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If's interesting how Dark Souls can be one of my favorite video game series yet I've written almost no porn of it. I think this might be the third story I've written about it. And the first I've written about Gwyndolin, who happens to be my favorite trap/femboy. Hopefully the enthusiasm I felt when writing this will be clear while reading it! Oh and anyone not interested in futa, futa on male, or femboys should give this a pass lol

Ghostly pale blood sprayed from the white phantom's back as a glowing purple sword burst out of the armor. As he dropped to his knees and armored heel rose up to press against his chest. His killer ripped her blade from the man's chest and kicked him away from her in a final show of force. He collapsed against the floor and faded into nothingness as his summoner raised their shield. The Blade of the Darkmoon raised her still shimmering weapon before her, a parrying dagger clenched tightly in her left hand. After a moment the two began to circle one another in the moonlight filling the cathedral. All of Anor Londo was still save for the sounds of their footsteps. Eager to be done with the sinner before her the blue phantom rushed forward soon after. She thrusted her sword towards her enemy. It scraped against his shield with a clang. When he lowered his bulwark to attack she readied herself for the riposte. In came a wide, furious swing of his mace. At the last second she raised up her dagger and twisted beneath the head of his morningstar. The upward curving hilt caught the weapon mid swing and redirected it away from the Blade. Left utterly defenseless as his weapon was thrown aside the sinner stared up at his foe. There was an explosion of agony and he looked down to see her sword buried in his chest. Then, like the phantom he'd called upon to protect himself, he sank to the floor. His gaze was filled with the sight of his smiling killer before another flash of pain that signaled the weapon being torn from his body. Falling backwards in a growing pool of blood he stared up at the ceiling of the cathedral, dimly aware of his foe kneeling beside his head. One last flicker of pain lanced through him before everything went black and his body faded into nothingness.

Selene returned to her world triumphant yet again, her pack nearly overflowing with ears cut from the heads of sinners. The urge to continue fighting in the name of Gwyndolin was quite strong. She even retrieved the Blue Eye Orb used for such invasions from a pouch on her belt to find another world. But as she looked down at the fist sized sphere she realized it might be better to offer some of trophies first before going hunting again. Although her bond to the Dark Sun's covenant was as deep as it could be she nonetheless enjoyed offering her master endless proof of her capabilities. She'd developed quite a rapport with him in the time since she discovered Anor Londo. As prideful as it was to think Selene was all but certain no other Blade of the Darkmoon held Gwyndolin's favor like she did. After a few more seconds of deliberation her mind was made up and she decided to make her way towards the Darkmoon Tomb. She carved her way through the sentinels attempting to block her passage and arrived with relative ease. Descending the steps towards the fog door was just a surreal an experience as ever. The already supernatural stillness seemed to grown even more silent. By the time she stood before the prayer cloth the entire world seemed to be utterly devoid of sound. She knelt down in supplication and waited for Gwyndolin's voice. For several seconds she remained on bent knee expecting to hear the soft, eloquent voice of her patron. It was impossible not to feel his presence behind the door and yet he didn't speak. Not even when she called out to him in open confusion. It was only when she lifted her head to look at the unnaturally thick fog billowing in the doorway to his abode that she realized the cause of his silence. 

For the first time and without any explanation at all the mist usually blocking her entrance into the tomb was gone. Selene peered into the long hallway beyond with more uncertainty than ever, “Master Gwyndolin?” She asked, “I don't understand . . .”

“Blade of the Darkmoon . . .” Came his reply, “Enter the Great Lord's Tomb and receive thy boon . . .”

Awestruck and a touch intimidated by the prospect of meeting Gwyndolin face to face Selene could only stare down the hall. She slowly rose to her feet and approached the door. Almost expecting it to be some sort of trick or test of faith she reached out towards the open space but found only air. When she took another step forward and pushed her arm through where the fog door had once been again she was met with no resistance. But more importantly she was met with no reprisal. In fact a certain sense of amusement seemed to come from deep within the tomb. It was clear her master found her hesitation comical and that sense only grew as she slowly took a breath. Selene stepped through the archway with her eyes half closed and her heart racing. Once again she paused and waited for some kind of divine judgment to fall upon her. But nothing happened save a soft, echoing laugh. Feeling a little more emboldened by that reaction she traipsed down the hallway towards a large room at the far end. A white clad figure could barely be seen at the far end and his presence was almost palpable.

Selene marched through the stillness with only the clink of her armor and the echo of her own breathing to overcome the stillness. As the figure she was approaching grew more distinct she began to see what could only be Gwyndolin in all his glory. Swathed in ivory silks that flowed like a shawl about his shoulders and a gown about his legs he wore a golden crown not unlike a radiant sun. It rested upon his brow and obscured his eyes while leaving the pale, feminine contours of his nose and a chin exposed. Lustrous white hair was visible behind his headdress with a veil that reached past his shoulders covering it. Glittering jewelry of the same color as the diadem atop his head was draped across his chest, all of it extending outwards like rays of light from the necklace fastened around his slender throat. It shared it's golden color with the bands around his unexpectedly shapely waist to form a striking contrast with not only his garments but also the beautiful alabaster skin of his arms and soft countenance. But as striking as his appearance was the most unexpected thing about the sight of her master were the multitude of snakes emerging from the tattered hems of his gown. Holding him aloft like legs they slithered along the ground akin to regular serpents, their striped gray and brown bodies in constant motion even as the God they held aloft remained almost perfectly still. As Selene approached the heads of each snake turned towards her as their forked tongues emerged. Expecting them to hiss or even attack she was relieved to find them completely docile and her patron preternaturally calm. Being entirely uncertain of the etiquette in such a scenario she dropped to her knees upon entering the tomb proper and coming within a few arm lengths of Gwyndolin. Her head bowed in supplication and she waited for his next instruction.

“Rise Blade of the Darkmoon . . . “He commanded in his ethereal voice, “Remove thine armor that I might glimpse your features as they are . . .”

“Yes master.”

Without any hesitation Selene did as she was told. As her helmet came away and her thick, black hair fell about her strong face she noticed the corners of Gwyndolin's mouth curl upwards for a second. Her already dark cheeks darkened a little more as a split second of embarrassment overtook her. It passed soon enough and she continued doffing her mail. Piece by piece it was stripped from her tall, muscular frame and set aside while her master watched. She could feel a growing intensity in his stare as her armor fell away and only a few strips of clothe remained to cover her body. Although she was quite proud of her toned and smoothly muscled form there was no pretending she wasn't a touch nervous to be standing before a God. Even if she was several inches taller than him, were he standing on two feet of course, and noticeably wider in her shoulders, hips, and general musculature the power Gwyndolin exuded was like nothing she could match. As the last of her attire fell away and she stood before him almost completely naked she was acutely aware of the one detail that would like surprise him. While it wasn't quite as dramatic as the snakes her master stood upon the modestly large bulge in the sack cloth undergarments wrapped around her groin was definitely out of the ordinary. Where any normal female would've possessed a smooth plane befitting an expected womanhood she instead had the same landscape as that of a rather well endowed male. Upon noticing her rather distinct difference Gwyndolin's head tilted to the side and his lips parted in a look of surprise. He stared for several seconds and her ineptly hidden member before looking back at her face. The smile he wore as he did so was incredibly reassuring.

“T'would seem thou art even more blessed than I thought . . .”

“Thank you Master Gwyndolin . . .” Selene replied. She felt enormously embarrassed to be standing before him in such a state but her feelings were only amplified by what her patron did next, “What is it you—”

Words completely failed to describe her astonishment as Gwyndolin turned her back to her and knelt down on the smooth stone floor. Bending forwards and smiling back at her over his shoulder he didn't say a word while the snakes forming his lower half pushed aside the gown covering his body. Selene stared in utter disbelief as her master's pale form was revealed to her in all it's supple beauty. Lacking any kind of undergarments beneath his clothes Gwyndolin was completely naked and her eyes couldn't help but feast on his unexpectedly plump ass as it was revealed. Being able to see his rather small and completely hairless member, as well as the sack that hung below it, ticked between his pale thighs was without question the most breathtaking thing she'd ever witnessed. Until he slowly reached back with one hand to grab hold of his pert buttock. Selene watched his lightly jiggling flesh shift beneath his fingers, her head spinning and her heart nearly beating out of her chest. Then, as though it were the simplest thing in the world, he moved his cheek to the side and she glimpsed the wonderfully soft looking pink ring once hidden from sight. She had all of a few seconds to stare at the tightly puckered little hole before a snake head appeared above it holding a golden bottle between it's jaws. Tilting itself and the flask to the side it dribbled sweet smelling oil across his ass until everything from the top of his hole down to the head of his cock was dripping with the pungent fluid. The snake retreated a moment later as Gwyndolin shivered slightly and his shaft gradually started to swell. With an open mouthed stare she watched the entire display, completely dumbstruck by what she was seeing. Some part of her was similarly struck by the way his near translucent skin faded into snake scales around his knees. But then his body slowly began to transform into something approaching a normal humanoid as the serpents melted into the legs and feet she'd expected him to posses. Of course no amount of alteration could chance the impossibly alluring sight of his ass spread open and offered to her. 

“Come take thine reward cherished Blade of the Darkmoon . . .”

Although everything about it felt strange and surreal the sight of his beautiful form bent over and waiting for her was all the motivation Selene needed. His words were like music to her ears and within a few seconds her cock was freed and pressing against Gwyndolin's tight ring. Both of them shivered at the prospect of what was about to happen. He looked back and offered a cute, almost amazed stare at the sheer size and girth of her member. Something like twice the length of his and easily twice as thick it was utterly massive in a way few could really handle. But he felt nothing except eagerness at the prospect of her putting that massive shaft to good use. In fact the moment it came to rest against his quivering asshole a warm shudder coursed through his body. While he was far too proud to beg or demean himself in any fashion there was no way he could help but let out a soft whimper. He wanted it just as badly as she did. Selene held her cock with one hand and held on to her lord's slim and wonderfully soft waist with the other. She couldn't believe what was happening even as the sensations filled her body and made her moan. The head of her shaft slipped inside him with considerable ease. It was the first time she ever penetrated anyone without several minutes of build up and teasing. That fact alone was enough to make her groan well before the impossible tightly of his ass registered in her mind. Once she properly felt how wet, warm, and snug his hole was she was gone. Everything else vanished from her reality and her entire world became the two of them. As Gwyndolin writhed beneath her she continued to drive her member deeper into his hole, the pace of her initial thrust growing with every inch that disappeared into his pale ass.

By the time her hips collided with his pert buttocks the force was enough to send a small yet somehow thunderous smack echoing through the tomb. Both of them released the breath they were holding as pleasure flooded them in earnest. Selene held on to her master's waist and simply reveled in the amazing feel of his inner walls as they clenched her entire cock. She could feel his vastly smaller cock and balls tensing against her sack as well but the sensation was almost impossible to truly focus on among everything else. It still added tremendously to her enjoyment and no doubt served as a small amount of fuel for her inevitable retreat. But as soon as Gwyndolin began to moan that was all her mind could properly focus on. His breathless whimpers filled her ears and sent shivers down her spine while the sight of him shaking as her cock gradually reemerged was heavenly. Just as before she started off at a slow, measured pace but by the end of her simple movement her speed had increased dramatically. So much so she didn't even stop to enjoy the many sensations assaulting the head of her member as it was the only part still buried within his wonderful ass. Instead she simply rammed the whole thing back inside him even harder than the first time. Another echoing slap filled the tomb and it was punctuated by identical, womanly moans from the two of them. Selene was able to hold herself back for one more cycle, her waning desire to somehow be respectful as she slammed her cock into her master's ass all but completely faded. Midway through another attempt something inside her snapped, the libido she'd been trying to keep in check took control and there was no turning back. Gwyndolin sensed the change that came over his disciple a moment before she started thrusting in earnest and his face lit up in the widest, most satisfied grin possible. He'd been waiting for her to really lose control since the moment they started and the excitement of finally seeing what she was capable of couldn't be overstated.

While a small voice in her head questioned the wisdom of what she was doing a much, much louder voice was demanding she fuck him like she'd never fucked before. Gwyndolin was a god after all and there was no reason to think she had to hold back in the slightest. His pleasured moans and perpetually quivering hole certainly gave her no reason to think he wasn't enjoying himself. Her movements grew more wild with every thrust as her body and mind slowly came to agree upon one thing: it'd been far too long since she enjoyed a release. If her master and his wonderfully tight, impossibly soft ass were going to provide she should enjoy it for as long as she could. Unfortunately it was beginning to look as though that wouldn't be anywhere as close as she wanted. Within a minute of furiously slamming away at his hole she could feel the early tremors of an orgasm. At first that realization only encouraged her to greater heights as her desire to make him feel good kicked in. Thrusting forward like it was her sole reason for living she drove her cock into his ass will all the strength and dexterity that'd made her such an infamous member of the Blades. Her partner let his enjoyment be known in every way he possibly could and while she barely registered the many subtle ways he reacted her body certainly didn't miss all the encouragement. Another sixty seconds passed in the blink of an eye and Gwyndolin's adorable moaning was really taking a toll on her endurance. When he started actively pushing back against her as she thrusted balls deep inside him it was clear she was working on borrowed time. His constant, smiling glances back at her were always met with the same open mouthed stare as all of her attention went to not finishing too quickly. It felt somehow wasteful not to enjoy this chance as long as possible. There was no telling if she'd ever get to experience it again. But as her balls slapped against his and her cock plunged in and out of his quivering ring there was no denying just how little she had left. Selene was using every last ounce of self control she had left and still it was accomplishing nothing. Her master's ass too tight, his body too soft, and his reactions too arousing. A final, pleasured cry burst from her lips a moment before she slammed her entire length inside him and braced herself for the strongest orgasm she'd enjoyed in a very long time.

Little did she know Gwyndolin had been teetering on the verge of his own climax since the moment her cock first slid inside him. It'd been well over a century since anyone had penetrated his needy little hole and getting it so roughly treated after all that time was just what he wanted. When the big moment arrived and Selene cried out in pleasure he let out his own blissful scream. His climax might not have been as powerful as hers but there was no denying the effect it had on his slender, pale body. Waves of pleasure coursed through both of them as they shook uncontrollably. Their minds went blank and the entire world faded into the ecstasy filling them. It radiating outward from where their bodies were joined and reached to the tips of their extremities before reverberating back towards the source in a constant ebb and flow. And all the while she emptied an enormous amount of cum deep into his bowels, each twitch releasing a long, creamy jet so amazingly deep it felt like she was pumping her seed straight into his stomach. Spunk launched from his cock as well as the feeling of her fluids swirling around inside her brought him nearly to the same level. He splattered both of their thighs in messy rivulets while the walls of his asshole tightened even more around her length and all but ensured she dumped every last drop she had to give within him. Back and forth they went with her unleashing copious amounts of jizz inside him as he unleashed a rather impressive amount all over them. Over the course of a minute the pungent smell of fresh cum and sweat had so completely filled their nostrils they could smell nothing else. It was utterly intoxicating and perhaps the perfect way to end an otherwise enjoyable bout of passionate sex. Or so they both thought.

Selene gradually pulled her cock out of Gwyndolin's hole as the sound of satisfied, breathless panting filled the tomb. He looked back at her with an open mouthed expression of sheer bliss. His eyes were hidden beneath his slightly off kilter crown but she could certainly guess at what they must have looked like. Identical smiles spread across their faces and slowly stepped back to offer a respectful bow. When he nodded she felt a lot more comfortable ogling the gaped and winking ring she'd just spent a considerable amount of time ravishing. There was something so intoxicating about seeing her master bent over with his ass on full display and knowing she was the reason it looked as sloppy as it did. The sight was almost enough to get her cock hard again but after a day spent fighting and traipsing all across Anor Londo she couldn't muster the energy to continue. Despite everything about the way Gwyndolin moved and looked telling her he was more than ready for another go. She was about to tuck her flaccid length into her leggings when her still feasting eyes caught sight of something that made her heart race. As it continued to quiver and pulse in the open air her master's ass slowly pushed out the considerable amount of cum Selene had pumped inside of it. For a split second she thought it was merely some of the oil he'd made use of earlier but as it dripped from his ass and ran down his tight little sack and entirely hairless cock she realized the truth of the matter. Unable to pull her gaze away she watched as her own spunk dribbled from his hole while he tantalizingly swayed his hips back and forth. As hypnotic as it was arousing she could swallowed several times in quick succession. Just when it seemed like there wasn't any left Gwyndolin subtly pushed and her jizz squirted from his ass with an unexpectedly vulgar squish. A small, creamy jet streaked out of him to splash across her boots and fill her nostrils with the familiar odor.

Gwyndolin smiled at her as she looked down for a moment while her cock gradually swelled back to it's regular, impressive size. But rather than shoving her length back inside his ass and fucking him until he couldn't think she did something just as wonderful but wholly unexpected. Kneeling behind him almost like she was offering fealty Selene took hold of Gwyndolin's waist, pulled him towards her, and buried her tongue inside his ass. Once more the tomb was filled with the sounds of moaning as she worked his cute little ring with her tongue. Both lapping up her own cum and stimulating every centimeter of his hole that she could reach her movements were as vigorous as they were skillful. No stranger to such perversity she knew how to pleasure someone and it showed almost immediately/ The wet, slurping sounds of her ravenous tongue work soon overtook the Dark Sun's moaning and within a minute he was trembling near uncontrollably. His plump, girlish ass pushed back against her mouth and his efforts were rewarded with a burst of enthusiasm that wracked him with ecstasy. Cum dripped out of his madly twitching cock in a near constant stream while every part of his body shook from the unexpected pleasure. It wasn't long before he reached back to run his fingers through her hair and subtly guide her towards the most sensitive spots within his body. She happily followed his lead and brought her tongue to bear against every place that would make her master squirm. Soon Gwyndolin was incapable of even gasping as the pleasure from her ministrations grew so great his voice utterly failed him. But the constant trembling of his inner walls and the tightening of his grip on her hair was encouragement enough for Selene.

She buried her face as deep as she possibly could between his cheeks and tongued his asshole like it was her sole mission in life. The constant, womanly moans spilling from Gwyndolin's lips formed a beautiful chorus to the medley of flavors assaulting her tongue at any given second. Somehow she hadn't truly registered just how delicious his hole was until her face was dripping with spit, oil, and her own cum. Were her mind capable of complex thoughts she'd almost certainly have chalked it up to the Godly nature of her lover. Or at the very least her own predilection for oral pleasures. In an effort to further enhance his bliss and truly display her worth as a servant and lover she tenderly wrapped her fingers around his unattended cock. Gwyndolin moaned at throbbed at her calloused touch, his member pulsing like mad at the sudden stimulation. Absolutely delighted by how tightly his body closed around her tongue and how furiously his length strained against her she wasted no time stroking him. It only took a few seconds for her to match the pace set by her avaricious tongue and thanks to his modest size she could move with remarkable speed along his length without any trouble whatsoever. His cum was soon smeared across her trembling digits in a way that letter her stroke him even faster while simultaneously filling her with the kind of lust that simply couldn't be tamed. She managed to continue in that fashion for another minute or so before the urges filling her body grew too strong and the ache in her cock was too mighty.

“Forgive me Master Gwyndolin!” She said as she pulled away.

Knowing full well what she was about to do and relishing in the prospect Gwyndolin smiled back at her. The moment both her hand and tongue were free of his body he surprised her one more time by suddenly rolling onto his back. As undignified as it was for a deity to lay beneath his servant in such a fashion he was simply too eager to care. With nobody else around his desires outpacing Selene's all that mattered was her putting that impressive cock to good use. Which she quickly did. How could she not with the sight of beautiful, feminine master laid out before her offering his wet ring? She managed to stare at the amazing sight for all of a few seconds before plunging her shaft up to the hilt inside his asshole. Much like before she saw no reason to hold back for even a second as her hips absolutely slammed her cock into him again and again in the first few moments of their reunion. His girlish moans of ecstasy and the sight of his manhood bouncing from the force of her movements drove Selene absolutely wild. Her hands flattened against the stone on either side of his head as she thrusted like he was a Carim whore. The wet slap of her large sack repeatedly colliding with his body filled the tomb so completely it was likely those outside their private chambers could hear it. As Gwyndolin continued to moan and cry out in rapturous bliss it was likely the whole of Anor Londo could hear what the two of them were doing. The cacophony only continued to grow as she fucked him with every ounce of her considerable strength. It was nearly impossible not to as she stared intently down at him. When his soft hands closed around her wrists and his mouth parted in a silent moan she knew there was no way she could stop until both of them were completely spent. As his back arched and his legs wrapped around her waist Gwyndolin felt nothing but sheer ecstasy wracking his body. Cum streaked from his cock and waves of pleasure coursed through him as his most skilled Blade once again proved why and how she'd earned that accolade.

Time lost all meaning as lust took over and their passions were stoked beyond reason. Now able to truly and completely fuck her master however she wanted, and with no fear of finishing too early, Selene absolutely hammered his cute hole. Knowing she'd already made him cum was perhaps the highest honor she'd ever achieved and now she wanted to repeat the process as many times as she could. There was something amazing about seeing cum erupting from his pale cock and knowing it was her massive, pulsing rod that'd brought him to such a state. Giving him that kind of pleasure was pretty much her sole motivation for moving as fast as she did and driving her prick into him as hard as she did. While he moaned more passionately than any of her lovers and held on to her for dear life she slammed into the most sensitive spots within his ass over and over again. It was remarkable just how feminine he could be even while she was staring down at his cock as it leaked precum, or sprayed regular spunk, all over his stomach and chest. Had she closed her eyes she almost could've convinced herself he was a woman, something Gwyndolin would have appreciated were he capable of appreciating anything aside from Selene's throbbing dick. Having never quite come down from his first orgasm the constant flood of semen trickling and then spurting from his own length wasn't the result of many, separate climaxes but rather one constant and seemingly unending release. Any time he started to come down from the ecstasy fueling his every move she would drive her cock inside him with a particular force. The tip would scrap against his inner walls and slam against a breathtakingly sensitive spot deep inside him and the whole thing would start all over again. Like a fire constantly being fed more wood his orgasm simply wasn't allowed to die no matter how wild it was driving him. 

He couldn't even think about what he must have looked like as she continued to fuck him senseless for what might as well have been days on end. Gwyndolin had no idea his lips had opened in a perpetual smile while his tongue lolled out of the corner of his mouth. No part of him was aware he was crying out so feverishly and with such volume the windows around them were rattling from the force of his exultation. Some part of him was slightly conscious of all the spunk pooling on his chest and running down his belly but the actual amount was completely unknown to him. But most of all he didn't have the slightest clue how much of an effect this was having on Selene herself. Already completely enamored with the beauty of the god beneath her witnessing him in such a human state of sheer carnal bliss was beginning to be more than she could take. Her sheer, single minded determination to please him now that she'd had her own fun was gradually crumbling. From the outside it didn't affect her movements at all, if anything it practically encouraged her to keep up the same pace just so she could continue to watch the spectacle of her god and master writhing beneath her while unloading an endless amount of semen across his body. But the effects it had on her mind were much more dramatic and far more insidious. The less she was able to focus all of her attention on a single goal the more her body started to realize just how amazing it felt to be inside him. How his inner walls quivered around her cock and seemed to suck her deeper inside him with every thrust. The way they held on to her when she pulled back and subsequently how his one tight rind distended outwards as it refused to relinquish her member. Once all those details took root inside her mind it was only a matter of time before her human limitations resurfaced. She'd been able to suppress them far longer than she expected but nothing could truly ward them off forever.

When the moment finally arrived Selene refused to stop moving despite how amazing it felt and how difficult it was. Gritting her teeth and continued to fuck Gwyndolin for what could very well have been the last time she unleashed another blast of warm spunk deep into his still flooded asshole. Since his voice could go no higher in pitch or volume his reaction to her second and final orgasm was almost completely nonexistent. At first. But after a few moments his cock started to twitch like never before as long, running strands of cum sprayed out of him. His ass started milking her length with almost deliberate yet wholly instinctual movements. And perhaps most noticeably his fingers tightened around her wrists with enough force to make her wince ever so slightly. He stared up at her with the kind of approving smile she never knew she wanted and despite her best efforts the combination of effects slowed her thrusts to a half. Thoroughly enraptured by what she'd been allowed to do and what she was still doing Selene pushed her cock as deep as it could go inside him and unleashed the last few loads of gooey jizz into his bowels. Both of them moaned at the unparalleled sensation, each basking in the afterglow of such a memorable encounter. Although she finished emptying her plentiful balls inside him within thirty seconds she kept her prick stuffed up to the hilt inside her master for as long as she could possibly bear it. Soon the pleasure of her his still trembling hole grew too much and she was forced to retreat or suffer the discomfort that would follow.

For the final time Selene pulled her cock from Gwyndolin's ass. This time it emerged with barely a sound as his well fucked and thoroughly ravished hole relinquished her dick with out trouble at all. The two of them panted and moaned in utter contentment for what felt like an eternity. She stared down at his cum splattered body and he looked up at her sweat coated form. There was a moment of mutual respect as each saw the other in a different light. Despite having spent the better part of an hour taking him like a woman and abusing his asshole in ways that few humans could handle Selene felt nothing but adoration and loyalty towards her master. In turn he was more confident than ever that she truly was the best of his Blades and worthy of the honor he'd bestowed upon her. Never in his life had he received that kind of pleasure from a human. It would've been unbelievable if the evidence of their coupling wasn't smeared across his body, pooling on the stone beneath them, or steadily dripping from his gaped asshole. Slowly sitting up and smiling at his favorite disciple Gwyndolin glanced down at her cock for a split second. Though he fully expected her to be finished she'd already surprised him once and there was no reason to think she couldn't do so again. But to his dismay her member was gradually softening even as he stared at it and the weary look on her face said more than even her flaccid shaft.

“Well served Blade of the Darkmoon,” He said in a voice thick with emotion, “Thine prowess is indeed unmatched . . .”

“Thank you Master Gwyndolin.” Selene replied in a slightly dazed tone. She pulled back from him and slowly tucked her member into her underclothes, “You honor me beyond words.”

His smile widened as he rose to his feet. His silky vestments fell back into place over his pale body and were it not for the blush in his cheeks and the tousled state of his hair one might never know anything had taken place. Of course the steady drip of cum from his ravished hole and the pervading smell of sex lingering over both of them like a cloud was evidence enough. Selene fell into a kneeling position before her lord, expecting another proclamation from him. Undoubtedly something more fitting of his their usual interactions. But instead of words he offered a moment of surprising affection. Reaching out with both hands to cup her face he slowly lifted her head until she was looking at him. His thumbs caressed her cheeks while a radiant expression lit up his countenance. She looked up at her master with wide eyes, tears forming in the edges of her vision as she smiled. Words were completely unnecessary but she felt compelled to speak them anyways.

“Thank you Master Gwyndolin . . .” She repeated. Her voice was low and filled with unspoken adoration for him. She spoke not like a servant talking to a lord but as a woman talking to a man, “Thank you . . .”

“Return whenever thou'rt able,” He said, “Thine presence is always welcome in the tomb of the Great Lord . . .”

Filled with a kind of happiness she never thought possible Selene nodded and slowly rose to her feet, “I will Master Gwyndolin.”

Letting his hands fall away from her face as his legs twisted back into snakes Gwyndolin nodded approvingly, “Then return to thine duties Blade of the Darkmoon. I await more tales of thine victory over the heretics.”


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