble butts but hers was a little smaller, in much the same way her breasts were more perky but similarly diminutive. Her nipples were also on the smallish side. Above and around her pussy was a nice curly thicket of brown hair that hid her folds from sight better than any hand. Though Bowsette wasn't exactly trying to spot her companion's sex with the much more pressing curiosity of the rope in her hands had yet to be solved. Her mind was absolutely racing with the possibilities but she could almost tell that none of them were going to be nearly as complicated or interesting as the truth. Her guess proved hilariously accurate when Daisy strolled right past her, making sure to eye fuck Bowsette's body a little as she did, and walked over to the wall. Stopping at the winch that held aloft the chandelier she lowered the ornate metal and glass decoration to about eye level. Her nervous lover stepped aside and watched her fellow princess unfasten the light fixture. Once it was safely detached and set aside she started tying the rope to it in a complex series of knots. 

“All right!” Daisy said after a seemingly random amount of work, “Come here Peach!”

“Okay . . .”

Bowsette stepped forward and reluctantly pulled her hands from her body. Something told her she wouldn't be able to hide her modesty for much longer. Sure enough the moment she was close enough Daisy started tying the ropes around her lover in an equally intricate fashion. Within a minute the unexpectedly soft cords had formed a crisscrossing lattice across her body. Mainly focused around her stomach and chest it seemed more akin to a harness than any sort of sexual bondage but that was only the beginning it seemed. Her arms were secured behind her back in a way that walked the line between uncomfortable and strangely arousing. Then without any warning at all Daisy stepped behind Princess Koopa and pushed her forward. Because of the way she'd been tied up and her own surprise she pitched forward and dropped towards the ground. The ropes went taut before that could happen and all of a sudden she found herself suspended several feet of the ground. She let out a small gasp and looked back at her companion. As much as was possible anyways. The auburn haired minx behind her simply grinned and finished whatever complicated series of knots she was tying. Bowsette whimpered in equal parts embarrassment and pleasure as her legs were spread remarkably wide and her calves were tied to her thighs. Now on full display and completely aware of how wet her pussy was starting to get she instinctively squirmed against the ropes holding her in place. But there was no way she was getting out of them without a show of strength that would give her true nature away. Or at the very least invite some unwanted questions. So she did nothing and listened to Daisy walk back towards the winch. She heard the sound of metal gears and felt herself lurch higher into the air. Rising a foot or so until she was perched at waist level, for Daisy at least, Bowsette couldn't help but ask about what was in store for her now. Even if it meant revealing she wasn't Peach.

“What are you gonna do to me?” She questioned in a voice that wasn't supposed to be as breathy as it was.

“Now I'm gonna taste that sweet little pussy!”


Whatever she might have wanted to say completely faded from her mind as a sudden rush of pleasure washed over her. The feeling of Daisy's lips pressed against her pussy was like nothing else in the world. So beautifully soft yet firm in all the right ways that first kiss was enough to make Bowsette gasp and just about everything that'd follow afterwards would be met with the even more enthusiasm from her. In the blink of an eye she understood why Peach did such things and why Daisy had been so eager to do them with a woman she mistook for Peach. The way her body was suffused with carnal bliss in an instant was enough to make her regret never doing anything like this before. When her companion's tongue slowly pushed into her silky tunnel and started working her inner walls she couldn't believe other women actually got to feel this way. Maybe it was a consequence of her transformed nature or the result of how many times she'd changed without indulging her libido but it was downright unreal how good it felt to feel another woman's mouth pressed against her slit. She started to shake within seconds and started writhing against Daisy's ministrations quite soon after. Her eyes actually rolled back into her head and she soon lost the strength to keep her head raised up. All within the first minute of someone going down on her! If this was how amazing it felt to start off she couldn't fathom what it would be like after any decent length of time. The prospect was actually a little scary but there was no way in hell she'd do anything to discourage that possibility. Pretty much every reservation she'd possessed coming into the royal bedchambers were gone and replaced with an overwhelming need to keep going. Some mysterious pressure was building up inside her and Bowsette needed to feel it released before she returned to her normal life. It would drive her mad if she didn't.

Luckily for her Daisy was more than able to fulfill that desire. Her talent for licking pussy was abundantly clear and she was given endless chances to demonstrate it as Princess Koopa gasped, moaned, and shivered against her lips. Wet kisses and soft slurping emanated from between Bowsette's legs while the steady drip of fluids onto the already thoroughly stained carpet added a rhythmic cadence to their sloppy pleasures. Her tongue swirled around inside her restrained companions slit with absolute abandon as she licked every slightly sensitive spot within her. And anytime she happened to discover one that elicited a particularly enthusiastic response she'd assault for several uninterrupted seconds before moving on. Pussy juice coated Daisy's chin before long while the sweet taste of it had filled her mouth pretty much as soon as she started. But for all the pleasures to be had within the quivering confines of 'Peach's' cunt there was somewhere even more pleasurable that still hadn't been tended to. A spot that all but demanded attention even as her lover furiously worked Bowsette's virgin pussy. The first time she pulled back the already overwhelmed Koopa Princess feared things might, for some reason, be winding to close, But instead her ecstasy was elevated to even greater heights when those soft lips came to rest against the swollen and aching bud at the crest of her labia. A bolt of pleasure arced through her body and Bowsette squealed in a mix of surprise and bliss. While a small but incredibly arousing stream of juices trickled from her sex the rest of her went completely rigid for a few seconds. Her stomach tensed and her back arched as her mind attempted to parse what she was suddenly feeling. The level of intensity overtaking her was beyond what she expected. Especially after how her brief but completely wonderful introduction into sapphic love had set the stage. If this was the kind of thing she could expect while transformed she'd be spending a whole lot more time indulging her carnal side.

“Daisy!” She whimpered, “Daaaaaaaaaaaaisyyyyyyyyyyyy!”

Her exclamation earned her a chuckle and a kiss directly on her clit from the woman responsible for it in the first place. Daisy continued to expertly lick, suckle, and play with her companion's slit for what seemed like an eternity. Maybe it was the way she never seemed to falter or slow as mouth constantly sent waves of pleasure cascading over her. Maybe it was the way she seemed to perfectly react to the ebb and flow of that same ecstasy while it wracked Bowsette, her movements always in sync with her body's writhing. But maybe both of them were just complete whores and such things came naturally to them anyways. Princess Koopa was quite enthralled by that idea. When she could form thoughts more complicated than the desire for her mistress to continue or delight at the orgasm unquestionably building inside her. It was incredibly scary and even more thrilling to know such a thing was looming on the horizon. Before long it was all she could think about or focus on with Daisy's ministrations gradually taking a back seat to her own, selfish bliss. Since she'd never climaxed as a woman before Bowsette was growing more eager to experience such a thing with every passing second. The pleasure she was feeling already beat even the most enjoyable experiences of her old life. By a margin so wide it was actually a little frustrating such things had been an option all along. Her pussy absolutely ached for the release promised by her companion's tongue and the rest of her body waited eagerly for the flood to overtake her and wash away any notion that being a man was somehow better. Or that being control was anything close to necessary for that level of satisfaction. Surrendering all agency and letting her body be used and pleasured as Daisy saw fit was already proving to be one of the best choices she'd ever made. Second only to stealing the Super Crown in and trying it on in the first place.

With her ecstasy continuing to rise at a pace beyond what she knew how to handle Bowsette was soon reduced to a gibbering, pleasure wracked mess. Her tongue hung from her mouth and drool spilled out of her at nearly the same rate as fluid dripped from her pussy. Only unlike her pussy there wasn't anyone around to drink it up. Which simply left her free to add yet another puddle on the carpet as evidence to how good she was feeling. But no matter how blissfully aroused her body felt it wasn't until Daisy added one final layer to the fun that everything finally coalesced for her little fuck toy. Suddenly and without even the slightest hint her lips moved to an entirely different hole while two gloved fingers pushed inside Bowsette's pussy. She cried out as a warm, wet tongue suddenly pushed into her ass while two sensually writhing digits plunged knuckle deep into her cunt. More firm and unquestionably longer they were able to press against her sensitive spots with more force than ever before. All while the unique and unexpectedly amazing sensation of a tongue buried in her asshole joined the cornucopia of sensations. As soon as the initial shock of having her puckered ring violated passed Princess Koopa was absolutely delighted by the sudden turn of events. 

A wild grin spread across her face and she uttered a final, climactic cry as her much desired orgasm finally washed over her. Arriving like a tidal wave crashing down on a beach it filled her entire body and wiped her mind clear of any thoughts. She quivered uncontrollably as juices seeped from her pussy and the inner walls of both holes tightened around the appendages responsible for their bliss. Easily the most striking and appreciated difference between what she was used to and what she was currently being assaulted by was just how encompassing the latter was. Truly feeling as though every part of her body was enjoying the pleasure flooding through it she couldn't believe how much lesser her previous climaxes now seemed. And how easy it would be to get addicted to what she was currently enjoying. It only lasted for about thirty seconds but in that time her entire understanding of what it meant to have an orgasm was completely rewritten. Bowsette was now firmly and completely in favor of being a woman every single time she did anything even remotely sexual. Especially if there was a woman like Daisy holding the keys to her enjoyment.

“Now that you're all warmed up,” Dairy remarked as she pulled back and admired the quivering pair of holes in front of her, “It's time for the real fun . . .”

“There's more?” Bowsette asked. Having already felt more pleasure than she knew was possible it was utterly incomprehensible to her that such a thing could only be a warm up, “What are you going to do?”

“Don't play coy Peach, we both know it's time I gave you a little payback for testing that specially ordered toy on me without any warning! Now you can have a taste of your own medicine!”

Walking back to the closet and disappearing from view Daisy emerged a minute or so later wearing a bright red harness around her hips and buttocks. Pointing straight out from her waist and covering her sopping wet pussy was the largest cock Bowsette had ever seen. Well over a food in length and as big around as both of her fists pressed together it made for such a shocking sight she literally couldn't think of an appropriate way to respond. Any possible reaction would pale in comparison to the sheer size of that dark blue phallus and it's equally gigantic balls sitting beneath the shaft. The idea that such a behemoth could fit inside her or any other humanoid was absurd. Never mind the fact that someone as petite as Daisy was apparently already well acquainted with it/ As her grinning mistress approached Bowsette started to tremble in a mixture of arousal and excitement. There was absolutely nothing she could do to stop it from coming near her and something about that fact made her even more wet. She'd never surrendered control for anything or anyone and now that lifelong commitment was being broken more resoundingly than she ever dreamed.

“Don't worry,” Daisy remarked, “You're gonna love it!”

Bowsette could only whimper in response, Her mind wanted to rebuke that idea but her body was in no position to follow through. And she was all but certain her limbs wouldn't have listened even if she wasn't tied up. The constant trickle of fluids from her naked cunt were as damning as the moans she'd filled the bedroom with while Daisy was going down on her. Despite whatever she might think or say neither of them had any illusions about how badly she wanted this. If there was any genuine trepidation was the result of the utterly gigantic cock her companion was holding aloft. Easily as big as the one she had when not transformed the sight of such a thick member made Bowsette squirm as much as she was able. Her thighs trembled and her body was covered in goosebumps. To make matters even worse, or perhaps even better, when Daisy sauntered out of view as her strapon bounced merrily between her thighs there was absolutely nothing the strung up Koopa Princess could do to see what was happening behind her. It was completely beyond her view in a way that only heightened her other senses as she struggled to stay aware of it all. Able to feel the air shift as Daisy took up her position and all but sense the approaching dick she was nonetheless completely taken aback when it's thick, rubbery head finally brushed against her pussy. Letting out a gasp as a little burst of pleasure rushed through her Bowsette instinctively tried to move away from that impossibly girthy pole ready to take her virginity. All she really managed to to was send herself swinging forward a few centimeters and when gravity inevitably forced her back her plump, glistening folds were pressed even most snugly against the dildo. Once more she moaned and this time her mistress responded with a soft laugh. A gloved hand reached out to grab part of the harness keeping her aloft and the moment it did she knew there was no stopping what was about to happen. Her lips parted in a long, needy gasp as Daisy thrusted forward with a practiced ease, both women completely overtaken by the thrill of the moment.

Against all logic and reason that massive cock somehow managed to slid inside Bowsette's tight little pussy. It met no small amount of resistance as her inner walls were pushed beyond their limits to accommodate the titanic shaft entering her. And yet despite how utterly incomprehensible it felt to be penetrated in such a way Princess Koopa experienced nothing but pleasure. Undoubtedly the result of her earlier orgasm relaxing her body she could only marvel at the wonderful sensation of something so rigid and unyielding pushing inside her. If Daisy's tongue and fingers had felt undeniably feminine in the way they pleasured her that massive strapon dildo was undeniably masculine. In the blink of an eye Bowsette was on the receiving end of the kind pleasure she'd given many times before in her regular life. Both overwhelmed and amused by the juxtaposition she could only whimper and shake while her slit was completely filled with that turgid length. Once again being unable to see what was happening made things even better as she was left constantly wondering just how much more there could possibly be. Every time she thought her mistress was surely nearing the end another few inches pushed inside her and another wave of pleasure coursed through her naked body. It happened so many times and in such quick succession when she finally did feel those large rubber balls against her clit she almost didn't believe what was happening. There was no way it was finally done. Through some fascinating magic the dildo was actually infinite and the simple act of being penetrated would last until the end of time. Yet no matter how wildly her mind speculated as it was fueled by her body's contractions she couldn't ignore the simple truth of the matter. Not when Daisy's hands grabbed the ropes tied across Princess Koopa's waist, widened her stance, and drove her cock a little bit deeper inside Bowsette for a few seconds. She grinded against her for several seconds before coming to a stop and posing a question even an idiot knew the answer to.

“How does it feel slut?” She asked with a breathless grin, “You like having your pussy wrecked the same way you wrecked mine?”

“I do!” Bowsette cried, entirely unconcerned with playing the role of Peach and only interested in doing whatever it took to advance her own pleasure, “Oh fuck I do! Please don't stop! Please don't stop!”

“Oh I won't!” She promised, “I hope you didn't plan on walking for a few days!”

Punctuating her sentence with a thrust that pushed Bowsette forward only to make her swing back and slam against the dildo buried inside her Daisy let out a wicked laugh. For good measure she gave her fuck doll's ass a good hard swat. She left a near perfect hand print on her companion's left buttock and, after deciding the right looked so plain without one, gave her another good spank soon after. Princess Koopa moaned and shivered from the added stimulation, her body growing more and more accustomed to being used with every passing second. Unable to imagine how enjoyable such things could be she started to fantasize as best she could about what else could be done to make her scream. But her thoughts were quickly led astray and then completely interrupted entirely when her mistress started to pull back. The feeling of a massive dick sliding out of her pussy was almost as good as experiencing it sliding in and she was soon given both when Daisy stopped about halfway and slammed her shaft back inside with considerable force. A rush of ecstasy washed over her, partly from being so roughly penetrated and partly because of how hard those rubber balls smacked against her clit. 

Wholly taken aback by how completely she was pleasured in a single thrust Bowsette cried out for more faster than her mind could react. She'd made the plea twice before her brain even realized what her lips were calling for. Not that she would have done anything differently. It was simply amazing how much instincts and lust had taken over her in the heat of the moment. Her lover eagerly complied with the request by repeating the same motions that'd caused it, with a little extra speed thrown in for good measure. A torrent of juices seeped out of her pussy as her inner walls contracted like mad around the stiff cock buried inside them and once more she cried out with unabashed encouragement. Yet again her request was fulfilled only this time Daisy didn't wait for another exultation after finishing. Instead she adopted a nice rhythm that could easily transition into the more vigorous and unrelenting speed she intended to reach.

At an ever increasing ferocity Bowsette was fucked, her body constantly feeling like it was about to be split in half even while ecstasy continued to flood through it. Little by little her waning self control was eroded as she was turned into a moaning, fleshy toy by her mistress. No matter how she moved or what she did Daisy always seemed to know exactly what would make her lover squeal in delight. Sometimes she would slow her pace and focus on raw power, the force of her thrusts almost literally fucking all the sense from Princess Koopa's mind. Other times she devote all of her energy to thrusting as fast as she possibly could and the resulting barrage of pleasure absolutely wracked her companion. Bowsette had no ideas those were merely flights of fancy, little indulgences her lover was enjoying as she steadily built the underlying rhythm. Indeed that simple fact went completely over her head as time wore on and any functionality she might have possessed gradually slipped away. More and more she was turning into a mewling little sack of pleasure fit only for stuffing with various cocks, toys, and just about anything else that could fill her pussy. She was even beginning to wish her mistress had a real, flesh and blood dick. 

Something about getting a belly full of cum after being treated so roughly made her toes curl and her lips curl into a tremulous smile. But even lacking the ability to fulfill that unexpected lust did nothing to actually diminish how much she was enjoying herself. While her mind certainly had no idea how fast Daisy was truly fucking her it was impossible for Bowsette's body not to notice. A continuously rising wave of pleasure surged ever higher inside her while her voice rose at a commensurate rate. She could all but feel how much her mistress was enjoying the total control she had over the situation, although even the most basic senses were being fucked into nothingness as time wore on. Having no idea how long they remained there and being wholly unable to track time anyways her entire world had settled into the kind of endless bliss that could only be finished by one thing. And luckily for both women that very occurrence was looming it's beautiful head while Princess Koopa cried out in ecstasy.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Bowsette screamed. 

A little stream of fire burst from her opened mouth but it went completely unnoticed by Daisy as she busily ruined her companion's pussy. Ecstasy washed over both of them as orgasms wracked each woman. Neither was fully aware of how good the other felt as their own bliss superseded everything else in the world. For Bowsette it was an all encompassing, mind altering kind of experience. Never in her life had she encountered the sort of pleasure crashing over her body in that moment. It was like her entire body was little more than a quivering pile of lust. She barely even felt that massive, unyielding dildo that'd brought her to that point. Somehow what she was feeling transcended simple things like that. Her vision faded into blackness and her mind went completely blank while every muscle twitched uncontrollably. Yet as impressive as her spasmodic movements were in a visceral and lewd sort of way nothing was more enjoyable that the fountain of juices that sprayed out of her tightly stuffed cunt. It sprayed from her pussy in a pressure and quantity that probably would have surprised a less experienced woman. Luckily for her Daisy had enough experience for ten women and the deluge of sweet, sticky fluids was met with nothing but abject bliss. As her own climax washed over her getting almost literally doused in pussy juice as her fuck doll squirted all over her was just more fuel for her own ecstasy. She continued to slam her fake cock into the pussy responsible for soaking her tits, stomach, legs, and the the rug beneath them in enough liquid to fill a modestly sized bucket. The bedroom and the hallways beyond it echoed with the wet, sloppy sounds of two very messy women busily cumming all over themselves or one another. If they weren't already aware by that point anyone inside the castle could tell what was going on in the Princess' room and the servants were already dreading the cleanup such a thing would entail.

Fueling one another's lust for minutes on end both women experienced a seemingly endless tide of sheer ecstasy as they reveled in one another and the sheer vulgarity of their bliss. Absolutely dripping with fluids towards the end Bowsette and her mistress were soaked in pussy juice and sweat, their hair matted to their faces and their bodies trembling uncontrollably. Princess Koopa was noticeably more disheveled than her companion and nowhere near as lucid, her own orgasms rendering her practically deaf, dumb, and blind to the world. Thanks to her considerable experience the woman responsible for all of it was considerably more together but she still made for an incredibly sloppy contrast to her normally prim and proper appearance. And since Daisy had no real limitations keeping her from fucking Bowsette until her mind was just as broken as her body the auburn haired Princess continued thrusting. At first that uncompromising pace actually felt kind of good in the aftershocks of her first true orgasm. It continued to be a pleasurable if slightly overwhelming feeling for nearly a full minute. Yet the longer that massive dick remained inside her the less enjoyable it started to become. It never fully transitioned into outright pain but the discomfort felt by her inner walls began to overshadow any pleasure she could have. There was no telling how long she could endure it and the more that prospect loomed over her the less Bowsette was sure she even wanted to. Her mind was a completely mess and her body was more used and abused than ever. Even if it somehow broke her cover she had to put a stop to this before Daisy completely ruined her pussy. Lifting her head and calling out in a raspy voice she offered the most earnest and sincere plea she could give.

“S-stop . . .” She begged, “P-please . . . stop . . . I can't take anymore!”

“Awwww what's the matter?” Daisy cooed, “Poor little Bowser can't handle as much as Princess Peach?”

Bowsette's entire body tensed in fear and she winced at the ensuing discomfort. Slowly turning her head to look at her companion, as much as was possible, she said, “I-I don't know what you're talking about!”

“Is that right? Well I guess if you're not going to be honest I'll just have to ask someone else . . .”

“What are you . . . oh no . . .”

The door to the bedroom suddenly swung open and in stepped Princess Peach herself looking considerably more tan than usual. Stopping dead in her tracks with an utterly astonished look on his cute face she slowly pulled off her pink rimmed sunglasses to look at the scene before her. Daisy offered a completely unapologetic grin while Bowsette cheeks turned bright red and her eyes widened until they were perfect circles. All three women stared at one another for what felt like an eternity before the new arrival thought to step a bit closer. More than familiar with the sight of Daisy sporting a massive strapon and little else Peach was utterly fascinated by her lookalike tied up and hanging from the ceiling. Almost immediately she noticed the crown and as soon as that little detail entered the mix her horns, sharp teeth, and discarded black clothes suddenly made all the sense in the world. A wide grin spread across her face and her blue eyes sparkled in abject delight. When she looked to her fellow princess for confirmation Daisy nodded, her face similarly lit up in total delight. The tow of them moved in front of Bowsette to properly stared at her uncharacteristically meek countenance.

“You finally managed to catch her?” Peach exclaimed, “And you didn't wait for me?!” She added with a sudden not of irritation.

“I was warming her up for you.” Daisy casually replied, “Now that I've got her pussy nice and well trained we can really have fun with her . . .”

“What are you talking about?” Bowsette whimpered, “Y-you can't do anything else . . . I-I can't handle anything else!”

“Oh I'm sure that's not true sweetheart,” Peach laughed, “In fact I know it is. You're just not used to being a woman yet . . . but Daisy and I can show you the ropes . . .”

Sauntering away from their distraught yet unabashedly curious plaything Peach disappeared into the same closet Daisy had ventured in earlier. Only instead of coming back out with a large dildo and some velvet rope she emerged dragging a massive chest. With some difficulty and plenty of grunting she managed to get the trunk into position right in front of Bowsette. Daisy let out a breathless gasp as the latch was flipped and the lid swung open. Suddenly it was their companion's turn to gasp as she saw what was inside the box. Although she probably should have expected such a thing it was packed from bottom to top with sexy toys of varying size, shape, color, and intensity. She didn't even recognize many of them but the sight of such a collection made her body tingle and her stomach drop. Her mouth slowly opened as she stared down at the rather astonishing assortment. And despite her protests the sight of such a thing paired with the knowledge that many if not all were going to be used on her made Bowsette's ravished slit ache. Before she could do anything about it a long strand of pussy juice dripped from her cunt. Neither Peach nor Daisy missed the rather unsubtle reaction and their grins widened a bit as they looked from their fuck doll to one another.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” Peach moaned, “What should we start with first?”

“Why don't we let her decide?” Daisy asked with a glance at Bowsette, “It's only fair she gets to pick what we use on her . . .”

“That's a great idea! So what do you want shoved inside your ass or pussy first Bowser?”

“I-it's Bowsette . . .” She replied in a timid voice, “And . . . and . . . what are those egg things?”

Peach reached into the box and retried a line of Yoshi egg shaped balls connected to another another along a length of rope, “Oh these? They're just the first thing we're gonna shove in that cute, virgin asshole of yours . . .”

“Don't worry,” Daisy remarked, “You're gonna love it!”


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