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Hoo boy! I hope you guys are looking for a long start to this month's Halloween theme lol. I didn't bother checking how many words this was by the end but let's just say it's well above average for sure. Although given how many long stories I've been writing lately that average may be changing!

“Hey I think this is the turn right here.”

“Nah it's the next street over.”

“Really, I though Walker Avenue was the one we're supposed to take?”

“If you wanna go the long way around maybe!”

With an amused shrug Sarah looked from Stacy to Aurora and Gwen sitting in the back seat. Both of them were grinning too. Small detours were a small price to pay for the comfort of driving around in Stacy's SUV. Having so much extra leg space and a trunk big enough to store anything they might wanna bring definitely made up for such a minor inconvenience. Not they really needed either one for going to a Halloween party. Or more accurately for going halfway to one and deciding to buck tradition and seek out something a bit scarier than drunk college kids and vomit. At Gwen's insistence they were driving to the outskirts of the city towards one of the only places within Cherry Springs near universally believed to be haunted: Armitage Manor. None of them had ever actually seen the old turn of the century landmark and since they all fancied themselves above believing in ghosts or hauntings it only made sense to see it for themselves.

In a stroke of luck that almost bordered on the preposterous the theme they'd decided on before changing plans was perfectly suited to such an undertaking. Being Aurora's year to choose she'd gone with something deliberately innocent and wholesome to try and counteract Stacy's habit of making sexy everything that was picked. After all, who could make the characters of Scooby Doo sexy? There were four human characters after all and their little group had four people in it. Not to mention the challenge of making female versions of male characters had long been something both she and Sarah enjoyed. But as usual she'd completely underestimated her friend's willingness to go out of her way to dress provocatively for no other purpose than personal amusement. 

Given her flaming orange hair and alabaster skin Gwen had been a natural fit for Daphne. She only had to buy the thigh length, long sleeved purple dress. The green scarf, light purple headband, matching shoes, and pink stockings were already in her closet. Her build might have been a little more athletic than the character she was emulating but that didn't matter much. Especially not when her naturally muscular curves were so well accentuated by the form fitting attire. Her modest yet still prominent bust and pleasantly curvaceous hips definitely fit the bill. She'd even grown her hair out a little more to fit the look. But she hadn't done anything about the smattering of freckles across her face. Those would remain no matter who she dressed as.

Being that it was her idea Aurora had picked Velma before she even told the rest of her friends. It was both her favorite character on the show and an outfit that was far out of her regular wheelhouse. The baggy orange sweater and darker orange pleated skirt were easy enough to find. Matching stockings and shoes had been a bit tougher but she'd found something fitting in time. After that she only had to borrow a pair of Sarah's old glasses, knock out the lenses, and do her chestnut hair up to finish the look. Much of her impressive bust and equally buxom waistline was hidden by the costume and what could be seen certainly drew in the eye. While her smooth brown skin didn't match at all the rest of the outfit more than made up for that kind of unavoidable issue.

With her options being either Shaggy or Fred Sarah had opted for the latter purely for the ease of his costume. Thankfully she wasn't one to half ass something fun. The green t shirt she'd opted for was much tighter around her body, particularly her ample breasts, and the v-neck she had picked was definitely more revealing. Her mother had a pair of brown, bell bottom jeans that fit almost perfectly even if they did hug her wide hips just low enough to show off a little glimpse her panties. A pair of utterly nondescript shoes finished off her look. It was near impossible to get her auburn hair right but she'd certainly made an effort. Her black rimmed glasses always remained regardless of her outfit though she'd momentarily toyed with the idea of putting in contacts. Sadly like adding some scruff around her chin she couldn't quite get comfortable with it.

Little inconsistencies like that probably would have been more of an issue if Stacy had decided to play along as well. Because rather than go with a gender swapped Fred she'd naturally elected to go as Scooby Doo himself. Which in her mind meant putting on what amounted to a bikini matching her light brown skin and painting a few spots across her otherwise naked body plus one on her nose. She'd picked up a surprisingly authentic collar somewhere as if to tease her friends with how much effort she could have gone to. Some fake paws to cover her feet and hands, thankfully removed while she was driving in favor of regular shoes, plus a sleek tail positioned just above her butt also matching her skin color completed her bizarre look. Her naturally petite form and sleek black hair stood as yet another contrast to her 'costume'. Particularly the shaved left side of her head and the pink streaks dyed into her locks.

“You're positive Mayumi couldn't come?” Sarah asked, looking back at Aurora.

“Mmhmmm. She's the one who covered my shift at the massage parlor.”

“Who the hell gets a massage at nine o'clock at night on Halloween?” Stacy grumbled.

“Who says that's all they're getting?” Gwen playfully remarked.

Everyone except Aurora laughed, though she did crack a small grin despite herself. Mayumi might have thrown off their theme a little but it would have been nice to have another person along for the fun. Particularly if it meant getting her out of the parlor for a while. Their reputation was starting to take a turn neither she nor her mother expected. Although aside from that admittedly iffy problem their shy asian friend would have certainly been a fun one to have at a haunted house.

“See! We're here!” Stacy exclaimed several minutes later.

“You were right.” Sarah jokingly admitted.

“Are you sure you won't be cold?” Aurora asked, “I brought a jacket in case—”

“I'm good, let's go find some ghosts!”

“You should probably bring that jacket,” Gwen remarked as their poorly dressed friend leapt out of the car, “Save one of us the trip.”

“Good idea.”

The rest of them stepped out of the SUV and looked up at their eerie destination. A chorus of slamming doors shattered the otherwise unbroken silence pervading the area.  Built at the top of a winding hill overlooking the city Armitage Manor was as isolated as a place could be without being outside city limits. The'd parked outside the crumbling remains of a wall that once held the gate guarding the rest of the property. Through the many leafless trees scattered alongside the path they could just make out the building in question silhouetted against the soft lights from the city below. Rather than make any of the Gothic architecture more visible the sparse illumination only shrouded much of it in a deeper, more pervading gloom. Only the edges of the manor were visible with any kind of clarity and the many scowling gargoyles perched along the roof certainly didn't inspire confidence. Nor did the cracked and broken window shutters hanging from the sides that twisted what should have been a familiar shape into something bulgy and amorphous looking.

“Damn . . .” Stacy remarked, “I'm glad we've got some flashlights!”

“Yeah,” Sarah agreed, suddenly filled with trepidation, “Too bad there aren't enough for all of us.”

Practically feeling her friend tense up Aurora quietly moved closer and said, “Can you hold mine? It's kind of awkward to carry it and my jacket too.”

Smiling gratefully Sarah took it with a nod. Gwen flicked hers on and said, “Well let's get going then!”

Before setting off most of them let their hair down and abandoned whatever props they'd brought with them. Once they were suitably light on their feet all four headed off towards the ominous manor. Gwen led the way with Stacy close behind her while Sarah and Aurora trailed a few steps further back. None of them openly acknowledged the encroaching sense of fear slowly working up their spine as they traipsed up the path. It would've be clear in the subtle ways they tensed and huddled closer to one another if any of them had been looking anywhere but at the house. Or occasionally at the intimidating swathes of darkness surrounding them. The two flashlights in their possession constantly bounced back and forth from the overgrown path beneath their feet, to the bent trees flanking them, and the manor gradually looming higher above them. What little light those yellow cones provided did almost nothing to assuage the impending sense of dread. If anything those brief flashes of clarity amidst the shadows only hastened their discomfort. It might have only cost them a few minutes to walk from the car to the front porch but that time had felt far, far longer. All four of them paused at the foot of that first, worn out step to look at each other for the first time.

“Y-you guys ready?” Stacy asked.

“Yeah,” Gwen said after a nervous swallow.

“Sure.” Sarah and Aurora murmured.

“All right then . . .”

She stepped up to the moldy old front doors and grasped the handle. Suppressing a shiver as best she could Stacy threw them open before she could second guess herself. The ensuing creak reverberated through the house and across the grounds like some eerie beacon. Gwen quickly joined her friend at the entrance with Aurora and Sarah following behind. They peered into the inky blackness for nearly a minute until Stacy finally brought her flashlight to bear. The others did the same and suddenly the picture was a little more clear. Everything they could see still bore some trappings of the lavish and even decadent style that had furnished Armitage Manor in it's heyday. A wide set of stairs lay directly opposite them leading up to the higher floors while four separate doorways flanked the stairway or were situated in the walls perpendicular to the entrance. The rugs, tapestries, and other accouterments positioned all around the entrance hall were caked in a thick layer of dust. Cobwebs hung from almost every surface possible. Simply looking over the lifeless expanse filled all of them with a dark, pervading sense of loneliness despite their close proximity.

“Where do you guys wanna go first?” Gwen asked.

Their flashlights darted from one option to the next as everyone surveyed the manor. Somehow actually being inside the building had managed to alleviate a bit of the tension they were all facing. Now curiosity tinged with a healthy amount of trepidation was the universal mood. Yet nobody could quite find the wherewithal to speak even as they each decided on where they wanted to go. Aurora and Gwen found their attention being inexorably pulled to the upper levels of the house and whatever might lurk just out of sight above them. Sarah and Stacy were unconsciously enticed by the prospect of what might be on the ground floor or hidden inside the basement supposedly tucked away in the kitchen. The four of them started moving in their chosen directions without saying a word to one another. They all stopped after a few steps, realizing what they were doing and turning to one another.

“Where are you two going?” Aurora asked.

“I was gonna check out this floor . . .” Sarah replied.

“I thought maybe there was something in the basement.” Stacy added.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Gwen murmured. “I wanted to see what the second and third floors looked like.”

“Me too,” Aurora clarified, “I thought there might be a library . . .”

Each one looked in their chosen direction with more longing than they realized, “Right . . .” Stacy said after clearing her throat, “S-should we split up then?”

As outwardly unappealing as that idea seemed in the moment none of them could begin to ignore the desires they were feeling. It was that same sense of heedless spontaneity that had sent them to Armitage Manor in the first place. Only far more potent now that they were finally staring down the metaphorical barrel. Nothing in the world was stopping them from turning around and leaving. Perhaps even going to the party they'd blown off to come there. But that thought was barely a flicker in their minds. There was no denying the mysterious aura pervading the place. Or the rather childish notion that exploring it for themselves would assuage the fears still very much present in them. Guided by an unseen presence the four of them slowly approached the separate entrances to their respective paths. They each paused for a few seconds to try and think rationally about what they were doing. In the end rationality lost and they moved towards their chosen routes.

Sarah was the first to reach her nebulous goal: the lavish study being only two rooms from the entryway. It was shrouded in the same layer of dust and cobwebs as everywhere else yet it still showed a certain grandeur all the same. Mostly owing to the large wooden desk, high backed chair, and stone carved fireplace that stood as the focal points of the room. She slowed her pace to look around, curiously lifting some of them rotting old papers still strewn across the workspace. Gwen was the second of the group to find her objective: a beautifully furnished bedroom sitting in the first doorway she tried at the top of the stairs. Though musty and hidden by shadows even in the gloom it was clear the large four poster bed sitting at the center and the dressers, wardrobes, and cracked mirrors lining the walls were of an incredibly high quality. She moved to the foot of the dirty mattress to peer across the the sheets at the head.

Aurora was the third to discover what she wanted: an impressively well stocked and spacious library at the end of the hall opposite where her orange haired friend had gone. Every wall from floor to ceiling was lined with books save the handful of alcoves where strangely ornate suits of armor rested. As interested as she was in the books she couldn't help but feel a strange interest in those emotionless metal figures. Stacy was the last to uncover her desires: the partially sealed off and deliberately hidden basement beneath the rest of the house. A flight of wooden steps led down to a dirt floor with plain stone walls and numerous chains lining the walls. Her eyes lit up upon seeing the manacles and the many instruments she only vaguely recognized strewn across the tables opposite the shackles. In direct contrast to the rest of the house none of the supposedly old metal fixtures showed even the slightest signs of rust or disuse.

“Hoooly shit!” Stacy exclaimed, “Is this seriously a dungeon?!”

“Why are these in here?” Aurora asked herself.

“Is there something on the bed?” Gwen questioned.

“I wonder what's in these drawers?” Sarah mumbled.

As each girl leaned in closer to examine their respective curiosities an imperceptible shiver spread through Armitage Manor. Creaking wood rippled through the house like knuckles being cracked and none of them noticed. They were far too engrossed by the sudden, startling changes in their individual rooms. For Gwen it was the sudden depression formed in the otherwise untouched bed, as though a slender bodied person had just sat down along the edge. Another appeared on the opposite side a moment later and she froze. For Stacy it was the sudden, unwarranted rattling of the chains closest to her. A pair of manacles sprang to life and clattered loudly against the wall they were fastened to. For Sarah it was the chair behind her suddenly sliding forward to scoop her up in it's leather confines. She was shunted forward in the blink of an eye, her legs vanishing beneath the desk. And for Aurora it was the piercing squeal of metal joints as a suit of armor opposite her stepped off it's plinth. The empty eye slits cut into the helmet slowly turned towards her, the head twisting much farther than any human neck could move.

Rightfully attempting to recoil from what she saw Stacy didn't react in time. Almost too fast for her to follow the chains leapt towards her and the manacles closed around her wrists. She managed a startled gasp and a moment of resistance before being pulled down to her knees by a strength beyond her ken. It turned her onto her back that she might watch the multitude of tools she'd been admiring rise from the table as if held by invisible hands. The other chains moved towards her suddenly prone body, two restraining her ankles while several more slithered across her skin. Her body shivered reflexively at the cold sensation even as her mind both recoiled and marveled at the bizarrely tender way her tan flesh was touched by the links. In what could only be labeled a caress they moved over every inch of her body, gliding across her thighs, over her stomach and all the way up to her face. She tried to lean away from them but her position only afforded her so much movement. Such resistance was meaningless either way as one of the chains slowly coiled around her neck and the rest moved back down to find suitable places for themselves.

As probably could have been expected their intended places were the thin strips of cloth protecting what little modesty she had left. Her bikini top and bottoms were wrenched down hard enough to tear the fabric just a little. But more importantly her small, perky tits and equally petite slit were revealed in full to the entity about to violate her. Despite the predicament Stacy couldn't help but smile a little at what was about to happen. Her legs opened of their own accord and she shuddered more than ever upon feeling that same cold metal touching the far more hot lips of her pussy. She grinded against it as best she could to try and coax it inside her. The being had a mind of it's own however and that first link moved past her pussy and towards another hole entirely. A small gasp emerged from her lips as soon as she felt that iron touch her ass. It pushed forward almost immediately, heedless of how tight her hole was, and started to slide inside straight away. She squealed and shifted as her ass was suddenly forced wide open. It was by no means something she couldn't handle but the sensation was shocking nonetheless. Probably even more so once she felt that first loop slip inside and the second follow suit without delay.

Stacy screamed louder and more violently with every link that disappeared into her ass, their uniquely shaped and segmented nature proving far more pleasurable than she could have anticipated. Her once taut stomach slowly distended and grew as each iron ring was forced into her hole. It didn't take long for her body to start rebelling against the sheer amount shoved inside it. Both her ass and pussy quivered like mad, the former trying in vain to push out some of what was within it while the latter tightened tremendously to try and avoid the same fate. Despite the intense pleasure filling every nook and cranny of her body. And to make matters worse, or possibly better, every so often the chain around her neck would tighten and constrict her throat. Never enough to outright throttle her but certainly enough to make sure she was left even more breathless and lightheaded. Whenever that happened it was paired with a frantic, almost spasmodic wriggling of the coils inside her ass that sent a burst of ecstasy radiating outwards. Stacy couldn't even begin to comprehend the pliers and other intimidating tools drifting closer. Not even when they finally found their marks in her nipples and incredibly swollen clit.

Without thinking Aurora turned her back to the armor she'd been investigating to face the one suddenly approaching despite all logic and reason. This left her supple young form completely open to the impossibly strong gauntlets of the second suit. Fingers closed around her shoulders with the kind of force that all but confirmed there would be no escaping. In the next moment she was lifted bodily off the ground. Aurora tried to kick and wriggle her way free but by the time she had managed to get a decent momentum the second suit of armor was upon her. A third was even approaching from across the room. It darted with an unexpected amount of dexterity between her flailing legs like a lover intending to take her might have done. Before she had a chance to think about it her ankles were suddenly wrapped around it's waist. She tried to pull them free but found her efforts stymied when two more 'hands' found a hold on her body, this time around her waist and beneath the baggy confines of her sweater.

The hands holding her in place moved down her arms, taking hold of them to lift her wrists well above her head. They were pinned together by one large gauntlet and the other quickly joined the two beneath her sweater. It moved beneath the soft fabric to wriggle beneath the backside of her skirt and find her plump buttocks. Cold, unfeeling digits slipped between her ass cheeks at the same time those initial hands found her large, heaving breasts. Aurora felt her bra shift and strain while ten eager fingers moved beneath it to feel her tits properly. She whimpered ever so slightly at the sensation, especially when they grazed her pert nipples. That turned into a full moan when she felt the middle finger of the other hand brush against her asshole. Pushing against her tight backdoor with a firm insistence the errant digit slid inside after a few seconds of effort. Her moan reached a particular sharp peak when her eyes looked away from the armor before her to see a third set finally within groping distance. An arm slid between her shaking thighs, the hand at the end plunging into her panties to find her well aroused pussy. 

Two fingers wasted no time burying themselves in her cunt all the way to the knuckle. The sudden spike of pleasure coupled with the almost painfully cold nature of the gauntlet made for a lovely cocktail inside her overheated body. Aurora sharply inhaled at the initial penetration and started enthusiastically moaning the moment they began to wriggle. Before long the lone finger within her ass started to move as well, massaging her asshole in time with the others stuffed in her cunt. They rubbed and pressed against one another through the thin wall separating her two holes, the pair in her cunt actually moving against her g-spot from the front while the lone finger in her ass massaged it through the backdoor. Each hand took turns assaulting her sensitive areas in a back and forth motion that seemed nothing short of rehearsed. In direct contrast the gauntlets feeling up her tits had an almost virgin like sense of wonder to the way they explored her ample chest. Groping and squeezing places that were normally left alone it felt both pleasurable and a little endearing to have her breasts tended in such a way. More often than not that exploration brought some part of the chilly metal hands against her nipples which always gave her a pleasant spike of satisfaction. In addition to the much more visceral sensations bounding out from her other holes. 

Trying her best to fight back Sarah immediately extended her legs, her feet flattening against the backside of the desk. But she was just short enough and the desk just large enough for much of her body to slide under it regardless. She attempted to pull her hands away from the arm rests of her chair only to find them strangely restricted. Looking down in horror she saw the musty old leather peeling away from the frame to wrap around her bare forearms like handcuffs. All the way up to her elbows was fastened by those animated strips with only her hands left free. Something far hardy yet oddly flexible gripped her calves and forced her legs as far apart as they could go. At the same time the button of her jeans popped out of it's slit and the zipper slid down. No matter how she moved or what she tried her brown bell bottoms were effortlessly pulled past her hips and all the way to her knees in one fell swoop. As distracted as she was by her encroaching nudity she completely missed the oval paperweight sliding across the desk. At least until it fell over the side and hit between her legs with a thud.

She jumped at the sudden impact and tried to look down. Unable to make out anything but the edges of her panty covered thighs and the desk itself she was left to guess what might be going on. A moment later she was given an answer. The polished metal edge of the paperweight moved against her slightly damp pussy, rubbing along its full length and eliciting an excited little whimper from the captive woman. It continued sliding up and down her pussy until she'd soaked through her underwear and was almost to the point of begging for a cock. Her hips had already scooted forward to try and pleasure herself against the possessed object, unwitting providing better access to the pot her captor was really after. Feeling her panties sliding aside at the whim of her unseen tormentor Sarah shivered and bit her lower lip. Rather than a continued attention on her lit she felt a sudden interest in her ass manifested by an old fountain pen rising from the desk and drifting downwards to push against her asshole. She reflexively tensed but it slid into her well trained butt all the same. A fresh ripple of pleasure danced across her spine and she momentarily closed her eyes. When they opened again a dozen different things were levitating in the air around her. Some were already on the path to join the pen buried inside her ass. The first of them, another larger pen, wriggled its way in with almost no effort and the second, a thick drawing pencil, found equally easy purchase. It wasn't until the fifth that her experience started to fail her.

Each new item brought to bear drifted teasingly past her wide open eyes before hovering out of sight below the desk. While she certainly knew where they were going being unable to see the things sliding into her ass made it feel all at once better and dirtier. Every bottle of ink, metal tube, and pocket watch pushed into her hole made her legs shake just a little harder. And that was before she properly registered the ever increasing sensation of her asshole being stretched wider and wider with every passing second. Whichever spirits had taken a shine to her seemed keen on not only stuffing the contents of the entire study in her ass but also making sure every single item could fit at once. No matter how wide it pushed her inner walls or how much her body squirmed in halfhearted protest. A constant stream of fluids seeping out of her now neglected slit simply made it easier for each knickknack to find a way into her asshole. The earliest ones to enter her slid deeper to make room for the latecomers, filling more and more of her eager hole with nice, firm things to cling to.

Gwen stared at the depressions in the mattress with confusion and curiosity. It was only when the right one suddenly disappeared and the left shifted towards her that a proper response kicked in. Upon spotting the footprints appearing in the dust to the side of the bed, each one moving closer to her, she realized it was time to make a hasty retreat. Her body hadn't so much as twitched when something grabbed her biceps from behind. She gasped and looked down to see two fresh indentations directly behind her. Another glance at the bed revealed a pair of much deeper impressions on the sheets mirrored by a lesser pair a short distance back. Almost as if someone was kneeling at the lip of the bed and looking at her. A colf gust of air assailed her face like an exhaled breath and the bed creaked ever so slightly. One of the vice like hands left her arm but she held no illusions about being able to escape regardless.

Suddenly the hem of her skirt was lifted up above her toned butt and something equal parts hard and fleshy pressed against her panty glad cheeks. It felt uncannily like a cock and Gwen couldn't stop herself from gasping at that realization. Something darted beneath her underwear to wrench it aside and reveal her hidden fruits. That same ghostly dick she'd felt before slid across her now goosebump riddled skin to move between her quivering cheeks. She thought for a moment it was going to stop there and move against her tightly puckered back door but it dipped just a few inches lower to find the shamefully wet edges of her slit. The tip rubbed up and down her moist lips just enough to make her moan, whatever entity it belonged to no doubt enjoying her writhing. It paused to let her suck in a ragged breath and then pushed inside her sex as smoothly and calmly as if it'd always belonged. Gwen felt her inner walls stretch to accommodate the unexpectedly large prick. She silently wondered just what would happen if or when it managed to 'cum' just as a hand moved across the small of her back and between her shoulder blades.

With the same strength that had locked in her place she was bent over the bed to watch the divots once more shift. At the same time the phantom that had entered her pussy started thrusting. Not with any sort of measured rhythm or rising power but with a ferocity that bordered on manic. It slammed into her cunt like a freshly released convict at a brothel. Gwen probably would have thrown her head back at the sudden burst of pleasure but two more hands stopped her dead in her tracks. She lifted her face as much as she could, her mouth opening to pointlessly ask what was going on. Those words were stopped dead in her throat when another invisible dick pushed its way past her lips and into the back of her throat. Feeling just as big as the first and no less powerful it slid balls deep inside her face in one smooth movement. She gagged a little around the large member and marveled at how odd it was to not see stomach and pubic hair like she normally did when deepthroating a man. Or taste his dick and precum on her tongue at the same time. Of course it really wasn't any different besides that. Particularly not when that second spirit started fucking her face at the same speed and energy as the first.

It didn't take more than a few minutes of pleasure for all four of them to not only accept their situation but begin to revel in it. No stranger to things being stuffed up her ass Sarah was quite delighted to have someone else doing it for her. Particularly someone who took such a perverse pleasure in trying to fit every possible thing within sight in her butt. While usually a fan of softer and more kind sex Aurora could certainly see the merits of being groped and handled like a doll after all the time she spent with her friends. Yet there was an overriding tenderness and affection shown by the statures that subtly reminded her of those innate preferences and even satisfied them a little. Gwen was never one to shy away from a challenge and sucking off a ghost certainly qualified as such. Being spitroasted was always a fun way to get off for her and the fact that she couldn't see either of her partners kind of made it sexier, like the time she and Sarah had been blindfolded at an orgy. And for Stacy there was nothing better in the world than being used and take advantage of by something bigger and stronger than herself. Not since she'd snuck into a horse stable had she felt so utterly powerless or completely satisfied by such a sensation.

Best of all each of their ghostly companions were picking up on their individual pleasures and adjusting their actions accordingly. The multitude of objects stored inside Sarah's ass started shifting not unlike a vibrator, swirling around inside her hole and pushing against her walls hard enough to elicit startled moans. Gwen was being bounced back and forth between both cocks until they'd suddenly stop and shove each member up to the hilt inside her at the same time. All three suits of armor cradled Aurora between them as they fondled her breasts and fingered her holes, their combined pressure both comforting and a little stifling in a good way. The pliers and clamps around Stacy's sensitive areas squeezed her nipples and clit with enough pressure to make her already overloaded body shake like she was having a seizure. Naturally they upped the ante as time wore on. Always maintaining those some skillful strokes even while the speed and power increased considerably. Little bursts of pleasure and half mumbled swears gave way to crashing waves and complete gibberish spilling out of them. Copious amounts of fluids gushed from their cunts to drip across whatever was giving them pleasure. They couldn't properly hear each other over their own ecstasy but the underlying sounds of one another's satisfaction definitely aided what they were feeling. Soon all those rising sensations neared their peak and the ghostly lovers causing them went into a frenzy.

“Oh my!” Aurora whimpered.

“Oh that's the spot!” Sarah moaned.

“Oh fuck yes!” Stacy gasped.

“Mmmmmm!” Gwen slurped. 

For the first time in recent memory Armitage Manor was filled with the moans, screams, and squeals so often falsely attributed to it. But rather than the wailing of the damned or forgotten it was the very real ecstasy of the four women crazy enough to step inside. With no stamina to hold them back the forces at work inside the house were free to act with impunity as Sarah, Stacy, Aurora, and Gwen were left utterly beholden to their situations. Sweat coated their writhing bodies as their eyes rolled back in their heads and pleasure became the only sensation they could process. Perhaps it was because of the otherworldly nature of their partners or simply their own often rampant libidos but the ecstasy each of them felt never seemed to fade. Every moment they felt something inside their pussies, assholes, or mouths was just one more in a long line of toe curling delight. Whatever seen or unseen hands groped at their tits, butts, or faces always felt as pleasurable as the first time. If not more so the longer they continued. For nearly an hour they were slaves to the ghosts, specters, phantoms, and whatever else had taken an interest in them. And they loved every single second of it.

One by one the house did release each of them, the objects confining and pleasuring each girl simply going limp and lifeless out of nowhere. Though not before each of them was rendered almost completely speechless by the proceeding ecstasy. For Stacy the feeling of that winding, ridged chain receding from her ass felt almost as good as when it had entered. It emerged link by link amidst a continuous spray of fluids out of her pussy until the last one finally hit the muddy floor. All the manacles holding her wrists and ankles sprang open. With nothing keeping them inside her the many many objects buried in Sarah's ass were quickly pushed free by her spasming muscles. They hit the floor with muted, wet thuds one after another. The arm rests of the chair returned to normal at the same time. Aurora was slowly lowered to the floor and the many fingers upon or inside her retreating. All three suits matched back to their plinths with pussy juice dripping from their metal frames. Both cocks inside Gwen vanished so fast it was like they simply disappeared. With no cum to savor or taste in her mouth it would have been a pretty big letdown save the continued tremors from her quivering pussy.

A series of thuds echoed throughout the house as they all slumped to the floor mere seconds apart. That very palpable sense of being watched gradually faded but not before lingering long enough to no doubt drink in the pleasing sights of their quivering forms lying in a puddle of their own ecstasy. As well as their uniformly gaping holes, the perfect evidence of the satisfaction they continued to feel. Both Stacy and Sarah could feel their asses continue to quiver and wink in the open air long after they'd been vacated. Gwen and Aurora were aware of just how far their cunts remained stretched despite nothing remaining to keep them so. But most of all each was acutely aware of just how exposed they were lying on those damp, dusty floors. There was no telling when, if ever, their ghostly companions might return. Or if they'd be allowed to leave in such an event . . .

Stacy was the first to emerge from Armitage Manor, her 'costume' nearly in tatters around her slender form. Both tits hung freely out of her top, the crinkled fabric crumpled beneath them and barely holding together. Much of her bottoms had been ripped away to leave little more than a g string showing off her ass or all but totally revealing her sex. Nothing but a pair of razor thin strip of cloth separated her from near total nudity. The effects of her temporary enslavement were evident all over her body from the slight bruises around her wrists and ankles to the many pink whip marks across her breasts, stomach, and tits. But perhaps the most damning evidence of all was the still glistening streaks of fluids along her inner thighs. Some was even still clinging to the outer lips of her pussy. She staggered several steps away from the house with her mouth hanging open in a delirious smile of equal parts exhaustion and disbelief. Stopping to slump against a nearby tree and recover what little energy she could manage Stacy finally noticed the sound footsteps scraping along the path behind her.

“Sarah is that you?” She asked, unable to find the strength to turn around.

“No it's Aurora.” Came the faint reply.

Stumbling up to her half conscious companion Aurora all but collapsed against the dried out grass at Stacy's feet. Though less disheveled than her friend her appearance was no less altered by the ordeal she'd just undergone. The nice, comfortable panties she'd worn into the house had disappeared completely and in her current position the hem of her skirt was lifted just high enough to reveal her sopping wet pussy in all it's aroused splendor. Parts of her baggy sweater had been alternatively stretched or crumpled, showing off much of her smooth stomach and the kind of cleavage totally unfamiliar to her. Dried spit clung to her chin and much of her stockings were still damp from the pleasure she'd undergone. And with no need to keep her body under control it was free to gently quiver in the aftermath of her pleasure.

Either unable or unwilling to move Stacy and Aurora waited there until they heard more approaching footfalls along the path. Third to exit the manor was Gwen, her expression a far more uncomplicated mask of satisfaction. She had an easier time navigating the walkway towards her nearly comatose friends but looked no less messy despite it. The entire backside of her dress was still lifted above her well toned ass, serving as little more than a belt while her plump buttocks were almost totally bare beside her wildly skewed panties. Numerous pink hand prints dotted her pale cheeks with even more hidden by her clothes. Around the front was a noticeable smattering of something thick and gooey just beginning to dry out across her neck line and seeping down over her chest. The right shoulder of her dress was pulled down far enough to expose her bra strap while almost all of her hair was unkempt and frazzled.

“Did Sarah come out yet?”


“Not yet.”

“We should go back for her.” Gwen whispered.

“Yeah.” Stacy and Aurora agreed.

They started pulling themselves together for what might be a rescue mission only to take two steps towards Armitage Manor and watch Sarah step out as well. Easily the most composed out of the four she looked almost untouched by whatever forces were lurking inside the house. Indeed much of her 'costume' was even still intact. Though parts certainly had been adjusted a touch in the wake of her experiences. The waistline of her jeans were riding so low the upper portions of her ass crack were plainly visible and there were a few scattered tufts of pubic hair poking out of the front as well. The button on the front was still unfastened which exposed the front portion of her wet panties. A touch more of her navel was also exposed yet barring those changes nothing else about her looked particularly out of sorts. At least not after she wiped off the saliva dripping from her chin and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

“Hey guys!” She greeted with a smile.

“Hey.” They replied back.

“You ready to leave?”

Stacy, Aurora, and Gwen looked at one another for a moment, each of them uncertain how to answer that, “Yeah . . .” Gwen finally said, “Let's go home.”

“Cool. You want me to drive Stacy?”

“Oh God yes please.”

Returning to the car and piling in immediately Sarah drove them all back down the hill and into the town proper. None of them could or wanted to say another word. The entire cab reeked of sex with all fo them in such close proximity and that only made them think about what had happened. Some time down the road they'd almost certainly share their own accounts of what happened. Stacy was already thinking about how she was going to tell Mayumi. But for the time being they were content simply returning to a more grounded and rational part of their lives. It was nearly ten thirty by the time they arrived back at the Sweet household and her friends had recovered at least some of their composure by that point. Stacy covered herself up as best she was able while Gwen and Aurora guzzled as much water as they could get their hands one. The weary foursome climbed back out of the SUV and made their way into the house. Every pair of still trick or treating eyes present watched them go with no small amount of delight. For more than a few such a sight was quite familiar but for the rest it was an unexpected and welcome treat to see four gorgeous college age women in varying states of undress saunter up the driveway. Many of the families that had yet to visit the house quickly made a beeline right for it, everyone from the parents to their children hoping to see a little more before the night was over. 

“Hey Jack!” Sarah greeted upon seeing her brother in the entryway, “What's going on? Why do you look so weird?”

Scratching the back of his blonde head and staring at his feet Jack muttered, “Mom's been acting weird all night.”

“Weird how?”

“She's been super nice. She was even singing earlier.”

“Really?” Sarah grinned at her friends, all of whom stared back at her in disbelief, “We should probably head upstairs before she comes back then huh?”

“Yeah that's a good idea. Dad's been up there for a while.”

“Cool. See you later little brother.”

“See you.” He greeted Stacy, Gwen, and Aurora in turn as they passed, trying his best not to stare at them or acknowledge Stacy's unabashedly sexual stare.

As they made their way to Sarah's room they could hear Veronica singing softly to herself all the way from the kitchen, “Damn Jack wasn't kidding!” Stacy laughed.

“No he wasn't. I wonder what's up with her.” Sarah wondered.

“She's either super happy or really pissed.” Gwen theorized.

“I hope she's happy.” Aurora stated.

“Yeah me too.” Sarah remarked. She led her friends down the hallway, glancing sidelong at a new and unfamiliar plant sitting on a table beside her parent's room. Assuming it was nothing she opened her door and said, “All right ladies, let's find something more comfortable!”



Great Job Snizzlefit, Loved it. I was wondering how you were gonna vary 4 different styles of hauntings. I was very very surprised and happy with the result. You did really well with this. I was mostly happy with Stacy's scene actually lol. Why was Veronica in such a great mood tho!? What the heck kinda ending is that!? We need more info :P what are you planning!!!


That was mostly just a teaser reference to your second idea. The one about Jack bringing home a flower lol. Much like the stuff with Mayumi I wanted to throw in a little world building :P